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S P E A K E R´s B I Os
Target groups: Political and business decision makers, Swiss public authorities, representatives from
EU institutions, scientists, EFR experts, students, civil society, etc.
Thursday, 24 October: The event will be held in German and English with simultaneous
Friday, 25 October: The conference language will be English
Green Taxation and Emissions Trading GBE/Öbu/ZHAW Annual Conference 24-25 October 2013
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Dr. Constanze Adolf
Director Green Budget Europe Brussels Office
Trained as a banker, graduated from Passau University. She studied Economics, Law
and Cultural Studies in Odense (Denmark) and Strasbourg and holds a PhD in informal
decision-making processes in the European institutions.
She worked in the European Commission and the European Parliament and was
director of EUFED, a Brussels-based European NGO.
Constanze Adolf is co-founder of a European Think Tank on sustainable development
and is also guest lecturer at several Universities in Germany and Belgium.
E-Mail: [email protected]
Martin Bäumle
Nationalrat, Präsident Grünliberale Partei Schweiz
Martin Bäumle ist seit 2003 Nationalrat des Kantons Zürich und seit 2007 Präsident der
Grünliberalen Partei Schweiz. Sein politischer Schwerpunkt ist die Verbindung
ökologischer Anliegen und wirtschaftlicher Interessen. Er schloss in Zürich als dipl.
Chem. ETH ab und arbeitete im Anschluss als Atmosphärenwissenschaftler. Heute
widmet er sich hauptsächlich der Politik und setzt sich auch als
Verwaltungsratsmitglied der Elektrizitätswerke des Kantons Zürich (EKZ) für die
Umsetzung pragmatischer Energiestrategien ein. Zudem ist er ebenfalls seit 2003
Mitglied der nationalrätlichen Kommission für Umwelt, Raumplanung und Energie
E-Mail: [email protected]
Dr. Martin Baur
Leiter Stabsbereich Ökonomische Analyse und Beratung EFV
Martin Baur hat in Zürich und Wien Volkswirtschaft und Politologie studiert. Von 2002
bis 2006 war er in einem privaten Forschungs- und Beratungsbüro tätig. 2006 trat er
als Ökonom in die Eidgenössische Steuerverwaltung ein. Er beschäftigte sich dort mit
ökonomischen Grundlagenarbeiten, leitete verschiedene politische Projekte und nahm
unterschiedliche Aufgaben als Experte für die OECD wahr. Seit April 2012 ist Martin
Baur Leiter des Stabsbereichs Ökonomische Analyse und Beratung der
Eidgenössischen Finanzverwaltung.
E-Mail: [email protected]
Dr. Regina Betz
Senior Lecturer, School of Management and Law at the Zurich University of Applied
Sciences (ZHAW), and Joint Director (Economics), Centre for Energy and
Environmental Markets (CEEM) at University of New South Wales (UNSW).
Regina Betzt holds a PhD from the German University of Administrative Sciences
Speyer. Regina has studied economics in Germany and the UK. In her PhD she
analyzed the impact of different designs of carbon trading systems on transaction
costs. From 1998 to 2004 she was a Research Fellow at the Fraunhofer Institute for
Systems and Innovation Research (FhG ISI) in Germany.
Her work focuses on energy and climate change policies and their associated
instruments, such as emissions trading schemes. For more than 8 years she was a
consultant to the German Environmental Ministry regarding the Kyoto Mechanisms and
Emissions Trading, and was closely involved with European Union and United Nations
negotiations on climate change and the European Emissions Trading Scheme. She
was part of the International Standardisation Group which developed ISO14064, the
international standard on monitoring, reporting and verification of greenhouse gas
emissions and sinks. She has also experience as a consultant to the Australian
government for example on auctioning design for emission permits in Australia. She
Green Taxation and Emissions Trading GBE/Öbu/ZHAW Annual Conference 24-25 October 2013
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has been regularly called to appear as an expert witness in climate change issues at
various Federal government enquiries. Today her research is mainly focusing on the
design of energy and environmental policy instruments applying experimental
economics or empirical methods.
