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Upgrade Guide
Product Version: 4.7.0
Publication Date: 02/11/2015
© Copyright 2009 - 2015, LINOMA SOFTWARE
Before You Begin
Upgrade Process
System Requirements
IBM i (iSeries) Requirements
Linux/Unix Requirements
Windows Requirements
Downloading the Upgrade File
Manual Download
Upgrading the Java Virtual Machine (JRE)
IBM i Upgrade Instructions
Linux/UNIX Upgrade Instructions
Windows Upgrade Instructions
Upgrading a Cluster Environment
Downgrading GoAnywhere Director
About Linoma Software
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GoAnywhere Director Upgrade Guide
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This Guide outlines the steps required for upgrading GoAnywhere Director on your server. The upgrade process typically
takes only a few minutes to run.
Before You Begin
If you are upgrading from a version older than 3.6.1, you must follow the upgrade process until you install
version 3.6.1 or later. Due to licensing restrictions, upgrade versions less than 3.6.1 will no longer process
FTP and SFTP transfers.
Since GoAnywhere Director must be restarted to apply the updates, it is important that you perform the upgrade
process when no projects are running in GoAnywhere Director.
It is recommended that you clean up the temporary workspace by deleting the older files and subfolders from
under the folder named [installfolder]/userdata/workspace.
Upgrade Process
Upgrading GoAnywhere can be a quick and easy process. If the server is connected to the Internet, the upgrade file can
be downloaded automatically from the GoAnywhere Director dashboard. If the server is not connected to the Internet,
manually download the upgrade file using the links in the Upgrade Matrix.
1. Verify you meet the minimum system requirements.
2. Obtain the correct upgrade file.
3. Follow the steps for the installed platform:
GoAnywhere Director 4.3.x and higher requires Java Virtual Machine (JRE) version 1.6 or later. Follow the
instructions here to upgrade the JRE version for GoAnywhere Director.
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System Requirements
You must meet the minimum system requirements before upgrading GoAnywhere Director on your server.
IBM i (iSeries) Requirements
Operating Systems Supported
i5/OS V5R4 or higher
Disk Space
125MB for Product (does not include user data)
Required Licensed Programs
The following IBM i licensed programs are prerequisites to the installation of GoAnywhere Director, which are dependent
on i5/OS release.
i5/OS Release
Licensed Program
Product Option Description
Java SE 6 32 bit
Portable App Solutions Environment
Java SE 6 32bit
Portable App Solutions Environment
Java SE 6 32bit
Portable App Solutions Environment
Linux/Unix Requirements
Disk Space
200MB for Product (does not include user data)
Java Runtime Environment
JRE 1.6.0 or higher
Windows Requirements
Operating Systems Supported
Windows Server 2003
Windows Server 2008 R2
Windows Server 2012
Windows XP
Windows Vista
Windows 7
Disk Space
200MB for Product (does not include user data)
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Downloading the Upgrade File
To check if there are any updates available for GoAnywhere Director, login to its browser interface as a user with the
Product Administrator role.
From the main menu bar, point to Administration and then click Check for Updates. The system checks for updates
and provides you with further upgrade options. You can choose to download the update files to either the server (on
which GoAnywhere Director is installed) or download the update files to your workstation. The Check for Update process
provides guidance to upgrade GoAnywhere Director to the latest version.
Download to GoAnywhere Server
This automatic process will download the upgrade file directly to the correct folder on the server. When the download is
complete, perform the appropriate upgrade steps for your server platform.
Download to My Workstation
Network or security restrictions may limit your server's ability to download files directly from the Internet. In this
situation, either use the "Download to My Workstation" option or manually download the correct file(s) as listed on the
Manual Download page. When the download is complete, perform the appropriate upgrade steps for your server
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Manual Download
If you cannot perform the automated download, locate the current version for your installation in the left column. After
locating your current version, download the corresponding upgrade file on the right by logging in to the GoAnywhere
Customer Portal and selecting the Product Downloads option form the main menu bar.
The GoAnywhere Customer Portal is where you can create support requests, check the status of a support case, and
download software and documentation. You must create an account in order to use the portal. The portal can be
accessed by using your internet browser and navigating to the following url:
Depending on how old your current GoAnywhere Director version is, you may need to repeat the upgrade process until
you are upgraded to the current version of 4.7.0. The versions must be upgraded in the order listed above to maintain
database integrity.
