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Nesser et al., J Athl Enhancement 2016, 5:1
Journal of Athletic
Research Article
a SciTechnol journal
Activation of Selected Core
Muscles during Squatting
an unstable surface. For example, completing a bench press while
lying on a Swiss ball or standing on a foam pad during an overhead
press. Training on an unstable surface does require more balance,
unfortunately, unstable surface training is not ideal.
Thomas W Nesser1*, Neil Fleming1 and Matthew J Gage2
Several Electromyography (EMG) studies have been completed
to confirm unstable training can increased core muscle activation
[13-15] though not all core muscle EMG studies agree. Some
identified greater core muscle activation on a stable vs. an unstable
surface [16-18], while others identified no difference between stable
and unstable conditions [19-21]. Likewise, Hamlyn et al. [18],
Saeterbalken and Fimland, [21], Willardson [22], and Behm et al. [23],
identified reduced force output when training on an unstable surface
(insufficient ground transfer forces) which can lead to detraining.
Purpose of this study was to determine core muscle activation
during ground-based lifts. Fourteen recreational trained and former
NCAA DI athletes (weight 84.2 ± 13.3 kg; height 176.0 ± 9.5
cm; age 20.9 ± 2.0 years) volunteered for participation. Subjects
completed two ground-based lifts: overhead press and push-press.
Surface EMG was recorded from 4 muscles on the right side of the
body; Rectus Abdominus (RA), External Oblique (EO), Transverse
Abdominus (TA) and Erector Spinae (ES). Paired sample T-tests
identified significant muscle activation differences between the
overhead press and the push-press included ES and EO. Average
and peak EMG for ES was significantly greater in push-press
(P<0.01). Anterior displacement of COP was significantly greater
in push-press compared to overhead press during the eccentric
phase. The push-press was identified as superior in core muscle
activation when compared to the overhead press.
Keywords: Exercise; Rectus abdominus; Muscular capacity; Limb
The last decade has seen a dramatic increase in the use of core
training in the conditioning of both athletes and non-athletes [1].
Core training is defined as any exercise which addresses motor
control and muscular capacity of the lumbo-pelvic complex [1,2].
The muscles of the core include (but are not limited to) the rectus
abdominus, external and internal obliques, transverse abdominus,
and erector spinae [3]. Its popularity is based on the belief that a
strong core allows greater spine stability and more effective transfer
of forces from the lower body to the upper body with minimal
dissipation of energy [4,5] ultimately leading to an improvement in
athletic performance such as higher jumps and faster sprints [5-9],
and reduced risk of lower limb injury [2].
From this comes the challenge of training the core muscles. Basic
torso exercises include floor planks which require maintaining a
prone position balanced on the elbows and toes. Floor planks activate
torso muscles but from a sport performance perspective, they are
static and have little transfer to the sports arena [10]. To step up
the training intensity, planks have been completed on an unstable
surface with increased EMG core muscle activation [11,12], though
the lack of sport specificity still applies. To train the torso in a more
sport specific manner, free weight exercises have been completed on
*Corresponding author: Thomas W Nesser, Department of Kinesiology,
Recreation and Sport, 401 N. 4th St., Indiana State University, Terre Haute,
IN 47809, USA, Tel: 812-237-2901; Fax: 812-237-2493; E-mail: tom.nesser@
Received: October 08, 2015 Accepted: March 07, 2016 Published: March 13,
International Publisher of Science,
Technology and Medicine
Along with the possibility of detraining, unstable surface training is
not practical. As identified by Kohler et al. [17], most athletes compete
on a “stable surface” (i.e. the ground). Thus the use of an unstable
environment is not sport specific reducing the transfer of training to the
field. Ground based lifts are most specific to sport due to the stabilization
of an external load (barbell or dumbbell) on a stable surface (the ground)
much like an athlete stabilizing an implement or opponent.
For practical and sport specific purposes, Behm at al. [23] suggest
the use of “ground-based lifts” such as “Olympic lifts, squats, and dead
lifts” as a means to train the muscles of the core. Ground-based lifts
are defined as lifts completed while in a standing position requiring
the transfer of forces from the ground to the body.
Hamlyn et al. [18] did just that by examining muscle activity of
the upper lumbar erector spinae (UES), lumbar-sacral erector spinae
(LES), lower abdominals (LA), and external obliques (EO) during
two ground-based lifts, the back squat and the deadlift, with 80%
1RM, plus three non-ground-based lifts: a bodyweight squat (no
external load), a superman and a sidebridge. The two ground-based
lifts generated greater UES and LES activity and similar LA and EO
activity when compared to the other exercises suggesting groundbased lifts are more effective at core muscle activation than nonground-based exercises.
