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A service project of
The School of Ageless Wisdom
Cycles is a monthly publication of The School of Ageless Wisdom. The members of the School
are experimenting with rejoining astrology and astronomy. The experiment is called Astrochemistry
and involves using astronomical calculation to determine cyclic energy patterns and the works of
Alice A. Bailey and the Agni Yoga series as aids in determining the meaning and significance of
these cycles. This information is intended to be useful in daily life.
Disciple/Initiate: Taurus – Illumined living. The Light of Life.
The School will be open from
7 am, Sunday, June 11, for
study and meditation. The
Great Invocation will be
sounded by all present every
half hour. Candle lighting and
group meditation begin at
7:30 pm.
We now arrive at the last of the twelve
signs which we have been considering
and the last of those which affect humanity. It is also the second sign which
— after the reorientation preceding discipleship — produces changes and opportunity for the disciple. We come also
to the sign which is called “the sign of
the major life incentive,” because Tau-
Festival in
rus is the symbol of desire in all its
phases. Whether the subjective man is
impelled by desire, or the disciple is
driven forth upon the path of return by
the urge of aspiration, or whether the
initiate is controlled by the will to cooperate with the Plan, he is, nevertheless,
being responsive to the most potent
manifestation of a little known and understood aspect of divinity, to which we
give the inadequate name of the Will of
God. (Esoteric Astrology, pp 370-371)
Now, as the Shamballa force is beginning to pour into the world, man is seeking another interpretation of God’s will
which will not involve the hitherto blind
acquiescence and unavoidable acceptance of the inscrutable dictates of a
potent, inescapable Providence, but
which will produce an understanding
cooperation with the divine Plan and an
enlightened fusion of the individual will
World Invocation Day,
Candle lighting &
Full Sun Meditation
At the time of the full moon, the moon
is completely out of the way of the
Sun’s radiation to the Earth. This is
the time of highest spiritual potential
and the time that the school holds a
public meditation. All are welcome to
this planetary service.
Sun 11 June 2006, 7 am - 7:30 PM
New Moon Meditation
We also have a meditation at the
time of the new moon. All are welcome.
Mon 26 June 2006, at 7:00 PM
(map on last page)
Key Word for the Disciple:
“I see and when the Eye is opened, all is light.”
Soul-Light of Taurus :
The penetrating Light of the Path.
This is a beam of light, streaming forth from the point in Aries,
and revealing the area of light control.
with the great, divine will and this for the
greater good of the whole. For this desirable attitude there is worldwide preparation going forward in a simple and unobtrusive manner through the gradual
fomentation of the will-to-good everywhere and the demand, so universally
voiced, that human conditions may be
more truly enlightened, more acutely
polarised for the benefit of the whole and
more definitely subordinated to the innate divine urge for beauty, synthesis
and the free expression of the hidden
mystery which is to be found at the heart
of all forms. It is going forward also
through the constant attempt to comprehend and interpret the Plan for humanity, as its broad outlines begin to become
apparent to the developing intelligence
of man. (Esoteric Astrology, pp 371-372)
There is at this time, owing to the influx of the Shamballa force, the establishing of a peculiar relation or alignment
between the constellation, Taurus (with
its own specific alignment with the Pleiades and Great Bear) the planet, Pluto,
and our Earth. This produces much of
the present world difficulty and one
which the modern astrologer would do
well to consider. It constitutes a major
cosmic triangle at this time, conditioning much that is now happening.
This Shamballa force is that which
“fans or intensifies the light by the removal of obstructions and proceeds from
far distant places, pouring through the
eye of illumination into those spheres of
influence upon the sorrowful planet, the
Earth, impelling the Bull upon its onward
rush.” So speaks the Old Commentary.
The import of this is that the energy of
will — newly released by Sanat Kumara
upon our planet — emanates, via the
head centre of the planetary Logos, from
the Great Bear; it is stepped down in vibration via one of the Pleiades (hence
its influence upon matter and hence also
its pronounced Taurian effects upon humanity) and so enters into the solar system. It is there absorbed by that major
centre of our planetary life to which we
give the name, Shamballa. Its effect is
necessarily twofold. It produces in certain nations, races and individuals, a
welling up of the self-will or of the willto-power which is characteristic of the
developed lower nature, the personality
aspect of integrated selfhood. It produces — though less readily — a stimulation of the will-to-serve the plan as it
Pleiades Star Cluster from
Credit: NASA, ESA and AURA/Caltech
Image Type: Astronomical
is grasped by the world aspirants, the
world disciples and initiates. Thus are
the purposes of Deity materialised.
