Download 第85回 日本細菌学会総会

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日本細菌学雑誌 67( 1 )
第 85 回 日本細菌学会総会
3 月 28 日(水)13:30 ~ 14:50
第 1 会場(長崎ブリックホール 国際会議場)
3 月 28 日(水)14:55 ~ 15:45
第 1 会場(長崎ブリックホール 国際会議場)
笹川 千尋(東京大学医科学研究所)
○ Eisuke Mekada1, Shingo Miyamoto2 (Department of Cell
Biology, Research Institute for Microbial Diseases, Osaka
University1, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, School of
Medicine, Fukuoka University2)
Recognition and regulation of innate immunity against
pathogenic bacteria using various infection models
3 月 28 日(水)9:00 ~ 12:00
第 1 会場(長崎ブリックホール 国際会議場)
Chairperson: Goro Matsuzaki (Univ. Ryukyus)
Toshihiko Suzuki (Univ. Ryukyus)
Bacterial toxins —basic research and application—
3 月 27 日(火)9:00 ~ 12:00
第 1 会場(長崎ブリックホール 国際会議場)
Chairperson: Yasuhiko Horiguchi (Osaka Univ.)
Toshiya Hirayama (Nagasaki Univ.)
Role of Host Factors in the Response to Bacterial Toxin ADPribosyltransferases
Jiro Kato1, Linda A Stevens1, Jianfeng Zhu1, Joseph T. Barbieri2,
○ Joel Moss1 (Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Branch, National
Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, National Institutes of Health,
Bethesda, MD 20892-15901, Department of Microbiology and
Molecular Genetics, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee,
Wisconsin 53226, USA2)
Bacterial protein toxins, acting on GTP-binding proteins and
the cytoskeleton
○ Klaus Aktories (Institut für Experimentelle und Klinische
Pharmakologie und Toxikologie, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität
Freiburg, Germany)
Membrane localization of MARTX effector domains via a basichydrophobic motif
○ Karla J. F. Satchell (Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern
University, Chicago, IL)
Fetal hemorrhage in mice induced by Subtilase cytotoxin of
Shiga-toxigenic Escherichia coli.
○ Masatoshi Noda (Department of Molecular Infectiology,
Graduate School of Medicine, Chiba University)
The molecular action of Clostridium perfringens enterotoxin,
a pore-forming toxin.
○ Yasuhiko Horiguchi (Dept. Mol. Bacteriol., Res. Inst. Microb.
Dis., Osaka Univ.)
Salmonella Typhimurium subverts the host’s innate immune
response in order to colonize the gut
○ Wolf-Dietrich Hardt (Institute of Microbiology, Department of
Biology, ETH Zürich, Switzerland)
Caspase-1-mediated host immune responses triggered by
inflammasome upon bacterial infection
○ Toshihiko Suzuki (Dept. Mol. Bacteriol. Immunol., Grad. Sch.
Med., Univ. Ryukyus)
Nod2 promotes gut-pathogen eradication via CCL2-dependent
recruitment of inflammatory monocytes
○Yun-Gi Kim (Department of Immunology, Division of Biomedical
Science, Faculty of Medicine, University of Tsukuba)
Regulation of immune response against Mycobacterium
infection by IL-17-producing gamma/delta T cells
○ Goro Matsuzaki, Masayuki Umemura (Mol. Microbiol., Tropical
Biosphere Research Center (TBRC), Univ. Ryukyus)
Host genotype-specific therapies can optimize the
inflammatory response to mycobacterial infections
○ Tobin DM1, Roca FJ2, Oh SF3, McFarland R2, Vickery TW3, Ray
JP2, Ko DC2, Zou Y1, Bang ND4,5, Chau TTH4,5, Vary JC2, Hawn
TR2, Dunstan SJ4,5,6, Farrar JJ5,6, Thwaites GE7, King M-C2, Serhan
CN3, Ramakrishnan L2 (1Duke University School of Medicine,
University of Washington School of Medicine, 3Harvard Medical
School, 4Pham Ngoc Thach Hospital for Tuberculosis and Lung
Disease, 5Hospital for Tropical Diseases and Oxford University
Clinical Research Unit, 6Centre for Tropical Medicine, Nuffield
Department of Clinical Medicine, Oxford, 7Kings College London,
Centre for Clinical Infection and Diagnostics Research)
Recent topics in gut and other infections
3 月 29 日(木)9:00 ~ 12:00
第 1 会場(長崎ブリックホール 国際会議場)
Chairperson: Tetsuya Iida (Osaka Univ.)
Tsutomu Sekizaki (Univ. Tokyo)
The reemergence of severe cholera
○ G. Balakrish Nair (Translational Health Science and Technology
Institute, Gurgaon, Haryana, India)
Vibrio parahaemolyticus infection
○ Tetsuya Iida (Int. Res. Ctr Infect. Dis., Res. Inst. Microbial Dis.,
Osaka Univ.)
Human ulcerative colitis and Brachyspira infection
○ Yoshikazu Adachi1, Moe Yonekawa1, Takahito Takezawa2,
Takayuki Matsumoto3, Masaaki Higashiyama4, Akihiko Yoshizawa5
(School of Agriculture, Ibaraki University1, Jichi Medical
University2, hyogo Medical College3, National Defence Medical
College4, Shinnshu University5)
Recent research progress in Streptococcus suis infection
○ Tsutomu Sekizaki (Res. Center for Food Safty, Grad. Sch. Agr.
Life Sci., Univ. Tokyo)
Back to the basics: fundamental processes impacting
Campylobacter jejuni pathogenesis
○ Erin C. Gaynor (Canada Research Chair in Bacterial
Pathogenesis, Department of Microbiology and Immunology,
The University of British Columbia)
S1 上皮バリアの分子構造と感染細菌のバリア突破機構
3 月 27 日(火)13:30 ~ 16:30
第 1 会場(長崎ブリックホール 国際会議場)
座長:藤永 由佳子(大阪大学)
菅井 基行(広島大学)
Molecular structure and function of the skin barrier
○ Akiharu Kubo1,2 (Dept. Dermatol., Sch. of Med., Keio Univ.1,
Cent. for Integrated Med. Res., Sch. of Med., Keio Univ.2)
Streptococcus pyogenes translocates across an epithelial
barrier via degradation of the junctions
○ Tomoko Sumitomo, Shigetada Kawabata (Department of Oral
and Molecular Microbiology, Osaka University Graduate School of
Mechanism of botulinum neurotoxin transit across the
intestinal epithelial barrier
○Yukako Fujinaga, Yo Sugawara, Takuhiro Matsumura (Laboratory
for Infection Cell Biology, International Research Center for
Infectious Diseases, Research Institute for Microbial Diseases,
Osaka Univ.)
Epithelial barrier dysfunction causes chronic inflammation in
the colon
○ Koji Hase (RCAI, RIKEN)
Mucosal Decisions of Mutualism and Elimination at Epithelial
○ Hiroshi Kiyono (Division of Mucosal Immunology, The Institute
of Medical Science, The University of Tokyo)
S2 薬剤耐性菌の耐性機構と疫学
3 月 28 日(水)9:00 ~ 12:00
第 2 会場(長崎新聞文化ホール 翔鶴の間・東)
座長:富田 治芳(群馬大学)
Drug Resistance of Gram Positive Bacteria
○ Yasuyoshi Ike1, Haruyoshi Tomita1,2 (Dept. Bacteriol., Gunma
Univ. Grad. Sch. Med.1, Lab. Bacterial Drug Resistance, Gunma
Univ. Grad. Sch. Med.2)
Molecular mechanisms underlying multidrug resistance in
Gram-negative bacteria
○ Yoshichika Arakawa (Dept. Bacteriol., Grad. Sch. Med., Nagoya
High-level aminoglycoside resistance by plasmid-mediated 16S
rRNA methyltransferase.
○ Jun-ichi Wachino1, Keigo Shibayama1, Yoshichika Arakawa2
(Dept. Bacteriol II., Natl. Inst. Infec. Dis.1, Dept. Molecular
Microbiol., Sch. Med., Nagoya Univ.2)
Topics on antimicrobial resistance in the United States
○ Yohei Doi (Division of Infectious Diseases, University of
Pittsburgh School of Medicine)
Visualizing intra-hospital bacterial dissemination
○Shuhei Fujimoto1, Misao Honma2, Nobuo Murakami3, Yoshichika
Arakawa4 (Dept. Bacteriol. and Bacterial Infect., Div. Host Defence
Mechanism, Tokai Univ. Sch. Med.1, Clin. Lab., Tokyo Metropolitan
Cancer and Infect. Ctr., Komagome Hosp.2, The Ctr. for Nutrition
Support & Infect. Contr. (CNI), Gifu Univ. Hosp.3, Dept. Bacteriol.,
Nagoya Univ. Grad Sch. Med.4)
S3 マイコプラズマ感染症
3 月 29 日(木)9:00 ~ 12:00
第 2 会場(長崎新聞文化ホール 翔鶴の間・東)
座長:柴田 健一郎(北海道大学)
佐々木 次雄(医薬品機構)
New foci to clarify Mycoplasma gliding
○ Makoto Miyata (Dept. Biol., Grad. Sch. of Sci., Osaka City Univ.)
The reductive evolution and gene duplication to create new
functions in the genome of mycoplasma
○ Yuko Sasaki (Dept. Bacteriology II, NIID)
日本細菌学雑誌 67( 1 )
Inflammation inducing factors of Mycoplasma pneumoniae
○ Takashi Shimizu1, Yutaka Kida2, Koichi Kuwano2 (Dept.
Veterinary Public Health, Fac. Agriculture, Yamaguchi Univ.1, Dept.
Infectious Medicine, Sch. Medicine, Kurume Univ.2)
Translational regulation of collagenase (kappa-toxin) by small
RNA in Clostridium perfringens
○ Nozomu Obana, Nobuhiko Nomura, Kouji Nakamura (Grad. Sch.
Life and Environ., Tsukuba Univ.)
Pathogenicity of Mycoplasma pneumoniae
○ Haruhiko Taguchi (Department of Immunology, Kyorin
University Faculty of Health Sciences)
Translational control of TfoX, a positive regulator of natural
○ Shouji Yamamoto, Hidemasa Izumiya, Masatomo Morita, Eiji
Arakawa, Jiro Mitobe, Makoto Ohnishi, Haruo Watanabe
(Department of Bacteriology I, National Institute of Infectious
○ Kazuhiro Matsuda1,2 (R & D Dept., M Bio Technology Inc.1,
Center for Infectious Diseases and Infection Control, Keio Univ.
Sch. of Med., Keio Univ. Hospital2)
S4 細菌センサーと環境応答
3 月 29 日(木)9:00 ~ 12:00
第 3 会場(長崎新聞文化ホール 翔鶴の間・西)
座長:西野 邦彦(大阪大学)
Eukaryotic protein kinase and phosphatase regulate
morphology of Clostridium perfringens
○ Hirofumi Nariya, Tomomi Kuwahara (Dept. Microbiol., Fac.
Med., Kagawa Univ.)
Bacterial cytoskeleton RodZ and virulence gene expression of
Shigella type III secretion system
○Jiro Mitobe, Shouji Yamamoto, Haruo Watanabe, Makoto Ohnishi
(Dept. Bacteriology I, National Institute of Infectious Diseases)
Extremophiles and their adaptation to high alkaline
○ Masahiro Ito (Faculty of Life Sciences, Toyo Univ.)
SptA regulates pathogenicity in Staphylococcus aureus
○ Fuminori Kato, Motoyuki Sugai (Dep. Bacteriol., Grad. Sch.
Biomed. Sci., Hiroshima Univ.)
Signal transduction by bacterial chemoreceptors: variety and
○ So-ichiro Nishiyama1,2, Hirotaka Tajima1,2, Ikuro Kawagishi1,2
(Faculty of Frontier Bioscience, Hosei Univ.1, Res. Cen. for MicroNano Technology2)
Regulatory network of virulence-related gene expressions in
enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli.
○ Sunao Iyoda (Dept. Bacteriol. Nat. Inst. Infec. Dis.)
Intercellular and Intracellular Signaling in Pseudomonas
○ Soichiro Kimura, Kazuhiro Tateda (Dept. Microbiol. Infect. Dis.,
Sch. Med., Toho Univ.)
Antibacterial and antivirulence drugs targeting bacterial signal
○ Ryutaro Utsumi1, Masayuki Igarashi2 (Dept. Bioscience, Grad.
Sch. Agricul., Kinki Univ.1, Instit. Microbial Chem.2)
Analysis of evolutionary dynamics using experimental
evolution of Escherichia coli
○ Chikara Furusawa1,2 (Dept. Bioinfo. Eng., Grad. Sch. Info. Tech.,
Osaka Univ.1, Quantitative Biology Center (QBiC), RIKEN2)
WS1 細菌における遺伝子発現制御の普遍性と特異性
3 月 27 日(火)9:00 ~ 11:00
第 2 会場(長崎新聞文化ホール 翔鶴の間・東)
座長:伊豫田 淳(国立感染症研究所)
Post-transcriptional regulation of GcvB, a conserved small
RNA regulator of amino acid metabolism
○ Masatoshi Miyakoshi1, Yanjie Chao1, Kai Papenfort1, Cynthia M.
Sharma2, Joerg Vogel1 (IMIB, Uni. Wuerzburg1, ZINF, Uni. Wuerzburg2)
Virulence regulatory networks responding to intestinal
environment in pathogenic Escherichia coli
○ Toru Tobe (Grad Sch Med, Osaka Univ.)
WS2 エフェクター研究の最先端
3 月 27 日(火)13:30 ~ 15:30
第 2 会場(長崎新聞文化ホール 翔鶴の間・東)
座長:桑江 朝臣(北里大学)
BopC functions in Bordetella infection
○ Asaomi Kuwae (Laboratory of Bacterial Infection, Graduate
School of Infection Control Sciences, Kitasato University)
VopV, an F-Actin-Binding T3SS Effector, is Required for Vibrio
parahaemolyticus-Induced Diarrhea
○Hirotaka Hiyoshi1, Toshio Kodama2, Kazunobu Saito3, Kazuyoshi
Gotoh1, Shigeaki Matsuda1, Yukihiro Akeda4, Takeshi Honda2,
Tetsuya Iida1 (Laboratory of Genomic Research on Pathogenic
Bacteria, International Research Center for Infectious Diseases,
Research Institute for Microbial Diseases, Osaka University1,
Department of Bacterial Infections, Research Institute for
Microbial Diseases, Osaka University2, DNA-chip Development
Center for Infectious Diseases, Research Institute for Microbial
Diseases3, Laboratory of Clinical Research on Infectious Disease,
International Research Center for Infectious Diseases, Research
Institute for Microbial Diseases, Osaka University4)
Shigella effector protein modulates host inflammatory
○ Hiroshi Ashida, Chihiro Sasakawa (Department of Microbiology
and Immunology Institute of Medical Science University of Tokyo)
Functional analysis of XopR type III secretion effector in
phytopathogenic bacteria
○ Ayako Furutani1, Chiharu Akimoto-Tomiyama2, Hirokazu
Ochiai2, Seiji Tsuge3 (Gen. Res. Centr., Ibaraki Univ.1, Nat. Inst.
Agr. Sci.2, Dept. Agri., Kyoto Pref. Univ.3)
A bioinformatics approach to identification of discriminating
features of T3SS effector proteins
○ Koji Yahara, Jiang Ying, Takashi Yanagawa (Biostatistics Center,
Kurume University)
Bacterial effector-involved temporal regulation by hijack of
the host ubiquitin pathway
○ Tomoko Kubori1, Hiroki Nagai2 (Graduate School of Frontier
Biosciences, Osaka University1, Research Institute for Microbial
Diseases, Osaka University2)
WS3 細菌毒素研究の新展開
3 月 27 日(火)15:45 ~ 17:45
第 2 会場(長崎新聞文化ホール 翔鶴の間・東)
座長:塚本 健太郎(藤田保健衛生大学)
小田 真隆(徳島文理大学)
Analysis of the region responsible for inflammasome activation
in listeriolysin O
○ Hideki Hara, Adaobi Igwilo, Kohsuke Tsuchiya, Takeshi
Yamamoto, Eduardo Hernandez-Cuellar, Ikuo Kawamura, Masao
Mitsuyama (Department of Microbiology, Kyoto University
Graduate School of Medicine)
Molecular mechanism of inhibitory effect of SubAB on nitric
oxide production by macrophages
○ Hiroyasu Tsutsuki, Kinnosuke Yahiro, Takeshi Shimizu,
Masatoshi Noda (Dept. Mol. Infectiol., Grad. Sch. Med., Chiba
Different activities of adenylate cyclase toxins of Bordetella
pertussis and B. bronchiseptica
Hirono Toshima, ○ Aya Fukui, Hiroyuki Abe, Shigeki Kamitani,
Yasuhiko Horiguchi (Research Institute for Microbial Diseases,
Osaka Univ.)
Vanilloid receptor plays an important role in staphylococcal
enterotoxin A-induced emesis
○ Dong-Liang Hu1, Edward K Maina1, Katsuhiko Omoe2, Akio
Nakane1 (Dept. Microbiol. Immunol., Hirosaki Univ. Grad. Sch.
Med.1, Depart. Vet. Med., Faculty of Agricul., Iwate Univ.2)
TOMM family peptides decide the hemolytic character of
Streptococcus anginosus
○ Atsushi Tabata1, Kota Nakano1, Toshifumi Tomoyasu1, Kazuto
Ohkura2, Ken Kikuchi3, Hideaki Nagamune1 (Dept. Biol. Sci. &
Tech., Life System, Inst. Tech. & Sci., The Univ. Tokushima Grad.
Sch.1, Faculty Pharm. Sci., Suzuka Univ. of Med. Sci.2, Dept. Infect.
Cont. Sci., Faculty Med., Juntendo Univ.3)
Unique biological activity of botulinum D/C mosaic neurotoxin
○ Keiji Nakamura1, Tomoko Kohda1, Yuto Sibata2, Kentaro
Tsukamoto3, Hideyuki Arimitsu3, Masafumi Mukamoto1, Nobuyuki
Sasakawa2, Shunji Kozaki1 (Dept. Vet. Sci., Grad. Sch. Life Environ.
Sci., Osaka Pref. Univ.1, Lab. Neurochem. Neuropharmacol., Life
Sci. Inst., Sophia Univ.2, Dept. Microbiol., Sci. Med., Fujita Univ.3)
Is botulinum nontoxic-nonhemagglutinin component
○ Ken Inui1,2, Yoshimasa Sagane1, Keita Miyata1,2, Shin-Ichiro
Miyashita1, Tomonori Suzuki3, Koichi Niwa1, Tohru Ohyama1,
Toshihiro Watanabe1 (Dept. of Food and Cosmetic Sci., Fac. of
Bioindustry, Tokyo Univ. of Agriculture1, JSPS Research Fellow2,
Dept. of Bact., Okayama Univ. Grad. Sch. of Med., Dent. and
Pharm. Sci.3)
Bacterial collagen-binding domains—Molecular basics and
clinical applications—
○ Osamu Matsushita1, Takehiko Mima1, Eijiro Adachi2, Takaki
Koide3 (Dept. Microbiol., Sch. Med., Kitasato Univ.1, Dept.
Biomatrix Engineering, Kitasato Univ. Grad. Sch. Med.2, Dept.
Chem. Biochem., Sch. Advanced Sci. Eng., Waseda Univ.3)
WS4 近縁ゲノム比較からの発見
3 月 27 日(火)13:30 ~ 15:30
第 3 会場(長崎新聞文化ホール 翔鶴の間・西)
座長:小林 一三(東京大学)
中川 一路(東京医科歯科大学)
Evolutionary genome dynamics revealed through analysis of
H. pylori strains
○ Ichizo Kobayashi (Department of Medical Genome Sciences,
Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, University of Tokyo)
Evolutionary strategies of group A Streptococci from
comparative genomic analysis
○ Ichiro Nakagawa (Section of Bacterial Pathogenesis, Tokyo
Medical and Dental Uni. Grad. Sch. Medical and Dental Sciences)
Genotypic and PFGE/MLVA analyses of Vibrio cholerae O1:
geographical spread and temporal changes
○ Kazuhisa Okada (Research Institute for Microbial Diseases,
Osaka University)
Comprehension of genetic diversity of M. tuberculosis clinical
strains based on comparative genomics
○ Takayuki Wada1, Tomotada Iwamoto2, Atsushi Hase1, Shinji
Maeda3 (Dept. Microbiol., Osaka City Inst. Public Health and
Environmental Sciences1, Dept. Microbiol., Kobe Inst. Health2,
Dept. Mycobacterium Reference and Research, Research Inst.
日本細菌学雑誌 67( 1 )
Reversible Chromosome Inversion and Bacterial
Heterogeneous Population
○ Longzhu Cui1,2, Akira Iwamoto2, Hui-min Neoh1, Keiichi
Hiramatsu1,2 (Dept. Bacteriology, Faculty of Medicine, Juntendo
University,1, Dept. of Infection Control Science, Graduate School of
Medicine, Juntendo Univ.2)
Comparative genome alanysis of anaerophilic and CO2
dependency in Streptococcus intermedius
○ Ken Kikuchi1,2, Mari Matsuda1, Tadashi Baba2, Longzhu Qui1,
Keiichi Hiramatsu1 (Dept. Infect. Control Science, untendo Univ.1,
Dept. Bacteriol, Juntendo. Univ.2)
WS5 「目指せ PI」―成功する科研費申請・
3 月 27 日(火)15:45 ~ 17:45
第 3 会場(長崎新聞文化ホール 翔鶴の間・西)
座長:寺尾 豊(大阪大学)
梅村 正幸(琉球大学)
Think about the oral presentations
○ Yasuhiko Horiguchi (Dept. Mol. Bacteriol., Res. Inst. Microb.
