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Today’s buyers are in the driver’s seat as opposed to sitting shotgun,
meaning the sales process has become more of a nightmare than ever before. While
good salespeople have adapted their strategies to appeal to today’s more knowledgeable,
demanding consumer, their less-successful counterparts are bogged down by old habits.
So… what category do you fall under?
Well Researched
Shoots in the Dark
89% of world-class
The majority of sales
people are NOT ALIGNED
with the needs of their buyer.5
sales organizations
clearly understand
their customers
as compared to 29%
of average companies.1
Wings the Pitch
Thoroughly Prepared
When compared to
average performers,
salespeople are
more likely to prepare
for sales calls.1
40% of sales
representatives prepare
only a day in advance
of a presentation.4
Uses Cutting-Edge Technology
Stuck with Rolodexes and Post-its
Innovative technology
solutions such as CRM
and marketing automation
are steering sales.
78% of representatives
get frustrated regularly
with their inability to
quickly find materials.4
Values Marketing Alignment
Companies that have marketing
and sales alignment are
better at closing deals and generate
209% more revenue from marketing.2
Embraces Follow-up
50% of sales go to
Fights with Marketing
Companies with no sales & marketing
alignment reported an average
decline in revenue. 5
Dismisses Lead Nurturing
72% of buyers admitted
the first salesperson to
contact the prospect.3
that the first sellers to
respond has the advantage.
Yet, the majority of salespeople give up after the
first “no.” 6
Sales & Marketing Intelligence
$ +28.4%
Companies that support
sales teams with sales
intelligence see a 28.4%
increase in year-over-year
company revenue.7
Data as a Service (DaaS) is
one of the fastest growing
ways to provide sales &
marketing intelligence.8
The use of data from DaaS
providers will double by
the end of 2014.8
Organizations that use DaaS providers report greater financial benefits from analytics/big
data initiatives. One-quarter (26.7%) of organizations using DaaS providers employ a
range of sources.8 Currently, their number one supplier is Dun and Bradstreet (18% of
organizations use this source). Outsell ranked Dun and Bradstreet #1 as the Sales and
Marketing Intelligence Provider.
1 - 2013 Miller Heiman Sales Best Practices Study Executive Summary: The Growing Gap Between Good & Great
2- 2013 Sales and Marketing Alignment Study (Marketo)
3- Lead Response Management Study (
4- State of the Sales Rep, Benchmarks for the way reps prepare for, present at, and follow up after sales meeting (BrainShark)
5- Sales & Marketing Alignment: How the Best-in-Class and Sage Customers Succeed (Aberdeen Group)
6- Online Buyer Expectations: A Study of Personal and Business Buying Experiences and Where Sellers Fall Short (Velocify)
7- Targets, Triggers and Trust: Capitalize on Sales Intelligence to Close More Business (Sand Hill)
8- ZDNet Big Data Priorities 2013 Report
Read the Sales & Marketing Intelligence Service Report by Outsell here!