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Dorina Casoni
Curriculum Vitae
Personal information
First name(s)/ Surname(s)
Date of birth
[email protected]; [email protected]
Work experience
Dates February 2015 - Present
Occupation or position held Assistant Professor
Main activities and Teaching, research activity, student supervisor
Name and address of employer Babeş-Bolyai University, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical
Engineering, Department of Chemistry, 11 Arany Janos, 400028 ClujNapoca (Romania)
Type of activity Higher education and Research activity
Dates October 2011 – Present
Occupation Researcher Assistant in the Project PN-II-ID-PCE-2011-3-0366,”
Comprehensive evaluation of redox activitity and lipophilicity
Main activities and Research studies on the chromatographic behavior of biogenic amines
responsibilities and related sympathomimetic drugs
Name and address of employer Babeş-Bolyai University, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical
Engineering, Department of Chemistry, 11 Arany Janos, 400028 ClujNapoca (Romania)
Type of activity Research activity in Analytical Chemistry and related fields
Dates November 2013 – October 2014
Occupation Project manager of the Grant for Young Researchers GTC–
and Development of new chromatographic methods combined with image
analysis for the quantitative evaluation of biologic active compounds;
Name and address of employer Babeş-Bolyai University, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical
Engineering, Department of Chemistry, 11 Arany Janos, 400028 ClujNapoca (Romania)
Type of activity Research activity in Analytical Chemistry and related fields
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Dorina Casoni
Dates June 2011 – March 2013
Occupation Postdoc Researcher in the Project POSDRU/89/1.5/S/60189,
Postdoctoral Programs for Sustainable Development in a Knowledge
Based Society”
Main activities and Research studies and experimental determinations in the
responsibilities chromatographic and spectrophotometric fields.
Name and address of employer Babeş-Bolyai University, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical
Engineering, Department of Chemistry, 11 Arany Janos, 400028, ClujNapoca (Romania)
Type of activity Research activity in Analytical Chemistry and related fields
Dates January 2008 – October 2010
Occupation Researcher Assistant in the PN II/IDEI, ID_560/2007 Project:
Modeling phisico-chemical properties and prediction of biological
activity of classes of compounds of special interest for the quality and
food safety
Main activities and Research studies on the chromatographic behavior of food safety
responsibilities interest compounds (food additives, preservatives, dyes, amino acids
and pesticides)
Name and address of employer Babeş-Bolyai University, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical
Engineering, Department Chemistry, 11 Arany Janos, 400028 ClujNapoca (Romania)
Type of activity Research activity in Analytical Chemistry and related fields
Education and training
Dates November 2001 – May 2010
Title of qualification PhD. student / PhD. Diploma in Chemistry / Title of thesis:
awarded Determination of the lipophilicity of some food additives by
chromatographic methods (defended on 14.05. 2010)
Name and type of organization Babeş-Bolyai University, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical
Engineering, Cluj-Napoca (Romania)
Level in national or Level 6 - Second stage of tertiary education
international classification
Dates October 2000 – June 2001
Title of qualification M. Sc. Degree / Postgraduate Diploma in the field of analytical
awarded chemistry: Modern Methods of Analysis used in Quality Control of
Environment and Products
Erasmus student (Scholarship Erasmus Intensive Programme, Ioannina
University, Greece (March – June 2000)).
Name and type of Babeş-Bolyai University, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical
organization Engineering, Cluj-Napoca (Romania)
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Dorina Casoni
Level in national or
international classification
Title of qualification
Name and type of
Level 6 - Second stage of tertiary education
September 1996 – June 2000
B. Sc. Digree / Diploma in Chemistry
Certificate of graduation for the Department of Teacher Preparation
Babeş-Bolyai University, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical
Engineering, Cluj-Napoca (Romania)
Level in national or international Level 5 - First stage of tertiary education
Dates September 1992 – June 1996
Title of qualification High School Student / Bachelor Diploma
awarded Certificate for computer science analyst
Name and type of Computer High School “Tiberiu Popoviciu”, Cluj-Napoca (Romania)
Level in national or Level 3 - (Upper) secondary education
international classification
Personal skills and competences
Foreign language(s)
European level (*) Listening Reading
English C2
Speaking Writing
Written production
French B2
Levels: A1/2: Basic user -B1/2: Independent user -C1/2 Proficient user
Organizational skills and Project manager of the Grant for Young Researchers GTC–34063/2013
competences Member of the team of the research projects: IDEI 560/2007-2010 and
CNCSIS, PN-II-ID-PCE-2011-3-0366
Job-related skills and Operator of :
- High Performance Liquid Chromatograph (Agilent 1100)
- UV-Vis Spectrophotometer (Jasco V550)
- TLC Densitometer (Shimadzu CS9000)
- TLC Aplicator for chromatograpy (Linomat 5, CAMAG)
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Dorina Casoni
Computer skills and
Additional informations
- Microsoft Word, advanced
- Microsoft Excel, advanced
- Microsoft Power Point, advanced
- Internet, advanced
- Ability to use special software (Statistica, Dragon. Alchemy,
ChemDraw Ultra, HyperChem, Bio-Loom, etc. ImageDecipher TLC,
Sorbfil TLC) with broad applications both in chemistry and other
interdisciplinary fields.
