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Biochemistry Word List English–Norwegian
Amplitude – Amplitude
Amylose – Amylose
Anabolism – Anabolisme
Acetal – Acetal
Anaerobic – Anaerob
Acetyl Coenzyme A – Acetyl-koenzym A
Animal – Dyr
Acid – Syre
Anomer – Anomer
Acid-base catalysis – Syre-base katalyse
Antibiotics – Antibiotika
Acid dissociation constant (Ka) – Syrekonstanten (Ka)
Antibody – Antistoff
Actin – Aktin
Anticodon – Antikodon
Activation energy – Aktiveringsenergi
Antioxidant – Antioksidant
Activation energy barrier – Aktiveringsenergibarriere
Antiporter – Antiport
Active site –Aktivt sete
Antisense strand – Antisense tråd
Adenine – Adenin
Archaea – Arkebakterier
Aerobic – Aerob
Arginine – Arginin
Alanine – Alanin
Asparagine – Asparagin
Aldol reaction – Aldolreaksjon
Aspartic acid/ Aspartate – Asparaginsyre/ Aspartat
Aldose – Aldose
Attenuation – Attenuering
Allosteric protein – Allosterisk protein
Autotroph – Autotrof
Allosteric regulation – Allosterisk regulering
Axon – Akson
Allosteric site (regulatory site) – Allosterisk sete
Alpha helix – Alfaheliks
Amino Acid – Aminosyre
Backbone – Ryggrad
Amphipathic – Amfipatisk
Bacterium – Bakterie
Base – Base
University of Oslo - Coordinator: Ute Krengel
Catalytic triad – Katalytisk triade
Base pair – Basepar
cDNA library – cDNA-bibliotek
Beta barrel – Betatønne
Cell – Celle
Beta sheet – Betaflak
Cell cycle – Cellesyklus
Bile – Galle
Cell membrane – Cellemembran
Bile salts – Gallesalter
Cell nucleus – Cellekjerne
Binding site – Bindingssete
Cellobiose – Cellobiose
Biological dogma – Biologisk dogma
Cellulose – Cellulose
Biotechnology – Bioteknologi
Cell wall – Cellevegg
Blood group antigen – Blodtype antigen
Ceramide – Ceramid
Blunt end – Avstumpede/butt ende
Channel – Kanal
Calvin cycle – Calvin syklus
Cap – Hette/endestykke
Carbohydrate – Karbohydrat
Carbon dioxide – Karbondioksid
Carcinogen – Karsinogen/kreftfremkallende
Carotene – Karoten
Cartilage – Brusk
Cascade – Kaskade
Catabolism – Katabolisme
Catalyst – Katalysator
Catalytic center – Katalytisk senter
Chaperone – Chaperon
Chiral – Kiral
Chlorophyll – Klorofyll
Chloroplast – Kloroplast
Cholesterol – Kolesterol
Chromatin – Kromatin
Chromatography – Kromatografi
Chromosome – Kromosom
Cis/trans isomers – Cis/trans isomerer
Citric acid cycle – Sitronsyresyklusen (Krebs syklus)
Cleavage – Separere/bryte
Codon – Kodon
University of Oslo - Coordinator: Ute Krengel
Coenzyme – Koenzym
Dendrite – Dendritt
Cofactor – Kofaktor
Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) – Deoksyribonukleinsyre (DNA)
Coiled coil – Sammenkveilede helikser
Diastereomer – Diastereomer
Collagen – Kollagen
Diffraction – Diffraksjon
Competitive inhibition – Konkurrerende hemming
Diffusion – Diffusjon
Configuration – Konfigurasjon
Disaccharide – Disakkarid
Conformation – Konformasjon
Disulfide bond – Disulfidbinding
Conjugated acid – Konjugert syre
Disulfide bridge – Disulfidbro
Conjugated base – Konjugert base
DNA repair – DNA-reparasjon
Consensus sequence – Konsensussekvens
DNA replication – DNA-replikasjon
Cooperativity – Kooperativitet
Domain – Domene
Covalent catalysis – Kovalent katalyse
Double helix – Dobbelhelix
Crystal – Krystall
Drug – Legemiddel
C-terminus – C-terminus / C-terminal ende
Cysteine – Cystein
Cytoplasm – Cytoplasma
Electric potential – Elektrisk potensial
Cytosine – Cytosin
Electron density map – Elektrontetthetskart
Cytoskeleton – Cytoskjellettet
Electron microscopy – Elektronmikroskopi
Cytosol – Cytosol
Electron–transport chain – Elektrontransportkjeden
Electrophile – Elektrofil
Electrophoresis – Elektroforese