Based on the results of the research identified, ground-based lifts
are not only ideal but recommended for core muscle training. However,
core muscle activation has not been compared between various groundbased lifts. Therefore, the first purpose of this study was to determine
the magnitude of core muscle activation generated during commonly
performed ground-based lifts such as the back squat and the front
squat, and the second purpose was to determine if one exercise variation
generated greater core muscle activation than the other. Based on load
placement, it was hypothesized the front squat would generate greater
rectus abdominus and external oblique muscle activity with a forward
shift in standing center of pressure when compared to the back squat
while the back squat would produce greater erector spinae activity with
no center of pressure shift when compared to the front squat.
Materials and Methods
Experimental approach
This study was designed to compare core specific muscle
activation between various multi-joint resistance training exercises.
All articles published in Journal of Athletic Enhancement are the property of SciTechnol, and is protected by copyright laws.
Copyright © 2016, SciTechnol, All Rights Reserved.
Citation: Nesser TW, Fleming N, Gage MJ (2016) Activation of Selected Core Muscles during Squatting. J Athl Enhancement 5:1.
The dependent variables included activation of the right side rectus
abdominus, external oblique, transverse abdominus, and erector
spinae. The independent variables used were the back squat and front
electrodes were placed 5 cm lateral to the level of the T9 spinous
process. TA electrodes were placed 2 cm medial and inferior to the
anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS). This site is below the EO fibers,
thus reducing risk of cross-talk for this muscle.
Maximal voluntary isometric contractions (MVIC) were
performed in order to normalize EMG data to a maximal reference for
each muscle. MVIC procedures for RA, EO and TA, involved subjects
lying supine on a table with legs fixed in place. A resisted sit-up from
this position was performed for RA. Subjects were instructed to raise
their torso off the table with maximal force while investigators held
both shoulders in place. A resisted transverse sit-up was performed
for EO normalization. Subjects were instructed to raise their right
shoulder off the table towards their left hip, while investigators held
the right shoulder in place. To measure MVIC for the TA, subjects
were instructed to maximally pull their stomach in toward the spine.
For ES normalization, subjects lay in a prone position and were
instructed to raise their torso off the table with maximal force while
the investigators held both shoulders in place.
Fourteen recreational trained and former NCAA DI athletes
(weight 84.2 ± 13.3 kg; height 176.0 ± 9.5 cm; age 20.9 ± 2.0 years)
volunteered for participation. Sample size was based on previous
EMG studies [14,15,19,24,25]. All participants were free of injury at
the time of data collection. All participants signed informed consent
forms prior to participation. The university institutional review board
approved this study.
All subjects were individually scheduled for data collection. All
subjects were educated on the procedures and expectations of the
research study. Prior to data collection all subjects practiced each
exercise with minimal resistance to avoid fatigue. Each data collection
session was completed within one hour.
Back squat
Subjects removed a weighted barbell from the squat rack and
positioned the bar across the middle trapezoids. Hands were placed
midway between the shoulders and the weight plates. From an
upright position subjects lowered themselves, on command, into
a parallel squat position and immediately returned to the upright
position. This was repeated for two more repetitions completing three
repetitions total. Subjects completed one set of three repetitions with
100 percent of their body mass at no set cadence. Following the third
repetition, subjects re-racked the bar once cleared to do so (within
10 seconds). To ensure subjects reached parallel on each repetition,
markers were placed on the front and the rear of the squat rack. Prior
to data collection, subjects were instructed to squat to parallel and the
marker was placed at eye level. When squatting, subjects knew when
they reach parallel when the rear marker was “covered” by the front
marker (Figure 1).
Synchronous measurements of right knee, hip and elbow joint
angle were made using electrogoniometers (Biometrics Ltd. 2000Hz
recording frequency) during all exercises. Data were collected in
order to identify the onset of each movement cycle and differentiate
the concentric and eccentric phases of the movement. Onset of back
and front squat were defined as the first flexion in either knee or hip
Following synchronization of EMG with the movement cycle, the
root mean square (RMS) values of the raw data were calculated (50 ms
window, 0 overlap). For each movement cycle, mean activity for the
concentric phase, eccentric phase and overall movement cycle were
calculated. These data were then averaged over 3 cycles and expressed
as a percentage of MVIC (Figure 2).
Front squat
Subjects removed a weighted barbell from the squat rack and
positioned the bar across the front deltoids using a pronated grip with
the elbows elevated. Protocol for the front squat was identical to the
back squat except resistance was set at 75 percent of body mass.