- Certificate of attendance at the International Summer School
“Bioanalytical Methods for Life Sciences” organised in the frame
of Lifelong Learning Programme 09-EIP-RO Brasov01 at
Transilvania University of Brasov, June 13th-26th, 2010;
- Project Manager Certificate (Institute of Economic and Social
Forming of Cluj (IFES), Romania);
- Scientific activity:
35 scientific papers (14 papers as main author; 27 papers in the last
five years) published in prestigious international ISI journals (as
Journal of Chromatography A (IF: 4.531); Talanta (IF: 3.794);
Journal of Separation Science (IF: 2.733); Journal of
Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis (IF: 2.453);
Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular
Spectroscopy (IF: 1.977) et all.) and participation to 6 international
- Sum of the times cited:
117 citations (without self citations, ISI Web of Knowledge,
Casoni D*);
- Hirsch index (h-index): 7
- The 35th position according to National Classification in
Analytical Chemistry:
- Researcher ID profile address:
List of scientific papers published in ISI journals
35. Dorina Casoni, Ioana Anamaria Sima, Costel Sârbu, Thin-layer chromatography—an image processing
method for the determination of acidic catecholamine metabolites, Journal of Separation Science 37
(2014) 2675–2681 (IF: 2.733)
34. Dorina Casoni, Costel Sârbu, Comprehensive evaluation of antioxidant activity: A chemometric
approach using principal component analysis, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and
Biomolecular Spectroscopy 118 (2014) 343–348 (IF: 1.977)
33. Edvin Caiali, Dorina Casoni, Petre Ionita, Victor David, Costel Sârbu, Parabens lipophilicity
determination with mobile phases containing low and medium hydrophobic alcohols, Journal of Liquid
Chromatography & Related Technologies 37 (2014) 2287–2301 (IF: 0.953)
32. Simona Codruţa Cobzac, Dorina Casoni and Costel Sârbu, Lipophilicity of amine neurotransmitter
precursors, metabolites and related drugs estimated on various TLC plates, Journal of
Chromatographic Science 52 (2014) 1095–1103 (IF: 1.026)
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Dorina Casoni
31. Alexandra Toma, Denisa Hapău, Dorina Casoni, Valentin Zaharia, Heterocycles 33: Lipophilicity of a
new class of thioethers estimated by Reversed-PhaseThin-Layer Chromatography and different
computational methods, Journal of Chromatographic Science 52 (2014) (in press): 1302-1307 (IF:
30. Ioana Anamaria Sima, Dorina Casoni, Costel Sârbu, High sensitive and selective HPTLC method
assisted by digital image processing for simultaneous determination of catecholamines and related
drugs, Talanta 114 (2013) 117-123 (IF: 3.794 )
29. Costel Sârbu, Dorina Casoni, Comprehensive evaluation of biogenic amines and related drugs
antiradical activity using reactive 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical, Central European
Journal of Chemistry 11 (2013) 679-688 (IF :1.073)
28. Ioana Anamaria Sima, Dorina Casoni, Costel Sârbu, Simultaneous determination of carbidopa and
levodopa using new TLC method and a free as detection reagent, Journal of Liquid Chromatography
& Related Technologies 36 (2013) 2395-2404 (IF: 0.706)
27. Ioana Fort, Ileana E. Silai, Dorina Casoni, Graziella L. Turdean, Electrochemical study of isoprenaline
and epinephrine at platinum-nanoparticles-chitosan modified graphite electrode. Studia UBB
Chemia, LVIII 4 (2013) 193-202
