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British Columbia Geological Survey
Geological Fieldwork 1993
Clifford R. Stanley, Mineral Deposit Research Unit, U.H.C.
(MDRLI Contribution # 035)
KEYWORDS: Ecorlomic geology. porphyry, copper, gold,
supergene, alkalic. Nicola, Pothook. Sugarloaf, Cherry
Creek, diorite, monzonite, Iron Mask, Quesnellia.
The Pothwk deposit is one of several alkalic porphyry copper-gold ,deposits (Afton, Crescent, Ajax East,
Ajax West) developed in the Afton mining camp, located
10 kilometres west of Kamloops, British Columbia.
These deposits are,311 hosted by the Iron Mask batholith,
a large composite alkalic inwsion of earliest Jurassic age
that intrudes latest 'Triassic Nicola volcanic rocks of the
Quesnellia oceanic island arc terrain (Souther. 1992). The
Pothook deposit is located on the southwestern edge of
the Iron Mask batholith. approximately 750 metres southeast of the much larger Afton copper--golddeposit (Figure
1). It contained a gcological reserve of 3.26 million tonnes grading 0.40% copper and 0.16 gram per tonne gold
($0.40 copper equivalent cut-off; Bond, 1985).
Between October 1986 and September 1988, Afton
Operating Corporation, a division of Teck Corporation,
mined 2.60 million tonnes of ore with an average grade
of 0.35% copper and 0.21 gram of gold per tonne froman
open-pit, with a stripping ratio of I : I .9 (L. Tsang, personal communication, 1993).
Detailed open-pit mapping ;at 1:300 stall , more rt?gional mapping of the area around the Potho lk deposit at
1:2400 scale, and drill-core logging carried 011 during; Ihe
summer of 1993 have documented the compl cated geclogical history of the deposit. Art open-pit mi p of the P:sfhook deposit is presented in Figure 2.
The geological history of the Pothook zc ne is summarized in Table I and a full description of tl e geolog,ir:al
units and events is presented in chronologica order b+
Several different volcanic lithologies act as hostrocks for the Iron Mask batholith in the depo ,it area.
These consist of: dark green tct black, aphyric to plagio.
clase-phyric, massive basalt flows; maroon t( dark grf:):
aphyric to sparsely plagioclase or augite-phy: ic, poorly
bedded, ash to lapilli mafic tuffs and lesser blocky agglomerates; black, crowded, augite-phyric, massive &Isalt flows; dark grey, crowded plagioclase-pk yric
andesite flows and feeder dikes; and dark gre :n to blacic,
crowded augite-phyric picrite flows (Snyder md Russell,
1993b). These units comprise the Carnian to iorian (la:..
est Triassic) Nicola Group on t b a southweste. n edge of
the Iron Mask batholith (Preto, 1977).
The Nicola Group was intruded during 11 e earliest
Jurassic (at approximately 2073 Ma; Ghosh, 993) by t ~ e
Iron Mask batholith. Several iutrusivebodies comprise
the batholith; all are exposed in the Pothook (,penpit.
The first to intrude wasthe Pothook dim te phase,
predominantly fine to medium-grained, equig ranular, pyagioclase-augite diorite with late poikilitic hio ite conta.ining both plagioclase and augite inclusions (Suyder and
Russell, 1993a). Disseminated magnetite in variable coocentrations up to 10%. and accessory potassil rn feldspsr
Figure I . Generalized geological map of the Iron Mask batholilh,
showing locationsof Ihe principle mineral deposits (after Kwong, and apatite also occur. The Pofhoek dioritein :orpOratal
Geological Fieldwork 1993. Paper 1994-1
Y !
Figure 2. Geological mapof the Pothook akalic porphyry copper-gold depositopen pit.
