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AIA Education Department
Bibliographies: Books for Adults
Archaeology Books for Adult
General Archaeology
Fagan, B. 1994. Quest for the Past: Great Discoveries
in Archaeology. Prospect Heights, Illinois: Waveland
Fagan, B. 2001. The Seventy Great Mysteries of the Ancient
World: Unlocking the Secrets of Past Civilizations. New
York: Thames & Hudson.
Feder, K.L. 2008. Frauds, Myths, and Mysteries: Science and
Pseudoscience in Archaeology. New York: McGraw-Hill
Higher Education.
Forte, M. and A. Siliotti, eds. 1997. Virtual Archaeology: Recreating Ancient Worlds. New York: Harry N. Abrams,
Inc., Publishers.
Gamble, C. 2004. Archaeology: The Basics. London:
Gosden, C. 2003. Prehistory: A Very Short Introduction.
Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Greene, K. 2002. Archaeology: An Introduction. Rev.
Fourth Edition. New York: Routledge.
Haywood, J. 2004. World Atlas of the Past: The Ancient
World. Volume 1: Earliest Times to 1 BC. New York:
Oxford University Press.
Hester, T.R., R.F. Heiser, and J.A. Graham. 1997. Field
Methods in Archaeology. Rev. Seventh Edition. Palo Alto,
CA: Mayfield Publishing Company.
Joukowsky, M. 1980. A Complete Manual of Field Archaeology: Tools and Techniques of Field Work for Archaeologists. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Larsen, C.S. 2000. Skeletons in our Closet: Revealing our Past
through Bioarchaeology.
Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press.
McIntosh, J. 1999. The Practical Archaeologist: How We
Know What We Know about the Past. New York: Facts
on File.
Meyer, K.E. 1971. The Pleasures of Archaeology: A Visa to
Yesterday. New York: Atheneum.
Murray, T. 2001. Encyclopedia of Archaeology: History and
Discoveries. Santa Barbara, Calif: ABC-CLIO.
Murray, T. 1999. Encyclopedia of Archaeology: The Great
Archaeologists. Santa
Barbara, Calif: ABC-CLIO.
Orser, C.E., Jr. 2004. Historical Archaeology. Second edition. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pearson Prentice Hall.
Patterson, T.C. 2005. The Theory and Practice of Archaeology: A Workbook. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/
Prentice Hall.
Price, D., and G. Feinman. 2008. Images of the Past. Fifth
Ashmore, W and R.J. Sharer. 2003. Archaeology: Discovering Our Past. Rev. Third Edition. New York: McGraw
Bahn, P. 2000. Archaeology: A Very Short Introduction.
Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Bahn, P. 2002. Bluff Your Way in Archaeology. London:
Oval Books.
Bahn, P. 2003. The Atlas of World Archaeology. London:
Barber, R. J. 1994. Doing Historical Archaeology: Exercises
Using Documentary, Oral, and Material Evidence. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Bowman, S. 1990. Radiocarbon Dating. Interpreting the Past.
Berkeley: University of California Press.
Bray, W. 1970. The American Heritage Guide to Archaeology. New York: American Heritage Press.
Daniel, G. 1983. A Short History of Archaeology. New
York: Thames and Hudson,Ltd.
Daniels, S. and N. David. 1982. The Archaeology Workbook. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press.
Darvill, T. 2003. The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Archaeology. New York: Oxford University Press.
David, N., and J.C. Driver. 1989. The Next Archaeology Workbook. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania
Drewett, P.L. 2003. Field Archaeology: An Introduction.
New York: Routledge.
Fagan, B. 2004. In the Beginning: An Introduction to
Archaeology. Eleventh Edition. Englewood Cliffs, NJ:
Prentice Hall, Inc.
Fagan, B. 2006. Archaeology: A Brief Introduction. Rev.
Ninth Edition. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall,
Fagan, B., ed. 1998. Eyewitness to Discovery: First-Person
Accounts of More Than Fifty of the World’s Greatest
Archaeological Discoveries. Oxford: Oxford University
Fagan, B. 2007. People of the Earth: An Introduction to
World Prehistory. Rev. Twelfth Edition. Upper Saddle
River, N.J.: Pearson Prentice Hall.
Fagan, B., ed. 1996. The Oxford Companion to Archaeology.
New York: Oxford University Press.
Fagan, B. 1995. Snapshots of the Past. Walnut Creek:
Altamira Press.
Fagan, B. 1996. Time Detectives: How Archaeologists Use
Technology to Recapture the Past. New York: Touchstone
Archaeological Institute of America
AIA Education Department
Bibliographies: Books for Adults
Edition. Boston: McGraw Hill.
Renfrew, C. and P. Bahn. 2004. Archaeology: Theories,
Methods and Practice. Fourth Edition. New York:
Thames and Hudson, Ltd.
Renfrew, C. and P. Bahn. 2007. Archaeology Essentials:
Theories, Methods and Practice. New York: Thames
and Hudson, Ltd.
Robbins, M., with M.B. Irving. 1981. The Amateur Archaeologist’s Handbook. Third Edition. New York: Thomas
Y. Crowell Company.
Robbins, L.H. 2003. Stones, Bones, and Ancient Cities:
Great Discoveries in Archaeology and the Search for
Human Origins. Caldwell, NJ: Blackburn Press.
Roberts, J.M. 2002. The Illustrated History of the World:
Volume 1 (-10): Prehistory and the First Civilizations.
Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Scarre, C., ed. 1999. The Seventy Wonders of the Ancient
World: The Great Monuments and How They Were
Built. New York: Thames and Hudson.
Starr, C.G. 1991. A History of the Ancient World. Fourth
Edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Thomas, D.H., and R.L. Kelly. 2007. Archaeology: Down to
Earth. Rev. Third Edition.
Belmont, CA: Thomson/Wadsworth.
Roisman, J. 2003. Brill’s companion to Alexander the Great.
Boston: Brill.
Stoneman, R. 2004. Alexander the Great. Lancaster pamphlets in ancient history.
London: Routledge.
Stoneman, R. 1994. Legends of Alexander the Great. London: J.M. Dent.
Tarn, W.W. 1981. Alexander the Great. Chicago: Ares
Worthington, I. 2003. Alexander the Great: A Reader. New
York: Routledge.
Worthington, I. 2004. Alexander the Great: Man and God.
New York: Pearson/Longman.
Archaeology and the Bible (also see ‘Early
Judaism and Christianity’ and ‘Near East’)
Aharoni, Y. 1982. The Archaeology of the Land of Israel.
Philadelphia: Westminster Press.
Aharoni, Y. 1979. The Land of the Bible: A Historical
Geography. 2nd ed. Tr. by A. F. Rainey. Philadelphia:
Albright, W. F. 1973. From the Patriarchs to Moses. BA
36 (1‑2).
Albright, W. F. 1963 The Biblical Period from Abraham to
Ezra. New York: Harper and Row.
Alt, A., ed. 1968. Essays on Old Testament History and
Religion. Garden City, NY: Doubleday.
Baly, D. 1974. The Geography of the Bible. New and Revised
Ed. New York: Harper and Row.
Baly, D. and Tushingham, A.D. 1971. Atlas of the Biblical
World. New York: World Publishing Co.
Brandon, S.G.F. 1979. The Trial of Jesus of Nazareth. New
York: Scarborough House Publishers.
Brichto, H. 1973. Kin, Cult, Land and Afterlife‑‑A Biblical
complex. Hebrew Union College Annual 44: 1‑54.
Coogan, M.D. 2001. The Oxford History of the Biblical
World. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Curtis, A., and H.G. May. 2007. Oxford Bible Atlas. Rev.
Fourth Edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Dozeman, T.B. 1996. God at War: A Study of Power in the
Exodus Tradition. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Elat, M. 1977. Economic Relations in the Lands of the Bible.
Jerusalem: Bialik and Israel Exploration Society.
Friedman, R. 1987. Who Wrote the Bible? New York:
Harper and Row.
Gordon, C. H. 1942. Biblical Customs and the Nuzu Tablets.
BA 3: 1ff.
Halpern, B. 1996. The First Historians: The Hebrew Bible
and History. University Park, Pa: Pennsylvania State
University Press.