Dark reaction – Mørk reaksjon
Electrostatic interaction – Elektrostatisk interaksjon
Degeneracy – Degenerering
Electrostatic potential – Elektrostatisk potensial
Denaturation – Denaturering
University of Oslo - Coordinator: Ute Krengel
Elongation factor – Elongeringsfaktor
Enantiomer – Enantiomer
Facilitated diffusion – Mediert transport
Endocytosis – Endocytose
Facultative anaerobe – Fakultativ anaerob
Endoplasmic reticulum (rough, smooth) – Endoplasmatisk retikulum (kornet, glatt)
Fatty acid – Fettsyre
Endosome – Endosom
Feedback inhibition – Feedback hemming
Endosymbiosis – Endosymbiose
Fermentation – Fermentering
Enthalpy – Entalpi
Fischer projection – Fischer-projeksjon
Entropy – Entropi
Flux – Fluks
Enzymatic reaction – Enzymatisk reaksjon
Fold – Fold/Brett
Enzyme – Enzym
Free radical – Fritt radikal
Enzyme catalysis – Enzymkatalyse
Fructose – Fruktose
Epimer – Epimer
Fungi – Sopp
Equilibrium – Likevekt
Furanose – Furanose
Equilibrium constant (Keq) – Likevektskonstant
Essential amino acid – Essensiell aminosyre
Essential fatty acid – Essensiell fettsyre
Eukaryote – Eukaryote
Evolution – Evolusjon
Excision repair – Utkuttingsreparasjon
Exocytosis – Eksocytose
Exon – Ekson
Expression vector – Uttrykkingsvektor
Galactose – Galaktose
Ganglioside – Gangliosid
Gastrointestinal tract – Mage-tarm systemet
Gene – Gen
Gene expression – Genuttrykk
General acid-base catalysis – Generell syre-base katalyse
Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) – Genetisk modifiserte organismer
Genetic code – Genetisk kode
University of Oslo - Coordinator: Ute Krengel
Genetic recombination – Genetisk rekombinasjon
Heat-shock protein – Varme-sjokk protein
Genetic transformation – Genetisk transformasjon
Helix – Heliks
Genome – Genom
Heme/haem – Heme
Genomic library – Genomisk bibliotek
Hemiacetal – Hemiacetal
Gibbs free energy – Gibbs fri energi
Hemoglobin – Hemoglobin
Globular protein – Globulært protein
Heterochromatin – Heterokromatin
Gluconeogenesis – Glukoneogenese
Heterotroph – Heterotrof
Glucose – Glukose
High-density lipoprotein – Høy-tetthets lipoprotein
Glutamate – Glutamat
Histidine – Histidin
Glutamine – Glutamin
Histone – Histon
Glycan – Glykan
Homeostasis – Homeostase
Glycine – Glysin
Homologous recombination – Homolog rekombinasjon
Glycoconjugate – Glykokonjugat
Human – Menneske
Glycogen – Glykogen
Hydration – Hydrering
Glycolipid – Glykolipid
Hydrogen – Hydrogen
Glycolysis – Glykolyse
Hydrogen bond – Hydrogen binding
Glycosidic bond – Glykosidisk binding
Hydrolase – Hydrolase
Glycosylation – Glykosylering
Hydrolysis (hydrolytic cleavage) – Hydrolyse
Golgi apparatus – Golgiapparatet
Hydrophilic – Hydrofil
Growth factor – Vekstfaktor
Hydrophobic effect – Hydrofobisk effekt
Guanine – Guanin
Hydrophobic interaction – Hydrofobisk interaksjon
Hydrophobicity – Hydrofobisitet
Half life – Halveringstid
University of Oslo - Coordinator: Ute Krengel
Kinetics – Kinetikk
Induced fit – Indusert passform
Inducer – Induser
Lactate – Laktat, melkesyre
Initiation factor – Initieringsfaktor
Lactose – Laktose, melkesukker
Intermediate density lipoprotein – Intermediærtetthetslipoprotein
Lateral diffusion – Lateral diffusjon
Intermediate filaments – Intermediære filamenter
Lectin – Lektin
Intron – Intron
Leucine – Leucin
Ion channel – Ionekanal
Ligand – Ligand
Ion pair – Ionepar
Ligase – Ligase
Isoelectric focusing – Isoelektrisk fokusering
Light <dependent> reaction – Lys<avhengig> reaksjon
Isoelectric point (pI) – Isoelektrisk punkt
Lipase – Lipase
Isoleucine – Isoleucin
Lipid – Lipid
Isomer – Isomer
Lipid bilayer – Lipid dobbeltlag
Isomerase – Isomerase