2 76
British Columbia GeologicalSurvey Branch
Fine to medium-grained Pothook
diorite intruder NicolaVOIC~II~ES
Medium-grained Pothook diorite
intrudes fine 111 mcdiumgrained Pothook diorltr
Steep N N W and ENE faulting
disrupts intmsive conLIcu
Cherry Creek mommite intrudes
earlier Pothook diorite phase
Steep N N W and ENE faulting
disrupts intrusive contam
Sugarloafdiorits dikes intrude
volcanic$ and fine to mediumgrained Pothook diorite
disrupts intrusive contacts
with Kaml<?ops Group
mag=magnetile; act= actinolite; plag-plagioclase; alb-albite; aug-augite; chi-chlorite;
biot-biotite; cpy-chalcopyrite; chakchalcocite
Geological Fieldwork 1993, Puper 1994-1
numerous blocksof volcanic rocks as xenoliths
the intrusion. In places, especially near the margins of the
diorite, these xenolithsare sufficiently abundant to comprise an intrusion breccia. Apophyses of Pothook diorite
also intruded along faults and steeply dipping depositional contacts in the volcanic hostrocks. A fine-grained
chilled margin of the diorite occurs at the intrusive contacts with these volcanics. Volcanic rocks adjacent tothe
diorite contact recrystallized to a biotite hornfels containing less than 1% disseminated pyrite cubesand disseminated magnetite.
A medium-grainedvariety of Pothook diorite was intersected at depth in exploration drill-holes. This latervariety intrudes the fine tomedium-grained Pothook diorite
variety, but is otherwise petrologicallysimilar. It is not
observed to intrude, nor contain xenoliths of, Nicolavolcanic rocks.
After the Pothook diorite intrusionhad cooled sumciently to allow brittle fracture, an episode of largely
steep faulting disrupted the diorite-volcanic contact
juxtaposed volcanicrocks, without contact metamorphic
recrystallization effects, and diorite. Displacements along
these numerous, steeply dipping faults (mosthave dips
>70)are probably vertical, appear tobe generally less
than I 0 0 metres, and several sets of fault orientations
were observed (NNWand E N E Figure 3). This faulting
alteration deappears to predate the pervasive potassic
scribed below.
After and probably during this steep faulting, magnetite-apatite-actinolite veins, blebs, schleiren and breccias formed along dilatant fractures. These fractures also
occasionally contain epidoteand chlorite, both within the
structures and in alteration envelopes surroundingthem,
Figure 3. Stereonet of poles to steeply dippingfaults cutting
Pothook dioriteand Nicola volcanics (n = 97).
Blebs and schleiren tend to occur in large envelopes
about major magnetite veins. The Magnet showing, and
probably other magnetiteveins in the Iron Mask batholith, formed at this time
(Cann, 1979). In the Pothook deposit area, all of these magnetite-bearing structures are
hosted by the fine to medium-grained Pothook dioriteor
by intrusion breccia with a fine to medium-grainedPothook diorite matrix. These magnetite-bearing structures
may have formed from coalescing orthomagmatic
hydrothermal fluids evolved from
other, still molten, parts
of the Pothook diorite during late stage crystallization.
The Cherry Creek monzonite
phase of the Iron Mask
batholith was next to intrude. In the Pothook area, it intruded only Pothook diorite (Stanleyet al., 1994, this volume). This intrusion is generally avery fine grained,
equigranular, potassium feldspar-plagioclase-biotiteaugite monzonitewith accessory magnetiteand apatite,
and trace quartz (Snyderand Russell, 1993a). It also contains small miarolitic cavities filledwith quartz, and locally exhibits an aplitic texture. Its emplacementwas
apparently controlled by pre-existing structures within
the Pothook diorite; it doesnot intrude Nicola volcanic
rocks in the Pothook area(Stanley et al., 1994). No contact metamorphic effects were observedin Pothook diorite adjacent tothe Cherry Creek monzonite.
A generally pervasive potassic alteration occurs
within but near the margins of the Cherry Creekmonzonite and in Pothook diorite adjacent to exposuresof
Cherry Creek monzonitein the open pit. This alteration
involved the ‘selective pervasive’ replacement of plagioclase by potassium feldsparin both phases, and the partial destruction of disseminated magnetitein the Pothook
diorite. Biotite remained stable, but augite was commonly replaced by epidote. At the margins, this ‘selective
pervasive’ alteration grades outward into fractureswith
potassic alteration envelopes, indicatingthat at least the
outer parts of these alteration zones formed from coalescing alteration envelopes. The close spatial association between this alteration and the monzonite suggests that
alteration is probably deutericand was related to andoccurred duringthe late stages of cooling of the monzonite.