Heidel, A. 1971. The Gilgamesh Epic and Old Testament
Parallels. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Hermann, S. 1981. A History of Israel in Old Testament
Times. 2nd ed., Revised and Enlarged. Philadelphia:
Ancient Clothing
Hope, T. 1986. Costumes of the Greeks and Romans. New
York: Dover Publications, Inc.
Koda, H. 2003. Goddess: The Classical Mode. New Haven:
Yale University Press (modern couture based on classical
Ogden, J. 1992. Ancient Jewellery. Interpreting the Past.
Berkeley: University of
California Press.
Sebesta, J.L., and L. Bonfante. 2001. The World of Roman
Costume. Madison: The University of Wisconsin Press.
Sichel, M. 1985. Costume of the Classical World. New York:
Chelsea House Publishers.
Symons, D.J. 1987. Costume of Ancient Rome: Costume
Preference. New York: Chelsea House Publishers.
Alexander the Great
Cummings, L.V. 2005. Alexander the Great. New York:
Grove Press.
Fildes, A., and J. Fletcher. 2004. Alexander the Great: Son
of the Gods. Los Angeles: Getty Publishers.
Gergel, T., ed. 2004. Alexander the Great: The Brief Life and
Towering Exploits of History’s Greatest Conqueror--As Told
By His Original Biographers. London: Penguin.
Heckel, W., and J. Yardley. 2004. Alexander the Great: Historical Sources in Translation. Blackwell sourcebooks in
ancient history. Oxford: Blackwell.
O’Brien, J.M. 1994. Alexander the Great: The Invisible
Enemy: A Biography. New York: Routledge.
Archaeological Institute of America
AIA Education Department
Bibliographies: Books for Adults
Fortress Press.
Ishida , T., ed. 1982. Studies in the Period of David and
Other Essays. Winona Lake, IN : Eisenbrauns.
Kalai, Z. 1986. Historical Geography of the Bible. Jerusalem:
Kenyon, K. M. and Moorey, P. R. S. 1987. The Bible and
Recent Archaeology. Atlanta: John Knox.
Lance, H. D. 1981. The Old Testament and the Archaeologist. Philadelphia: Fortress Press.
Machinist, P. 1983. Assyria and its Image in the First Isaiah.
JAOS 103: 719‑737.
Malamat, A. 1963. Aspects of the Foreign Policies of David
and Solomon. JNES 22: 1ff.
Malamat, A. 1962. Mari and the Bible: Some Patterns of
Tribal Organizations and Institutions. JAOS 82: 143ff.
Malamat, A. 1958. The Kingdom of David and Solomon
in its Contacts with Egypt and Aram Naharaim. BA 21:
Malamat, A. and I. Eph`al, ed. 1979. The Age of the Monarchies: Political History. World History of the Jewish
People 4/1. Jerusalem: Massada.
Mazar, A. 1992. Archaeology of the Land of the Bible,
10,000‑586 B.C.E. New York: Doubleday.
Mazar, B. 1986. The Early Biblical Period: Historical Studies. Eds. S. Ahituv and B. A. Levine. Jerusalem: Israel
Exploration Society.
Mettinger, T. N. D. 1976. King and Messiah: The Civil and
Sacral Legitimation of the Israelite Kings. Coniectanea
Biblica Old Testament Series 8. Lund: Gleerup.
Mettinger, T. N. D. 1971. Solomonic State Officials. Lund:
Miller, J. M. and Hayes, J. H. 2006. A History of Ancient
Israel and Judah. Second Edition. Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox Press.
Na`aman, N. 1986. Borders and Districts in Biblical Historiography. Jerusalem: Simor.
Noth, M. 1981. The Deuteronomic History. ISOT Series
15. Sheffield: Department of Biblical Studies.
Pritchard, J. B., ed. 1969. Ancient Near Eastern Texts Relating to the Old Testament. Third Edition. Princeton, NJ:
Princeton University Press.
Rainey, A. F., ed. 1987. Egypt, Israel, Sinai. Tel Aviv: Tel
Aviv University.
Sakenfeld, K.D. 2007. The New Interpreter’s Dictionary of
the Bible. Nashville, Tenn: Abingdon.
Shanks, H., ed. 1999. Ancient Israel: A Short History
from Abraham to the Roman Destruction of the Temple.
Revised and expanded 1st edition. Washington, D.C.:
Biblical Archaeology Society.
Shiloh, Y. 1986. A Group of Hebrew Bullae from the City
of David. IEJ 36: 1 6‑38.
Silberman, N. A. 1990. Digging for God and Country:
Exploration, Archeology, and the Secret Struggle for the
Holy Land, 1799-1917. New York: Knopf.
Stager, L. E. 1996. The Fury of Babylon. Biblical Archaeology Review. 22:56-69, 76-77.
Stager, L. E. 1991. Ashkelon Discovered: from Canaanites
and Philistines to Romans and Moslems. Washington DC:
Biblical Archaeology Society.
Tadmor, H. and M. Weinfeld, eds. 1986. History, Historiography and Interpretation: Studies in Biblical and Cuneiform. Jerusalem: Magnes Press, Hebrew University.
Tadmor, H. 1968. `The People’ and the Kingship in Ancient
Israel: The Role of Political Institutions in the Biblical
Period. Journal of World History 11: 46‑68.
Thomas, D. W., Ed. 1967. Archaeology and Old Testament
Study. London: Oxford University Press.
Thomas, D. W., Ed. 2005. Documents from Old Testament
Times. Ancient texts & translations. Eugene, Or: Wipf
and Stock Publishers.
Tov, E. 1990. The Greek Minor Prophets Scroll from Nahal
HeveR (8HevXIIgr): The Seiyal Collection I. Oxford:
Oxford University Press.
Ullendorff, E. 1988. Ethiopia and the Bible. Oxford: Oxford
University Press.
Van Seters, J. 1997. In Search of History, Historiography
and the Origins of Biblical History. Winona Lake, IN:
Van Seters, J. 1975. Abraham in History and Tradition.
New Haven: Yale University.
Wilson, R. R. 1977. Genealogy and History in the Biblical
World. Yale Near Eastern Researches 7. New Haven:
Yale University.
Wiseman, D. J., Ed. 1973. Peoples of Old Testament Times.
Oxford: The Clarendon Press.
Wright, G. E. 1967. The Provinces of Solomon. Eretz‑Israel
8 (Sukenik Volume): 58*‑68*.
Wright, G. E., ed. 1979. The Bible and the Ancient Near
East. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns.
Wright, G. E. 1974. Biblical Archaeology. Revised Edition.
Philadelphia: Westminster Press.
Wright, G. E. 1950. The Old Testament Against Its Environment. Naperville: Allenson. Uniqueness of Israel
emphasized in contrast to its neighbors.
Wright, G. E. 1946. The Literary and Historical Problem of
Joshua 10 and Judges 1. Journal of Near Eastern Studies
5: 105‑114.
Champakalakshmi, R. 1998. Trade, Ideology and Urbanization: South India 300 BC to AD 1300. Oxford: Oxford
University Press.
Chaurasia, R.S. 2002. History of Ancient India: Earliest
Times to 1000 A.D. New Delhi: Atlantic Publishers and
Coe, M.D. 2003. Angkor and the Khmer Civilization. New
York: Thames & Hudson.
Freeman, M., and C. Jacques. 2006. Ancient Angkor. River
Archaeological Institute of America
AIA Education Department
Bibliographies: Books for Adults
Books guides. Bangkok: River Books.
Habu, J. 2004. Ancient Jomon of Japan. Case Studies in Early
Societies. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Michell, G. 2004. Pattadakal. Oxford: Oxford University
Portal, J., and H. Kinoshita. 2007. The First Emperor:
China’s Terracotta Army. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard
University Press.
Possehl, G. 1996. The Indus Age: The Writing System, Vol
1. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.
Scarpari, M. 2006. Ancient China: Chinese Civilization
from the Origins to the Tang Dynasty. New York: Barnes
& Noble.
Stark, M, Ed. 2005. Archaeology of Asia. Blackwell studies in
global archaeology. Malden, MA: Blackwell Pub.
Thapar, R. 1998. Asoka and the Decline of the Mauryas.
Revised Edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Time Life Books. 1995. Southeast Asia: A Past Regained.
New York: Time Life.
Turnbull, S. 2004. Samurai: The Story of Japan’s Great Warriors. London: PRC.