Lipid raft – Lipid flåte
Isomerisation – Isomerisering
Lipopolysaccharide – Lipopolysakkarid
Lipoprotein – Lipoprotein
Liposome – Liposom
Junk–DNA – Søppel DNA
Loop – Løkke
Low–density lipoprotein – Lavtetthetslipoprotein
Keratin – Keratin
Lyase – Lyase
Ketose – Ketose
Lysine – Lysin
Kinase – Kinase
Lysosome – Lysosom
Lysozyme – Lysozym
University of Oslo - Coordinator: Ute Krengel
Mirror plane – Speilplan
Magnetic spin – Magnetisk spin
Major groove – Store fure
Maltose – Maltose
Mammal – Pattedyr
Mannose – Mannose
Mass spectrometry – Massespektrometri
Meiosis – Meiose
Melting point (Tm) – Smeltepunkt
Membrane – Membran
Membrane protein – Membranprotein
Membrane transport – Membrantransport
Messenger RNA – Budbringer RNA
Metabolic pathway – Metabolisk reaksjonsvei
Mitochondria – Mitokondrie
Mitochondrial matrix – Mitokondrie matriks
Mitosis – Mitose
Mitotic spindle – Mitotisk spindel
Molar mass – Molar masse
Molecular biology – Molekylærbiologi
Molecular weight – Molekylvekt
Monochromatic radiation – Monokromatisk stråling
Monomer – Monomer
Monosaccharide – Monosakkarid
Mutagen – Mutagen
Mutation – Mutasjon
Myelin sheath – Myelinlag
Myoglobin – Myoglobin
Metabolism – Metabolisme
Metabolite – Metabolitt
Natural selection – Naturlig seleksjon/utvalg
Methionine – Metionin
Neuron – Nevron
Micelle – Micelle
Nitrogen – Nitrogen
Microfilament – Mikrofilament
Nitrogen fixation – Nitrogenfiksering
Microtubule – Mikrotubulus
Nonessential amino acid – Ikke-essensiell aminosyre
Minor groove – Lille fure
N-terminus – N-terminal ende
Mirror image – Speilbilde
Nuclear envelope – Kjernemembranen
University of Oslo - Coordinator: Ute Krengel
Oxygen – Oksygen
Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy – Kjernemagnetisk resonansspektroskopi
Nucleation – Kimdannelse
Nucleic acid – Nukleinsyre
Passiv transport – Passiv transport
Nucleolus – Nukleol
Pentose – Pentose
Nucleophile – Nukleofil
Peptide – Peptid
Nucleophilic attack – Nukleofilt angrep
Peptide bond – Peptidbinding
Nucleoside – Nukleosid
Peptide group – Peptidgruppe
Nucleosome – Nukleosom
Peptidoglycan – Peptidoglykan
Nucleosome core particle – Nukleosomkjernepartikkel
Nucleotide – Nukleotid
Phase – Fase
Phase problem – Faseproblemet
Nucleus – Kjerne
Phenylalanine – Fenylalanin
Phospholipid – Fosfolipid
Phosphorylation – Fosforylering
Oligosaccharide – Oligosakkarid
Photosynthesis – Fotosyntese
Oncogene – Onkogen/Kreftgen
Photosystem – Fotosystem
Operon – Operon
Phylogenetic tree – Stamtre
Organelle – Organelle
Physiological pH – Fysiologisk pH
Origin of replication – Replikasjonsorigo
Plant – Plante
Osmosis – Osmose
Plasma membrane – Plasmamembran
Osmotic pressure – Osmotisk trykk
Polymerase – Polymerase
Oxidation – Oksidasjon
Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) – Polymerasekjedereaksjon
Oxidizing agent – Oksidasjonsmiddel
Polypeptide – Polypeptid
Oxidoreductase – Oksidoreduktase
Polysaccharide – Polysakkarid
University of Oslo - Coordinator: Ute Krengel
Pore – Pore
Posttranscriptional modification – Posttranskripsjonell modifikasjon
Posttranscriptional processing – Posttranskripsjonell prosessering
Quaternary structure – Kvartærstruktur
Primary structure – Primærstruktur
Primer – Primer
Projection – Projeksjon
Prokaryote – Prokaryot
Proline – Prolin
Promoter – Promotor
Prosthetic group – Prostetisk gruppe
Protease – Protease
Protein – Protein
Protein biosynthesis – Protein biosyntese
Protein digestion – Protein nedbrytning
Protein fold – Protein brett/fold eller Proteinkjedefolding
Proteoglycan – Proteoglykan
Protomer – Protomer
Proton gradient – Protongradient
Protonmotive force – ?
