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Sexually Transmitted Diseases
And How to Avoid Them
Part of Health Awareness Week
Sponsored by the NAACP
Southeastern Chapter
Genital Warts
Emerging Diseases
Emerging Treatments
Hard/Water Sports
Why should you care?
STDs are very prevalent.
Almost 300,000 new cases in in Louisiana alone.
STDs cost a lot to treat.
$9 billion spent annually to treat effects of STDs
STDs, if infected with the worst ones, can
seriously harm or kill you.
Death toll by AIDS alone is is in the millions
Anal Sex
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are needed to see this picture.
What’s risky about Anal?
Anal Sex can damage the mucous
membrane layer surround the anus.
This action exposes people to fecal matter
and/ or blood which may contain any
number of diseases.
Chlamydia is a common and curable infection caused by the
bacteria Chlamydia trachomatis. As many as 1 in 10 females in
the United States may be infected with it.
Chlamydia is passed mainly during anal or vaginal sex. It is less
likely to be transmitted through oral sex. Transmission occurs
when infected mucous membranes of one person come in
contact with the membranes of another person.
Chlamydia: The Disease
50% of Men show no signs of
Pus (thick yellow-white fluid)
or watery or milky discharge
from the penis
Pain or burning during urination
Pain or swelling of the testicles
Inflamed Rectum and Urethra
75% of Women show no signs
Vaginal discharge
Burning sensation during
If bacteria enter the fallopian
tubes, the symptoms include:
lower abdominal and lower
back pain
pain during intercourse
bleeding between menstrual
nausea or fever
The Bottom Line
If untreated, the disease can
have serious consequences
In men, the disease can cause:
Prostatitis (inflammation of the
prostate gland)
Urethral scarring
In women, the disease is related
to inflamed bladder, and yellow
Also can lead to Pelvic
Inflammatory Disease, which
can lead to infertility
Testing and treatment are not
difficult to obtain.
Numerous numbers of tests for
Tests also look for Gonorrhea
Treatments are antibiotic drugs
Oral Sex
Not considered a
fetish if it is the ‘usual’
Oral-Anal sex
‘rimming’ considered
a fetish, if person is
fixated on it
What’s the Deal? Ain’t it Safe?
Meet Gonorrhea/ the Clap
Like Chlamydia, the bacteria is
spread through sex with an
infected person.
Symptoms vary between sexes
Men usually experience a
watery discharge
Women usually experience no
problems or have yellow
Signs are similar to Chlamydia
Typically ciprofloxacin and
other antibiotics.
Similar drugs used in
Chlamydia treatments.
Some strains (S.E. Asian
strains) are more resistant to
Stronger drugs used then.
Facts about HIV/AIDS
Attacks the immune system
Takes 4 months for antibodies to be detected,
years before symptoms manifest
In 1980’s it decimated the Gay community
In this era, it is eradicating a generation of
Africans, Asians, and Eastern Europeans.
African-American infection rates are still high
HIV Transmission
HIV is the virus that causes AIDS
Spread by unprotected sex with infected person
Oral sex transmission risk is very low-but possible
No cases reported yet of mosquito-bite
How does AIDS Kill?
AIDS does not kill the infected person: It weakens the
immune system to point where minor diseases can kill
a person.
Pneumocystis carinii
Parasite of the lung
Habitat in the lungs
Spread by cough from
person to person
Very common, doesn’t
affect healthy people
Causes coughing, fever,
cyanosis, hypoxia
If unchecked, it can
destroy lung tissue
Opportunistic virus
Attacks eyes,
intestines(see pic), and
eventually other parts
of the body.
If unchecked, virus or
other viruses can
eventually kill.
HPV: Genital Warts
Human Papillomavirus: The cause of genital and other warts. Over 70
different strains in existence
Spread by ANY form of contact with an infected person, sexual or not.
Place of infection is determined by exposure to the virus at that area.
Most people become immune and/or no longer contagious
Treatments available. If untreated, infertility, miscarriages, and even
prostate cancer may occur
What is Syphilis?
Caused by the bacteria Treponema pallidum
Spread by any type of sexual contact, or contact with the
warts or rashes that are part of the phases.
Phase 1: Chancre- a sore appears on the body part exposed
to the virus, most often the genital region.
Phase 2: Variable symptoms which include fever, hair loss,
skin rashes, sore throat or flu-like conditions.
Phase 3: A latency period, the virus does not exhibit any
symptoms, but is attacking the brain or other organs.
Treatments are available.
Treatment: Urgency Required
Dependent upon which phase of infection a person is in.
Phase 1: The antibiotic Penicillin is used to stop the
infection at this stage and stage 2.
Phase 2: Antibiotics used to stop infection, other drugs
used to alleviate symptoms.
Phase 3: Stronger antibiotics used to stop infection. At this
stage, damage caused by bacteria cannot be reversed.
Phase 2 treatments are not 100% effective: the virus can
resurface years after treatment.
The earlier treatment is started, the better.
Is it a fetish? What about it?
