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December 2012
D e p a r t m e n t of R a d i o l o g y
V o l u m e 23, N o. 1
Efficacy of a Diagnostic Algorithm to Reduce CT Utilization for
Suspected Pulmonary Embolism in Non-Pregnant Adult Patients
in an Academic Emergency Department
by Robert D. Heninger, MD, Radiology Resident, 2008-2012; Alan H. Stolpen, MD, PhD, Associate Professor
In 2009, the UIHC Chief-ofThe Task Force adopted a clini‑
Staff convened a Task Force
cally based diagnostic algorithm
to address three issues fac‑
known as the dichotomous Wells
ing medical imaging: (1)
Score (see Fig. 1). The ETC imple‑
patient concerns about
mented this algorithm on 17 June
medical radiation; (2) the
2009. To use the algorithm, pa‑
explosive growth of CT uti‑
tients with a Wells score of four or
lization; and (3) the clinical
higher were evaluated with CTPA
appropriateness of CT stud‑
only (no D-dimer assay). Patients
ies at UIHC. The Task Force
with a score of less than four were
included representatives
evaluated with a high sensitiv‑
Robert D. Heninger, MD Alan Stolpen, MD, PhD
from the Departments of
ity D-dimer assay; if positive, the
Radiology (two radiologists
patients underwent CTPA, and
and a radiation physicist), Emergency Medicine (two physicians) and
if negative, the CTPA was not performed.
Internal Medicine (a cardiologist and a hospitalist).
IRB approval was obtained to study the
effectiveness of the diagnostic algorithm.
Early on the Task Force agreed that the goal of assessing the clinical
The electronic medical record (EMR) was
appropriateness of every CT performed at UIHC was unfeasible. The
searched to identify all ETC patients who
goal needed to be something more manageable and in a well-defined
had undergone CTPA for suspected PE
patient population. The Task Force decided to study the utilization of
during two time periods: the six months
CT pulmonary angiography (CTPA) to assess for suspected pulmonary
immediately prior to implementation of
embolism (PE) in patients evaluated by the UIHC ETC (Emergency
the algorithm (December 2008-June 2009)
Treatment Center). Moreover, the goal of the study was to decrease
and the six months immediately after the
utilization of CTPA in this patient population. To that end, the task force
implementation of the algorithm (June
agreed to imple‑
2009-December 2009). The main study
ment a diagnostic
endpoints were the number of CTPA per‑
Editorial Staff
algorithm to guide
formed and the positive rate for PE during
each time period.
Interim Chair: Edmund A. Franken, Jr., MD, FACR
ing process in ETC
Editor: Monzer Abu‑Yousef, MD, FACR
Associate Editor: Joan Maley, MD
patients with sus‑
During the second six month period, lami‑
Managing Editor: Nichole Jenkins, MA
nated cards with the diagnostic algorithm
Copy Editor: Glena Clarke
Photographer: Jim Olson
(continued on page 3)
Radiology UpdateDecember 2012
Notes From the Chair
Déjà Vu All Over Again (from Yogi Berra)
Those of you who have for years been following the activities of the Department of
Radiology at The University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine and UIHC will be fa‑
miliar with me from my service as Chair of the Department of Radiology 1979-1994,
and as Interim Chair 2001-2002. Well, it happened again. As of January 1, 2012, I
again became Acting Chair of the Department of Radiology at this institution. Con‑
sidering my advanced age and various infirmities, I hope that the third time will be
my shortest tenure in this position.
Dr. Laurie Fajardo stepped down from the Chair’s position in December, 2011. She
remains at Iowa as Professor of Radiology, and is enjoying a sabbatical year here
pursuing research in breast imaging.
Edmund A. Franken, Jr., MD, FACR
Professor Emeritus & Interim
Chair, Department of Radiology
To give some idea of the accomplishments made under her direction I offer
some statistical information. Department total service volume grew 8%,
from 280,000 in 1991 examinations per year to 322,000 in 2011. For ad‑
vanced imaging, the growth was very impressive, with CT, MRI and Ultra‑
sound essentially doubling during this time.
Under Dr. Fajardo’s leadership extramural research grew from $4 million to $12 million in 2011, a 275% increase. Ra‑
diology Practice Plan charges grew substantially over this time period, along with a 385% increase in hospital charges
for radiology.
The sophistication of our equipment changed dramatically during these years. Dr. Fajardo was instrumental in nego‑
tiating a strategic purchasing alliance with Siemens Medical, which provided for the purchase of equipment at a sig‑
nificant savings as well as a strategic research alliance that provides for the exchange of technology and scientific find‑
ings between the Radiology Department and Siemens. The period also saw major improvement in the department’s
imaging equipment with the upgrading of all MR, CT, and PET scanners, and a new cyclotron as well as conversion to
all digital image and image distribution throughout the institution. All radiologists’ reports are now transcribed by a
voice activation system. Major facility renovations include MRI, ETC, PET, and the new conference room. In total the
institution invested over $59 million in the Radiology Department during this time.
Of the department’s total current full- and part-time faculty of 58, 27 or nearly half were hired by Dr. Fajardo. Tom
Barloon is the only radiologist in abdominal imaging who arrived prior to Dr. Fajardo’s tenure. The breast imaging
section is made entirely of hires during her time, and all sections have added several new faculty. One of Dr. Fajardo’s
appointments was to make D. Lee Bennett, M.D., Vice Chair of Radiology with responsibilities for the clinical service.
Dr. Bennett has been invaluable in this role, particularly in providing continuity in clinical service involving Dr. Fajardo
and me. Lee has taken interest in all phases of the clinical service, and now works in a fashion akin to a chief operat‑
ing officer, managing the day-to-day affairs of the clinical operation. He has also taken on several individual projects,
making my life much easier.
Dr. Bennett also plays a significant role in the leadership of the American College of Radiology. He is a past president
of the Iowa Radiological Society, and this year was appointed to the Council of the American College of Radiology, a
position that recognizes him as one of the leaders of our specialty.
All in all, the department is in much better shape as a result of Dr. Fajardo’s efforts. We all wish her the best and look
forward to seeing many academic achievements from her during her sabbatical and in the years thereafter.
(continued next page)
Radiology UpdateDecember 2012
Notes from the Chair, continued from previous page
To change gears, I have a personal appeal to our friends and alumni. Our residents have, for many years, become involved in
research activities during their training. And they are required to do so by the Radiology Residency Review Committee. Each
resident works under a designated faculty member on his/her project, and the resultant investigations are uniformly of high
quality. The majority of these investigations are published in the medical literature and/or presented at national meetings.
As departmental resources have become tighter, it has become more and more difficult to identify seed money for resident
research. Even the simplest project usually requires $1000-$2000 for essential information gathering. In the past our friends
and alumni have offered support for this program, creating a fund in the UI Foundation (it’s called the Franken Radiology Resi‑
dent Research Fund) to help pay for this. The success of their research projects has been greatly enhanced by these funds, so
much so that the available dollars are now low. I am asking each of you to consider giving a donation to the fund, allowing us
to continue fiscal support for that program. Your contribution would be greatly appreciated.
Efficacy of Diagnostic Algorithm, continued from page 1
Fig 1. The above axial CTPA images demonstrate a large saddle pulmonary embolus
were taped to all order entry computers in the ETC. Inclu‑
sion criteria for the study were CTPA studies ordered by
an ETC provider to “rule out PE” in patients age 18 years or
older. Exclusion criteria included pregnancy, hypotension
or shock.
tion for suspected PE in non-pregnant adults evaluated in
the ETC. However, the algorithm marginally increased the
positive rate of CTPA for PE.
Our study had several limitations: (1) the ETC providers did
not document the Wells score or adherence to the diag‑
nostic algorithm; and (2) the official radiology report was
used to determine if the CTPA was positive or negative for
PE – the studies were not over-read by an expert chest ra‑
diologist. The algorithm was apparently violated 27 times
as evidenced by patients with a negative D-dimer test
who underwent CTPA. Interestingly, the pre- and post- al‑
gorithm groups each had one false negative D-dimer test
(i.e., CTPA positive for PE).
CTPA studies were performed on a variety of CT scanners,
including the Toshiba 4 slice machine and the Siemens
6, 16, 64, dual 64, and 128 slice machines. Our standard
protocol includes 150 mL of IV Isovue-370 administered at
4 mL/sec with triggering off the main pulmonary artery.