Purine – Purin
Pyranose – Pyranose
Pyrimidine – Pyrimidin
Pyruvate – Pyruvat
Radiation damage – Stråleskade
Radical – Radikal
Ramachandran plot – Ramachandran plot
Reaction – Reaksjon
Reaction center – Reaksjonssenter
Reaction intermediate – Reaksjonsintermediat
Reaction mechanism – Reaksjonsmekanisme
Reaction rate – Reaksjonsfart
Reading frame – Leseramme
Receptor – Reseptor
Recombinant DNA – Rekombinant DNA
Redox reaction – Redoksreaksjon
Reducing agent – Reduksjonsmiddel
Reducing end – Reduserende ende
Reduction – Reduksjon
Reduction potential – Reduksjonspotensial
Refolding – Renaturering
Regulatory protein – Regulatorisk protein
University of Oslo - Coordinator: Ute Krengel
Regulatory site – Regulatorisk sete
Serine – Serin
Renaturation – Renaturering
Shuttle processes – ?
Replication – Replikasjon
Specific acid–base catalysis – Spesifikk syre-base katalyse
Replication fork – Replikasjonsgaffel
Spectroscopy – Spektroskopi
Repressor – Repressor
Spectrum – Spektrum
Residue – Residu / Aminosyrerest
Sphingolipid – Sfingolipid
Respiratory chain – Respirasjonskjede
Sphingosine – Sfingosin
Restriction enzyme – Restriksjonsenzym
Spin – Spin
Resolution – Oppløsning
Starch – Stivelse
Ribonucleic acid (RNA) – Ribonukleinsyre (RNA)
Start codon – Startkodon
Ribose – Ribose
Steady state – ?
Ribosome – Ribosom
Stem cell – Stamcelle
Ribozyme – Ribozym
Stereochemistry – Stereokjemi
Rickets – Rakitt
Stereoisomer – Stereoisomer
RNA processing – RNA-prosessering
Stereospecificity – Stereospesifisitet
Saccharide – Sakkarid
Saturated fatty acid – Mettet fettsyre
Scurvy – Skjørbuk
Secondary structure – Sekundærstruktur
Second messenger – Sekundær budbringer
Semiconservative – Semikonservativ
Sense strand – Sense tråd
Steroid – Steroid
Sticky end – Klebrig ende
Stop codon – Stoppkodon
Structural motif – Strukturmotiv
Substrate – Substrat
Substrate recognition – Substratgjenkjenning
Subunit – Subenhet
Sucrose – Sukrose
University of Oslo - Coordinator: Ute Krengel
Transition state – Overgangstillstand
Supercoil – Superkveil/spiral
Transition state analog – Overgangstillstandsanalog
Supersecondary structure – Supersekundærstruktur
Transition state stabilization – Overgangstillstandsstabilisering
Symmetry – Symmetri
Translation – Translasjon
Symport – Symport
Translation initiation complex – Translasjonsinitieringskompleks
TATA Box – TATA-boks
Tautomerism – Tautomerisme
Terpene – Terpen
Translation initiation factor – Translasjonsinitieringsfaktor
Triglyceride – Triglyserid
Tryptophan – Tryptofan
Tyrosine – Tyrosin
Tertiary structure – Tertiærstruktur
Threonine – Treonin
Unsaturated fatty acid – Umettet fettsyre
Thymine – Tymin
Uracil – Uracil
TIM barrel – TIM tønne
Tissue – Vev
Titration curve – Titreringskurve
Torsion angle – Torsjonsvinkel
Trace elements – Sporgrunnstoff
Transcription – Transkripsjon
Transcription factor – Transkripsjonsfaktor
Transcription initiation complex – Transkripsjonsinitieringskompleks
Transfection – Transfeksjon
Transferase – Transferase
Transfer RNA – Transport RNA
Vacuole – Vakuole
Valine – Valin
Van der Waals interaction – Van der Waals-interaksjon
Van der Waals surface – Van der Waals-overflate
Vesicle – Vesikkel
Vesicular transport – Vesikulær transport
Virus – Virus
Vision – Syn
Vitamine – Vitamin
University of Oslo - Coordinator: Ute Krengel
Wax – Voks
Wobble base – ?
