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Protocol - Depression
Note: The below listed matrix numbers can be loaded throughout the program in the
Piggy Back sections!
• Program Start/Load Individual Movie Program (Start INFO Exchange)
• Program Start/Treat Disease Path of all Old Trauma
• Organ Systems/Brain/Limbic
• Organ Systems/Endocrine/Thyroid
Psychological/Depression Therapy Auditory
Chakras/Long Scan Chakra
SCIO Therapy/Energy Boost
SCIO Therapy/Aura Cleanse
Sacred Geometry/Unconscious Selection
Misc/Homeopathic Extras:
Nosodes: 2779 5615 5614 6112 (Double space between the
Isodes: 7551 743 613 754 749 709 (Double space between the
Misc.: Depression
Activate (You may have to scroll down to see this button.)/Close the
Homeopathic Panel.
Protocol - Depression
Click on your Claps32 Icon on the bottom of your toolbar and this will allow
the Body Viewer program to run in the background simultaneously as your
other therapies are running.
Test/Disease Probability and Dictionary/Disease Dictionary/Scroll down to
“DEPRESSION or BIPOLAR DEPRESSION”/Electroacupuncture + BioResonance on
Right/OK-Reveal Text/Quick Calibrate Patient’s Reactivity/Quick Test Patient
BioResonance (If this button is missing, go up to the Therapy and you will find it
there.)/Long Term Therapy Active/If Checked Mute Dictionary Music/Auto Treat/Click
on your Claps32 Icon on the bottom of your toolbar and this will allow the Disease
Dictionary module to run in the background simultaneously as your other therapies are
Test/Programs/NLP/Emotional + Biological Flow/Treat & Test Flow Charts
Test/Programs/NLP/Mental Factors + Emotional Chart/Test+Treat
Emotions/Find Depression on Table above/Double click on it to load/10 Sec Zap
Emotion/Make Emotion Chart/Show Emotion-Neuro Trans
Chart/Therapy/Therapy for Bottom and Top Balance
Test/Programs/NLP/Therapies/Depression Rx
Test/Programs/NLP/Therapies/Bipolar Depression
Test/Programs/NLP/Individual NLP/Depression (blue box)/Answer top questions
in white box/Enter Other Known Symptoms:/Start NLP Interface
Awareness Form/Expand SAF in
Detail/Double click on items to
Treat/Go to Meta Program 1
Chart/Double click on colored
items to Treat/Meta Analysis
2/Treat Colored Items
Depression Test
Test/Programs/Acupuncture Pictures
Access/Choose Point/Test+Treat:
Test/Programs/Neuro Emotional Complex/Test + Treat Emotions
Test/Programs/Spinal/Timed Therapies/Feel Good Therapy/Start/Thyroid
Dysfunction Stim/Start
Protocol - Depression
Test/Programs/Timed Therapy, Music, Superlearning/Enable Timed
Therapy/Start Auto “Feel Good” Therapy
Test/Programs/Time Therapy, Music, Superlearning/Enable Timed Therapy/Click on
Injury in the middle of the screen/Start Auto Psych Treatment
Test/Programs/Biofeedback/Misc./Add Piggy Back
Therapies/Load/OK/Hide File/Relaxation/Release Psychic Pain
Test/Programs/Biofeedback/Misc./Add Piggy Back
Therapies/Load/OK/Hide File/Relaxation/Release subconscious negativity
Test/Programs/Biofeedback/Misc./Add Piggy Back
Therapies/Load/OK/Hide File/Organ Systems/Emotional Release
Test/Programs/Biofeedback/Misc./Add Piggy Back
Therapies/Load/OK/Hide File/Organ Systems/Bipolar Depression
Test/Programs/Biofeedback/Misc./Add Piggy Back
Therapies/Load/OK/Hide File/Organ Systems/Emotional
Test/Programs/Biofeedback/Misc./Add Piggy Back
Therapies/Load/OK/Hide File/Organ Systems/Endocrine
Test/Auto Focus Zap/Auto Zap Emotions
From the Test Matrix Panel/type “Depression” in the white box labeled Search for
Item:/Click on Search/Either click on the items individually and click Treat to Zap the
item or go up to the Auto Focus Zap menu/Choose Auto Zap from filter for 5 minutes.
Test/Flower Essences (pink tab to the right of the panel) Auto Focus Zap/Auto Zap
From Filter 5 min.
Test/Treatments/Patient Superconscious
Reduction Panel/Disease of Concern:
Depression/Start Superconscious Link/Close red
VARHOPE panel/Double click on all above items
in red to begin treatment
Test/Programs/Nutrition and
Homeopathy/Calculate strike this key
Protocol - Depression
first/OK/Insert Disease: Depression/Test Disease for best nutritional
supplement/Double click on all items appearing in yellow to treat
Vitamin B Complex Family/Close blue panel/Nutrienergy Balance
Female Problems or Male Problems/Hormone Balance/Ovary or Prostate
Test/Programs/Risk Profile/Load Current Patient/Minerals/Double click on: Sodium,
Sulphur and Boron/Amino Acids
Protocol - Depression
From the Test Matrix/Auto Focus Zap/Auto Zap Infection Emphasis – Top Worms/Auto
Zap Candida
Test/Programs/EEG ECG FREQ:
Tab to the right to see: Brain Wave Pattern Therapy/Start/Click the small white
circle of the highest problematic wave on the right side of panel and click the
small white circle of the highest Wave Speed on the left, then click start again
until “Normal” is the highest number.