The widespread nature of this alteration, and the pink colour imparted by the potassium feldspar, have causedpervasive, potassically alteredfine to medium-grained
Pothook diorite tobe confused with the fine-grained
Cherry Creek monzonitein the past (Stanley et al.. 1994,
this volume). In the Pothook open-pit, this early pervasive potassic alteration is restrictedto the north wall, adjacent toand above the exposure of Cherry Creek
After intrusionof the Cherry Creek monzonite, additional steep faultingtook place. Displacements occurred
largely along pre-existing structures,and this further disrupted intrusive contacts along the southwest edge
of the
British Columbia Geological Survey Branch
The second p+:riod of faulting was followed by the intrusion of the Sugarloaf diorite into carlierphases of the
Iron Mask batholith and surrounding rocks. This diorite
contains large, sparseto crowded, stubby hornblende phenocrysts, generally smaller augiteand commonly trachytically aligned plagioclase phenocrysts. These are set
in an
aphanitic groundmassof plagioclase and potassium feldspar with dissemirlated magnetite (Snyder andRussell,
1993a). TheSugarloaf diorite was emplaced as a setof
northwest-trending, steeply dipping dikes
along the southwestern edge of the batholith. These intrudeNicola volcanics more commonlythan Pothook diorite,do not
intrude the Cherry Creek monzonite, and are widest,
most abundant, and,in some casesradially oriented,
around Sugarloaf Hill, which is thought to be a volcanic
neck and intrusive:centre (Snyderand Russell, 1993b).
As such, the intrusive formof the Sugarloaf diorite resembles the classic hypabyssalvolcanic neck at Shiprock,
New Mexico (Press andSiever, 1978).
Sugarloaf dioriteproduced contact metamorphismin
adjacent volcanicrocks. This involvedthe completerecrystallization of mafic volcanic rocks to an actinoliteplagioclase hornfds with abundant disseminated
magnetite. This contact metamorphismwas texturally destructive so the protoliths of amphiholitized Nicola volcanic rocks canno't be ascertained. No contact
metamorphic effects are apparent in Pothook diorite
where it isintrudad by the Sugarloaf diorite dikes, probably because of the low hydration state of the Pothook
diorite and the stabilitiesof the minerals comprisingit under those metamorphic conditions. The more extensive
recrystallization of volcanic hostrocksassociated with
emplacement of the small Sugarloaf diorite dikesmay
suggest that these dikes wereintruded at higher temperatures than the Pothook diorite.Alternatively, the probably
higher volatile fugacityof the Sugarloaf phase, as indicated by its more porphyritic texture,
may have more efficiently catalyzed recrystallization
and metasomatism,
forming the higher grade hornfels.
Another stageof hydrothermal alteration t w k place
after intrusion of the Sugarloaf diorite. Thistook the form
of partial to pervasive albiticalteration and was confined
to the intrusiverocks. This alteration becomes pervasive
It probwhere envelopes surrounding fractures coalesce.
bite replaced plagioclase, augite andpotassium feldspar,
and chlorifer e p l ~ e dbiotite. Moderate but subequal
amounts of chalcopyrite and pyrite precipitation accompanied this alteration. This albitic alteration most
is intense (pervasive) on the southeastwall of the open pit,
below the ramp, where the Pothook diorite consists almost completelyof albite. Elsewhere, Pothook diorite is
incompletely albitized, occasionallyin fracture envelopes, where plagioclaseis selectively but pervasively replaced by albite but chlorite hasnot replaced biotite, and
augite and potassium feldsparremained stable. The Sugarloaf diorite is only'selective pervasively' albitized. AlGeological Fieldwork 1993, Paper 1994.1
bite replaced plagioclase and potassium feld ;par, but
hornblende generally 1ernaine.dstable. Suga loaf diorilc:
also containsblebs of epidote thought to be elated tcl \his
alterahon event.
