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 Working Library Artificial Intelligence AI1 Munster, Materializing New Media AI2 Cixous, Double Oblivion of the Ourang-­‐Outang AI3 Turner, Counterculture to Cyberculture AI4 Pascale, Surfing the Edge of Chaos AI5 Bertalanffy, General System Theory AI6 Bateson, Steps to an Ecology of Minds AI7 Kroker, The Will to Technology and the Culture of Nihilism AI8 Dreyfus, What Computers Can’t do AI9 Dreyfus, Being-­‐in-­‐the-­‐World AI10 Capra, The Turning Point AI11 Bateson, Angles Fear AI 12 Halacy, Cyborg: Evolution of the Superman AI 13 Mori, The Buddha and the Robot AI 14 Beer, Decision and Control Games G1 Miller, Gods and Games G2 Bethesda, The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim G3 Civilization V G4 FarCry 4 G5 Koster, A Theory of Fun G6 Mackay, The Fantasy Role-­‐Playing Game G7 Faber, Re:play G8 Bourdieu, On Televison G9 Bissell, Extra Lives G10 Perron, The Video Game Theory Reader 2 G11 Raessens, Handbook of Computer Game Studies G12 Ginsburg, Media Worlds G13 Hall, Representation G14 Kent, The Ultimate History of Video Games G15 Gee, Good Video Games and Good Learning G16 Hoover, Rethinking media, Religion and Culture G17 Dunniway, Game Development Essentials: Gameplay Mechanics G18 Taylor, Play Between Worlds G19 Jull, Half-­‐Real G20 Herz, Joystick Nation G21 Bogost, Unit Operations G22 Lyotard, Just Gaming G23 Donovan, Replay G 24 World of Warcraft Religion Rel 1 Taylor, Critical Terms for Religious Studies Rel 2 Lincoln, Gods and Demons Priests and Scholars Rel 3 Muchutcheon, Manufacturing Religion Rel 4 Carrette, Religion and Foucault Rel 5 Fitzgerlad, The Ideology of Religious Studies Rel 6 Mizruchi, Religion and Cultural Studies Rel 7 Eliade, The Myth of the Eternal Return Rel 8 Eliade, The Quest Rel 9 Eliade, Patterns in Comparative Religion Rel 10 Berger, The Sacred Canopy Rel 11 Lincoln, Discourse and the Construction of Reality Rel 12 Bell, Teaching Ritual Rel 13 Gutierrez, A theory of Liberation Rel 14 McCutcheon, Critics not Caretakers Rel 15 Doniger, Other People’s Myths Rel 16 Smith, Imagining Religion Rel 17 Smart, Worldviews Rel 18 Asad, Genealogies of Religion Rel 19 Bell, Ritual Theory, Ritual Practice Rel 20 Wuthnow, After Heaven Rel 21 Meier’s Civilization Rel 22 Pakers, Gods and Men Rel 23 Geertz, Islam Observed Pop Ethnography E1 Crabtree and Miller, Doing Qualitative Research E2 Turner and Bruner, The Anthropology of Experience E3 Schensul et al, Mapping Social Networks, Spatial Data and Hidden Populations E4 Lecompte et al, Researcher, Roles and Research Partnerships. E5 Harris, The Rise of Anthpological Theory E6 Schensul et al, Essential, Ethnographic Methods E7 Clifford, Writing Culture: The Poetics and Politics of Ethnography E8 Clifford, Predicament of Culture E9 Marcus, Ethnography Through Thick and Thin Ell Geertze, Local Knowledge E12 Malinowski, Argonauts of the Western Pacific E13 Clifford, Routes: Travel Translation in the Late Twentieth Century E14 Strauss and Corbin, Basics of Qualitative Research E15 Netnogragraphy, Doing Ethnographic Research Online E17 Morris, Anthropological Studies of Religion E18 Geertz, The Interpretation of Cultures E19 Lecompte, Designing and Conducting Ethnographic Research E20 Boellstorff, Ethnography and Virtual Worlds E21 Boellstorff, Coming of Age in Second Life E22 Schapp, The Words that Took us There Bauman Bauman 2 Bauman, Liquid Modernity Bauman 3 Bauman, Community Bauman 5 Bauman, Liquid Love Bauman 6 Bauman, Work, Consumerism and the New Poor Bauman 7 Bauman, Liquid Fear Bauman 11 Bauman, Does Ethics Have a Chance in a World of Consumers Bauman 14 Brennan, Exhausting Modernity Bauman 15 Beilharz, The Bauman Reader Bauman 12 Heath and Potter, The Rebel Sell Bauman 