The “Normal” reading should be above 40 and no other reading in the “Pattern
Type” should be within 10 values below the “Normal” Reading.
Alpha = 9Hz – 13Hz (relaxed, calm, lucid, not thinking)
Beta = 14Hz – 30Hz (awake, normal alert consciousness)
Theta = 4Hz – 8Hz (deep relaxation and meditation, mental imagery)
Delta = 1Hz – 3Hz (deep, dreamless sleep)
Protocol - Depression
EPILEPTIC: Evidence of brain hormone deficiency, injury, or other blockage of
hormonal activity.
LOCAL SLOW WAVES: structural lesion, ischemia, epileptic tendencies, serotonin
deficiencies, tumor, hemorrhages, abscesses, migraines, and hypertension.
AMPLITUDE DISORDERS: Battery of the brain is weak, mineral, dehydration, amino
acid deficiency, fatty acid deficiency, or hypo-oxygenation, stroke, Huntingdon's
chorea, brain toxicity, metabolic disease, anxiety or intense fear.
CEREBELLAR DISORDERS: Demyleination of the CEREBELLAR area, dizziness
and inability to maintain balance. Treatment should include fatty acids and proper
GENERAL ASSYMETERY: Difference in the amplitude and or phase of the waves
from the two sides of the head, thalamic cortical lesions can cause or lesions, skull
defect can cause this pattern. Suggest cranial sacral therapy or other cranial
Protocol - Depression
INJURY: Traumas physical or emotional.
BILATERAL SYNCH: Hyperventilation, drowsiness, and hypoglycemia, structural
disorders in the mesencephalon, diencephalon, or the frontal lobe. Also treat toxins,
endocrine and metabolic disease.
DEEP BRAIN ASSYMETERY: Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Addison's, Wilson's other
metabolic diseases, toxins such as steroids, or drugs, vitamin and mineral deficiency
such as B12, Copper, Potassium, Carbon Monoxide or oxygen deficiency such as
emphysema. Hypoglycemia or liver disease must also be treated.
PERSONALITY DISORDERS: The personality engrams have a signature reactive
field. If there are two engrams appearing this factor can appear. There are other
waveforms, which can be detected from the EPFX. These factors will need to be
treated with counseling and or NLP techniques.
Protocol - Depression
Test/Programs/Therapy/Auto Color Therapy/Start Color Therapy
This program utilizes and tests the reactions to 256 healing colors.
Colored Light is an old form of medicine
that has long been used to heal and protect
the body. Light energy has different
wavelengths according to its color. For
example, Violet has a shorter wavelength,
and red has a long one. The longer the
wave, the slower it vibrates. Each of us
is made up of electromagnetic waves and
particles. When light and color touch and
penetrate our body, they influence our
vibration and the way our body functions.
Scientists who have studied color have
found that hormones are color sensitive;
their molecular structure is actually
Protocol - Depression
DEFINITION: Color Therapy applies color to restore physical, mental and emotional
afflictions. Color is a form of radiation, which can have a subtle but also a persistent
influence on our emotional and physical health. Color Therapy is somewhat related to
other therapies like Sound because we are trying to restore health on a vibrational
level. Healthy cells have a certain frequency and Colors have their own frequencies.
Choosing Colors can even reveal certain aspects of our personality.
Afflictions, which are most commonly treated with Color Therapy include:
Emotional problems
Fire, heat, activity, movement, life-force, growth, energy, action, excitement, libido,
hate, destruction and stimulates the senses (sight, taste, etc.)
Works as a Tonic and Diuretic; increases pulse and heart rate; improves circulation;
may increase pain.
Positive, cheerful, strengthening, health improvement, mediates between red and
Speeds metabolism, lymph system, kidney functions, anti-allergic, anti-depressive,
stimulates lungs, bones, and tissues.
Cheerfulness, positive attitude, optimism and stimulation.
Stimulates lymph system; strengthens nervous system, liver, anti-depressive, tonic,
stimulates digestion and intestines.
Protocol - Depression
Recovery, regeneration, strengthening and positive attitude.
To speed recovery from any disease and stimulates pituitary.
Calming; mystic; intuition.
Insomnia, hypnotic, relaxing, cataleptic, lowers body temperature and reduces pain.
Introspective, calming, dulling and loneliness.
Insomnia, laughing fits, diaphoretic, fever, inflammation and a sedative.
Also, see protocol on Spiritual Harmony.
Condition - Depression
Depression is a neuropsychiatric disease
consisting of chronic overwhelming and
incapacitating sadness and of feeling
"down" (depressed).
Main types of
Unipolar and
Bipolar (manic),
depression is
called unipolar.
A milder but
chronic form of
Depression is
Dysthymia, also
known as
Bipolar: Mania is characterized by
physical activity, non-stop talking, and
extreme elation. Symptoms: Intense
sadness lasting from at least 2 weeks up
to a lifetime. Other symptoms may
include: Loss of sleep, appetite, weight,
interest, libido, concentration, memory.
Feelings of guilt, anxiety, hopelessness,
pessimism, emptiness. Weight gain or
weight loss. Constipation or diarrhea.
Tiredness, sleepiness, suicidal, brooding
over past experiences.
Clinical depression may have five of the
following symptoms:
1. Insomnia or excessive sleeping
2. Loss of concentration
3. Loss of energy, tiredness
4. Loss of appetite and weight, or,
increased appetite and weight gain.
5. Loss of interest in daily activities,
and/or loss of libido.
6. Becoming either hyperactive or
7. Feelings of guilt, worthlessness.
8. Suicidal tendencies or thinking
about death.