Yang, Xiaoneng. 1999. The Golden Age of Chinese Archaeology: Celebrated Discoveries from the People’s Republic of
China. Washington: National Gallery of Art.
E. P. Dutton and Company, Inc.
Lapatin, K. 2002. Mysteries of the Snake Goddess: Art,
Desire, and the Forging of History. Boston: Houghton
Mifflin. (Minoan Crete, Evans, Museum of Fine Arts)
McDonald, W.A. 1990. Progress into the Past: The Rediscovery of Mycenaean Civilization. Second Edition.
Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
Murray, O. 1993. Early Greece. Stanford: Stanford University Press.
Myers, J.W., E.E. Myers, and G. Cadogan, eds. 1992. The
Aerial Atlas of Ancient Crete. Berkeley: University of
California Press.
Mylonas, G.E. 1996. Mycenae: A Guide to Its Ruins and
Its History. Ekdotike Athenon travel guides. Athens:
Ekdotike Athenon.
Norris, M. 2000. Greek Art, from Prehistoric to Classical, at
the Metropolitan Museum of Art: A Resource for Educators. New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art.
Osborne, R. 1998. Archaic and Classical Greek Art. New
York: Oxford U. Press.
Pendlebury, J.D.S. 1991. The Archaeology of Crete. New
York: Biblo-Moser.
Preziosi, D., and L.A. Hitchcock. 2000. Aegean Art and
Architecture. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Robinson, A. 2002. The Man who Deciphered Linear B:
The Story of Michael Ventris. New York: Thames &
Romer, J., and E. 2005. The Seven Wonders of the World:
A History of the Modern Imagination. New York: Barnes
& Noble.
Schliemann, H. 1995. Troy and its Remains. (1875). New
York: Peter Smith Publishing.
Taylour, L.W. 1990. The Mycenaeans. New York: Thames
& Hudson.
Vermeule, E. 1972. Greece in the Bronze Age. Fifth Printing.
Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
Wood, M. 2005. In Search of the Trojan War. London:
BBC Books.
Woodford, S. 1993. The Trojan War in Ancient Art.
Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
Bronze Age in Greece
Castleden, R. 1990. The Knossos Labyrinth: A New View of
the “Palace of Minos” at Knossos. London: Routledge.
Castleden, R. 1997. Knossos: Temple of the Goddess.
Greece: Efstathiadis Group.
Castleden, R. 2001. Atlantis Destroyed. New York: Routledge.
Evans, A. 1930. The Palace of Minos at Knossos. New
York: Macmillan.
Finley, M.I. 1982. Early Greece: The Bronze and Archaic
Ages. New York: W.W. Norton and Company.
Fitton, J.L. 2001. The Discovery of the Greek Bronze Age.
London: British Museum.
French, E. 2002. Mycenae: Agamemnon’s Capital. Gloucestershire: Tempus Publishing Ltd.
Graham, J.W. 1987. The Palaces of Crete. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Higgins, R. 1981. The Archaeology of Minoan Crete. New
York: Henry Z. Walck, Inc.
Higgins, R. 1997. Minoan and Mycenaean Art. World of
Art Series. Revised Second Edition. New York: Thames
& Hudson.
Hood, S. 1971. The Minoans: Crete in the Bronze Age.
New York: Thames and Hudson.
Horwitz, S.L. 2001. The Find of a Lifetime: Sir Arthur
Evans and the Discovery of Knossos. New Edition. New
York: Sterling Publishing.
Karageorghis, V. 1976. View from the Bronze Age: Mycenaean and Phoenician Discoveries at Kition. New York:
Classical Mythology
Bell, R.E. 1993. Women of Classical Mythology: A Biographical Dictionary. New York: Oxford University Press.
Beltz, W. 1983. God and the Gods: Myths of the Bible. Trans.
by P. Heinegg. Middlesex: Pelican Books.
Brown, N.O. 1953. Hesiod: Theogony. Indianapolis: The
Bobbs-Merrill Company, Inc.
Burkert, W. 1979. Structure and History in Greek Mythology and Ritual. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Caldwell, R.S. 1987. Hesiod’s Theogony (Focus Classical
Library). Translated, with Introduction, Commentary,
and Interpretive Essay. Newburyport, MA: Focus Publishing.
Archaeological Institute of America
AIA Education Department
Bibliographies: Books for Adults
Easterling, P.E., and J.V. Muir, eds. 1985. Greek Religion and
Society. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Felton, D. 1999. Haunted Greece and Rome: Ghost Stories
from Classical Antiquity. Austin, TX: University of Texas
Fortes, M. 1983. Oedipus and Job in West African Religion
(Cambridge Studies in Social and Cultural Anthropology). New York: Cambridge University Press.
Graves, R. 2004. The Greek Myths. Second Edition London: Moyer Books.
Grimal, P. 1996. The Dictionary of Classical Mythology.
Trans. by A. R. Maxwell Hyslop. Oxford: Blackwell
Publishers Ltd.
Hamilton, E. 1999. Mythology: Timeless Tales of Gods and
Heroes. New York: Warner Books.
Henle, J. 1973. Greek Myths: A Vase Painter’s Notebook.
Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
James, V. 2003. The Genealogy of Greek Mythology: An
Illustrated Family Tree of Greek Myth from the First Gods
to the Founders of Rome. New York: Gotham Books.
Kirk, G.S. 1991. The Nature of Greek Myths. New Edition.
New York: Viking Press.
Kirkwood, G.M. 1995. A Short Guide to Classical Mythology. Wauconda, Illinois: Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers.
Lefkowitz, M.R. 2007. Women in Greek Myth. Second
edition. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP.
Mayerson, P. 2001. Classical Mythology in Literature, Art,
and Music. Newburyport, MA: Focus Classical Library.
Morford, M.P.O. and R.J. Lenardon. 2007. Classical Mythology. Rev. Eighth Edition. Oxford: Oxford University
Rice, D.G., and J.E. Stambaugh. 1979. Sources for the Study
of Greek Religion. USA: Scholars Press.
Rouse, W.H.D. 2001. Gods, Heroes and Men of Ancient
Greece: Mythology’s Great Tales of Valor and Romance.
New York: New American Library.
Solomon, J. 2001. The Ancient World in the Cinema.
Revised and Expanded Edition. New Haven: Yale University Press.
Woodford, S. 2003. Images of Myths in Classical Antiquity.
New York: Cambridge University Press.
Zimmerman, J.E. 1985. Dictionary of Classical Mythology.
Toronto: Bantam.
Biblical Studies at the End of a Millennium. Oxford:
Oxford University Press.
Behr, J. 2000. Asceticism and Anthropology in Irenaeus and
Clement. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Benoit, P., Milik, J.T. and R. de Vaux., (eds). 1961. Les grottes
de Murabbaat (Planches and Textes). Oxford: Oxford
University Press.
Biddle, M. 2000. The Tomb of Christ. Stroud, Gloucestershire: Sutton Pub.
Bradbury, S., ed., trans. 1996. Severus of Minorca: Letter
on the Conversion of the Jews. Oxford: Oxford University
Bradshaw, P.F. 2002. The Search for the Origins of Christian
Worship: Sources and Methods for the Study of Early
Liturgy. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Brandon, S.G.F. 1988. The Trial of Jesus of Nazareth. New
York: Dorset Press.
Brichto, H. 1973. Kin, Cult, Land and Afterlife‑‑A Biblical
Complex. Hebrew Union College Annual 44: 1‑54.
Brodie, T.L. 2007. The Quest for the Origin of John’s Gospel:
A Source-Oriented Approach. Oxford: Oxford University
Burton-Christie, D. 2007. The Word in the Desert: Scripture
and the Quest for Holiness in Early Christian Monasticism. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Cohn, R. and L.J. Silberstein, eds. 1994. The Other in Jewish
Thought and History. New York: New York University
Cross, F. M. 1997. Canaanite Myth and Hebrew Epic: Essays
in the History of the
Religion of Israel. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University
Curtis, A., and H.G. May. 2007. Oxford Bible Atlas. Oxford:
Oxford University Press.
Dodds, E.R. 1996. Pagan and Christian in an Age of
Anxiety: Some Aspects of Religious Experience from
Marcus Aurelius to Constantine. New York: Cambridge
University Press.
Glancy, J.A. 2006. Slavery in Early Christianity. Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press.