26. Ileana E. Silai, Graziella L. Turdean, Dorina Casoni, Electrochemical behavior of some catecholamines
investigated by cyclic and square-wave voltammetry. Studia UBB Chemia LVIII 4 (2013) 203-211
25. Dorina Casoni, Costel Sârbu, Comprehensive evaluation of lipophilicity of biogenic amines and related
compounds using different chemically bonded phases and various descriptors, Journal of Separation
Science 35 (2012) 915-921 (IF: 2.733)
24. Costel Sârbu, Rodica Domnica Nascu-Briciu, Dorina Casoni, Agata Kot-Wasik, Andrzej Wasik, Jacek
Namiesnik, Chromatographic lipophilicity determination using large volume injections of the solvents
non-miscible with the mobile phase, Journal of Chromatography A 1266 (2012) 53-60 (IF: 4.531)
23. Simona Codruţa Cobzac, Dorina Casoni, Dan Pop, Tartrazine determination from mustard sample by
TLC-Photodensitometry and TLC-Digital processing of images, Journal of Planar Chromatography
- Modern TLC 25 (2012) 542-547 (IF: 0.982)
22. Simona Codruta Cobzac, Dorina Casoni, Alexandru Lucian Fazakas, Costel Sârbu, Determination of
food synthetic dyes in powder for jelly desserts using slit-scanning densitometry and image analysis
methods, Journal of Liquid Chromatography & Related Technologies 35 (2012) 1423-1443 (IF:
21. Dorina Casoni, Anamaria Boldan, Simona Codruta Cobzac, TLC-densitometric determination of
synthetic food colorants from pharmaceutical powders, Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Chemia
57(1) (2012) 83-92
20. Ioana Anamaria Tuhutiu, Dorina Casoni, Costel Sârbu, Comparative study of different TLC-image
analysis methods for quantitative evaluation of parabens in pharmaceutical suspensions, Studia
Universitatis Babes Bolyai, Chemia (LVII) (2 ) (2012) 83-93
19. Dorina Casoni, Ioana Anamaria Tuhutiu, Costel Sârbu, Simultaneous determination of parabens in
pharmaceutical preparations using High-Performance Thin-Layer Chromatography and image
analysis, Journal of Liquid Chromatography & Related Technologies 34 (2011) 805-816 (IF:
18. Dorina Casoni, Costel Sârbu, Modeling of food preservatives chromatographic lipophilicity applying
genetic algorithm and multiple linear regression, Revue Roumaine de Chimie 56(4) (2011) 381-390
17. Dorina Casoni, Costel Sârbu, Comparative study of different oils and fats impregnated Thin-Layer
Chromatographic Layers for the amino acids lipophilicity estimation, Studia Universitatis BabesBolyai, Chemia LVI, 1 (2011) 45-61
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Dorina Casoni
16. Dorina Casoni, Jana Petre, Victor David, Costel Sârbu, Prediction of pesticides chromatographic
lipophilicity from the computational molecular descriptors, Journal of Separation Science 34 (2011)
247–254 (IF: 2.733)
15. Costel Sârbu, Dorina Casoni, Agata Kot-Wasik, Andrzej Wasik, Jacek Namieśnik, Modeling of
chromatographic lipophilicity of food synthetic dyes estimated on different columns, Journal of
Separation Science 33 (2010) 2219–2229 (IF: 2.733)
14. Dorina Casoni, Codruţa Simona Cobzac, Costel Sârbu, A comparative study concerning the
lipophilicity of some synthetic dyes estimated by thin layer chromatography and different computation
methods, Revista de Chimie (Bucureşti) 61 (3) (2010) 229-234 (IF: 0.261)
13. Simona Codruţa Cobzac, Dorina Casoni, Costel Sârbu, An improved sample preparation of starchbased foods for synthetic dyes analysis, Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai, Chemia XLV, 2 (Tom II)
(2010) 227-235.