Causes may include: Viruses, Genes,
Brain damage, imbalance of
neurotransmitters and other
chemicals, Drugs and Prescription
drugs, Alcohol, poor Nutrition, Lack of
B vitamins, sad or shocking
experiences, other diseases, etc.
Other diseases which may cause
Depression: Hypoglycemia; Heavy
metal poisoning; Food allergies;
Hypothyroidism; Cancer; Chronic pain
and/or inflammation; Premenstrual
syndrome; Rheumatoid arthritis;
Diabetes; Liver-, Lung-, and Heart
disease; Multiple sclerosis; Serotonin
deficiency, Deficiencies of other
neurotransmitters. Hormone disorders,
which may cause Depression:
Addison's disease, Low thyroid
hormones, Low pituitary hormones,
High level of
disease. The
which may
Vitamin B1,
B6 and B12.
Condition - Depression
It may be wise to always take the whole
vitamin B-group to avoid adding to the
imbalance. Symptoms: Intense sadness
lasting from at least 2 weeks up to a
lifetime. Other symptoms may include:
Loss of sleep, appetite, weight, interest,
libido, concentration, and memory.
Feelings of guilt, anxiety, hopelessness,
pessimism, emptiness. Weight gain or
weight loss. Constipation or diarrhea.
Tiredness, sleepiness, suicidal, brooding
over past experiences.
Clinical depression may have five of the
following symptoms:
1. Insomnia or excessive sleeping
2. Loss of concentration
3. Loss of energy, tiredness
4. Loss of appetite and weight, or,
increased appetite and weight gain.
5. Loss of interest in daily activities,
and/or loss of libido.
6. Becoming either hyperactive or
7. Feelings of guilt, worthlessness.
8. Suicidal tendencies or thinking about
The main types of depression include:
Major depression. This type of mood
disturbance lasts more than two weeks.
Symptoms may include overwhelming
feelings of sadness and grief, loss of
interest or pleasure in activities you
usually enjoy, and feelings of
worthlessness or guilt. This type of
depression may result in poor sleep, a
change in
appetite, severe fatigue and difficulty
concentrating. Severe depression may
increase the risk of suicide.
Dysthymia. Dysthymia (dis-THI-me-uh)
is a less severe but a more continuous
form of depression. It lasts for at least
two years and often more than five
years. Signs and symptoms usually
aren't disabling, and periods of
dysthymia can alternate with short
periods of feeling normal. Having
dysthymia places you at an increased
risk of major depression.
Adjustment disorders. If a loved one
dies, you lose your job or you receive
a diagnosis of cancer, it's perfectly
normal to feel tense, sad,
overwhelmed or angry. Eventually,
most people come to terms with the
lasting consequences of life stresses,
but some don't. This is what's known
as an adjustment disorder - when your
response to a stressful event or
situation causes signs and symptoms
of depression. Some people develop
an adjustment disorder in response to
a single event. In others, it stems from
a combination of stressors.
Adjustment disorders can be acute
(lasting less than six months) or
chronic (lasting longer).
Bipolar disorder. Having recurrent
episodes of depression and elation
(mania) is characteristic of bipolar
disorder. Because this condition
involves emotions at both extremes
(poles), it's called bipolar disorder or
manic-depressive disorder. Mania
affects your judgment, causing you to
make unwise decisions. Some people
have bursts of increased creativity and
productivity during the manic phase.
The number of episodes at either
Condition - Depression
extreme may not be equal. Some people may have several episodes of depression
before having another manic depression before having another phase, or vice versa.
Seasonal affective disorder. Seasonal affective disorder
(SAD) is a pattern of depression related to changes in
seasons and a lack of exposure to sunlight. It may cause
headaches, irritability and a low energy level.
Causes may include: Viruses, Genes, Brain damage,
imbalance of neurotransmitters and other chemicals, Drugs
and Prescription drugs, Alcohol, poor Nutrition, Lack of B
vitamins, sad or shocking experiences, other diseases, etc.
Other diseases, which may cause Depression:
Hypoglycemia; Heavy metal poisoning; Food allergies;
Hypothyroidism; Cancer; Chronic pain and/or inflammation;
Premenstrual syndrome; Rheumatoid arthritis; Diabetes;
Liver-, Lung-, and Heart disease; Multiple sclerosis;
Infections, AIDS, Serotonin deficiency, Deficiencies of other neurotransmitters.
Studies with brain wave frequency have
shown that smelling lavender increases
alpha waves in the back of the head, which
are associated with relaxation. Fragrance
of Jasmine increases beta waves in the
front of the head, which are associated
with a more alert state.
Condition - Depression
Depression has come more and more to the forefront in health care in recent years. A great percentage
of ailments that individuals present to their doctors today seem to have some form of mental/emotional
complication which can be perceived as depression. The millions of individuals suffering clinical or
symptomatic depression can experience great benefit from some specific attention to their own health as
well as guidance from a health professional that understands the basic tenets of natural medicine.
Natural medicine, including herbs, diet, and other non-invasive therapies, is particularly
appropriate in treating the underlying causes and symptoms associated with
depression. Unlike conventional, allopathic medicine, natural medicine works in a
gradual manner, is humanly comprehensible and may even be considered to be
ordinary-- like ordinary magic. Natural medicine is consistent with the rhythms of nature
and how nature is organized. Historically, there has been a commitment in medicine to
do no harm, and when you are using natural substances such as herbs and working at
a gradual pace.
