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Name ____________________________________________________________________ period ____
Age of Exploration and Voyages of Discovery: A Quest for Learning Scramble Activity
Directions: As a lead in to future differentiated independent studies, students will access a PowerPoint, read it and
answer questions as directed by the prompts. The questions that follow may not follow in the order
that they are presented in the PowerPoint –students may find it easier to read the Ppt. first and then and
go back to find the answers.
A Quest worth 40 points will be generated from this activity, related maps and class discussions!
Be certain your answers are right – correct any errors, pay attention to maps and class discussions!
Part 1: Key People Scavenger Hunt
1. _______________________________________ was the Italian merchant in the late 1200s who explored much of
the Mongol Empire of China – he returned to Italy and related stories believed to be too fabulous to be true.
2. In the mid-1400s, this Portuguese prince was responsible for establishing a school of navigation that trained sea
captains how to use the newest technologies in seeking trade routes to India. ____________________________
3. ________________________________ was from the West African empire of Timbuktu and his pilgrimage to
Mecca became legendary because of the wealth he brought with him.
4. Queen Elizabeth granted __________________________________________________ permission to start a colony
known today as ___________________________; it vanished leaving little trace as to what happened to the
settlers. The only clue left behind was the word _______________________ carved on a tree.
5. According to legend, ____________________________________ purchased Manhattan for the sum of
approximately $24 worth of trade trinkets. It gave the Dutch a foothold in North America.
Part 2 Chart People Match:
Analyze the PPt. and you will find the answers in there…...somewhere.
Write the letter of the choice in front of the explorer that matches the description.
__ 6. Francis Drake
__ 7. Henry
__ 8. John Cabot
__ 9. Peter Minuit
__ 10. Bart. Dias
__ 11. Erik the Red
__ 12. Humphrey
Facts describing the important person- Who, What, Why, When, Where, etc.
A. One of the early graduates of the school of navigation, he led and expedition in 1487-88, it
got around the Cape of Good Hope in Africa before returning to Portugal with the charts.
B. One of the greatest Eng. explorers, he was a famous privateer/Sea Dog who attacked
Spanish treasure ships in the late 1570’s and also successfully sailed around the world too.
C. He too failed to find a N. West passage but he is credited with founding a colony in New
Foundland for England in the 1583, his ship the “Squirrel” sank off the Azores.
D. Actually an Italian who sailed for England in the late 1490s seeking a N. West Passage from
The North Atlantic to the “Indies” and although he failed others would follow his efforts.
E. Made 2 voyages, one for the Dutch and one for England, sought a route to the Indies, a river
and bay bear his name, and his ship the Half Moon sailed in 1609. His men mutinied and he
was set adrift! He was seeking a NW Passage to the Indies.
F. Although he is rarely mentioned for having help founded New Sweden, he did so only
after he had a falling out with the Dutch in the 1630s or so.
G. Around 985AD he sailed from Norway, then to Iceland and lastly to Greenland, he fled
because he had killed the son of a chief and his life was in danger.
Part 3 Short Answer: Read through the Ppt. + answer the following questions and analyze the maps too!
13. According to various historians and archaeologists, there are 3 possible theories that explain the means by
which humans reached the New World before Columbus? Briefly explain each below.
A. ____________________________________________________________________________________
B. ____________________________________________________________________________________
C. ____________________________________________________________________________________
14. Which theory is most accepted? __________________________________________________
And this theory suggests peoples came over in waves during the last Ice Age approx. 15,000 years ago.
15. The archaeologist ____________________________________ from the Smithsonian Institute suggests
a controversial theory that humans came from the region of ___________________________ around
17,000 years ago and this people and their culture is known as the _______________________ culture.
16. The first Viking to supposedly have seen the coast of North America was _________________________
Around 985-986AD but he was followed by _______________________________ around 1000AD and
is credited with starting a Viking settlement at ________ _____ _______________. The Vikings referred
to this place as “Vinland” in their oral histories which were later written into the “Icelandic Sagas”
17. A series of holy wars called the _______________________ took place from 1096 – 1204AD and those
who participated and travelled to the Holy Land experienced wonders unavailable in Europe. List the
valuable items they came in contact with… _________________________________________________
18. Portuguese sea captains trained in the school of navigation were expected to master 4 things. List
19. Although B. Dias moved Portugal closer to reaching its goal of getting to India it would actually be this
captain who was the first to do it in 1498? ________________________________________________
20. At nearly the same time, _________________________ and ______________________ of Spain
helped pay for ________________ to find a route to India - going west – he led 4 expeditions – none
really succeeded!
This next question requires critical thinking and is not in the Ppt. – be thoughtful- show effort!
21. Although Columbus failed to achieve his goal of teaching the Indies or India… was he a failure?
Yes? No? How should Columbus be remembered in history today?
