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Lithostratigraphy Chapter 15 Until this moment we have examined how sedimentary rocks are formed, and we have attempted to infer ancient depositional environments. Now we will integrate information and inferences from outcrop evidence into a larger context. Lithostratigraphy • The rock record is preserved and exposed only in certain places and is full of gaps. • The limited exposures of outcrops on the surface means that many deposits are not any more connected. • To reconstruct the geologic history we must ask how these outcrops and environments are related in space and times. Era Período Cuaternario Cenozoica Mesozoica Paleozoica Precámbrico Terciario Cretáceo Jurásico Triásico Pérmico Carbonifero Devónico Silúrico Ordovicience Cámbrico Proterozoico Arqueozoico Época Edad Holoceno Pleistoceno 0.01 1.6 Plioceno MIoceno Oligoceno Eoceno Paleoceno 5 23 35 56 65 145 210 245 290 360 410 440 505 545 2500 3800 195 my • Facies Layer cake geology- in the 1700s and early 1800s, catastrophist geologist thought that the rock had been laid down in uniform sheets over the whole world during Noah’s Flood. • Uniformitarianism- compares today’s sediments with rocks (ancient deposits). – Many sedimentary rocks are deposited simultaneously in different areas, and no single rock type is deposited over a very wide area at one time. Nicolas Steno • Noclas Steno coined the term faices for the entire aspect of a part of earth’s surface during a certain interval. • Facies “aspect” or “appearance” • Amanz Gressly: – Used the terms facies as lateral changes in the appearance of a rock unit. – Facies- the sum of lithological and paleontological characteristics of a deposit in a given place. Facies, lithofacies, biofacies, fluvial facies etc. Walther’s law of correlation of facies • “Facies that occur in conformable vertical successions of strata also occur in laterally adjacent environments” Transgression and Regression Transgression and regression • Transgression- Facies show a transgressive pattern when the sediments supply is overwhelmed by a relative rise in sea level, or when the land subsides tectonically. • Regression- facies show a regressive pattern when the shoreline moves seaward due to an excess sediment supply from the land (progradation), when the land is tectonically uplifted and the sea retreats, or when there is a relative lowering of the sea level. Pinch-outs Intertonguing relationship between Cambrian bright Angel shale and Muav Limestone in western gran Canyon Asymmetry of transgressive and regressive cycles Transgressive facies are fining-upward sequences. This are rare in the stratigraphic record. Coarsening-upward, regressive sequences are more abundant A-traditional symmetrical model of regression and transgression. B-stages of deposition of shoreline deposits showing reworking and apparent rapid transgression. Event the basal transgression is formed by small regressive wedges. • Diastems- small-scale, obscure unconformities in the stratigraphic record. Unconformities • • • • Angular unconformity Nonconformity Disconformity Paraconformity Angular unconformity • Between tilted and undeformed sediments Nonconformity • Between crystalline rocks (igneous or metamorphic) and sedimentary rocks. Disconformity • Between two parallel bodies of sediments, but with some evidence of an erosional gap between them, such as a channel or other erosional surface. Paraconformity (obscure unconformity) • The sediments are parallel but there is no direct physical evidence of erosion; the unconformity is detected by determining the ages of the existing units. Changing character of unconformities over distance if the younger unit laps across different types of bedrock. Lacuna- large time gap in the rock record composed of time intervals when strata were never deposited, Hiatus- when strata were removed after deposition (degradational vacuity). Geologic Instantaneous Events How we establish time equivalence in the stratigraphic record? Time markers Time Markers • Time Marker are widespread, distinctive, and geologically instantaneous. • Generally, events that were separated by years to tens of years can not be separated in the stratigraphic record and therefore considered instantaneous with respect to geologic time. Time Markers • The primary tool for inferring time relationships in the geologic time is biostratigraphy. In the absent of fossil a number of rocks can be considered to be form instantaneously. – Volcanic deposits of a single event such as ash layers and their diagenetically altered equivalents, bentonites Bentonites • Ash deposit flow in a matter of hours to days and cover a wide area. • If ash deposit can be correlated or event dated, they provide unique time planes. • The use of ash layers to mark geologic time is called Tephrachronology (tephrastratigraphy) Tephrachronology • In areas of frequent volcanic activity, tephrachronology can be a powerful tool. • It requires detailed petrographic analysis of the ash and its geochemical fingerprinting by comparing the amount of trace elements that are present. Ash deposits • Long Valley Caldera in California erupted about 740,000 years ago and spread an ash cloud that extended 2000 km with pyroclastic deposits up to 125 m thick near the source and several centimeters 1500 km away (Bishop Tuff). It is used to correlate Pleistocene deposits. Bentonites This outcrop is exposed in a