If you are upgrading from a version older than 3.6.1, you must follow the upgrade process until you install
version 3.6.1 or later. Due to licensing restrictions, upgrade versions less than 3.6.1 will no longer process
FTP and SFTP transfers.
GoAnywhere Director 4.3.x and higher requires Java Virtual Machine (JRE) version 1.6 or later. Follow the
instructions here to upgrade the JRE version for GoAnywhere Director.
Your current installed version can be found by pointing to the Help menu and then clicking About.
Installed Version
Upgrade Version
Upgrade to 2.0.0
Upgrade to 3.0.2
Upgrade to 3.2.1
Upgrade to 3.5.1
Upgrade to 3.6.1
Upgrade to 4.0.0
Upgrade to 4.1.0
Upgrade to 4.1.1
Upgrade to 4.2.0
Upgrade to 4.3.3
Upgrade to 4.7.0
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Upgrading the Java Virtual Machine (JRE)
Depending on the operating system, GoAnywhere Director may use a JRE that is bundled with the application or it may
use an existing JRE which is already installed. Follow the steps below to determine which JRE is being used and then
take the appropriate upgrade steps.
For more information, visit the GoAnywhere Support Forum
Determine Java (JRE) version and Location
1. From the menu bar, point to Help, then click About.
2. In the About window, click the System Info tab.
3. On the System Info tab, verify the Java Version and the Java Home values.
If GoAnywhere Director is already using a JRE that is version 1.6 or later, then you can skip this section.
Windows and Linux
If the Java Home directory is [installfolder]\jre where [installfolder] is the installation directory of GoAnywhere Director,
then a bundled Java Virtual Machine will be used.
If the server (where GoAnywhere Director is installed) has a direct connection to the Internet, the appropriate JRE
bundle will be downloaded and automatically installed during the upgrade process. Otherwise, you should manually
download the Java bundle from the appropriate link and place the file in [installfolder]\upgrader\[bundle_
name], where [installfolder] is the installation directory of GoAnywhere Director, and [bundle_name] is the name of
the appropriate JRE bundle.
Windows 64-bit
Bundle Name:
Windows 32-bit
Bundle Name:
Linux 64-bit
Bundle Name: linux-x64-1.6.0_38.tar.gz
Linux 32-bit
Bundle Name: linux-x86-1.6.0_38.tar.gz
When running on Linux or Unix-based systems, GoAnywhere Director must be started as a root user
immediately after the upgrade. After GoAnywhere Director starts, it can be restarted using the profile regularly
used to run GoAnywhere Director.
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Alternate Java Installations
Platforms such as IBM i, AIX, and Solaris use a version of the JRE supplied by the platform manufacturer. Ensure
GoAnywhere Director is running on Java 1.6 or later before upgrading. The upgrade will fail if the system is not running
the correct Java version.
IBM i Installations
Required PTFs
The following Group PTFs are prerequisites to run GoAnywhere Director 4.3.0 and later on
Java 1.6. Use the command WRKPTFGRP to verify that the required group PTFs are applied.
Group PTF SF99291 (minimum level of 30)
Group PTF SF99562 (minimum level of 23)
Group PTF SF99572 (minimum level of 12)
Changing Java Home
1. Run GOANYWHERE/CFGGA and select option 2 on Java Home and Java Version.
2. Change the Java Home value from /QOpenSys/QIBM/ProdData/JavaVM/jdk50/32bit
to /QOpenSys/QIBM/ProdData/JavaVM/jdk60/32bit and then press ENTER to save.
3. Change the Java Version value from 1.5 to 1.6 and then press ENTER to save.
4. Run GOANYWHERE/CPYPOLICY to copy the JCE unlimited strength policy files into
the JVM used by GoAnywhere Director.
AIX Installations
JCE Policy Files
Before GoAnywhere Director can be started or upgraded using the new JRE, it requires
installation of the unlimited strength JCE policy files. To use the unlimited strength policy
files, copy the JCE policy files to the JRE’s (Java Runtime Environment) security folder. Copy
the US_export_policy.jar file and the local_policy.jar file from the jce_policy_files/ibm folder
(located in the GoAnywhere Director installation folder) to the jre/lib/security folder (located
in the JRE's installation directory).
Changing Java Home
The JAVA_HOME environment variable needs to be set to the appropriate location for Java
1.6 (or later). If you do not have Java 1.6 installed on your system, it must be installed
before proceeding. To set the Java version used to run GoAnywhere Director and the
upgrade, run the following command before executing the GoAnywhere Director upgrade
export JAVA_HOME='/path/to/jre'
'/path/to/jre' is the absolute path to the JRE, for example:
GoAnywhere Director must be started as a root user immediately after the upgrade.
