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Our Treatments -Follicus Lasercap
While there is an increasing number of products on the market
that promise to fight hair loss, most are simply bogus.
Option 3: (For Women)
Fee $2995 + $69.90 p/m
- Follicus Lasercap + Sephren Supplements
- For the slightly more advanced stage of early hair loss
Option 7: (For Women)
Fee $2995 + $149.90 p/m
- Follicus Lasercap + Scalp Lotion +Sephren
- For slightly more advanced stage of moderate hair loss.
A combination therapy involving the use of laser biostimulation and specifically formulated oral supplement
providing your body with the vitamins and minerals it needs to
grow strong, healthy, beautiful hair.
Option 8: (For Men)
Fee $2995 + $89.90 p/m + Propecia
- Follicus Lasercap +Scalp Lotion + Propecia (Prescription Only)
- For more advanced stage of moderate hair loss
The TGA & FDA have approved some products that have been
shown to stop hair loss and re-grow weakened hair. These are
Low Level Light Therapy (LLLT), Minoxidil lotions and Propecia.
Medical experts have found that the treatment of male and
female pattern hair loss is further enhanced by combining
these treatments. For these reasons and to achieve the best
possible outcomes the Follicus Lasercap often uses a
combination of these proven treatments.
The treatment option that is best for you depends upon the
stage and severity of your hair loss. The treatment options
described below are indicative only and your best option is
determined following a consultation.
Option 4: (For Men)
Fee $2995 + $89.90 p/m
- Follicus Lasercap + Scalp Lotion
- Recommended for the moderate stage of early hair loss.
The essence to retaining hair growth is by taking action during
the early stage of thinning hair. There is not a lot that can be
done to revive hair follicles that have ceased to function but
those still working can be stimulated and revived.
Option 1: (For Men & Women)
- Follicus Lasercap Laser Therapy At Home
- For: the early stages of hair loss
Fee $2995
This is a combination therapy involving the use of laser biostimulation and specifically formulated Minoxidil-containing
topical solution.
Option 5: (For Women)
Fee $2995 + $89.90 p/m
- Follicus Lasercap + Scalp Lotion
- Recommended for the moderate stage of early hair loss.
This is a drug-free option using a laser cap to take advantage of
the therapeutic benefits of laser bio-stimulation. The Follicus
Lasercap is a rechargeble device which is worn under a
baseball cap or hat for 30 minutes every second day.
Option 2: (For Men)
Fee $2995 + $59.90 p/m
- Follicus Lasercap + Procerin Supplements
- For: the slightly more advanced stage of early hair loss
This is a combination therapy involving the use of laser biostimulation and a specifically formulated Minoxidil-containing
topical solution.
Option 6: (For Men)
Fee $2995 + $139.90 p/m
- Follicus Lasercap + Scalp Lotion + Procerin
- For slightly more advanced stage of moderate hair loss.
This is a drug-free combination therapy involving the use of
laser bio-stimulation and an oral supplement containing allnatural powerful DHT blockers.
The Follicus Lasercap
Price $2995
This is a portable dome-shaped laser device specifically
designed for the management of hair loss in both men and
women. The laser device consists of 272 laser diodes, each
with 5mW of power and is worn under any hat or cap for
about half an hour every second day, or otherwise as
recommended by your hair care professional. As a result red
laser light in wavelengths of 650nm is subsequently
desseminated to cover the affected scalp.
Powered by a rechargeable battery pack, the Follicus Lasercap
power source can be clipped on to your clothing or slipped
into a pocket, making it simple to use in the comfort of your
home or car.
The Follicus Lasercap is a non-invasive approach suitable for
men and women utilising the science of biostimulation to offer
a non-surgical option to the management of hair loss. Low
level light therpy has been shown to increase cell metabolism
and the health of blood vessels in the scalp resulting in thicker,
healthier and more resilient hair shafts.
The Follicus Lasercap kit includes the laser device,
rechargeable battery pack, power charger and baseball cap.
The Follicus Lasercap is a practicle device allowing you to
deliver low level laser therapy (LLLT) to your scalp in the
comfort of your home without the need to attend a clinic for
in-office treatment sessions.
Follicus Lasercap laser device
Number of lasers:
Diode Output:
Laser Wavelength: 650nm+/-5nm
Total Power:
Minoxidil Max Range of Scalp Lotions
DualGen-5 with PG
Price $89.90
This product contains 5% Minoxidil and 5% Azelaic Acid,
enhanced by retinol (0.025%) and caffeine (0.001%). The
additional DHT blocker (azelaic acid), minoxidil enhancer
(retinol) and follicle growth stimulator (caffeine). It is
recommended to use this product twice a day with 8 hours
apart between the two applications. It can be used in
conjunction with other stronger solutions (such as DualGen-15
or DualGen-10). The drying time of this product is shorter than
regular minoxidil due to reduced amount of propylene glycol
in this product.