E-Mail: [email protected]
Dr. Arthur Braunschweig
Managing Partner, E2 Management Consulting Ltd.
Arthur holds a PhD in Economics from University of St. Gallen (Switzerland). He was
born 1959, is (still happily) married and a father of three.
Since 1998 he is Managing Partner at E2 Management Consulting Ltd., a Swiss
consultancy specialised in environmental and sustainability oriented management. E2's
clients range across multiple sectors, from banks and insurance companies,
machinery, energy, to food, hotels, education, NGOs and the Swiss federal
From 1988 to 1997, Arthur was founding director of ÖBU, the Swiss Association for
Ecologically Conscious Management, where he organized conferences, lead working
groups and developed environmental management for companies. Together with
member companies, he developed ecobalancing as a planning and controlling tool for
companies and products. The method today is used by numerous companies certifying
against ISO 14001.
Arthur is a trained economist. After university, he joined IBM for three years. He
researched and teaches sustainability management and ecobalance/LCA at various
universities. Numerous publications on environmental management, on
ecobalancing/LCA and ecological economics, e.g. on ecological tax reform. He is a
member of ÖBU's board and active for the scientific quarterly "GAIA" as well as the
"Int. Journal for LCA".
E-mail: [email protected]
Jacqueline Cottrell
Senior policy adviser, Green Budget Europe, and freelance environmental consultant.
Jacqueline has worked for the German NGO, Green Budget Germany (GBG), since
2004 and has managed Green Budget Europe, GBG’s European expert platform on
Environmental Fiscal Reform, since 2008. She also leads the organisation’s work on
international affairs and sustainable development.
Jacqueline has organised and contributed to numerous international conferences,
symposia, seminars and workshops on EFR. She has published widely in the field of
environmental economics and sustainability.
Jacqueline also works as a freelance consultant specialising in Environmental Fiscal
Reform and sustainable development, most notably for the implementing organisation
GIZ GmbH. She has co-developed and regularly runs a capacity building training
course on Environmental Fiscal Reform for poverty reduction in developing, transition
and emerging economies.
E-Mail: [email protected]
Jos Dings
Director Policy Team, Transport and Environment
Dutchman Jos joined T&E as director in 2004, having worked previously as head of the
transport division at CE Delft, a respected environmental policy consultancy. At CE, he
focused on EU policy issues and transport pricing strategies, advising national
governments and the European Commission.
E-Mail: [email protected]
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Dr. Anselm Görres
President Green Budget Europe and Green Budget Germany as well as Founder and
Owner of ZMM Zeitmanager München GmbH.
Anselm Görres studied in Heidelberg and Geneva, majoring in economics and law, and
was an assistant professor at Stuttgart and Munich Universities, where he acquired his
doctorate degree. After seven years as a consultant with McKinsey & Co. Anselm
Görres founded “ZMM Zeitmanager München GmbH” in1996. In 2004, he became cofounder and president of the German Association of Interim Providers.
Since 1985, Anselm Görres has participated in the debate on Market-Based
Instruments for environmental policy, initially with several publications on ecotaxes. In
1994, he became co-founder and board member of Forum Ökologisch-Soziale
Marktwirtschaft or Green Budget Germany ( In 2008, Green Budget
Germany initiated Green Budget Europe ( as a platform to unite
MBI-experts and advocates throughout Europe and beyond. Anselm Görres is
spokesman of GBE and speaker at many international conferences on Environmental
Fiscal Reform and Market-Based Instruments.
He has published numerous books, articles and papers on management, economic,
and environmental issues.
