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Development of a three dimensional digital model of the skeleton and muscular anatomy
of the pork carcass including several learning modules - NPB #08-258
Dr. Steven J. Jones - Animal Science Department ,
Mr. Vishal Singh- Agriculture Communications -
University of Nebraska
Date Submitted:
February 12, 2010
Industry Summary:
Increase demand for pork requires that new uses for existing muscles in the pork carcass be utilized in
new and novel ways. To do this, different fabrication procedures need to be developed and then
implemented by training those who fabricate the new cuts. Information on the location and action of
muscles needs to be shared with those involved in meal preparation. One of the major users of the
Porcine Myology and Muscle Profiling Website are those involved in the culinary industry. They
frequently requested a 3-D model be developed to assist culinary arts students in understanding the
muscles of a pork carcass. This project has developed a stereoscopic 3D model that can be displayed in a
way the user can virtually dissect the pork carcass. This minimizes the need for a lab to view the muscles
and bones in three dimensions making it possible to study the anatomy of pork in the classroom. Also,
additional information about the muscle can be retrieved at the click of a button.
With the increase in graphical computing capabilities, it is now possible to provide learners with a virtual
three-dimensional (3-D) view of a pork carcass at a reasonable cost. The advantage of virtual 3-D
viewing of a pork carcass is that it will provide users with a unique experience, offering a new level of
visualization to improve the teaching and learning of difficult concepts in the classroom. It will provide a
three dimensional view of the pork carcass and the interrelationships of the various muscles of the
carcass through all planes. At the same time, it can significantly reduce the need for expensive, one time
use laboratory resources. In addition, these visualization modules would be available outside the
classroom to provide students the opportunity for repetitive teaching and learning, a key element for
student retention of complex visual information.
The purpose of this project is to develop a 3-D model of the pork carcass that can be used in various ways
to enhance education and the learning the muscular anatomy of the pork carcass. Once a digital model
has been developed, it can be used with various learning modules with the emphasis altered to suit the
needs of the learner. This may include teaching of muscular and skeletal anatomy or a virtual fabrication
of the pork carcass by altering what is highlighted or animated. Specific muscles could be highlighted to
assist in the education of consumers on the location of specific muscles such as the teres major (petite
tender), or the vastus lateralis and rectus femoris (pocket roast) which will assist in the marketing of new
pork products. Once the model has been developed it will: be used in instruction of students in classes;
training of meat industry workers; and assist in the marketing of pork to consumers and restaurant and
institutional food preparation personnel.
Develop a stereoscopic three-dimensional model of the pork carcass model with both the
muscles and bones of the carcass.
Develop an interactive software program that allows the user to dissect the pork carcass
and access anatomical, chemical, and physical characteristics of each muscle.
Materials and Methods:
The first part of this project was to obtain a pork carcass and scan it using a CT scanner at the Iowa State
University Veterinary School. The scan generated over 300 cross-section images at 5 mm intervals.
Individual muscles were identified in each slice and then the individual image were used to generate
three dimensional models of each muscle (75 muscles total).
Once the models were created each muscle was textured using digital photographic images of each
muscle. This relies upon accurate and high quality photography of the muscles that were obtained by
dissection of each muscle from a pork carcass and photographed at several angles. A list of these muscles
and cuts was identified prior to the photography session(s).
The muscles and cuts were prepared for UV texture mapping within Lightwave 3D (a professional 3D
modeling and animation software). The previously mentioned photographs were processed with the
Photoshop image processing software. These images were then applied to the 3D geometry of the
porcine carcass model to simulate realistic looking muscles and cuts. Once texturing was completed, the
carcass is ready for animation.
With each muscle model developed and texture, an interactive software program was developed using
the Vizard software program. Using this program it was possible to virtually dissect the each muscle
from the carcass and then access information about each muscle.
This software program allows the user to view the program in both 2D and 3D. It also can be viewed in
multiple types of the 3D formats. This self contained program can be placed on CD for installation to
other computers.
The model will be developed in such a way as to be used for web delivery as well as being able to be
shown on an I-MAX screen. The model also will be used in the development of a physical model that can
be printed off on a 3-D printer.
The following are screen-captured images of the program:
Figure 1 This is a screen shot of the pork carcass with the textured muscle of the carcass. On the upper left hand side
are menus used to select individual muscles. On the upper right hand side there is button to select the viewing format.
Figure 2 This screen-capture shows the pork skeleton. It is possible to observe each of the bones and get a more
accurate representation of the shape of each bone. The carcass can also be rotated to view it at an infinite number of
Figure 3 This screen-captured image show the anaglyph display mode , in which the viewer would use glasses that
have a red and green lens. The mode can be used on a normal computer display.
Figure 4 The screen image display a muscle that has been selected. The muscle is brought forward and the user can
rotate the muscle to observe its three dimensional shape. By pressing on the display information button in the lower
left corner, information about the muscle can be viewed.
Figure 5 Here is an example of the information that can be retrieved and viewed.
With the development of the 3D pork anatomy software program this will provide state of the art training
aids that can be used in a classroom setting. This will assist food science personnel in understanding
carcass anatomy so they will be able to develop new uses for pork. Thereby increasing demand for pork
products. The program can provide a rapid method of instruction for the meat industry so they can
rapidly alter methods of carcass fabrication to take advantage of new uses for pork. The culinary
industry can use the program to assist chefs in the development of new uses of pork cuts on the menu. A
group of chefs or other food personnel can be instructed on pork anatomy and the value of specific cuts.
They will be able to view a three dimensional view of the cut and possible methods of processing and
preparation. The three dimensional view will also provide the “WOW” factor that will help in selling the
new pork concept.
With develop of this program, discussion between the Nebraska Pork Producer Association and the
University in the best way to market this product needs to occur. Presently, there has been work in
copyrighting the information that has already been developed.