X-ray crystallography – Røntgenkrystallografi
X-rays – Røntgenstråler
Xylose – Xylose
Zwitterion – Zwitterion
Zymogen (proenzyme) – Proenzym
University of Oslo - Coordinator: Ute Krengel
Biokjemisk Ordliste Norsk–Engelsk
Anabolisme – Anabolism
Anaerob – Anaerobic/Obligate Anaerobe
Anomer – Anomer
Acetal – Acetal
Antibiotika – Antibiotics
Acetylkoenzym A – Acetyl Coenzyme A
Antikodon – Anticodon
Adenin – Adenine
Antioksidant – Antioxidant
Aerob –Aerobic/Obligate aerobe
Antiport – Antiporter
Akson – Axon
Antisense tråd – Antisense strand
Aktin – Actin
Antistoff – Antibody
Aktiveringsenergi – Activation energy
Arginin – Arginine
Aktiveringsenergibarriere – Activation energy barrier
Arkebakterier – Archaea
Aktivt sete – Active site
Asparagin – Asparagine
Alanin – Alanine
Asparaginsyre/ Aspartat – Aspartic acid/ Aspartate
Aldol reaksjon – Aldol reaction
Attenuering – Attenuation
Aldose – Aldose
Autotrofi – Autotroph
Alfaheliks – Alpha helix
Avstumpede ende/Butt ende – Blunt end
Allosterisk protein – Allosteric protein
Allosterisk regulering – Allosteric regulation
Allosterisk sete – Allosteric site (regulatory site)
Bakterie – Bacterium
Amfipatisk – Amphipathic
Base – Base
Aminosyre – Amino Acid
Basepar – Base pair
Amplitude – Amplitude
Betaflak – Beta sheet
Amylose – Amylose
Betatønne – Beta barrel
Bindingssete – Binding site
University of Oslo - Coordinator: Ute Krengel
Cytoplasma – Cytoplasm
Biologisk dogma – Biological dogma
Cytosin – Cytosine
Bioteknologi – Biotechnology
Cytoskjellettet – Cytoskeleton
Blodtype antigen – Blood group antigen
Cytosol – Cytosol
Brett/Fold – Fold
Brusk – Cartilage
Budbringer–RNA – Messenger RNA
Degenerering – Degeneracy
Butt ende/Avstumpede ende– Blunt end
Denaturering – Denaturation
Dendritt – Dendrite
Deoksyribonukleinsyre (DNA) – Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)
Calvin syklus – Calvin cycle
Diastereomer – Diastereomer
cDNA bibliotek – cDNA library
Diffraksjon – Diffraction
Celle – Cell
Diffusjon – Diffusion
Cellekjerne – Cell nucleus
Disakkarid – Disaccharide
Cellemembran – Cell membrane
Disulfidbinding – Disulfide bond
Cellesyklus – Celle cycle
Disulfidbro – Disulfid bridge
Cellevegg – Cell wall
DNA-reparasjon – DNA repair
Cellobiose – Cellobiose
DNA-replikasjon – DNA replication
Cellulose – Cellulose
Dobbelhelix – Double helix
Ceramid – Cermide
Domene – Domain
Chaperon/Anstand – Chaperone
Druesukker, Glukose – Glucose
Cis/trans isomerer – Cis/trans isomers
Dyr – Animal
C-terminus/ C-terminal ende – C-terminus
Cystein – Cysteine
University of Oslo - Coordinator: Ute Krengel
Eksocytose – Exocytosis
Ekson – Exon
Elektrisk potensial – Electrical potential
Essensiell aminosyre – Essential amino acid
Essensiell fettsyre – Essential fatty acid
Eukaryote – Eukaryote
Evolusjon – Evolution
Elektrofil – Electrophile
Elektroforese – Electrophoresis
Fakultativ anaerob – Facultative anaerobe
Elektronmikroskopi– Electron microscopy
Fase – Phase
Elektrontetthetskart – Electron density map
Faseproblemet – Phase problem
Elektrontransportkjeden – Electron–transport chain
Fenylalanin – Phenylalanine
Elektrostatisk interaksjon – Electrostatic interaction
Fermentering – Fermentation
Elektrostatisk potensial – Electrostatic potential
Fettløselig vitamin – Fat–soluble vitamin
Elongeringsfaktor – Elongation factor
Fettsyre – Fatty acid
Enantiomer – Enantiomer
Fischerprojeksjon – Fischer projection
Endocytose – Endocytosis
Fold/Brett – Fold
Endoplasmatisk retikulum (kornet/ru, glatt) – Endoplasmic reticulum (rough, smooth)
Fosfolipid – Phospholipid
Endosom – Endosome
Fosforylering – Phosphonylation
Endosymbiose – Endosymbiosis
Fotosyntese – Photosynthesis
Entalpi – Enthalpy
Fotosystem – Photosystem
Entropi – Entropy