Goodman, M. 1996. Mission and Conversion: Proselytizing
in the Religious History of the Roman Empire. Oxford:
Oxford University Press.
Grant, M. 2002. The History of Ancient Israel. New York:
History Book Club.
Grant, M. 1999. The Jews in the Roman World. London:
Phoenix Giant.
Ehrman, B.D., Ed. 1999. After the New Testament: A
Reader in Early Christianity. New York: Oxford University Press.
Ehrman, B.D. 1996. The Orthodox Corruption of Scripture: The Effect of Early Christological Controversies
on the Text of the New Testament. New York: Oxford
University Press.
Early Judaism and Christianity (also see
‘Archaeology and the Bible’ and ‘Near East’)
Albright, W. F. 1994. Yahweh and the Gods of Canaan.
Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns.
Alt, A., ed. 1968. Essays on Old Testament History and
Religion. Garden City, NY: Doubleday.
Baillet, M., Milik, J.T. and R. De Vaux. (eds.). 1962. Les
“Petites Grottes” de Qumran (Textes). Oxford: Oxford
University Press.
Barr, J. 2005. History and Ideology in the Old Testament:
Archaeological Institute of America
AIA Education Department
Bibliographies: Books for Adults
Elliott, J.K., Ed. 1996. The Apocryphal Jesus: Legends of the
Early Church. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Elliott, J.K., Ed. 2005. The Apocryphal New Testatment: A
Collection of Apocryphal Christian Literature in an English Translation. New York: Oxford University Press.
Evans, C.S. 1996. The Historical Christ and the Jesus of
Faith: The Incarnational Narrative as History. Oxford:
Oxford University Press.
Fishbane, M. 1991. Biblical Interpretation in Ancient Israel.
Oxford: Clarendon.
Gager, J.G. 2006. The Origins of Anti-Semitism: Attitudes
toward Judaism in Pagan and Christian Antiquity.
Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Harrison, C. 2000. Augustine: Christian Truth and Fractured Humanity. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Hestrin, R. 1987. The Lachish Ewer and the `Asherah.
IEJ 37: 212:223.
Josephus. 1984. The Jewish War. Trans. by G. Williamson.
Revised Edition. New York:Penguin Books.
Kraemer, D. 1990. The Mind of the Talmud: An Intellectual
History of the Bavli. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Kraemer, R.S. and M.R. D’Angelo. 1999. Women and Christian Origins. New York: Oxford University Press.
MacMullen, R. 1986. Christianizing the Roman Empire:
A.D. 100 – 400. New Haven: Yale University Press.
MacMullen, R. 1981. Paganism in the Roman Empire. New
Haven: Yale University Press.
Macnamara, E. 1987. Everyday Life of the Etruscans. New
York: Dorset Press.
McGowan, A. 1999. Ascetic Eucharists: Food and Drink
in Early Christian Ritual Meals. New York: Oxford
University Press.
Meeks, W.A. 2003. The First Urban Christians: The Social
World of the Apostle Paul. New Haven: Yale University
Miller, P. D., Hanson, P. D., McBride, S. D., Eds. 1987.
Ancient Israelite Religion. (Essays in Honor of Frank
Moore Cross.) Philadelphia: Fortress Press.
Neusner, J., ed. 1990. The Christian and Judaic Invention
of History. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Niditch, S. 1998. Ancient Israelite Religion. Oxford:
Oxford University Press.
Niditch, S. 1995. War in the Hebrew Bible: A Study in the
Ethics of Violence. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
O’Daly, G. 2004. Augustine’s City of God: A Reader’s Guide.
Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Pardee, D. G. 1982. Handbook of Ancient Hebrew Letters.
Missoula: Scholars Press.
Patai, R., J. Hornell, and J.M. Lundquist. 1999. The Children
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AIA Education Department
Bibliographies: Books for Adults
Budge, E.A.W. 2005. Egyptian Magic. (1901). New York:
Cosimo Classics.
Carter, H. 2004. The Tomb of Tutankhamen. (1922). New
Edition. New York: Gerald Duckworth and Company.
Collier, M., and B. Manley. 2003. How to Read Egyptian
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Cooke, H.P. 1979. Osiris: A Study in Myths, Mysteries, and
Religion. Chicago: Ares Publishers.
Dever, W. G. 1987. The Middle Bronze Age: the Zenith of
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Desroches-Noblecourt, C. 1990. Tutankhamen: Life and
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Fagan, B. 2004. The Rape of the Nile: Tomb Robbers, Tourists, and Archaeologists in Egypt. Rev. Edition. Boulder,
Colo: Westview.
Fagan, B. 1990. The Journey From Eden: The Peopling of
Our World. New York: Thames and Hudson, Ltd.
Foreman, L. 1999. Cleopatra’s Palace: In Search of a Legend.
Del Mar, Calif: Discovery Books.
Fowden, G. 1993. The Egyptian Hermes: A Historical
Approach to the Late Pagan Mind. Princeton, N.J.:
Princeton University Press.
Freeman, C. 2004. Egypt, Greece and Rome: Civilizations of
the Ancient Mediterranean. Second Edition. New York:
Oxford University Press.
Gardiner, A. H. 1920. The Ancient Military Road Between
Egypt and Palestine. JEA 6: 99ff.
Gonen, R. 1984. Urban Canaan in the Late Bronze Period.
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Hare, T. 1999. Remembering Osiris: Number, Gender, and
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Stanford: Stanford University Press.
Harris, J.E., and K.R. Weeks. 1973. X-Raying the Pharaohs.
New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons.
Harris, J.R., ed. 1963. Tutankhamun’s Tomb Series. Oxford:
Oxford University Press.
Hayes, W. C. 1975. Egypt from the Death of Ammenemes
III to Seqenenre II. Pp. 42‑54 in CAH 3. Vol. 2, Pt. 1.
London: Cambridge University.
Healy, M. 2000. Armies of the Pharaohs. London: Osprey
Hoffmeier, J.K. 2005. Ancient Israel in Sinai: The Evidence
for the Authenticity of the Wilderness Tradition. Oxford:
Oxford University Press.
Ions, V. 1997. Egyptian Mythology. London: Bounty
James, T. G. H. 1975. Egypt from the Expulsion of the Hyksos to Amenophis I. Pp. 289‑293 in CAH 3. Vol. 2, Pt. 1.
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Hughes. Chicago: Oriental Institute.
Kemp, B. 2006. Ancient Egypt: The Anatomy of a Civiliza-
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Kitchen, K. A. 1964. Some New Light on the Asiatic Wars
of Ramesses II. JEA 50: 47ff.
Krawiec, R. 2002. Shenoute and the Women of the White
Monastery: Egyptian Monasticism in Late Antiquity.
New York: Oxford University Press.
Lichtheim, M. 2006. Ancient Eyptian Literature. 3 vols.
Second Edition. Berkeley, CA: University of California
Lucas, A. 1999. Ancient Egyptian Materials and Industries.
Fourth Edition. Revised by J.R. Harris. New York:
Malamat, A. 1958. The Kingdom of David and Solomon
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21: 96ff.
Mazar. B., ed. 1971. World History of the Jewish People 3:
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McDowell, A.G. 2002. Village Life in Ancient Egypt:
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Moran, W. L. 1992. The Amarna Letters. Baltimore: Johns
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Na’aman, N. 1981. Economic Aspects of the Egyptian Occupation of Canaan. IEJ 31: 172‑185.
Oren, E. D., ed. 1997. The Hyksos: New Historical and
Archaeological Perspectives. Philadelphia: University of
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Administration. The Journal of the Society for the Study
of Egyptian Antiquities 14: 38‑56.
Pace, M.M. 1998. Wrapped for Eternity: The Story of the
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Porter, B. and Moss, R. L. B. 2004. Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Reliefs and
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Posener, G. 1971. Syria and Palestine c. 2160‑1780 B.C.:
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de Rachewiltz, B. An Introduction to Egyptian Art: 3000
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Rainey, A. F., ed. 1987. Egypt, Israel, Sinai. Tel Aviv: Tel
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Ray, J.D. 2007. The Rosetta Stone and the Rebirth of Ancient
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Reeves, C.N. 2007. The Complete Tutankhamun. London:
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Sanders, N. K. 1985. The Sea Peoples. New York: Thames
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JEA 37: 53ff.
Schaeffer, G. F. A. 1955. A Bronze Sword from Ugarit with
Cartouche of Mineptah. Antiquity. 29: 226ff.