The pervasive albitic alteration is oveq! inted by
fracture-controlled potassic alteration repres :nted by
through-going potassium feldspar-biotite-ep dote veins.
These were strongly controlled by steeply d pping. n8z-hnorthwest-striking fractures (Figure4) and L re restric:tt:d
to the Pothook dioriteand Cherry Creekmo lmnite i n n
sions. These veins are not significantly dilat Int but are
continuous across20 vertical and 30 horizo~)tal metre!:
and in many places constitute 'sheeted' veir sets. During
this hydrothermal alteration, different vein i nd envelopc
alteration mineral assemblages were producsdin different lithologies. Specifically, in unaltered to nodera1e:l.ialbitized Pothook diorite andCherry Creek mmzonite, the
veins are primarily filled by lmtassium feld: par and Ii..
otite and have epidote envelopes. In pervasively albitimtl
Pothook diorite, the veins are commonly fil ed by epidotm:
and have potassium feldspar and biotite en\ elopes. In :pe :vasive potassically altered Pothook diorite, he veins are
generally filled only by epidote:. All of thesl, potassium
feldspar - epidote veins contain smallbut SI bequal
amounts of chalcopyrite andpyrite, and are well developed on the southeast
wall of the open pit a lovethe
ramp, and along the north wall of the open- Dit just a h v e
the ramp on the lowerbenches. This slructlrally cor11~~31led potassic alteration introduced a small a1 lount of c o p
per and gold mineralization, as, chalcopyritl and bornite,
in the veins.
Following the episodeof fracture-con1 olled potlosic
alteration, further steep faulting dissected
ntany o f t ! ~ :
Sugarloaf diorite dikesand through-going 1 otassiunl feld-
Figure 4. Stereonet of poles UI strucNrally COI trolled pot;iosium
feldspar - epidote veins (n = 1, .).
spar-epidote veins, and further disruptedthe margin of
the Iron Mask batholith. Much of this movementtook
place along pre-existing structures.
None of the previously described pervasiveor fracture-controlled hydrothermal alteration events is characterized by the introductionof significant amountsof
copper to the Pothook area. The copper ore-forming
event is represented by
iron oxide - sulphide veins. On
the southwest sideof the open-pit, these veins are characterized by a chlorite-pyrite-chalcopyrite-magnetite(specular) hematite mineral assemblage, whereason the
northeast sidethey contain chalcopyrite, borniteand magnetite. These veins, like the potassium feldspar-epidote
veins that they cut, were not significantly dilatant. Similarly, they also have apreferred orientation approximately perpendicular to the orientation
of the potassium
west-southwest to
feldspar - epidote veins, ranging from
northwest with dips generally greaterthan 45 (Figure 5 ) .
The density of these mineralized veins appears to control
ore grade, and produced some very significant copper
and gold concentrations (occasionallyup to 2%Cu and 2
glt Au in exploration drilling samples). Where these
cut Nicola volcanic rocksor their metamorphosed equivalents, significant chlorite selvages and envelopes are developed. Where they cut intrusive rocks, epidote
on the vein margins.
envelopes and selvages predominate
These veins are not through-goingand tend to dissipate
into micro-fractureswith epidote orchlorite envelopes.
Previously existing fault zones are also at least partially
filled by theseiron oxide - sulphide veins.
In the centre of the open pit, and seen only
in drill
core, there is alarge body of hydrothermal brecciathat
contains rotated and clasts
of Pothook diorite, Cherry
Figure 5 . Stereonet of poles to iron oxide - sulphide veins
(n = 112).
Creek monzonite, Sugarloaf diorite, and
Nicola volcanics
in a matrix of rock flour, chlorite and pyrite,with subordinate amounts of magnetite, chalcopyrite andbornite. In
places, especially toward the centre of the breccia, these
clasts are well rounded due to milling, range
in size from
5 to 100 millimetres, and are clast supported.Toward the
margins of the breccia, fragments are larger and more angular, and the breccia grades into a crackle zone
with unrotated fragmentsin a disrupted stockworkof iron oxide sulphide veins. As such, the hydrothermal breccia and
veins are interpreted to be geneticallyrelated.