Surface electromyography
Surface EMG data were recorded from 4 core muscles on the
right side of the body; Rectus Abdominus (RA), External Oblique
(EO), Transverse Abdominus (TA) and Erector Spinae (ES). Data
were collected using a Trigno wireless EMG data acquisition system
(Delsys, Boston, MA, USA). Surface electrodes had a single differential
configuration, inter-electrode distance of 10 mm, 4-bar formation,
bandwidth of 20-450 Hz and 99.9% silver contact material. All efforts
were made to conform to the recommendations of SENIAM with
regard to preparation and acquisition of EMG signals [24-26]. The
skin sites were shaved and cleaned with isopropyl alcohol in order
to minimize skin impedance. Data sampling rate was 2,000 Hz
throughout all trials. The electrodes for RA were placed 1cm above
the umbilicus and 2cm lateral to the midline. For EO, electrodes
were placed below the ribcage, along a line between the most inferior
point of the costal margin and the contra-lateral pubic tubercle. ES
Volume 5 • Issue 1 • 1000222
Figure 1: Squat Depth Markers.
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Citation: Nesser TW, Fleming N, Gage MJ (2016) Activation of Selected Core Muscles during Squatting. J Athl Enhancement 5:1.
Center of pressure data
Pressure data were measured during all lifts using a Tekscan HR mat
(Tekscan, Boston, MA) in order to assess anterior displacement of the
subject’s center of pressure (COP) during each movement. The Tekscan
HR mat has a surface area of 2323cm2 (dimensions: 48.7 × 47.7 cm), a
sensor resolution of 4 sensels/cm2 and a pressure range up to 862 kPa.
Subjects were instructed to position themselves directly on the mat with
their feet a comfortable distance apart for each lift. Pressure data were
recorded at 100 Hz and a 5V square wave pulse facilitated synchronous
collection of EMG, goniometry and planter pressure data.
Descriptive statistics were performed on all data. Paired samples
T-tests were used for data analysis to measure differences in paired
muscle activation between the two squat lifts and the two overhead
lifts. Statistical significance was set at P ≤ 0.05. SPSS 20.0 software
(SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL) was used for all analyses.
Group means (SD) average and peak EMG data for each lift
are presented in Tables 1 and 2, respectively. Paired sample T-tests
identified significant muscle activation differences between the back
squat and the front squat in the external oblique only (P<0.05). These
differences in average EMG were observed in the overall movement,
and during both eccentric and concentric phases of the movement.
Peak EMG differences were observed during the overall movement
(P<0.05) and during the eccentric phase (P<0.05). However,
since peak activity for EO occurred during the eccentric phase, no
difference between lifts was observed for peak EO activity in the
concentric phase.
For the squat exercises, anterior displacement of COP was not
significantly different between front squat and back squat for the
overall movement (19.33 ± 7.0 vs. 19.8 ± 5.1 cm), concentric phase
(20.0 ± 8.1 vs. 21.9 ± 6.1 cm), or eccentric phase (18.6 ± 6.0 vs. 18.3 ±
4.3 cm) (Figure 3).
Development of the core has become very popular in the training
of both athletes and non-athletes. In the process of doing so, the use
of unstable training has gained popularity based on research that
identified increased core muscle activation during various free weight
exercises [13-15]. At the same time, commonly performed ground
based exercises on a stable surface had been overlooked for their
capacity to activate the muscles of the core. The purpose of this study
was to determine the magnitude of core muscle activation generated
during commonly performed ground-based lifts such as the back
squat and front squat, and determines if one exercise variation
generated greater core muscle activation than the other.
An unstable surface is not necessary for activation of the core
muscles when performing ground- based lifts [18] and muscle
activation varies depending on the lift. It was hypothesized the front
squat would elicit greater muscle activation of the EO and RA due to
the placement of the load on the anterior deltoids shifting the center
of gravity forward placing additional strain on the anterior torso
muscles. EMG data for the squat exercises only identified significantly
increased EO activity during both the eccentric and concentric phases
for the front squat with no differences identified in the RA between
the two squat exercises. The lack of RA activation difference was not
anticipated not only because it is an anterior torso muscle and the
Volume 5 • Issue 1 • 1000222
load for the front squat is placed on the anterior deltoids, but also
because it was identified as static stabilizer of the torso by Shinkle
et al. [27]. The front and back squat both require a static torso to
safely complete the lift thus activation of a static torso stabilizer was
expected. Shinkle at al. [27] also identified the EO as a dynamic torso
stabilizer. It is speculated the increased activation of the EO during
the front squat is due to the anterior placement of the load (barbell)
and the unstable nature of the load requiring continuous balance and
stabilization. Even though the torso appears to be static during the
squat lifts, the lack of motion in the torso is due to continuous sway
correction of the dynamic torso stabilizers. This is supported by the
lack of significant difference COP between the front squat and back
squat given the respective anterior and posterior placement of the
load. The EO sufficiently supported the torso from excessive anterior
placement maintaining the body’s COP.