Dis., Osaka Univ.)
For a successful application of Grants-in-Aid for Scientific
Research (KAKENHI)
○ Tomoko Yamamoto (Dept. Microbiol. Mol. Genetics, Graduate
Sch. Pharm. Sci., Chiba Univ.)
Pursuing top journals for academic reputation
○ Takaaki Akaike (Dept. of Microbiol., Grad. Sch. of Med. Sci.,
Kumamoto Univ.)
Lessons from my challenging high impact journals
○ Chihiro Sasakawa (Dept. Microbiol. Immunol., Inst. Med. Sci.,
Univ. Tokyo.)
Structures of the multidrug exporter AcrB reveal a proximal
multisite drug-binding pocket
○ Seiji Yamasaki1,2,3, Ryosuke Nakashima2, Keisuke Sakurai2,
Kunihiko Nishino1, Akihito Yamaguchi2,3 (Lab. Microbiol. &
Infectious Diseases, ISIR, Osaka Univ.1, Dept. Cell Memb. Biol.,
ISIR, Osaka Univ.2, Dept. Cell Biol., Grad. Sch. Pharm. Sci., Osaka
A novel type III secreted protein BspR regulates the virulence
factors in Bordetella bronchiseptica
○ Jun Kurushima, Asaomi Kuwae, Akio Abe (Laboratory of
Bacterial Infection, Graduate School of Infection Control Sciences,
Kitasato University)
Bioinformatics-assisted identification of effectors based on
feature analysis of secretion signal
○ Yoshiharu Sato, Akiko Takaya, Tomoko Yamamoto (Dept. of
Microbiol. and Mol. Genetics, Grad. Sch. of Pharm. Sci., Chiba
Evaluation of Proteomic Profile with Principal Component
Analysis in Bacillus cereus
○ Akira Okamoto1, Yoshihiro Taguchi2 (Dept. Molecular Micribiol.,
Sch. Med., Nagoya Univ.1, Department of Physics, Chuo
A serum factor promotes the biofilm formation of Aspergillus
○Takahito Toyotome1, Akira Watanabe1,2, Katsuhiko Kamei1,2 (Div.
Clin. Res., MMRC, Chiba Univ.1, Div.Cont. Treat. Infect. Dis., Chiba
Univ. Hosp.2)
PD-1 deficiency causes CD4 T cell-mediated exacerbation of
Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection
○ Shunsuke Sakai, Ikuo Kawamura, Kohsuke Tsuchiya, Masao
Mitsuyama (Dept. Microbiol., Kyoto Univ. Grad. Sch. Med.)
WS7 クラミジア感染症とアレルギー・喘息
3 月 28 日(水)16:00 ~ 18:00
第 2 会場(長崎新聞文化ホール 翔鶴の間・東)
WS6 若手対象ワークショップ
「つぶやいて (twitter で ) 広がる感染症研究」
3 月 28 日(水)16:00 ~ 18:00
第 1 会場(長崎ブリックホール 国際会議場)
座長:上野 圭吾(国立感染症研究所)
松本 靖彦(東京大学)
“Conveyor belt” like motility machinery in Bacteroidetes
○ Daisuke Nakane1, Keiko Sato1, Mark Mcbride2, Koji Nakayama1
(Dept. Mol. Microbiol. and Immunol., Grad. Sch. Biomed. Sci.,
Nagasaki Univ.1, Dept. Biol. Sci., Univ. Wisconsin-Milwaukee2)
座長:白井 睦訓(山口大学)
尾内 一信(川崎医科大学)
Pathogenic chlamydial cellular manipulation mechanism and
its survival
○ Hiroyuki Yamaguchi1, Junji Matsuo1, Shinji Nakamura2, Itaru
Hirai3, Yoshimasa Yamamoto3,4 (Dept. Med. Lab. Sci., Faculty of
Health Sci., Hokkaido Univ.1, Div.Biomed. Imag. Res., Juntendo
Univ., Grad. Sch. Med.2, Lab. Mol. Microbiol., Dept. Bioinformatics,
Grad. Sch. Med., Osaka Univ.3, Osaka Pref. Inst. Public Health4)
Real-time cellular imaging of T lymphocyte accumulation in a
mouse asthma model
○ Akihiro Hasegawa1, Mutsunori Shirai1, Toshinori Nakayama2
(Dept. Microbiol. Immunol., Grad. Sch. Med., Yamaguchi Univ.1,
Dept. Immunol., Grad. Sch. Med., Chiba Univ.2)
Respiratory infection and childhood asthma: epidemiological/
immunological studies
○ Naoki Shimojo (Dept. Pediatr., Grad. Sch. Med., Chiba Univ.)
Chlamydia pneumoniae infection and asthma
○ Naoyuki Miyashita (Department of Internal Medicaine 1,
Kawasaki Medical School)
WS8 実験研究者のためのバイオインフォマティックス
3 月 28 日(水)9:00 ~ 11:00
第 3 会場(長崎新聞文化ホール 翔鶴の間・西)
座長:丸山 史人(東京医科歯科大学)
大坪 嘉行(東北大学)
GenoFinisher: a computational tool for finishing draft genomic
○Yoshiyuki Ohtsubo, Yuji Nagata, Masataka Tsuda (Department of
Environmental Life Sciences, Graduate School of Life Sciences,
Tohoku University)
GenomeTraveler and IMC: How to use them for NGS Data
Analysis and genome Annotation
○ Akira Ohyama, Hitohiro Saitoh, Kyotetsu Enai (in silico biology,
Genomic analysis leading to a data mining from molecular
epidemiological study of M. tuberculosis
○ Tomotada Iwamoto1, Takayuki Wada2, Shinji Maeda3 (Dept.
Microbiol., Kobe Inst. Health1, Dept. Microbiol., Osaka City Inst.
Public Health and Environmental Sciences2, Dept. Mycobacterium
Reference and Research, Research Inst. Tuberculosis3)
Bacteriophage provides acquired immunity in bacteria
○ Takashi Nozawa (Thailand-Japan Research Collaboration Center,
Res. Inst. for Microbial Dis., Osaka Univ.)
Microbial genome analyses by using existing software for
experimental biologists
○ Yoshitoshi Ogura1,2 (DiVi. Bio-envir., Frontier., Univ. Miyazaki1,
Divi. Micro., Dept. Infec. Disease., Med,. Univ. Miyazaki.2)
Introduction of helpful bioinformatics tools for deep
sequencing reads
○ Makoto Kuroda (Pathogen Genomics Center, National Institute
of Infectious Diseases)
WS9 長崎大学熱帯医学研究所ケニア研究
3 月 28 日(水)16:00 ~ 18:00
第 3 会場(長崎新聞文化ホール 翔鶴の間・西)
座長:竹内 勤(長崎大学)
一瀬 休生(長崎大学)
Cholera outbreak in Kenya during 2007-2009
○ Yoshio Ichinose1, Martin Bundi1, Muringu Gabriel1, Sora Huka1,
Amina Galata1, Victor Okoth1, Mohamed Karama2, Kennedy
Odock3, Sadayuki Ochi4, Masaaki Shimada1 (Kenya Research
Station, Institute of Tropical Medicine, Nagasaki University1,
Centre for Public Health Research, KEMRI, Nairobi, Kenya2, Mbita
district hospital3, Fujita Health University, School of Medicine4)
Molecular epidemiology of acute gastroenteritis due to
rotavirus infection in Kenya
○ Koki Taniguchi1, Rinko Ogino2, Apondi Ernest2, Suka Sora3,
Bundi Martin3, Satoshi Komoto1, Mitsutaka Wakuda1, Takao Tsuji4,
Yoshio Ichinose2,4 (Dept. Virol. Parasitol., Sch. Med., Fujita Health
Univ.1, Kenya Base, Institute of Trop. Med., Nagasaki Univ.2,
Centre for Virus Res., Kenya Med. Res. Institute3, Dept.
Microbiol., Sch. Med., Fujita Health Univ.4)
EAST1 gene-possessing E. coli associated with a massive
outbreak of diarrhea in Kenya
○ Sadayuki Ochi1, Martin Bundi2, Sora Suka2, Naoyuki Mine1,
Hideyuki Arimitsu1, Kentaro Tsukamoto1, Keiko Sasaki1, Toshiyasu
Shimizu1, Yoshio Ichinose2, Takao Tsuji1 (Dept. Microbiol., Sch.
Med., Fujita Health Univ.1, NUITM-KEMRI Project, Asia-Africa
Res. Cent., Inst. Trop. Med., Nagasaki Univ.2)
Fooborne Infections in the East Africa Region: Challenges in
Outbreak Surveillance, Investigation and Management
○ Samuel Kariuki (Director, Centre for Microbiology Research,
Kenya Medical Research Institute, Nairobi, Kenya)
Climate, climate change and diarrhoea
○ Masahiro Hashizume (Dept. Paediatric Infectious Diseases,
Institute of Tropical Medicine, Nagasaki University)
WS10 Helicobacter pylori 研究の新局面
3 月 28 日(水)9:00 ~ 11:00
第 4 会場(長崎新聞文化ホール 真珠の間)
座長:三室 仁美(東京大学)
Control of host cell responses by Helicobacter pylori infection
○ Hitomi Mimuro, Kotaro Kiga, Chihiro Sasakawa (Dept.
Microbiol. Immunol., Inst. Med. Sci., Univ. Tokyo)
Structural basis for biological activity of Helicobacter pylori
CagA oncoprotein
○ Hideaki Higashi (Div. Infec. Immunity, Res. Ctr. Zoonosis Contr,
Hokkaido Univ.)
日本細菌学雑誌 67( 1 )
Degradation response of oncoprotein CagA by autophagy in
host cells
○ Hitoshi Tsugawa1,2, Hidekazu Suzuki1,2, Masanori Hatakeyama3,
Toshiya Hirayama4, Juntaro Matsuzaki1, Kenro Hirata1, Seiichiro
Fukuhara1, Sawako Okada1, Toshifumi Hibi1 (Dept. Internal Med.,
Keio Univ., Sch. Med.1, Center for Integrated Medical Research,
Keio Univ.2, Div. Microbiol., Sch. Med., Tokyo Univ.3, Dept.
Bacteriol., Institute of Tropical Medicine, Nagasaki Univ.4)
A histone-like protein of mycobacteria possesses ferritin
superfamily protein-like activity
○ Sohkichi Matsumoto1, Mayuko Oka2, Yukiko Nishiuchi3, Mamiko
NIki1, Yuriko Ozeki1,4, Yoshitaka Tateishi1, Kazuo Kobayashi5
(Dept. Bacteriol. Grad. Sch. Med., Osaka City Univ.1, Dept.
Pharmacol. Grad. Sch. Med., Osaka City Univ.2, Toneyama Inst.
Tuberculosis Res.3, Dept. Food and Nutrition, Sonoda Women's
Univ.4, Dept. Immunol. NIH5)
Contribution of IL-33 in induction of gastric inflammation in
mice infected with Helicobacter pylori
○ Ryosuke Uchiyama1, Noriko Fukuda2, Hiroko Tsutsui1 (Dept.
Microbiology, Hyogo College of Medicine1, Dept. Pediatrics,
Hyogo College of Medicine2)
A novel protease homolog YfgC involved in quality control of
Escherichia coli envelope
○ Shin-ichiro Narita (Institute for Virus Research, Kyoto
Analysis of symbiotic conditions between Helicobacter pylori
and protozoa
○ Fuhito Hojo1,2, Takako Osaki1, Hideo Yonezawa1, Tomoko
Hanawa1, Satoshi Kurata1, Hiroyuki Yamaguchi3, Shigeru Kamiya1,2
(Department of Infectious Diseases, Kyorin University School of
Medicine1, Institute of Laboratory Animals, Graduate School of
Medicine, Kyorin University2, Department of Medical Laboratory
Sciences, Faculty of Health Sciences, Hokkaido University
Graduate School of Health Sciences3)
Immuno-proteomics of Helicobacter pylori antigens for
antibodies in H. pylori-positive child sera
○ Junko Akada1, Hisao Kurazono2, Toshiya Hirayama3, Akiko
Umeda4, Teruko Nakazawa5, Kazuyuki Nakamura1 (Dept. Biochem.
Functional Proteomics, Yamaguchi Univ. Grad. Sch. Med.1, Dept.
Anim. Food Hyg., Obihiro Univ.2, Inst. Tropical Med., Nagasaki
Univ.3, Dept. Basic Lab. Sci., Yamaguchi Univ. Grad. Sch. Med.4,
Dept. Microbiol. Immunol. Yamaguchi Univ. Grad. Sch. Med.5)
Molecular Epidemiology of Helicobacter pylori: including nextgeneration sequencing
○Yoshio Yamaoka (Dept. Environmental and Preventive Med. Oita
University Faculty of Medicine)
WS11 増殖停滞期の微生物の生存戦略
3 月 28 日(水)16:00 ~ 18:00
第 4 会場(長崎新聞文化ホール 真珠の間)
座長:川岸 郁朗(法政大学)
仁木 宏典(遺伝学研究所)
Hyphal differentiation of a dimorphic fission yeast in response
to environmental stresses
○ Hironori Niki (Microbi. Genet. Lab., Natl. Inst. Genet.)
Bacterial persistence based on epigenetically correlated
stochastic gene expression
○ Yuichi Wakamoto1,2 (Research Center for Complex Systems
Biology, Univ of Tokyo1, JST PRESTO2)
Isolation and analysis of Salmonella VBNC mutant
○ Akiko Kusumoto, Masayuki Miyashita, Keiko Kawamoto (Res.
Cent. for Animal Hygiene & Food Safety, Obihiro Univ. of Agr. &
Vet. Med.)
Environmental responses of bacterial at growth retardation
○ Ikuro Kawagishi (Dpt. Frontier Biosci., Hosei Univ.)
WS12 感染防御応答の多次元シグナルネットワーク
3 月 29 日(木)9:00 ~ 11:00
第 4 会場(長崎新聞文化ホール 真珠の間)
座長:赤池 孝章(熊本大学)
河村 伊久雄(京都大学)
Molecular mechanism for reactive oxygen production by
neutrophils in host defense
○ Hideki Sumimoto (Dept. Biochem., Kyushu Univ. Grad. Sch.
Med. Sci.)
Mechanism for Multi-step Regulation of Gene Induction in
Defense Response to Infection
○ Tatsushi Muta (Lab. Cell Recognition and Response, Grad. Sch.
Life Sci., Tohoku Univ.)
Hydrogen sulfide regulation of autophagy-mediated host
defense signaling
○ Tatsuya Okamoto, Takaaki Akaike (Dept. Microbiol. Grad. Sch.
Med. Sci., Kumamoto Univ.)
Coronin-1a inhibits the autophagosome formation around
Mycobacterium tuberculosis phagosomes
○ Shintaro Seto, Kunio Tsujimura, Yukio Koide (Department of
Infectious Diseases, Hamamatsu University School of Medicine)
Streptococcus pyogenes inhibits to form complement
membrane attack complex
○ Yutaka Terao, Shigetada Kawabata (Dept. Oral Mol. Microbiol.,
Grad. Sch. Dent., Osaka Univ.)
The role of inflammasomes in bacterial infections
○Kohsuke Tsuchiya, Hideki Hara, Rendong Fang, Shunsuke Sakai,
Eduardo Hernandez-Cuellar, Ikuo Kawamura, Masao Mitsuyama
(Department of Microbiology, Kyoto University Graduate School of
C. pneumonia utilize host innate immune Nlrp3 inflammasome
activation for intracellular growth
○Kenji Hiromatsu, Issaku Murakami, Emi Satoh, Ryota Itoh (Dept
Microbiol. Immunol., Sch. Med., Fukuoka Univ.)
TS1 話題微生物の分離・同定法と最新事情
3 月 27 日(火)13:30 ~ 16:00
第 4 会場(長崎新聞文化ホール 真珠の間)
座長:山崎 伸二(大阪府立大学)
L1 ランチョンセミナー 1
3 月 27 日(火)12:15 ~ 13:15
第 3 会場(長崎新聞文化ホール 翔鶴の間・西)
座長:神谷 茂(杏林大学)
河野 茂(長崎大学病院)
L2 ランチョンセミナー 2
Remark on our experiences of the food poisoning outbreak of
Shiga toxin-producing Esherichia coli O111
○ Junko Isobe, Keiko Kimata, Tomoko Shima, Jun-ichi Kanatani,
Masanori Watahiki, Tetsutaro Sata (Toyama Institute of Health)
Usefulness of Selection of Legionella spp. by Colony
○ Yo Morimoto (Hokkaido Institute of Public Health)
Detection of Kudoa septempunctata by a microscope and realtime PCR in olive flounder
○ Yoshio Iijima1, Noriko Nakanishi1, Takahiro Ohnishi2, Yoshiko
Sugita-Konishi2 (Department of Microbiology, Kobe Institute of
Health1, Division of Microbiology, National Institute of Health
Laboratory approaches to rotavirus gastroenteritis: an
○ Osamu Nakagomi (Division of Molecular Epidemiology,
Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, and Global Center of
Excellence, Nagasaki University)
The detection and identification methods for Mycoplasma
○ Atsuko Horino1, Hitomi Ohya2, Tsuyoshi Kenri1 (Dept. of
Bacteriol. II, NIID.1, Kanagawa Ins. of P.H.2)
Study on validated methods for detection of Camphylobacter
jejuni/ coli
○ Shizunobu Igimi (National Institute of Health Sciences)
3 月 28 日(水)12:15 ~ 13:15
第 2 会場(長崎新聞文化ホール 翔鶴の間・東)
座長:磯本 一(長崎大学)
Gastric Cancer Development by Helicobacter Pylori
(H.pylori) Infection—Important Roles of Activation-Induced
Cytidine Deaminase (AID) in Induction of Gene Mutations and
Genomic Instability during Inflammation-Associated
○ Tsutomu Chiba, Hiroyuki Marusawa (Department of
Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Graduate School of
Medicine, Kyoto University)
L3 ランチョンセミナー 3
3 月 28 日(水)12:15 ~ 13:15
第 3 会場(長崎新聞文化ホール 翔鶴の間・西)
座長:平山 壽哉(長崎大学)
Role of Lactobacillus casei strain Shirota in preventing acute
diarrhea in Indian children—a community based randomized
double blind placebo controlled field trial in an urban slum of
Kolkata, India
G. Balakrish Nair (Translational Health Science Technology Institute)
ICD 講習会
3 月 29 日(木)15:00 ~ 17:00
第 1 会場(長崎ブリックホール 国際会議場)
座長:大石 和徳(大阪大学)
1 わが国における院内感染と感染制御
朝野 和典(大阪大学)
2 進化する MRSA の現状と対策
花木 秀明(北里大学)
3 多剤耐性菌の特徴と新しい治療戦略
舘田 一博(東邦大学)
日本細菌学雑誌 67( 1 )
貼付け 3 月 27 日(火) 8:30 ~ 10:30
掲 示 3 月 27 日(火)10:30 ~ 18:00
3 月 28 日(水) 9:00 ~ 12:00
討 論 3 月 27 日(火)18:00 ~ 19:00
撤 去 3 月 28 日(水)12:00 ~ 12:30
ポスター番号:001 ~ 023 会場:ポスター会場 1
024 ~ 054 ポスター会場 2
055 ~ 116 ポスター会場 3
117 ~ 141 ポスター会場 4
142 ~ 177 ポスター会場 5
Evidence of missing the prophage with stx2 gene in the
foodborne outbreak of STEC O111
○ Masanori Watahiki, Junko Isobe, Keiko Kimata, Tomoko Shima
(Dept. Bacteriol., Toyama Institute of Health)
Mycoplasma dispar and sporadic otitis media among beef
calves in Iwate
○ Jin Suzuki1, Kei Takemura2, Masatoshi Fujihara1, Keiji Okada2,
Shigeru Sato2, Ryo Harasawa1 (Dept. Veterinary Microbiology,
Iwate Univ.1, Dept. Clinical Veterinary Medicine, Iwate Univ.2)
The distribution of genus Enterococcus in oral cavity
○ Ryotaro Hirata, Noriko Kuwahara, Kazuko Takada, Masatomo
Hirasawa (Dept. of Oral Microbiol., Nihon Univ. Sch. Dent. at
Prevalence of Campylobacter, Helicobacter and related
organisms in patients with diarrhea or sepsis
○ Kiyoe Yoda1, Shouta Murata2, Hirishi Takahashi3, Takahiro Itou4,
Takeshi Ohtuka5, Kenichi Shizuno5, Masaharu Wtanabe2, Masako
Uchimura1, Yasunobu Endou1 (Dept. Bacteriol., Chiba Prefectural
Institute of Pablic Health1, Dept. Clinical. Laboratory, Chiba
University Hospital2, Dept. Clinical. Laboratory, Kimitu Chuou
Hospital3, Dept. Clinical Laboratory, Chiba Social Insurance
Hospital4, Dept. Clinical. Laboratory, Chiba Kaihin Municipal
Characterization of autoagglutinating phenotype of Bordetella
○ Nao Otsuka, Keigo Shibayama, Kazunari Kamachi (Dept.
Bacteriology II, Natl. Inst. of Infect. Dis.)
Detection of Helicobacter heilmannii DNA in gastric biopsy
specimens by PCR in Japan
Yukie Sekiya1, Yuriko Nakatani1, Haruno Yoshida1, Somay
Murayama2, Masahiko Nakamura3, ○ Hidenori Matsui1 (Kitasato
Insti. for Life Sci., Kitasato Univ.1, Sch. Phar., Nihon Univ.2, Sch.
