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Healthmate Sauna
This document contains the following information about our Healthmate Sauna.
• Overview
• Contraindications
• Benefits
• Cardiovascular Conditioning
• Weight Control
• Frequently Asked Questions
• Suggestions
Creative Health’s freestanding Healthmate Sauna is available for our customers use.
Contact Natalie Speakman at (864) 233-4811 to schedule an appointment. The cost of
one session in the Sauna is $30. You can combine the Sauna with colon hydrotherapy or
massage therapy and receive a $10 discount.
Our body reacts to the increased heating through the natural cooling process of
perspiring. Through the perspiration process, acid and waste residue like toxins, sodium,
alcohol, nicotine, cholesterol and the potentially carcinogenic heavy metals are removed
from the cells (especially zinc, lead, nickel, cadmium, etc). As well as the pores of our
skin opening and discharging waste products, the skin sheds any old skin cells, leaving it
glowing and immaculately clean, with improved tone, elasticity, texture and color.
If you have metal pins, rods, artificial joints, or any other surgical implants in your body,
take important medications whose levels should not change (like insulin, seizure or heart
medications), or are within 48 hours of an acute injury (still in the swelling phase), check
with your doctor before using the sauna.
If you are on any medications, sauna may help you detoxify and get rid of important
drugs too quickly, thereby changing your blood levels. For some drugs this is not
desirable, or you may need to have blood levels of the drug drawn, or have other
parameters that are affected by the drug monitored.
You must stop at any time that you experience headache, nausea, fast heart rate,
weakness, irregular heart rate (if this is not a symptom you normally have), shortness of
breath, dizziness, disorientation, muscle cramps, muscle spasms or twitching, or any
adverse symptom.
Saunas are contraindicated in pregnant women, in young children, in individuals with
seizure disorders and hemophiliacs, immediately after intense exercise, immediately after
consuming alcohol, or immediately after drug use (such as amphetamines or cocaine). In
someone with adrenal suppression and systemic lupus erythematosus or multiple
sclerosis, it is considered inadvisable to use the sauna by some authorities. Vigorous
heating is contraindicated in cases of enclosed infections, be they dental, in joints, or
other tissues.
Benefits of Healthmate Sauna
Burns Calories and controls weight...
As you relax in the gentle heat of the Health Mate sauna, your body is actually hard at
work, producing sweat, pumping blood - and burning calories. According to a Journal of
the American Medical Association report, in a single sauna session you may burn as
many calories as you would rowing or jogging for 30 minutes. So you lose weight - not
just water.
Relieves Pain...
The deep heat of your Health Mate sauna helps peripheral blood vessels dilate, bringing
relief and healing to muscle and soft tissue injuries. Increased blood circulation carries
off metabolic waste products and delivers oxygen-rich blood to oxygen-depleted muscle,
so they recover faster. Muscles relax most readily when tissues are warm, for greater
flexibility and range of motion.
Improves the Immune System...
Sauna's deep heat raises your body temperature, inducing an artificial fever. As it works
to combat the "fever," your body's immune system is strengthened. Combined with the
elimination of toxins and wastes produced by the intense sweating, your overall health
and resistance to disease is increased.
Increases Blood Circulation and Strengthens the Cardiovascular System...
As your body increases sweat production to cool itself, your heart works harder pumping
blood at a greater rate to boost circulation, supplying the conditioning benefits of
continuous exercise. Heart rate, cardiac output and metabolic rate increase, while
diastolic blood pressure drops, for improved overall cardiovascular fitness.
Removes Toxins and Mineral Wastes...
Increased blood circulation stimulates the sweat glands, releasing built-up toxins and
waste. Daily sweating can help detoxify your body as it rids itself of an accumulation of
potentially carcinogenic heavy metals (lead, mercury, zinc, nickel, cadmium) as well as
alcohol, nicotine, sodium, sulfuric acid and cholesterol.
Clears Cellulite...
Health Mate saunas help clear ugly cellulite, the gel-like lumps of fat, water and debris
trapped in pockets beneath the skin. And because the radiant heat of the Health Mate
sauna warms three times as deeply as conventional saunas, it is significantly more
effective at reducing cellulite.
Eases Joint Pain and Stiffness...
In Europe, radiant heat therapy is widely used to treat patients suffering from many forms
of arthritis. In addition, it has been proved effective in the treatment of sprains, neuralgia,
bursitis, muscle spasms, joint stiffness and many other muscular-skeletal ailments. Much
of the stiffness, aches and soreness that comes with aging is reduced or eliminated.
Reduces Stress and Fatigue...
Perhaps the most immediate relief your Health Mate sauna offers is simple relaxation, as
it melts away the stresses and tensions of urban life. Just a few minutes in the gentle
warmth of your Health Mate sauna gives you an overall massaging effect, soothing
jangled nerves and knotted muscles. You'll feel rejuvenated and renewed, restored in both
body and mind.
Improves Skin...