Fetish: the centering of strong sexual emotion in objects
or parts of the body not normally associated with such
emotion" (Webster's; 1992)
Homosexuality not considered a fetish
Sexual Orientation
At-risk to STDs as Heterosexuals
Statistics list 1 in 10 as exclusively gay or lesbian, while others
fall in the bisexual category. (
Other sources say 1 in 4 of population are homosexual
Risks to Gay Men
Sex between males accounts for
about half of the sexually
transmitted cases of AIDS among
males between the ages of 13 and
19 years. (AAP)
Gay men typically have many more
partners than straight men
Bisexual men often have female
partners, of which most do not
share their orientation to their
female partner(s). (New Crisis)
Note: Some in the religious
community say that AIDS is god’s
wrath against homosexuals.
Does God favor Lesbians?
Lesbians have
the lowest
rate of STDS
of all the
Are Lesbians Immune to STDs?
No. Lesbians may have lower rates of STD
infection overall, they are still at-risk.
Lesbians have higher rates of bacterial vaginosis, hepatitis
C, and HIV risk behaviors (such as drug use and sex with a
gay or bisexual man) than women who have never had sex
with women.
Women who report never having sex with a man tend to
have more abnormal pap smears and genital warts.
Childless Lesbians may have a higher risk to develop
breast cancer.(
What the?
Beastility refers to the sexual act between an
animal and a human.
No record of STDs transmitted from person to
animal. Beastility is illegal in most states,
including Louisiana.
Animals for the most part, do not host STDs that
can infect humans. However, there are animal
disease that can affect humans.
The act of Beastility has dangers of its own.
Possible Beastility diseases
Balantidium Coli
Intestinal Parasite of Pigs
Spread to human through
fecal contamination (not
washing hands)
Causes dysentery, can be fatal.
Caused by dog tapeworm
Echinococcus granulosus
Spread by fecal contamination
(not washing hands)
Virus that causes significant liver damage.
6 different types. A to D are the most common.
Hepatitis D is the most dangerous.
Spread sexually, through needles, even food (shellfish)
100* more infectious than HIV.
Symptoms and Treatment
Nausea, vomiting,
muscle and joint
aches, abdominal pain
and weight loss.
Fatigue & fever: Flulike symptoms.
Eventually leads to
cirrhosis and organ
Treatment is available.
Dependent on the strain of
the virus in infection.
Hepatitis C treatment
involves A-Interferon,
which makes immune
system kill the virus
If treatment fails, then a
liver transplant is needed.
Huh? This can’t be risky?
Meet Scabies
A parasite that lives in the skin,
hatches eggs in 10 days after infection.
Spread sexually by close contact with
infected person
Spread non-sexually when person
comes in contact with infested
Leaves reddish nodules and produces
intense itching.
Treatment involves using a cream and
hot-washing clothes and sheets.
Hard/Water Sports (not Polo)
Hard Sports/Scat
That’s not all…
Scat is considered one of the grossest
fetishes around.
Very risky
Feces from a person may contain cysts of
parasitic organisms
Parasites include Tapeworms, Amoebas, etc
Can be fatal if infections get out of hand.
Water Sports
What the?
Water sports is the term used to describe the use of
urine in sexual activity.
Urine consists of waste products from the body, as
well as viruses and bacteria.
This includes HIV, Syphilis, Hepatitis A & B.
Note: There was once a fad in which people drank
their urine to re-gain vitamins.
Do not follow this fad. It died out for a reason.
Well, it looks safe...
If done properly, bondage can be one of the safer
If done improperly, a person could be in a”knot”
of problems. This includes catching STDs.
Bondage is also risky for non-sexual reasons.
Deaths have occurred from strangulation,
tourniquet amputations, fires, torture mishaps
Oh gross!
Extremely hard fetish.
Dangerous to persons involved. Too much
vomiting can lead to imbalances, bulimia,
and infection.
For more info, watch Jerry Springer
“New” STD
Molluscum Contagiousum
Caused by the pox virus (chickpox family, not smallpox)
Produces small bumps on the infected region, which get bigger and become
gray or pink. Itching is common.
Used to be seen in children, but now is a STD.
Spread from person to person by touching lesions or by touching infected
Most symptoms clear up but in general lesions are removed. Removal
of lesions reduces re-infection and transmission to others.
Lesions can be removed surgically and/or treated with a chemical
agent such as podophyllin, cantharidin, phenol, silver nitrate, or iodine.
Cryo-therapy also used.
There is HOPE/ New Treatments
Several HIV vaccines are in clinical trial right now.
HIV vaccine AIDSVAX (VAXGEN) was not successful in
clinical trial.
Statistical anomaly that it worked slightly better on Asian
and African-Americans. Numbers were too small.
Herpes pill valacyclovir did work in clinical trial.(medscape)
Drug prevents Herpes Simplex 2 (HSV-2) infections.
Awaiting FDA approval.
In conclusion
Abstinence is the best policy
Use a condom or other barrier method
If infected, seek treatment-it will cost you
less in the long-run
Use common sense-avoid high risk fetishes.
Be careful-not everyone is infected.
Special Thanks
Pypex @, an illegal KDX
porn server
24-Hour Lab. Most visual material for
program came from the S: drive
You, for your time