Phar. Sci., Kitasato Univ.3)
Isolation and characterization of Arcobacter spp. from meats
and feces of diarrhea patients in Japan
○ Masahiro Asakura1,2, Sayaka Nishikawa1, Sachi Shiramaru1,
Atsushi Hinenoya1, Akira Nagita3, Shinji Yamasaki1 (Graduate
School of Life and Environmental Sciences, Osaka Prefecture
University1, Fuso Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd., R&D Center2,
Mizushima Central Hospital3)
Antimicrobial susceptibility of Staphylococcus
pseudintermedius isolated from canine pyoderma
○ Noriyuki Takemura, Hidemasa Nakaminami, Norihisa Noguchi,
Masanori Sasatsu (Department of Microbiology, School of
Pharmacy, Tokyo University of Pharmacy and Life Sciences)
Molecular epidemiological analysis of Staphylococcus aureus
isolated from bovine mastitis
○ Hidemasa Nakaminami, Norihisa Noguchi, Masanori Sasatsu
(Department of Microbiology, School of Pharmacy, Tokyo
University of Pharmacy and Life Sciences)
Prevalence of extended-spectrum beta-lactamase-producing
Enterobacteriaceae among healthy people
○Kensuke Goto1, Kumiko Kawamura2, Kunihiko Nakane1, Tatsuya
Hattori1, Natsumi Sato1, Yoshichika Arakawa3 (Department of
Pathophysiological Laboratory Science, Nagoya University
Graduate School of Medicine1, Department of Medical Technology,
Nagoya University School of Health Science2, Department of
Bacteriology, Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine3)
Characterization of extended-spectrum beta-lactamaseproducing bacteria isolated from food samples
○ Natsumi Sato1, Kumiko Kawamura2, Kensuke Goto1, Kunihiko
Nakane1, Tatsuya Hattori1, Yoshichika Arakawa3 (Department of
Pathophysiological Laboratory Science, Nagoya University
Graduate School of Medicine1, Department of Medical Technology,
Nagoya University School of Health Science2, Department of
Bacteriology, Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine3)
Molecular Epidemiology of Helicobacter cinaedi isolates in
the Japan
○ Emiko Rimbara, Keigo Shibayama (Department of Bacteriology
II, National Institute of Infectious Diseases)
Detection of diffuse outbreak due to STEC O157 using the
Kinki IS Database
○ Kazuko Seto1, Masumi Taguchi1, Ryuji Kawahara1, Tetsuya
Harada1, Sunao Iyoda2, Jun Terajima2 (Dept. Bacteriol., Osaka
Prefect. Inst. Public Health1, Dept. Bacteriol., Nat. Inst. Infect.
Comprehension of genetic diversity of M. tuberculosis clinical
strains based on comparative genomics
○ Takayuki Wada1, Tomotada Iwamoto2, Atsushi Hase1, Shinji
Maeda3 (Dept. Microbiol., Osaka City Inst. Public Health and
Environmental Sciences1, Dept. Microbiol., Kobe Inst. Health2,
Dept. Mycobacterium Reference and Research, Research Inst.
Clade analysis of enterohemorrhagic Eshcerichia coli serovar
○ Eiji Yokoyama, Shinichiro Hirai (Div. Bacteriol., Chiba Pref. Inst.
Pub. Heal.)
Novel subtypes of typeIV SCCmec elements identified in CAMRSA strains
○ Shino Hosoya1, Teruyo Ito1,2, Shou Han2, Moe Chou2, Keiichi
Hiramatsu1,2 (Department of Infection Control Science, Graduate
School of Medicine, Juntendo University.1, Department of
Bacteriology, School of Medicine, Juntendo University2)
Genetic diversity of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Beijing
Genotype Strains in Peru
○ Kentaro Arikawa1, Noriko Nakanishi1, Takayuki Wada2,
Tomotada Iwamoto1 (Dept. Microbiol., Kobe Inst. Health1, Dept.
Microbiol., Osaka City Inst. Public Health andv Environmental
Vibrio parahaemolyticus Infection and Characteristics of
Clinical strains in Vietnam
○ Yoshitsugu Nakaguchi1, Kazuko Seto2, Kazuhiro Okubo3, Yoshito
Iwade3, Mitsuaki Nishibuchi1 (Center for Southeast Asian Studies,
Kyoto Univ.1, Osaka Prefectural Institute of Public Health2, Mie
Prefecture Health and Environment Research Institute3)
Nosocomial infection based on the result of MRSA POT
○ Yukio Hirayama, Tomoshige Matsumoto (Dept. Clin. Res. &
Develp., Osaka Prefect. Medical Cent. for Resp. and Allergic.
Impact of Ureaplasma parvum on Chlamydia trachomatisgenital infection
○ Tomohiro Yamazaki1, Megumi Matsumoto1, Junji Matsuo1, Shinji
Nakamura2, Hiroyuki Yamaguchi1 (Department of Medical
Laboratory Sience, Graduate School of Health Sciences, Hokkaido
University1, Division of Biomedical Imaging Research, Graduate
School of Medicine, Juntendo University2)
Prevalence of the Imipenem-susceptible meropenem-resistant
K. pneumoniae (ISMRK) in West Japan.
○ Shizuo Kayama1,2, Motoyuki Sugai1,2 (Project Research Center
for Nosocomial Infectious Diseases, Hiroshima Univ. Graduate Sch.
Biomedical Sciences1, Dept. Bacteriol., Hiroshima Univ. Graduate
Sch. Biomedical Sciences2)
Comparison of Streptococcus suis isolates from humans and
healthy pig tonsils in northern Thailand
○Kazunori Oishi1, Yukihiro Akeda1, Shigeyuki Hamada2 (Research
Institute for Microbial Diseases, Osaka Univesrity1, Thailand-Japan
Research Collaboration Center for Emerging and Re-emerging
Genetic characterization of SCCmec type IV MRSA isolated
from skin infections in Bangladesh
○ Mitsuyo Kawaguchiya1, Noriko Urushibara1, Shyamal Paul2,
Nobumichi Kobayashi1 (Dept. Hygiene, Sapporo Med. Univ.1, Dept.
Microbiol., Mymensingh Medical College2)
Identification of an enzyme system for daidzein-to-equol
conversion in Slackia sp. strain NATTS
○ Kaoru Moriyama, Hirokazu Tsuji, Koji Nomoto (YAKULT
GlmS and NagB modulate VicRK affecting Streptococcus
mutans virulence
○ Miki Matsuo1, Yuichi Oogai1, Takahiko Oho2, Sakuo Yamada3,
Hitoshi Komatsuzawa1 (Dept. of Oral Microbiol., Kagoshima Univ.
Grad. Sch. of Med. and Dent.1, Dept. of Prev. Dent., Kagoshima
Univ. Grad. Sch. of Med. and Dent.2, Dept. of Microbiol, Kawasaki
Medical School3)
"Conveyor belt" like motility machinery in Bacteroidetes
○ Daisuke Nakane1, Keiko Sato1, Mark Mcbride2, Koji Nakayama1
(Dept. Mol. Microbiol. and Immunol., Grad. Sch. Biomed. Sci.,
Nagasaki Univ.1, Dept. Biol. Sci., Univ. Wisconsin-Milwaukee2)
Next generation sequencer can find up-motile mutations of
Vibrio flagella in F-type ATPase gene
Noriko Nishioka, Seiji Kojima, ○ Michio Homma (Div. Biol. Sci.,
Grad. Sch. Sci., Nagoya Univ.)
Search of a gene concerning flagellar polar localization using
next generation sequencer in Vibrio
○ Noriko Nishioka, Seiji Kojima, Michio Homma (Div. Biol. Sci.,
Grad. Sch. Sci., Nagoya Univ.)
Intragenic suppressor for plug deletion mutant of PotB, Na+driven motor protein of flagella
○ Shiwei Zhu, Seiji Kojima, Michio Homma (Div. Biol. Sci., Grad.
Sch. Sci., Nagoya Univ.)
Gliding machinery of Mycoplasma mobile observed by
negative-staining electron microscopy
○ Hiroki Yamamoto, Makoto Miyata (Dept. Bio., Sch. Sci., Osaka.
City. Univ.)
Transformation of Mycoplasma mobile, the fastest
Mycoplasma Species
○ Isil Tulum, Atsuko Uenoyama, Makoto Miyata (Dept. Biology,
Grad. Sch. Science, Osaka City Univ.)
Mycoplasma legs work cooperatively in gliding
○ Taishi Kasai1, Daisuke Nakane1, Hideharu Ishida2, Hiromune
Ando2, Makoto Kiso2, Makoto Miyata1 (Dept. Biol., Grad. Sch. Sci.,
Osaka City Univ.1, Dept. Applied Bio-Organic Chem., Gifu Univ.2)
Proteomic Analysis of the European Clone Staphylococcus
aureus Exoproteins
○ Shymaa Enany1,2, Tadashi Yamamoto2 (Dept. Microbiol.
Immunol., Fac. pharm., SCU1, Dept. Struct. Pathol., Sch. Med.
Dent., Niigata Univ.2)
Eukaryotic protein kinase and phosphatase regulate
morphology of Clostridium perfringens
○ Hirofumi Nariya, Tomomi Kuwahara (Dept. Microbiol., Fac.
Med., Kagawa Univ.)
日本細菌学雑誌 67( 1 )
Regulation of localization of System I and III Che components
in V. cholerae
○ Geetha Hiremath1, So-ichiro Nishiyama1,2, Ikuro Kawagishi1,2,
Hiroki Okabe2, Tomoyuki Nakamura2 (Res. center for Micro-Nano
Tech., Hosei Univ.1, Dept. of Frontier Bioscience, Hosei Univ.2)
Increase of released adenylate cyclase-hemolysin by sigma E
activation in Bordetella pertussis
○ Tomoko Hanawa, Hideo Yonezawa, Takako Osaki, Satoshi
Kurata, Fuhito Hojo, Shigeru Kamiya (Dept. Infect. Dis., Kyorin
Univ., Sch. of Med.)
Identification of a Staphylococcus aureus protein assuming the
biosynthesis of cyclic-di-AMP
○ Keiko Yamada1, Akira Okamoto1, Michio Ohta2 (Dept. Bacteriol.,
Sch. Med., Nagoya Univ.1, Dept. Nursing, Sch. Nursing, Sugiyama
Jyogakuen Univ.2)
Structural insights highlight mosaic nature of the type IVB
secretion system
○ Hiroki Nagai1, Tomoko Kubori1,2 (Research Institute for
Microbial Diseases, Osaka Univ.1, Graduate School of Frontier
Biosciences, Osaka Univ.2)
Analysis of Pseudomonas aeruginosa aerobic growth
inhibition mechanism by intercellular signals
○ Kaori Ono, Masanori Toyofuku, Masakaze Hamada, Tomoki
Miyano, Toshiaki Nakajima-Kambe, Hiroo Uchiyama, Nobuhiko
Nomura (Grad. Sch. of Life and Env. Sci., Univ. of Tsukuba)
The MexMN efflux system of P. aeruginosa extrudes PQS and
HQNO, interfering with growth of S. aureus
○Shu Minagawa1, Keisuke Shinno1, Yukako Kitakaze1, Kenji Fujii2,
Takashi Kitayama2, Fuminori Kato3, Jun Okuda1, Motoyuki Sugai3,
Naomasa Gotoh1 (Dept. Microbiol. Infect. Cont. Sci., Kyoto
Pharmaceutical Univ.1, Dept. Adv. Biosci., Grad. Sch. Agricult.,
Kinki Univ.2, Dept. Bacteriol., Hiroshima Univ. Grad. Sch. Biomed.
How Outer Membrane Vesicles contribute to cell-to-cell
communication in bacteria
○ Saori Oji, Masanori Toyofuku, Yosuke Tashiro, Hiromu Oura,
Tomoki Nakajima-Kambe, Hiroo Uchiyama, Nobuhiko Nomura
(Grad. Sch. of Life and Env. Sci., Univ. of Tsukuba)
Identification of genes involved in the potassium requirement
in typical Melissococcus plutonius
○ Daisuke Takamatsu1,2, Kayo Okumura3, Masatoshi Okura1,
Tohru Miyoshi-Akiyama4 (Bact. Parasit. Dis. Res. Div., Natl. Inst.
Anim. Hlth.1, Utd. Grad. Sch. Vet. Sci., Gifu Univ.2, Dept. Anim.
Food Hyg., Obihiro Univ. Agric. Vet. Med.3, Dept. Infect. Dis., Natl.
Ctr. Glbl. Hlth. Med.4)
Deletion and suppressor mutation analyses of Sov that
functions in a novel protein secretion system
○ Keitarou Saiki, Kiyoshi Konishi (Dept. Microbiol., Nippon Dent.
Univ. Sch. Life Dentistry at Tokyo)
Crystal Structure of the Nucleotide-Binding Domain of S.
mutans ComA, Involved in Quorum-sensing
○ Seiji Ishii1, Takato Yano2, Hideyuki Hayashi1 (Dept. Biochem.,
Fac. Med., Osaka Med. College1, Dept. Biochem., Fac. Nur., Osaka
Med. College2)
The blaNDM-1-positive IncA/C plasmid of E. coli ST38 suggests
a possible origin from plant pathogens
○ Tsuyoshi Sekizuka1, Mari Matsui2, Kunikazu Yamane2,4,
Fumihiko Takeuchi1, Makoto Ohnishi3, Yoshichika Arakawa2,5,
Makoto Kuroda1 (Pathogen Genomics Center, NIID1, Dep. Bac. II,
NIID2, Dep. Bac., NIID3, Dep. Pub. Health, Kawasaki Med. Sch.4,
Dep. Bac., Nagoya Univ. Grad. Sch. Med.5)
High prevalence of ESBL genes among enteroaggregative
Escherichia coli isolates in Kagoshima, Japan
○ Naoko Imuta, Junichiro Nishi (Dept. Pediatrics, Kagoshima
University Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences)
VanN-type Vancomycin Resistance Enterococcus isolated from
Chicken in Japan
○ Takahiro Nomura1, Keigo Shibayama3, Yoshichika Arakawa4,
Yasuyoshi Ike1, Haruyoshi Tomita1,2 (Dept.Bacteriol., Gnma Univ.
Grad. sch. Med.1, Lab. Bacterial Drug Resistance, Gunma Univ.
Grad. Sch. Med.2, Bacteriol. 2nd, Nati. Inst. Infect. Dis.3, Mol.
Bacteriol., Nagoya Univ. Grad. Sch. Med.4)
A 2-year trend of CTX-M beta-lactamase-producing
Enterobacteriaceae in asymptomatic Thai people
○ Ulzii-Orshikh Luvsansharav1, Itaru Hirai1, Arisa Nakata1, Kaori
Imura1, Kou Yamauchi1, Marie Niki1, Chalit Komalamisra2, Teera
Kusolsuk2, Yoshimasa Yamamoto1,3 (Dept. Bioinformatics, Osaka
Univ. Grad. Sch. Med, Japan1, Faculty of Trop. Med, Mahidol Univ.,
Thailand2, Osaka Prefectural Institute of Public Health, Japan3)
Characterization of MATE-type multidrug efflux pump KetM,
DinF and YeeO from Klebsiella pneumoniae
○ Hayata Dodan1, Keihou Kou2, Takanori Kishino2, Motoyasu
Onishi2, Tomofusa Tsuchiya3, Teruo Kuroda2, Wakano Ogawa2
(Pharm. Okayama Univ.1, Grad. sch. Med. Dent. Pharm., Okayama
Univ.2, Col. pharm. Sci, Ritsumeikan Univ.3)
Anti-fungal agent liranaftate suppresses footpad inflammatory
reaction in mice
○ Naho Maruyama1,2, Sanae Ishijima1, Kazumi Hayama1, Shigeru
Abe1 (Teikyko University Institute of Medical Mycology1,
Department of Health and Dietetics, Faculty of Health and Medical
Science, Teikyo Heisei University2)
Outer Membrane Permeabilizing Effects of Phe-Arg-betaNaphthylamide on Pseudomonas aeruginosa
○ Yoshimi Matsumoto, Kunihiko Nishino, Akihito Yamaguchi
(Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka University)
Genetic Analysis and Mode of Action of Bac 51, a Novel
Bacteriocin in Enterococci
○ Hitoshi Yamashita1, Haruyoshi Tomita1,2, Yasuyoshi Ike1 (Dept.
of Bacteriology, Gunma Univ. Grad. Sch. of Med.1, Lab. of Drug
Resistance in Bacteria, Gunma Univ. Grad. Sch. of Med.2)
The characteristics of Micro-nano bubble water and the effect
to bacteria
○ Naomi Sakurai1, Kazuko Koike2 (Center for Medical Sciences,
Ibaraki Pref. Univ. of Health Sci.1, Uekusa-Gakuen Univ.2)
The antimicrobial activity of tooth paste containing hinokitiol
and citral
○Rieko Imayoshi, Junichi Nagao, Tamaki Cho, Hidenori Kaminishi
(Div. of Infect. Biol., Dept. of Funct. Biochem., Fukuoka Dent. Coll.)
Characterization of an Asaccharolytic, Succinate-utilizing
Novel Bacterium Isolated from Human Feces
○ Yohei Watanabe, Fumiko Nagai, Masami Morotomi (Department
of Chemical and Microbiological Analysis Center, Yakult Central
Institute for Microbiological Research)
Resuscitation of VBNC (Viable But Non-Culturable)
Salmonella by pyruvate
○ Yuta Morishige, Ko Fujimori, Fumio Amano (Lab. Biodefense &
Regulation, Osaka Univ. Pharm. Sci.)
Biofilms of nontuberculous mycobacteria isolated from living
○ Yukiko Nishiuchi1, Takahiro Totani2, Sohkichi Matsumoto2,
Yoshitaka Tateishi2,3, Nobuyasu Yamaguchi4, Masao Nasu4
(Toneyama Inst. Tuberculosis Res., Osaka City Univ. Med. Sch.1,
Dept. Bacteriol. Osaka City Univ. Grad. Sch. Med.2, National
Hospital Organization Toneyama National Hospital3, Dept. Environ.
Sci. Microbiol, Grad. Sch. Pharm. Sci, Osaka Univ4)
Bacteriological monitoring in groundwater of illegally-dumped
industrial waste site
○ Yoshito Iwade1, Masashi Tatsumi1, Kazumasa Fukuda2, Hatsumi
Taniguchi2 (Section of Microbiol., Mie Pref. Hlth and Environ. Res.
Inst1, Dept. Microbiol., Sch. Med., UOEH2)
Parachlamydia acanthamoebae attachment to amoebae is
required for several amoebal secreted molecules
○ Yasuhiro Hayashi1, Min Yi2, Junji Matsuo1, Shinji Nakamura3,
Hiroyuki Yamaguchi1 (Department of Medical Laboratory Science,
Graduate School of Heath Sciences, Hokkaido University1, School
of Medicine, Hokkaido University2, Division of Biomedical Imaging
Research, Graduate School of Medicine, Juntendo University3)
Amoebal endosymbionts spread among amoebae through host
Miho Okude1, Junji Matsuo1, Yasuhiro Hayashi1, Shinji Nakamura2,
○ Hiroyuki Yamaguchi1 (Department of Medical Laboratory
Science, Graduate School of Health Sciences, Hokkaido
University1, Division of Biomedical Imaging Research, Graduate
School of Medicine, Juntendo University2)
Epidemiological and pathogenic features of L.pneumophila
SG1 clinical and environmental isolates
○ Akira Ohno1, Naoyuki Kato2, Tomoo Saga1, Keizo Yamaguchi3,
Kazuhiro Tateda1 (Dept. Microbiol and Infect Dis., Sch. Med., Toho
Univ.1, Dept. Chem., Sch. Med., Toho Univ.2, Dept. Adv. Integ.
Analy. Infect. Dis., Sch. Med., Toho Univ.3)
Roles of lipoproteins in clearance of oral Streptococci
○ Taku Segawa1,2, Akira Hasebe1, Ayumi Saeki1, Hideo Kataoka3,
Takafumi Arimoto3, Takeshi Igarasi3, Kenitirou Sibata1 (Div. Oral
Mol. Microbiol., Dept. Oral Pathobiol. Sci., Hokkaido Univ.1, Dept.
Peroodontol. Endodontol., Div Oral HEalth Sci., Hokkaido Univ.
Grad. Sch Dent. Med.2, Dept. Oral Microbiol., Showa Univ. Sch.
Global dispersion of bacterial cells on Asian dust
○ Takashi Baba, Tomoaki Ichijo, Nobuyasu Yamaguchi, Masao
Nasu (Grad. Sch. Pharm. Sci. Osaka Univ.)
Multilocus sequence typing of P. aeruginosa clinical and
environmental isolates
○ Hiroto Shinomiya1, Satoru Suzuki2, Mitsuharu Murase3,
Yoshihiro Asano1 (Dept. Immunol. Host Defen., Grad. Sch. Med.,
Ehime Univ.1, Center for Marine Environmental Studies, Ehime
Univ.2, Division of Medical Technology, Ehime Univ. Hospital3)
Staphylococcus epidermidis Esp degrades novel biofilm
matrix proteins in MRSA biofilms
○ Shinya Sugimoto1, Takeo Iwamoto2, Koji Takada3, Fumiya Sato4,
Tadayuki Iwase1, Akiko Tajima1, Ippei Hironaka1, Ken-ichi Okuda1,
Hitomi Shinji1, Yoshimitsu Mizunoe1 (Dept. Bacteriol., The Jikei
Univ. Sch. Med.1, Core Res., The Jikei Univ. Sch. Med.2, Dept.