E-Mail: [email protected]
Prof. Dr. Michael Grubb
Professor Michael Grubb is Chair of Energy and Climate Policy at Cambridge
University Centre for Climate Change Mitigation Research, and Senior Advisor on
Sustainable Energy Policy to the UK Energy Regulator Ofgem. He is editor-in-chief of
the journal Climate Policy and is on the editorial board of Energy Policy, and was
recently the Specialist Advisor to a House of Lords European Committee enquiry into
‘decarbonisation and competitiveness’. His former positions include Chair of the
international research organization Climate Strategies; Chief Economist at the Carbon
Trust; Professor of Climate Change and Energy Policy at Imperial College London; and
head of Energy and Environment at Chatham House, and he continues to be
associated with these institutions. In 2008 he was appointed to the UK Climate Change
Committee, established under the UK Climate Change Bill to advise the government on
future carbon budgets and to report to Parliament on their implementation.
Michael Grubb is author of seven books, fifty journal research articles and numerous
other publications. He has held numerous advisory positions with governments,
companies and international studies on climate change and energy policy, and has
been a Lead Author for several reports of the IPCC on mitigation, including the IPCC
Fourth Assessment Report. He has recently completed a new book Planetary
Economics, which brings together the lessons from 25 years of research and
implementation of energy and climate policies, and is published in January 2014.
E-Mail: [email protected]
Dr. Erik F. Haites
President, Margaree Consultants Inc.
Dr. Haites contributed to designs of greenhouse gas emissions trading programs for
Alberta, Australia, Canada, the European Union, the United Kingdom and the United
States. He has published several papers on emissions trading, linking emissions
trading schemes and the Kyoto mechanisms. He has been a consultant to the
UNFCCC secretariat since 1998 on the Kyoto mechanisms and climate finance and he
has contributed to five IPCC reports.
E-Mail: [email protected]
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Gabi Hildesheimer
Geschäftsleiterin Öbu - Netzwerk für nachhaltiges Wachstum, Zürich
Gabi Hildesheimer hat an der Universität Zürich Biologie studiert. Seit 1998 ist sie
Geschäftsleiterin von Öbu. Neben verschiedenen anderen Mandaten war Gabi
Hildesheimer von 1998 bis 2012 Mitglied des OcCC, des beratenden Organ des
Bundesrates in Fragen der Klimaveränderung. Seit 2010 ist sie zudem Mitglied des
Fachhochschulrates des Kantons Zürich.
E-Mail: [email protected]
Dr. Patrick Hofstetter
Leiter Klima und Energie, WWF Schweiz
Patrick Hofstetter hat an der ETH Zürich das Maschineningenieurstudium absolviert
und 1998 an der Abteilung für Umweltnaturwissenschaften promoviert zum Thema der
Umweltbewertung. 2002 hat er eine Teilzeitstellung beim WWF Schweiz angenommen
und leitet den Bereich Klimapolitik. Seine Hauptarbeitsgebiete sind Klima- und
Energiepolitik und die ökologische Steuerreform.
E-Mail: [email protected]
Erica Hope
EU Affairs Manager, European Climate Foundation
Erica joined the European Climate Foundation (ECF) in February 2013 to work on
energy efficiency and the development of the EU's post-2020 climate and energy
framework. She came to ECF from Climate Action Network Europe (CAN-E), whose
efficiency-related policy and advocacy activities she led from 2009, in particular on the
shaping of the EU's Energy Efficiency Directive.
Whilst at CAN-E she helped to establish the cross-sectoral Coalition for Energy
Savings, an increasingly influential voice in European debates on energy policy. She is
a respected co-columnist for the expert network the European Council for an Energy
Efficient Economy (eceee).
From 2005 to 2009 Erica advised Green MEP (now MP) Caroline Lucas at the
European Parliament, notably on the development of legislation on emissions trading
and the import of illegal timber to the EU. She also worked briefly at the Institute for
Public Policy Research in London, and has a First Class degree in Human Sciences
from the University of Oxford in the UK.
E-Mail: [email protected]
Dr. Rolf Iten
Geschäftsleiter und Partner Infras, unabhängiges Forschungs- und Beratungsbüro,
Zürich und Bern
Rolf Iten studierte Volkswirtschaftslehre an der Universität Zürich, wo er eine
Dissertation zum Thema «Ökonomische Bewertung von Umweltqualitäten» verfasste.