Owing to the world glamour, the true
purpose and ideal set before our planetary forces by the all-creating Will become distorted by many people. They
are not polarised in the divine will but
are as yet centred in their personalities
and hence only the few appreciate the
beauty of the intended group life, group
purpose and group fusion. Group living
tends to the fulfillment of free will in service and a free subordination of the
lower will to the higher purpose in group
formation. Through the glamour contacted, however, this group activity and
life becomes twisted into the imposed
will and the concept of the super-state.
This gives a clue to much that is happening today and to the headstrong
progress of the glamoured peoples, to
the stiffening of individuals in their separative, wrong idealisms and to their acceptance of the imposition of a rule of
life and an order of living which is imposed upon them by force and which is
not the free expression of a free people.
The same force, secondly, brings to
other peoples and individuals a measure of illumination — an illumination
which reveals the underlying synthesis,
which indicates the dualism which must
finally vanish and which indicates also
the secret of right human relations. One
reaction produces the onward rush of
the materialistic systems of life, thought
and desire, dashing blindly forward in
the force of their own momentum and
producing a stage of powerful expression and active movement; the other
demonstrates in a far vision of possibility and a steady movement forward in
spite of the immediate dangers and difficulties. (E.A., pp 376-378)
We come now to a brief study of the
Rulers of this sign. As Taurus is so
close, esoterically speaking, to the sign
Aries which — in this world cycle — is
the sign of beginning, it constitutes, relatively speaking, a very complex aggregation of forces, being related not only
to Aries with its cosmic contacts, but
also to the Pleiades and the Great Bear.
Yet at the same time, it is very simple in
its expression for it is governed by only
two planets. Venus is its exoteric ruler
and Vulcan its esoteric and hierarchical
ruler. We touch upon one of the mysteries of the Ageless Wisdom. Venus
holds a unique relation to the Earth, different to that of any other planet and this,
therefore, brings about a much closer
relation between Taurus and the Earth
than perhaps exists in any other zodiacal relation where our planet is concerned. In saying this, I mean in this
particular world cycle and it the peculiar
stage of evolutionary unfoldment at
which mankind now finds itself. All is in
a state of flux and change; as man unfolds his consciousness, other constellations may come into pronounced activity in conjunction with the controlling
sign and still others may become more
remote in their contact and effect. Today, however, Taurus, Venus and the
Earth have a very close karmic relation
and a very definite dharma to work out
together. Just what that karma and relationship may prove eventually to be
lies beyond ordinary human understanding but some idea of it may be gained
by relating in your mind the words: Will,
Desire, Light and Plan. In voicing it thus,
I but step down and distort the relation,
but until men can think in simple symbols and without words and can interpret these hitherto unrecognized symbols correctly, more it is not possible to
The Universe is NOT confused, but the SUN DID ENTER
PISCES, on March 11; will enter Aries on April 18; will enter
Taurus on May 14; and will enter Gemini on June 21 at the
Summer Solstice. The Festivals often vary from the supposed Aries, Taurus, Gemini Energies.
The SPRING FESTIVALS 2006 will be on Wednesday, April
12 (EASTER FESTIVAL); Friday, May 12 (WESAK FESTIVAL); and Sunday, June 11 (CHRIST FESTIVAL).
The meanings and significance of the Festivals does not
alter, regardless of the specific dates.
To understand the relation of Venus
and the Earth, I would have you ponder
on what I earlier gave in A Treatise on
Cosmic Fire.
The entire relationship has been
summed up in the words: The planet
Venus is to the planet Earth what the
higher Self is to the Personality. Remember that the planet Venus is one of
the seven sacred planets whereas the
Earth is not. This statement involves,
as you can see, a deep mystery of relativity, of interplay and of eventual revelation. This revelation as to the relation of Earth’s alter ego to the world of
human life will only be revealed at the
third initiation, at which time all glamour
and illusion is dissipated and “the light
which shines through the eye of the Bull
will be unimpeded” and carry light into
the darkness. (E.A., pp 382-384)
quently acquire the facility to penetrate into the world of the Hierarchy
and reach eventually the door to the
Way of the higher Evolution. He will,
again consequently, function efficiently in the three worlds as the serving disciple.
Taurus: Ruler–Vulcan, Ray–1st
We are pressed to move forward without delay, without misused energy or
wasted time, into the life of simplicity and
spiritual power.