Biochem., The Jikei Univ. Sch. Med.3, Dev. Infect. Dis. Cont., The
Jikei Univ. Sch. Med.4)
K118 substitution in CssB disrupts the adherence ability of
CS6 produced by ETEC
○ Takeaki Wajima1,2, Shigeyuki Kano1,2, Nabendu Chatterjee3,
Takashi Hamabata1,2 (Res. Inst., Natl. Ctr. Glob. Health & Med.1,
Grad. Sch. Comp. Human Sci., Univ. Tsukuba.2, Natl. Inst. Cholera
& Enteric Dis., IND3)
Search for Adhesion Molecules of Aspergillus fumigatus
Conidia to HumanPulmonary Epithelial Cells
○ Azusa Takahashi, Tohru Gonoi (Medical Mycology Research
Center, Chiba University)
日本細菌学雑誌 67( 1 )
The role of fibronectin binding protein, FbpA, of Listeria
monocytogenes in adhesion to host cells
○ Arihiro Osanai, Krisana Asano, Hiroshi Sashinami, Dong-Liang
Hu, Akio Nakane (Dept. Microbiol. Immunol., Hirosaki Univ. Grad.
Sch. Med.)
Identification of oral streptococcal adhesin related to
coaagregation with other oral streptococci
○ Yasuo Yoshida1, Kyosuke Suwabe1,2, Keiji Nagano1, Yuki Abiko1,
Ken Kikuchi3, Fuminobu Yoshimura1 (Dept. Microbiol., Sch. Dent.,
Aichi Gakuin Univ.1, Div.of Periodontol, Dept. Oral Biology and
Rehabilitation, Sch. Dent., Iwate Medical Univ.2, Dept. Infection
Control Science, Sch. Med., Juntendo Univ.3)
Study on the binding affinity of Staphylococcus aureus to
saliva-coated dental materials
○ Kenji Kukita1, Miki Matsuo2, Hitoshi Komatsuzawa2
(Department of Fixed Prosthetic Dentistry, Kagoshima University
Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences1, Department of
Oral Bacteriology, Kagoshima University Graduate School of
Medical and Dental Sciences2)
Degradation response of oncoprotein CagA by autophagy in
host cells
○ Hitoshi Tsugawa1,2, Hidekazu Suzuki1,2, Masanori Hatakeyama3,
Toshiya Hirayama4, Juntaro Matsuzaki1, Kenro Hirata1, Seiichiro
Fukuhara1, Sawako Okada1, Toshifumi Hibi1 (Dept. Internal Med.,
Keio Univ., Sch. Med.1, Center for Integrated Medical Research,
Keio Univ.2, Div. Microbiol., Sch. Med., Tokyo Univ.3, Dept.
Bacteriol., Institute of Tropical Medicine, Nagasaki Univ.4)
Vanilloid receptor plays an important role in staphylococcal
enterotoxin A-induced emesis
○ Dong-Liang Hu1, Edward K Maina1, Katsuhiko Omoe2, Akio
Nakane1 (Dept. Microbiol. Immunol., Hirosaki Univ. Grad. Sch.
Med.1, Depart. Vet. Med., Faculty of Agricul., Iwate Univ.2)
The mode of action of Aeromonas serine protease in the
intestinal epithelial cells
○ Hidetomo Kobayashi1, Keinosuke Okamoto2, Hiroyasu
Yamanaka1 (Lab. Mol. Microbiol. Sci., Fac. Pharm. Sci., Hiroshima
International Univ.1, Okayama Univ., Grad. Sch. Med., Dent. and
Pharm. Sci.2)
Purification of a novel fibronectin-binding protein from
Granulicatella para-adiacens
○ Taihei Yamaguchi, Takahiko Oho (Department of Preventive
Dentistry, Kagoshima University Graduate School of Medical and
Dental Sciences)
Purification and characteristics of hemolysin from Prevotella
○ Toshiya Sato, Arihide Kamaguchi, Mari Fujita, Hiroshi
Miyakawa, Futoshi Nakazawa (Dept. Oral Microbiol., Heal. Sci.
Univ. Hokkaido)
Search for the fibronectin-binding domain of FbpB from
Clostridium perfringens
○ Mari Okada1, Yuta Mantani1, Seiichi Katayama2, Yasuo
Hitsumoto2 (Dept. Life Sci., Okayama Univ. of Sci. Grad. Sch.1,
Dept. Life Sci., Fac. Sci., Okayama Univ. of Sci.2)
Relationship between Localization And Cytotoxicity of Vibrio
vulnificus Hemolysin
○ Takashige Kashimoto1, Hiroyuki Sugiyama1, Shunji Ueno1,
Hayato Ehara1, Toshio Kodama2, Tetsuya Iida3, Nobuyki Susa1
(Laboratory of Veterinary Public Health, School of Veterinary
medicine, Kitasato University1, Department of Bacterial Infections,
Research Institute for Microbial Diseases, Osaka University2,
International Research Center for Infectious Diseases, Research
Institute for Microbial Diseases, Osaka University3)
Fibronectin binding protein of Streptococcus intermedius
modulates the adherence to epithelial cells
○ Yoshitoyo Kodama, Minoru Sasaki, Yu Shimoyama, Sachimi
Agato, Shigenobu Kimura (Div. Mol. Microbiol., Dept. Microbiol.,
Sch. Dent. Iwate Med. Univ.)
H. pylori VacA usurps the mitochondrial apoptotic machinery
via diverse signaling pathways
○ Toshiya Hirayama, Masayuki Nakano (Dept. Bacteriol., Inst.
Tropical Med., Nagasaki Univ., Japan)
Cellular vacuolation induced by Clostridium perfringens
○ Masahiro Nagahama, Teruhisa Takagishi, Masataka Oda, Keiko
Kobayashi, Jun Sakurai (Department of Microbiology, Faculty of
Pharmaceutical Sciences, Tokushima Bunri University)
Characterization of serine protease produced by Aeromonas
○ Eizo Takahashi, Haruka Ozaki, Tetsuya Yamashita, Keinosuke
Okamoto (Grad. Sch. Med. Dent. Pharm. Sci, Okayama Univ.)
A new insight into the function of Salmonella enterotoxin, Stn
○ Masayuki Nakano1, Eiki Yamasaki2, Junko Akada3, Kazuyuki
Nakamura3, Toshiya Hirayama1, Hisao Kurazono2 (Dept. Bacteriol.,
Inst. Tropical Med., Nagasaki Univ.1, Dept. Anim. Food Hyg.,
Obihiro Univ.2, Dept. Biochemistry and Functional Proteomics,
Yamaguchi Univ. Grad. Sch. Med.3)
Different activities of adenylate cyclase toxins of Bordetella
pertussis and B. bronchiseptica
Hirono Toshima, ○ Aya Fukui, Hiroyuki Abe, Shigeki Kamitani,
Yasuhiko Horiguchi (Research Institute for Microbial Diseases,
Osaka Univ.)
Diversity in the mechanisms of human cell death caused by
ADP-ribosyl transferase Cholix toxin
○ Kohei Ogura1, Kinnosuke Yahiro1, Shinji Yamasaki2, Masatoshi
Noda1 (Dept. Molecular Infectiology, Grad. Sch. Med., Chiba Univ.1,
Grad. Sch. Life and Environmental Science, Osaka Pref. Univ.2)
The role of ganglioside GM1 as receptor of Clostridium
perfringens alpha-toxin
○ Masataka Oda, Michiko Kabura, Jun Sakurai, Masahiro
Nagahama (Dep. of Microbiol., Fac. of Pharm. Sci., Tokushima
Bunri Univ.)
Clostridium perfringens iota-toxin b induces rapid cell
○ Keiko Kobayashi, Mariko Umezaki, Masataka Oda, Jun Sakurai,
Masahiro Nagahama (Department of Microbiology, Faculty of
Pharmaceutical Sciences, Tokushima Bunri University)
A cytotoxic type III secretion effector of Vibrio
parahaemolyticus ruptures host cell lysosomes
○ Shigeaki Matsuda1, Takeshi Honda2, Tetsuya Iida1 (Lab.
Genomic Research on Pathogenic Bacteria, RIMD, Osaka Univ.1,
Dept. Bacterial Infections, RIMD, Osaka Univ.2)
Importin beta-1 is required for the nuclear translocation of
Bordetella type III effector, BopN
○ Sayuri Chiba1, Asaomi Kuwae1,2, Jun Kurushima2, Akio Abe1,2
(Laboratory of Bacterial Infection, Kitasato Institute for Life
Science1, Laboratory of Bacterial Infection, Graduate School of
Infection Control Sciences, Kitasato University2)
Expression and purification of the botulinum type C
hemagglutinin complex
○ Yo Sugawara, Takuhiro Matsumura, Yukako Fujinaga (RIMD,
Osaka Univ)
Functional analysis of EspJ as an apoptosis-enhancing effector
○ Hilo Yen, Izumi Minoura, Toru Tobe, Nakaba Sugimoto (Div.
Applied Microbiol., Sch. Med., Osaka Univ.)
SubAB-induced apoptosis is regulated by a PERK-dependent
proteasome pathway in HeLa cells
○ Kinnosuke Yahiro1, Hiroyasu Tsutsuki1, Kohei Ogura1, Sayaka
Nagasawa1,2, Naoko Morinaga1, Masatoshi Noda1 (Dept. Molecular
Infectiology. Chiba Univ.1, Dept. Legal Medicine. Chiba Univ.2)
VP1680 induces IL-8 secretion in Vibrio parahaemolyticus
○ Takaaki Shimohata, Hitomi Iba, Sachie Negoro, Shoko Asada,
Mutsumi Aihara, Kazuaki Mawatari, Akira Takahashi (Dept.
Preventive Environment and Nutrition., Inst. Health Biosciences.,
Univ. Tokushima Grad. Sch.)
VopV, an F-Actin-Binding T3SS Effector, is Required for Vibrio
parahaemolyticus-Induced Diarrhea
○Hirotaka Hiyoshi1, Toshio Kodama2, Kazunobu Saito3, Kazuyoshi
Gotoh1, Shigeaki Matsuda1, Yukihiro Akeda4, Takeshi Honda2,
Tetsuya Iida1 (Laboratory of Genomic Research on Pathogenic
Bacteria, International Research Center for Infectious Diseases,
Research Institute for Microbial Diseases, Osaka University1,
Department of Bacterial Infections, Research Institute for
Microbial Diseases, Osaka University2, DNA-chip Development
Center for Infectious Diseases, Research Institute for Microbial
Diseases3, Laboratory of Clinical Research on Infectious Disease,
International Research Center for Infectious Diseases, Research
Institute for Microbial Diseases, Osaka University4)
TOMM family peptides decide the hemolytic character of
Streptococcus anginosus
○ Atsushi Tabata1, Kota Nakano1, Toshifumi Tomoyasu1, Kazuto
Ohkura2, Ken Kikuchi3, Hideaki Nagamune1 (Dept. Biol. Sci. &
Tech., Life System, Inst. Tech. & Sci., The Univ. Tokushima Grad.
Sch.1, Faculty Pharm. Sci., Suzuka Univ. of Med. Sci.2, Dept. Infect.
Cont. Sci., Faculty Med., Juntendo Univ.3)
Characterization of two types of Helicobacter pylori
lipopolysaccharide epitopes
○ Shin-ichi Yokota1, Ken-ichi Amano2, Nobuhiro Fujii1 (Dept.
Microbiol., Sapporo Med. Univ. Sch. Med.1, Biosci. Edu. Res. Ctr.,
Akita Univ.2)
Analyses for the functions of PilV on the infection to the host
cells in Neisseria meningitidis
○ Hideyuki Takahashi, Makoto Ohnishi (Dept. Bacteriol. 1, Nat.
Inst. Infect. Dis.)
Behavior of epithelial rests of Malassez cells infected by
Treponema denticola
○Eitoyo Kokubu1,2, Satoru Inagaki1,2, Ryuta Kimizuka1,2, Kazuyuki
Ishihara1,2 (Oral Health Science Center, Tokyo Dental College1,
Dept. Microbiol, Tokyo Dental College2)
Effects of Treponema denticola infection on polarized
epithelial cells
○ Ryuta Kimizuka1,3, Kato Tetsuo2,3, Eitoyo Kokubu1,3, Kazuyuki
Ishihara1,3 (Department of Microbiology, Tokyo Dental College1,
Laboratory of Chemistry, Tokyo Dental College2, Oral Health
Science Center, Tokyo Dental College College3)
Involvement of intracellular Ca2+ in replication within
macrophages of Salmonella
○ Kei-ichi Uchiya, Toshiaki Nikai (Dept. Microbiol., Fac. Pharm.,
Meijo Univ.)
Protochlamydia-induced apoptosis of HEp-2 cells involving a
mitochondrial-dependent pathway
○ Junji Matsuo1, Atsushi Ito1, Shinji Nakamura2, Hiroyuki
Yamaguchi1 (Dept. Med. Lab. Sci., Fac. Health Sci., Hokkaido
Univ.1, Div. Biomed. Imaging Res., Juntendo Univ. Grad. Sch.
Plasma membrane phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate (PI4P)
regulates Legionella pneumophila effectors
○ Andree Hubber1,2, Hiroki Nagai1 (Research Institute for
Microbial Diseases, Osaka University1, Section of Microbial
Pathogenesis, Yale University School of Medicine2)
Pathogenic chlamydial infection to human lymphocytes and
IFN-gamma resistance
○ Kasumi Ishida1, Takeru Kubo1, Min Yi2, Junji Matsuo1, Shinji
Nakamura3, Hiroyuki Yamaguchi1 (Depertment of Medical
Laboratory Science, Graduate School of Health Sciences, Hokkaido
University1, School of Medocine, Hokkaido University2, Division of
Biomedical Imaging Research, Graduate School of Medicine,
Juntendo University3)
日本細菌学雑誌 67( 1 )
Glucose metabolism in macrophage suppress intracellular
growth of Mycobacterium tuberculosis
○ Mayuko Oka1, Nobuhito Goda2, Tomoyoshi Soga3, Yuriko Ozeki4,
Kazuo Kobayashi5, Sohkichi Matsumoto4, Hiroshi Iwao1 (Dept.
Pharmacol. Osaka City Univ. Med. Sch.1, Depart. Life Sci. Med.
BioSci., Waseda Univ. Sch.2, The Institute for Advanced
Biosciences, Keio Univ.3, Dept. Bacteriol. Osaka City Univ. Med.
Sch.4, Dept. Immunol. NIIH5)
Analysis of symbiotic conditions between Helicobacter pylori
and protozoa
○ Fuhito Hojo1,2, Takako Osaki1, Hideo Yonezawa1, Tomoko
Hanawa1, Satoshi Kurata1, Hiroyuki Yamaguchi3, Shigeru Kamiya1,2
(Department of Infectious Diseases, Kyorin University School of
Medicine1, Institute of Laboratory Animals, Graduate School of
Medicine, Kyorin University2, Department of Medical Laboratory
Sciences, Faculty of Health Sciences, Hokkaido University
Graduate School of Health Sciences3)
The mechanism and the role of Akt dephosphorylation induced
by Porphyromonas gingivalis infection
○ Masaaki Nakayama1, Yuki Fujita2, Tetsuyoshi Inoue1, Naoya
Ohara1 (Dept. Oral Microbiol., Sch. Med. Dent. Pharm., Okayama
Univ.1, Dept. Oral Maxillofacial Reconst. Surg., Sch. Med. Dent.
Pharm., Okayama Univ.2)
Diversity of virulence between the isolates of Listeria
monocytogenes from different origins
○ Yumiko Okada, Yoshika Momose, Hodaka Suzuki, Hiroshi
Asakura, Shizunobu Igimi (Nat. Inst. Health Sci.)
Safety assessment of lactic acid bacteria as probiotics
○ Tetsuo Yamaguchi1,2, Yuri Miura3, Masamichi Muto4, Hirofumi
Miyauchi4, Fumiaki Abe4, Tetsuya Matsumoto1,2 (Department of
Microbiology, Tokyo Medical University1, Department of Infection
Control & Prevention, Tokyo Medical University Hospital2,
Department of Medical Treatment for Health Scientific Research,
Bunkyo Gakuin University Graduate School3, Biological Function
Research Department, Food Science & Technology Institute,
Morinaga Milk Industry Co.,Ltd4)
Role of ExoS in penetration of clinical isolates of P. aeruginosa
through the epithelial monolayers
○ Jun Okuda, Naoki Hayashi, Shu Minagawa, Naomasa Gotoh
(Dept. of Microbiology and Infection Control Science, Kyoto
Pharmaceutical University)
Functional analysis of response regulator PrhG in plant
pathogen Ralstonia solanacearum
Yong Zhang1, Akinori Kiba2, Yasufumi Hikichi2, ○ Kouhei Ohnishi1
(Res. Inst. Mol. Genet., Kochi Univ.1, Lab. Plant Pathol. &
Biotechnol., Fac. Agri., Kochi University2)
Abortion model by infection of Listeria monocytogenes in ICR
○ Masato Tachibana1, Takashi Shimizu1, Kohsuke Tsuchiya2,
Hideki Hara2, Masao Mitsuyama2, Masahisa Watarai1 (Grad. Sch.
Vet. Sci., Yamaguchi Univ.1, Dept. Microbiol., Med., Kyoto Univ.2)
Involvement of siderophore activity of Pseudomonas cichorii
in its virulence diversity
Wali Ullah1, Hiroyuki Mizumoto1, Akinori Kiba1, Kouhei Ohnishi2,
○ Yasufumi Hikichi1 (Lab. Plant Pathology & Biotechnology, Kochi
Univ.1, RIMG, Kochi Univ.2)
Induction of a Th17 response by Mycoplasma pneumoniae
○ Satoshi Kurata1, Takako Osaki1, Tomoko Hanawa1, Hideo
Yonezawa1, Haruhiko Taguchi2, Shigeru Kamiya1 (Department of
Infectious Diseases, Kyorin University School of Medicine1,
Department of Immunology, Faculty of Health Sciences, University
of Kyorin2)
Analysis of host/bacterial factors causing secondary bacterial
pneumonia after flu infection
○ Yukihiro Akeda, Hirokazu Ezoe, Kazunori Oishi (International
Research Center for Infectious Diseases, Research Institute for
Microbial Diseases, Osaka University)
Identification of bacterial genes required for virulence in
diabetic hosts
○ Shinya Miyazaki1, Yasuhiko Matsumoto1, Yohei Hayashi1, Tohru
Sakagami1, Chikara Kaito1, Keita Tatsuno2, Mitsuhiro Okazaki2,
Shu Okugawa2, Kyoji Moriya2, Kazuhisa Sekimizu1 (Laboratory of
Microbiology, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, The
University of Tokyo1, Department of Infectious Diseases, Internal
Medicine, Graduate School of Medicine, University of Tokyo2)
Metagenome analysis of the fecal microbiota from Ulcerative
colitis model mouse
○ Yoshiaki Kawamura1, Yasuyoshi Kamiya1, Junko Tomida1, Yuji
Morita1, Hiroshi Mori2 (Department of Microbiology, Aichi Gakuin
University, School of Pharmacy1, Department of Microbiology, Gifu
Pharmaceutical University2)
Expression analysis of the host factors in streptococcal toxic
shock syndrome in a mouse model
○ Tohru Akiyama1, Kimiko Ubukata2, Teruo Kirikae1 (Dept. Infect.
Dis. Nat. Center Global Health & Med.1, Lab. Mol. Epidemiol.
Infect. Agents Gra. Sch. Infet. Cont. Sci., Kitasato Univ2)
IL-18 augments bacterial elimination by Kupffer cells via NK
cell-derived IFN-gamma in burned mice
○ Manabu Kinoshita1, Hiromi Miyazaki2, Masahiro Nakashima1,
Hiroyuki Nakashima1, Masami Ikarashi1, Atsushi Sato1, Daizoh
Saitoh2, Shuhji Seki1 (Dept. Immunology and Microbiology, Nat.
Def. Med. Col.1, Div. Traumatology, Nat. Def. Med. Col. Res Inst.2)
Peptidoglycan-induced Th2 immune response in mouse
involves IL-10 secretion from Langerhans cells
○ Katsuhiko Matsui, Akemi Nishikawa (Dept. Immunobiol., Meiji
Pharmaceutical Univ.)
Toll-like receptor mediated innate immune response caused by
house dust mite extracts
○ Takaaki Kitajima, Masashi Muroi, Naomi Yamashita, Ken-ichi
Tanamoto (Res. Inst. Pharam. Sci. Musashino Univ.)
Coronin-1a inhibits the autophagosome formation around
Mycobacterium tuberculosis phagosomes
○ Shintaro Seto, Kunio Tsujimura, Yukio Koide (Department of
Infectious Diseases, Hamamatsu University School of Medicine)
A comprehensive subclassification of Kupffer cells in mice and
○ Masami Ikarashi1, Hiroyuki Nakashima1, Manabu Kinoshita1,
Atsushi Sato1, Masahiro Nakashima1, Hiromi Miyazaki2, Kiyoshi
Nishiyama3, Junji Yamamoto3, Shuhji Seki1 (Department of
Immunology and Microbiology, National Defense Medical College1,
Division of Traumatology, National Defense Medical College
Research Institute, National Defense Medical College2,
Department of Surgery, National Defense Medical College3)
Induction and Regulation of Autophagy against Invading Group
A Streptococcus
○ Chihiro Aikawa1, Takashi Nozawa2, Akira Goda3, Takayasu
Watanabe1, Amonrattana Roobthaisong1, Bijaya Haobam1, Nayuta
Furukawa1, Shingo Hosomi1, Fumito Maruyama1, Ichiro Nakagawa1
(Sec. Bac. Pathog., Grad. Sch. Med and Dent. Sci., Tokyo Medical
and Dental Univ.1, Thailand-Japan RCC-ERI., Osaka Univ.2, Dept.