Er arbeitet seit 1989 bei Infras, seit 1991 als Leiter nationaler und internationaler
Projekte in den Bereichen Energie, Umwelt, Sozial- und allgemeine Wirtschaftspolitik
und seit 1998 als Mitglied der Geschäftsleitung.
E-Mail: [email protected]
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Prof. Dr. Armin Jans
Dozent ZHAW, School of Management and Law, Winterthur
Armin Jans ist Dozent für Volkswirtschaftslehre an der ZHAW School of Management
and Law. Er war in den Jahren 1995 bis 1999 Nationalrat, 1999 bis 2011 Bankrat der
Schweizerischen Nationalbank und ist seit 2003 Bankrat Zuger Kantonalbank, seit Mai
2010 als Vizepräsident.
E-Mail: [email protected]
Dr. Frank Jotzo
Associate Professor and Director of the Centre for Climate Economics & Policy at the
Australian National University’s Crawford School of Public Policy
Frank Jotzo works on the economics and policy of climate change, as well as on
broader issues of development and economic reform. He has researched and
published on these topics since the late 1990s, focusing on Australia and countries of
the Asia-Pacific. Frank has advised governments and consulted for international
organisations, and has made contributions to the scientific literature and policy
development especially on carbon pricing and emissions trading. He has been a senior
advisor to the Garnaut Climate Change Review commissioned by the Australian
government, and is a lead author of the Fifth Assessment Report by the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Since 2010 he has collaborated with
Chinese organisations on research for market mechanisms for low-carbon growth.
E-Mail: [email protected]
Dr. Ion Karagounis
Programme director, WWF Switzerland
Ion Karagounis studied natural sciences at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
Zurich and has a MBA degree (University of St. Gallen). In the year 2000 he
established the Swiss foundation for environmental management Pusch and was its
director until 2012. There he was mainly engaged in the improvement of the legal and
financial framework for the environmental protection.
E-Mail: [email protected]
Kurt Lanz
Leiter Infrastruktur, Energie & Umwelt, economiesuisse, Dachverband der Schweizer
Kurt Lanz hat Rechts- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften an der Universität Bern studiert
(Volkswirtschaft, Soziologie und Ökologie). Er führt seit April 2012 den Politikbereich
Infrastruktur, Energie und Umwelt als Mitglied der Geschäftsleitung von
economiesuisse. Davor war er in leitender Funktion bei der SBB, der Swisscom sowie
bei Sunrise tätig.
E-Mail: [email protected]
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Markus Maibach
Managing Partner, INFRAS
1978-1984 Master's Degree in economics and economic geography at the University of
Zurich. Markus Maibach joined INFRAS staff in 1987. 1988/89 transport economics
surveys for projects in Burma and Nepal. Project manager in the area of transport
since 1990, with further specialisations in transport cost assessments and pricing and
financing schemes, energy/environment, evaluation of large projects, and sustainable
development. Markus Maibach has been a member of INFRAS management since
1995. He is an international expert in transport strategy, policy issues. He is
moderating several policy evaluation projects for Swiss cantonal, national and
international clients.
E-Mail: [email protected]
Lynda Mansson
Director General MAVA Foundation
The MAVA Foundation is a Swiss-based, family philanthropic foundation focussed on
biodiversity conservation and natural resource management. It has three regional
programmes (Coastal West Africa, Mediterranean Basin, and the Alpine Arc) and a
new, fourth programme focussed on fostering a sustainable economy. Lynda Mansson
is responsible for defining and implementing the strategy of the foundation and leading
the secretariat team.
Before joining the foundation, Lynda spent 13 years with WWF International in
Switzerland. She brought with her the experience of managing and directing global
strategies for all aspects of office operations in the WWF Network and developing
performance tools for its offices. Prior to that, she spent five years in charge of WWF
leadership and organisational development.