Fouriertransformasjon – Fourier transform
Enzym – Enzyme
Fritt radikal – Free radical
Enzymatisk reaksjon – Enzymatic reaction
Fruktose, Fruktsukker – Fructose
Enzymkatalyse – Enzyme catalysis
Furanose – Furanose
Epimer – Epimer
Fysiologisk pH – Physiological pH
University of Oslo - Coordinator: Ute Krengel
Glykolipid – Glycolipid
Galaktose – Galactose
Galle – Bile
Gallesalter – Bile salts
Gangliosid – Ganglioside
Gen – Gene
Glykolyse – Glycolysis
Glykosidisk binding – Glycosidic bond
Glykosylering – Glycosylation
Glysin – Glycine
Golgiapparatet – Golgi apparatus
Guanin – Guanine
Generell syre–base katalyse – General acid–base catalysis
Genetisk kode – Genetic code
Halveringstid – Half life
Genetisk modifiserte organismer – Genetically modified organisms (GMOs)
Heliks – Helix
Genetisk rekombinasjon – Genetic recombination
Heme – Heme/Haem
Genetisk transformasjon – Genetic transformation
Hemiacetal – Hemiacetal
Genom – Genome
Hemoglobin – Hemoglobin
Genomisk bibliotek – Genomic library
Heterokromatin– Heterochromatin
Genuttrykk – Gene expression
Heterotrof– Heterotroph
Gibbs fri energi – Gibbs free energy
Hette/Endestykke – Cap
Globulære proteiner – Globular proteins
Histidin – Histidine
Glukose – Glucose
Histon – Histone
Glutamat – Glutamate
Homeostase – Homeostasis
Glutamin – Glutamine
Homolog rekombinasjon – Homologous recombination
Glykan – Glycan
Hydrering – Hydration
Glykogen – Glycogen
Hydrofil – Hydrophilic
Glykokonjugat – Glycoconjugate
Hydrofobisitet – Hydrophobicity
University of Oslo - Coordinator: Ute Krengel
Isomerase – Isomerase
Hydrofobisk effekt – Hydrophobic effect
Isomerisering – Isomerisation
Hydrofobisk interaksjon – Hydrophobic interaction
Hydrogen – Hydrogen
Hydrogenbinding – Hydrogen bond
Kanal – Channel
Hydrolase – Hydrolase
Karbohydrat – Carbohydrate
Hydrolyse – Hydrolysis (hydrolytic cleavage)
Høy–tetthets lipoprotein – High–density lipoprotein
Karbondioksid – Carbon dioxide
Karoten – Carotene
Karsinogen/Kreftfremkallende – Carcinogen
Kaskade – Cascade
Ikke-essensiell aminosyre – Nonessential amino acid
Katabolisme – Catabolism
Induser – Inducer
Katalysator – Catalyst
Indusert passform – Induced fit
Katalytisk senter – Catalytic center
Initieringsfaktor – Initiation factor
Katalytisk triade – Catalytic triad
Integral membranprotein – Integral membrane protein
Keratin – Keratin
Intermediære filamenter – Intermediate filaments
Ketose – Ketose
Intermediærtetthetslipoprotein – Intermediate density lipoprotein
Kimdannelse – Nucleation
Intron – Intron
Kinase – Kinase
Ionekanal – Ion channel
Kinetikk – Kinetics
Ionepar – Ion pair
Kiral – Chiral
Isoelektrisk fokusering – Isoelectric focusing
Kjerne – Nucleus
Isoelektrisk punkt (pI) – Isoelectric point (pI)
Kjernemagnetisk resonansspektroskopi – Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy
Isoleucin – Isoleucine
Kjernemembran – Nuclear envelope
Isomer – Isomer
Klebrig ende– Sticky end
University of Oslo - Coordinator: Ute Krengel
Klorofyll – Chlorophyll
Kloroplast – Chloroplast
Kodon – Codon
Laktat – Lactate
Koenzym – Coenzyme
Laktose – Lactose
Kofaktor – Cofactor
Lateral diffusjon – Lateral diffusion
Kolesterol – Cholesterol
Lavtetthetslipoprotein – Low–density lipoprotein
Kollagen – Collagen
Legemiddel – Drug
Konfigurasjon – Configuration
Lektin – Lectin
Konformasjon– Conformation
Leseramme – Reading frame
Konjugert base – Conjugated base
Leucin – Leucine
Konjugert syre– Conjugated acid
Ligand – Ligand
Konkurrerende hemming – Competitive inhibition
Ligase – Ligase
Konsensussekvens – Consensus sequence
Likevekt – Equilibrium
Kooperativitet – Cooperativity
Likevektskonstant – Equilibrium constant (Keq)
Kotranslasjonell modifikasjon – Cotranslational modification
