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01 April 2014
Spago develops radionuclide therapy for cancer treatment Spago files a patent application and thereby formalizes a project, Tumorad, focusing on the development of nanoparticles designed for radionuclide therapy. Nanoparticles designed for radionuclide therapy, i.e. therapy based on radioactive isotopes, have in in vivo studies been shown to deliver and accumulate designated isotope to tumors. A patent application has been filed based on these data and other results. Spago has for some time been evaluating the nanomedical platform IonXgel for radionuclide therapy and has now formalized this as a project, Tumorad. “We see this as a great opportunity to provide a new therapeutic option for a number of cancer diseases. As our diagnostic and therapy-­‐oriented products are based on the same mechanism, we can make use of the competence and experience built up in the company from the work with the development of Spago Pix”, says CEO Andreas Bunge. Tumorad is based on IonXgel, and is beeing further developed with the aim of delivering radionuclides to tumors. Tumorad utilizes the so-­‐called EPR effect, through which the nanoparticles that carry the radionuclides accumulate in the tumor. The EPR effect is utilized in the Spago Pix project, for MR tumor contrast enhancement, but the effect is also utlized in clinically used nanomedicine-­‐based pharmaceuticals. The mechanism is simple and robust and has been demonstrated in several types of tumors. Compared with specific antibody-­‐based radionuclide therapy which is usually designed to target a specific type of cancer, the broad mechanism of Tumorad has the advantage of targeting several tumor types. Cancer selective radionuclide therapy has for instance potential for effective treatment of metastatic disease in the large cancer areas such as breast, prostate and colorectal cancer. In 2012, the market for radionuclide therapy was worth 245 million US$, and it is expected to have grown to 5.8 billion US$ by the year 2020. For further information contact Andreas Bunge, CEO, Spago Imaging AB, +46 708 242525.
Spago Imaging conducts research and development in the nanomedicine field with a focus on cancer diagnostics and
treatment. The development is based on Spago’s two platform technologies, IonXgel and 3PEG.
IonXgel is a unique nanomaterial and the basis for Spago’s novel cancer selective MRI contrast agent, Spago Pix. Spago Pix
has the potential to significantly improve cancer diagnosis with MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging). This novel contrast
agent is designed to visualize smaller soft tissue tumors with an increased specificity, i.e. with fewer false positive results.
This could make it possible to provide patients with earlier treatment and avoid unnecessary, stressful and costly diagnostic
procedures and treatment. Contrary to the commercially available contrast agents, Spago Pix is free from gadolinium.
Gadolinium is known to cause NSF, a serious and debilitating side effect, in certain patients with poor renal function.
The Spago Pix portfolio also includes opportunities within cancer selective drug delivery for improved cancer treatment, as
well as additional MR imaging indications.
ProtRc is a protein based drug delivery platform. The primary application, ArchaeaPlatin is a platform for local delivery of
3PEG is a proprietary pegylation platform that can improve critical drug properties of small molecules, peptides and
proteins, and provide e.g. increased efficacy and reduced side effects, and has therefore a broad clinical application.
Further information can be found on