Archaeological Institute of America
AIA Education Department
Bibliographies: Books for Adults
Scott, J., and L. 1993. Egyptian Hieroglyphs for Everyone:
An Introduction to the Writing of Ancient Egypt. New
York: Barnes and Noble.
Sidebottom, H. 2005. Ancient Warfare: A Very Short
Introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Simons, J. 1937. Handbook for the Study of Egyptian Topographical Lists. Leiden: Brill.
Solomon, J. 2001. The Ancient World in the Cinema.
Revised and Expanded Edition. New Haven: Yale University Press.
Taylor, J.H. 1996. Unwrapping A Mummy: The Life, Death
and Embalming of Horemkenesi. Austin: University of
Texas Press.
Time-Life Series. 1992. Egypt: Land of the Pharaohs. New
York: Time Life Books.
Tyldesley, J. 2005. Nefertiti: Egypt’s Sun Queen. New York:
Penguin Books.
Vercoutter, J. 1992. The Search for Ancient Egypt. New
York: Harry N. Abrams.
Watson, P. 1997. Egyptian Pyramids and Mastaba Tombs.
Port Jervis, NY: Lubrecht & Cramer, Ltd.
Weinstein, J. M. 1981. The Egyptian Empire in Palestine:
A Reassessment. BASOR 241: 1‑28.
Weinstein, J. M. 1975. Egyptian Relations with Palestine in
the Middle Kingdom. BASOR 217: 1‑16.
Westendorf, W. 1975. Painting, Sculpture, and Architecture
of Ancient Egypt. New York: Harry N. Abrams, Inc.
Wilkinson, R.H. 1998. Reading Egyptian Art: A Hieroglyphic Guide to Ancient Egyptian Painting and Sculpture.
New York: Thames and Hudson.
Wilson, H. 2001. Egyptian Food and Drink. Buckinghamshire: Shire Publications Ltd.
Wilson, P. 2003. Sacred Signs: Hieroglyphs in Ancient Egypt.
New York: Oxford University Press.
Handbook of Etruscan Studies. Detroit: Wayne State
University Press.
Brendel, O., and F.R.S. Ridgway. 1995. Etruscan Art. Second
Edition. Pelican History of Art Series. New Haven: Yale
University Press.
De Puma, R.D., and J.P. Small, eds. 1994. Murlo and the
Etruscans: Art and Society in Ancient Etruria. Madison:
The University of Wisconsin Press.
Haynes, S. 2005. Etruscan Civilization: A Cultural History.
Los Angeles, Calif: The J. Paul Getty Museum.
Macnamara, E. 1987. Everyday Life of the Etruscans. New
York: Dorset Press.
Mansuelli, G.A. 1967. The Art of Etruria and Early Rome.
New York: Greystone Press.
Richardson, E. 1976. The Etruscans, Their Art and Civilization. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization. 1966. Etruscan Sculptures. New York: MentorUnesco Art Books.
Anderson, G. 2004. King Arthur in Antiquity. London:
Braund, D. 1994. Georgia in Antiquity: A History of Colchis
and Transcaucasian Iberia, 550 BC-AD 562.
Castleden, Rodney. 2000. King Arthur: The Truth Behind
the Legend. London: Routledge.
Collingridge, V. 2006. Boudica: The Life of Britain’s Legendary Warrior Queen. Woodstock, NY: Overlook Press.
Myers, J.N.L. 1998. The English Settlements. Oxford:
Oxford University Press.
Rogers, R. 2002. Latin Siege Warfare in the Twelfth Century. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Stafford, P. 1989. Unification and Conquest: A Political
and Social History of England in the Tenth and Eleventh
Centuries. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Thomson, R.W., trans. 1996. Rewriting Caucasian History:
The Medieval Armenian Adaptation of the Georgian
Chronicles – The Original Georgian Texts and the Armenian Adaptation. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Wilson, J. 2002. The Shakespeare Legacy: The Material
Legacy of Shakespeare’s Theatre. Godalming, Surrey,
England: Bramley Books.
Ethics, Looting, and the Antiquities Market
Atwood, R. 2006. Stealing History: Tomb Raiders, Smugglers, and the Looting of the Ancient World. New York:
St. Martin’s.
Messenger, P. M. 1999. The Ethics of Collecting Cultural
Property: Whose Culture? Whose Property? Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press.
Meyer, K.E. 1977. The Plundered Past: The Story of Illegal International Traffic in Works of Art. New York:
Vitelli, K., and C. Colwell-Chanthaphonh. 2006. Archaeological Ethics. Second Edition. Lanham, MD: Altamira
Food and Dining
Dalby, A., and S. Grainger. 2002. The Classical Cookbook.
Los Angeles: The J. Paul Getty Museum.
Dalby, A. 2003. Flavours of Byzantium. Totnes: Prospect.
Dalby, Andrew. 2003. Food in the Ancient World, from A to
Z. Ancient World from A to Z. London: Routledge.
Elliot, A. 2003. Roman Food Poems: A Modern Translation.
Totnes, Devon: Prospect Books.
Garnsey, P. 1999. Food and Society in Classical Antiquity.
New York: Cambridge University Press.
Boethius, A. 1985. Etruscan and Early Roman Architecture.
Middlesex: Pelican Books Ltd.
Bonfante, L., ed. 1986. Etruscan Life and Afterlife: A
Archaeological Institute of America
AIA Education Department
Bibliographies: Books for Adults
Grant, M. 1999. Roman Cookery: Ancient Recipes for
Modern Kitchens. London: Serif.
McGowan, A. 1999. Ascetic Eucharists: Food and Drink
in Early Christian Ritual Meals. New York: Oxford
University Press.
Ricotti, E.S.P. 1999. Dining as a Roman Emperor: How to
Cook Ancient Roman Recipes Today. Roma: L’Erma di
Wilkins, J., F. D. Harvey, and M. Dobson . 1995. Food in
Antiquity. Exeter, UK: University of Exeter Press.
Wilson, H. 2001. Egyptian Food and Drink. Buckinghamshire: Shire Publications Ltd.
Heidel, A. 1971. The Gilgamesh Epic and Old Testament
Parallels. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Kramer, S.N., trans. 1969. Sumerian Myths and Epic Tales.
Pp. 41-59 in Ancient Near Eastern Texts. J. B. Pritchard,
ed. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
Pasco, R. (Reader) 1996. Gilgamesh. London: Penguin
Audiobooks. (audio cassette)
Greek Culture, History, Art, and Archaeology
Adcock, F.E. 1974. The Greek and Macedonian Art of War.
Berkeley: University of California Press.
Amos, H.D., and A.G.P. Lang. 1996. These Were the Greeks.
Chester Springs, Pa: Dufour Editions.
Beard, M., and J. Henderson. 2001. Classical Art: From
Greece to Rome. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Beard, M. 2003. The Parthenon. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard
University Press.
Bell, A. 2006. Spectacular Power in the Greek and Roman
City. New York: Oxford University Press.
Bernand, A. 2003. The Road to Olympia: Origins of the
Olympic Games. London: Periplus.
Bieber, M. 1961. The History of the Greek and Roman
Theater. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Biers, W.R. 1996. The Archaeology of Greece. Second Edition. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
Boardman, J. 2000. Greek Art and Architecture. London:
Harry N. Abrams, Inc.
Boardman, J. 1999. The Greeks Overseas: Their Early Colonies and Trade. New York: Thames and Hudson.
Boardman, J. 2001. The Oxford History of Classical Art. New
York: Oxford University Press.
Braudel, F. 1992. The Mediterranean and the Mediterranean
World in the Age of Philip II. 2 vols. S. Reynolds, trans.
New York: HarperCollins.
Braudy, L. 1997. The Frenzy of Renown: Fame and Its History. Translated by Sian Reynolds. New York: Vintage
Burkert, W. 2007. Babylon, Memphis, Persepolis: Eastern
Contexts of Greek Culture. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard
University Press.
Burn, A.R. 1990. The Penguin History of Greece. New
York: Penguin Books.
Bury, J.B., E.A. Barber, E. Bevan, W.W. Tarn. 1970. The
Hellenistic Age: Aspects of Hellenistic Civilization. New
York: The Norton Library.
Camp, J.M. 2004. The Archaeology of Athens. New Haven:
Yale University Press.