Part 4 Map Analysis: Observe the maps of European Exploration of the Americas and complete the 2
Column activity below. The clues to the answers are in the map and explained in the Col. B descriptions.
Col. A
Col. B
___ 22. Coronado
A. In 1519 he set sail around S. America, was 1st to make it around the world
___ 23. Pizarro
B. Sailed up the coast of California in 1541-1542 – claimed it for Spain
___ 24. Verrazano
C. Spaniard who explored Florida, sought “Fountain of Youth” in 1512-1513
___ 25. Cabeza De Vaca
D. Ital. sailed for England in 1497 – seeking N. West Passage in N. Atlantic
___ 26. Magellan
E. French explorer 1534-35 sailed across N. Atlantic down St. Lawrence River
___ 27. Vespucci
F. Explored along the Gulf of Mexico from 1528-36 and made it to Mexico City
___ 28. Cabot
G. He explored the isthmus of Panama from 1510-1513, was 1st to see Pacific
___ 29. Cortes
H. Ital. who sailed for France along the east coast of N. America in 1524
___ 30. De Soto
I. Explored NW of S. America south to Cuzco in 1531-33 – defeated the Inca
___ 31. De Leon
J. Spaniard who explored into Georgia west to Miss. River from 1539-1543
___ 32. Cartier
K. Great conquistador, defeated the Aztec Empire of Mexico from 1519-1521
___ 33. Balboa
L. Spanish explorer of the S. West of USA in 1540-42 seeking El Dorado
___ 34. Cabrillo
M. Sailed for Spain + Port. along northern coast of S. America 1499-1500s, a
Navigator + cartographer who realized the new lands weren’t the Indies
Part 5 Short Answer: Analysis/Application: Closely study the slide with the map of French Explorers and
answer this question. Good Luck – be sure to mention where each person went.
It has been suggested that explorers frequently followed in the footsteps previous explorers, how is this
precisely the case when one studies the process by which the French explored parts of N. America? Explain
Part 6 Overlooked Contributions: Observe the slides dedicated to New Amsterdam and to New Sweden.
While neither nation had lasting settlements in this general region, each left behind an architectural style
now common in America. Which nation contributed which type of architecture?
Sweden contributed the ______ ___________ while the Dutch contributed the ___________ ________
Now, use the Ppt. to complete maps of the French Explorers, New Amsterdam and New Sweden – label,
code as directed and neatly color!
Name ________________________________________________________________ period ______
Age of Exploration and Discovery – Quest Based off of Ppt. Activity, Maps + Class Discussions {40 points}
Part I Multiple Choice: Write the letter of the choice that best answers each item. {1 point each}
___ 1. Stories of his pilgrimage to Mecca became legendary – it would lead nations to explore around Africa
A. Columbus
B. Hudson
C. Minuit
D. Mansa Musa
___ 2. According to history, he purchased Manhattan for $24 worth of trade trinkets.
A. Polo
B. Minuit
C. Cabot
D. Drake
___ 3. He was the first Viking who is credited with seeing the coast of N. America.
A. Erik the Red
B. Leif Eriksson
C. Lars the Lame
D. Bjarni Herjolfsson
___ 4. As a royal of Portugal, he helped start schools of navigation that launched the Age of Discovery.
A. Henry
B. Isabella
C. Ferdinand
D. Elizabeth
___ 5. A graduate of the school of navigation, he was the first to make the trip to India in 1498.
A. Dias
B. Drake
C. Da Gama
D. Columbus
___ 6. In the late 1400s to early 1500s, he led 4 voyages of discovery but never reached his goal of India
A. Columbus
B. Magellan
C. Dias
D. Gilbert
___ 7. He is credited with being the first European to start a colony in N. America, it however failed.
A. Herjolfsson B. Erik the Red C. Columbus D. Eriksson
___ 8. Which of the following theories is the most accepted theory for ancient migration to the Americas?
A. Polynesian ocean going canoes B. Solutrean ocean voyage from Europe
C. Oceanic trip from Siberia to South America D. Crossing an Ice Age land bridge from Siberia
Part 2 Cause and Effect: What nations sought, where they explored and settled {1 point each}
Directions: Match the effect in Col. B that goes with the cause in Col. A.