Underlying Causes and Symptoms of Depression
A fundamental principle of natural medicine is that
physiology and psychology are intimately related.
In examining the medical literature it is fascinating
to note that the symptoms and causes of
depression can often be interchanged. For
example, some of the symptoms associated with
depression include chronic fatigue syndrome,
insomnia, excessive sleep, loss of appetite,
excessive appetite, headaches, backaches, joint
aches, bowel disorders, as well as feelings of
worthlessness and inadequacy. On the other hand, the causes of depression read like
a mirror image: tension, stress, chronic headaches, chronic stomach aches, bowel
problems, chronic nutritional deficiencies, chronic allergies, chronic physical disorder,
poor diet, excessive sugar and caffeine intake, endocrine disorder such as
hypothyroidism, endometriosis, lack of sun exposure, and assaults from the
environment such as toxic metals.
In effectively dealing with the underlying causes and symptoms of depression, it has
been found that it is important to discover the individual's weakest physical link. The
weakness may be a nutritional problem, undiagnosed hypothyroidism, chronic yeast or
viral infection, intestinal parasites, seasonal affective disorder (SAD), or something as
basic as dehydration (often seen in professional athletes) or lack of potassium. We
must try to determine these potential problems before recommending dietary changes,
exercise, nutritional supplements, homeopathy and/or specific herbs or herbal
combinations for treating depression or its associated symptoms. The following are
some examples of common causes we have observed to be underlying my clients'
Condition - Depression
Hypothyroidism, for example, often has numerous associated mental symptoms.
Clients suffering from hypothyroidism very often feel like they cannot cope, life is
simply too much, and find themselves withdrawing from the world. Typically, clients
experience a tremendous mental shift after appropriate treatment for hypothyroidism.
There are certain nutrients, which are used to enhance thyroid activity. Kelp, seaweed,
which contains iodine, is often useful in supplementing thyroid function. L-tyrosine, an
amino acid, is also effective in stimulating proper thyroid function and fighting
depression associated with depressed thyroid function. A naturally oriented health care
practitioner may also prescribe a thyroid glandular. The B vitamins are also very
important to improve energy and assure proper glandular function.
Adaptogenic herbs, such as Siberian ginseng may also be considered in cases of
hypothyroidism. This herb helps to regulate the entire endocrine system, including the
thyroid and adrenal function.
As for dietary considerations, sufficient protein is necessary for hypothyroidism. Raw
cruciferous vegetables, such as: broccoli, cabbage, kale may suppress thyroid
function. These vegetables in their cooked state are not problematic but should only be
used in small amounts in their raw state. Our diet also has a tremendous impact on our
moods. Since the dawn of civilization people have used food to alter their mood.
Alcohol, sugar and stimulants such as coffee have been utilized for this purpose. Until
recently scientists were not convinced of the effect of food upon mood, but in the last
ten years they have finally acknowledged that food can affect how you feel, think and
act. I find that poor dietary habits are not the exception but the rule among my
depressed clients. Most people suffering from depression usually have marginal
nutritional deficiencies associated with changes in mood and even altered brain waves,
including deficiencies in B vitamins, selenium, potassium and amino acids. Memory
loss, confusion, depression, irritability, and anxiety have all been linked to dietary
Potassium deficiency, in particular, is another common cause of depression. Women
who are particularly low in potassium can have acute episodes of depression
accompanied by fits of crying with no seeming cause. An old naturopathic remedy,
apple cider vinegar, honey and water are very helpful.
L-tryptophan, an essential amino acid is the precursor to one of the most important
neurotransmitters, serotonin. Tryptophan helps to raise the levels of serotonin in the
brain. Serotonin is needed to regulate sleep, secrete pituitary hormones, and perceive
pain. Serotonin is most often abnormally low in depressed people. Tryptophan is found
abundantly in milk and turkey. After a carbohydrate rich meal, insulin causes
competing amino acids such as tyrosine, phenylalanine, and leucine, to leave the
blood and enter muscle tissue. With fewer amino acids vying for entry, more
tryptophan enters the brain and is converted into serotonin. Increased serotonin levels
results in increased relaxation and drowsiness. You can try this out on yourself. Try
Condition - Depression
eating a meal high in carbohydrates, pasta with a fruit dessert and see how you feel
compared with a high protein lunch, fish with vegetable.
Eating higher protein meals will increase the amount of the amino acid tyrosine in the
blood. Through research it has been demonstrated that for tyrosine to be effective
therapeutically, it is best taken in supplement form with a small amount of
carbohydrate. The carbohydrate stimulates insulin secretion, which reduces the levels
of other competing amino acids, and allows easy entry of tyrosine into the brain. An
increase in brain tyrosine will ultimately increase the levels of catecholamines,
particularly dopamine. Clinically, tyrosine is effective in treating depression associated
with fatigue due to low normal thyroid and or adrenal function.
Another common example involves intestinal parasites. Feelings of gloom and doom
are often associated with a serious infestation of intestinal parasites. Clients suffering
from parasites often feel that their world is coming to an end. This can be helped with
an herbal milk thistle extract combination and two nutritional supplements, lipoic acid
and pine bark extract.
Candidiasis, a chronic yeast infection of candida albicans, also has associated mental
symptoms including feelings of disorientation, confusion and being out of control. On
the physical level one may experience joint and muscle ache and pain, as well as
bodily pain that is not associated with any apparent cause.
Herbs for Treating Depression
Depression is an illness, which involves the entire body. In naturopathic as well as
Chinese medicine, herbs and herbal combinations may be used to bring balance back
into the body, as well as counter fatigue and debility often associated with depression.