18 Butler, Precarious Life Bauman 19, Bauman, Liquid Times Bauman 20, 44 Letters from the Liquid Modern World Bauman 21, Bauman Liquid Fear Buddhism B1 McRae, Seeing Through Zen B2 Dogen, Beyond Thinking B4 Seager, Buddhism in American B5 Tonkinson, Big Sky Mind B6 Carrette and King, Selling Spirituality B7 Faure, Double Exposure B8 Buswell, The Zen Monastic Experience B9 Red Pine, Diamond Sutra B10 White, Tantra in Practice B11 Watson, The Lotus Sutra B12 Lopez, Religious of Tibet in Practice B13 Prebish, American Buddhism B14 Green, The Recorded Sayings of Zen Master Joshu B15 Vergati, Gods, Men and Territory B16 Dumoulin, Zen Buddhism A History: India and China B16.5 Dumoulin, Zen Buddhism: A History B17 Watts, The Way of Zen B17.5 Watts, Nature, Man and Women B 18 Watts, The Wisdom of Insecurity B19 Lopez, Buddhism in Practice B20 Chadwick, Crooked Cucumber B21 Kennett, Selling Water by the River B22 Conze, Buddhist Meditation B23 Coleman, The New Buddhism B24 Armstrong, Buddha B 26 Faure, The Rhetoric of Immediacy B 28 Tweed, The American Encounter with Buddhism B 29, Olsan The Different Paths of Buddhism B30 Suzuki, An Introduction to Buddhism B31 Kraft, Zen Tradition and Transition B32 Faure, Visions of Power B33 Thurman, The Tibetan Book of the Dead B34 Dumoulin, Zen Enlightenment Origins and Meanings B35 Wayman, The Enlightenment of Vairocana B36 Park, Buddhisms and Deconstructions B37 Faure, Unmasking Buddhism B38 Lopez, Curators of the Buddha B39 Yamada, Shots in the Dark B40 Yampolsky, The Platform Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch B41 Analayo, Satipattthana The Direct Path to Realization B42 Watson, The Zen Teachings of Master Lin-­‐Chi B43 Faure, Chan Insights and Oversights B44 Suzuki, Branching Streams Flow in The Darkness B45 Dalai Lama et al, Buddhism in the West B46 Watson, The Vimalakirti 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Brilliant Sanity: Buddhist Approaches to Psychotherapy B109 Eck, A New Religious America B110 Hudson, Religion in America B111 Glazer and Moynihan, Beyond the Melting Pot B112 Gallup, The Next American Spirituality B113 Herberg, Protestant Catholic Jew B114 Moore, Religious Outsiders B115 Bellah, Beyond Belief B116 Gaustad and Schimidt, The Religious History of American B117 Sweet, The Story of Religion in America B118 Bond, Being a Pagan B120 Iwamura, Virtual Orientalism B121 Keown, The Nature of Buddhist Ethics B122 Downing, Shoes Outside the Door B123 Nagaruna’s Letter to the King Satvahana B124 Dhargyey, Vajrayogini Sadhana and Commentary B125 Powers, Introduction to Tibetan Buddhism B126 Diehl, Echoes from Dharamsala B127 Pirsig, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance B128 Version, The Lankavatara Sutra B129 Gyatso, The New Guide To Dakini Land B130 Gyatso, Mahamudra Tantra B131 Dalia Lama, Kalachakra Tantra B132 Watts, The Early Writings of Alan Watts B133 Hershock, Reinventing the Wheel: A Buddhist Response to The Information Age B134 Moncayo, The Signifier Pointing at the Moon B135 McMahan, The Making of Buddhist Modernism B136 Sekida, Zen Training Methods B137 Hanh, The Raft is not the Shore B138 Chodron, The Places that Scare You B139 Snyder, Earth House Hold B140 The Essential Alan Watts B141 Abe, Zen and Comparative Studies B142 Klein, Unbounded Wholeness B143 Allen, The Cult of Kumari B144 Wison, Dixie Dharma B145 Harvey, The Selfless Mind B146 Soeng, The Diamond Sutra B147 Huber, Sweet Zen B147 Epstein, Open to Desire Media M4 Nardi, My Life as a Night Priest M8 Au, The Making of Second Life M9 Malaby, Making Virtual Worlds: Linden Lab and Second Life M11 Second Life The Official Guide M12 How to Do Everything with Second Life M13 Karaflogka, E-­‐Religion M16 Bolter Writing Space: Computers, Hypertext, and