Col. A Cause
Col. B Effect
____ 9. Because Spain sought a route to India
A. Their great Sea Dog was second around world
____ 10. Because Portugal sought a route to India
B. They explored down the St. Lawrence-Great Lakes
+ were first to make it down the Mississippi River
____ 11. Because England wanted route to East
C. Nat. Americans would lose their lands + their lives
____ 12. Because France sought wealth to East
D. Their explorer entered up a river bearing his name
____ 13. Because Sweden wanted to explore too
E. They were able to briefly control trade to Indies
____ 14. Because the Dutch sought a route to Indies F. They established a short-lived colony in S. Jersey
____ 15. Because Europeans sought new empires
G. They were able to claim a huge New World
American empire
Part 3 People Match: Match the location in Col. B to who went there in Col. A. {1 point each}
{All of these explorers are linked to Spain and were items in the explorers chart from the class activity}
Col. A
Col. B
___ 16. Cabrillo
A. Second to make it around the world – a notorious “Sea Dog” for England
___ 17. Pizarro
B. Explored present day Georgia and west, died of “fever” near the Mississippi River
___ 18. Balboa
C. Spanish Conquistador who defeated the Aztec and found treasure
___ 19. De Leon
D. Spanish Conquistador who defeated the Inca in 1530s and gained treasure too
___ 20. Cortes
E. Explored the isthmus of Panama and was credited as being 1st to see the Pacific
___ 21. Vespucci
F. Sailed along the coast of California – giving Spain claim to those lands
___ 22. Drake
G. Sought El Dorado or the Seven Cities of Gold in the S. West of USA in the 1540s
___ 23. Coronado
H. Famous for exploring Florida in 1513 for the fabled “Fountain of Youth”
___ 24. De Soto
I. Late 1400s -Early 1500s, sailed for Spain + Portugal, realized the new lands were
not the Indies but were new land masses – those 2 continents bear his 1st name
Part 4 Chronology of Exploration/Flow and Scope of Exploration: Derived off Map Activity {1 point each}
Directions: Recall in class that the French Explorers were especially noted for following in each other’s
Footsteps or canoe wake… complete the following list by inserting the missing explorers.
Write of letter corresponding to the order in which the French explored North America
A = Explored 1st B = Explored 2nd
French Explorers
C = Explored 3rd
D = Explored 4th
E = Explored 5th
F = Explored 6th
What they did but not in order
___ 25. Robert de LaSalle
1st Explored/ sailed up the coast of N. America - entered NY harbor
___ 26. Samuel de Champlain
2nd Explored St. Lawrence Bay and partly down the St. Lawrence Riv.
___ 27. Jacques Cartier
3rd Explored the NY/Vermont region and up to the great lakes
___ 28. Antoine de Cadillac
4th Re-explored the Great lakes – made ½ way down the Miss. River
___ 29. Giovanni da Verrazano
5th Explored all the way down the Miss. River – died off coast Texas
___ 30. Marquette and Joliet
6th Explored across Miss. River, up Missouri River, founded Detroit
Part 5 Analytical Writing/Understanding History and Forming Sound Judgments {10 points}
Premise: In class, you have completed activities, participated in discussions and are now carrying out
independent research on who you believe to have been the greatest explorer ever.
Question: In your opinion, which one person, by their actions and discoveries, stands above all their peers
and deserves to be judged as the greatest explorer of all time. Why is this the case.
To have a chance at scoring well, you must do the following:
1. Address the premise and restate the question in your introduction. {2pts.}
2. Present at least 3 correct supporting facts in the body of your response {2 pts. each}
3. Close your response, refer to your answer and once again address the premise and question {2 pts.}
 ______________________________________________________________________
 ______________________________________________________________________
 ______________________________________________________________________
Age of Exploration PowerPoint Activity/Maps and Discussions Quest Guide
Quest Components: Each item below is 1 point each
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
8 Mult. Choice
7 Cause and Effect - Students need to know… Why and where nations explored, settled and results
9 People Match – Students will need to know Spanish Explorers and 1 explorer who relates to Spain
6 French Explorers Chronology – Know the 6 explorer for France in order and where each went
Part 5: Fact Based Judgment Writing Response {10 points}
Students should know the content – Points can be earned or lost by simply following format and directions!
Content/People to highlight and study for the Quest:
Find it in the packets + maps and highlight it!
Keep in mind – some of the names below are not the answers but are mentioned as choices - should know them
J. Cartier
La Salle
Erik the Red
De Soto
Mansa Musa
Marquette and Joliet
Leif Eriksson
Da Gama
De Leon
Da Gama
Good Advice to Follow: Learners should also know/pay attention too…
4 Theories of how peoples originally came to the Americas
Know the regions claimed by each European nation on the map- why they went there, what they found
Understand the order of which Vikings went where and when – in order – there is a flow to it!
Important: Some of the questions will be worded much as they were in the activity – others
are not – requiring students to display a bit more understanding of the learning!
Study and commit content to memory – Quiz yourself frequently!
How do you know you really know it? When you have quizzed yourself or had someone
quiz you and you repeatedly display 100% mastery or learning.
Come to class with all your class materials – at the end of the Quest there will be a pleasant surprise!
However, this surprise will be of little value if you have not spent much time studying and mastering content.