rock quarry in Chalfant Valley about 25 km southwest of Long Valley Caldera. The two main units of the Bishop Tuff deposit are visible here: (1) the lower 5 m of the section consists of the pumice that fell to the ground (airfall pumice) downwind from the eruption; and (2) the upper 5-6 m of the section consists of the basal part of the pyroclastic flows that swept at hurricane speed away from the eruption. The thin dark "layers" just below the contact between the units are stains from an ancient groundwater table (manganese oxide stains). Tektites • Tektites are glassy spherules that are thought to have been scattered around the Earth by the impacts of meteorites. • If a series of tekties layers can be clearly identified as derived from the same event, the layers are useful time markers. Tektites Impact events tektites Catastrophic Uniformitarism Derek Ager (1981)- against the “myth of continuous sedimentation” Areas of continuous sedimentation also have very low rates of accumulation. It will take 200 years to cover a sea urchin in the Cretaceous chalks. Ager • Even classic sections have obvious and obscure unconformities. • A lot of holes tied together with string (with sediment). • Gentle continuous rain of sediment only in the deep floor. Even there currents and disolution produces unconfomities. Ager • In shallow marine deposits most of deposition occur during storms events. • “episodic sedimentation” Correlation • Correlation is the process of demostrating the equivalence or correspondence of geographically separated parts of a geologic unit. • The equivalency of lithologic units without time implication. • “by walking it out” • by tracing it on a map or cross section. Correlation • Outcrops are seldom extensive enough. • Some units have distinctive diagnostic features that make then easy to recognize in different outcrops. • Sometimes the sequence itself can be correlated. • Stratigraphic cutoff- a facies change can cause one lithology to change gradually into another. • Intertonguing. Time correlation • Layer cake geology vs. time Time transgressive • Transgressive Cambrian marine sediments. • Diachronism- a mat forming in the surface today, but its lateral equivalent buried beneath the sabkha. The Nature of• the Control Transgresive-Regresive packages bouended by unconformities make up the sedimentary record of most basins on cratons and continental margins. • Major unconformities divide the stratigraphic record of every continent into discrete package, which Sloss and others, called Sequences Sloss diagram of the time-stratigraphic relationships of unconformity-bounded sequence in North America. Dark areas represent large gaps in the stratigraphic record, which become smaller toward the continental margins. Light areas represent stratas. These sequences has also been recognized in other continents. Figure 8. Supercontinent cycles since the Late Precambrian. Each long-term (400 - 600 million year duration) cycle begins and ends with the formation of a Pangean supercontinent. The rifting, drifting, and subsequent subduction and assembly of continental blocks builds planetary-scale mountain belts (shown in orange and blue on the Jurassic reconstruction, above), drives long-term (first- and secondorder) changes of sea level, and sets up the formation of shallow equatorial (Tethyan) seaways and continental shelves. Many of these shelves ultimately become the depositional site for highlyorganic rich sediments. (data from Worsley et al., 1984; Nance et al., 1988; and Veevers, 1990) Figure 9. Temporal relationship between global first-order megasequences (B), second-order supersequence sets (C), eustatic sea level (D), orogenic cycles (E), and tectonic phases of the supercontinent cycles (F). All cycles and boundaries are referenced to the standard geologic time scale (A). Figure A-F. Paleogeographic "snapshots" of the Phanerozoic supercontinent cycles, encompassing the PanAfrican, Caledonian, Hercynian, Cimmerian, and Alpine-Himalayan orogenies. (source: R. Blakey, NAU; http://vishnu.glg.nau.edu/rcb/globaltext.html) PAN AFRICAN OROGENIC CYCLE (Late) Fischer (1981, 1984) recognizes long-term cycles of global climate and suggests a link between global tectonics, sea level, climate and the development of biologic communities. He identifies the long-term oscillatory cycles of two end-member global climatic states (Figure; cold “icehouse” vs. warm “greenhouse”), linking these to cycles of mantle convection, eustatic sea level, and to environmental stresses in organic communities. Icehouse climatic states (Late Precambrian, latest Ordovician, PermoCarboniferous, and Neogene-Recent) are characterized by the presence of large polar and high-latitude continental ice sheets, strong latitudinal temperature gradients. During icehouse phases the world oceans are marked by relatively low mean temperatures but are highly oxygenated due in part to more active convection cells. In contrast, greenhouse climatic states (Ordovician-Devonian, JurassicPaleogene) are characterized by a lack of large polar and high-latitude continental ice sheets and relative weak latitudinal temperature gradients. During greenhouse phases the world oceans have relatively high mean temperatures and sluggish ocean circulation, resulting in poorly oxygenated conditions. CALEDONIAN OROGENIC CYCLE HERCYNIAN OROGENIC CYCLE (Early) CIMMERIAN OROGENIC CYCLE ALPINE OROGENIC CYCLE (Early) ALPINE OROGENIC CYCLE