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Part 2
Principle: Be True to Thy Brand
Copyright © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall
What is the difference between objectives,
strategies, and tactics in strategic planning and
how are the three levels of planning connected?
How is a campaign plan constructed, and what are
its six basic sections?
What is account planning and how is it used in
In what ways does an IMC plan differ from an
advertising plan?
Copyright © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall
Copyright © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall
For marketing communication, strategic planning is
the process of:
identifying a problem that can be solved with
marketing communications
determining objectives
deciding on strategies
implementing tactics
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What do each of these terms mean?
Objective: what you want to
Strategy: how to accomplish the
Tactics: actions that make the plan
come to life.
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The business plan and marketing plan provide
direction for advertising planning and other areas of
marketing communication.
The business plan may cover an SBU (strategic
business unit), which is a line of products or all
offerings of a brand.
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Objectives focus on profit or return on investment
ROI is revenue earned above the amount invested.
Business planning starts with a business mission
statement; an expression of broad goals and policies.
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Developed for a brand or
product line, usually annually.
Parallels the business strategic
plan and contains many of the
same components.
A market situation analysis
assesses the environment
affecting marketing.
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Here, the “SWOTs” are also defined:
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For marketing communication (marcom)
managers, the marketing mix strategy is key.
It includes decisions about:
Target market
Brand position
Product design and performance
Marketing communication
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As with business and marketing plans, advertising
and marketing communication plans also includes
objectives, strategies, and tactics.
The focus is on the communication program
supporting a brand.
◦ Audience insight
◦ Message
◦ Medium
…are at the heart of an advertising plan.
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Copyright © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall
A campaign plan is more
tightly focused on solving a
particular problem in a
specified time.
It includes a variety of marcom
messages carried in different
media and sometimes targeted
to different audiences.
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1. Situation analysis
2. Key strategic campaign decisions
3. Media strategy (or points of contact in an IMC plan)
4. Message strategy
5. Other Marcom tools used in support
6. Campaign management
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Research and review the state of the business that is
relevant to the brand and gather all pertinent
In the situation analysis, the goal is to identify a
problem that can be solved with communication.
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SWOT analysis
Finding ways to leverage the strengths and
opportunities, address the weaknesses and threats.
Strengths: positive traits, conditions and good situations
Weaknesses: traits, conditions, situations perceived as negative
Opportunities: areas in which the company could develop an
advantage over its competition
Threats: a trend or development in the environment that will
erode business unless the company takes action
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This two-week Kellogg’s Special K challenge promises customers they will
lose up to six pounds in two weeks by replacing two meals a day with
Special K and eating a sensible third meal. Reaching consumers at the
moment they are in need and delivering a simple diet was highly effective
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Key Problem(s)
Analyze the market situation for communication
problems that hinder successful marketing.
Find opportunities advertising can create or exploit.
Advertising can’t solve price, availability, or quality
problems, but it can address the perception of these
marketing mix factors.
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Formal goal statements outlining what the message
is supposed to achieve and how it will be measured.
Main effects and objectives: Recall the six categories
in the facets model of advertising effects:
These can be used to identify common consumerfocused objectives.
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Some objectives are tightly focused on a single effect;
others require a complex set of effects.
For example, a campaign to create brand loyalty
◦ generate cognitive (rational) effects.
◦ generate affective (emotional) effects.
◦ move people to repeat buying (behavioral).
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Measureable objectives
Every campaign is guided by specific, clear and
measurable objectives.
Objectives must be measurable so advertisers know
whether the campaign or advertising is effective.
Benchmarking: a similar product or prior brand
campaign is used to predict a logical goal.
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Measureable objectives
Five requirements:
1. A specific effect that can be measured
2. A time frame
3. A baseline (where we are or where we begin)
4. The goal (a realistic estimate of change to be
5. Percentage change (subtract the baseline from the
goal; divide the difference by the baseline)
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Marketing communication strategy is based on
accurately targeting an audience that will respond
to a particular message.
Targeting is identifying and profiling an audience.
Targeting is also getting inside the heads and
hearts of the audience to find out what kinds of
messages will motivate them.
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A brand’s position is how
consumers define the product
or brand in comparison to its
A position must be based on a
particular feature or attribute
that is important to the
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Product features and attributes
Product differentiation is a strategy that focuses attention
to product differences that distinguish the company’s
product from others in the eyes of consumers.
Competitive advantage is found:
1. where the product has a strong feature
2. in an area that is important to the target
3. where the competition is weaker
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These anti–drunk driving posters were used in the Nightlife Navigators
campaign at the University of Florida. What is the positioning strategy?
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Locating the brand position
A number of factors can be used, including:
• Superiority position
• Benefit position
• Preemptive position
• Usage position
• Value position
• Competitor’s
• Psychological
• Category factors
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Repositioning can only work if the new position is
related to the brand’s core concept.
Although advertising shapes the position, the
position is anchored in the target audience’s minds
by their personal experiences.
The role of the brand communication strategy is to
relate the product’s new position to the target
market’s life experience and associations.
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Brand identity
Must be distinctive and familiar in terms of name,
logo, colors, typeface, design, and slogan.
Brand personality and liking
It should have human characteristics like loving,
trustworthy, sophisticated.
Brand position and understanding
The soul or essence of the brand; it stands for
something that matters to consumers.
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Brand image
The mental impression customers construct for a
product based on symbols and associations that
customer link to a brand.