the Remediation of Print M 16.5 Bolter, Remediation M17 Trend, Reading Digital Culture M21 Durham and Kellner, Media and Cultural Studies M22 Mitchell, City of Bits: Space, Place and the Infobahn M24 Kelly, Massively Multiplayer Online Role-­‐Playing Games M25 Pearce, Communities of Play M27 Careaga, eMinistry M29 Jones, Cyber Society M30 Morgan, Religion, Media and Culture M31 Horan, Digital Places M32 Holmes, Virtual Politics M33 Kerckhove, The Skin of Culture M34 Hieder, Living Virtually M35 Jones, Cyber Society 2.0 M36 Campbell, Exploring Religious Community online M38 Ludlow, Second Life Herald M40 Hojsgaard, Religion and Cyberspace M44 Witheford, Cyber-­‐Marx M45 Jones , Sensorium: Embodied Experience technology and contemporary art M46 Hansen, New Philosophy for a New Media M47 Manovich, The Language of New Media M50 Bijker, The Social Construction of Technological Systems M51 Moxey, Visual Culture M52 Shields, Cultures of Internet M53 Ellul, The Technological Society M55 Hoover, Practicing Religion in the Age of Media M54 Cowan, Modern Pagans of the Internet M56 Castronova, Synthetic Worlds M57 Apolito, The Internet and the Madonna M58 Zielinski, Deep Time of the Media M59 Bunt, Islam in the Digital Age M60 Bruns, Blogs, Wikipedia, Second Life and Beyond M61 Beaudoin, Virtual Faith M62 Porter, Internet Culture M63 Cuddy, World of WarCraft M64 Aarseth, Cybertext M67 Dibble, My Tiny Life M68 Herz, Surfing on the Internet M70 Dawson, Religion Online M78 Lessig, Code and Other Laws of Cyberspace M79 Crampton, The Political Mapping of Cyberspace M83 Dodge, Mapping Cyberspace M88 Mirzoeff, The Visual Culture Reader M92 Zengotita, Mediated: How the Media Shapes your worlds and the Way You Live in It M93 Vinge, True Names M94 Pearce, The Crack in the Cosmic Egg M95 Williams, Visual Communication M96 Caillois, Man, Play and Games M99 Liu, The Freudian Robot M100 Brand, Media Lab M101 Pavlik, Media in The Digital Age M106 Dibbel, Play Money M107 Markley, Virtual Realities and Their Discontents M109 Bracuchler, Theorising Media and Practice M111 Ray, The Cultural Creatives M112 Lancaster, Warlocks and Warpdrive M113 Levy, Hackers M114 Soja, Postmodern Geographies M115 Damer, Avatars M118 Markoff, What the Doormouse Said M119 Bainbridge, eGods M120 Rushkoff, Present Shock M121 Guest, Second Lives: A Journey Through Virtual Worlds M122 Ashby, An Introduction to Cybernetics M123 Harkin, Cyburbia M124 Lanier, Who Owns the Future? M125 Pascale, Surfing the Edge of Chaos M126 Turner, From Counterculture to Cyberculture M127 Carr, The Unofficial Tourists Guide to Second Life M128 A Beginners Guide to Second Life M129 Creating Your World The official Guide to Advanced Content in Second Life M130 White, Second Life: A Guide to Your Virtual World M131 Heaton, Scripting Recipes for Second Life M132 McLuhan, Understanding Media M133 Jenks, Visual Culture M134 Shields, The Virtual M135 Evans, Visual Culture: A Reader M136 Green, The Internet M137 Green, Mobile Communications M138 Ono, Contemporary Media Culture and the Remnants of a Colonial Past M139 Zukin, Point of Purchase M140 Kidder, The Soul of a New Machine M141 Dabash, The Arab Spring M142 Kolakowski, Modernity on Endless Trail M143 Mitchell, Mediating Religion M144 Woods, The Sexual Revolution will be Digitized M145 Barth, Ethnic Groups and Boundaries M146 Hayles, Electronic Literature M147 Morris, New Media Poetics M148 Powers, Hamlets Blackberry M149 Jenkins, Spreadable Media, M150 Howard, Digital Jesus M151 Einstein, Brands of Faith M152 Einstein, Compassion, Inc M153 Wuhnow, After Heaven Mindful Mind 1 Tan Search Inside Yourself M Theory T1 Nusselder, Interface Fantasy T3 Bailly, Lacan T4 Fink, The Lacanian Subject T5 Hill, Lacan for Beginners T6 Kay, Zizek T7 