Images were reconstructed in the axial, coronal and sagit‑
tal planes and interpreted by either a chest or abdominal
Possible explanations for the failure of the algorithm to re‑
duce CTPA utilization in the ETC include: (1) ETC providers
The diagnostic algorithm failed to reduce CTPA utiliza-
(continued on next page )
Radiology UpdateDecember 2012
Efficacy of Diagnostic Algorithm, continued from previous page
may have ignored the algorithm or “fudged” the
Wells score to ensure that CTPA would be per‑
formed; (2) patient volume in the ETC increased dur‑
ing the post-algorithm period; and (3) some hospital
services that admitted these patients from the ETC
subverted the algorithm (this was noted anecdotally
by the ETC in one case).
In conclusion, seemingly straightforward efforts to
improve patient care and reduce health care costs
can be unexpectedly challenging.
Number of CTPA scans
110 males
145 females
114 males
226 females
Age (mean)
53.6 years
51.7 years
Number of patients
younger than 30 years
22 (9%)
43 (14.4%)
Number of scans positive 32 (12.6%)
for PE
49 (14.4%)
D-dimer performed
143 (56%)
205 (60%)
D-dimer positive
122 (85%)
178 (87%)
PE (+), no D-dimer
21 (19%)
24 (18%)
PE (+), had D-dimer
11 (8%)
25 (12%)
The authors would like to thank the following
for their assistance: Mark Madsen, PhD, and Brad
Thompson, MD, Department of Radiology, UIHC;
Edwin Van Beek, MD, PhD, University of Edinburgh;
Azeemuddin Ahmed, MD, and Michael Takacs, MD,
Department of Emergency Medicine, UIHC; and Scott
Wilson, MD, and Paul Lindower, MD, Department of
Internal Medicine, UIHC.
In addition, the author would like to thank Alan Stol‑
pen, MD, PhD, for serving as mentor during this proj‑
ect. Without his assistance, this project would not
have been possible, and he was instrumental in fa‑
cilitating presentation of this data at the 2010 RSNA
Annual Meeting in Chicago, IL.
Tapson VF. Medical progress: acute pulmonary
embolism. New England Journal of Medicine 2008;
Mamlouk MD, et al. Pulmonary embolism at CT
angiography: implications for appropriateness,
cost, and radiation exposure in 2003 patients.
Radiology 2010; 256:625-632.
Constantino MM, et al. CT angiography in the
evaluation of acute pulmonary embolus. AJR
American Journal of Radiology 2008; 191:471-474.
Radiology UpdateDecember 2012
Sectional Update
A Letter from the UI Foundation
Pediatric Radiology
Yutaka Sato, MD, PhD
Professor of Radiology; Director, Pediatric Radiology
Greetings from the Univer‑
sity of Iowa Foundation! I
hope 2013 is filled with
health, happiness and pros‑
perity for you all.
The Children’s Hospital is
coming! Construction is now
underway for a free-stand‑
ing, 480,000 square foot fa‑
cility, twelve stories above
the ground and two stories
below, that will house 200
beds. The building will be
located beside the John Pap‑
pajohn Pavilion and across
from the Kinnick Stadium.
Construction is targeted for completion in 2016. The Pe‑
diatric Radiology facility will be located in the basement
- 2nd level - where we will share the floor space with the
endoscopy procedure rooms. Plans for the pediatric imag‑
ing facility include general radiology, fluoroscopy, CT, MRI
and ultrasound. The Pediatric Radiology Section is excited
and actively participating in the Steering Committee on
this project.
As you may know, my oc‑
cupation with the Foun‑
dation is to promote the
department of Radiology by
informing our friends and alumni about the de‑
partment’s priorities and to encourage financial
support to those areas.
What made your time at The University of Iowa
a wonderful time in your life? Was it a particular
professor or faculty member that served as your
mentor and support? Was it the opportunity you
had to work on cutting edge research? Perhaps it
was the scholarship you received to relieve some
of the financial pressure. Whatever the case may
be, your time at Iowa was impactful. Listed be‑
low are just a few of the funds you can support to
help make future radiologists’ experience at The
University of Iowa a great one.
Since our last sectional update, pediatric radiologist,
Geetika Khanna, MD, left for Washington University after
an extremely successful academic career here at Iowa. She
is still greatly missed by our clinical colleagues and by us.
She is now an associate professor of radiology and contin‑
ues to be academically very active at her new institution.
She was back to Iowa as a visiting professor in September
26, 2011. Drs. Simon Kao, Michael D’Alessandro and my‑
self cover general pediatric radiology with special inter‑
est and expertise in ultrasound and tumor imaging (Dr.
Kao), computer science and computer-based education
(Dr. D’Alessandro) and neuroimaging and head and neck
imaging (Dr. Sato). Dr. Kao is active in the Child Oncology
Group, Dr. D’Alessandro has been a frequent speaker at
the Radiological Society of North America and Society for
Pediatric Radiology, and I have been a presenter in refresh‑
er courses at the Society for Pediatric Radiology and the
American Roentgen Ray Society. The Pediatric Radiology
Fellowship program headed by Dr. Kao was successfully
granted an unrestricted five-year accreditation by the AC‑
GME and has enjoyed a series of well qualified fellows: Drs.
Achint Singh (2008 – 2009), Lokesh Khanna (2009 – 2010),
Janet Dubois (2010 – 2011), Ryan Reynolds (2011 – 2012),
and Kiran Sargar (2012-2013).
Radiology Development Fund 30-538-000
Franken Radiology Resident Research Fund 30-538-011
Krabbenhoft Chair in Radiology Fund 30-538-025
Whichever fund and no matter the amount, you
can make a difference in the future of the UI De‑
partment of Radiology.
To learn more about the University of Iowa Foun‑
dation, and how gifts from alumni and friends
support students and faculty in the UI Depart‑
ment of Radiology, please visit www.uifounda‑ or contact me at heather-ropp@uiowa.
edu, (319) 335-3305 or toll-free 800-648-6973.
Heather Ropp
Univrsity of Iowa Foundation
We continue to be well represented in multidisciplinary
conferences and tumor boards for pediatric patients and
maintain high regard among our clinical colleagues.
Radiology UpdateDecember 2012
Honors & Awards. . .
Monzer M. Abu-Yousef, MD
Kousei Ishigami, MD, PhD,
• American Board of Radiology Examiner, May 2012
comes to the Department as
Visiting Associate Professor. In
addition to his appointment at
UIHC, Dr. Ishigami is also current
Assistant Professor of Clinical
Radiology at Kyushu University
in Fukuoka, Japan. He received
both his MD and PhD at Kyushu
University and has completed
radiology residencies at Kyushu
University, the International
Medical Center of Japan, the Labor Welfare Chikuho Rosai
Hospital and Medical Institute of Bioregulation. Dr. Ishigami
joins the Body Imaging Section.
David W. Dick, PhD
• Elected to serve as Secretary of the Society of Nuclear
Medicine & Molecular Imaging’s Radiopharmaceutical
Council from June 2012 - June 2014
Laurie L. Fajardo, MD, MBA
Chair of the Radiological Society of North America’s
Research & Education Corporate Giving Subcommittee
Member, Board of Directors of the Association of Uni‑
versity Radiologists GE Radiology Research Academic
Eric A. Hoffman, PhD
Joshua M. McDonald, MD,
Appointed to the Editorial Review Board of Pulmonary
Archana T. Laroia, MD
joined the Body Imaging Section
as Clinical Assistant Professor.
Dr. McDonald received his medi‑
cal training at The University of
Iowa College of Medicine. He
completed his residency in diag‑
nostic radiology at University of
Iowa Hospitals and Clinics and a
fellowship in body and musculo‑
skeletal imaging at Indiana Uni‑
versity Hospital in Indianapolis.
Prior to his appointment at UIHC, Dr. McDonald worked in gen‑
eral radiology at Radiology Waukesha, S.C., in Waukesha, WI.