Before joining WWF, Lynda ran a consulting business in Lausanne that specialised in
financial and strategic planning. She had previously worked in London as the Executive
Director of a small non-profit organisation. Lynda began her career as a San Francisco
stockbroker and then earned an MBA from Berkeley Business School.
E-Mail: [email protected]
Dr. Louis Meuleman
Coordinator European Semester, DG Environment, European Commission
Louis works with DG Environment of the European Commission in Brussels as overall
coordinator for the greening of the EU's economic and social governance cycle (the
'European Semester') and as adviser on regional development and environmental
impact assessment. Louis is also research fellow at the Free University Amsterdam,
senior fellow at the Center for Governance and Sustainability of the University of
Massachusetts Boston and member of the editorial board of the IAIA Journal Impact
Assessment and Project Appraisal. He holds a PhD in public administration (on
metagovernance) and an MSc in environmental biology.
Louis has over 30 years of public sector experience handling national, regional and
international issues, mainly in the fields of environment, sustainable development and
land use planning. He was head of unit Rural Areas in the Dutch Environment and
Planning Ministry, director of the Netherlands Advisory Council for Research on Spatial
Planning, Nature and Environment (RMNO) in The Hague and chair of the Netherlands
Association for Public Management (VOM). He has published articles and book
chapters on environmental policy, interactive policy-making, metagovernance,
governance of long-term decision making and cultural diversity and sustainability
governance in English, German and Dutch.
E-Mail: [email protected]
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Eike Meyer
Vice Director, Green Budget Germany (GBG)
Before joining GBG in 2010 he worked for the German International Development
Cooperation (GIZ) and First Solar Inc. He is an expert on Environmental Fiscal Reform
(EFR) with a focus on environmentally harmful subsidies, resource taxation and EFR in
emerging and developing economies. Eike Meyer holds a master´s degree in public
policy from the University of Potsdam.
E-Mail: [email protected]
Dr. Axel Michaelowa
Senior Founding Partner, Perspectives GmbH
Dr. Axel Michaelowa has two decades of research experience on international climate
policy. Between 1999 and 2006, he was head of the Research Programme
“International Climate Policy” at the Hamburg Institute of International Economics
(HWWA), founding the climate policy consultancy Perspectives with Sonja
Butzengeiger as a spin-off in 2003. Since 2007, Axel is part-time researcher on climate
policy at the Institute of Political Science of the University of Zurich. From 2005-2007,
he was lead author for the chapter on policies and measures in the 4th Assessment
Report of the IPCC and is working on international policy instruments in the 5th
Assessment Report due in 2014.
Furthermore does Axel consult private, governmental and public institutions in the area
of environmental economics, climate and trade policy and has written more than 100
research articles and studies on various aspects of the Kyoto Mechanisms and climate
policy. He is associate editor of the journals “Climate Policy”, “Climate and
Development” and “Greenhouse Gas Measurement & Management”.
Axel also is one of the leading CDM experts in Europe. Since 2003, he is baseline
methodology expert for the CDM Executive Board and since 2001 in the roster of
experts for the UNFCCC Secretariat. Between 2006 and 2013, he was member of the
CDM Registration and Issuance Team of the CDM Executive Board.
E-Mail: [email protected]
Magnus Nilsson
Senior Campaigner, Transport & Environment
Magnus Nilsson has a long experience as environmental journalist, consultant and
NGO campaigner, working in the fields of nature conservation, infrastructure planning
and climate, often with emphasis on the use of economic instruments to achieve
environmental goals in a cost-efficient way.
In the late 1980´s Nilsson, as an employee at the Swedish Society for Nature
Conservation, made a study that contributed to the introduction 1991 in Sweden of the
first CO2 tax in the world. He has followed national infrastructure planning in Sweden
for two decades, and headed the multi-year campaign that preceded the successful
introduction of congestion charges in Stockholm 2006.
Since 2010 Magnus Nilsson primarily works for the Brussels-based NGO network
Transport & Environment as senior campaigner on the revisions of the Energy Tax and
VAT Directives. Above that active as an independent consultant in the fields of
transport, climate, nature conservation and forestry policy, notably in the European
perspective. Bird-watcher.