The mineralizing episode that produced the sulphidehearing veins and breccia was followed by, or possibly
evolved into, a propylitic episode
of chlorite veining without significant amountsof associated copperor gold mineralization. Chlorite veinlets fill narrow fractures
at all
scales, from large through-going joints down microto
fractures, in both volcanic and intrusive rocks.
They are
responsible for the predominantly darkcolour of rock exposures in the open pit because blasting has broken the
rocks along these veins, exposing
dark green chlorite.
This chlorite veining event involved no other alteration
minerals, except for minor amountsof calcite and disseminated pyriteintergrown with the chlorite. Chlorite
veins do not occur in pervasive albitically alteredPothook diorite. Rather, late kaolinite-calcite-filled microfractures are prevalent (Bond,1985). These veins may
be the equivalent to the chlorite veins, but contain no
chlorite because of the lackof iron and magnesium in intensely alhitized Pothook diorite.
Calcite veins crosscut the propylitic chlorite veins. In
the intrusive units, theseveins consist solely of calcite
with no associated alteration envelopes.In the Nicola volcanic rocks, they are commonly associatedwith talc and
serpentine, and have chlorite selvages. Calciteveins have
no preferred orientation, andare not through-going.In
general, wider calcite veins tend to be truncated by
smaller, crosscutting calcite veins. Wider calcite veins are
generally isolated from each
other, and thus are rarely
widespread and abundant enough to form crackle
of these calcite
Nevertheless, the overall distribution
veins suggest that the rocks have been intensively shattered, in spite of the relative absenceof large crackle
zones. The calcite veins postdate the sulphide-bearing
fluveins and probably formed from lower temperature
ids. They also partially fill pre-existing fault zones.
Another episodeof faulting followed the mineralizing and alteration events. Unlikethe earlier episodesof
faulting, movement occurred along relatively shallow
planes with southeasterly strikes and dips generally less
than 30 to the southwest (Figure6). Numerous faults
with this orientation cut the upper southwest wall of the
open pit, and display spoon-like, concave-upward(lisuic)
forms. The displacement directionis generally to the
southwest, and movements of
up to 50 metres are indicated on individual fault planes. Given the number of
these faults,the main mass of Pothook diorite and SugarBritish Columbia Geological Survey Branch
ment blanket. Instead, themeteoric fluids caused the destruction of primary copper sulphideminera ization ard
the formation of secondary native copperan i chalcocite.
This produced a supergene blanket without I opper enrichment (cJ Kwong, 1987). This weathering is Iredomi..
nantly fracture controlled, often occurring ir open spac:es
thought to be originally filled by calcite, anc penetrates
to depths of np to50 metres below the bedrc ck surfact: in
unfractured rocks andto depths greaterthan 200 metre !;
along faults.
Finally, further movementon pre-existi: Ig, northusststriking faultsdown-dropped supergene weathered material into grabens where they were protected iom
subsequent Pleistocene glacial erosion.
Figure 6. Stereonet of poles to shallow listric faults with
southwesterly directedthrow (n = 16).
loaf diorite dikes above these faults may
have been displaced significant ,distances from the margin of thebatholith (upto or exceeding250 m) ontounmetamorphosed
Nicola volcanics. This stageof faulting may reflect unroofing of the batholith,possibly during a period of extensional tectonics that affected theregion during the
Eocene (Souther, 1992).
Late, relatively rare mafic dikesintruded the Pothook area during the Eocene. These are aphyric to
sparsely plagioclase phyric and are unaltered. They may
be feeder dikes to
!.he mafic volcanic: rocks in the Eocene
Kamloops Group, which fills grabens formedduring extension (Souther, 1992).