Young Physician Alternate Representative from Iowa at
the American College of Radiology’s Annual Meeting
and Chapter Leadership Conference, April 21-25, 2012
Panel member on the ACR Appropriateness Criteria
Expert Panel on Cardiac Imaging
Member, ACR Contrast Media Committee
Toshio Moritani, MD, PhD
Appointed to the American Society of Neuroradiology,
Education Committee, 2011-2015
Appointed to the American Society of Neuroradiol‑
ogy’s Outstanding Presentations Subcommittee, 20112015
Appointed to the American Society of Neuroradiol‑
ogy’s Website & Online Subcommittee, 2011-2015
Reviewer, Journal of Clinical Imaging, Journal of Neurotrauma, European Neurology, and the Journal of
Pediatric Epilepsy
Howard J. O'Rourke, MD,
joined the Department of Radi‑
ology as Clinical Assistant Pro‑
fessor. Dr. O'Rourke completed
his medical training at the Uni‑
versity of Rochester in Roches‑
ter, NY. He went on to complete
both his residency in diagnos‑
tic radiology and fellowship
in musculoskeletal radiology
at the University of Pittsburgh
Medical Center in Pittsburgh,
PA. Dr. O'Rourke joins the Musculoskeletal Radiology Sec‑
Jun Ni, PhD
Recipient of the 2011 3rd Place Heilong Jiang High
Education Science and Technology Award for Protein
Visualization and Computer Modeling and Simulation,
(continued on page 8 )
Radiology UpdateDecember 2012
New 2012-2013 Fellows
Bathla Girish, MBBS
David De Bruin, MD
Charles Smittkamp, MD
Michael Munagian, MD
Tamer Ghosheh, MD
Damon Shearer, DO
Breast Imaging
Warren Spencer, MD
Oscar Pinzon, MD
Michael Spieth, MD
Body Imaging
Kiran Sargar, MBBS
Pediatric Radiology
James Stecher, MD
Back row left to right: Nathan Miller,
MD, Virginia Commonwealth Uni‑
versity School of Medicine; Joel
Ziegelbein, MD, University of Iowa
Carver College of Medicine; Nicholas Turman, MD, University of North
Dakota; Derek Savells, MD, Univer‑
sity of Kentucky; Mark VanTassell,
MD, University of Iowa Carver Col‑
lege of Medicine; Eric Ericson, MD,
University of North Dakota; Hussein
Kekhia, MD, American University
of Beirut, Beirut, Lebanon; Jason
Mueller, MD, University of Iowa
Carver College of Medicine; Mohammad Amarneh, MBBS, Jordan
University, Amman, Jordan
Our New Residents
Front row left to right: Tracy Teo, DO,
New York College of Osteopathic
Medicine; Jiefu Zheng, MD, PhD,
First Military Medical University
School of Medicine, China
Radiology UpdateDecember 2012
Honors, continued from page 6
2012 Honorable Professor and PhD Advisor, Nanjing
University of Sciences and Technology, College of Com‑
puter Science and Information Technology, Nanjing, China,
Honorary Senior Advisor in Biomedical and Mechanical En‑
gineering Computations, CSST Beijing Aerospace General
Hospital, Beijing, China, 2011-14
Editorial Board member for Advances in Computed Tomog‑
raphy (ACT), International Journal of Computer Science &
Information Technology Applications
Bruno Policeni, MD
Appointed to the Education Committee of the American
Society of Head & Neck Radiology
Takashi Shawn Sato, MD
William Stanford, MD
Alan H. Stolpen, MD, PhD
Radiology researcher, Kevin
S. Berbaum, PhD, received
the Distinguished Investiga‑
tor Award from the Academy
of Radiology Research. Dr.
Berbaum was recognized for his significant accomplish‑
ments in imaging research that have had a profound im‑
pact on healthcare. For 30 years Dr. Berbaum’s research
has focused on medical image perception, and he is con‑
sidered a leader and expert in ROC research design and
statistical analysis in observer-performance experimen‑
tation. He is co-founder of the Medical Image Percep‑
tion Laboratory.
Jessica C. Sieren, PhD
Recipient of a 2012 American Lung Association Cancer
Discovery Award for “Regional Computed Tomography
Derived Biomarkers for Lung Cancer Risk Assessment”
Recipient of an Institute of Clinical and Translational Sci‑
ence Pilot Award for “Medical imaging for phenotyping
novel porcine cancer models”
Recipient, ACRIN Young Investigator Award for “Imaging
biomarkers for understanding the mechanistic relationship
between COPD and lung cancer”
Mentor for students, Nicholas Stoyles and Alexandra
Judisch, who received the Iowa Center for Research by
Undergraduates Fellow Scholarship awards
Dr. Berbaum was honored for this award at a reception
during the 2012 Radiological Society of North America’s
Annual Meeting.
US News & World Report America’s Top Doctors
The Radiology faculty listed below were nominated by
their peers for outstanding work and are considered to
be in the top *1% or 10% of physicians in their field:
Wendy R.K. Smoker, MS, MD
Appointed to the editorial board of the Journal of Medical Diagnostic Methods
Kevin S. Berbaum, PhD,
Receives Distinguished
Investigator Award
Selected to be the Congress Vice President for the 2nd
World Congress on Ga-68 (Generators and Novel Radio‑
pharmaceuticals), Molecular Imaging (PET/CT), Targeted
Radionuclide Therapy & Dosimetry (SWC-2013), February
28-March 2, 2013
Appointed Associate Member, Integrative Health Sciences
Facility, Environmental Health Sciences Research Center,
University of Iowa, IA, 2012
Inducted as a Fellow of the American College of
Radiology, 2012
Limin Yang, MD, PhD
Selected to attend the Introduction to Academic Radiol‑
ogy program at the 2012 American Roentgen Ray Society’s
Scientific Meeting in Vancouver, BC, Canada
Appointed President of the Iowa Radiological Society, Iowa
chapter of the ACR, 2012-2014
Brad H. Thompson, MD
Michael K. Schultz, PhD
Inducted as a Fellow of the North American Society of Cardio‑
vascular Imaging at their 2012 annual meeting and was recog‑
nized as a recipient of their Gold Medal Award in recognition of
contributions to cardiovascular imaging
David L. Bushnell, MD ~ Georges El-Khoury, MD
Laurie L. Fajardo, MD ~ Michael M. Graham, MD, PhD
David M. Kuehn, MD ~ Yutaka Sato, MD, PhD
Alan Stolpen, MD, PhD ~ Brad H. Thompson, MD*
Lecturer in Neuroradiology. American Institute for Radio‑
logic Pathology, Silver Springs, MD
Radiology UpdateDecember 2012
AWARDS 2 0 11-2012
Gillies Award for Outstanding
Senior Medical Student
Baxter K. Richardson IV
Resident Teacher of the Year
John Kim, MD
Resident Educators of the Year
Saad Ali, MD
Jay Starkey, MD
Fellow Teacher of the Year
Ryan Reynolds, MD
Senior Faculty Teacher of
the Year
Monzer Abu-Yousef, MD
Junior Faculty Teacher of
the Year
Wei Fang, MD
Archana Laroia, MBBS
Resident Research Award
Jeffrey Meier, MD: “Value of middle
cerebral artery peak systolic velocity
and amniotic fluid delta D450 in assessing for fetal anemia”
Resident Teacher of the Year
Jim Stecher, MD
Resident Award for Outstanding
Clinical Service
Jim Stecher, MD
Resident Award for
Jeffrey Meier, MD
Chief Resident Recognition
Jeffrey Meier, MD
Christine Walsh, MD
RSNA Award
Cristian Dobre, MD
Krabbenhoft Award for
Excellence in Teaching
D. Lee Bennett, MD
Outstanding Departmental
Service Award
Yutaka Sato, MD, PhD
Faculty Teacher of the Year
Eve Clark, MD
Years of Service Awards...