Lille fure – Minor groove
Kotranslasjonell prosessering – Cotranslational processing
Lipase – Lipase
Kovalent katalyse – Covalent catalysis
Lipid – Lipid
Kreftgen/Onkogen – Oncogene
Lipid dobbeltlag – Lipid bilayer
Kromatin – Chromatin
Lipid flåte – Lipid raft
Kromatografi – Chromatography
Lipopolysakkarid – Lipopolysaccharide
Kromosom – Chromosome
Lipoprotein – Lipoprotein
Krystall – Crystal
Liposom – Liposome
Kvartærstruktur – Quaternary structure
Lyase – Lyase
University of Oslo - Coordinator: Ute Krengel
Lysin – Lysine
Mettet fettsyre – Saturated fatty acid
Lysosom – Lysosome
Micelle – Micelle
Lysozym – Lysozyme
Mikrofilament – Microfilament
Lys<avhengig> reaksjon – Light <dependent> reaction
Mikrotubulus – Microtubule
Løkke – Loop
Mitokondrie – Mitochondria
Mage-tarm-systemet – Gastrointestinal tract
Magnetisk spin – Magnetic spin
Maltose – Maltose
Mannose – Mannose
Massespektrometri – Mass spectrometry
Mediert transport – Facilitated diffusion
Meiose – Meiosis
Melkesukker, Laktose – Lactose
Melkesyre, Laktat – Lactate
Membran – Membrane
Membranprotein – Membrane protein
Membrantransport – Membrane transport
Mitose – Mitosis
Mitotisk spindel – Mitotic spindle
Molar masse – Molar mass
Molekylærbiologi – Molecular biology
Molekylvekt – Molecular weight
Monokromatisk stråling – Monochromatic radiation
Monomer – Monomer
Monosakkarid – Monosaccharide
Mutagen – Mutagen
Mutasjon – Mutation
Myelin – Myelin sheath
Myoglobin – Myoglobin
Mørk reaksjon – Dark reaction
Menneske – Human
Metabolisk reaksjonsvei – Metabolic pathway
Naturlig seleksjon/utvalg – Natural selection
Metabolisme – Metabolism
Nevron – Neuron
Metabolitt – Metabolite
Nitrogen – Nitrogen
Metionin – Methionine
University of Oslo - Coordinator: Ute Krengel
Nitrogenfiksering – Nitrogen fixation
Overgangstillstand – Transition state
Nitrogensyklusen – Nitrogen cycle
Overgangstillstandsanalog – Transition state analog
N-terminal ende – N-terminus
Overgangstillstandsstabilisering – Transition state stabilization
Nukleinsyre – Nucleic acid
Nukleofil – Nucleophile
Nukleofil angrep – Nucleophilic attack
Passiv transport – Passive transport
Nukleol – Nucleolus
Pattedyr – Mammal
Nukleosid – Nucleoside
Pentose – Pentose
Nukleosom – Nucleosome
Peptid – Peptide
Nukleosomkjernepartikkel – Nucleosome core particle
Nukleotid – Nucleotide
Peptidbinding – Peptide bond
Peptidgruppe – Peptide group
Peptidoglykan – Peptidoglycan
Plante – Plant
Oksidasjon – Oxidation
Plasma membran – Plasma membrane
Oksidasjonsmiddel – Oxidizing agent
Polymerase – Polymerase
Oksidoreduktase – Oxidoreductase
Polymerasekjedereaksjon – Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)
Oksygen – Oxygen
Polypeptid – Polypeptide
Oligosakkarid – Oligosaccharide
Polysakkarid – Polysaccharide
Onkogen/Kreftgen – Oncogene
Pore – Pore
Operon – Operon
Posttranskripsjonell modifikasjon – Posttranscriptional modification
Oppløsning – Resolution
Posttranskripsjonell prosessering – Posttranscriptional processing
Organelle – Organelle
Primer – Primer
Osmose – Osmosis
Primærstruktur – Primary structure
Osmotisk trykk – Osmotic pressure
University of Oslo - Coordinator: Ute Krengel
Proenzym – Zymogen (proenzyme)
Reaksjonsfart – Reaction rate
Projeksjon – Projection
Reaksjonsintermediat – Reaction intermediate
Prokaryoter – Prokaryote
Reaksjonsmekanisme – Reaction mechanism
Prolin – Proline
Reaksjonssenter – Reaction center
Promotor – Promoter
Redoksreaksjon – Redox reaction
Prostetisk gruppe – Prosthetic group
Reduksjon – Reduction
Protease – Protease
Reduksjonsmiddel – Reducing agent
Protein – Protein
Reduksjonspotensial – Reduction potential
Proteinbiosyntese – Protein biosynthesis
Reduserende ende – Reducing end
Proteinfold/brett – Protein fold