E-Mail: [email protected]
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Prof. Dr. Jean Marc Piveteau
Rektor, ZHAW Züricher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften.
Jean Marc Piveteau hat 1987 an der ETH Zürich in Mathematik dissertiert. 2001 trat er
als Professor für Internet-Technologien in die Abteilung für Informatik der Hochschule
für Technik Rapperswil (HSR) ein. 2002 übernahm er die Leitung des Instituts für
Internettechnologien und –anwendungen (ITA) an der HSR. Seit 2004 war Jean-Marc
Piveteau Prorektor und Mitglied der Schulleitung der HSR und in dieser Funktion
verantwortlich für die Leistungsbereiche Ausbildung und Weiterbildung. Seit dem
Herbstsemester 2011 ist er Rektor der ZHAW.
E-Mail: [email protected]
Mag. Klemens Riegler-Picker
Geschäftsführer, Ökosoziales Forum Europa
Herr Riegler-Picker absolvierte ein Studium der Psychologie mit Vertiefung Wirtschaft.
Von 1995 bis 2002 war er tätig in der Unternehmensberatung, von 2002 bis 2005 war
er bei Daimler Chrysler Consult Graz GmbH zuerst für die Personalentwicklung dann
für den Personalbereich verantwortlich. Ab 2003 übernahm er ehrenamtlich die
Koordination der Global Marshall Plan Initiative Österreich. Seit 2005 ist er im
Ökosozialen Forum Europa verantwortlich für die Koordination Global Marshall Plan
Österreich. Seit Juli 2007 ist Herr Riegler-Picker Geschäftsführer des Ökosozialen
Forums Österreich und des Ökosozialen Forums Europa. Zudem ist er Mitglied des
Steuerungskreises des Forums Nachhaltiges Österreich und Mitglied des
Hochschulbeirats der Hochschule für Agrar- und Umweltpädagogik Wien sowie
Vizepräsident des Umweltdachverbandes.
E-Mail: [email protected]
Andrea Rumiz
Head of Sales, South Pole Carbon
Andrea Rumiz is the Head of Sales at South Pole Carbon since 2011. In his role he
was able to grow South Pole’s market share in the voluntary carbon markets and
helped the Swiss based project developer in becoming one of the world leading climate
solutions providers.
Andrea joined South Pole after having worked for a carbon service provider based in
Beijijng and has a past of commodity trader and shipping. Andrea holds an MBA from
the LUISS University of Rome.
South Pole Group is a world leader in developing emission reduction projects. In only
six years, South Pole contributed to saving over 35 million tons of CO2 in its 250
emission reduction projects around the globe. Over 100 carbon professionals in 15
global offices have helped to achieve the title „Best Project Developer“ three times in a
row, as well as to many other awards and prizes, including “Swiss Social Entrepreneur
of the Year”.
E-Mail: [email protected]
Carsten Schirmeisen
General Manager of Holcim’s CO2 trading entity managing the cement maker’s CO2
allowance position in Europe, Switzerland, New Zealand, Australia and Quebec. Prior
to Holcim Carsten worked in various investment banking roles focusing since 2004 on
environmental and social risks in the financial sector. He has held managerial
positions in Germany, Australia and The Netherlands and is now Zurich based. His
work on sustainability in the business context is based on degrees in biology,
geography and finance, a University of Cambridge diploma in sustainability and
London Business School qualifications in carbon.
E-Mail: [email protected]
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Kai Schlegelmilch
Stellvertretender Vorsitzender FÖS, Green Budget Germany (GBG)
Kai Schlegelmilch ist Bankkaufmann und Diplom-Volkswirt. Seit 1999 arbeitet er im
Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit (BMU). Derzeit ist
er an das Ministerium für Klimaschutz, Umwelt, Landwirtschaft, Natur- und
Verbraucherschutz (MKULNV) NRW abgeordnet. Im BMU war er u.a. für die
Umsetzung der Ökologischen Steuerreform in Deutschland zuständig. Mit dieser
Erfahrung beriet er im Auftrag der GIZ Regierungen in China, Vietnam und Thailand.