Five Years
Twenty Years
Amanda Chidister, Angela Gulbranson, Anna Krug, Anne
Moorhead, Bridgette Schares, Courtney Hegouet, Gabe
Decker, Hannah Cates, Jack Kademian, Joseph Ekdahl,
Leah Koskinen, Melissa Kolker, Tasha Huff
Christine Mundt, David Bushnell, Eric Hoffman, Greg
Shaffer, Randy Ferguson, Timothy Lamp, Vincent Magnotta
Twenty-Five Years
Ten Years
Er-wei Bai, James Olson, Kathy Martensen, Marie Beelner, Sheri Walters, Simon Kao
Autumn Craig, Christina Hamarstrom, Crystal Lavin, David
Kuehn, Jean Wiese, Jerri Stockman, Jonathan Dubois,
Kenjirou Ohashi, Lani Noska, Laurie Fajardo, Lisa Manesis, Luke Sanderson, Michelle Petersen, Rebecca Egbert,
Steven Mccafferty, Allen McGruder
Thirty Years
Debra Barnes, Joseph Ruva, Lisa Brunsting, Lisa Ireland, Nancy Harney
Fifteen Years
Thirty-Five Years
Amy Mente, Benjamin Bender, Debra Halsrud, Jay Honohan, Marci Tucker, Peggy Knight, Shari Cole, Stephanie
Harris, Susan Walsh, Travis Witham, Zanetta Hoehle
Kevin Berbaum, Mary Mcbride
Radiology UpdateDecember 2012
Awards Received at National Meetings
• Berg A, Moritani T, et al. Wegener’s Granulomatosis: what is it anyway? American Roentgen Ray Society, Vancouver,
Canada, Apr 29- May 4, 2012. CERTIFICATE OF MERIT
• Berg AD, Smoker WRK, Policeni BA, Moritani T, Sato Y, Gentry L. Granulomatosis with polyangiitis: what is it anyway?
American Roentgen Ray Society Annual Meeting, Vancouver, Canada, Apr 29 - May 4, 2012. Selected as a CME exhibit.
• Fletcher B, Policeni BA, Smoker WRK. Parotid space lesions: an interactive case-based review. American Society of Neuroradiology Annual Meeting, New York, NY, April 2012. INVITED TO NEUROGRAPHICS
• Laroia A, Laroia S, Lee CH, Thompson BH, Mullan BF, Stanford W. MDCT Angiography in pulmonary hypertension: pictorial review. Society of Thoracic Radiology 2012 Annual Meeting, Huntington Beach, CA, March 11-14, 2012. CERTIFICATE OF MERIT AWARD
• Moritani T, Berg A, Kim J. Diffusion-weighted Imaging of spinal and paraspinal infection: differential diagnoses and imaging
pitfalls. American Society of Spine Radiology, Miami, FL, Feb 16-19, 2012. INVITED TO NEUROGRAPHICS
• Moritani T, Menda Y, Cappizano A. 18F-FLT PET, Diffusion and perfusion-weighted MR imaging and MR spectroscopy in
distinguishing between tumor recurrence and post-treatment response of gliomas. Primary Investigator. Adopted for the
Radiological Society of North America’s Clinical Trial Workshop, January 14-20, 2012.
• Policeni BA, Berg A, Lindell LR, Sato Y, Moritani T, Smoker WRK. Wegener granulomatosis: an elusive diagnosis. American Society of Head and Neck Annual Meeting, Miami, FL, October 2012. THIRD PLACE AWARD
• Policeni F, Policeni B, Mughal M, Smoker W, Lee A. Emergencies in neuro-ophthamology: imaging and clinical presentations. American Society of Head & Neck Radiology 46th Annual Meeting, October 3 - 7, 2012, Miami Beach, FL. FIRST
• Policeni FC, Policeni BA, Smoker WRK, Lee AG. Doctor, what is wrong with my eye? Case-based approach to imaging
ophthalmologic lesions. American Roentgen Ray Society Annual Meeting, Vancouver, Canada May 2012. Selected as a
CME exhibit.
• Starkey LJ, Moritani T Diffusion-weighted MR imaging of CNS fungal infections: histopathologic correlation, differential
diagnosis, and imaging pitfalls. Radiological Society of North America, 97th Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL. Nov 27- Dec 2,
• Zander DA, Smoker WRK. What a long strange trip: Imaging of thyroid ectopia and thyroglossal duct cysts. American
Roentgen Ray Society Annual Meeting, Vancouver, Canada, May 2012. Selected as a CME exhibit. BRONZE MEDAL
Book Chapters
Ahn JM, El-Khoury GY, Menda Y. Imaging. In: Bulstrode C, ed. Oxford Textbook of Trauma and Orthopaedics. 2nd
ed. New York, NY: Oxford University Press; 2011:74-89.
Alford SK, Hoffman EA. Measurement of pulmonary vascular structure and pulmonary blood distribution by
MDCT and MR imaging techniques. In: Yuan J, Garcia J, Hales C, Rich S, Archer S, West J, eds. Textbook of Pulmo‑
nary Vascular Diseases. New York, NY: Springer Sciences and Business Media, LLC; 2011:511-524.
Radiology UpdateDecember 2012
Martin ME, O’Dorisio MS, Kloepping KC, Walsh S, Leverich W, & Schultz MK. ‘‘Click’’-cyclized 68ga-labeled pep‑
tides for molecular imaging and therapy: synthesis and preliminary in vitro and in vivo evaluation in a melanoma
model system. In: Baum RP, Roesch FR, eds. Theranostics, Gallium-68, and Other Radionuclides: Recent Results in
Cancer Research. Vol. 194. Berlin: Springer-Verlag; 2013:149-176.
Moritani T. Dedifferentiation and gene of glioblastoma. In: Textbook of MR Imaging of Central Nervous System.
3rd ed. Shujunsha, 2012.
Moritani T. Genetics and epigenetics of primary and secondary glioblastomas. In: Aoki S, Aida N, Ida M, Oba H,
eds. A Key to Brain MRI Interpretation. 3rd ed. Tokyo, Japan: Shujunsha; 2013:58-61.
Smoker WRK, Schuknecht B. Imaging diseases of the pharynx and oral cavity. In: Hodler J, von Schulthess GK,
Zollikofer ChL, eds. Diseases of the Brain, Head and Neck, and Spine. Milan, Italy: Springer-Verlag Italia; 2012:130-142.
Electronic Publications
Kim J, Laroia AT. Post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorder. ACR Case In Point. April 2, 2012.
Pollard JH, Laroia AT. Catheter-induced pulmonary artery pseudoaneurysm. ACR Case In Point. April 6, 2012.
Bauer C, Sun S, Sun W, Otis J, Wallace A, Smith BJ, Sunderland JJ, Graham MM, Sonka M, Buatti JM, Beichel RR. Au‑
tomated measurement of uptake in cerebellum, liver, and aortic arch in full-body FDG PET/CT scans. Med Phys.
2012 Jun;39(6):3112-23. PubMed PMID: 22755696
Baumhover NJ, Martin ME, Parameswarappa SG, Kloepping KC, O’Dorisio MS, Pigge FC, Schultz MK. Improved
synthesis and biological evaluation of chelator-modified α-MSH analogs prepared by copper-free click chemis‑
try. Bioorg Med Chem Lett. 2011 Oct 1;21(19):5757-61. PubMed PMID: 21873053
Berbaum KS, Schartz KM, Caldwell RT, El-Khoury GY, Ohashi K, Madsen M, Franken EA Jr. Satisfaction of search for
subtle skeletal fractures may not be induced by more serious skeletal injury. J Am Coll Radiol. 2012 May;9(5):34451. PubMed PMID: 22554633
Berbaum KS, Schartz KM, Caldwell RT, Madsen MT, Thompson BH, Mullan BF, Ellingson AN, Franken EA Jr. Satis‑
faction of search from detection of pulmonary nodules in computed tomography of the chest. Acad Radiol. 2012
Oct 26. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 23103184
Capizzano AA, Sanchez A, Moritani T, Yager J. Hyperammonemic encephalopathy: time course of MRI diffusion
changes. Neurology. 2012 Feb 21;78(8):600-1. PubMed PMID: 22351798
Chang EH, Pezzulo AA, Meyerholz DK, Potash AE, Wallen TJ, Reznikov LR, Sieren JC, Karp PH, Ernst S, Moninger
TO, Gansemer ND, McCray PB Jr, Stoltz DA, Welsh MJ, Zabner J. Sinus hypoplasia precedes sinus infection in a
porcine model of cystic fibrosis. Laryngoscope. 2012 Sep;122(9):1898-905. PubMed PMID: 22711071
Cole EB, Zhang Z, Marques HS, Nishikawa RM, Hendrick RE, Yaffe MJ, Padungchaichote W, Kuzmiak C, Chay‑
akulkheeree J, Conant EF, Fajardo LL, Baum J, Gatsonis C, Pisano E. Assessing the stand-alone sensitivity of
computer-aided detection with cancer cases from the Digital Mammographic Imaging Screening Trial. AJR Am J
Roentgenol. 2012 Sep;199(3):W392-401
Deng Z, Zheng G, Ni J. Time synchronization using single gps-satellite and multiple measurement stations. IEEE
Computer Society Press, ISBN 978-0-7695-4705-3, pp. 227-234, EI Index Number: 20123415352918
Radiology UpdateDecember 2012
Ding K, Cao K, Fuld MK, Du K, Christensen GE, Hoffman EA, Reinhardt JM. Comparison of image registration
based measures of regional lung ventilation from dynamic spiral CT with Xe-CT. Med Phys. 2012 Aug;39(8):508498. PubMed PMID:22894434
Dobre MC, Smoker WR, Moritani T, Kirby P. Spontaneously ruptured intraspinal epidermoid cyst causing chemical
meningitis. J Clin Neurosci. 2012 Apr;19(4):587-9. Epub 2012 Jan 16. PubMed PMID: 22249012
Donohue KM, Hoffman EA, Baumhauer H, Guo J, Budoff M, Austin JH, Kalhan R, Kawut S, Tracy R, Graham Barr R.