DualGen-5 NO PG
Price $89.90
This product contains 5% Minoxidil & 5% Azelaic Acid. It does
not contain any retinol or caffeine. It does not contain any
propylene glycol. It is specially formulated for those who want
to have a DHT blocking reagent (azelaic acid) in addition to
a hair stimulator (minoxidil) in a topical solution. It is
recommended to use this product twice daily with 8 hours
apart between the two applications. It can be used in
conjunction with other stronger solution (such as DualGen-15
or DualGen-10). This product also dries faster than regular
minoxidil due to the use of minimum amount of glycerin.
Price $89.90
This product contains 10% Minoxidil and 5% Azelaic Acid,
which has a good balance between hair effectiveness and
convenience. This product contains propylene glycol. It dries
slightly faster than DualGen-15. Do not use DualGen-10 if you
are known to be allergic to propylene glycol. It is
recommended to use this product twice daily with at least 8
hours apart between the two applications. Alternatively, this
product can be used in conjunction with a lower strength
minoxidil solution (such as DualGen-5, or EssenGen-5). In this
case, you will use DualGen-10 once daily and the lower
strength minoxidil solution once daily as well. The two
applications should be at least eight hours apart.
DualGen-15 with PG
Price $89.90
This product contains 15% Minoxidil, 5% Azelaic Acid, 0.025%
retinol, and 0.001% caffeine. DualGen-15 is the strongest and
most effective formula on the market. It is recommended to
use DualGen-15 only after DualGen-10 proves to be
ineffective. Two different versions of DualGen-15 are offered.
One is compounded in propylene glycol vehicle
DualGen-15 NO PG
Price $89.90
This product contains the same active ingrdients as DualGen15 but contains no propylene glycol. Due to the high
concentration of minoxidil and additional effective ingredients,
this product requires slightly longer time for your scalp to
absorb than our lower strength formula such as DualGen-10 or
DualGen-5. It is recommended to use this product once (up to
1 mL) in the evening, and use a lower strength of minoxidil
solution (such as DualGen-5, or EssenGen-5) in the morning.
You can wash your hair 2 hours after applying DualGen-15 if
you feel it affects your hair style. One can only DualGen-15
twice a day after it is proved that once a day is not sufficiently
effective and you have no side effects to use it twice a day.
Product Range
Schedule of Fees
Lipogaine 2% or 3% minoxidil for women
Price $89.90
This product contains 3% Minoxidil together with retinol,
biotin and many other vitamins as the effective ingredient.
Two versions of this product are available: one is compounded
in glycerin and the other one is compounded in propylene
glycol. Apply this product twice daily directly to the scalp
where hair loss occurs with 8 hours apart between the two
applications. This product is intended for women.
Procerin Men’s Oral Supplements
Price $59.90
Procerin is a proprietary blend of herbal, mineral, and vitamin
components. Procerin tablets contain all-natural, powerful
DHT blockers that have been proven in university and clinical
studies worldwide. These include Saw Palmetto Berries, Gotu
Kola, Nettles, Magnesium, Zinc Sulfate, Eleuthero Root,
Vitamin B-6, Pumpkin Seed Meal, and Muira Puma Root.
Procerin is effective in reversing hair loss in men caused by
androgenetic alopecia, the most common cause of male hair
loss. Androgenetic alopecia results in thinning hair and the
familiar receding hairline (or widow's peak)
Sephren Women’s Oral Supplement
Price $69.90
This all-natural supplement provides your body with the
vitamins and minerals it needs to grow strong, healthy,
beautiful hair. Since hair is made up of mostly protein it is
important that a quality hair loss supplement includes
ingredients that help the body utilize protein. B vitamins such
as biotin, B6, amino acids like Para-Amino Benzoic Acid (PABA),
and minerals such as magnesium aid in the metabolism of
amino acids that make up proteins. These nutrients can help
your body utilize protein to promote stronger, healthier hair
growth. Horsetail silica is also a key ingredient.
Our philosophy is simple - we believe in
empowering you with the most current, proven
and cost-effective products and technology to
help you in your fight against hair loss.
106, 7370 Sierra Morena Blvd. SW
Calgary, AB T3H 4H9
Main phone: 1(403) 620-3880
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