From DINA II, pg. 197-199
Instruction anent the antahkarana – from
the group angle –
It is a reflection – a conscious focused attitude – carried forward in
all life circumstances, which automatically registers the events conditioning the life of humanity. It therefore creates a stream of ascending
energy which is tinctured by the life
quality and the ray characteristics of
the group personnel. Along this
stream both the ascending and the
descending life quality and ray characteristics can pass at will, and the
disciple will increasingly register the
“things of the spirit”; he will conse-
In this paragraph you have indicated the
spiritual, meditative way of life of the individual disciple in relation to his own
soul, and later to the Ashram; you have
the group way of life, as it penetrates
into the Hierarchy, and you have also
the hierarchical technique which enables
that great Group to penetrate into a still
higher spiritual center and bring down
The entire Science of Invocation and Evocation
is contained in the word “meditation”
from Shamballa that understanding of
divine Purpose which will precipitate as
the hierarchical Plan; this will enable the
Hierarchy to form a great serving group.
No matter how high you may go in the
scale of Being, you will find – from the
fourth kingdom of nature onward – that
the technique of meditation governs all
expansions of consciousness, all registration of Plan or Purpose and, in fact,
the entire process of evolutionary unfoldment. It is a technique of spiritual apprehension, of focusing attention on
some level of consciousness or other,
and also of originating modes of contact.
The entire Science of Invocation and
Evocation is contained in the word
“meditation”; this science ranges from
the subjective, unconscious appeal of
the inchoate, voiceless masses, through
many phases, until it attains that high
mode of scientific invocation which gov-
erns the contact made in the Council
Chamber of Shamballa with extra-planetary sources of spiritual inflow. It is
through meditation in some form or another that contact is made; this again is
progressive in nature. The formulated
idea of the unspiritual man to make a
contact with that which will later condition his life and lead to a betterment of
his daily life in a material sense, or which
will make living possible, is perhaps the
lowest aspect; the brooding, experimental thinking of the scientist or artist is
another form of meditation and higher
in purpose and in intention, and this
meditative process is better formulated
and has (if you think correctly) definite
group implications. The mode whereby
the Members of Hierarchy and the personnel of their Ashrams arrive at an intense spiritual perception, and arrive
also at a selfless formulation of the divine Plan which will implement divine
Purpose in the world, is likewise an ex-
the technique
of meditation
governs all expansions of
pansion of all previous meditations;
whilst the concentrated clear and dynamic invocation of the spiritual Beings
who have created – or more accurately
– have formed Shamballa, is the highest form of meditation possible upon our
It might also be stated that it is meditation which is responsible for transforming the desire of the ordinary human
The Great Invocation
From the Point of Light within the Mind of God
Let Light stream forth into the minds of men.
Let Light descend on Eatth
From the point of Love within the Heart of God
Let Love stream forth into the hearts of men.
May Christ return to Earth
From the Center where the Will of God is known
let Purpose guide the little wills of men The Purpose which the Masters know and serve.
From the center which we call the race of men
Let the Plan of Love and Light work out.
And may it seal the door where evil dwells.
Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.
The Hodge 301 Cluster: Multiple Generations of Stars in the Tarantula Nebula
being upon our planet into the spiritual
will, which is ever the agent of the Purpose. It is therefore meditation which
produces individual, group and planetary
alignment, and this alignment is always
the first stage of the meditation objective and the final or permanent stage
attained. Think on this.
Meditation is also eliminative in its effects and (if I may use such a term)
ejects out of the individual and out of
the group that which is undesirable –
from the angle of the immediate spiritual goal.
Meditation is essentially the highest instrument and the perfected consummation of the third divine aspect, that of intelligent activity, and – as I have earlier
pointed out – is from every possible
angle carried on within the ring-pass-not
of the Universal Mind. It is the essential,
divine Prompter, the predominant creative agent, and the factor which fuses
and blends every aspect in the great Hierarchy of Being which is related to the
basic spiritual nature of our planet; this
was our major inheritance from the previous solar system – the Mind or Active
Meditation brings into creative alignment
instinct, intellect and the intuition, as well
as conscious Identification. It relates (in
an indissoluble unity) the so-called lower
or concrete mind, the group mind, the
hierarchical mind and the universal
Mind; it leads to a conscious alignment
of the disciple’s centers and also of the
three planetary Centers; it is invocative,
demanding, fusing, receptive and
distributory in nature. In the disciple it is
the agent which creates or builds the
antahkarana, controls – via the soul or
the Spiritual Triad – the head center,
M101 (also nicknamed the Pinwheel Galaxy) lies in the northern
circumpolar constellation, Ursa Major (The Great Bear)
Credit for Hubble Image: NASA and ESA
which is the point of focus, of spiritual
appeal and of spiritual reception; it controls also the ajna center (the center
between the eyebrows) which, in the
disciple, is the prime agent for the distribution of spiritual energy.