Regulatorisk protein – Regulatory protein
Proteinnedbrytning – Protein digestion
Regulatorisk sete – Regulatory site
Proteoglykan – Proteoglycan
Rekombinant DNA – Recombinant DNA
Protomer – Protomer
Releasefaktor – Release factor
Protongradient – Proton gradient
Renaturering – Renaturation/Refolding
Purin – Purine
Replikasjon – Replication
Pyranose – Pyranose
Replikasjonsgaffel – Replication fork
Pyrimidin – Pyrimidine
Replikasjonsorigo – Origin of replication
Pyruvat – Pyruvate
Repressor – Repressor
Radikal – Radical
Rakitt – Rickets
Ramachandran plot – Ramachandran plot
Reaksjon – Reaction
Reseptor – Receptor
Residu – Residue
Respirasjonskjede – Respiratory chain
Restriksjonsenzym – Restriction enzyme
Ribonukleinsyre (RNA) – Ribonucleic acid (RNA)
University of Oslo - Coordinator: Ute Krengel
Speilbilde – Mirror image
Ribose – Ribose
Speilplan – Mirror plane
Ribosom – Ribosome
Spektroskopi – Spectroscopy
Ribozym – Ribozyme
Spektrum – Spectrum
RNA-prosessering – RNA processing
Spesifikk syre-base katalyse – Specific acid-base catalysis
Ryggrad – Backbone
Spin – Spin
Røntgenkrystallografi – X-ray crystallography
Sporgrunnstoff – Trace elements
Røntgenstråler – X-rays
Stamcelle – Stem cell
Sakkarid – Saccharide
Sammenkveilede helikser – Coiled–coil
Sekundærbudbringer – Second messenger
Sekundærstruktur – Secondary structure
Semikonservative – Semiconservative
Sense tråd – Sense strand
Separere/Bryte – Cleavage
Serin – Serine
Sfingolipid – Sphingolipid
Sfingosin – Sphingosine
Sitronsyresyklusen (Krebs syklus) – Citric acid cycle
Skjørbuk – Scurvy
Smeltepunkt – Melting point (Tm)
Sopp – Fungi
Stamtre – Phylogenetic tree
Startkodon – Initiation codon/Start codon
Stereoisomer – Stereoisomer
Stereospesifisitet – Stereospecificity
Steroid – Steroid
Stivelse – Starch
Stoppkodon – Stop codon
Store fure – Major groove
Strukturmotiv – Structural motif
Stråleskade – Radiation damage
Subenhet – Subunit
Substrat – Substrate
Substratgjenkjenning – Substrate recognition
Sukrose – Sucrose
Superkveil/spiral – Supercoil
University of Oslo - Coordinator: Ute Krengel
Supersekundærstruktur – Supersecondary structure
Translasjon – Translation
Symmetri – Symmetry
Translasjonsinitieringsfaktor – Translation initiation factor
Symport – Symport
Translasjonsinitieringskompleks – Translation initiation complex
Syn – Vision
Transport-RNA – Transfer RNA
Syre – Acid
Treonin – Threonine
Syre-base katalyse – Acid-base catalysis
Triglyserid – Triglyceride
Syrekonstanten(Ka) – Acid dissociation constant (Ka)
Tryptofan – Tryptophan
Søppel DNA – Junk–DNA
Tymin – Thymine
Tyrosin – Tyrosine
TATA–boks – TATA Box
Tautomerisme – Tautomerism
Umettet fettsyre – Unsaturated fatty acid
Termineringskodon – Termination codon
Uracil – Uracil
Terpen – Terpene
Uttrykkingsvektor – Expression vector
Tertiærstruktur – Tertiary structure
TIM tønne – TIM barrel
Titreringskurve – Titration curve
Torsjonsvinkel – Torsion angle
Transfeksjon – Transfection
Transferase – Transferase
Transkripsjon – Transcription
Transkripsjonaktivator – Transcriptional activator
Transkripsjonsfaktor – Transcription factor
Vakuole – Vacuole
Valin – Valine
Van der Waals–interaksjon – Van der Waals interaction
Van der Waals–overflate – Van der Waals surface
Vannløslig vitamin – Water–soluble vitamin
Varme-sjokk protein – Heat-shock protein
Vekstfaktor – Growth factor
Transkripsjonsinitieringskompleks – Transcription initiation complex
University of Oslo - Coordinator: Ute Krengel
Vesikkel – Vesicle
Vesikkulær transport – Vesicular transport
Vev – Tissue
Virus – Virus
Vitamin – Vitamin
Voks – Wax
Xylose – Xylose
Zwitterion – Zwitterion
University of Oslo - Coordinator: Ute Krengel
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