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 B Accredited By NAAC (2009) New Syllabus For M.Sc‐II. Computer Science Sem.­III & IV Syllabus to be implemented from June 2011 onwards. M.Sc Computer Science(Regular)
Semester- III
PAPER – M.Sc 3.1 Artificial Intelligence
Unit- 1 :
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Problem Solving: Definition, AI Applications,
state and space search, depth first search, bredth first search, Heuristic search techniques, Best
first search, Mean and ends analysis, A* and AO* Algorithm
Knowledge Representation using Predicate Logic: Predicate calculus, Predicates and
Arguments, WFF, rule based representation, Resolution, principal, unification, modes pones.
Unit- 2 :
Structured Knowledge Representation
Monotonic and non-monotonic reasoning, Semantic Net, Frames, Script, Conceptual
Game Playing & Natural Language Processing
Minmax search procedure, Alphabeta cutoffs, vision, Introduction to natural language processing
Unit- 3:
Concept of learning, Types of learning, learning automata, learning induction, Introduction to
neural network
Expert System
Utilization and functionality, architecture of Expert system, Knowledge representation, Forward
and backward chaining, Two case studies on expert systems.
Unit- 4:
AI Laboratory
Prolog Programming language, exercises
Text Books
1. Dan W. Patterson, “Artficial Intelligence & Expert Systems”
Elaine Rich, Kerin Knight, " Artificial Intelligence"
Rajendra Akerkar, “Introduction to artificial Intelligence”
Eugene Charniak, Drew McDermott, "Introduction to Artificial Intelligence".
Russel & Norvig, “ Artificial Intelligence”, (PHI)
M.Sc Computer Science(Regular)
Semester- III
Paper—M.Sc 3.2 Complier Techniques
Introduction to Compiling: Compilers, Phases of a compiler, Compiler construction tools,
Lexical Analysis: Role of a Lexical analyzer, input buffering, specification and recognition of
tokens, finite automata, designing a lexical analyzer generator.
(15 hrs)
Syntax Analysis: Role of Parser, CFG, Writing grammars for context free environments, Topdown parsing, Recursive descent and predictive parsers (LL), Bottom-Up parsing, LR, SLR, and
LALR parsers.
(15 hrs)
Syntax Directed Translation: Syntax directed definitions, Evaluation order for SDD’s,
Construction of syntax trees, syntax directed schemes, implementing L-attributed SDD’s,
Intermediate Code Generation: Types and declaration, type checking, control flow,
backpatching, switch statement, intermediate code for procedures.
(15 hrs)
Code Generation: Issues in design of a code generator and target machine model, Addresses in
the target code, basic blocks and flow graphs, Optimization of basic blocks.
References: 1. Compilers - Principles, Techniques and Tools - A.V. Aho, R. Shethi and J.D.Ullman
(Pearson Education.)
2. Compiler Design – G. Sudha Sadasivam, SCITECH publications
3. Compiler Construction - Barret, Bates, Couch (Galgotia)
M.Sc Computer Science(Regular)
Semester- III
Paper—M.Sc 3.3 Dot Net Programming
Unit 1:
Overview of .NET framework, problems with the earlier languages and .NET solution.
Overview of .NET binaries and .NET architecture. The role of Microsoft Intermediate
Language and Metadata. Understanding Common Language Runtime, Common Type
System and Common Language Specification. .NET base classes, overview of .NET
assemblies, .NET memory management.
Unit 2:
Introduction to Visual Studio .NET, Visual Studio .NET IDE., Building Visual
Basic .NET application. VB.NET language fundamentals, object oriented
programming with VB.NET, cross language inheritance, Namespaces, accessing
the registry. Interfaces and collections – Understanding interface-based
programming, building a custom enumerator, building a cloneable object,
comparable objects
Unit 3:
Introducing Windows Forms, GDI+ namespaces, Windows Form controls.
Data access with ADO.NET – The need for ADO.NET, ADO.NET namespaces,
ADO.NET managed providers, OLEDB managed providers, SQL managed providers,
Accessing XML through ADO.NET.
Unit 4:
Web development and ASP.NET – Problems with classic ASP. Benefits of ASP.NET,
ASP.NET namespaces, architecture of ASP.NET web application.