Hayles, How we Became Post Human T8 Zizek, The Sublime Object of Ideology T9 Hart, Between the Body and the Flesh T10 Merleau-­‐Ponty, The Primacy of Perception T11 Ong, The Presence of the Word T14 Desjarlais, Body and Emotion T18 Tillich, Theology of Culture T19 Turner, Dramas, Fields and Metaphors T20 Brigs, Learning How to Ask T21 Turner, The Ritual Process T22 Mitchell, Iconology T23 Graves, The While Goddess T24 Deluze and Guattari, Anti-­‐Oedipus T25 Deluze, Dialogue T26 Althusser, For Marx T27 Volosinov, Marxism and Philosophy of Language T28 Rodowick, Gilles Deleuzes’s Time Machine T29 Deleuze, Cinema 2 T30 Deleuze, Cinema 1 T31 Barthes, Mythologies T32 The Zizek Reader T33 Lanan, The Ethics of Psychoanalysis T34 Zizek, Mapping Ideology T35 Zizek, The Ticklish Subject T36 Zizek, Tarrying with the Negative T37 Zizek, For they know not what they do T38 Zizek, The Puppet and the Dwarf T39 Zizek, Welcome to the Desert of the Real T40 Zizek, Enjoy your Symptom T40.1 Zizek, Less than Nothing T40.2 Zizek, The Plague of Fantasies T41 Chaitin Rhetoric Culture and Lacan T42 Lacanian Theory of Discourse T43 Fink, A clinical Introduction to Lacanian Psychoanalysis T44 Bachelard, The Poetics of Space T46 Lefebvre, The Production of Space T47 Asad, Genealogies of Religion T50 Heidegger, Basic Writings T51 Benjamin, Illuminations T 53 Chakrabarty, Provinicilaizing Europe T55 Bourdieu, Outline of a Theory of Practice T56 Foucault, Power/Knowledge T57 Bhabha, The Location of Culture T59 Le Goff, Time, Work And Culture in the Middle Ages T61 Hacking, The Social Construction of What T63 Malinowski, Magic, Science and Religion T68 Taylor, The Ethics of Authenticity T69 Nachmanovitch, Free Play T70 Eriksen, Tyranny of the Moment T72 Feyeragend, Against Method T73 Adorno, The Jargon of Authenticity T74 Huxley, The Doors of Perception T75 Huxley, The Perennial Philosophy T77 Irigaray, Elemental Passions T79 Kojeve, Introduction to the Reading of Hegel T80 Bateson, Steps to an Ecology of Mind T81 Harvey, The Condition of Postmodernity T82 Bateson, Mind and Nature T83 Barthes, A Barthes Reader T84 Stivale, Gilles Deleuze Key Concepts T85 Colebrook, Deleuze: A Guide to the Perplexed T86 Poststructalism: a Very Short Introduction T87 Lacan, Ecrits T88 Lacan, Book XI T89 Lacan Book VII T90 James, The Will to Believe and Other Essays in Popular Philosophy, And Human Immortality T91 Jung, Memories, Dreams, Reflections T92 Zimmer, The King and the Corpse T93 Weber, The Religion of India T94 Weber, From Max Weber T95 Unger, Knowledge and Politics T96 Reddy, The Navigation of Feeling T97 Harris, Cannibals and Kings T98 Urry, The Tourist Gaze T99 Stuken, Tourists 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Person G32 Butler, The Psychic Life of Power G33 Irigaray, An Ethics of Sexual Difference G34 Ortner, Making Gender G36 Wolf, The Beauty Myth G37 Tasker, Interrogating Post-­‐Feminism G39 Irigaray, This Sex Which is Not One G42 Young, Tangled in the Web Understanding Cybersex from Fantasy to Addiction G43 Sorabji, Self: Ancient and Modern Insights G44 Green, Virtual Gender G45 Weigel, Body and Image Space: Rereading Waler Benjamin G46 Keane, Christian Moderns G49 Paasonen, Figure of Fantasy G51 Giddens, The Transformation of Intimacy G52 Rogers, Theology and Sexuality G52.1 Rogers, Sexuality and the Christina Body G53 Balsamo, Technologies of the Gendered Body G54 Klein, Knowledge and Liberation G55 Butler, Bodies that Mater G56 Bourish, Where the Action is G57 Griffith, Born Again Bodies G58 Meadows, I, Avatar G59 Butler, Undoing Gender G59.1 Silverman, The Threshold of the Visible World G59.2 Silverman, Male Subjectivity at the Margins G60 Tseelon, The Masque of Femininity G63 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