12. Dorina Casoni, Agata Kot-Wasik, Jacek Namieśnik, Costel Sârbu, Lipophilicity data for some
preservatives estimated by reversed-phase liquid chromatography and different computation methods,
Journal of Chromatography A 1216 (2009) 2456-2465 (IF: 4.531)
11. Dorina Casoni, Costel Sârbu, The lipophilicity of parabens estimated on reverse phases chemically
bonded and oil-impregnated plates and calculated using different computation methods, Journal of
Separation Science 32 (14) (2009) 2377-2384 (IF: 2.733)
10. Dorina Casoni, Costel Sârbu, Lipophilicity of some preservatives estimated by RP-TLC using stationary
phases with different polarity, Chromatographia 70 (2009) 1277-1282 (IF: 1.195)
9. Augustin Cătălin Moţ, Florin Soponar, Dorina Casoni, Codruţa Simona Cobzac, Costel Sârbu,
Simultaneous Spectrophotometric Determination of Some Food Dyes from Mixture Using Principal
Component Regression, Revista de Chimie 60(7) (2009) 647-652 (IF: 0.261)
8. Dorina Casoni, Rodica Domnica Briciu, Daniela Veres, The sepatration of some preservatives by thin
layer chromatography, Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai, Chemia LIII, 4 (2008) 77-84
7. Rodica Domnica Briciu, Dorina Casoni, Cristina Bischin, Thin layer chromatography separation of
some carotenoids, retinoids and tocopherols, Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai, Chemia LIII, 4
(2008) 67-75
6. Teodor Hodişan, Dorina Casoni, Mihail Simion Beldean-Galea, Claudia Cimpoiu, Identification and
quantification of tocopherols in vegetable oils by Thin-Layer Chromatography, Journal of Planar
Chromatography - Modern TLC 21(3) (2008) 213-215 (IF: 0.982)
5. Claudia Cimpoiu, Dorina Casoni, Anamaria Hosu, Vasile Miclăuş, Grigore Damian, Teodor Hodişan,
Separation and identification of eight hydrophilic vitamins using a new TLC method and Raman
spectroscopy, Journal of Liquid Chromatography & Related Technologies 28(16) ((2005) 25512559 (IF: 0.953)
4. Maria-Loredana Soran, Teodor Hodişan, Maria Curtui, Dorina Casoni, TLC separation of rare earths
using di(2-ethylhexyl)dithiophosphoric acid as complexing reagen, Journal of Planar
Chromatography - Modern TLC 18(102) (2005) 160-163 (IF: 0.982)
3. Costel Sârbu, Dorina Casoni, Mircea Darabanţu, Carmen Măiereanu, Quantitative structure-retention
and retention-activity relationship of some 1,3-oxazolidine systems by RP-HPTLC and PCA, Journal
of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis 35 (2004) 213-219 (IF: 2.947)
2. Dorina Casoni, Claudia Cimpoiu, Vasile Miclăus, Teodor Hodişan, Costinela Gaspar, Optimization of the
ternary mobile phases used in Thin-Layer Chromatography by the ’’Window Diagrams’’ method,
Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Chemia XLIX, 1 (2004) 85-92
1. Claudia Cimpoiu, Vasile Miclăuş, Grigore Damian, Mircea Puia, Dorina Casoni, Constantin Bele,
Teodor Hodişan, Identification of new phthalazine derivatives by HPTLC-FTIR and characterization of
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Dorina Casoni
their separation using some molecular properties, Journal of Liquid Chromatography & Related
Technologies 26(16) (2003) 2687-2696 (IF: 0.706)
International Conferences
1. Healthy nutrition and public health, 13-16 mai, 2011, Braşov, România. Poster: Simultaneous
determination of food synthetic dyes in gelatin desserts by using new Thin-Layer Chromatographic
techniques and digital processing of images;
2. 17th International Symposium on Separation Sciences, 5-9 septembrie, 2011, Cluj-Napoca
România. Poster: Lipophilicity of Biogenic Amines Estimated by Thin-Layer Chromatography and
Computational Methods;
3. 12th Eurasia Conference on Chemical Sciences (EuAsC2S-12), 16 - 21 April 2012, Corfu, Grecia.
Poster: Antioxidant Activity of Biogenic Amines and Related Compounds Estimated by 1,1-Diphenyl2-Picrylhydrazyl (DPPH•) Test;
4. 29thIinternational Symposium on Chromatography ( 29th ISC 2012), 9 - 13 Septembrie 2012,
Toruń, Polonia. Poster: Antioxidant activity of catecholamines and related compounds by RP-TLC
and digital processing of images of chromatographic plates;
5. 1st International Conference on Analytical Chemistry (RO - ICAC’2012), Analytical
Chemistry for a Better Life, 18 – 21 Septembrie 2012, Târgovişte, România. Poster:
Lipophilicity of biogenic amines precursors, metabolites and related drugs estimated by RP-TLC
and different computational methods;
6. 20th International Symposium on Separation Sciences” (20th ISSS), 30 August – 2 Septembrie
2014, Praga (Cehia). Poster: High sensitive HPTLC - image processing method for simultaneous
determination of acidic catecholamine metabolites.
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