However, in using herbs for depression, that a person who is on antidepressant drugs
should not stop or alter any currently prescribed medication without consulting with the
Chinese medicine has long believed that certain physiological imbalances may lead to
psychological depression. For example, if the energy of the liver is "stuck" you will
more likely be chronically irritated and often depressed. If herbals are taken to
"release" this block than according to Traditional Chinese Medicine, it is believed that
you will feel better physically as well as psychologically.
It is important to remember that herbal preparations, whether they are intended for the
common cold or depression, cannot stand alone in their effectiveness as a treatment.
Herbs are a piece of the puzzle which includes a balanced diet suitable to one's
lifestyle and body type, exercise, and designated periods of rest in whatever form that
may take (i.e. meditation, yoga, breathing exercises, sitting and reading a book, etc.)
Condition - Depression
Herbs are frequently divided into four main
categories: relaxants/sedatives, restoratives,
stimulants and anti-depressants. Some
herbs may be easily grouped into more than
one category because of their broad
effectiveness. The following herbs are
successfully used in treating various forms
of depression.
Relaxant/Sedative Herbs
Within the herbal kingdom there are many
nervous system relaxants/ sedatives
primarily used for their anti-anxiety effect, including: Valerian, kava kava, hops,
passion flower, chamomile, and Linden blossom. It is believed that herbs, which
contain volatile oils, can directly affect the limbic system of the brain and induce a
more relaxed state.
Kava Kava (Piper methysticum)
Native to the South Pacific islands, kava has been used in ceremonial beverages for
centuries. The active principles in the root are a number of lactones known as kava
pyrones. Through its relaxing effect on the central nervous system kava is beneficial in
reducing anxiety, tension and restlessness. Kava kava is not generally used to treat
clinical depression but to mitigate common stress related anxieties.
Kava is excellent for helping to relax because there is no loss of mental clarity. It is
also helpful in dealing with insomnia as it promotes restful sleep. What is most
remarkable about Kava, however, is that it not only does not produce toxic side effects,
there are no symptoms of withdrawal, such as found with drugs like benzodiazepine.
As for the chemistry of kava, we know that psychotropic drugs effect brain chemistry.
The drug, Benzodiazepine, for example, increases the activity of gamma-aminobutyric
acid or GABA in the limbic system, producing a sense of calmness. The amygdala, a
small organ the size of a large pea in temporal lobe of the brain, regulates sensations
of anxiety, and is also a site for benzodiazepenes. In 1991 a study was done that
identified amygdala as the preferential site for kavalactones, the active ingredient in
It is recommended to avoid using kava with alcohol, antidepressants or other drugs,
which can affect the central nervous system. In Germany, kava extracts are approved
for use with nervous anxiety, stress and unrest, but not to be used in cases of
pregnancy or while a mother is lactating.
Valerian Root (Valeriana officinalis)
With a long history of use in European traditional medicine, valerian root is a strong
calmative that exerts a mild sedative effect on the central nervous system. The active
Condition - Depression
ingredients of valerian, valepotriates, and its sedative properties were discovered in
1966, and quickly became the subject of a large amount of scientific research in
Passion Flower (Passiflora incarnata)
Passion flower has a long tradition of use for its mildly
sedative properties. This herb has been approved in
Germany as an over-the-counter drug for states of
nervous unrest. Passion flower is very often
combined with other calmatives, including chamomile,
skullcap, and valerian. These calmatives are even
more effective when they are combined with calcium
and magnesium. Research also shows that
passionflower extract has antispasmodic and
hypotensive properties.
Skullcap (Scutellaria lateriflora)
Skullcap is a calmative that has traditionally been used to relieve tension headaches,
anxiety, insomnia and premenstrual tension. Skullcap's effectiveness is enhanced
when combined with such herbs as valerian, chamomile, passionflower and/or vervain.
The herb also has a tonifying effect on the liver, helps regulate cholesterol, and has
been shown to increase the high-density lipoproteins (HDL) or good cholesterol.
Chamomile (Matricaria recutita)
Chamomile is an important sedative herb and nerve tonic. In Europe, it is widely used
as a digestive aid in the treatment of heartburn, nausea and flatulence; as a mild
sedative helpful with insomnia; and as an anti-inflammatory. Chamomile is licensed in
Germany as an over-the-counter drug for gastrointestinal spasms and inflammatory
diseases of the gastrointestinal tract often associated with nervous disorders.
Hops (Humulus lupulus)
Hops, with both calming and sleep-inducing properties, is used in Europe for nervous
tension, restlessness and excitability, as well as sleep disturbances. This helpful herb
has also been licensed in Germany for sleep disorders and states of unrest and
Linden Blossom (Tilia europea)
Linden blossom has been used for centuries by Europeans in the treatment of nervous
tension. It is also believed to reduce hardening of the arteries. Linden blossom is
commonly prescribed throughout Europe for Clients with anxiety and cardiovascular
Anti-Depressant Herbs
St. John's wort is the best known of the anti-depressant herbs, although many
Chinese, Ayurvedic and Native American herbal combination remedies can also
Condition - Depression
sustain anti-depressant effects. These combination remedies, however, are best
prescribed by a health professional who is knowledgeable of herbal medicine.
St. John's wort (Hypericum perforatum) is an effective nervine tonic with an antidepressive action that has been used by Europeans as an anti-anxiety remedy for
centuries. It actually has a 2,400-year history of safe and effective use, and, in fact,
Hippocrates himself used St. John's wort. In Germany, more than fifty percent of
depression, anxiety and sleep disorders are treated with hypericum. This herb also has
anti-viral properties, and is commonly used for PMS, menstrual cramps, as well as
menopausal stress that triggers irritability, anxiety and depression.