Cigarette smoking and airway wall thickness on CT scan in a multi-ethnic cohort: The MESA Lung Study. Respir
Med. 2012 Dec;106(12):1655-64. PubMed PMID: 22974831
Ebbert TL, Baima JJ Jr, Smoker WR. Radiology quiz case 1. Myositis ossificans of the bilateral medial and lateral
pterygoid muscles. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2012 Apr;138(4):422-3. PubMed PMID: 22508629
Elangovan S, Avila-Ortiz G, Johnson GK, Karimbux N, Allareddy V. Quality Assessment of Systematic Reviews on
Periodontal Regeneration in Humans. J Periodontol. 2012 Apr 17. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 22509753
Elangovan S, Karimbux NY, Srinivasan S, Venugopalan SR, Eswaran SV, Allareddy V. Hospital-based emergency
department visits with herpetic gingivostomatitis in the United States. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Ra‑
diol. 2012 Apr;113(4):505-11. PubMed PMID: 22668428
Elangovan S, Srinivasan S, Allareddy V. Hospital-based emergency department visits with oral candidiasis in the
USA. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol. 2012 Aug;114(2):e26-31. PubMed PMID: 22769417.
Fajardo LL, Yang Y, Park JM. Comparison of 15° and 30° angle acquisition digital breast tomosynthesis for visu‑
alization and characterization of breast abnormalities. 11th International Workshop on Digital Mammography
Proceedings. 2012 July; 7361:369-76. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-31271-7
Fletcher AM, Greenlee JJ, Chang KE, Smoker WR, Kirby PA, O’Brien EK. Endoscopic resection of calcifying pseu‑
doneoplasm of the neuraxis (CAPNON) of the anterior skull base with sinonasal extension. J Clin Neurosci. 2012
Jul;19(7):1048-9. PubMed PMID: 22555125.
Fuld MK, Grout RW, Guo J, Morgan JH, Hoffman EA. Systems for lung volume standardization during static
and dynamic MDCT-based quantitative assessment of pulmonary structure and function. Acad Radiol. 2012
Aug;19(8):930-40. PubMed PMID: 22555001.
Inaoka T, Ohashi K, El-Khoury GY, Singh H, Berbaum KS. Clinical role of radiography for thoracic spine fractures in
daily practice in the MDCT era: a retrospective review of 255 trauma patients. Jpn J Radiol. 2012 Oct;30(8):61723. PubMed PMID: 22763571.
Inaoka T, Ohashi K, Moritani T, et al. Imaging of cervical spine trauma. Clinical Imagiology. 2012;23(1):28-41.
Kalil RS, Flanigan M, Stanford W, Haynes WG. Dissociation between progression of coronary artery calcification
and endothelial function in hemodialysis patients: a prospective pilot study. Clin Nephrol. 2012 Jul;78(1):1-9.
PubMed PMID: 22732331.
Khanna L, El-Khoury GY. SAPHO syndrome – a pictorial assay. The Iowa Orthopaedic Journal. 2012 May;32:36-42.
Klocke NF, Amendola A, Thedens DR, Williams GN, Luty CM, Martin JA, Pedersen DR. Comparison of T1ρ, dGEM‑
RIC, and quantitative T2 MRI in preoperative ACL rupture patients. Acad Radiol. 2012 Sep 14. [Epub ahead of
print] PubMed PMID: 22981604.
Li B, Christensen GE, Hoffman EA, McLennan G, Reinhardt JM. Establishing a normative atlas of the human lung:
computing the average transformation and atlas construction. Acad Radiol. 2012 Nov;19(11):1368-81. PubMed PMID:
Li Z, Ni J, Gu X. A denoising framework for ECG signal preprocessing. IEEE Computer Society Press, ISBN 978-0-76954705-3, pp.176-179, EI Index Number: 20123415352908
Radiology UpdateDecember 2012
Liu Y, Liang G, Saha PK. A new multi-object image thresholding method based on correlation between object class
uncertainty and intensity gradient. Med Phys.2012 Jan;39(1):514-32. PubMed PMID: 22225322
Luty C, Laroia S, Burr M. Spontaneous kommerell diverticulum dissection. J Vasc Interv Radiol. 2012 Nov;23(11):1443.
PubMed PMID: 22980626
Magnotta VA, Heo HY, Dlouhy BJ, Dahdaleh NS, Follmer RL, Thedens DR, Welsh MJ, Wemmie JA. Detecting activityevoked pH changes in human brain. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2012 May 22;109(21):8270-3. PubMed PMID: 22566645
Martin ME, Sue O’Dorisio M, Leverich WM, Kloepping KC, Walsh SA, Schultz MK. “Click”-cyclized (68)ga-labeled pep‑
tides for molecular imaging and therapy: synthesis and preliminary in vitro and in vivo evaluation in a melanoma
model system. Recent Results Cancer Res. 2012;194:149-75. PubMed PMID: 22918759
Mitchell JH, Hoffman EA, Tawhai MH. Relating indices of inert gas washout to localised bronchoconstriction. Respir
Physiol Neurobiol. 2012 Sep 30;183(3):224-33. PubMed PMID: 22771781
Miyawaki S, Tawhai MH, Hoffman EA, Lin CL. Effect of carrier gas properties on aerosol distribution in a CT-based hu‑
man airway numerical model. Ann Biomed Eng. 2012 Jul;40(7):1495-507. PubMed PMID: 22246469
Moser DJ, Boles Ponto LL, Miller IN, Schultz SK, Menda Y, Arndt S, Nopoulos PC. Cerebral blood flow and neuropsy‑
chological functioning in elderly vascular disease patients. J Clin Exp Neuropsychol. 2012;34(2):220-5. PubMed PMID:
Mueller D, Klette I, Baum RP, Gottschaldt M, Schultz MK, Breeman WA. Simplified NaCl based (68)Ga concentration
and labeling procedure for rapid synthesis of (68)Ga radiopharmaceuticals in high radiochemical purity. Bioconjug
Chem. 2012 Aug 15;23(8):1712-7. PubMed PMID: 22755505
Nalliah RP, Allareddy V, Kim MK, Venugopalan SR, Gajendrareddy P, Allareddy V. Economics of facial fracture re‑
ductions in the United States over 12 months. Dent Traumatol. 2012 Apr 9. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID:
Namati E, Thiesse J, Sieren JC, Ross A, Hoffman EA, McLennan G. Longitudinal assessment of lung cancer progression
in the mouse using in vivo micro-CT imaging. Med Phys. 2010 Sep;37(9):4793-805. PubMed PMID: 20964199
Osborn-Heaford HL, Ryan AJ, Murthy S, Racila AM, He C, Sieren JC, Spitz DR, Carter AB. Mitochondrial Rac1 GT‑
Pase import and electron transfer from cytochrome c are required for pulmonary fibrosis. J Biol Chem. 2012 Jan
27;287(5):3301-12. PubMed PMID: 22157762
Parker KL, Andreasen NC, Liu D, Freeman JH, Ponto LL, O’Leary DS. Eyeblink conditioning in healthy adults: a positron
emission tomography study. Cerebellum. 2012 Mar 20. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 22430943
Policeni BA, Smoker WR, Reede DL. Anatomy and embryology of the thyroid and parathyroid glands. Semin Ultra‑
sound CT MR. 2012 Apr;33(2):104-14. PubMed PMID: 22410358
Saeed M, Tewson TJ, Erdahl CE, Kohen A. A fast chemoenzymatic synthesis of [11C]-N5,N10-methylenetetrahydrofo‑
late as a potential PET tracer for proliferating cells. Nucl Med Biol. 2012 Jul;39(5):697-701. PubMed PMID: 22300960
Saha PK, Xu Z. An analytic approach to tensor scale with an efficient algorithm and applications to image filtering.