Maxillofac Surg., Grad. Sch. Med and Dent. Sci., Tokyo Medical and
Dental Univ3)
Osteonecrosis in CD46 Tg mice caused by S. pyogenes
infection is T cell-derived RANKL independent
○ Yuriko Nakatani1, Hidenori Matsui1, Haruno Yoshida1, Yukie
Sekiya1, Somay Murayama2, Masahiko Nakamura3, Kimiko
Ubukata1 (Kitasato Insti. for Life Sci., Kitasato Univ.1, Sch. Phar.,
Nihon Univ.2, Sch. Phar. Sci., Kitasato Univ.3)
Physiological relevance of oxidative inactivation of GAPDH in
○ Minkyung Jung1, Katsuhiko Ono1, Tatsuya Okamoto1, Hideshi
Ihara2, Takashi Miura3, Tomohiro Sawa1, Yoshito Kumagai3, Takaaki
Akaike1 (Dept. Microbiol., Grad. Sch. Med. Sci., Kumamoto Univ.1,
Dept. of Biol. Sci., Grad. Sch. of Sci., Osaka perfecture Univ.2, Dept.
of Environmental Med., Grad. Sch. Comprehensive Human Sci.,
Univ. of Tsukuba3)
Role of infiltrating cells in the lung of Acinetobacter
pneumonia model mice
○ Takahiro Tsuchiya1, Katsushiro Miyamoto1, Shigeo Yamamoto2,
Hiroshi Tsujibo1 (Dept. Microbiol., Osaka Univ. Pharm. Sci.1, Dept.
Pharm. Health Chem., Matsuyama Univ.2)
C. pneumonia utilize host innate immune Nlrp3 inflammasome
activation for intracellular growth
○Kenji Hiromatsu, Issaku Murakami, Emi Satoh, Ryota Itoh (Dept
Microbiol. Immunol., Sch. Med., Fukuoka Univ.)
Inhibition of autophagy-mediated intracellular killing of
Salmonella by hydrogen sulfide anion
○ Tetsuro Matsunaga, Khan Shahzada, Tatsuya Okamoto, Kohta
Oyama, Jun Yoshitake, Katsuhiko Ono, Hirofumi Inoue, Shigemoto
Fujii, Tomohiro Sawa, Takaaki Akaike (Dept. Microbiol., Grad. Sch.
Med. Sci., Kumamoto Univ.)
The role of inflammasomes in bacterial infections
○Kohsuke Tsuchiya, Hideki Hara, Rendong Fang, Shunsuke Sakai,
Eduardo Hernandez-Cuellar, Kawamura Ikuo, Masao Mitsuyama
(Department of Microbiology, Kyoto University Graduate School of
Relationship between mRNA of TREM-1 in PMNs and
pathological conditions in bacterial infections
○ Tsuneyuki Ubagai, Shigeru Tansho, Takane Ueda, Hirotoshi
Kikuchi, Osamu Koshio, Yasuo Ono (Dept. Microbiol. Immunol.,
Teikyo Univ. Sch. Med.)
Restriction of the growth of nonpathogenic spotted fever group
rickettsiae in mammalian cells
○ Tsuneo Uchiyama1, Motohiko Ogawa2, Hiromi Fujita3 (Dept.
Microbio., Inst. Health Biosci., Univ. Tokushima Grad. sch.1, Dept.
Virol. I, Natl. Inst. Infect. Dis.2, Ohara Res. Lab., Ohara Gen.
Streptococcus gordonii surface protein Hsa promotes
differentiation of monocyte into dendritic cell
○ Yumiko Tashiro, Yukihiro Takahashi, Kiyoshi Konishi (Dept.
Microbiol., Nippon Dent. Univ. Sch. Life Dentistry at Tokyo)
Immune responses and upper genital tract pathology following
Chlamydia muridarum infection
○ Toshinori Soejima, Kazunari Ishi, Kenji Hiromatsu (Dept.
Microbiol. Immunol., Sch. Med., Fukuoka Univ.)
Modulation of growth and functions of CD4+ CD25+ Foxp3+
regulatory T cells by oral streptococci
○ Ayumi Saeki1,2, Taku Segawa1, Hideo Kataoka3, Akira Hasebe1,
Takafumi Arimoto3, Takeshi Igarashi3, Atsuro Yokoyama2, Kenichiro Shibata1 (Dept. Oral Mol. Microbiol., Hokkaido Univ. Grad.
Sch. Dent. Med.1, Dept. Oral Functional Prosthodontics., Hokkaido
Univ. Grad. Sch. Dent. Med.2, Dept. Oral Microbiol., Showa Univ.
Sch. Dent.3)
Suppression of cellular immunity in the silkworm by Serratia
○Kenichi Ishii, Katsutoshi Imamura, Tatsuo Adachi, Takashi Hara,
Hiroshi Hamamoto, Kazuhisa Sekimizu (Grad. Sch. of Pharm. Sci.,
Univ. of Tokyo)
NO biosensor plasmid for investigating NO levels within
macrophages during bacterial infection
○ Takeshi Shimizu, Hiroyasu Tsutsuki, Masatoshi Noda (Dept.
Molecular Infectiology, Sch. Med., Chiba Univ.)
日本細菌学雑誌 67( 1 )
Role of TNFalpha in osteoclastogenesis from RANKL-primed
macrophages infected with P. gingivalis
○ Akiko Kukita1, Yuka Ichigi1, Ippei Takigawa1, Koji Nakayama2,
Hiroshi Miyamoto1 (Dept. of Microbiology, Med. Saga Univ.1, Dept.
of Micribiol. Oral infection, Nagasaki Univ.2)
Analysis of the accessory gene in Conjugative transposon
○ Mariko Naito, Keiko Sato, Hideharu Yukitake, Mikio Shoji, Koji
Nakayama (Dept. Molecular Microbiol. Immunol., Nagasaki Univ.
Graduate Sch. of Biomedical Sciences)
Augmentation against Salmonella Infection by IL-2 Gene
Transfected Cells in Immunocompromized Mice
○ Tatsuo Taki1, Tsuyoshi Onogawa2, Hidero Kitasato1 (Dept.
Miclobiol., Sch. Allied Health Sci., Kitasato Univ.1, Dept. Immunol.,
Fac. Health Sci., Kyourin Univ.2)
Analysis of the plasmid-derived retron responsible for the
sdsDNA synthesis in Escherichia coli
○ Tadashi Shimamoto, Maki Kamimoto, Toshi Shimamoto (Lab.
Food Microbiol. Hyg., Grad. Sch. Biosphere Sci., Hiroshima Univ.)
Downregulation of the inflammatory response to Rhodococcus
aurantiacus infection by Pairogen in mice
○ Min Yi1, Huirong Tao2, Masashi Kohanawa1 (Dept. Adv. med.,
Sch. Med., Hokkaido Univ.1, Tao Clinic2)
n-Butyrate infiltration from gingiva and its influence to the
immune cells in rat
Noriko Matsukawa1, Takamitsu Tsukahara1, ○ Kuniyasu Ochiai2
(Kyoto Institute of Nutrition & Pathology Inc.1, Department of
Microbiology, School of Dentistry, Nihon University2)
Role of interleukin (IL)-17 in chronic pulmonary mycobacterial
○ Seigo Touyama1, Masayuki Umemura1, Yuko Yoshida1, Ayano
Yahagi1, Naoko Yasuda1, Susumu Nakae2, Yoichiro Iwakura3, Goro
Matsuzaki1 (Dept. Tropical Infectious Diseases, Tropical Biosphere
Res. Cent., Univ. Ryukyus1, Front. Res. Init., Inst. Med. Sci., Univ.
Tokyo2, Cent. Exp. Med. Sys. Biol., Inst. Med. Sci., Univ. Tokyo3)
Tecpr1 in Shigella-selective autophagy
○ Michinaga Ogawa, Chihiro Sasakawa (Department of
Microbiology and Immunology, Institute of Medical Science, The
University of Tokyo)
Horizontal Transmission of Glucosyltransferase Genes in
Streptococcus mutans
○ Tomonori Hoshino1,2, Shigetada Kawabata2, Taku Fujiwara1
(Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Nagasaki University Graduate
School of Biomedical Sciences1, Department of Oral and Molecular
Microbiology, Osaka University Graduate School of Dentistry2)
Eikenella corrodens enhances its pathogenicity through the
genemic recombination
○ Hiroyuki Azakami1, Kazunori Yamada1, Yuichiro Noiri2,
Shigeyuki Ebisu2 (Dept. Biol. Chem., Yamaguchi Univ.1, Dept. Rest.
Dent., Grad. Sch. Dent., Osaka Univ.2)
Transfer of SCCmecs by phage transduction
○ Teruyo Ito1,2, Moe Cho2, Xiao Han2, Shino Hosoya2, Keiichi
Hiramatsu1,2 (Dept. Bacteriol. Sch. Med., Juntendo Univ1, Dept.
Infect. Cont. Sci., Grad. Sch. Med. Juntendo Univ.2)
Analysis of cytolethal distending toxin genes in various
Shigella species
○ Atsushi Hinenoya, Ayaka Shima, Masahiro Asakura, Shinji
Yamasaki (Dept. Vet. Sci., Grad. Sch. Life Environ. Sci., Osaka Pref.
Mode of the spread of Shiga toxin variant, Stx2f among E. coli
and E. albertii
○ Tadasuke Ooka1, Kazuko Seto2, Junko Isobe3, Keiji Yamaguchi4,
Junji Seto5, Yoshitoshi Ogura1, Tetsuya Hayashi1 (Div. Microbiol.,
Dept. Infect. Dis., Facul. Med., Univ. Miyazaki1, Osaka Prefectural
Institute of Public Health2, Toyama Institute of Health3, Hokkaido
Institute of Public Health4, Yamagata Prefectural Institute of Public
Functional analysis of the genes in Sp5, the Stx2 phage of
O157:H7 Sakai
○ Md Rakibul Islam1, Yoshitoshi Ogura1,2, Md Asadulghani1,
Kazunori Murase1, Tadasuke Ooka1, Keisuke Nakayama1, Tetsuya
Hayashi1,2 (Dept. of Infect. Dis., Div. of Microbiol., Fac. of Med.,
Univ. of Miyazaki, Japan1, Div. of Bioenv. Sci., Front. Sci. Res. Cent.,
Univ. of Miyazaki, Japan2)
Identification of a novel Asp/Glu-specific dipeptidyl peptidase
11 from the genus Porphyromonas
○ Takayuki K. Nemoto1, Shakh Rouf1, Toshio Ono1, Yu
Shimoyama2, Shigenobu Kimura2, Yuko Ohara-Nemoto1 (Dept. Oral
Mol. Biol., Nagasaki Univ. Course of Med. Sci.1, Div. Mol. Biol.,
Dept Microbiol., Iwate Med. Univ.2)
Direct repeat region within gtfB of Streptococcus mutans and
production of water-insoluble glucan
○ Noboru Kaneko1, Nobuhiro Hanada2 (Div. Preventive Dent.,
Grad. Sch. Med. Dent. Sci., Niigata Univ.1, Dept. Translational Res.,
Sch. Dent. Med., Tsurumi Univ.2)
Cloning and expression of the gene encoding chitinase from
fungal wall lytic Arthrobacter sp. NHB-10
○ Katsuichiro Okazaki (Dept. Appl. Bio. Sci., Fac. Agri. Kagawa
Post-transcriptional regulation of GcvB, a conserved small
RNA regulator of amino acid metabolism
○ Masatoshi Miyakoshi1, Yanjie Chao1, Kai Papenfort1, Cynthia M.
Sharma2, Joerg Vogel1 (IMIB, Uni. Wuerzburg1, ZINF, Uni.
Reclassification of the S46 peptidase family containing DPP7
and novel Asp/Glu-specific DPP11
○ Shakh Rouf W.A.1, Yuko Ohara-Nemoto1, Toshio Ono1, Tomonori
Hoshino2, Taku Fujiwara2, Takayuki K. Nemoto1 (Dept. Oral Mol.
Biol., Nagasaki Univ. Course of Med.1, Dept. Ped. Dent., Nagasaki
Univ. Course of Med.2)
Bacterial cytoskeleton RodZ and virulence gene expression of
Shigella type III secretion system
○Jiro Mitobe, Shouji Yamamoto, Haruo Watanabe, Makoto Ohnishi
(Dept. Bacteriology I, National Institute of Infectious Diseases)
Translational regulation of collagenase (kappa-toxin) by small
RNA in Clostridium perfringens
○ Nozomu Obana, Nobuhiko Nomura, Kouji Nakamura (Grad. Sch.
Life and Environ., Tsukuba Univ.)
Regulatory elements of eta gene expression in Staphylococcus
○ Yuko Iwamoto1,2, Fuminori Kato1, Hitoshi Komatsuzawa3,
Katsuyuki Kozai2, Motoyuki Sugai1 (Dept. Bacteriol., Hiroshima
Univ., GSBS1, Pediatric Dent., Hiroshima Univ., GSBS2, Dept. of
Oral Microbiol., Grad. Sch. Med. and Dent., Kagoshima Univ.3)
Genetic features of Staphylococcus aureus carring
Staphylococcal enterotoxin Type H
○ Yusuke Sato1,2, Hisaya Ono1,2, Dong-Liang Hu3, Akio Nakane3,
Katsuhiko Omoe1,2 (Dept. Med. Vet., Iwate Univ.1, Uni. Grad. Sch.
Ved. Sci., Gifu Univ.2, Microbio. Immu., Grad. Sch. Med., Hirosaki
SptA regulates pathogenicity in Staphylococcus aureus
○ Fuminori Kato, Motoyuki Sugai (Dep. Bacteriol., Grad. Sch.
Biomed. Sci., Hiroshima Univ.)
IVET-IP system to screen Bordetella genes expressed in
animal infection models
○ Hiroyuki Abe, Shigeki Kamitani, Aya Fukui, Toshima Hirono,
Yasuhiko Horiguchi (Dept. of Mol. Bact., Res. Inst. for Microbial
Diseases, Osaka Univ.)
Development of random mutagenesis system for
○ Hirokazu Tsuji1, Kaoru Moriyama1, Masahiro Ito2, Takuya
Takahashi1, Koji Nomoto1, Nobuhiko Okada2 (Yakult Central
Institute for Microbiological Research1, Department of
Microbiology, School of Pharmacy, Kitasato University2)
Reversible Chromosome Inversion and Bacterial
Heterogeneous Population
○ Longzhu Cui1,2, Akira Iwamoto2, Hui-min Neoh1, Keiichi
Hiramatsu1,2 (Dept. Bacteriology, Faculty of Medicine, Juntendo
University1, Dept. of Infection Control Science, Graduate School of
Medicine, Juntendo Univ.2)
Draft genome sequence of a hypervirulent clinical isolate of
Mycobacterium intracellulare
○Yoshitaka Tateishi1,2, Yoshitoshi Ogura3, Yukio Hirayama1, Yuriko
Ozeki1, Yukiko Nishiuchi1, Mamiko Niki1, Tetsuya Hayashi3, Kazuo
Kobayashi4, Sohkichi Matsumoto1 (Dept. Bacteriol., Sch Med.,
Osaka City Univ.1, NHO Toneyama Hosp.2, Dept. Life Sci. Div. Bioenvironmental, Frontier Sci. Res. Center, Univ. Miyazaki3, Dept.
Immunol., NIID4)
Estimation of the geographical origin of unidentified cadavers
using Helicobactor pylori DNA
○ Sayaka Nagasawa, Hisako Motani (Dept. Legal Medicine., Sch.
Med., Chiba Univ)
Development of pathological model of pulmonary aspergillosis
using cultivated cell line
○ Yumiko Komori, Yoshiyuki Okumura, Toshiaki Nikai (Dept.
Microbiol., Fac. Pharm., Meijo Univ.)
Classification of new species and analysis of the
basidiomycetous yeast biota of the koala
○ Kazuo Satoh, Koichi Makimura (Teikyo Univ. Inst. Med. Mycol.)
Candida beta-glucan-induced dermal allergic reaction is
mediated by dectin-1 pathway
○ Yoshiyuki Adachi, Ken-ichi Ishibashi, Noriko Miura, Naohito
Ohno (Lab. for Immunopharm. Microbial Products. School of
Pharm., Tokyo Univ. of Pharm. and Life Sci.)
Effects of antifungal gel on hyphal transfomation of Candida
albicans and clinical application
○ Muneaki Tamura1,2, Hideo Saito3, Ken-ichi Imai1,2, Kuniyasu
Ochiai1,2 (Dept. Microbiol., Nihon Univ. Sch. Dent.1, Div. Immunol.
Pathobiol., Dent. Res. Cent., Nihon Univ. Sch. Dent.2, Dept. Partial
Denture Prosthodont., Nihon Univ. Sch. Dent.3)
Binding specificity of recombinant beta-1,3-glucan recognition
proteins from insect larvae
○ Masaki Ishii1, Yoshiyuki Adachi1, Ken-ichi Ishibashi1, Noriko
Miura1, Naohito Ohno1 (Lab. for Immunopharm. Microbial
Products. School of Pham., Tokyo Univ. of Pharm. and Life Sci.1,
Structural Glycobiology Team, RIKEN ASI2, Food Entomol. Lab.,
Food Safety Div., National Food Res. Institute3)
X-ray crystal structure and properties of the elastase inhibitor,
AFLEI from Aspergillus flavus
○ Yoshiyuki Okumura1, Kei-ichi Uchiya1, Michio Homma2,
Toshiaki Nikai1 (Dept. Microbiol., Fac. Pharm., Meijo Univ.1, Div.
Biol. Sci., Grad. Sch. Sci., Nagoya Univ.2)
Electrophoretic Karyotyping of Trichophyton mentagrophytes
sensu lato
○ Somay Murayama1, Tsuyoshi Yamada2, Koichi Makimura2,
Yasutaka Hoshino3, Jun Ishikawa3 (Laboratory of Molecular Cell
Biology, School of Pharmacy, Nihon University1, Teikyo University
Institute of Medical Mycology2, Department of Bioactive
Molecules, National Institute of Infectious Diseases3)
日本細菌学雑誌 67( 1 )
Protective activity of heat-killed Enterococcus faecalis to
murine oral candidiasis
○ Sanae Ishijima, Kazumi Hayama, Kentaro Ninomiya, Shigeru
Abe (Teikyo Univ. Inst. Med. Mycol.)
Protective effect of BJ-AFP1, a plant defensin on murine oral
○ Kazumi Hayama1, Sanae Ishijima1, Kentaro Ninomiya1, Hiroaki
Takaku2, Masamichi Takagi2, Shigeru Abe1 (Teikyo Univ. Inst. Med.
Mycol.1, Nigata Univ. Pherm. Applied Life Sci.2)
Draft genome analysis of tinea pathogen: Trichophyton
○ Koichi Makimura1,2, Tsuyoshi Yamada2, Kazuo Satoh2, Somay
Murayama3, Makoto Kuroda4, Yasutaka Hoshino5, Jun Ishikawa5
(Department of Biomedicine, Faculty of Medicine, Teikyo
University1, Teikyo Univ. Inst. Med. Mycol.2, Laboratory of
Molecular Cell Biology, School of Pharmacy, Nihon University3,
Pathogen Genomics Center, National Institute of Infectious
Diseases4, Department of Bioactive Molecules, National Institute
of Infectious Diseases5)
Detachment effect of bacterial cells from oral biofilm due to
Porphyromonas gingivalis
○ Arihide Kamaguchi1, Kazuko Takada2, Masaaki Okamoto3, Mari
Fujita1, Hiroshi Miyakawa1, Futoshi Nakazawa1 (Dept. Oral
Microbiol. Sch. Dent. Heal. Sci. Univ. Hokkaido1, Dept. Oral
Microbiol., Nihon Univ. Sch. Dent. at Matsudo2, Dept. Oral
Micoboiol., Sch. Dent. Med. Turumi Univ3)
Improved adsorption of an Enterococcus faecalis
bacteriophage phiEF24C with a point mutation
○ Jumpei Uchiyama1, Iyo Takemura1, Takako Ujihara2, Shigenobu
Matsuzaki1, Masanori Daibata1 (Department of Microbiology and
Immunology, Faculty of Medicine, Kochi University1, Science
Research Center, Kochi University2)
Characterization of mutans streptococci from elephant oral
○ Noriko Shinozaki1, Kazuko Takada1, Ryotaro Hirata1, Kazuhiko
Hayashi2, Masatomo Hirasawa1 (Dept. Oral Microbiology, Ninon
Univ. Sch. of Dent. at Matsudo.1, Dept. Social Dentistry, Ninon
Univ. Sch. of Dent. at Matsudo.2)
貼付け 3 月 28 日(水)13:00 ~ 14:00
掲 示 3 月 28 日(水)14:00 ~ 18:00
3 月 29 日(木) 9:00 ~ 13:00
討 論 3 月 29 日(木)13:00 ~ 14:00
撤 去 3 月 29 日(木)14:30 ~ 15:30
ポスター番号:001 ~ 022 会場:ポスター会場 1
023 ~ 054 ポスター会場 2
055 ~ 114 ポスター会場 3
115 ~ 136 ポスター会場 4
137 ~ 176 ポスター会場 5
Detection of enterotoxigenic C.perfringens in meat sampls
using molecular methods
○ Ikuko Kaneko, Kazuaki Miyamoto, Yasuhiro Miki, Natsuko
Yumine, Machiko Nishio, Shigeru Akimoto (Department of
Microbiology, Wakayama Medical University school of Medicine)
Evaluation of screening methods to detect metallo betalactamase-producing Gram-negative bacteria
○ Kumiko Kawamura1, Tatsuya Hattori2, Yoshichika Arakawa3
(Department of Medical Technology, Nagoya University School of
Health Science1, Department of Pathophysiological Laboratory
Science, Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine2,
Department of Bacteriology, Nagoya University Graduate School of
Development of a new screening medium for detecting
multidrug-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa
○ Satoru Yokoyama1, Kumiko Kawamura2, Tatsuya Hattori1,
Yoshichika Arakawa3 (Department of Pathophysiological
Laboratory Science, Nagoya University Graduate School of
Medicine1, Department of Medical Technology, Nagoya University
School of Health Science2, Department of Bacteriology, Nagoya
University Graduate School of Medicine3)
Elimination of Mycoplasma spp from Orientia- and Coxiellainfected cells by antibiotic treatments
○ Motohiko Ogawa1, Tsuneo Uchiyama2, Shuji Ando1 (Department
of Virology 1, National Institute of Infectious Diseases1, Institute of
Health Biosciences, The University of Tokushima Graduate
Genetic identification of M. tuberculosis from FFPE
specimens embedded several decades ago
○ Shiomi Yoshida1, Katsuyuki Eguchi4, Tomotada Iwamoto2, Taro
Yamamoto4, Takayuki Wada3 (Natl. Hosp. Org., Kinki-Chuo Chest
Medical Center1, Dept. Microbiol., Kobe Inst. Health2, Dept.