St. John's wort has traditionally been taken internally to treat neuralgia, anxiety,
tension, and depression. Indeed, convincing research has demonstrated that St.
John's wort is an effective remedy for mild to moderate depression. The therapeutic
effectiveness has been shown to be often similar to that of the SSRI anti-depressant
drugs Prozac, Zoloft, and Paxil, however, St. John's wort, has far fewer side effects
and is available over-the-counter for a fraction of the cost of prescription antidepressants.
Depression is believed to stem from a chemical imbalance in the brain. Depressed
levels of the three neurotransmitters: serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine leads to
what we know as depression. Conventional, allopathic medicine has solutions for low
levels of serotonin and norepinephrine but dopamine deficiency is still not clearly
It should be noted that St. John's wort must normally be taken for two to ten weeks for
the herb to take hold and help to regulate and balance mood.
Restorative Herbs
Restorative herbs help to renew the vitality of the nervous system and are thus
commonly used in treating depression and its associated symptoms. Nervous system
restoratives include: St. John's wort, oatstraw, vervain, motherwort, ginseng, ginkgo
biloba, Siberian ginseng, lemon balm, borage, rosemary, Fo ti, and dong quai.
Siberian Ginseng (Eleutherococcus Sentiocosus)
Siberian Ginseng is used for a wide range of physiological and psychological
problems. Although it is not a true form of ginseng, it has many of the properties of
ginseng and is such a powerful adaptogen that it was given the name "Siberian" or
"Russian" Ginseng. Siberian Ginseng is an effective herb for chronic fatigue as many
people suffering from this syndrome have a good deal of lymphatic congestion in
addition to being depressed. It is also useful when fatigue is associated with insomnia,
agitated depression and nervous exhaustion.
American Ginseng (Panax quinquefolius)
American Ginseng, a true form of ginseng native to the United States, contains
Condition - Depression
significant amounts of trace minerals which are increasingly difficult to obtain today in
our mineral-depleted soil. This herb is effective in enhancing physical and mental
performance as well as mood. Any long-term use of this herb should be supervised by
a knowledgeable health professional.
Chinese Ginseng (Panax Ginseng)
Ginseng has a long history of use and a wide range of possible therapeutic
applications. Thus, the term "Panax" which derives from the Latin word panacea
meaning "cure all." A powerful adaptogen, Panax Ginseng helps the body to cope with
stress through its effects upon the functioning of the adrenal gland.7 Other important
properties include antioxidant, antihepatotoxic (liver protecting), and hypoglycemic
Ginkgo (Ginkgo Biloba)
A standardized ginkgo extract has been developed in Germany to treat cerebral
dysfunction with the accompanying symptoms of memory loss; dizziness, tinnitus,
headaches, and emotional instability coupled with anxiety. It has been commonly
found that older individuals who are suffering from insufficient blood flow to the brain
are especially susceptible to depression. In fact, many individuals over the age of fifty
who are diagnosed as suffering from depression but are not responding to
antidepressant medication, may be suffering from cerebrovascular insufficiency.
Dong Quai (Angelica sinensis)
Dong Quai also has a sedative-like effect on the central nervous system and can also
be useful in influencing mood. This herb is also helpful in depression as it has a
protective affect on the liver, and in Chinese Medicine depression results when the
liver becomes toxic or overburdened. The treatment plan in Chinese medicine for such
cases is to detoxify and strengthen the liver, and Dong Quai can be effective as part of
this treatment and alleviating depression.
Borage (Borago officinalis)
Rich in minerals, especially potassium, borage has historically been used as a tonic,
as it gently improves energy, fatigue and depression.
Lemon Balm (Melissa Officinalis)
Lemon balm is known to be antibacterial, antidepressant, antihistaminic, anti viral,
carminative, and mildly sedating. Traditionally, it has been used for anxiety and
depression as well as the common cold, indigestion, headache, flu insomnia and
Oatstraw (Avena Sativa)
Oatstraw has been shown to be very effective as a sedative and has proven useful for
some kinds of insomnia and nervous disorders. Oatstraw is especially effective for
debilitation associated with anxiety or depression. In Europe it has been used for
centuries to treat nervous exhaustion. This herb is used clinically in cases of drug
Condition - Depression
withdrawal, such as stimulants, narcotics, tranquilizers, coffee, nicotine and alcohol. It
is especially effective for depression associated with drug withdrawal. Oatstraw is high
in silica and helps to enhance calcium absorption, which along with magnesium is very
important in mood.
Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis)
Rosemary is known to be antibacterial, antidepressant, antifungal, antispasmodic,
cardiotonic, carminative, circulatory stimulant, tranquilizing and sedating. This herb has
been used historically for anorexia, anesthenia, depression, headache, insomnia,
painful menstruation, and nervous exhaustion.
Vervain (Verbena officinalis)
Vervain is known to be an antidepressant, antihypertensive, antispasmotic and mildly
sedating. It has been used historically for depression, headache, hypertension,
insomnia, melancholy, menopausal symptoms, and nervous exhaustion.
Essential Oils for Depression
The following essential oils can be used in an aromatherapy room diffuser to reduce
depression, anxiety and stress, and enhance mood. Follow the instructions on your
diffuser, but one or two drops should be sufficient for a small room, and five to ten
drops for a larger room.