DICTA. 2010 Dec 1;2010:429-434. PubMed PMID: 22229149
Schartz KM, Berbaum KS, Madsen MT, Thompson BH, Mullan BF, Caldwell RT, Hammett B, Ellingson AN, Franken EA Jr.
Multiple diagnostic task performance in CT examination of the chest. Br J Radiol. 2012 Sep 6. [Epub ahead of print]
PubMed PMID: 22960243
Schultz MK, Mueller D, Baum RP, Leonard Watkins G, Breeman WA. A new automated NaCl based robust method for
routine production of gallium-68 labeled peptides. Appl Radiat Isot. 2012 Aug 31. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed
PMID: 23026223
Schultz MK. Second world congress on 68Ga molecular imaging. J Nucl Med. 2012 Jul;53(7):14N. PubMed PMID:
Radiology UpdateDecember 2012
Shao W, Ni J, Zhu C. A hybrid method of image restoration and denoise of ct images. IEEE Computer Society Press,
ISBN 978-0-7695-4705-3, pp.117-121, EI Index Number: 20123415352895
Shen L, Ni J, Zhu C, Huang S. Distributed medical images library for medical education. IEEE Computer Society Press,
ISBN 978-0-7695-4705-3, pp. 180-187, EI Index Number: 20123415352909
Sieren JP, Newell JD, Judy PF, Lynch DA, Chan KS, Guo J, Hoffman EA. Reference standard and statistical model for
intersite and temporal comparisons of CT attenuation in a multicenter quantitative lung study. Med Phys. 2012
Sep;39(9):5757-67. PubMed PMID: 22957640
Song M, Yin G, Liu D, Wang H, Ni J. Evolution analysis of influence domain of semantic relationships in internet ware
architecture. IEEE Computer Society Press, ISBN 978-0-7695-4705-3, pp. 12-19, EI Index Number: 20123415352932
Takahashi K, Sasaki T, Nabaa B, van Beek EJ, Stanford W, Aburano T. Pulmonary lymphatic drainage to the medias‑
tinum based on computed tomographic observations of the primary complex of pulmonary histoplasmosis. Acta
Radiol. 2012 Mar 1;53(2):161-7. PubMed PMID: 22262867
Vaidya JG, Block RI, O’Leary DS, Ponto LB, Ghoneim MM, Bechara A. Effects of chronic marijuana use on brain activity
during monetary decision-making. Neuropsychopharmacology. 2012 Feb;37(3):618-29. PubMed PMID: 21956445
Vasilescu DM, Gao Z, Saha PK, Yin L, Wang G, Haefeli-Bleuer B, Ochs M, Weibel ER, Hoffman EA. Assessment of mor‑
phometry of pulmonary acini in mouse lungs by nondestructive imaging using multiscale microcomputed tomogra‑
phy. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2012 Oct 16;109(42):17105-10. PubMed PMID: 23027935
Warren DE, Duff MC, Magnotta V, Capizzano AA, Cassell MD, Tranel D. Long-term neuropsychological, neuroanatomi‑
cal, and life outcome in hippocampal amnesia. Clin Neuropsychol. 2012;26(2):335-69. PubMed PMID: 22401298
Wei Y, Ni J, Zhu C. Group secret key generation algorithm from wireless signal strength. ICICSE 2012, IEEE Computer
Society Press, ISBN 978-0-7695-4705-3, pp. 239-245, EI Index Number: 20123415352920
Wu J, Ni J, Zhe Li Z. Building the ad hoc network node based on ARM linux platform. IEEE Computer Society Press,
ISBN 978-0-7695-4705-3, pp. 28-283, EI Index Number: 20123415352895
Xu Z, Gao Z, Hoffman, EA, Saha P.K. Tensor scale-based anisotropic region growing for segmentation of elongated
biological structures. Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), 2012 9th IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging.
pp.1032-1035, 2-5 May 2012 doi: 10.1109/ISBI.2012.6235734
Yang L, Park JM, Askeland RW, Fajardo LL. Rare extramedullary relapse with granulocytic sarcoma of the breast: imag‑
ing findings and pathology correlation. J Med Diagn Meth. 2012 May;1:103.
Zach JA, Newell JD Jr, Schroeder J, Murphy JR, Curran-Everett D, Hoffman EA, Westgate PM, Han MK, Silverman EK,
Crapo JD, Lynch DA; COPDGene Investigators. Quantitative computed tomography of the lungs and airways in
healthy nonsmoking adults. Invest Radiol. 2012 Oct;47(10):596-602. PubMed PMID: 22836310
Zhang Y, Mi H, Ni J. Context-aware commodity recommendation information service in e-commerce. IEEE Computer
Society Press, ISBN 978-0-7695-4705-3, pp. 20-25, EI Index Number: 20123415352933
Zhu C, Ni J. Cloud model-based differential evolution algorithm for optimization problems. IEEE Computer Society
Press, ISBN 978-0-7695-4705-3, pp. 55-59, EI Index Number: 20123415352883
Scientif ic Presentations
Akhter A, Abu-Yousef MM, Larson J. Mamillated caudate lobe & scalloped GB & IVC improve US diagnosis of cir‑
rhosis. AIUM Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ March 29-April 1, 2012
Radiology UpdateDecember 2012
Bhatt SP, Sieren JC, Doerschug KC, Hoffman EA. COPDGene Investigators correlation of emphysema mea‑
sured by multidetector computed tomography with spirometry: lobar contribution. Am J Respir Crit Care Med
Bhatt SP, Sieren JC, Hoffman EA. Correlation of spirometry with emphysema measured by multidetector com‑
puted tomography: lobar contribution. American Thoracic Society International Conference, San Francisco, CA,
May 2012
Burkart KM, Manichaikul A, Burke GL, Hoffman EA, Kaufman JD, Rotter JI, Tsai M, Watson KE, Rich SS, Barr RG.
