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Pre-Algebra Semester 2 Review Part 3 Geometry
1. Name the transformation shown below.
Answer: _____________________________
2. Triangle ABC undergoes a translation, resulting in Triangle A’B’C. The chart below shows the
coordinates for the vertices of each triangle.
Which of the following describes the translation
depicted to the left?
2 units to the right, 3 units down
3 units to the right, 2 units down
2 units to the left, 3 units up
3 units to the left, 2 units down
3. Draw the translation of the quadrilateral MNOP three units to the left and two units up. Label your
new figure with the appropriate vertices.
4. Draw the dilation of triangle JKL with a scale factor of 0.5 and label each vertex.
5. Name the coordinates of each vertex:
6. Draw the dilation of quadrilateral ABCD with a scale factor of 2 and label each vertex.
7-8. Refer to the diagram in the previous problem. Are
quadrilaterals ABCD and A’B’C’D’ similar or congruent? Explain.
9. Draw the reflection of quadrilateral ABCD over the x-axis.
10. Which side corresponds to 𝑨𝑩
11. Which angle corresponds to ∠A?
12. Draw the reflection of triangle XYZ over the diagonal line y = x.
13-14. Explain how you determined the coordinate point of Y’:
15. Rodney reflects triangle XYZ over the y-axis. The coordinate pair for Z is (2, 5). What are the
coordinates for Z’?
a. (2, -5)
b. (-2, 5)
c. (2, 5)
d. (-2, -5)
16. Write an algebraic rule for reflecting a figure over the x-axis:
(x, y) 
17. Stephanie transformed triangle ABC and her result is A’B’C’. Which best describes her
a. Rotation 90 degrees clockwise
b. Rotation 90 degrees counterclockwise
c. Rotation 180 degrees clockwise
d. None of the above
18. Trevor rotates triangle XYZ 90 degrees counterclockwise around the origin. What are the
coordinates for Y’?
Y’: ______
19. Glenn starts with triangle QRS. He rotates it 180 degrees counterclockwise around the origin.
Which figure is the resulting image?
Figure A
Figure B
Figure C
Figure D
20. Rotate quadrilateral ABCD 90 degrees counterclockwise around point A. Label all vertices.
21. Which of the following transformations will not result in a congruent figure?
a. Rotation
b. Dilation
c. Reflection
d. Translation
22. A triangle is translated three units to the right. What property is changed in the translated image?
a. Length of the sides
b. Measure of the angles
c. Location in the coordinate grid
d. Shape of the figure
23. Consider triangle ABC. For which of these transformation will its orientation be preserved?
a. Translation
b. Rotation 90 degrees clockwise
c. Rotation 180 degrees counterclockwise
d. Reflection
24. Consider parallelogram QRST. For which of these transformation will its orientation change?
a. Dilation
b. Reflection over the x-axis
c. Rotation 90 degrees
d. Both B and C
25. Which is false about the resulting image of a rotation of 90 degrees?
a. The size is the same
b. The angles inside the figure are the same
c. It is congruent to the original figure
d. The orientation of the figures are the same
Use the diagram below to answer questions 26-27.
26. Which angle is congruent to angle S?
a. Angle Q’
b. Angle R’
c. Angle S’
d. Angle T’
27. Which side is congruent to 𝑸𝑻
a. ̅̅̅̅̅̅
b. ̅̅̅̅
c. ̅̅̅̅̅̅
d. ̅̅̅̅
28. Line s and line t intersect, as shown below. Which angles are vertical?
Angle 2 and 3
Angle 2 and 1
Angle 3 and 1
Angle 3 and 4
29. Line j and line k intersect, as shown below. Which two pairs are congruent angles?
Angle R and S; Angle T and U
Angle R and T; Angle U and S
Angle T and S; Angle U and R
Angle T and U; Angle T and S
30. Write in the measures of all missing angles.
31. If ‫ﮮ‬JKL and ‫ﮮ‬MNO are vertical angles and ‫ﮮ‬MNO = 60 degrees, what is the measure of ‫ﮮ‬JKL?
a. 50 degrees
b. 60 degrees
c. 90 degrees
d. 120 degrees
In the figure below, lines AC and FD intersect at point B. Ray BE is perpendicular to the line FD.
32. Which angle is complementary to angle CBF?
33. Name an angle that is supplementary to angle CBF:
34. In which diagram are ‫ﮮ‬1 and ‫ﮮ‬2 supplementary?
35. If ‫ﮮ‬JKL is supplementary to ‫ﮮ‬MNO and ‫ﮮ‬MNO = 130 degrees, what is the measure of ‫ﮮ‬JKL?
a. 50 degrees
b. 60 degrees
c. 70 degrees
d. 80 degrees
36. If ‫ﮮ‬B is complementary to ‫ﮮ‬G and ‫ﮮ‬B = 38 degrees, what is the measure of ‫ﮮ‬G?
a. 142 degrees
b. 152 degrees
c. 42 degrees
d. 52 degrees
37. In the diagram below, the m‫ﮮ‬1 = 2x. Which algebraic expression represents the measure of angle
90 – 2x
90 + 2x
180 – 2x
38. What is the measure of ‫ﮮ‬x in the diagram below?
45 degrees
55 degrees
125 degrees
180 degrees
Use the diagram below to answer questions 39-41.
39. Name four pairs of corresponding angles in the diagram.
______ and _______
______ and _______
______ and _______
______ and _______
40. Name the alternate interior angles.
______ and _______
______ and _______
41. Name the alternate exterior angles.
______ and _______
______ and _______
42. Lines m and n are parallel. Which answer shows accurate angle relationships?
What does the formation of triangles on the right show about the interior measures of a triangle?
BONUS FUN: Find all missing angles below.