Bergamot (Citrus bergamia): Helps to balance the emotions and is excellent for
reducing depression, anxiety, and insomnia.
German Chamomile (Matricaria recutita): An excellent antidepressant for individuals
who are subject to stress, anxiety, oversensitivity, suppressed anger or insomnia.
Geranium (Pelargonium graveolens): Useful for relieving anxiety, stress,
discontentment and depression.
Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia): Helpful for problems of the central nervous system,
including nervousness, irritability, exhaustion, insomnia, and depression.
Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis): A stimulating herb that acts as an antidepressant.
It also enhances memory, and balances the body and mind.
Therapeutic Massage with Essential Oils for Depression, Stress and Insomnia A
powerful aromatherapy recipe for relieving stress, depression as well as insomnia is to
combine two drops of lavender and one drop of chamomile essential oils in three
ounces of almond, olive or your favorite massage oil. Massage up and down each side
of the spine from the cervical to the lumbar, before retiring to bed. Another recipe that
is more stimulating, and therefore should be done during the day, is a combination of
Condition - Depression
lavender, rosemary or peppermint essential oils. Combine one drop of each oil to three
ounces of massage oil and massage up and down the spine.
Self-Care Tips
To overcome mild, hard-to-explain depression, try these
Substitute a positive thought for every
negative thought that pops into your head.
Associate with congenial people, not negative
people. They'll lift your morale.
To focus your attention away from yourself, do
something to help someone else.
Get some physical exercise every day, even if
it's just taking the dog for a walk. If you can do
something more exhilarating, like biking, playing
tennis, or chopping firewood, that's even better.
Do something different. Walk or drive to
someplace new, or try a new restaurant.
Challenge yourself with a new project. It
doesn't have to be difficult, but it should be
enjoyable. Do something that you enjoy and allow
you to express yourself. Examples are writing,
painting, etc.
Do something that will make you relax. Listen
to soft music, read a good book, take a warm bath or
shower, do relaxation exercises.
Talk to a friend, relative or co-worker or
anyone who will allow you to vent the tensions and
frustrations that you are experiencing.
Avoid drugs and alcohol. Drinking too much
alcohol and the use of drugs can cause or worsen
Remedies - Depression
An emotional state where there are
extreme feelings of dejection,
emptiness, sadness and lack of self
Nelsonian Homeopathy
Restoratives: Pineal/Pituitary/
Hypothalamus; Major Nerves;
Thyroid/Thymus/ Parathyroid.
Combinations: Metabolic 1.
Liquitrophics: Propepsia Liquitrophic.
Psychological: Psy-DEP.
Oriental Herbs: Mental.
Miasms: Miasm-MEN.
Pulsatilla, Arsenicum, Nux vomica and
Aurum muriaticum.
Herbal Aids
Julep: This is a stimulating drinktype preparation flavored with aromatic
herbs (but this is not the alcoholic drink
referred to by the same term), and
could be defined as "a large draft." An
example of a julep would be: Four
ounces (eight tablespoonfuls) cinnamon
water, two ounces (four tablespoonfuls)
Jamaica cayenne, two drams (onefourth ounce or one dessert spoonful)
compound spirit of lavender, one ounce
(two tablespoonfuls syrup of orange
peel, mixed; (this is for general
weakness and depression). Dosage:
Wineglass to one-half glass at a time.
Motherwort: Motherwort tea will
eliminate the swelling (it is also good for
nervousness and depression).
Brigham Tea: In modern usage,
the prized constituents, ephedrine and
pseudoephedrine, are extracted from
the plants for medicinal use.... The
pharmacological action of ephedrine is
similar to adrenalin. Its pressor and
vaso-constrictor activity is slower and
less than adrenalin, but it lasts longer.
Unlike adrenalin, it can be given orally.
It stimulates the respiration, increasing
the depth of respiration, reinforces heart
action and dilates the bronchi,
especially during spasms, hence its use
in bronchial asthma. It contracts the
uterus and dilates the pupils. It also
stimulates the central nervous system,
this attribute being the basis for its use
in the treatment of depression and for
the relief of narcolepsy. It is used in
vasomotor rhinitis, coryza, and
congestion of the mucous membranes,
acute sinusitis, and hay fever. It has a
slight local anesthetic action.
Gotu Kola: It can treat
depression and mental weaknesses;
many claim that it is a marvelous
memory herb. If you take too much of
the herb, you will experience headache
and stupor; thus, you must regulate
your personal dosage.
Lemon Balm: Others assert that
the herb can truly alleviate depression,
helping us accept difficult situations.
Remedies - Depression
Lady's Slipper: It has been found
to be very efficient in cases of
hypochondria and mental depression,
which often accompanies digestive
trouble, especially among women.
Whenever a person feels like he cannot
settle down, cannot sleep, cannot think
properly, and feels depressed, often
from sexual overindulgence, Lady's
Slipper can be a calming and balancing
Red Rose Petals are official in
nearly all Pharmacopeias, often in
syrup or honey form. They were
formerly employed as an astringent and
tonic, but are mainly used now as a
pleasant odifereant to other
pharmaceutical preparations. However,
the acid infusion is used to treat night
sweats resulting from depression.
Sage: Another British herbalist
claimed that Sage "will retard that rapid
progress of decay that treads upon our
heels so fast in the latter years of life,
will preserve the faculties and memory,
more valuable to the rational mind than
life itself without them; and will relieve
under that faintness, strengthen under
that weakness and prevent absolutely
that sad depression of spirits, which
age often feels and always fears, which
will long prevent the hands from
trembling and the eyes from dimness
and make the lamp of life, so long as
nature lets it burn, burn brightly".