Microbiol., Osaka City Inst. Public Health and Environmental
Sciences3, Dept. Intl. Health, NEKKEN, Nagasaki Univ.4)
Detection of NetB toxin positive Clostridium perfringens
strain in Japan
○Kaoruko Wada1, Motomichi Takahashi1,2, Takako Osaki2, Tomoko
Hanawa2, Satoshi Kurata2, Hideo Yonezawa2, Kentaro Oka2, Takashi
Inamatsu3, Shigeru Kamiya2 (Miyarisan. Pharma.1, Dept. Infect.
Dis., Sch. Med., Kyorin Univ.2, Dept. Infct. Control., Tokyo
Metropolitan Geriatric Hosp.3)
Production and characteristics of anti-BCG-CWS IgG antibody
in rabbit
○ Mitsuru Shibata1,2, Takashi Naka1,3, Nagatoshi Fujiwara1 (Dept.
Bacteriol. Osaka City Univ. Grad. Sch. Med.1, Dept. Health and
Nutrition, Fac. Health Sci., Kio Univ.2, MBR Co. Ltd.3)
A New Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification Method for
Detection of Leptospira spp. in Urine
○ Nobuo Koizumi, Makoto Ohnishi (Dept. Bacteriol., NIID)
Antimicrobial susceptibility tests and resistant mechanisms of
Helicobacter cinaedi
○ Junko Tomida, Yuji Morita, Yoshiaki Kawamura (Dept.
Microbiol., Sch. Pharmacy., Aichigakuin Univ.)
Development of a selective medium for detection of multidrug
resistant Acinetobacter baumannii
○ Shunji Hayashi, Teppei Sasahara, Yoshikazu Hirai (Department
of Infection and Immunity, Jichi Medical University)
Molecular analyses of urine specimens of urethritis
○ Chunlin You, Kazumasa Fukuda, Hatsumi Taniguchi (Dept.
Microbiol, Sch. Med., UOEH)
On-site monitoring of Legionella pneumophila in cooling tower
water by using a microfluidic device
○ Nobuyasu Yamaguchi, Masao Nasu, Fumiya Banno (Grad. Sch.
Pharm. Sci., Osaka Univ.)
Dynamics of nontuberculous mycobacteria in residential
environments of healthy volunteers
○ Tomoaki Ichijo, Tomoko Kato, Sayuri Nakamoto, Nobuyasu
Yamaguchi, Masao Nasu (Env. Sci. Microbiol., Grad. Sci. Pharm.
Sci., Osaka Univ.)
Sensitive Quantification of Candida Species in Human Blood
by Quantitative RT-PCR
○ Kazunori Matsuda, Hirokazu Tsuji, Takuya Takahashi, Koji
Nomoto (Yakult Central Inst. Microbiol. Res.)
Development of genetical diagnostic method for Helicobacter
cinaedi infection
○ Kohta Oyama1, Khan Shahzada1, Tetsurou Matsunaga1, Tatsuya
Okamoto1, Shigemoto Fujii1, Tomohiro Sawa1, Yoshiaki Kawamura2,
Takaaki Akaike1 (Department of Microbiology, Graduate School of
Medical Sciences, Kumamoto University1, Department of
Microbiology, School of Pharmacy, Aichi Gakuin University2)
Comprehensive analysis of bacterial flora in POMC fluid by
16S rRNA-based methods
○ Naoto Sano1,2, Yoshio Yamashita2, Kazumasa Fukuda3, Hatsumi
Taniguchi3, Masaaki Goto2, Hiroshi Miyamoto1 (Division of
Microbiology, Department of Pathology and Microbiology, Faculty of
Medicine, Saga University1, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial
Surgery, Saga University2, Department of Microbiology, School of
Medicine, University of Occupational and Enviroment Health3)
日本細菌学雑誌 67( 1 )
Evaluation of causative pathogens in bacterial conjunctivitis
with a clone library method
○ Rumi Aoki1,2, Kazumasa Fukuda1, Midori Ogawa1, Hatsumi
Taniguchi1 (Dept. Microbiol., School of Medicine, University of
Occupational and Environmental Health1, Dept. Ophthalmology,
School of Medicine, University of Occupational and Environmental
Analysis of immuno responses to M. tuberculosis proteins
among the school children in kenya
○ Manabu Inoue1, Mayuko Oka2, Mamiko Niki1, Yuriko Ozeki1,3,
Yoshio Ichinose4, Kazuo Kobayashi5, Sohkichi Matsumoto1 (Dept.
Bacteriol. Grad. Sch. Med., Osaka City Univ.1, Dept. pharmacology.
Osaka City Univ.2, Dept. Food and Nutrition, Sonoda Women’s
Univ.3, Nagasaki University Nairobi Research Station.4, Dept.
Immunol. NIID.5)
Evaluation of selective enrichment broths for Campylobacter
by a real-time PCR and culture method
○ Sachi Shiramaru1, Sayaka Nishikawa1, Haruna Inoue1, Masahiro
Asakura1,2, Atsushi Hinenoya1, Shinji Yamasaki1 (Graduate School
of Life and Environmental Sciences, Osaka Prefecture University1,
Fuso Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd., R&D Center2)
Evaluation of antifungal drug agent susceptibility to
Prototheca zopfii genotype 2
○ Masanobu Onozaki1,2, Koichi Makimura1, Kazuo Satoh1,
Atsuhiko Hasegawa1 (Teikyo University Institute of Medical
Mycology1, Kanto Chemical Co., Inc. Life Science Dept.2)
Effects of automutanolysin (Aml) on Streptococcus mutans
infection in rats
○ Yiqun Hu1,2, Yuko Iwamoto1,2, Shizuo Kayama1, Fuminori Kato1,
Hitoshi Komatsuzawa3, Keiko Tsuruda1,4, Katsuyuki Kozai2,
Motoyuki Sugai1 (Dept. Bacteriol., Grad Sch. Biomed., Hiroshima
Univ.1, Dept. Pediatr Dent., Grad Sch. Biomed., Hiroshima Univ.2,
Dept. Oral Microbiol., Grad Sch. Med. Dent., Kagoshima Univ.3,
Department of Maxillofacial Functional Development, Hiroshima
University Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences4)
Production and properties of tripeptidyl peptidase of
Streptococcus anginosus
○ Yukinaga Shibata, Yuichiro Kikuchi, Ohmi Ueda, Kaname Hirai,
Setsuo Fujimura (Dept. Oral Microbiology, Matsumoto Dental
Effects of a branched-chain fatty acid on rhamnolipid synthetic
pathway in Pseudomonas aeruginosa
○ Tetsuyoshi Inoue1, Teruo Kuroda2, Naoya Ohara1 (Dept. Oral
Microbiol., Grad. Sch. Med. Dent. Phar. Sci., Okayama Univ.1, Dept.
Microbiol., Grad. Sch. Med. Dent. Phar. Sci., Okayama Univ2)
Unique interaction of Helicobacter pylori
phosphatidylethanolamine with the cholesterols
○ Hirofumi Shimomura, Shunji Hayashi, Yoshikazu Hirai (Div.
Bacteriol. Dept. Infect. Immun. Jichi Med. Univ.)
Protective effect of synbiotics against lethal infection with
MDRAB in mice
○ Takashi Asahara, Takuya Takahashi, Koji Nomoto (Yakult
Central Institute for Microbiological Research)
Enzymatic properties of quinol peroxidase of aggressive
periodontopathic bacterium
○ Taketo Kawarai, Kiyoshi Konishi (Dept. Microbiol., Nippon
Dent. Univ. Sch. Life Dent. Tokyo)
Functional analysis of min genes of Helicobacter pylori
○ Yoshu Kadota, Hiroaki Takeuchi, Norihito Morimoto, Yoshitaka
Kumon, Tetsurou Sugiura (Kochi University School of Medicine,
Kochi Univ.)
Characterization of mechanosensitive channels in
Campylobacter jejuni
○ Tsutomu Kakuda, Shinji Takai (Dept. Veterinary Hygiene, Sch.
Vet. Med., Kitasato Univ)
New function of terminal oxidase cbb3—Positive induction of
Pseudomonas aeruginosa cell death—
○ Masakaze Hamada, Masanori Toyofuku, Tomoki Miyano,
Toshiaki Nakajima-Kambe, Hiroo Uchiyama, Nobuhiko Nomura
(Grad. Sch. of Life and Env. Sci., Univ. of Tsukuba)
Studies of the catalytic center of Psm, an endolysin specific to
Clostridium perfringens
○ Eiji Tamai1, Hirosi Sekiya1, Hiromi Yoshida2, Hirofumi Nariya3,
Shigehiro Kamitori2, Tomomi Kuwahara3, Jun Maki1 (Dept. Inf.
Dis., Col. Pharm. Sci., Matsuyama Univ.1, Life Sci. Res. Cent.,
Kagawa Univ.2, Dept. Microbiol., Fac. Med., Kagawa Univ.3)
Effect of b-glucan on periodontopathic bacteria-infected
macrophages through binding to dectin-1
○ Maki Inoue, Toshinori Okinaga, Wataru Ariyoshi, Tatsuji
Nishihara (Div. Infect. Mol. Biol., Kyushu Dental College)
Amphotericin B upregulates lipid A-induced IL-6 production
via caspase-8 by gingival fibroblasts
○ Riyoko Tamai, Miho Sugamata, Yusuke Kiyoura (Dept. of Oral
Med. Sci., Ohu Univ. Sch. Dent.)
Inhibitory effects of gamma-terpinene and 1,8-cineole on
antibacterial activity of terpinen-4-ol
○ Mari Fujita, Hiroshi Miyakawa, Arihide Kamaguchi, Futoshi
Nakazawa (Dept. Oral Microbiol., Sch. Dent., Heal. Sci. Univ.
Analysis of mechanisms of cationic antimicrobial peptides
○Kenji Tani, Yutaka Kida, Koichi Kuwano (Div. of Microbiol., Dept.
of Infect. Med., Kurume Univ. Sch. of Med.)
Study on bactericidal and growth inhibition activity of tea
catechins against Legionella pneumophila
○ Masao Yamada, Yasuyuki Imai, Masaki Miyake (Dept. Microbiol.
Immunol., Sch. Pharm. Sci., Univ. Shizuoka)
Antimicrobial peptide LL-37 enhances the uptake of LPS in
liver sinusoidal endothelial cells
○ Kaori Suzuki1, Fumiyuki Yamakura2, Hiroshi Tamura1,3, Isao
Nagaoka1 (Dept. of Host Defense and Biochem. Res., Juntendo
Univ., Sch. Med.1, Dept. of Chemistry, Juntendo Univ., Sch. Med.2,
Seikagaku Biobusiness Corp.3)
Analysis of the antibacterial peptides in sweat
○ Kenji Kanbara1, Masahito Hashimoto2, Hitoshi Komatsuzawa1
(Department of Oral Microbiology Graduate School of Medical and
Dental Sciences Kagoshima University1, Department of Chemistry,
Biotechnology, and Chemical Engineering, Kagoshima University2)
Investigation on antimicrobial effect by photocatalysis with
titanium dioxide-coated ceramic filter
○ Yumiko Yamamoto1, Kenji Yokota2, Tomonori Suzuki1, Eiko
Nagamachi3, Keiji Oguma1 (Dept. of Bacteriol., Grad. Sch. of Med.
Dent. and Pharm. Sci., Okayama Univ.1, Grad. Sch. of Health Sci.,
Okayama Univ.2, Sch. of Health Sci. and Soc. Wel., Kibi Int'l. Univ.3)
Antimicrobial peptide LL-37 inhibits LPS/ATP-induced IL-1
release but not cell death of J774 cells
○ Zhongshuang Hu1, Taisuke Murakami1, Kaori Suzuki1, Hiroshi
Tamura2, Isao Nagaoka1 (Dept. of Host Defense and Biochem. Res.,
Juntendo Univ., Sch. Med.1, Seikagaku Biobusiness Corp.2)
The rpoB mutation improves linezolid susceptibility in
Staphylococcus aureus
○ Nozomi Ebata1, Akira Komoto1, Cui Longzhu1,2, Yukiko
Watanabe1, Miki Matsuo1,2, Yuki Katayama1,2, Keiichi Hiramatsu1,2
(Dept. Infect. Control Sci., Grad. Sch. Med., Juntendo Univ.1, Dept.
Bacteriology, Facul. Med., Juntendo Univ.2)
Structures of the multidrug exporter AcrB reveal a proximal
multisite drug-binding pocket
○ Seiji Yamasaki1,2,3, Ryosuke Nakashima2, Keisuke Sakurai2,
Kunihiko Nishino1, Akihito Yamaguchi2,3 (Lab. Microbiol. &
Infectious Diseases, ISIR, Osaka Univ.1, Dept. Cell Memb. Biol.,
ISIR, Osaka Univ.2, Dept. Cell Biol., Grad. Sch. Pharm. Sci., Osaka
Contribution of plasmid-mediated quinolone resistance genes
to QRDR mutations in Escherichia coli
○ Tatsuya Hattori1, Kumiko Kawamura2, Satoru Yokoyama1,
Yoshichika Arakawa3 (Department of Pathophysiological
Laboratory Science, Nagoya University Graduate School of
Medicine1, Department of Medical Technology, Nagoya University
School of Health Science2, Department of Bacteriology, Nagoya
University Graduate School of Medicine3)
The antibiotic mechanism of telithoromycin in Streptococcus
○ Akiko Takaya, Yoshiharu Sato, Tomoko Yamamoto (Dept.
Microbiol. Mol. Genet., Grad. Sch. Pharm. Sci., Chiba Univ.)
Analysis of P. aeruginosa mutants selected by
antipseudomonas beta-lactam
○ Koichi Tanimoto1, Yasuyoshi Ike2 (Lab. Bacterial Drug
Resistance, Gunma Univ. Grad. Sch. Med.1, Dept. Bacteriol.,
Gunma Univ. Grad. Sch. Med.2)
The influence of biofilm formation of Helicobacter pylori on
clarithromycin resistance
○ Hideo Yonezawa, Takako Osaki, Tomoko Hanawa, Satoshi
Kurata, Cynthia Zaman, Shigeru Kamiya (Dept. Infectious
Diseases, Kyorin University School of Medicene)
Contribution of efflux pumps on quinolone resistance in
multiresistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa PA7
○ Yuji Morita, Junko Tomida, Yoshiaki Kawamura (Dept.
Microbiol., Sch. Pharm., Aichi Gakuin Univ.)
Analysis of the novel gene responsible for expression of betalactam resistance in P. aeruginosa
○ Yuko Tsutsumi1, Haruyoshi Tomita1,2, Koichi Tanimoto2 (Dept.
Bacteriology, Gunma Univ Graduate Sch Med.1, Laboratory of
Bacterial Drug Resistance, Gunma Univ Graduate Sch Med.2)
Analysis of evolutionary dynamics of antibiotic resistance
using experimental evolution of E. coli
○ Shingo Suzuki1, Takaaki Horinouchi1, Chikara Furusawa1,2
(Quantitative Biology Center (QBiC), RIKEN1, Department of
Bioinformatic Engineering, Osaka Univ.2)
Comprehensive identification of mutations associated with
vancomycin-resistance in VISA strains
○ Miki Matsuo, Longzhu Cui, Jeeyoung Kim, Keiichi Hiramatsu
(Dept. Bacteriol., Sch. Med., Juntendo Univ.)
Isolation and characterization of multidrug resistant mutants
of Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1
○ Nami Yasuda1, Takahiro Fujioka2, Tomoko Fujita1, Tomofusa
Tsuchiya3, Wakano Ogawa1, Teruo Kuroda1 (Grad. Sch. Med. Dent.
Pharm., Okayama Univ.1, MP course, Okayama Univ.2, Col. Pharm.
Sci., Ritsumeikan Univ.3)
Regulation of the AcrAB xenobiotic transport system in
response to environmental signals
○ Kunihiko Nishino1, Eiji Nikaido2, Ikue Shirosaka2, Seiji
Yamasaki2, Keisuke Sakurai3, Ryosuke Nakashima3, Akihito
Yamaguchi2,3 (Lab. Microbiol. & Infectious Diseases, ISIR, Osaka
Univ.1, Grad. Sch. Pharm. Sci., Osaka Univ.2, Dept. Cell Memb.
Biol., ISIR, Osaka Univ.3)
Complete reconstitution of vancomycin-intermediate
resistance in a Staphylococcus aureus strain
○ Yuki Katayama, Tomomi Hishinuma, Miki Matsuo, Keiichi
Hiramatsu (Department of Bacteriology, Faculty of medicine,
Juntendo University)
日本細菌学雑誌 67( 1 )
A mutation of rpoB gene contributes to β-lactam antibiotic
resistance in Staphylococcus aureus
○ Yoshifumi Aiba1, Yuki Katayama2, Tomomi Hishinuma2, Longzhu
Cui2, Keiichi Hiramatu2 (Department of Infection Control Science,
Graduate School of Medicine, Juntendo University1, Department of
Bacteriology, Faculty of Medicine, Juntendo University2)
Mechanism of telithromycin resistance in Streptococcus
pneumoniae isolated clinically in Japan
○ Tomohisa Shibata, Akiko Takaya, Yoshiharu Sato, Tomoko
Yamamoto (Dept. Microbiol. Mol. Genet., Grad. Sch. Pharm. Sci.,
Chiba Univ.)
Comparative metagenomics of gut microbiota between healthy
and malnourished children
○ Kazuyoshi Gotoh, Kaori Izutsu, Tetsuya Iida (International
Research Center for Infectious Diseases., RIMD., Osaka Univ.)
Development of selective medium and distribution of A.
actinomycetemcomitans in oral cavity
○ Osamu Tsuzukibashi1, Masahiko Fukumoto1, Masaharu
Makimura2 (Dept. Laboratory medicine for Dent., Sch. Dent. at
Matsudo., Nihon Univ.1, Dept. Social Dent., Sch. Dent. at Matsudo.,
Nihon Univ.2)
Isolation of VBNC Vibrio cholerae from Environmental Water
in Kolkata, India
○ M. Senoh1, T. Mizuno1, J. Ghosh-Banerjee2, T. Ramamurthy2,
R.R. Colwell3, G.B. Nair2, Y. Takeda1 (Collab. Res. Ctr. Okayama
Univ. in India1, NICED2, Univ. of Maryland3)
Regulation factors involved in acquisition of dry-resistance by
Salmonella Enteritidis
○ Fumio Amano1, Ryota Kobayashi1, Ai Tamura1, Ko Fujimori1,
Manabu Yamasaki2 (Lab. Biodefense & Regulation, Osaka Univ.
Pharm. Sci.1, Lab. Nomoto Res. Group, Inst. Microbial Chem.2)
Isolation and analysis of Salmonella VBNC mutant
○ Akiko Kusumoto, Masayuki Miyashita, Keiko Kawamoto (Res.
Cent. for Animal Hygiene & Food Safety, Obihiro Univ. of Agr. &
Vet. Med.)
Analysis of the biofilm formation in Pseudomonas aeruginosa
under anaerobic condition
○ Tatsunori Kiyokawa, Yutaka Yawata, Masakaze Hamada, Hiromu
Oura, Masanori Toyofuku, Toshiaki Nakajima-Kambe, Hiroo
Uchiyama, Nobuhiko Nomura (Grad. Sch. of Life and
Environmental Sciences.,Tsukuba Univ.)
Growth of Mycobacterium ulcerans at human body
○ Mineo Watanabe1,2 (Grad. Sch. Infect. Ctrl. Sci., Kitasato Univ.1,
Kitasato Inst. Lisci., Kitasato Univ.2)
Effects of salivary components on Streptococcus mutans
biofilm in NOD/SCID.e2f1-/- mice
○ Hidenobu Senpuku1, Tatsuro Ito2, Haruo Watanabe1, Makoto
Ohnishi1 (Dept. Bacteriology I, Natinal Institute of Infectious
Diseases1, Dept. Pediatric Dent. Nihon Univ. Sch. of Dent. at
Analysis of two component regulatory systems in S. pyogenes
○ Ichiro Tatsuno1, Masaaki Minami1, Masanori Isaka1, Akira
Okamoto2, Tadao Hasegawa1 (Dept. Bacteriol., Sch. Med, Nagoya
City Univ.1, Dept. Bacterilol., Sch. Med., Nagoya Univ.2)
Bile acid transforming activities and properties of bile acids
7alpha-dehydroxylating bacteria
○ Fusae Takamine (Lab. Microbiol. Sch. Health Sciences, Fac.
Med. Univ. Ryukyus)
Relation of MIC variation for vancomycin and its growth
phase in vanB strain of E. faecium
○ Ryohei Yoshikawa, Tomoko Mizote (Dept. Nutrition, Yamaguchi
Pref. Univ.)
Analysis of oral flora in patients with gastric fistula
○ Junichi Karaki1, Toshinori Okinaga2, Wataru Ariyoshi2, Yasuaki
Kakinoki1, Tatsuji Nishihara2 (Div. Oral care Rehab., Kyushu Dent.
Col.1, Div. Infect. Mol. Biol., Kyushu Dent. Col.2)
Proteome analysis of Streptococcus mutans biofilms cocultured with Streptococcus gordonii
○ Akihiro Yoshida1, Ai Yasunaga1, Mamiko Niki2, Yuji Yamamoto3,
Tatsuji Nishihara4, Suguru Nakamura1, Toshihiro Ansai1 (Div.