Rare, late qualtz-calcite-chloriteveins cut through
all lithologies in the open pit. They partially fill all faults,
including those with shallow dips, and previously formed
veins with open spaces. They also fill shallow-dipping
fractures oriented parallel to the shallow-dipping 'detatchment' faults. These veins contain amethystine quartz and
may be related to hydrothermal activity associated with
Kamloops Group rnafic volcanic feeder dikes.
During a period of lateTertiary supergene weathering, some ofthe chalcopyrite and bornite was destroyed
and replaced by native copper, chalcocite and earthy
hematite. Pyrite WBS also partially destroyed and replaced
by earthy hematite and goethite during this supergene
event. This weathering appears to have occurred without
significant supergene enrichment, but local movements
into adjacent fractclres undoubtedly occurred. This relative lack of coppermobility was probably due to the high
calcite and low pyrite abundances in the deposit.The relative absence of pyrite limited the amountof acid that
could be produced during weathering, and the of calcite
neutralized any acid that wasproduced. This prevented
descending meteoric fluids becoming sufticiently acidic
to transport copper downward to form a supergene enrichGeological Fieldwork 1993, Paper 1994-1
Copper and gold grades in both explora ion drillholes and production blast-holes were exam ned to assess
lithological and structural controlson miner,ilization.
Scatterplots of copper and gold concentratio 1s are prn.
sented in Figure 7. This demonstrates thatcc pper ancl
gold concentrations are not well correlated, , md that, in
general, high copper concentlations occurin samples
with relatively low gold grades, and vice ve? FU. This lack
of correlation between copper and gold grad: is differmt
from most other alkalic porphyly copper-go1 d deposits,
which commonly exhibit strongly correlatedcopper ard
gold concentrations, and relatively constant :opper/go:d
ratios within individual deposit!; (average ral ios in individual deposits range from 10 OW to 25 OOO Stanley,,
Figures 8 and 9 are bubble plots of coprer and gold
blast-hole assays from the 2340-foot bench i 1 the Polhook open pit. Higher copper grades exhibita strong
structural control and define trends with vari Ible strike:;.
Many of these trends can
be traced directly i >tofault
zones mapped on the 2340-fool bench (Figu e 2). Th1:re
Figure 7. Scatterplot of explorationdrill-hole md produilion
blast-hole copper and gold assays from the 21(0, 2160, 222C,
2280,2340 and 2400-foot benches in the Pothoor open pit (n ::
10300 -
(n = 635).
11300 11100 10900 10700
Figure 9.Bubble plot of production blast-hole
gold assays from the 2340-foot bench of the Pothook
to enchance geochemical
contract.The smallest and largest bubbles correspond
to gold
and scaled
tonne, respectively (n = 635).
pit. Assays have
been transformed
of 0.034 28.972
and grams per
Survey Branch
fault zones are stecply dippingand were active before,
during and after mineralization in the Pothook deposit.
The distribution ofhigher gold concentrations, however, suggests that the gold and copper mineralization in
the Pothook depor,it isnot identically controlled(Figure
9). In fact, there is little correspondence between the locations of high gold and high copper concentrations in blast
holes. The lack of correlation between copper and gold,
in terms of both magnitude and space, maybe duein part
lo local mobility during supergene weathering, or to inaccuracies produced by nugget effects. However, given the
relatively high density of blast-holes (approximately 20foot spacing), the spacingof assays in exploration drillcore samples (continuous, immediately adjacent
intervals), and the masses of these samples ( >2 kg), it is
more likely that copper and gold do not share an identical
mineral paragenesis. Whereas thetiming of copper mineralization canbe d,:termined because the copperminerals
are visible, the timing of gold mineralization remains unclear. Copper and gold may have been introduced at different times,or by the differentmeans, during the
hydrothermal history of the deposit.
In the Pothook area, the Pothook diorite, Cherry
Creek monzonite and Sugarloaf diorite all intruded latest
Triassic Nicolavolcanics during the earliest Jurassic.