Carpenter, R. 2000. The Architects of the Parthenon. New
York: Peter Smith Publishing.
Carpenter, R. 2000. The Esthetic Basis of Greek Art of the
Fifth and Fourth Centuries B.C. Bloomington: Indiana
University Press.
Gender and Archaeology (also see Women
and Children)
Claassen, C., ed. 1994. Women in Archaeology. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.
Davis-Kimball, J., and M. Behan. 2002. Warrior Women:
An Archaeologist’s Search for History’s Hidden Heroines.
New York: Warner Books.
Ehrenberg, M. 1989. Women in Prehistory. Norman:
University of Oklahoma Press.
Gero, J.M., and M.W. Conkey., eds. 1991. Engendering
Archaeology: Women and Prehistory. Oxford: Basil
Gilchrist, R. 1997. Gender and Material Culture: The
Archaeology of Religious Women. London: Routledge.
Howell, G. 2007. Gertrude Bell: Queen of the Desert, Shaper
of Nations. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux.
Koloski-Ostrow, A.O., and C.L. Lyons, eds. 2000. Naked
Truths: Women, Sexuality, and Gender in Classical Art
and Archaeology. New York: Routledge.
Nelson, S.M. 2007. Women in Antiquity: Theoretical
Approaches to Gender and Archaeology. Gender and
archaeology series, v. 11. Lanham: AltaMira Press.
Nelson, S.M. 2007. Worlds of Gender: The Archaeology of
Women’s Lives Around the Globe. Gender and archaeology series, v. 12. Lanham: AltaMira Press.
Nelson, S.M., and M. Rosen-Ayalon. 2002. In Pursuit of
Gender: Worldwide Archaeological Approaches. Gender
and archaeology series, v. 1. Walnut Creek, CA: AltaMira
Sorensen, M.L.S. 2000. Gender Archaeology. Cambridge:
Polity Press.
Wright, R.P., ed. 1996. Gender and Archaeology. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.
Gilgamesh (Earliest Epic in Text Recovered)
Dalley, S. 2000. Myths from Mesopotamia: Creation, the
Flood, Gilgamesh, and Others. New York: Oxford University Press.
Ferry, D. 1992. Gilgamesh. New York: Farrar, Straus and
Archaeological Institute of America
AIA Education Department
Bibliographies: Books for Adults
Athens: An Introduction to Classical Athenian Culture.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Kitto, H.D.F. 2007. The Greeks. New Brunswick, N.J.:
Aldine Transaction.
Kokkou, A. 1993. The Getty Kouros Colloquium: Athens,
25-27 May 1992. Athens: The J. Paul Getty Trust Publications.
Koloski-Ostrow, A.O., and C.L. Lyons, eds. 2000. Naked
Truths: Women, Sexuality, and Gender in Classical Art
and Archaeology. New York: Routledge.
Lang, M.L. Rev. ed. Prepared by J. Camp. 2005. The Athenian
Citizen: Democracy in the Athenian Agora. Excavations
of the Athenian Agora, no. 4. Princeton, NJ: American
School of Classical Studies at Athens.
Lardinois, A.P.M.H., and L. McClure. 2001. Making Silence
Speak: Women’s Voices in Greek Literature and Society.
Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press.
Leckie, R. 1999. Bluff Your Way in the Classics. New York:
Oval Projects, Ltd.
Leveque, P. 1994. Discoveries: The Birth of Greece. New
York: Harry N. Abrams, Inc., Publishers.
Ling, R. 2000. Making Classical Art: Process & Practice.
Stroud: Tempus.
Lloyd, G.E.R. 2004. In the Grip of Disease: Studies in the
Greek Imagination. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Meyer, M.W., ed. 1999. The Ancient Mysteries Sourcebook:
Sacred Texts of the Mystery Religions of the Ancient
Mediterranean World. Pennsylvania: University of
Pennsylvania Press.
Norris, M. 2000. Greek Art, from Prehistoric to Classical, at
the Metropolitan Museum of Art: A Resource for Educators. New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art.
Nussbaum, M.C., and J. Sihvola. 2002. The Sleep of Reason:
Erotic Experience and Sexual Ethics in Ancient Greece
and Rome. Chicago: U. of Chicago Press.
Oakley, J.H., and R.H. Sinos. 1993. The Wedding in Ancient
Athens. Madison: The University of Wisconsin Press.
Osborne, R. 1998. Archaic and Classical Greek Art. New
York: Oxford U. Press.
Pedley, J.G. 2003. Greek Art and Archaeology. Fourth Edition. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pearson/Prentice Hall.
Pollitt, J.J. 1999. Art and Experience in Classical Greece.
New York: Cambridge University Press.
Pollitt, J.J. 1996. Art in the Hellenistic Age. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Porter, J.I., ed. 2002. Constructions of the Classical Body.
Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press.
Raschke, W.J., ed. 2002. The Archaeology of the Olympics:
The Olympics and Other Festivals in Antiquity. Madison:
The University of Wisconsin Press.
Reeder, E.D. 1995. Pandora: Women in Classical Greece.
Baltimore: The Walters Art Gallery.
Richlin, A., ed. 1992. Pornography and Representation in
Greece and Rome. New York: Oxford University Press.
Carpenter, R. 1971. Greek Sculpture. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
Connolly, P. and H. Dodge. 2000. The Ancient City: Life in
Classical Athens and Rome. Oxford: Oxford University
Cook, R.M. 1997. Greek Painted Pottery. New York: Routledge.
Cosmopoulos, M. 2003. Greek Mysteries: The Archaeology
of Ancient Greek Secret Cults. New York: Routledge.
Davis, J.L., and S.E. Alcock. 2007. Sandy Pylos: An Archaeological History from Nestor to Navarino. Princeton:
American School of Classical Studies.
Dover, K.J., and C. Burstall. 1999. The Greeks: From the BBC
Television Series by Christopher Burstall and Kenneth
Dover. Austin: University of Texas Press.
Etienne, R., and F. 1994. The Search for Ancient Greece.
New York: Harry N. Abrams, Inc., Publishers.
Faraone, C.A. 1992. Talismans and Trojan Horses: Guardian Statues in Ancient Greek Myth and Ritual. New York:
Oxford University Press.
Ferguson, J. 1989. Among the Gods: An Archaeological
Exploration of Ancient Greek Religion. London: Routledge.
Folsom, R.S. 1967. Handbook of Greek Pottery: A Guide for
Amateurs. London: Faber.
Fontenrose, J. 1981. The Delphic Oracle: Its Responses and
Operations with a Catalogue of Responses. Berkeley:
University of California Press.
Frantz, A. 1961. The Middle Ages in the Athenian Agora.
Excavations in the Athenian Agora Picture Book 7.
Princeton, N.J.: American School of Classical Studies at
Freeman, C. 2004. Egypt, Greece and Rome: Civilizations of
the Ancient Mediterranean. Second Edition. New York:
Oxford University Press.
Fullerton, M.D. 2000. Greek Art. New York: Cambridge
University Press.
Grant, M. 1990. The Visible Past: Recent Archaeological
Discoveries of Greek and Roman History, 1960-1990.
New York: Scribner’s.
Hammond, N.G.L. 1986. A History of Greece to 322 B.C.
Third edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Harris, W.V. 2004. Restraining Rage: The Ideology of Anger
Control in Classical Antiquity. Cambridge, MA: Harvard
University Press.
Hatzfeld, J. 1966. History of Ancient Greece. Trans. by A.
Aymard. New York: The Norton Library.
Himmelmann, N. 1998. Reading Greek Art. Princeton:
Princeton University Press.
Hornblower, S., and T. Spawforth., eds. 2000. Who’s Who
in the Classical World. New York: Oxford University
Jones, P.V., Director, J.A.C.T. Greek Project. The World of
Archaeological Institute of America
Bibliographies: Books for Adults
AIA Education Department
Richter, G.M.A. 1996. A Handbook of Greek Art. London:
Ridgway, B.S. 1979. The Severe Style in Greek Sculpture.
Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Robertson, D.S. 1992. Greek and Roman Architecture.
Second Edition. London: Cambridge University Press.
Robertson, Martin. 1991. A History of Greek Art. New York:
Cambridge University Press.
Robertson, Martin. 1991. A Shorter History of Greek Art.
New York: Cambridge University Press.