Commun. Oral Health Sci., Kyushu Dent. Coll.1, Dept. Host
Defence, Osaka City Univ. Grad. Sch. Med.2, Kitasato Univ. Sci.
Vet. Med.3, Div. Infect. and Mol. Biol., Kyushu Dent. Coll.4)
Morphological and genetic analyses of filamentous
Escherichia coli grown in urea broth
○ Masatoshi Fujihara1,2, Jun-Ichi Wakita3, Mitsugu Matsushita3,
Ryo Harasawa1,2 (Dept. Veterinary Microbiology, Iwate University1,
The United Graduate School of Veterinary Science, Gifu
University2, Dept. Physics, Chuo University3)
Transcriptional regulator of virulence factors in
Staphylococcus aureus in iron restricted condition
○ Yuichi Oogai1, Fuminori Kato2, Motoyuki Sugai2, Hitoshi
Komatsuzawa1 (Dept. Oral Microbiol., Grad. Sch. Med and Dent.,
Kagoshima Univ.1, Dept. Bacteriol., Grad. Sch. Biomed. Sch.,
Hiroshima Univ.2)
Molecular mechanism of inhibitory effect of SubAB on nitric
oxide production by macrophages
○ Hiroyasu Tsutsuki, Kinnosuke Yahiro, Takeshi Shimizu,
Masatoshi Noda (Dept. Mol. Infectiol., Grad. Sch. Med., Chiba
Development of a novel cholera toxin-neutralizer targeting the
receptor-binding region
○ Hiroshi Yamamoto1, Miho Takahashi1, Takashi Hamabata2,
Kiyotaka Nishikawa1 (Dept. Faculty of Life and Medical Sciences,
Doshisha Univ1, Department of Infectious Diseases, National
Center for Global Health and Medicine2)
A new technology to identify a variant-specific neutralizer for
Shiga toxin
○ Takaaki Mitsui1, Kiyotaka Nishikawa4, Miho Takahashi2, Shinji
Yamasaki3 (Graduate School of Life and Medical Sciences.,
Doshisha Univ.1, Graduate School of Life and Medical Sciences.,
Doshisha Univ2, Graduate School of Life and Environmental
Sciences., Osaka Prefecture Univ.3, Graduate Schoo ofl Life and
Medical Sciences., Doshisha Univ4)
Genes affecting hemolysis of Vibrio vulnificus
Kanako Morikami, Natsumi Miyamoto, Kazue Nakata, ○ Koichiro
Yamamoto (Dept. Nutr. Sci., Okayama Prefectural Univ.)
Is botulinum nontoxic-nonhemagglutinin component
○ Ken Inui1,2, Yoshimasa Sagane1, Keita Miyata1,2, Shin-Ichiro
Miyashita1, Tomonori Suzuki3, Koichi Niwa1, Tohru Ohyama1,
Toshihiro Watanabe1 (Dept. of Food and Cosmetic Sci., Fac. of
Bioindustry, Tokyo Univ. of Agriculture1, JSPS Research Fellow2,
Dept. of Bact., Okayama Univ. Grad. Sch. of Med., Dent. and
Pharm. Sci.3)
Anticytotoxic effect of green tea catechin on Aggregatibacter
actinomycetemcomitans LPS
○Masanori Saito, Kazuko Takada, Masatomo Hirasawa (Dept. Oral
Microbiol., Sch. Dent. Matsudo, Nihon Univ.)
Analysis of the mechanism of action of botulinum neurotoxin
using P19 embryonal carcinoma cells
○ Kentaro Tsukamoto1, Hideyuki Arimitsu1, Sadayuki Ochi1, Keiji
Nakamura2, Tomoko Kohda2, Shunji Kozaki2, Takao Tsuji1 (Dept.
Microbiol., Fujita Health Univ. Sch. Med.1, Dept. Vet. Sci., Grad.
Sch. Life and Environ. Sci., Osaka Prefecture Univ.2)
Clostridium botulinum phospholipase C: the molecular
characterization and enzymatic activity
○ Ni Nengah Dwi Fatmawati1, Tomonori Suzuki1, Masataka Oda2,
Yumiko Yamamoto1, Yoshihiko Sakaguchi3, Kumiko Fujita1, Kenji
Yokota4, Jun Sakurai2, Keiji Oguma1 (Dept. of Bacteriol, Grad. Sch.
of Med. Dent. Pharm. Sci., Okayama Univ.1, Dept. of Microbiol, Fac.
of Pharm. Sci., Tokushima Bunri Univ.2, IR Org., Miyazaki Univ.3,
Grad. Sch. of Health Sci., Okayama Univ.4)
Mechanism of encephalopathy caused by enterohemorrhagic
E. coli O157 infection in mouse model
○ Jun Fujii, Yunus Amran Muhammad, Shin-ichi Yoshida (Kyushu
Identification of active regions of emesis-inducing activity of
staphylococcal enterotoxin A
○ Edward Kithela Maina1, Dong-Liang Hu1, Katsuhiko Omoe2,
Akio Nakane1 (Dept. Microbiol. Immunol., Hirosaki Univ. Grad.
Sch. Med.1, Dept. Vet. Med., Facul. Agr., Iwate Univ.2)
A bacterial effector hijacks a novel Caspase-4 dependent
epithelial cell death pathway
○ Taira Kobayashi1, Michinaga Ogawa1, Chihiro Sasakawa1,2
(Division of Bacterial infection, Department of Microbiology and
Immunology, Institute of Medical science, The university of
Tokyo1, Department of Infectious Disease Control, International
Research Center for Infectious Diseases, Institute of Medical
Science, The University of Tokyo2)
Prevalence, genetic diversity and biological activities of Cholix
toxin in Vibrio cholerae
○ Sharda Awasthi, Masahiro Asakura, Atsushi Hinenoya, Shinji
Yamasaki (Dept. Vet. Sci., Grad. Sch. Life Environ. Sci., Osaka Pref.
Unique biological activity of botulinum D/C mosaic neurotoxin
○ Keiji Nakamura1, Tomoko Kohda1, Yuto Sibata2, Kentaro
Tsukamoto3, Hideyuki Arimitsu3, Masafumi Mukamoto1, Nobuyuki
Sasakawa2, Shunji Kozaki1 (Dept. Vet. Sci., Grad. Sch. Life Environ.
Sci., Osaka Pref. Univ.1, Lab. Neurochem. Neuropharmacol., Life
Sci. Inst., Sophia Univ.2, Dept. Microbiol., Sci. Med., Fujita Univ.3)
Internalization of light chain of Clostridium botulinum type B
neurotoxin into PC12 cells
○ Tomoko Kohda, Masafumi Mukamoto, Shunji Kozaki (Dept. Vet.
Science., Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences,
Osaka Pref. Univ.)
Kinetics of interaction between components of botulinum toxin
complex by quartz crystal microbalance
○ Yoshimasa Sagane1, Shintaro Hayashi1, Keita Miyata1,2, Ken
Inui1,2, Shin-Ichiro Miyashita1, Tomonori Suzuki3, Koichi Niwa1,
Tohru Ohyama1, Toshihiro Watanabe1 (Dept. of Food and Cosmetic
Sci., Fac. of Bioindustry, Tokyo Univ. of Agriculture1, JSPS
Research Fellow2, Dept. of Bact., Okayama Univ. Grad. Sch. of Med.
Dent. and Pharm. Sci.3)
How do binding affinities of bacterial superantigen affect its
Hidehito Kato1, Junji Yagi1, Takehiko Uchiyama2, ○ Ken'ichi
Imanishi1 (Dept. Microbiol. Immunol., Tokyo Women's Med. Univ.
Sch. Med.1, Coll. Human Sci., Tokiwa Univ.2)
A bacterial effector deamidates Ubc13 to dampen the
inflammatory response
○ Takahito Sanada1, Minsoo Kim1, Hitomi Mimuro2, Masato
Suzuki2, Akiho Oyama2, Hiroshi Ashida2, Michinaga Ogawa2, Junichiro Inoue3, Tsunehiro Mizushima4, Chihiro Sasakawa2
(Department of Infectious Disease Control; International Research
Center for Infectious Diseases; University of Tokyo1, Division of
Bacterial Infection; Department of Microbiology and Immunology;
Institute of Medical Science; University of Tokyo2, Division of
Cellular and Molecular Biology; Department of Cancer Biology;
Institute of Medical Science; University of Tokyo3, Picobiology
Institute, Department of Life Science, Graduate School of Life
Science, University of Hyogo4)
Binding of two lectin domains in Vibrio cholerae hemolysin to
target cells
○Hajime Ikegai1, Ken-ichi Iimura2, Yushi Oishi3, Akiko Suganami4,
Yutaka Tamura4, Tadakatsu Shimamura5 (Dept. Chem. Biochem.,
Suzuka Nat. Coll. Tech.1, Dept. Adv. Interdiscip. Sci., Grad. Sch.
Eng., Utsunomiya Univ.2, Dept. Mats. Chem., Grad. Sch. Sci. Eng.,
Saga Univ.3, Dept. Bioinform., Grad. Sch. Med., Chiba Univ.4,
Showa Univ.5)
Penetration of staphylococcal enterotoxin A through mucosal
epithelium in gastrointestinal tract
○ Shouhei Hirose1, Hisaya Ono1,2, Dong-Liang Hu3, Akio Nakane3,
Katsuhiko Omoe1,2 (Dept. Vet. Med., Iwate Univ.1, Unit. Grad. Sch.
Vet. Med, Gifu Univ.2, Hirosaki Univ. Grad. Sch. Med3)
日本細菌学雑誌 67( 1 )
Screening for Chlamydophila pneumoniae antigens using sera
from the primary-infection patients
○ Yumiko Yasui1, Izumi Yanatori1, Yasuhiro Kawai1,2, Koshiro
Miura1, Kazunobu Ouchi2, Fumio Kishi1 (Dept. Mol. Genet.,
Kawasaki Med. Sch.1, Dept. Pediatr., Kawasaki Med. Sch.2)
The penetration of Pseudomonas aeruginosa through the
intestinal epithelial cell mucin barrier
○ Naoki Hayashi, Jun Okuda, Shu Minagawa, Naomasa Gotoh
(Dept. of Microbiology and Infection Control Science, Kyoto
Pharmaceutical University)
Discovery of a novel gene related with LPS biosynthesis in
Porphyromonas gingivalis
○Mikio Shoji1, Hideharu Yukitake1, Keiko Sato1, Daisuke Nakane1,
Mariko Naito1, Yasuko Shibata2, Yoshimitsu Abiko2, Koji Nakayama1
(Div. Microbiol. Oral Infection., Dept. Mol. Microbiol. Immunol.,
Nagasaki Univ.1, Dept. Biochem. Mol. Biol., Nihon Univ. Dent.
Amidase of Listeria monocytogenes adheres to mouse
hepatocytes mediated by glycosaminoglycans
○ Krisana Asano, Akio Nakane (Dept. Microbiol. Immunol.,
Hirosaki Univ. Grad. Sch. Med.)
Platelet-binding outer membrane protein of Helicobacter
pylori mediate platelet aggregation
○ Norihito Morimoto1, Hiroaki Takeuchi2, Yoshu Kadota2, Yoshie
Nishida1,2, Yoshitaka Kumon2, Tetsuro Sugiura1,2 (Dept. Clin. Lab.,
Sch. Med., Kochi Univ.1, Dept. Clin. Lab. Med., Sch. Med., Kochi
Relationship between biological and proteolytic activities of
exfoliative toxin A
○ Mizuki T. Tachi1,2, Takeshi Kobayakawa1, Takayuki K. Nemoto1,
Tomomi T. Baba1, Yuko Ohara-Nemoto1 (Dept. Oral Mol. Biol.,
Nagasaki Univ. Grad. Sch. of Biomed. Sci.1, Dept. Clin. Physiol.,
Nagasaki Univ. Grad. Sch. of Biomed. Sci.2)
Relationship between lipoprotein PpiA and scavenger
receptors in S.gordonii evasion of phagocytosis
○ Kasei Cho1, Takafumi Arimoto2, Makoto Taniguchi2, Takuma
Ando2, Matsuo Yamamoto1, Takeshi Igarashi2 (Department of
Periodontology, Showa University School of Dentistry, Tokyo
Japan1, Department of Oral Microbiology, Showa University School
of dentistry, Tokyo Japan2)
Hemoglobin Receptor Protein increases interleukin-8 in
human gingival epithelial cell line Ca9-22
○ Yuki Fujita1,2, Masaaki Nakayama2, Mariko Naito3, Eiki
Yamachika4, Koji Nakayama3, Naoya Ohara2 (Dept. Oral
Maxillofacial Reconst. Surg., Sch. Med. Dent. Pharm. Okayama
Univ.1, Dept. Oral Microbiol., Sch. Med. Dent. Pharm. Okayama
Univ.2, Dept. Microbiol. Oral Infect., Sch. Med. Dent. Pharm.
Nagasaki Univ.3, Dept. Oral Maxillofacial Reconst. surg., Okayama
univ. hospital4)
Identification and characterization of different 4 enzymes to
produce H2S in Fusobacterium nucleatum
○ Kyosuke Suwabe1,2, Yasuo Yoshida2, Shuntaro Ito1, Keiji
Nagano2, Takashi Yaegashi1, Fuminobu Yoshimura2 (Division of
Periodontology, Dept. Oral Biology and Rehabilitation, Sch. Dent.,
Iwate Medical Univ.1, Dept. Microbiology, Sch. Dent., Aichi Gakuin
A histone-like protein of mycobacteria possesses ferritin
superfamily protein-like activity
○ Sohkichi Matsumoto1, Mayuko Oka2, Yukiko Nishiuchi3, Mamiko
Niki1, Yuriko Ozeki1,4, Yoshitaka Tateishi1, Kazuo Kobayashi5 (Dept.
Bacteriol. Grad. Sch. Med., Osaka City Univ.1, Dept. Pharmacol.
Grad. Sch. Med., Osaka City Univ.2, Toneyama Inst. Tuberculosis
Res.3, Dept. Food and Nutrition, Sonoda Women's Univ.4, Dept.
Immunol. NIH5)
Analysis of genes responsible for membrane vesicle production
in Pseudomonas aeruginosa
○ Wataru Shimizukawa1, Shizuka Saito1, Yoichiro Shimura1, Tamio
Inamoto1, Shu Minagawa2, Naomasa Gotoh2, Jun Fukushima1 (Dept.
of Biotechnology, Faculty of Bioresource Sciences, Akita Prefecture
University1, Microbiology, Kyoto Pharmaceutical University2)
Interaction between Helicobacter pylori and Caco-2 cells in
the co-culture system
○ Takako Osaki, Hideo Yonezawa, Cynthia Zaman, Fuhito Hojo,
Satoshi Kurata, Tomoko Hanawa, Shigeru Kamiya (Deptertment of
Infectious Diseases, Kyorin University School of Medicine, Tokyo,
Reactivation of latent HIV-1 by a wide variety of butyric acidproducing bacteria
○ Ken-Ichi Imai1, Muneaki Tamura1, Takashi Okamoto2, Kuniyasu
Ochiai1 (Dept. of Microbiol., Nihon Univ. Sch of Dent.1, Dept. Mol.
Cell. Biol., Sch of Med. Sci., Nagoya City Univ.2)
Sustained Gene Expression in Dormant Mycobacteria During
Oxygen-depleted Dormant Phase
○ Mamiko Niki1, Makoto Niki1, Kazuo Kobayashi2, Sohkichi
Matsumoto1 (Dept. Bacteriol., Grad. Sch. Med., Osaka City Univ.1,
Dept. Immunol., NIH2)
A novel mechanism of growth phase-dependent tolerance to
isoniazid in mycobacteria
○ Makoto Niki1, Mamiko Niki1, Kazuo Kobayashi2, Sohkichi
Matsumoto1 (Dept. Bacteriol., Grad. Sch. Med., Osaka City Univ.1,
Dept. Immunol., NIH2)
Construction and expression of recombinant urease gene
operon from the UPTC CF89-12
○ Motoo Matsuda1, Takuya Nakajima1, Junko Isobe2, Keiko
Matsubara3 (Lab. Mol. Biol. Grad. Sch. Environ. Health Sci. Azabu
Univ.1, Dept. Bacteriol., Toyama Inst. Health.2, Dept. Microbiol.
Immunol., Fac. Pharma. Sci., Hokuriku Univ.3)
Mechanism analysis of the predominate of Pseudomonas
aeruginosa mucoid strain
○ Jiayue Yang, Ryosuke Sakai, Masakaze Hamada, Masanori
Toyofuku, Toshiaki Nakajima-Kambe, Hiroo Uchiyama, Nobuhiko
Nomura (Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences,
University of Tsukuba)
Pahogenesity of Staphylococcus aureus VISA strains upon
various cultured primary human tissue cells
○ Minoru Fukuda1, Tadashi Baba2, Keiichi Hiramatsu1,2
(Department of microbiology and infection control science,
Juntendo University School of Medicine1, Department of
Bacteriology, Juntendo University School of Medicine2)
Clinically isolated ILY high-producing strains of Streptococcus
intermedius have mutation(s) in LacR
○ Hidenori Imaki, Toshifumi Tomoyasu, Sachiko Masuda, Atsushi
Tabata, Hideaki Nagamune (Inst. of Tech. and Sci., The Univ. of
Tokushima Grad. Sch.)
Intercellular spreading of Shigella flexneri in mammalian cells
○ Makoto Fukumatsu1, Michinaga Ogawa2, Hitomi Mimuro2,
Chihiro Sasakawa1,2 (Department of Infectious Disease Control,
International Research Center for Infectious Diseases, The
Institute of Medical Science, The University of Tokyo1, Division of
bacterial infection, The Institute of Medical Science, The
University of Tokyo2)
Co-ordinated expression of novel Salmonella pathogenicityrelated factors, SEp22 and SEp25
○ Rena Uematsu1, Noriko Minami1, Reiko Okada1, Kazuya
Kitahata1, Kou Fujimori1, Manabu Yamasaki2, Fumio Amano1
(Laboratory of Biodefense & Regulation, Osaka University of
Pharmaceutical Sciences1, Institute of Microbial Chemistry2)
MHC analogues found in S.aureus affect phagocytosis and
other immune responses
○ Miwa Sekine1, Tadashi Baba1,2, Yuki Katayama2, Keiichi
Hiramatsu1,2 (Dept. Microbiology and Infection Control Science.,
Juntendo Univ. School of Medicine.1, Dept. Bacteriology., Juntendo
Univ. School of Medicine.2)
Superoxide dismutase activity of Helicobacter pylori from 158
clinical isolates
○ Keiko Morishita1, Hiroaki Takeuchi2, Tomoko Shimamura3,
Norihito Morimoto2, Yoshu Kadota2, Hiroyuki Ukeda3, Tetsuro
Sugiura2, Tetsuya Yamamoto1 (Department of Oral and Maxillofacial
Surgery, Kochi Medical School1, Clinical Laboratory medicine,
Kochi Medical School2, Faculty of Agriculture, Kochi University3)
Characterization of bacteriocin associated protein in
Treponema denticola
Kimiko Tanaka1, Satoru Inagaki2, Seikou Shintani1, ○ Kazuyuki
Ishihara2 (Dept. of Pediatric Dentistry Tokyo Dent. Coll.1, Dept.
Micribiol. Tokyo Dent. Coll.2)
Vibrioferrin is associated with growth of Vibrio
parahaemolyticus in vivo
○ Hiroshi Nakao1, Eizo Takahashi2, Tomotaka Tanabe3, Shin-Ichi
Miyoshi2, Keinosuke Okamoto2, Shigeo Yamamoto3 (Lab. Mol.
Genetics, Sch. Health Sci., Univ. Ryukyus1, Grad. Sch. Med, Dent.
and Pharm. Sci., Okayama Univ.2, Dep. Hygienic Chem., Coll.
Pharm. Sci., Matsuyama Univ.3)
Two specific genomic islands found in Staphylococcus aureus
and their involvement in pathogenesis
○ Tadashi Baba1,2, Miwa Sekine2, Minoru Fukuda2, Keiichi
Hiramatsu1,2 (Dept. Bacteriology, Juntendo Univ. School of
Medicine1, Dept. Microbiology and Infection control Science,
Juntendo Univ. School of Medicine2)
Regulation of TREM-1 gene expression in human mononuclear
○ Hiroshi Hosoda1, Hiroshi Tamura2, Isao Nagaoka1 (Dept. of Host
Defense and Biochemical Research, Juntendo University, School of
Medicine1, Seikagaku Biobusiness Co., Ltd.2)
Expression and innate immune response of Toll-like receptors
in microglial cells
○ Noriaki Hayashibara1,2, Naoki Tamura1, Megumi Watanabe1,
Masashi Muroi1, Fumihiko Hatao2, Yasuyuki Seto2, Ken-ichi
Tanamoto1 (Res. Inst. Pharm. Sci., Musashino Univ.1, Dept.
Gastrointestinal Surg., Univ. Tokyo2)
Nitric oxide-dependent suppression of the NLRP3
inflammasome activation
○ Eduardo Hernandez-Cuellar, Ikuo Kawamura, Hideki Hara,
Kohsuke Tsuchiya, Rendong Fang, Takeshi Yamamoto, Shunsuke
Sakai, Masao Mitsuyama (Department of Microbiology, Kyoto
University Graduate School of Medicine)
Relationships between oral candidiasis and the expression and
functions of TLRs or NK activity
○ Manabu Oouchi1,2, Taku Segawa2, Akira Hasebe2, Kenitirou
Sibata2 (Oral Diagno. Med., Dept Oral Pathobiol. Sci., Grad. Sch.