In the group, meditation leads to the fusion of the group personnel, to their
united invocative appeal, and – when
invocation has evoked response – it
leads to group receptivity to that which
has been spiritually demanded, and thus
to the spiritual service of the group.
In the group, meditation leads to the fusion of
the group personnel, to their united invocative
appeal, and – when invocation has evoked response – it leads to group receptivity to that
which has been spiritually demanded, and thus
to the spiritual service of the group.
In the Hierarchy, meditation takes two
major forms, and (you must remember)
in that great spiritual Center meditation
is an instinctual habit and needs no
forced process:
1. Meditation is that which sets in motion hierarchical response to the
invocative appeal rising from the three
worlds, and mainly to the invocative appeal carried forward consciously by all
who pray, all who make mystical appeal
and all who employ the method of occult meditation and direct invocation.
2. Meditation is the instinctual mode
whereby the Hierarchy – in response to
the invocation from the three worlds –
approaches the higher Center,
Shamballa; then the Hierarchy evokes
the energies, the Beings and the spiritual inflow which hierarchical service in
the immediate future requires. It is also
– in a unique sense – the technique
whereby the Masters themselves prepare for the sixth initiation, thus conditioning the Path of Life upon which they
will eventually find themselves and pass
thence to higher cosmic undertakings.
Astrological Signs
Map of the Astronomical Constellations
The bar at the top of this chart represents
the distribution of the astrological signs
throughout the year. Each sign is one
twelfth of the year. Below it is a map of
the zodiacal constellations as they ap-
pear in the sky. The straight line through them
represents the ecliptic, the apparent path of
the sun through the sky. Note that the signs
and the constellations do not match in time
any longer, and that the Sun appears to be
in some constellations longer than others
(44 days for Virgo and only 8 days for Scorpio). Also that the ecliptic passes through
a 13th constellation, Ophiuchus.
119. It may be noticed that patience
is developed to the extreme in certain
people while others are totally lacking
in this quality. What is the reason for
this? Such a basic quality cannot be a
matter of chance. Know that the possessor of patience has built it up in many
lives. A patient man is a worker of vast
experience. Only in great labors does a
man cognize the worthlessness of irritation. Before the Great Image he perceives the complete insignificance of
transitory manifestations. Without many
testings it is impossible to appraise and
distinguish the qualities of manifestations in life. One should not assume that
patience is a distinction conferred without reason; on the contrary, it belongs
to the qualities that have been earned
with special difficulty, both in the earthly
and in the subtle sojourn. Hence, the
patient man is rich in experience while
the impatient one is a novice in life. Thus
let us remember, for the Path.
120. Independence of action is an indispensable quality. It is likewise not
easily acquired. It may slip into arbitrariness or weaken to the point of dissolution. Every Teacher exerts his efforts to instill effective independent activity in the disciple, but how is one to
reconcile this with Hierarchy? There are
many misinterpretations impeding the
encompassing of this concept. Whole
treatises can be written about the contradiction between independent action
The Cygnus Loop
Supernova Remnant
and Hierarchy. There will be found very
cunning whisperers who will try to prove
that in this manner the immutability of
Hierarchy is being shaken. The
whisperers will try to conceal the fact that
the independent action must be accompanied by attunement, or, as is said, by
harmony, with all the degrees of consciousness.
121. One should know how to conquer the illusion of contradictions. It is
needful on the one hand to cultivate
kindheartedness and on the other to
understand austerity. For many, such a
task is completely insoluble; only the
heart can prompt when the two qualities will not contradict each other. The
heart will prompt when it is necessary
to rush to the help of one’s neighbor. The
heart will indicate when to stop short the
Key to Symbols
A Sun
v Vulcan
D Mercury
madness of a fierce animal. It is impossible to express in a word of law just
when the necessity of this or that action
becomes evident. Unwritten are the
laws of the heart, but only therein does
justice dwell, for the heart is the bridge
of the worlds.
Where are the scales of self-abnegation? Where is the judge of achievement? Where is the measure of duty?
The sword of knowledge flashes at the
command of the heart. For the heart
there will be no contradiction.
2. It must not be forgotten that each discovery is followed by discovery of its
antithesis. You have heard how radio
transmission has been interrupted over
wide expanses; this means that even
such a great discovery is not
untrammelled. Some rays make objects
invisible, and others pass through solid
bodies. Only thought and psychic energy
are absolutely untrammelled.