Single nucleotide polymorphisms in the apolipoprotein M gene are associated with percent emphysema, HDL
and HDL subfractions among European- and African-Americans: The MESA Lung and SNP Health Association
Resource (SHARe) Studies. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 185;2012:A3809
Choi J, Yin Y, Hoffman EA, Tawhai MH, Lin C-L. MDCT-Based 3D-1D Coupled airflow simulation in the entire con‑
ducting airway of breathing human lung. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 185;2012:A2078
Choi S, Hoffman EA, Tawhai M, Castro M, Lin C-L. A numerical study of airway resistance and particle deposition
in normal and asthmatic lungs. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 185;2012:A2070
Chon D, Yin Y, Hoffman EA, Amini R, Simon BA, Kaczka DW. High-resolution topographic distribution of regional
inflation in healthy and injured canine lungs. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 185;2012:A2066
Fuld MK, Halaweish AF, Newell JD, Hoffman EA. Gas composition and energy settings for optimization of dualenergy xenon-CT. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 185;2012:A2038
Ghazle H, Abu-Yousef, MM. Stent-Induced Cholangitis Mimicking Biliary Dilatation on Sonography. AIUM Annual
Meeting, Phoenix, AZ March 29-April 1, 2012
Grout RW, Egbert B, Gao Z, Saha P, Barr, RG, Hoffman EA. Total pulmonary arterial volume as a quantitative CT
phenotype correlated with smoking-associated emphysema. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 185;2012:A2025
Halaweish AF, Fuld MK, Yin Y, Thedens DR, Lin C-L, vanBeek EJR, Hoffman EA. MRI Assessment of gaseous dis‑
tribution in a normal airway model: anatomical and density considerations for hyperpolarized 3helium assess‑
ments of lung function. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 185;2012:A2034
Hasegawa M, Chan KS, Burnette NE, Hoffman EA. Quantitative computed tomography of normal non-smokers
demonstrates greater low density areas at both frc and tlc scans as well as increased frc/tlc volume of the right
middle lobe. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 185;2012:A2023
Hueper K, Vogel J, Parikh M, Austin J, Bluemke D, Carr J, Goldstein T, Gomes AS, Hoffman EA, Lima J, Post W,
Prince M, Liu K, Skrok J, Watson K, Zheng J, Barr RG. Pulmonary parenchymal perfusion in early chronic obstruc‑
tive pulmonary disease (COPD): The MESA COPD Study. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 185;2012:A4345
Kravchuk OA, Fuld MK, Halaweish AF, Ghaghada K, Annapragada A, Newell JD, Hoffman EA. Liposomal iodine
blood pool CT contrast agent-detected measures of CT perfused blood volume assessed at 80/140kV dual
energy setting are equivalent to measures assessed at 100/140 kV dual energy setting. Am J Respir Crit Care Med
Kulkarni HS, Fajt ML, Uvalle CE, Hoffman EA, Cook-Granroth J, Wenzel SE. Airway wall thickness on computer‑
ized tomography correlates with increased mast cell markers in severe asthma. Am J Respir Crit Care Med
Lin C-L, Kumar H, Vasilescu D, Yin Y, Tawhai M, Hoffman EA. Morphometry and advective mixing results in a mu‑
rine lung acinar model. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 185;2012:A3563
Miyawaki S, Tawhai M, Hoffman EA, Lin C-L. Effect of carrier gas properties on aerosol distribution in a CT-based
human airway numerical model. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 185;2012:A2079
Radiology UpdateDecember 2012
Sato TS, Ismail A, Sato Y, Alasti F, Smith R. SLC26A4 mutation sensory neuronal hearing loss: genetic and pheno‑
typic analysis. SPR 2012 55th Annual Meeting & Postgraduate Course, San Francisco, CA, April 16 – 20, 2012
Sheshadri A, Witt C, Gierada D, Kozlowski, J, Hoffman EA, Cook-Granroth J, Fain SB, Busse WW, Zheng J, Wilson B,
Schechtman K, Castro M. Predictors of airway remodeling and decline in lung function in severe asthma. Am J
Respir Crit Care Med 185;2012:A2194
Sieren JC, Lyle BC, Hansen S, Newell JD, Hoffman EA. Position dependent, quantitative computed tomography
measures of airway and parenchymal structure related to lung nodules. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 185;2012:A3559
Smith BM, Bluemke DA, Hoffman EA, Hueper K, Lima J, Liu C-Y, Parikh M, Gomes A, Michos ED, Prince M, Barr
RG. “Diastolic dysfunction” in COPD - is it the heart or the lungs? The Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA)
COPD Study. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 185;2012:A4632
Thomashow MA, Shimbo D, Parikh M, Hoffman EA, Liu C-Y, Bluemke DA, Ventetuolo CE, Doyle M, Barr RG. Endo‑
thelial microparticles and emphysema on CT scan: The MESA COPD Study. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 185;2012:A1004
Wu D, Tawhai MH, Stoltz DA, Hoffman EA, Lin C-L. Periciliary liquid depth prediction in multiscale CT based dy‑
namic human lung. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 185;2012:A2076
Yin Y, Iyer KS, Lin C-L, Hoffman EA. Repeatability evaluation of CT regional lung function measurements via im‑
age registration. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 185;2012:A2041
Zach JA, Wilson C, Williams A, Stinson D, Estepar RSJ, Washko GR, Sieren J, Tschirren J, Hoffman EA, Lynch DA.
Impact of differing convolution kernels on quantitative CT measures of lung density and correlation with physi‑
ology in smokers: B31f Vs B35f. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 185;2012:A2029
Invited Speakers
Abu-Yousef MM. 1) Doppler Ultrasound in the diagnosis of scrotal pain; 2) Doppler Ultrasound in the diagnosis
of testicular & extratesticular masses; 3) Contribution of Doppler ultrasound in diagnosis of bowel disease; 4)
Doppler Role in diagnosis of hepatic and extra hepatic diseases; 5) Doppler ultrasound in diagnosis liver trans‑
plant & portosystemic shunt malfunction; 6) Role of Doppler ultrasound in diagnosis and follow up of renal ar‑
tery stenosis. 41st Annual Brazilian Congress of Radiology Meeting, Brasilia, Brazil, September 2012. [Invited Speaker]
Abu-Yousef MM. 1) Mock Boards in GYN ultrasound; 2) Mock Boards in OB ultrasound; 3) Mock Boards in general
& abdominal ultrasound; 4) Mock Boards in duplex Doppler ultrasound. Bryn Mawr Medical Center. Bryn Mawr,
PA, May 2012. [Visiting Professor]
Moritani T. Learning from the American Board of Radiology. Showa University School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan,
January 2012. [Invited Lecture]
Moritani T. Interesting pediatric cases. Showa University School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan, January 2012. [Invited
Moritani T. Diffusion-weighted imaging – pathology and pathophysiology. Boston University, Boston, MA, Au‑
gust 2012. [Invited Lecture]
Moritani T. Diffusion-weighted imaging – pathology and pathophysiology. University of Rochester Medical Cen‑
ter, Rochester, NY, September 2012. [Invited Lecture]
Ni J. 3D Tomosynthesis and molecular imaging, Harbin Engineering University, College of Electrical Engineering,
Aug. 2012
Radiology UpdateDecember 2012
Ni J. Establish 21st Century International College of International Programs, Shanghai Institute of Technology,
May 5, 2012
Ni J. Fluid dynamics and data visualization in micro-fluid flows in physiological systems, Harbin Engineering
University, College of Shipbuilding Engineering, Aug. 2012
Ni J. Towards 21st century system of systems engineering in integrated healthcare information systems, Henan
University of Economics and Law, April 21, 2012
Ni J. Towards 21st Century system of systems engineering in integrated healthcare information systems, Shang‑
hai University, May 4, 2012
Ruprecht A. 1) Warning: computers at work; 2) CBCT: the good, the bad, and the ugly; 3) CBCT in modern dental
practice. 2012 Annual Post College Assembly of The Ohio State University College of Dentistry, Columbus, May
17, 2012. [Invited Speaker]
Schultz MK. Gordon Research Conference – Metals in Medicine. Radiochemistry and PET Imaging Applications of
Generator Based Gallium-68. Andover, NH, June 2012. [Invited Presenter]
Schultz MK. Molecular Imaging Advances for Pediatrics – [68Ga]DOTATOC and the horizon for PET imaging of
pediatric cancers. [Invited Faculty]. Pediatric Council Meeting. Society of Nuclear Medicine Annual Meeting.
Miami, FL, June 2012.
Schultz MK. Radionuclides for Molecular Imaging and Therapy of Cancer. [Invited Faculty]. Oregon State Univer‑
sity, Host Alena Paulenova, Professor of Radiochemistry, April 2012.
Schultz MK. The role of 68Ga for molecular imaging of cancer in the United States. Theranostics CME Sympo‑
sium. Society of Nuclear Medicine Mid Winter Meeting. Orlando, FL, January 2012. [Invited Scientific Faculty]
Smoker WRK. University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX, January 2012. [Visiting Professor]
Smoker WRK. Roosevelt Hospital, New York, NY, May 2012. [Visiting Professor]
Invited / Refresher Course Faculty
El-Khoury GY. Imaging of Spondyloarthropathies: When to Use Radiography, CT,or MRI. 23rd Annual Rheumatol‑
ogy Symposium, Coralville Marriott Hotel & Conference Center, Coralville, IA, June 2012.
Schultz MK. Chelator additions to peptides for molecular imaging by ring strain promoted copper free click
chemistry. Society of Nuclear Medicine Annual Meeting, Miami, FL, June 2012. [Invited Faculty Continuing Edu‑
cation Seminar]
Smoker WRK. 1) The Pre and Post-styloid Parapharyngeal Space; 2) How I Do It: Imaging the Craniovertebral
Junction; 3) Cranial Nerves III-VI; 4) Denervation Atrophy Patterns of Motor Cranial Nerves; 5) The Parotid Space.