These intrusionsand their host-rocks have been affected
by several, largelypre-mineral, stages of hydrothermal alteration: rnagneti1.e veins and breccias controlled by fractures in the Pothook diorite;pervasive potassic alteration
associated with the Cherry Creek monzonite; pervasive
albitic alteration:associated with the Sugarloaf diorite;
and late, potassium feldspar - epidote veins.
Copper-gold mineralization in the Pothook area appears to hemost (closely related to Sugarloaf diorite dikes
that cut Nicola volcanics along the southwest margin of
the Iron Mask batholith. Mineralization occurs predominantly in hydrothermal breccia and steeply dipping, eaststriking veins that cut all three phases of the batholith and
the surrounding Nicola volcanics. The Pothook orebody
is characterized by abundant pyrite, magnetite, chlorite
and minor (specular) hematite gangue and chalcopyrite,
bornite and native copper ore minerals.
Ore-stage mineral zoning is spatially consistentwith
both the predominant orientation of the veins and a hydrothermal fluid source in the Sugarloaf diorite dikes.
The zoning of pyrite-chalcopyrite and chalcopyritebornite mineral assemblages across the deposit suggests
that copper andp l d mineralization may have precipitated under variable temperature andlor fluid sulphidation
conditions (Einaudi, 1993) encountered as fluids migrated away from theSugarloaf diorite dikes.
Precipitation of copperand goldoccurred after the
pervasive albitic alteration event thataffected all intrusive rock types, and contact metamorphism of volcanics
adjacent to Sugarloaf diorite dikes. Thehostrocks to mineralization appear to have been made more competent by
Geological Fieldwork 1993, Paper 1994-1
these pre-mineral alteration events such that they fractured more brittley and acted as ready hosts for minerdization.
Late, post-mineral chlorite veins cut un albitized
rocks, whereas kaolinite veinleu cutalhitizc d rocks.
Later calciteveins cut all lithol.3gies.
During the Eocene, low-angle ’detachn
ent’ faulting,
mafic dike emplacement and graben format on reflect I b c .
extensional tectonic episoIJe t h a t affected th :Pothook
area. Latequartz-bearing veins are associatc d with this
tectonic and intrusive episode.
Bond, L. (1985): Geologyandb4ineralization of the P~~lhook
Zone; Afton Operating Corporalion, inter la1 comp :I 1:port, 99 pages.
Cann, R.M. (1979): Geochemist0 of Magnetite and the Cifneris
of Magnetite-ApatiteLode!;intheIronflaskBalholith.
British Columbia; unpublishedMSc. thesi i, The Un~v?rsity
of British Columbia. 106 Ipa;:es.
Einaudi. M.T. (1993): Anatomy oi‘Porphyry Co >perSystms. in
Mineral Leposir Rts<rm:h
Unir, The Universiry oJBriti,rh Columbia,
::hart Course No.
14, April.
Ghosh. D. (1993): Uranium-LxadGeochronolrgy, in Pcr>hyry
Copper-Gold Systems of British Columt ia; Mineral De-
posir Research Unir, The L’niversiry of British Coiuaha,
Annual Technical Report. pages 11.1-11.25.
Kwong, Y.T.J. (1987): Evolution af the Iron M sk Batholilh aid
its Associated Copper Mineralization;
B.C. Minisrq I f E n epy, Mines and Perroleurn ,Qesources,Bu letin 77.
Press, E and Siever, R. (1978): E,arth;WH.Fn eman and (7o.npany, San Francisco, 649 pages.
Preto. V.A. (1977): The Nicola Group: Mesozoc Volcanisiu Related to Rifting in Southom British Colu~ibia; in Vol,:al!ic
Regimes in Canada, Raragsr, W.R.A.,C, ‘leman.L C . and
Hall, J.M.,Editors, Geoloqb-alAssociatior ofCanarl6, Specia1 PaperNo. 16, pages :39-57.
Snyder, L.D.andRussell, J.K (1993a): Fie181 Constrailrts on
Diverse IgneousProcesser in the Iron MaskBatholith
(9219.10); in Geologicall3eldwork 1952, Grant, II. and
Newell, J.M., Editors,E. C. Minisfryof E zergy, Mim:r ond
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