Humanity must select the most firm
paths. All mechanical discoveries merely
demonstrate the need of the power in
man himself. Let us be solicitous toward
everyone who can bring to humanity his
best strength. And let us be grateful to
the Brothers, who untiringly bring realization of psychic energy. On this path
there has to be much selflessness. The
ignorant cannot stand all the seekers of
the immutable treasures. Robbery may
be expected on the best path. Fortunately, the Bearers of the unseen treasures are invulnerable.
64. It must be understood that approach
to such a lofty concept as Brotherhood
imposes not an easy obligation. Each
deliverance from a petty habit requires
tension of the will. Furthermore, it may
happen that a seemingly abandoned
habit comes back again, and in a stronger degree; this means that this defect
has continued to exist in the depths of
the consciousness.
It may be asked, "Do habits linger on
for several incarnations?" They can remain, and even grow, if the sojourn in
the Subtle World has not been passed
in the higher spheres. Everywhere motive has the decisive significance.
Hence, at passage into the Subtle World
the motive will be the conductor. Not the
apparent but the heartfelt good intention
will be beautiful, more beautiful than the
most illustrious deeds. Only the man
himself knows how this or that feeling
has been engendered in him. He can
inwardly follow the process of growth.
Thus, the best judge is within oneself.
But let man remember that even in
the earthly existence an impartial witness has been given-the primary energy.
Non-discriminatory Policy
The School of Ageless Wisdom is non-discriminatory as
to sex, race, color, national or
ethnic origin in administration
of educational policies, admissions policies or any school
administered programs.
Astrochemical Pattern May 31, 2006 to July 2, 2006
NOTE: Days shaded in box A mark the Five-day Opportunity at the time of the Full123456789012345678901
Moon for Penetration, Polarization, and Precipitation.
Sun 1:04 pm CDT
31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Sun 11:06 am CDT
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 2
C May
• At 7:30 am CDT, June 21: Summer solstice (longest day, shortest night in N. Hemisphere)
• Sun enters (at the solstice) the astrological sign Cancer, but astronomically it has not quite reached Gemini.
(Ortho F, V)
(Eso v, I) (Hier 4 IV)
(Ortho D, IV)
(Eso F, V) (Hier
F, V
A=Lunar cycle
, III)
B=Day. C=Month. D=Astronomical Info. E=Constellation/Ruler/Ray F=Decanate/Planet/Ray
Other Work
is written, published and mailed to
those who subscribe. The School of
Ageless Wisdom shoulders most of the
financial responsibility. Please send
your subscriptions of $12 at the first of
the year. We do not send bills. Cycles
downloaded from the web site is free.
The School of Ageless Wisdom
The School of Ageless Wisdom
(817) 654-1018 Fax: (817) 654-1028
e-mail: [email protected]
School of Ageless Wisdom website:
Robert Muller School website:
Balanced Beginnings website:
Classes and Meetings
Yoga Classes (free) with an introduction to the Ageless Wisdom Philosophy (Call us)
Reading Groups meet Mondays from 7:00 to 9:00 pm and Sundays from 10 am to 12
noon to study and discuss. These classes are only for long term students of Alice
Bailey/Agni Yoga books. Call for more information.
Public Full Moon Meetings are held monthly at the Arlington headquarters.
Green Oaks Blvd.
Arlington, Texas
Arkansas Lane
Interstate 30
From I-30, exit Eastchase Parkway
and go South. Eastchase turns
into Green Oaks Blvd.
Royaloak Dr.
Balanced Beginnings is an early (prenatal-3 years) development program, designed
to create foundational patterns in the brain for later learning, while being sensitive to
the subtle psychology of the child and family.
The School of Ageless Wisdom 2006 Calendar including information on the signs
(astronomical and astrological), the energy behind the Sun for each day, the dates
of public meetings for the entire year, and days of 'renunciation and detachment', 'safe
guarding' and 'distribution' marked, plus UN Days and Years. ($7 plus postage)
A Catalog of all the books and published materials is available through the school.
Map to the School
Fort Worth
GEMUN (Global Elementary Model United Nations) is a service activity providing
elementary and middle school children an opportunity to role-play the assemblies of
the United Nations. Young people learn about international relationships, develop a
global perspective, and acquire many transferable skills. Call for details.
Robert Muller Schools International Consultant to World Core Curriculum Schools.
Vox Sophia is a publishing company of the School of Ageless Wisdom.
The School of Ageless Wisdom
6005 Royaloak Dr.
Interstate 20
NOTE: All cosmic graphics in Cycles are from and
astronomy information from Astronomical Calendar 2005, by Guy Ottewell.
From I-20, exit Green Oaks and go North.
6005 Royaloak Drive
Arlington, Texas, USA 76016