After GoAnywhere Director starts, it can be restarted using the profile regularly used
to run GoAnywhere Director.
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Solaris and other Unix/Linux Installations
JCE Policy Files
Before GoAnywhere Director can be started or upgraded using the new JRE, it requires
installation of the unlimited strength JCE policy files. To use the unlimited strength policy
files, copy the JCE policy files to the JRE’s (Java Runtime Environment) security folder. Copy
the US_export_policy.jar file and the local_policy.jar file from the jce_policy_files/sun folder
(located in the GoAnywhere Director installation folder) to the jre/lib/security folder (located
in the JRE's installation directory).
Changing Java Home
The JAVA_HOME environment variable needs to be set to the appropriate location for Java
1.6 (or later). If you do not have Java 1.6 installed on your system, it must be installed
before proceeding. To set the Java version used to run GoAnywhere Director and the
upgrade, run the following command before executing the GoAnywhere Director upgrade
export JAVA_HOME='/path/to/jre'
'/path/to/jre' is the absolute path to the JRE, for example:
GoAnywhere Director must be started as a root user immediately after the upgrade.
After GoAnywhere Director starts, it can be restarted using the profile regularly used
to run GoAnywhere Director.
Serial Number and Licensing Considerations
In certain cases, the serial number of the GoAnywhere Director can change when upgrading/changing the Java version
on which it is running.
Upgrades on the IBM i and systems using the bundled JRE will persist the serial number.
Systems running an alternate Java Home location may require a new license key. To determine if you need a
new license after upgrade, log in to GoAnywhere Director and from the menu, point to Administration,
License and then click Display License. If a red message reads “Invalid Serial Number” a new license is
required. Refer to the GoAnywhere Director help for information on how to request a new license.
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IBM i Upgrade Instructions
If the upgrade file was downloaded to the server using the "Download to GoAnywhere Server" option, start with step 3.
Otherwise, if the file was manually downloaded to your workstation, start with step 1.
1. Rename the downloaded upgrade file to ga_upgrade.jar
2. Copy the downloaded upgrade file to [installfolder]/upgrader on the IFS, where /linoma/goanywhere/ is the
default installation directory of GoAnywhere Director. If GoAnywhere Director is installed in a different directory,
substitute with that directory.
3. Sign into the GoAnywhere Director browser-based Administrator and verify there are no active jobs before
4. Sign on to an IBM i session with the QSECOFR user profile or with a profile that has *ALLOBJ authority.
5. Stop the GoAnywhere Director subsystem by executing the IBM i command of ENDGA. The ENDGA command is
located in the installation library, which is named GOANYWHERE by default. Wait until the GoAnywhere Director
subsystem is completely shutdown before proceeding.
6. Verify there are no locks on the GoAnywhere Director installation library or objects. Do not proceed with the
upgrade until all locks are released. Run the following command to check for locks (assuming GOANYWHERE is
the install library):
7. Check the size on the [installfolder]/tomcat/logs/catalina.out file. If it is larger than 5 megabytes, rename
the file and move it to a different folder outside the [installfolder] location.
8. Run the SAVPRD command in the installation library. This saves the installation library to a save file, saves the
matching folder to a save file, then saves both of those to a third Save file, the name and location of which will be
requested when you prompt the SAVPRD command. Specify a location to save the file in a library outside the
installation library.
9. If the GoAnywhere Director database is configured to run on a database other than the embedded Derby
Version 3.5.x and 3.6.x - Backup the external database before continuing.
Version 4.0.0 and later - The SAVPRD command provides a parameter to backup the GoAnywhere
Director external database library when running on DB2. Other database types require a manual backup.
10. Apply the upgrade by executing the UPGRADEGA command. The UPGRADEGA command is located in the
installation library, which is named GOANYWHERE by default.
11. The user profile starting the subsystem must have *RWX permission to the GoAnywhere Director installation
folder and the entire directory tree. On V5R4 and later, a command is provided to change the authority on an
entire directory tree. In this example '/linoma/goanywhere' is the installation directory and PGUSER will be the
user profile that will be starting the subsystem.
12. Start the GoAnywhere Director subsystem by executing the IBM i command of STRGA. The STRGA command is
located in the installation library, which is named GOANYWHERE by default.
