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UNESCO CHAIR: “Brain and natural products”
Home: Deparment of Neurochemistry
Instituto de Investigaciones Biológicas Clemente Estable
Director: Dr. Federico Dajas
E-mail: [email protected]
Characterizing neuroprotective molecules of natural origin.
The research activities of the UNESCO Chair “Brain and natural Products” have been
centred since long time ago in the chemical and pharmacological characterization of
neuroactive natural compounds.
At present, one of the main lines of research is based on the analysis of the chemical
pharmacology of natural nicotinic receptor agonists in a model of Parkinson´s Disease,
assessing their neuroprotective capacity as a potential therapeutic alternative.
Another main line of research is devoted to the assessment of the neuroprotective
potential of flavonoids and their mechanisms of action in models of chronic ischemia
in rats and neonatal hypoxia in newborn piglets. Basic mechanisms are explored in
primary culture of neurons.
The development of these research activities are performed through a variety of
techniques, from cell in cultures to models in vivo, applying HPLC, micro dialysis,
Western blot techniques, PCR, immunohistochemistry, transfection studies,
assessment of cellular signalling, behaviour analysis, etc.