Sarsaparilla also contains cortin
one of the hormones secreted by the
adrenal glands. The body will die
almost immediately if this hormone is
stopped but if there is only a small or
insufficient amount the body becomes
easily ill and develops nervous
depression and general weakness. So
many maladies are related to adrenal
weakness and exhaustion, including
hypoglycemia, so people should take
note if they are striving to rebuild their
adrenals. Sarsaparilla may be able to
Bach Remedies: Dr. Bach left his
lucrative medical practice and retreated
to the Welch countryside where he
began to observe human nature full
time. He experienced a wide range of
negative states of mind himself, which
were relieved by the administration of
his especially prepared flower tinctures.
At first Bach discovered twelve basic
tinctures to alleviate depression, anger,
worry, self-distrust and the like. He
called them the twelve healers and
wrote a short paragraph on each of
them. The non-toxic flower remedies
were tried on his clients who responded
beautifully to treatment. The twelve
remedies were finally expanded to 38.
They were designed to be used and
administered by even the simplest folk.
Bach continued to successfully treat
diseased conditions with these
remedies until his death at 50 years of
Bach's legacy has been a blessing to
many people. Although he had great
results with the flower remedies, his
new remedies were not accepted by the
orthodox medical men of his day who
once held the doctor in high esteem.
Perhaps the simplicity of the Bach
Flower Remedies was too great to
bridge the credibility gap between
medic and mystic.
Healers throughout the world benefited
from Bach's discoveries.
Remedies - Depression
Dr. Bach's work is now being carried on
at his humble home near London,
England. Mr. John Ramsell and his
sister who had apprenticed them to Dr.
Bach's assistant, Nora Weeks, create
the remedies from English countryside
flowers according to the instructions left
by the good doctor. Bach Flower
Remedies are shipped all over the
world. From the stock bottles of 38
remedies an individual may have a
custom-made remedy, which suits his
individual emotional needs.
Vegetables for Mental
Depression: Broccoli, cabbage, collard
greens, corn, kale, peas, potatoes, and
turnip greens.
Depression After Giving Birth:
For the depression that sometimes
occurs after birth, Black Cohosh seems
to be an almost miraculous specific perhaps because of its hormonal
content. An English doctor in the late
1800's Sir James Y. Simpson, related
that a mother of several children
suffered the most severe depression
and despondency about a month after
giving birth to perfect children. She
tried the tincture of cimicifuga, and after
eight or ten days, her condition had
completely changed; she had energy,
good spirits, and zest for life. She
continued taking it for six or eight
weeks, and prescribed it to other
depressed new mothers, with equal
Cayenne and Lobelia: Cayenne
will increase a person's feeling of vitality
and activity--as it is a stimulant--without
any bad after-effects, such as do other
stimulants. Combined with Lobelia, it is
wonderful in cases of depression or low
Schisandra (Schisandra
chinensis); St. Johnswort, Pimpernel,
Kava Kava, Borage, Spirulina, Ginseng,
Rosemary, Red Root, Thyme and
B12 (i.m.), B-group, Lecithin, Calcium,
Copper, Magnesium and Inositol.
Other Sources
Procain HCL (Novocain), Gerovital H3
or GH3, Bananas (Dopa), Sardines
(DMAE), Aromatherapy, Soundtherapy,
Walking, Swimming, Singing, Dancing,
Amino-acids: Phenylalanine,
Tryptophan, Tyrosine, and Threonine,
GABA, SAM-e, NADH and 5-HTP.
A number of tests have shown that in
many cases SAM-e outperforms
prescription drugs without the side
effects. Other research from the
University of Alabama tells us that
depressed people do not produce
enough SAM-e. SAM-e is formed from
methionine, adenosine triphosphate
and methionine adenosyl transferase.
The coenzyme NADH (nicotinamide
adenine dinucleotide) is another natural
substance, which has helped a number
of sufferers.
Schisandra is called 'Chinese Prozac'.
The 'Prozac' title has also been given to
St. Johnswort and Pimpernel. However,
it works for many people with too little
Serotonin. Like Prozac, St. Johnswort
Remedies - Depression
works by inhibiting re-uptake of
Serotonin. Serotonin levels can be
increased with: St. Johnswort, Negative
Ions, 5-H4b18, Tryptophan and B6,
Methionine, Food with more
carbohydrates than protein. Red Root
is helpful for despondency and
If depression is not based on chemical
imbalance and cannot be explained
with some trauma that had occured in
the past, Yoga and Meditation might be
of excellent help.
Food may include Lettuce, Oranges,
Cabbage, and Grapefruit. These items
and Thyme contain certain amounts of
Lithium, which may be very helpful.
Some depressions may be the result of
an overproduction of Serotonin.
Negative-ion generators are found to
reduce Serotonin. While Depression
usually may be the result of too little
Serotonin, Depressions may also be the
result of too little Dopamine. Serotonin
deficient people are often irritated,
aggressive, impatient, alcoholic, and
stressed out; suffer from mood changes
and insomnia; may have chronic pains,
low blood sugar, and low tolerance to
L-Tyrosine alone has helped eliminate
depressions. Copper and DLPhenylalanine are required for a good
level of Tyrosine. Some found GABA,
Glycine, Taurine, and Valine helpful.
Other helpful substances are: DMAE
(dimethylaminoethanol), L-Carnitine,
and DLPA (D and L form of the aminoacid Phenylalanine).