Dent. Med., Hokkaido Univ.1, Div. Oral Mol. Microbiol., Dept. Oral
Pathobiol. Sci., Hokkaido Univ.2)
Role of SPA-1 in inflammatory response
○ Sachiko Watanabe, Joe Inoue (Graduate School of Science
Kitasato University)
The human apoptosis inhibitor NAIP induces pyroptosis in
macrophages infected with L. pneumophila
○Nanako Katagiri, Takeo Shobuike, Hiroshi Miyamoto (Division of
Microbiology, Department of Pathology and Microbiology, Faculty of
Medicine, Saga University)
Studies on apoptotic signaling in macrophages following
Mycobacterium smegmatis infection
○ Yutaka Tatano, Yuichi Kanehiro, Chiaki Sano, Haruaki Tomioka
(Dept. Microbiol. Immunol., Sch. Med., Shimane Univ.)
日本細菌学雑誌 67( 1 )
Mycobacterium avium complex-induced suppressor
macrophages specifically induce Th17 cells
○ Chiaki Sano1, Yutaka Tatano1, Yuichi Kanehiro1, Toshiaki
Shimizu1,2, Haruaki Tomioka1 (Dept. Microbiol. Immunol., Sch.
Med., Shimane Univ.1, Fac. Home Economics, Yasuda Women's
Association of Helicobacter cinaedi with cardiovascular
○ Shahzada Khan (Dept. Microbiol, grad. sch. med, Kumamoto
The robust directionality in neutrophil chemotaxis to fMLP: an
optical approach to the mechanism
○ Akira Yamauchi1, Shiro Kanegasaki2, Futoshi Kuribayashi1 (Dpt.
Biochemistry, Kawasaki Medical School1, ECI Inc.2)
Evaluation of the mechanism for the release of HMGN1, an
alarmin, from LPS stimulated RAW264.7 cells
○Taisuke Murakami1, Hiroshi Tamura2, Isao Nagaoka1 (Dept. Host
Defense and Biochemical Res., Sch. Med., Juntendo Univ.1,
Seikagaku Biobusiness Corp.2)
Inhibitory mechanisms of 2-aminopurine on IFN-beta
production induced by TLR signaling
○ Tsuyoshi Sugiyama, Kazuya Moriyama, Takuya Hasegawa, Keita
Takahashi, Shunji Tokoro, Hiroshi Mori (Dept. Biopharm. Sci., Lab.
Microbiol., Gifu Pharm. Univ.)
Analysis of cell membrane antigens in peripheral blood
neutrophils of a bacterial infection patients
○ Shigeru Tansho, Tsuneyuki Ubagai, Osamu Koshio, Takane
Ueda, Yasuo Ono (Department of Microbiology and Immunology,
School of Medicine, University of Teikyo)
Contribution of IL-33 in induction of gastric inflammation in
mice infected with Helicobacter pylori
○ Ryosuke Uchiyama1, Noriko Fukuda2, Hiroko Tsutsui1 (Dept.
Microbiology, Hyogo College of Medicine1, Dept. Pediatrics,
Hyogo College of Medicine2)
The role of IL-5 to Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium
infection after immunization
○ Masahiro Eguchi1, Yuji Kikuchi2, Yohsuke Ogawa1, Yoshihiro
Shimoji1,3, Tomoko Yamamoto4, Hidenori Matsui5 (Bacterial and
Parasitic Disease Research Division, National Institute of Animal
Health, National Agriculture and Food Research Organization1,
Faculty of Pharmacy, Iwaki Meisei University2, Research Institute
for Biological Sciences, Tokyo University of Science3, Graduate
School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Chiba University4, Kitasato
Institute for Life Sciences and Graduate School of Infection Control
Sciences, Kitasato University5)
Systemic immune response in H. pylori infected patients
○ Kenji Yokota1, Nana Nishida1, Yumiko Yamamoto2, Tomonori
Suzuki2, Shunji Hayashi3, Kazuyuki Hirai3, Keiji Oguma2 (Graduate
School of Health Science, Okayama University1, Department of
Bacteriology, Okayama University Graduate School of Medicine,
Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences2, Department of
Bacteriology, Jich Medical School3)
Role of plasmacytoid dendritic cells on mucosal adjuvanticity
of a new A type CpG-DNA
○ Jun-ichi Maeyama1, Sumiko Iho2, Masanori Isaka3, Saburo
Yamamoto4 (Dept. Safety Research on Blood and Biological
Products, NIID1, Facul. Med. Sci., Univ. Fukui2, Dept. Bacteriol.,
Nagoya City Univ. Graduate sch. Med. Sci.3, Japan BCG
Protective immunity induced by an immunization with mutant
TSST-1 against S. aureus infection
○ Kouji Narita1,2, Dong-Liang Hu1, Krisana Asano1, Akio Nakane1,2
(Dept. Microbiol. Immunol., Grad. Sch. Med., Hirosaki Univ.1, Inst.
for Animal Exp., Grad. Sch. Med., Hirosaki Univ.2)
Loss of anti-mycobacterial efficacy in mice over time following
vaccination with BCG
○ Yuriko Ozeki1,2, Yukio Hirayama2, Mayuko Oka2, Yoshitaka
Tateishi2, Takemasa Takii3, Saburo Yamamoto4, Kazuo Kobayashi5,
Sohkichi Matsumoto2 (Dept. Food and Nutrition, Sonoda Women's
Univ.1, Dept. Microbiol. Grad. Sch. Med., Osaka City Univ.2, Dept.
Mol. Health Sci. Grad. Sch. Pharmaceu. Nagaya City Univ.3, Japan
BCG Cent. Lab.4, Dept. Immunol. NIID5)
Analysis of antigen-specific T-cell responses induced by CCR5
targeting vaccine
○ Masato Uchijima1, Toshi Nagata2, Kunio Tsujimura1, Yukio
Koide1 (Dept. Infectious Diseases, Sch. Med. Hamamatsu Univ.1,
Dept. Health Science, Sch. Med. Hamamatsu Univ.2)
Antibodies in human sera which react with outer membrane
vesicles of Porphyromonas gingivalis
○ Ryoma Nakao, Makoto Ohnishi, Haruo Watanabe, Hidenobu
Senpuku (Dept. Bacteriol. I, Natl. Inst. Infect. Dis.)
Human T-cell responses against dormancy-related antigens of
Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Hironao Hodumi1, ○ Kunio Tsujimura1, Yasuhiro Yamamura1,
Shintaro Seto1, Masato Uchijima1, Toshi Nagata2, Yukio Koide1
(Dept. Infect. Dis., Hamamatsu Univ. Sch. Med.1, Dept. Health Sci.,
Hamamatsu Univ. Sch. Med.2)
Veillonella tobetsuensis sp. nov., isolated form tongue biofilm
○ Izumi Mashima, Arihide Kamaguchi, Hiroshi Miyakawa, Mari
Fujita, Futoshi Nakazawa (Dept. Oral. Microbiol., Sch. Dent., Heal.
Sci. Univ. Hokkaido)
Identification and classification of the genus Bacteroides by
multilocus sequence analysis
○ Mitsuo Sakamoto (RIKEN BRC-JCM)
Mutans streptococci from lesser panda oral cavity
○ Kazuko Takada1, Ryotaro Hirata1, Kazuhiko Hayashi2, Masatomo
Hirasawa1 (Dept. of Oral Microbiol., Nihon Univ. Sch. Dent. at
Matsudo1, Dept. Social Dent, Nihon Univ Sch. Dent at Matsudo2)
Streptococcus mutans-like Microorganism isolated from the
Chympanzee Oral Cavity
○ Masaaki Okamoto1, Susumu Imai2, Nobuhiro Hanada2 (Dept.
Oral Microbiol., Sch. Dent. Med., Tsurumi Univ.1, Dept.
Translational Res., Sch. Dent. Med., Tsurumi Univ.2)
Comprehensive Detection of Francisella sp. in a Clinical
Specimen Using Deep-sequencing
○ Makoto Kuroda, Tsuyoshi Sekizuka, Fumihiko Takeuchi
(Pathogen Genomics Center, National Institute of Infectious
Characteristics of the 16S-23S rRNA Intergenic Spacer
Sequences of Hemoplasma
○ Fumina Sasaoka, Ryo Harasawa (Dept. Veterinary Microbiology,
Iwate university)
Genetic diversities in ACME-SCCmec composite islands in CAMRSA isolates collected in Hokkaido
○ Noriko Urushibara, Mitsuyo Kawaguchiya, Nobumichi
Kobayashi (Dept. Hygiene, Sch. Med., Sapporo Medical Univ.)
Diversity analysis in Porphyromonas gingivalis focused on
intergenic region and mobile element
○ Takayasu Watanabe1, Nayuta Furukawa1, Takashi Nozawa2,
Chihiro Aikawa1, Bijaya Haobam1, Akiko Endo3, Fumito
Maruyama1, Ichiro Nakagawa1 (Sec. Bac. Pathog., Grad. Sch. Med.
and Dent. Sci., Tokyo Medical and Dental Univ.1, Thailand-Japan
RCC-ERI, Osaka Univ.2, Sec. Periodontol., Grad. Sch. Med. and
Dent. Sci., Tokyo Medical and Dental Univ.3)
A sequencing analysis of genetic environment surrounding
blaCTX-M-15 in Escherichia coli
Naoki Fukui1, ○ Itaru Hirai1,2, Arisa Nakata1, Aya Yoshinaga1, UlziiOrshikh Luvsansharav1, Tatsuya Nakamura4, Yoshimasa
Yamamoto1,2,3 (Department of Biomedical Informatics, Osaka
University Graduate School of Medicine1, Japan Science and
Technology Agency/Japan International Cooperation Agency,
Science and Technology Research Partnership for Sustainable
Development (JST/JICA, SATREPS)2, Osaka Prefectural Institute
of Public Health3, Kansai Medical University Hirakata Hospital,
Kansai Medical University4)
Identification of antigenic proteins for relapsing fever Borrelia
○ Norihiko Tabuchi, Noritaka Murakami, Masahito Fukunaga
(Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Fukuyama
Comparative analysis of cps loci among Streptococcus suis
serotype 1, 2, 1/2 and 14 strains
○ Masatoshi Okura1, Makoto Osaki1,2, Tsutomu Sekizaki3, Daisuke
Takamatsu1,4 (Bact./Parasit. Dis. Res. Division, Natl. Inst. Anim.
Hlth, Natl. Agr. Food Res. Org.1, AFFRCS, MAFF2, Res. Center for
Food Safty, Grad. Sch. Agr. Life Sci., Univ. Tokyo3, United Grad.
Sch. Vet. Sci., Gifu Univ.4)
Development of selective medium and distribution of genus
Rothia in oral cavity
○ Satoshi Uchibori, Taira Kobayashi, Masahiro Aida (Dept. Crown
Bridge Prosthodtics., Nihon Univ. Sch. Dent. at. Matsudo)
Analysis of periodontopathic bacteria using Fourier Transform
Infrared Spectroscopy (FT-IR)
○ Keisuke Fukuda1, Toshinori Okinaga2, Keisuke Nakashima3,
Wataru Ariyoshi2, Shinobu Satou1, Shigeori Takenaka1, Tatsuji
Nishihara2 (Dept. Appl. Chem., Kyushu Inst. Tech.1, Div. Infect.
Mol. Biol., Kyushu Dent. Co.2, Div. Perio., Kyushu Dent. Col.3)
Preparation of specific antisera and complemented strains as
to accessory proteins of Mfa1 fimbriae
○ Ryota Ikai1,2, Hasegawa Yoshiaki1,3, Masashi Izumikawa1,2, Keiji
Nagano3, Jyunji Kawabata2, Noriyuki Kitai2, Fuminobu Yoshimura3,
Yukitaka Murakami1 (Dept. of Oral Microbiol., Asahi Univ. Sch. of
Dent.1, Dept. of Orthodontics, Asahi Univ. Sch. of Dent.2, Dept. of
Microbiol., Aichi-gakuin Univ. Sch. Dent3)
The analysis of Salmonella Paratyphi A filamentous form
under highly concentrated ammonium salt
○ Takayoshi Yamaguchi, Ken-ichiro Iida, Shin-ichi Yoshida
(Department of bacteriology, Faculty of Medical Sciences, Kyushu
The role in Staphylococcus aureus skin-infection, a novel cell
wall protein Skip
○ Junzo Hisatsune1, Teruaki Murakami1, Taro Kojima1, Nobuyuki
Tatsukawa1, Ikue Hayashi2, Sakuo Yamada3,4, Fuminori Kato1,
Motoyuki Sugai1 (Dep. of Bacteriol., Univ. of Hiroshima1, Facul. of
Dent., Univ. of Hiroshima2, Microbiol. Sch. Med., Univ. of
Kawasaki3, Med. Welf., Univ. of Kawasaki4)
Leptospira serovars isolated from patient, rodent, and
environmental water in the Philippines
○ Jun Kanemura1, Takashi Fukui1, Yoshihiro Okamoto1, Yasutake
Yanagihara3, Sharon Y.A.M. Villanueva2, Shin-ichi Yoshida2,
Toshiyuki Masuzawa1 (Lab. Microbiol. Immunol., Fac. of Pharm.,
Chiba Inst. of Sci.1, Dept. Bacteriol., Fac. of Med. Sci., Kyushu
Univ.2, Fac. of Pub., Univ. of the Philippines Manila3)
Immuno-Electron Tomography for Elucidation of Localization
of the Mutidrug Efflux Pump in Salmonella
○ Mitsuko Hayashi-Nishino, Akihito Yamaguchi, Kunihiko Nishino
(Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka University)
日本細菌学雑誌 67( 1 )
Assembly Mechanism of T6 Pili in Serotype M6 Streptococcus
○ Masanobu Nakata1, Tomoko Sumitomo1, Miharu Higashino1,
Nobuo Okahashi2, Shigeyuki Hamada3, Yutaka Terao1, Shigetada
Kawabata1 (Dept. Oral and Molecular Microbiol., Grad. Sch. of
Dent., Osaka Univ.1, Oral Frontier Center, Grad. Sch. of Dent.,
Osaka Univ.2, Microbial Dis. Res. Inst., Osaka Univ.3)
Structural analysis of bacterial flagellar motor on Vibrio
alginolyticus by STEM tomography
○ Masafumi Koike1, Michio Homma2 (Structural biology research
center, Grad. Sch. Sci., Nagoya Univ.1, Biol. Sci., Grad. Sch. Sci.,
Nagoya Univ.2)
Comparison of DnaK activation mechanism by co-chaperones
between Gram-positive and negative bacteria
○ Toshifumi Tomoyasu, Hidenori Imaki, Atsushi Tabata, Hideaki
Nagamune (Inst. of Tech. and Sci., The Univ. of Tokushima Grad.
Characterization of glycans in OmpA-like glycoproteins from
Porphyromonas gingivalis
○Yukitaka Murakami1, Yoshiaki Hasegawa1, Fuminobu Yoshimura2
(Dept. of Oral Microbiol., Asahi Univ. Sch. Dent.1, Dept. of
Microbiol., Aichi-gakuin Univ. Sch. Dent.2)
Interaction between mycobacterial surface translocation and
entry into non-phagocytic cells
○ Mayuko Okabe1, Naoya Ohara2, Nagatoshi Fujiwara3, Takashi
Naka3, Manabu Ato1, Kazuo Kobayashi1 (Dept. Immunol., NIID.1,
Dept. Oral Microbiol., Grad. Sch. Med. Dent. Pharm. Sci., Okayama
Univ.2, Dept. Bacteriol., Grad. Sch. Med., Osaka City Univ.3)
Novel glycopeptidolipid from clinically isolated
Mycobacterium intracellulare and its host response
○ Takashi Naka1,2, Shinji Maeda1,3, Mitsuru Shibata1,4, Seiko
Mizuno1,5, Nagatoshi Fujiwara1 (Dept. Bacteriol., Osaka City Univ.
Grad. Sch. Med.1, MBR Co. Ltd.2, Mol. Epidemiol. Div., Dept.
Mycobacterium Ref. and Res., Res. Inst. Tuberculosis, Japan AntiTuberculosis Assoc.3, Dept. Health and Nutrition, Health Sci., Kio
Univ.4, Dept. Development Nourishment, Human Development,
Soai Univ.5)
A role of midcell localization of cytoskeletal proteins in E. coli
○ Daisuke Shiomi, Hironori Niki (National Institute of Genetics)
Complex structural model of prokaryotic organelle from
magnetotactic bacteria
○ Yoshihiro Fukumori1,2, Daisuke Yamamoto3,4, Azuma Taoka1,2,
Toshio Ando2,3 (Dept. Life Sci., Grad. Sch. Nat. Sci. and Tech.,
Kanazawa Univ.1, Bio-AFM Front. Res. Cent., Kanazawa Univ.2,
Dept. Phys., Grad. Sch. Nat. Sci. and Tech., Kanazawa Univ.3,
Vibrio parahaemolyticus capsular polysaccharide is
modulated by two pathways, VP0220-1 and VPA1602-4
○Kazuaki Mawatari, Yuka Isumi, Minami Hirayama, Miki Maetani,
Tomomi Yamamoto, Sayaka Hayashida, Hitomi Iba, Mutsumi
Aihara, Takaaki Shimohata, Akira Takahashi (Dept. Preventive
Environment and Nutrition, Inst. Health Biosciences, The Univ.
Tokushima Graduate Sch.)
CTX prophage is flanked with two types of filamentous phage
fs1 and fs2
○ Dong Tu Nguyen1, Mamoru Iwami2, Masahiko Ehara2 (Dept.
Virol., Inst. Trop. Med. Nagasaki Univ.1, Dept. Bacteriol., Inst. Trop.
Med. Nagasaki Univ2)
Evaluation of Proteomic Profile with Principal Component
Analysis in Bacillus cereus
○ Akira Okamoto1, Yoshihiro Taguchi2 (Dept. Molecular Micribiol.,
Sch. Med., Nagoya Univ.1, Department of Physics, Chuo
Evolution of cagA oncogene of Helicobacter pylori through
○ Yoshikazu Furuta1,2, Koji Yahara3, Masanori Hatakeyama4, Ichizo
Kobayashi1,2,5 (Dept. Med. Genome Sci., Grad. Sch. Frontier Sci.,
Univ. Tokyo1, Inst. Med. Sci., Univ. Tokyo2, Grad. Sch. Med.,
Kurume Univ.3, Dept. Microbiol., Grad. Sch. Med., Univ. Tokyo4,
Dept. Biophysics Biochem., Grad. Sci., Univ. Tokyo5)
A study on the Salmonella secreted protein STM1670
identified by machine learning approach
○ Yoshiharu Sato, Akiko Takaya, Tomoko Yamamoto (Dept. of
Microbiol. and Mol. Genetics, Grad. Sch. of Pharm. Sci., Chiba
Genome analysis of Treponema phagedenis isolated from
bovine papillomatous digital dermatitis
○ Yasuhiro Gotoh1, Kazuko Yamazaki1, Yoshitoshi Ogura1,2,
Tadasuke Ooka2, Takahisa Yano3, Kenshiro Ooshima4, Masahira
Hattori4, Naoaki Misawa3, Tetsuya Hayashi1,2 (Div. Bioenviron. Sci.,
Front. Sci. Res. Cent., Univ. Miyazaki1, Div. Microbiol., Dept.
Infect. Dis., Fac. Med., Univ. Miyazaki2, Div. Vet. Pub. Health.,
Dept. Vet. Sci, Fac. Agri., Univ. Miyazaki3, Grad. Sch. Front. Sci.,
Univ. Tokyo4)
Comparative genome alanysis of anaerophilic and CO2
dependency in Streptococcus intermedius
○ Ken Kikuchi1,2, Mari Matsuda1, Tadashi Baba2, Longzhu Qui1,
Keiichi Hiramatsu1 (Dept. Infect. Control Science, untendo Univ.1,
Dept. Bacteriol, Juntendo. Univ.2)
Influence of comX deletion on growth in Streptococcus
○ Ayuko Takao1, Hideaki Nagamune2, Nobuko Maeda1 (Dept. Oral
Microbiol., Sch. Dent. Med., Tsurumi Univ.1, Dept. Biol. Sci. &
Tech., Life Syst., Inst. Tech. & Sci., The Univ. Tokushima Grad.
Role of the Porphyromonas gingivalis PGN_0088 gene in the
biofilm formation
○ Reiko Yamamoto, Yuichiro Noiri, Mikiyo Yamaguchi, Yoko Asahi,
Hazuki Maezono, Katsutaka Kuremoto, Shigeyuki Ebisu (Dept.
Restorative. Dentist. Endodont., Osaka Univ. Grad. sch. Dentist.)
A novel protease homolog YfgC involved in quality control of
Escherichia coli envelope
○ Shin-ichiro Narita (Institute for Virus Research, Kyoto
Functional characterization of the toxin-antitoxin systems in
Clostridium species
○ Motoo Suzuki, Tomomi Kuwahara (Department of Microbiology,
Faculty of Medicine, Kagawa University)
Characterization of toxin-antitoxin system in Staphylococcus
○ Yusuke Yabuno1,2, Fuminori Kato1, Motoyuki Sugai1 (Dep.
Bacteriol., Grad. Sch. Biomed. Sci., Hiroshima Univ.1, Cour. Front.
Dent. Sci., Sch. Dent., Hiroshima Univ.2)
Evaluation of oral bacteria detection device utilizing DEPIM
○ Ryo Hamada1,4, Kiyoshi Konishi2, Takeshi Kikutani3 (Corporate
R&D Center, Panasonic Healthcare Co., Ltd.1, Department of
Microbiology, The Nippon Dental University School of Life
Dentistry at Tokyo2, Division of Clinical Oral Rehabilitation, The
Nippon Dental University Graduate School of Life Dentistry at
Tokyo3, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering,
Graduate School of Information Science and Electrical Engineering,
Kyushu University4)
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