Building and understanding web services, anatomy of a web service, overview of web
service namespaces, building a simple web service, Web Service Description Language
(WSDL), generating a proxy with VB.NET. Deployment of a VB.NET application.
1. Visual Basic .NET and the .NET platform – An Advanced Guide – Andrew Troelsen.
2. Programming Visual Basic .NET – Dave Grundgiger.
3. Teach Yourself Visual Basic .NET in 21 days – Duncan Mackenzie and Kent Sharkey
4. Introducing Microsoft .NET – David S. Platt
5. Database Access with Visual Basic .NET – Jeffrey P. McManus, Jackie goldstein and Kevin
T. Price.
6. ASP.NET Projects – Building 10 Enterprise Projects – Eric A. Smith
M.Sc Computer Science(Regular)
Semester- III
Paper—M.Sc 3.4 Parallel Computing
UNIT 1: (15hrs) Parallel Computer models : The state of computing, Elements Of Modern Computer, Evolution
of computer architecture, System attributes, Multiprocessor: Multiprocessor system interconnect
, Hierarchical bus system, crossbar switch, Multiport memories, Multistage network, Functional
structures , Multiprocessor Scheduling , Multicomputer, Multivector and SIMD computer:
SIMD array processor, SIMD interconnection network, SIMD matrix multiplication, PRAM
architecture and models.
UNIT 2: (15 hrs) Program and Network Properties : Conditions of parallelism, Data and resource dependences,
Hardware and software parallelism, Program partitioning and scheduling, Program flow
mechanism. Introduction of Parallel Computing: Implicit Parallelism, Dichotomy of
Parallel Computing Platforms, Physical Organizations of Parallel Platforms,
Cache Coherence
in Multiprocessor System, Communication Costs in parallel machines. Routing mechanism for
interconnection networks, Impact of process- processor mapping and mapping techniques.
UNIT 3: (15 hrs) Principles Of Parallel Algorithm Design: Basics of computation,Decomposition
techniques,mapping techniques for load balancing. Parallel Algorithm Models.
Communication perations:One-to-All Broadcast and All-to-one reduction,All-toAllBroadcast and Reduction, All-Reduce and prefix-Sum operations.Scatter and Gather
UNIT 4: (15 hrs)
Message Passing Computing : Principles of Message Passing Programming ,
Opeartions, Groups and communicators, MPI programming compilation and execution.
Elementory Algorithms -Matrix manipulation, Graph connectivity and traversal, Tree
traversal, Sorting and searching on PRAM, Fourier Tranformations.
References: ‐ 1. Kai Hwang, Advanced Computer Architecture Parallelism Scalability Programmability,TMH
2. Anath Grama,Anshul Gupta,George Karypis and Vipin Kumar-Introduction to
parallel Computing.
3. V.Rajaraman - Elements of Parallel Computing (PHI)
4. Selim Akl - The design and analysis of parallel algorithms (PHI)
5. Michael J. Quinn Parallel Programming in C with MPI and OpenMP McGrawHill Paper - M.Sc LAB-V Laboratory course
(Based on paper M.Sc 3.1 and M.Sc 3.3 )
Paper - M.Sc. LAB-VI Project & Viva
M.Sc Computer Science(Regular)
Semester- IV
Industrial project/ Research project to be developed in this semester Equivalence for semester- III and IV M.Sc. (Computer Science) Regular
Sr. no Paper no New Syllabus Old syllabus titles titles Equivalence for old syllabus from new syllabus Sem-III
1 M.Sc. 3.1 Artificial
Intelligence Distributed computing Two more chances should be
given to old candidates 2 M.Sc. 3.2 Compiler
Techniques Software Engineering MSc1.2: Object Oriented
Software Engineering
(Semester one) M.Sc. 3.3 Dot Net
Programming Internet Technology Two more chances should be
given to old candidates M.Sc. 3.4 Parallel
Computing Computer Graphics Two more chances should be
given to old candidates Sem-IV
Research/ Industrial project Soft Computing Artificial intelligence
(sem-III M.Sc. 3.1) Simulation and
Two more chances should be
given to old candidates Image Processing and
Pattern Recognition
Two more chances should be
given to old candidates Mobile Computing
Two more chances should be
given to old candidates Information Retrieval
Two more chances should be
given to old candidates