13. Before logging into the upgraded version of GoAnywhere Director, each user should press CTRL + F5 from their
browser to clear the cache.
Due to a licensing issue with a third party API, you must upgrade to at least version 3.6.1 in order to use the FTP,
SCP, FTPS or SFTP functionality in GoAnywhere Director. It is recommended to repeat the upgrade process until
you are at the current release of GoAnywhere Director.
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Linux/UNIX Upgrade Instructions
If the upgrade file was downloaded to the server using the "Download to GoAnywhere Server" option, start with step 3.
Otherwise, if the file was manually downloaded to your workstation, start with step 1.
GoAnywhere Director must be started as a root user immediately after the upgrade. After GoAnywhere Director
starts, it can be restarted using the profile regularly used to run GoAnywhere Director.
1. Rename the downloaded upgrade file to ga_upgrade.jar
2. Copy the downloaded upgrade file to [installfolder]/upgrader, where /usr/local/Linoma_
Software/GoAnywhere is the default installation directory of GoAnywhere Director.
3. Sign into the GoAnywhere Director browser-based Administrator and verify there are no active jobs before
4. Login to the system as a root user and open a terminal window.
5. Stop the GoAnywhere Director service:
a. Change the working directory to the directory where (missing or bad snippet) is installed. For example:
cd /usr/local/Linoma_Software/GoAnywhere
b. Stop the (missing or bad snippet) application server by executing the following shell script:
./ stop
6. Check the size on the [installfolder]/tomcat/logs/catalina.out file. If it is larger than 5 megabytes, rename
the file and move it to a different folder outside the [installfolder] location.
7. If the GoAnywhere Director database is configured to run on a database other than the embedded Derby
database, make a backup of that external database before continuing.
8. Change the directory to [installfolder]/upgrader.
9. Run the file to start the upgrade process. When complete, a message indicates the upgrade was
10. Start the GoAnywhere Director service:
a. Change the working directory to the directory where (missing or bad snippet) is installed. For example:
cd /usr/local/Linoma_Software/GoAnywhere
b. Start the (missing or bad snippet) application server by executing the following shell script:
./ start
11. Before logging into the upgraded version of GoAnywhere Director, each user should press CTRL + F5 from their
browser to clear the cache.
Due to a licensing issue with a third party API, you must upgrade to at least version 3.6.1 in order to use the FTP,
SCP, FTPS or SFTP functionality in GoAnywhere Director. It is recommended to repeat the upgrade process until
you are at the current release of GoAnywhere Director.
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Windows Upgrade Instructions
If the upgrade file was downloaded to the server using the "Download to GoAnywhere Server" option, start with step 3.
Otherwise, if the file was manually downloaded to your workstation, start with step 1.
1. Rename the downloaded upgrade file to ga_upgrade.jar
2. Copy the downloaded upgrade file to [installfolder]\upgrader, where C:\Program Files\Linoma
Software\GoAnywhere is the default installation directory of GoAnywhere Director.
3. Sign into the GoAnywhere Director browser-based Administrator and verify there are no active jobs before
4. Login to the Windows system as an administrator.
a. If the (missing or bad snippet) database is configured to run on Microsoft SQL Server with integrated
security, you must login as the same user that runs the GoAnywhere Windows Service. The user can be
identified by right-clicking on the (missing or bad snippet) service, select Properties, and then click the Log
On tab.
5. Stop the GoAnywhere Director service.
a. From the Control Panel, open Administrative Tools and then click Services.
b. In the Services window, right-click the GoAnywhere service and select Stop.
6. Check the [installfolder]/tomcat/logs folder for stdout_[date].log and stderr_[date].log files. Remove all but
the most recent files based on the date appended to each log file. Rename and move the most recent logs to a
folder outside the [installfolder] location.
7. If the GoAnywhere Director database is configured to run on a database other than the embedded Derby
database, make a backup of that external database before continuing.
8. Open a Command Prompt window and change the directory to [installfolder]\upgrader.
9. Run the upgrade.bat file to start the upgrade process. When complete, a message indicates the upgrade was
10. Start the GoAnywhere Director service.
a. From the Control Panel, open Administrative Tools and then click Services.
b. In the Services window, right-click the GoAnywhere service and select Start. Within seconds after starting
the GoAnywhere Director service, its status should be updated to “Started”.
11. Before logging into the upgraded version of GoAnywhere Director, each user should press CTRL + F5 from their
browser to clear the cache.