Rosivach, V.J. 1994. The System of Public Sacrifice in FourthCentury Athens. American Classical Studies 34. Atlanta:
Scholars Press.
Schweitzer, B. 1971. Greek Geometric Art. Trans. By P. and
C. Usborne. London: Phaidon Press Ltd.
Scullard, H.H., and A.A.M. van der Heyden. 1967. Shorter
Atlas of the Classical World. New York: E. P. Dutton and
Company, Inc.
Sekunda, N. 2000. Warriors of Ancient Greece. London:
Skinner, M.B. 2005. Sexuality in Greek and Roman culture.
Malden, MA: Blackwell.
Simons, E. 2002. Festivals of Attica: An Archaeological
Commentary. Madison: The University of Wisconsin
Solomon, J. 2001. The Ancient World in the Cinema.
Revised and Expanded Edition. New Haven: Yale University Press.
Starr, C.G. 2007. The Aristocratic Temper of Greek Civilization. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Starr, C.G. 1992. The Economic and Social Growth of Early
Greece: 800 – 500 B.C. New York: Oxford University
Stewart, A. 1998. Art, Desire and the Body in Ancient
Greece. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Stewart, A. 1993. Greek Sculpture: Vols. I & II. New
Haven: Yale University Press.
Thucydides. 1960. The History of the Peloponnesian War.
Ed. in trans. by R.W. Livingstone. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Swaddling, J. 2000. The Ancient Olympic Games. Second
Edition. Austin: University of Texas Press.
Woodford, S. 2004. The Art of Greece and Rome. Second
Edition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Young, D.C. 2004. A Brief History of the Olympic Games.
Brief Histories of the Ancient World. Malden, MA:
Blackwell Pub.
Theater. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Boardman, J. 2001. The Oxford History of Classical Art. New
York: Oxford University Press.
Connolly, P. and H. Dodge. 2000. The Ancient City: Life in
Classical Athens and Rome. Oxford: Oxford University
Freeman, C. 2004. Egypt, Greece and Rome: Civilizations of
the Ancient Mediterranean. Second Edition. New York:
Oxford University Press.
Grant, M. 1990. The Visible Past: Recent Archaeological
Discoveries of Greek and Roman History, 1960-1990.
New York: Scribner’s.
Harris, W.V. 2004. Restraining Rage: The Ideology of Anger
Control in Classical Antiquity. Cambridge, MA: Harvard
University Press.
Hornblower, S., and T. Spawforth., eds. 2000. Who’s Who
in the Classical World. New York: Oxford University
Koloski-Ostrow, A.O., and C.L. Lyons, eds. 2000. Naked
Truths: Women, Sexuality, and Gender in Classical Art
and Archaeology. New York: Routledge.
Ling, R. 2000. Making Classical Art: Process & Practice.
Stroud: Tempus.
Nussbaum, M.C., and J. Sihvola. 2002. The Sleep of Reason:
Erotic Experience and Sexual Ethics in Ancient Greece and
Rome. Chicago: U. of Chicago Press.
Richlin, A., ed. 1992. Pornography and Representation in
Greece and Rome. New York: Oxford University Press.
Robertson, D.S. 1992. Greek and Roman Architecture.
Second Edition. London: Cambridge University Press.
Sidebottom, H. 2005. Ancient Warfare: A Very Short
Introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Skinner, M.B. 2005. Sexuality in Greek and Roman culture.
Malden, MA: Blackwell.
Solomon, J. 2001. The Ancient World in the Cinema.
Revised and Expanded Edition. New Haven: Yale University Press.
Starr, C.G. 1989. The Influence of Sea Power on Ancient
History. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Wiseman, T.P., ed. 2006. Classics in Progress: Essays on
Ancient Greece and Rome. Oxford: Oxford University
Woodford, S. 2004. The Art of Greece and Rome. Second
Edition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Greek Vases
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AIA Education Department
Bibliographies: Books for Adults
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History of Writing
Homer: Translations of and Commentaries
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Archaeological Institute of America
AIA Education Department
Bibliographies: Books for Adults
Homer. 2006. The Odyssey. Translated by R. Fagles. New
York: Penguin Books.
Homer. 2007. The Odyssey. Translated by W.H.D. Rouse.
New York: Penguin.
Homer. 2000. Odyssey. Translated by S. Lombardo. Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing Company, Inc.
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Jones, P.V. 2003. Homer’s Iliad: A Commentary on Three
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Israel and Palestine
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Human Origins
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Johanson, D., and J. Shreeve. 1990. Lucy’s Child: The Discovery of a Human Ancestor. New York: Avon Books.
Archaeological Institute of America
AIA Education Department
Bibliographies: Books for Adults
Avi‑Yonah, M. and Stern, E., Eds. 1975‑78. Encyclopedia
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1‑4. Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society and Massada
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Bibliographies: Books for Adults
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AIA Education Department
Bibliographies: Books for Adults
Aveni, A. 2001. Skywatchers. Austin: University of Texas
Bahn, P. 2003. The Enigmas of Easter Island. Oxford:
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Miller, M.E. 2006. The Art of Mesoamerica: From Olmec
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Miller, M.E., and K. Taube. 1997. An Illustrated Dictionary
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Near East / Anatolia / Mediterranean
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Cotton, H. and Yardeni, A. 1997. Aramaic, Hebrew and
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AIA Education Department
Bibliographies: Books for Adults
Invention of Cuneiform: Writing in Sumer. Baltimore:
Johns Hopkins University Press.
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Bibliographies: Books for Adults
Lancel, S. 1998. Hannibal. Malden, MA: Blackwell.
Landels, J.G. 2000. Engineering in the Ancient World.
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Leckie, R. 1999. Bluff Your Way in the Classics. New York:
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Ling, R. 1991. Roman Painting. Cambridge: Cambridge
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Ancient Rome. Austin,TX: University of Texas Press.
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Hales, S. 2003. The Roman House and Social Identity.
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AIA Education Department
Bibliographies: Books for Adults
Price, S.R.F. 1996. Rituals and Power: The Roman Imperial
Cult in Asia Minor. Cambridge: Cambridge University
Ramage, N.H. and A. 2005. Roman Art: Romulus to
Constantine. Fourth Edition. Englewood Cliffs, NJ:
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Ramage, N.H., and A. 1991. The Cambridge Illustrated
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Richlin, A., ed. 1992. Pornography and Representation in
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Robertson, D.S. 1992. Greek and Roman Architecture.
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Scarre, C. 1995. Chronicle of the Roman Emperors: The
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Scullard, H.H. 1988. From the Gracchi to Nero: A History
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Seager, R. 2002. Pompey the Great: A Political Biography.
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Sear, F. 1998. Roman Architecture. Rev. pbk. edition. London: Routledge.
Shelton, J. 1998. As the Romans Did: A Sourcebook in
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Skinner, M.B. 2005. Sexuality in Greek and Roman Culture.
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Solomon, J. 2001. The Ancient World in the Cinema.
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Staccioli, R.A. 2003. The Roads of the Romans. Los Angeles: The J. Paul Getty Museum.
Starr, C.G. 1993. The Roman Empire, 27 B.C. – A.D.
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Strong, D.E., J.M.C. Toynbee, and R. Ling. 1992. Roman
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Sutherland, C.H.V. 1974. Roman Coins: The World of
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Syme, R. 2002. The Roman Revolution. Rev. ed. New York:
Oxford University Press.
Taylor, L.R. 1995. Party Politics in the Age of Caesar. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Thompson, E.A. 2002. Romans and Barbarians: The Decline
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Wisconsin Press.
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Toner, J.P. 1998. Leisure and Ancient Rome. Malden, MA:
Turcan, R. 2001. The Gods of Ancient Rome: Religion in
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Ward-Perkins, J.B. 1992. Roman Imperial Architecture.
New Haven: Yale University Press.
Warmington, B.H. 1981. Nero: Reality and Legend. New
York: Vintage/ Ebury.
Warrior, V.M. 2006. Roman Religion. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Watson, G.R. 1985. The Roman Soldier. Ithaca: Cornell
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Welch, K. with E. Lazer and J. Barlow. 1998. The Romans.
