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Starter Activity: On a show me board
What is the role of each living thing in this picture?
Learning Intention: Identify and describe the role of a
living organism within it’s ecosystem.
Success Criteria:
• Define the term niche.
• Define the term community.
• Give examples of how livings things interact with each
other in an ecosystem.
• Describe how these interactions allow living things to
survive in a particular niche.
What is a Niche?
A niche is the role that an organism has within an
It refers to every aspect of an organism's
involvement within an ecosystem, it describes it’s way
of life.
Members of the same species occupy the same niche
in an ecosystem because they play the same role when
they interact with both the biotic and abiotic
Can different species occupy
the same niche?
Can different species occupy
the same niche?
• Different species always occupy
different niches.
• For example, the role that an eagle plays in a given ecosystem is
similar but different to that which a hawk plays.
• They occupy different niches.
Ecosystem Key Words
Add the meaning niche to your key word page
Key Word
Abiotic factor
Biotic factor
Interactions in Ecosystems
An organism’s niche relies on how it interacts with the
environment and other living things.
Some interactions include:
-Light intensity/availability
-Nutrient availability
1. In pairs think about each factor and how it would affect the distribution and
survival of living things.
2. In groups of four add your thoughts to each piece of A3 paper
3. Produce a 50 – 100 summary for your given factor (from one of the A3 sheets)
Use page 239 – 240 of the N5 text book to help you
Interactions in Ecosystems
An organism’s niche relies on how it interacts with the
environment and other living things.
Some interactions include:
 Note from this group
 Note from this group
 Note from this group
-Light intensity/availability
 Note from this group
 Note from this group
-Nutrient availability
 Note from this group
Learning Intention: Identify and describe the role of a
living organism within it’s ecosystem.
Success Criteria:
• Define the term niche.
• Define the term community.
• Give examples of how livings things interact with each
other in an ecosystem.
• Describe how these interactions allow living things to
survive in a particular niche.