Er ist Gründungsmitglied des FÖS und seit 2002 stellv. Vorsitzender.
E-Mail: [email protected]
Prof. Dr. Reto Schleiniger
Dozent ZHAW School of Management and Law, Winterthur
Reto Schleiniger hat an der Universität Zürich Volkswirtschaftslehre studiert. Dort hat
er auch promoviert und 2003 zum Thema Ecological Tax Reform: A Normative
Analysis habilitiert. Er ist Privatdozent an der Universität Zürich sowie Dozent für
Volkswirtschaftslehre an der ZHAW School of Management and Law.
E-Mail: [email protected]
Dr. Karine Siegwart
Vizedirektorin, Bundesamt für Umwelt (BAFU)
Karine Siegwart ist in Freiburg (FR) und Deutschland aufgewachsen. Sie hat an der
Universität Freiburg Rechts-wissenschaften studiert, 1996 zum Thema «Die Kantone
und die Europapolitik des Bundes» doktoriert sowie am Europainstitut der Universität
des Saarlandes (D) einen Master im Europarecht absolviert. Nach einer Oberassistenz
an der Universität Zürich, Forschungsaufenthalten in den USA und Brasilien und einer
Ausbildung zur Mediatorin an der Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz trat Karine
Siegwart 2003 ihren Dienst bei der Bundesverwaltung im für die europapolitischen
Belange zuständigen Integrationsbüro (heute Direktion für Europäische
Angelegenheiten, EDA) an. 2007 wechselte sie ins Bundesamt für Umwelt und leitete
die Sektion Europa, Handel und Entwicklungszusammenarbeit. Seit 2007 ist sie auch
Lehrbeauftragte an der ETH und dort für die Durchführung des Kurses
«Mediationsverfahren und Umweltplanung» verantwortlich. Seit 2013 ist Frau Siegwart
Vizedirektorin beim BAFU und Leiterin der Bereiche Hydrologie und Klima.
E-Mail: [email protected]
Prof. Dr. Tilman Slembeck
Dozent ZHAW School of Management and Law, Winterthur
Tilman Slembeck hat an der Universität St. Gallen Wirtschaftspädagogik studiert und
1992 in Wirtschaftswissenschaften doktoriert. Nach mehrjähriger Tätigkeit an
internationalen Universitäten (u.a. Harvard, U College London) begann er im Jahr 2000
als Dozent für Volkswirtschaftslehre an der ZHAW und ist seit 2010 Leiter der
Fachstelle für Wirtschaftspolitik. Seine Forschungsinteressen gelten den Themen
Gesundheit, Bildung und Verkehr sowie den öffentlichen Finanzen.
E-Mail: [email protected]
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Dr. Bruno Vanderborght
Independent consultant and researcher with Climate Strategies.
From 1999 to 2012 Bruno was vice president Climate Change at Holcim, a Swiss
based global cement company and from 2009 general manager of the Group’s
emissions trading company.
From 2000 to 2007 he chaired the Task Force Climate Protection of the WBCSD
Cement Sustainability Initiative. He has been member of the Technical Advisory Board
of the European Cement Research Academy, the International Advisory Council of
Climate Strategies and of the Antwerp University Doctoral School.
He has held managerial positions in the industrial and domestic waste industry in
Belgium, has been professor at the Technical University of Delft, the Netherlands and
research fellow at the Nuclear Energy Research Centre in Belgium.
He is Doctor of Chemistry and holds a postgraduate degree in business economics.
e-mail: [email protected]
Sirini Withana
Senior Policy Analyst, Institute for European Environmental Policy, Bruxelles
Sirini Withana holds a Masters degree in International and European Politics from the
University of Edinburgh and a Bachelors degree with honors in Economics from the
University of Cape Town. Since joining IEEP in 2007, she has contributed to a range of
research projects including work on environmental fiscal reform, the green economy,
strategic processes, and future orientations of EU environmental policy. Recently, Sirini
led work on the phasing out and reform of environmentally harmful subsidies (EHS) for
the European Commission and on evaluating international experiences in
environmental tax reform for the Swiss Government.