The profuse sweating achieved after just a few minutes in the Health Mate sauna carries
off deeply imbedded impurities and dead skin cells, leaving the skin glowing and
immaculately clean, Increased circulation draws your skin's own natural nutrients to the
surface. You'll see improved tone, elasticity, texture and fresh color. Increased blood
circulation has also been shown to relieve acne, eczema, psoriasis, burns, lesions and
cuts. In addition, open wounds heal more quickly, reducing scarring.
Cardiovascular Conditioning:
While the moisture on the surface of the skin evaporates and thus cools the body, a
number of other changes occur in the body to release the heat as quickly as possible. The
heart beats harder and faster, pumping more blood through the dilated blood vessels, thus
achieving the conditioning benefits of continuous exercise.
Weight Control:
As our body expends energy to produce sweat (1 gm sweat requires 0.586 kcal) a
moderately conditioned person can easily sweat off up to 1000gms or more in a sauna
session - the equivalent to running 10-15 kms. While this weight loss can be regained by
re-hydration with water, the calories consumed will not. This is a valuable system for
those who don't exercise and those who can not exercise, yet want an effective weight
control and fitness program, along with the benefits that regular exercise bring.
Frequently asked Questions:
Healthmate sauna uses infrared heat, what is it?
Infrared heat is simply a form of energy that is directly transmitted onto objects because
of its specific wavelength. It has nothing to do with ultraviolet light which gives you
sunburn and damages your skin. Where conventional saunas transfer heat by circulating
hot air, thus warm your body from your head, the infrared heat rays warm your body
directly. This allows an in-depth heat in a more pleasant temperature of 110-150°F(43 66°C), thus providing more health benefits and a highly enjoyable and comfortable
Conventional saunas need high air temperatures to pull impurities from the body, but
infrared heated saunas can directly penetrate up to 45 mm inside the body. Impurities can
be pushed out using lower and more comfortable temperatures.
As the body temperature rises by infrared heat, perspiration occurs and blood circulation
increases. The muscles and organs are stimulated and toxic waste (fat, heavy metals and
other toxic materials) is removed from your body through perspiration.
Where is infrared technology used?
Infrared heat is well known for pain relief. Health professionals have used red infrared
heat lamps for decades to treat muscle and joint problems. In hospital baby care units,
incubators are often equipped with infrared heating systems to keep new-born babies
Compare Healthmate Sauna to Traditional Saunas:
Infrared vs. Traditional Saunas
Far Infrared Saunas
Steam Saunas
Sweat from an Infrared sauna
is 15- 20% toxins. Principally,
cholesterol, fat-soluble toxins,
toxic heavy metals, sulfuric
acid, sodium, ammonia, and
uric acid. This unusually high
concentration of heavy metals
and other fat-soluble toxins is
not found in the sweat from
normal exercise.
IR saunas generate 2-3 times
the perspiration produced in
conventional hot-air saunas.
Sweat from a conventional
sauna was found to be 3-5%
110 to 130° F = therapeutic
160° F and higher
The lower IR temperatures
Difficult to tell how much one
is sweating in a steam sauna.
This extra heat additionally
forces toxins back into the
trigger mobilization of
chemicals from subcutaneous
fat storage, directly into the
Dr. Sherry Rogers believes IR
saunas to be “far safer and
infinitely more tolerable.” For
example: In a Mayo Clinic
study, end-stage heart
patients’ arrhythmias
decreased or disappeared
entirely and with no sideeffects. And, ended up saving
their lives by the removal of
toxins that were the
underlying causes of their
blood stream where they can
duplicate original symptoms.
High temps can also cause
difficulty breathing, burning
eyes, heart stress, heat
exhaustion and risk of Saunataker’s Lung, by mold growth
in a dark, warm, damp, steam
In a Mayo Clinic study, endstage heart patients
experienced a 20% increase in
arrhythmias in a regular sauna.
These ceramic-filled heaters
are 95% efficient in turning
electricity into infrared heat
and produces far Infrared in
the most therapeutic range.
5 to 10 minutes
30 to 60 minutes
Virtually maintenance free
Extensive weekly cleaning
• Showering prior to using the sauna can increase the amount you sweat.
Relax, time spent in a sauna should be enjoyable, forget all your worries.
You can sit, lay, stand or meditate, whatever is comfortable for you.
When finished, carefully dry off all sweat, and if you prefer, go home to
shower immediately.
Remember to keep drying off the sweat with a towel.
While in the sauna, sometimes just opening the door for a bit or turning down
the temperature is enough to allow longer exposure.
Drink adequate water before and after sauna treatments and replenish with
electrolytes (these are depleted by a sauna). Drink 16 – 20 ounces of water
before entering.
Most people prefer to be unclothed, this allows you to sweat freely. You will
have complete privacy while in the sauna room.
Avoid heavy meals two hours before a sauna session.
Avoid alcohol or other intoxicating substances.
Remove metal jewelry before entering the sauna, as it may become very hot.
Healing reactions are temporary symptoms that occur as toxic substances are
eliminated and chronic infections heal. Symptoms vary from mild odors,
tastes or rashes to periods of fatigue, bowel changes, aches, pains or
Sit for ten minutes to cool down after sauna use.