Brand promise and brand preference
Believing the promise that a brand will meet your
expectations leads to brand preference.
Brand loyalty
A connection built over time that leads to repeat
Copyright © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall
Determining how to achieve objectives requires a
general strategy statement.
Strategies may focus on:
◦ branding
◦ positioning
◦ countering the competition
◦ creating category dominance
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Five common methods:
Historical Method: Last year’s budget plus inflation;
not based on goals.
Objective-Task Method: What do we want to do and
what will it cost? Based on goals.
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Five common methods:
Percentage-of-Sales Method: Compares total sales
with total advertising to get ratio.
Competitive Budgets: Use competitors’ budgets as
benchmarks and relates to the product’s share of
All you can afford: Whatever is left over; not a
strategic approach.
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An online mini-film commercial for American Express featuring Jerry
Seinfeld was designed to entertain and create brand liking. It also generated
buzz, which extended its impact through the power of word of mouth.
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Evaluation: determining effectiveness
Evaluation is the process of determining the
effectiveness of a campaign.
It’s impossible without established, measurable
In effect, evaluation is a research proposal.
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Copyright © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall
The research and analysis process used to gain
knowledge of the consumer, and uncover key
consumer insights about how people relate to a brand
or product.
An account planner is the agency person who uses a
disciplined system to research a brand and its
consumer relationships to devise message strategies
to effectively address consumer needs and wants.
Copyright © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall
The account planner’s mission is to discover:
Who? Who are you trying to reach and what insight do
you have about how they think, feel, and act? How
should they respond to your advertising message?
What? What do you say to them? What directions from
consumer research are useful to the creative team?
Where? How and where will you reach them? What
directions from research are useful to the media team?
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The account manager is seen as the voice of the
The account planner is seen as the voice of the
As a class:
Explain what these differences mean to you.
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Understanding begins with consumer research, which
is at the core of account planning.
Account planners are:
◦ information integrators who bring it all together.
◦ synthesizers who express what it all means in one
simple statement.
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Account planners look at advertising as an “insight
factory” instead of an “idea factory.”
Consumer insights are the fuel that fires the ideas.
Account planners interpret consumer research to find
relevant consumer insights that explain why
consumers will care about a brand message.
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Insight mining
 Finding the “a-ha” in a stack of research reports, data,
and transcripts is the greatest challenge for an
account planner.
Account planners are looking for clues about the
brand’s meaning, usually phrased in terms of:
◦ Brand essence
◦ Brand personality
◦ Brand image
Copyright © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall
These outdoor boards are for SeaPort Airlines, which serves Seattle,
Juneau, Portland, and other West Coast cities. They make a statement
about the SeaPort target audience—influential business travelers—and
their lifestyle.
Copyright © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall
The outcome of research, the communication brief or
creative brief is a document that explains the
consumer insight and summarizes the basic strategy
The first step in the creative process, it is designed to
spark creativity and serve as a springboard for ideas.
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Problem: What’s the problem that communication can solve?
(establish position, increase loyalty, increase liking, etc.)
Target audience: To whom do we want to speak? (brand loyal,
heavy users, infrequent users, competition’s users, etc.)
Consumer insights: What motivates the target? What are the
“major truths” about the target’s relationship to the product?
Brand imperatives: What are the important features and
competitive advantage? What’s the brand position, essence,
personality and/or image?
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Communication objectives: What do we want customers to do in
response to our messages? (perception, knowledge, feelings,
symbolic meanings, attitudes and conviction, action)
The proposition or selling idea: What is the single thought that
the communication will bring to life in a provocative way?
Support: What is the reason to believe the proposition?
Creative direction: How can you best stimulate the desired
response? How can we best say it?
Media imperatives: Where and when should we say it?
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Copyright © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall
Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) planning
is similar to advertising planning but is broader in
scope and involves more marketing communication
The objective is to most effectively use all marketing
communications tools and functions and to control
the impact of other communication elements.
Effective IMC leads to profitable long-term brand
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IMC objectives are tied to the effects created by the
various forms of marketing communication.
The main areas of IMC:
Public Relations
Consumer sales promotion
Trade sales promotion
Point of purchase
Direct marketing
Sponsorship and events
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Any group who has a stake in the success of a
company or brand (employees, shareholders).
Contact points
IMC maximizes all contacts stakeholders have with
the brand; where a message is delivered.
The seventh principle of IMC:
All contact points deliver brand messages.
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IMC planning involves many messages delivered
through multiple media at different contact points.
Synergy: the brand impact of all messages together is
greater than what any one message could deliver.
The eighth principle of IMC:
Consistency drives synergy.
Synergy requires cross-functional planning. Everyone involved in
creating and delivering messages should be involved in planning to
ensure consistency.
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In Part 3, we will:
Review the creative side of marketing
In Chapter 8, we will:
 Continue the strategy discussion in terms
of message strategy.
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“Winning the Coke Zero
Infringement Case”
How did the Coke Zero campaign strategies
work at:
◦ exciting the interest of young males?
◦ conveying that Coke Zero tastes similar to
real Coke?
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“Winning the Coke Zero
Infringement Case”
Key lessons:
Review the three measurable objectives:
Increase brand awareness
Motivate the target audience to try Coke Zero
Convince men ages 18 to 34 that Coke Zero tastes like Coke.
As a class: What others can you think of?
Copyright © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall