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Direct Anterior Hip Replacement
Dr. Rupal Patel, Orthopedic Surgeon at CMH
Orthopedic Service talks about an innovation in hip
replacement surgery, direct anterior hip replacement.
Direct anterior hip replacement is a
minimally invasive muscle sparing
hip replacement surgery. This new
innovation in hip replacement surgery
is unlike traditional posterior (back) and
lateral (side) approaches which require
cutting of muscles to reach the hip
joint. Anterior (front) hip approach is a
muscle sparing approach.
What are the benefits of anterior
approach hip replacement?
Hip replacement done through this
approach does not require cutting any
muscle, it potentially provides quicker
recovery, less pain and early discharge
from the hospital. This procedure is
done under x-ray control which allows
the surgeon to restore the leg length
more accurately and also allows for
accurate placement of implants which
potentially provide longevity to the
implants. This approach also has a
lower dislocation rate compared to the
posterior approach.
How does anterior hip replacement
improve patient recovery?
Conventional lateral or posterior
surgery typically requires strict
precautions for the patient. Most
patients must limit hip motion for 6 to
8 weeks after surgery. They must limit
flexing of the hip to no more than 60 to
90 degrees which complicates normal
activities like sitting in a chair, on a
toilet seat, putting on shoes or getting
into a car. Simply climbing stairs may
also be more difficult during recovery.
The Anterior Hip Replacement
allows patients to immediately bend
their hip freely and bear full weight
when comfortable, resulting in a more
rapid return to normal function. After
surgery, patients are instructed to use
their hip normally without cumbersome
restrictions. In supervised therapy,
patients go up and down stairs before
their hospital release.
Who is a candidate for Anterior Hip
Many people suffering with arthritis,
hip pain, stiffness and limited hip
movement can now choose this
minimally invasive surgery when hip
replacement is the chosen treatment of
the patient and their doctor. Although
the direct anterior approach may make
sense for some patients, only your
surgeon can help you decide what is
best for you.
To learn more about direct anterior
approach hip replacement surgery &
its advantages over standard surgical
procedures call our office or schedule
an appointment with Dr. Patel.
Dr. Patel is a member of the Medical
College of Virginia Physicians (MCVP,
the faculty practice group for the
Virginia Commonwealth University
Medical Center).
420 Bracey Lane
South Hill, VA
(434) 447-7375
A service of Community Memorial Healthcenter