E-mail: [email protected]
Eero Yrjö-Koskinen
Executive Director, Finnish Association for Nature Conservation (FANC)
FANC is the biggest environmental NGO in Finland and has a national network of 15
regional associations and 180 local associations spread out across the country. FANC
is specialised in legislative lobbying covering all spheres of human activity, including
agriculture, forestry, transport, mining, energy and climate, resource efficiency, fiscal
policies, development cooperation etc.
FANC is a member of a dozen international organisations, such as IUCN, Green
Budget Europe, European Environmental Bureau, Climate Action Network, Coalition
Clean Baltic, Forest Stewardship Council and Fisheries Secretariat, among others.
Before taking his current position in 2002, Yrjö-Koskinen worked for seven years at the
European Parliament and four years at the UN. He holds a Master’s degree from
political science and is currently doing complementary studies in international
environmental law at the University of Eastern Finland.
E-Mail: [email protected]
Green Taxation and Emissions Trading GBE/Öbu/ZHAW Annual Conference 24-25 October 2013
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Prof. Dr. Zhang Xiliang
Professor and Executive Director of the Institute of Energy, Environment and Economy,
Tsinghua University, Beijing.
Mr. Zhang Xiliang received his Ph.D. in Management Science and Engineering at
Tsinghua University in 1997. Dr. Zhang is currently a professor of energy economics
and policy at Tsinghua University and executive director at the Institute of Energy,
Environment and Economy, Tsinghua University. Prof. Zhang’s current research
interests include energy technology innovations, integrated assessment of energy and
climate policies, renewable energy, and automotive energy. Prof. Zhang served as coleader of the expert group for drafting the China Renewable Energy Law during 2004 2005, and as energy expert of the expert group for drafting the China Circular
Economy Law in 2007. Prof. Zhang is currently the chief expert of the key research
grant “Key Issues in Climate Policy Decision for China” of the China National Social
Sciences Foundation, and co-chief scientist of the research project “Climate Change
Mitigation Targets, Pathways and Policies” which is organized by the Ministry of
Science and Technology with the support of the National Development and Reform
Commission. Prof. Zhang is also coordinating a five-year research program titled China
Automotive Energy Outlook: technologies and policies, which is tasked jointly by the
National Energy Administration and the Ministry of Industry and Information
Prof. Zhang has been a lead author of the 4th and 5th IPCC Climate Change
Assessment Report and the coordinating lead author of the Chapter Energy of China
National Climate Change Assessment Report. He is an associate editor of Energy- The
International Journal and Energy for Sustainable Development, and a member of the
editorial board of Climate Policy. Dr. Zhang has been the secretary general of the New
Energy Committee of the China Energy Research Society since 2006, and vice chair of
the China Renewable Energy Industry Association since 2011.
E-Mail: [email protected]
Peter Zapfel
Head of policy coordination in DG Climate Action, European Commission.
After joining the Commission in 1998 Peter Zapfel worked for the DG for Economic and
Financial Affairs and DG Environment. He has represented the Commission as a
delegation member in several UN climate negotiation sessions. For several years he
was responsible for the economic assessment of climate policy. He has been involved
in the Commission’s work on emissions trading since 1998. Peter Zapfel has
coordinated DG Environment’s EU ETS team for over two years and in particular the
Commission's assessment of national allocation plans for phase 2 of the EU Emission
Trading System. Prior to his current assignment he was assistant to the deputy
director-general of DG Environment.
Peter Zapfel holds academic degrees from the University of Business and Economics
in Vienna, Austria, and the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard
E-Mail: [email protected]
This conference is organised in cooperation with:
Green Taxation and Emissions Trading GBE/Öbu/ZHAW Annual Conference 24-25 October 2013