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Title: Clarifying Confucius
Ms. Grasso
Day: Friday
Global Studies I
 Students will be able to explain the role of philosophy in the formation of China’s
 Students will be able to describe who Confucius was.
 Students will be able to apply Confucius’s writings and philosophy to their own lives.
 Students will be able to work cooperatively in small groups to interpret various
Confucius quotes.
Instructional Strategies
 Teacher will write down objectives on board (before bell)
 Students will pick up a “Do Now” as they walk in (before bell)
 Teacher will introduce and facilitate the Confucius Carousel Activity (20 minutes)
o Students will get into small groups of 2-3 students
o Students will each go to a different quote that is hanging up at various locations
around the room
o Students will write down what they think the quote means and how they can apply
it to their own lives (2 minutes at each quote)
o After 2 minutes, the teacher will ask students to move clockwise around the room
to the next quote
o Teacher will circulate around the room checking for understanding
 Teacher will present notes on Confucius (15 minutes)
o The quotes are incorporated into the lesson regarding various aspects of
Confucius’s life
o Students will be asked for their interpretations of the quotes at this point
 Teacher will hand out exit slip (5 minutes)
o Students will answer 2 regents-style questions based on the topic covered today
and quickly respond to the following prompt:
 Extra Activity (Time Permitting)
o Why do you think Confucius’s quotes still have meaning today?
Do Now
Confucius quotes on poster board
Confucius’s life PowerPoint
Computer & Projector
Exit Slip
 Teacher will incorporate Confucius quotes during the activity into the PowerPoint notes
o The quotes are incorporated into the lesson regarding various aspects of
Confucius’s life
o Students will be asked for their interpretations of the quotes at this point
o This will bring some closure and understanding of the context of these quotes
 Exit Slip
o Students will answer 2 regents-style questions based on the topic covered today
and quickly respond to the following prompt:
 Why do you think Confucius’s quotes still have meaning today?
o Teacher will read these exit slips and address any key points, thoughts, or
concerns during the next class
 Teacher will circulate around the room during the Carousel Activity to verbally and
visually check for student understanding of the Confucius quotes. Students will write
down their interpretations and real world examples on a “Do Now” that the teacher will
collect and assess.
 Teacher will issue an exit slip activity that will require students to use the information
they learned in today’s class and answer regents-style questions. At this point, students
will also reflect on the significance of Confucius in relation to history and society.
Multicultural Component
 During the Do Now Carousel Activity, students are asked to write down what they think
the quote means and provide an example of the quote in their everyday life. This real
world component allows students to not only be creative, but to use their own cultural
and social experiences in relation to the material being studied. Group members will see
that there are a variety of perspectives that can come from reading a simple quote.
 Students who need a scribe are given a copy of the PowerPoint notes by the special
education teacher.
 Students are given a short amount of time at each quote (only 2 minutes). This gives
students with ADD small, short tasks to concentrate on.
 Students work in small, predetermined groups. This will help students use each other to
problem solve and determine the meaning of Confucius’s quotes.
 A “Do Now” handout is given to all students to provide students with guidance during
the activity.
 For homework, students must study for their map quiz on Monday.
 The teacher will review the exit slips and the “Do Now” handouts from all students and
incorporate those comments and questions into the next lesson: Confucius’s effect on
Chinese culture and society.
This lesson will address the following NYS Learning Standard:
 Standard 2: World History: Students will use a variety of intellectual skills to
demonstrate their understanding of major ideas, eras, themes, developments, and turning
points in world history and examine the broad sweep of history from a variety of
o Key Idea 1: The study of world history requires an understanding of world
cultures and civilizations, including an analysis of important ideas, social and
cultural values, beliefs, and traditions. This study also examines the human
condition and the connections and interactions of people across time and space
and the ways different people view the same event or issue from a variety of
 Performance Indicator 1: define culture and civilization, explaining how
they developed and changed over time. Investigate the various
components of cultures and civilizations including social customs, norms,
values, and traditions; political systems; economic systems; religions and
spiritual beliefs; and socialization or educational practices.