Due to a licensing issue with a third party API, you must upgrade to at least version 3.6.1 in order to use the FTP,
SCP, FTPS or SFTP functionality in GoAnywhere Director. It is recommended to repeat the upgrade process until
you are at the current release of GoAnywhere Director.
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Upgrading a Cluster Environment
The following steps will ensure a successful upgrade when upgrading GoAnywhere Director in a cluster environment.
The whole cluster must be brought down during the upgrade as the first system upgraded will make core changes to
the external shared database. When planning for downtime during the upgrade, you will only be down for the time it
takes to upgrade the coordinator (first system).
1. Bring down all GoAnywhere Director instances in the cluster.
2. Run the upgrade process for your specific operating system on a server in the cluster. During this upgrade, all
required changes are made to the shared database.
3. Start the GoAnywhere Director subsystem or service on the freshly upgraded server. It will assume the
coordinator roll.
4. Upgrade another server in the cluster. When the upgrade runs, it detects the database is current and only
updates the file system on the local server with the necessary changes.
5. Start the GoAnywhere Director subsystem or service on the server after it is upgraded.
6. Verify the server has joined the cluster as a participant.
7. Repeat steps 4 through 6 for each additional server in the cluster.
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Downgrading GoAnywhere Director
When an upgrade is performed, the upgrade process makes a backup of folders and files that could be changed during
upgrade. These files are placed in [installfolder]/backup (where [installfolder] is the location where GoAnywhere
Director is installed). If the backup folder already exists when an upgrade starts, the existing backup directory will be
renamed to backup 2, backup 3, etc. The most recent backup will always be in the base ‘backup’ directory.
If the upgrade fails before the backup directory is successfully created, then no changes will be made and you can
restart GoAnywhere Director.
The upgrade creates an upgrade log, which displays the location of the backup folder. Example of upgrade log:
Installed Version: 3.2.1
Upgrading to: 3.5.1
Checking the server status...
GoAnywhere Server appears to be down. Okay to upgrade.
Backing up currently installed files
Created the backup directory: /linoma/goanywhere/backup
Backup was created in: /linoma/goanywhere/backup
If you choose to downgrade GoAnywhere Director, any changes to projects, resources, or any other GoAnywhere
Director configuration settings made after the upgrade will be lost when the rollback is performed. The rollback returns
GoAnywhere Director to the state it was just before the upgrade was performed.
If the new version of GoAnywhere Director is deemed unfit, a rollback can be performed using the following steps:
1. Stop the GoAnywhere Director subsystem or service.
2. Make a copy of the [installfolder] for archive purposes.
3. Make note of the folders in the [installfolder]/backup location and remove the corresponding folders from the
[installfolder] location.
If using an external database, restore that database to the backup made just prior to upgrading
GoAnywhere Director.
If rolling back from GoAnywhere Director 3.5.x to 3.2.1, delete the [installfolder]/lib folder. This
folder did not exist in versions prior to 3.5.0 and will cause issues when you run the upgrade again.
When restoring, verify the permissions and ownership of the files and folders in the [installfolder]
/backup folder match those of the [installfolder].
4. Copy the contents of the [installfolder]/backup folder to the [installfolder].
5. If using the embedded Derby database and rolling back from GoAnywhere Director 3.6.x or later, copy the
contents of the [installfolder]/backup/database to [installfolder]/userdata/database/goanywhere.
6. Navigate to the [installfolder]/tomcat/work folder and delete all files present in that folder.
7. Start the GoAnywhere Director subsystem or service.
Additional Steps for Windows Server Downgrades from GoAnywhere Director 4.1.x to 4.0.x:
1. Make note of any special configuration changes to the GoAnywhere Director service.
Stop the GoAnywhere Director service.
From a command prompt, navigate to the [installfolder]\tomcat\bin folder.
Run the following command: service.bat remove
When complete, run this command: service.bat install
Start the GoAnywhere Director service.
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About Linoma Software
Linoma Software provides innovative technologies for protecting sensitive data and automating data movement.
Linoma Software has a diverse install base of over 3,000 customers around the world including Fortune 500
companies, non-profit organizations and government entities.
Linoma Software’s success has been built on being very responsive to our customer’s requirements. If you have
suggestions on how we can improve our products to better serve your organization, please let us know.
Contacting Linoma Software
[email protected]
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Web Site
(800) 949-4696
Outside USA
(402) 944-4242
(402) 944-4243
Linoma Software
1409 Silver Street
Ashland, NE 68003
United States
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