No significant differences were identified for the TA and the
ES between the front squat and the back squat even though it was
hypothesized greater ES activation would be experienced during the
back squat due to the posterior placement of the load. These results
are supported by Gullett et al. [21] who compared EMG activation
of several lower limb muscles (rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus
medialis biceps femoris, and semitendinosus) and one low back
muscle (erector spinae) during front and back squat at 70% of 1-RM.
Like the current data, they too reported no significant differences in
ES activation between the front squat and the back squat.
To the authors’ knowledge, only two other studies measured
torso muscle activation during a squat lift, Saeterbakken and
Fimland [21] and Willardson et al. [16], however comparisons were
made between stable and unstable conditions rather than between
variations of the squat. In the first study, Saeterbakken and Fimland
[21] measured EMG of the ES, EO, and RA during the back squat on
a stable surface and various unstable surfaces (power board, BOSU
ball, and balance cone). Greater ES activation was observed for the
stable condition verses the unstable conditions but the differences
were not significant. EMG of the EO and RA were virtually identical
between all conditions. The second study conducted by Willardson
et al. [16] measured EMG activity of the RA, EO, TA, and ES during
Table 1: Average EMG data across the full range of movement, eccentric and
concentric phases. Data are expressed as group mean (SD), normalized to
percentage of MVIC. Asterisks denote significant differences between front and
back squat (*, P<0.05).
Front Squat
Back Squat
4.0 (3.8)
4.0 (3.0)
11.8 (10.1)
9.4 (5.4)
16.4 (7.3)#
11.9 (4.2)
40.6 (8.6)
37.9 (13.7)
4.1 (3.2)
3.6 (2.9)
10.7 (6.7)
9.3 (5.6)
20.1 (11.7)*
14.2 (7.7)
35.6 (8.6)
33.3 (12.1)
4.1 (3.6)
4.6 (3.3)
14.0 (17.2)
9.9 (5.7)
18.2 (10.5)*
13.9 (7.4)
45.4 (10.6)
45.0 (18.3)
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Citation: Nesser TW, Fleming N, Gage MJ (2016) Activation of Selected Core Muscles during Squatting. J Athl Enhancement 5:1.
Figure 2: Group mean EMG ensembles for RF, EO, ES and TA during front squat (red) and back squat (black) movements. Solid lines denote meanwhile
dashed lines denote SEM.
Table 2: Peak EMG data across the full range of movement, eccentric and
concentric phases. Data are expressed as group mean (SD), normalized to
percentage of MVIC. Asterisks denote significant differences between front and
back squat (*, P<0.05).
Front Squat
Back Squat
6.1 (4.8)
9.7 (6.4)
15.1 (9.2)
14.6 (8.3)
36.3 (25.3)*
23.8 (18.1)
80.4 (20.4)
79.4 (32.7)
5.5 (4.4)
5.8 (3.9)
17.2 (14.2)
12.9 (7.8)
32.8 (22.6)*
22.6 (18.2)
59.5 (12.7)
54.6 (15.9)
Figure 3: Group mean anterior displacement of COP data during squat
and press exercises. Solid lines denote meanwhile dashed lines denote
Volume 5 • Issue 1 • 1000222
5.9 (4.8)
9.6 (6.4)
12.7 (7.1)
14.5 (8.3)
30.9 (23.1)
20.6 (13.7)
79.7 (21.0)
79.2 (32.9)
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Citation: Nesser TW, Fleming N, Gage MJ (2016) Activation of Selected Core Muscles during Squatting. J Athl Enhancement 5:1.
the back squat while performed on a stable surface with 50% 1RM
and 75% 1RM, and on a BOSU ball with 50% 1RM. No differences
in muscle activity were observed between conditions. Though the
results of these two studies cannot be compared to the current study
due to different protocols, they support the notion that training on an
unstable surface provides no additional torso muscle activation when
compared to training on a stable surface.
Based on previous and the current data, core muscle training is best
performed on a stable surface utilizing a ground-based exercise such as the
back squat or the front squat. Based on the current data, the front squat
generates greater EO muscle activity when compared to the back squat.
No funding was received for this study.
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Volume 5 • Issue 1 • 1000222
Author Affiliation Top
Department of Kinesiology Recreation and Sport, Indiana State University,
Terre Haute, USA
Department of Health Professions, Liberty University, Lynchburg, USA
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