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Wells, C. 1995. The Roman Empire. Second ed. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
Wheeler, M. 1985. Roman Art and Architecture. World of
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Woodford, S. 2004. The Art of Greece and Rome. Second
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Slaves, Prisoners, Gladiators, and Violence as Sport and
Baker, A. 2000. The Gladiator: The Secret History of Rome’s
Warrior Slaves. New York: Thomas Dunne Books.
Barton, C.A. 1993. The Sorrows of the Ancient Romans:
The Gladiator and the Monster. Princeton: Princeton
University Press.
Beacham, R.C. 1999. Spectacle Entertainments of Early
Imperial Rome. New Haven: Yale University Press.
Bergmann, B., and C. Kondoleon, eds. 2000. The Art of
Ancient Spectacle. New Haven: Yale University Press.
Bomgardner, D.L. 2002. The Story of the Roman Amphitheatre. London: Routledge.
Chase, R.G. 2002. Ancient Hellenistic and Roman Amphitheatres, Stadiums, and Theatres: The Way They Look
Now. Portsmouth, N.H.: P.E. Randall.
Futrell, A. 2000. Blood in the Arena: The Spectacle of Roman
Power. Austin, TX: University of Texas Press.
Glancy, J.A. 2006. Slavery in Early Christianity. Minneapolis: Fortress Press.
Golden, M. 2004. Sport in the Ancient World from A to Z.
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Hamerton-Kelly, R.G., ed. 1988. Violent Origins: Ritual
Killing and Cultural Formation. Stanford: Stanford
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Hopkins, K. 1985. Death and Renewal: Sociological Studies
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AIA Education Department
Bibliographies: Books for Adults
Jacobelli, L. 2003. Gladiators at Pompeii. Los Angeles: The
J. Paul Getty Museum.
Köhne, E., C. Ewigleben, and R. Jackson. 2000. Gladiators
and Caesars: The Power of Spectacle in Ancient Rome.
Berkeley: University of California Press.
Kyle, D.G. 2001. Spectacles of Death in Ancient Rome.
London: Routledge.
Mahoney, A. 2001. Roman Sports and Spectacles: A Sourcebook. Focus Classical Sources. Newburyport, MA: Focus
Pub./R. Pullins Co.
Plass, P. 1995. The Game of Death in Ancient Rome: Arena
Sport and Political Suicide. Madison: The University of
Wisconsin Press.
Poliakoff, M.B. 1995. Combat Sports in the Ancient World:
Competition, Violence, and Culture. New edition. New
Haven: Yale University Press.
Potter, D.S., and D.J. Mattingly. 1999. Life, Death, and
Entertainment in the Roman Empire. Ann Arbor: The
University of Michigan Press.
Riches, D., ed. 1986. The Anthropology of Violence. London: Basil Blackwell Ltd.
Van Henten, J.W., and F. Avemarie. 2002. Martyrdom and
Noble Death: Selected Texts from Graeco-Roman, Jewish
and Christian Antiquity. New York: Routledge.
Wiedemann, T. 1995. Emperors and Gladiators. London:
Wiedemann, T. 1989. Greek and Roman Slavery London:
Wiedemann, T., and J. Gardner. 2002. Representing the Body
of the Slave. Studies in
Slave and Post-Slave Societies and Cultures. Portland, OR:
F. Cass.
Wilson, R.J.A. 1998. Piazza Armerina. New York: Harper
Collins Publications.
Winkler, M.M. 2004. Gladiator: Film and History. Malden,
MA: Blackwell Pub.
Zoll, A. 2002. Gladiatrix: The True Story of History’s
Unknown Woman Warrior. New York: Berkeley Boulevard Books.
McGrail, S. 2004. Boats of the World: From the Stone Age
to Medieval Times. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Starr, C.G. 1989. The Influence of Sea Power on Ancient
History. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Throckmorton, P., ed. 1996. The Sea Remembers: Shipwrecks and Archaeology from Homer’s Odyssey to the
Titanic. New York: Barnes & Noble Books.
Time-Life Books. 1993. Wondrous Remains of the Aegean.
New York: Time Life.
Women and Children (also see Gender and
Archer, L.J., S. Fischler, and M. Wyke, eds. 1994. Women
in Ancient Societies: ‘An Illusion of the Night’. New York:
Ardren, T. 2002. Ancient Maya Women. Gender and archaeology series, v. 3. Walnut Creek, CA: AltaMira Press.
Arjava, A. 1998. Woman and Law in Late Antiquity.
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Barber, E.W. 1995. Women’s Work, the First 20,000 Years:
Women, Cloth, and Society in Early Times. New York:
W.W. Norton and Company.
Bell, R.E. 1993. Women of Classical Mythology: A Biographical Dictionary. New York: Oxford UP.
Blundell, S. 1995. Women in Ancient Greece. Cambridge,
MA: Harvard University Press.
Brosius, M. 1996. Women in Ancient Persia, 599-331 BC.
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Brule, P. 2003. Women of Ancient Greece. Edinburgh:
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Cameron, A., and A. Kuhrt, eds. 1993. Images of Women
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Claassen, C., ed. 1994. Women in Archaeology. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.
Claassen, C., and R. Joyce. 1997. Women in Prehistory:
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Collingridge, V. 2006. Boudica: The Life of Britain’s Legendary Warrior Queen. Woodstock, NY: Overlook Press.
Davis-Kimball, J., and M. Behan. 2002. Warrior Women:
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Ehrenberg, M. 1989. Women in Prehistory. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press.
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Underwater and Maritime Archaeology,
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Delgado, J.P. 1997. Encyclopaedia of Underwater and Maritime Archaeology. London: British Museum Press.
Archaeological Institute of America
AIA Education Department
Bibliographies: Books for Adults
Geary, P. 2006. Women at the Beginning: Origin Myths
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Gilchrist, R. 1997. Gender and Material Culture: The
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Kraemer, R.S. 2004. Women’s Religions in the Greco-Roman
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Kraemer, R.S. 1994. Her Share of the Blessings: Woman’s
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Kraemer, R.S. and M.R. D’Angelo. 1999. Women and Christian Origins. New York: Oxford University Press.
Krawiec, R. 2002. Shenoute and the Women of the White
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Lardinois, A.P.M.H., and L. McClure. 2001. Making Silence
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Lefkowitz, M.R. 2007. Women in Greek Myth. Second
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Lewis, S. 2002. The Athenian Woman: An Iconographic
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Lightman, M., and B. Lightman. 2000. Biographical dictionary of ancient Greek and Roman Women: Notable Women
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McClure, L.K. 2003. Courtesans at Table: Gender and Greek
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Murray, O. 1993. Early Greece. Second ed. Cambridge:
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Neils, J., and J.H. Oakley. 2003. Coming of Age in Ancient
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Nelson, S.M. 2007. Worlds of Gender: The Archaeology of
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Pomeroy, S.B. 1995. Goddesses, Whores, Wives, and Slaves:
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Rabinowitz, N.S., and L. Auanger. 2002. Among Women:
From the Homosocial to the Homoerotic in the Ancient
World. Austin: University of Texas Press.
Reeder, E.D. 1995. Pandora: Women in Classical Greece.
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Rosaldo, M.Z., and L. Lamphere, eds. 1974. Woman, Culture and Society. Stanford: Stanford University Press.
Wegner, J.R. 1992. Chattel or Person? The Status of Women
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Zoll, A. 2002. Gladiatrix: The True Story of History’s
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Burnett, A. 1991. Coins. Interpreting the Past. Berkeley:
University of California Press.
Golden, M. 2004. Sport in the Ancient World from A to Z.
Ancient World from A to Z. New York: Routledge.
Goldhill, S. 2004. Love, Sex and Tragedy: How the Ancient
World Shapes our Lives. Chicago: U of Chicago P.
Isaac, B. 2004. The Invention of Racism in Classical Antiquity. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press.
Kilgour, F.G. 1998. The Evolution of the Book. Oxford:
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Lancel, S. 1998. Hannibal. Oxford, UK: Blackwell.
Landels, J.G. 2000. Engineering in the Ancient World. Rev.
ed. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Solomon, J. 2001. The Ancient World in the Cinema.
Revised and Expanded Edition. New Haven: Yale University Press.
Tatum, J. 2003. The Mourner’s Song: War and Remembrance from The Iliad to Vietnam. Chicago: University
of Chicago Press.
Younger, J.G. 2005. Sex in the Ancient World from A to Z.
The Ancient World from A to Z. London: Routledge.
Archaeological Institute of America