Head and Neck Radiology Review Course. Atlanta, GA, June 2012. [Invited Course Faculty]
Smoker WRK. 1) Spinal Neoplasms; 2) Degenerative Spine Disease and Spinal Infections; 3) Vascular and Miscel‑
laneous Spinal Pathology; 4) Suprahyoid Neck I (SS, PPS, CS); 5) Suprahyoid Neck II (MS and PS); 6) Suprahyoid
Neck III (PMS and oral cavity) Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, Bethesda, MD, July 2012. [Course Faculty]
Radiology UpdateDecember 2012
Exhibits / Posters
Akhter A, Kim J, Larson J, Abu-Yousef MM. The mammilated caudate lobe and three additional new ultrasound
markers improve diagnostic accuracy of liver cirrhosis. European Congress of Radiology Annual Meeting, Vienna,
Austria, March 2012.
Asim M, Moritani T, Sakai O. “Never judge a book by its cover”: review of various pathologies demonstrating dif‑
fusion abnormality on brain MR imaging. American Society of Neuroradiology, 50th Annual Meeting, New York
City, NY, April 2012.
Bangiyev L, Reede DL, Smoker WRK, Ginsberg L, Bobinski M. More than meets the eye: imaging of cutaneous
malignancies in the head and neck. Radiological Society of North America 95th Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL. No‑
vember/December 2011.
Bathla G, Kang C, Smoker WRK. Imaging of the fifth cranial nerve: a road trip down the largest sensorimotor
pathway in the head and neck. American Society of Head and Neck Annual Meeting, Miami FL, October 2012.
Bathla G, Smoker WRK. Imaging of congenital and acquired sensorineural hearing loss: peaking through the oval
window into the cochlea and beyond. American Society of Head and Neck Annual Meeting, Miami FL, October 2012.
Berg AD, Policeni BA, Smoker WRK, Sato Y, Gentry LR. Wegener’s Granulomatosis: What Is It Anyway? American
Society of Neuroradiology, 50th Annual Meeting, New York City, NY, April 2012.
Chen D, Singh V, Guha-Thakura N, Reede DL, Smoker WRK. Where do they go? – common pathways of disease
spread in the head and neck. American Society of Neuroradiology Annual Meeting, New York, NY, April 2012.
Diaz K, Font S, Reede DL, Smoker WRK. The awareness of sensation: normal anatomy and pathology of the tri‑
geminal nerve (CNV). American Society of Neuroradiology Annual Meeting, New York, NY, April 2012.
Ebbert TL, Smoker WRK. Lesions of the visual pathway. American Roentgen Ray Society Annual Meeting, Van‑
couver, Canada May 2012
Ismail A, Smoker WRK, Dahdaleh NS. Traumatic cervical spondylotopsis: stand-alone anterior or posterior fusion.
American Society of Spine Radiology Annual Meeting, Miami Beach, FL, February 2012
Kim J, Moritani T. Diffusion-weighted imaging of spinal and paraspinal infection: differential diagnoses and imag‑
ing pitfalls. European Congress of Radiology Annual Meeting, Vienna, Austria, March 2012.
Kim J, Moritani T. MRI diagnosis of spinal cord lesions with emphasis on diffusion-weighted imaging: charac‑
teristic findings, differential diagnoses and imaging pitfalls. European Congress of Radiology Annual Meeting,
Vienna, Austria, March 2012.
Kim J, Moritani T. Restricted diffusion in benign CNS neoplasms: imaging pitfalls and histopathological correla‑
tions. European Congress of Radiology Annual Meeting, Vienna, Austria, March 2012.
Moritani T, Capizzano A, Kademian J, Sato Y. Intramyelinic Edema on Diffusion-Weighted Imaging: Is It Reversible
or Irreversible? American Society of Neuroradiology, 50th Annual Meeting, New York City, NY, April 2012.
Moritani T, Elison A, Hayakawa M, Starkey LJ, Sato Y. Significance of slow flow on FLAIR and hypointense thrombi
on GRE before endovascular treatment in acute ischemic stroke in comparison with diffusion and perfusion MR
and angiographic findings. American Society of Neuroradiology, 50th Annual Meeting, New York City, NY, April 2012.
Moritani T, Sibai S, Berg A, Kim J. Diffusion-weighted imaging of spinal cord lesions with characteristic findings,
differential diagnoses and imaging pitfalls. American Society of Spine Radiology Annual Meeting, Miami, FL, Feb
Radiology UpdateDecember 2012
Moritani T, Starkey LJ. Diffusion-weighted Imaging of spinal and paraspinal infection: differential diagnoses and
imaging pitfalls. Radiological Society of North America 97th Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, Nov 2011.
Sibai S, Moritani T, Kim J, Capizzano A, Kademian J, Sato Y. MR imaging diagnosis of spinal cord lesions with
emphasis on diffusion-weighted imaging: characteristic findings, differential diagnoses and imaging pitfalls.
American Society of Neuroradiology, 50th Annual Meeting, New York City, NY, April 2012.
New & Renewed Grants
Co-PIs: Thomas Collins, MD, Alan Stolpen, MD, PhD; Title:
ACRIN 6690: A Prospective, Multi-center Comparison
of Multiphase Contrast-enhanced CT and Multiphase
Contrast-enhanced MRI for Diagnosis of Hepatocel‑
lular Carcinoma and Liver Transplant Allocation; Sponsor: American College of Radiology Imaging Network;
Amount: $127,500; Duration: 3/22/2012 - 3/22/2014
Faculty Mentor to Kyle Kloepping: Michael K. Schultz,
PhD; Title: Advanced Fellowship for Cancer Research;
Sponsor: India-US Science and Technology Forum;
Amount: $32,000; Duration: 11/1/12 - 3/1/13
PI: Michael K. Schultz, PhD; Title: Multi-Receptor Target‑
ing of Metastatic Melanoma for Imaging and Therapy;
Sponsor: International Union for Cancer Control Period;
Amount: $6,000
PI: Stephen L. Hillis, PhD; Title: Power and Sample-Size
Methodology for Radiology Research; Sponsor: US
Department of Health & Human Services, NIH; Amount:
$1,019,250; Duration: 4/1/2012 - 3/31/2015
PI: Jessica C. Sieren, PhD; Title: Regional Computed To‑
mography Derived Biomarkers for Lung Cancer Risk As‑
sessment; Sponsor: American Lung Association, Cancer
Discovery; Amount: $99,703; Duration: 2012-2014
PI: Eric A. Hoffman, PhD; Title: Multi-center Structural
& Functional Quantitative CT Pulmonary Phenotyping;
Sponsor: NIH.; Amount: $5,795,339; Duration: 08/01/12
- 06/30/16
PI: Jessica C. Sieren, PhD; Title: Imaging Biomarkers for
Understanding the Mechanistic Relationship Between
COPD and Lung Cancer; Sponsor: American College of
Radiology Imaging Network; Amount: $10,000; Duration: 1/1/2012 - 6/1/2012
PI: Eric A. Hoffman, PhD; Title: Subclinical Interstitial
Lung Disease in MESA; Sponsor: Columbia University;
Amount: $277,565; Duration: 3/1/2012 - 2/28/2013
PI: Jessica C. Sieren, PhD; Title: Medical Imaging for
Phenotyping Novel Porcine Cancer Models; Sponsor:
ICTS Pilot Grant; Amount: $46,000; Duration: 7/1/2012
– 6/30/2013
PI: Vincent A. Magnotta, PhD; Title: Mood and Anxiety
Disorders Due to TBI Among OIF/OEF Veterans - Jorge;
Sponsor: US Department of Veterans Affairs; Amount:
$49,322; Duration: 6/1/2012 - 5/31/2013
PI: Jessica C. Sieren, PhD; Title: Funding for Alex Ju‑
disch and Nicholas Stoyles; Sponsor: Iowa Center for
Research by Undergraduates (ICRU); Amount: $5,000;
Duration: 2012 - 2013
PI: Punam K. Saha, PhD; Title: Tensor Scale-based Meth‑
ods for Assessment of Trabecular Bone Quality; Sponsor: US Department of Health & Human Services, NIH;
Amount: $1,422,893; Duration: 6/18/2012 - 5/31/2013
Co-Faculty Under Development: Michael K. Schultz,
PhD, Tori Forbes, PhD; Title: Radiochemistry Faculty
Development at The University of Iowa; Sponsor: US NRC
NRC-HQ-12-G-38-0041; Amount: $599,000; Duration:
4/1/2012 – 3/31/2015
Radiology UpdateDecember 2012
Radiology Update
Department of Radiology
University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics
200 Hawkins Dr
Iowa City, IA 52242