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Parvaneh Baghaei Shiva
Work address: Masih Daneshvari Hospital, Darabad, Niyavaran, Tehran,
Work Phone and fax: +98 2127122036
Mobil Phone:
place of Birth: Tehran, Iran
Nationality: Iran
Sep 2010- May 2015: Philosophy Doctoral (PhD) (candidate) of
Clinical Sciences, Department of Health, Shahid Beheshti University of
Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.
Sep 2007- Sep2008: Master of Public Health (MPH), Department of
Health, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.
Sept 1990-Apr 1998: Medical Doctoral (MD), Urmieh University of
Medical Sciences, Urmieh, the Western Azerbaijan, Iran.
Training courses:
Methods in Epidemilogic, Clinical and Operations Research
(MECOR, Certificate of Achievement Level 3), Kusadasi, Turkey. Dec
Methods in Epidemilogic, Clinical and Operations Research
(MECOR, Certificate of Achievement Level 2), Cesme, Turkey. Dec
Methods in Epidemilogic, Clinical and Operations Research
(MECOR, Certificate of Achievement Level 1), Kusadasi, Turkey. Dec
Clinical Research and Data Management workshop, Tehran,
Iran. April 2011
Facility Based HIV Surveillance Workshop, Tehran, Iran. Nov 2010
9thESCMID Summer School, Cappadocia Vocati onal College,
Mustafapasa, Cappadocia, Turkey. July 2010
Advanced level of Scientific Writing Workshop, Tehran, Iran.Jan 2008
P. Baghaei 1 of 10
International Training Course for Physicians on TB, HIV/AIDS and
Harm Reduction Program Comprehensive Care. Tehran, Iran. May 2007
American Thoracic Society. 2012-present
European Respiratory Society. 2007-present
European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. 20082013
Licensure and certificates:
Iranian Medical Council license number: (67608), April 1998
Work experience:
May 2003 – Present: Researcher and attending physician in department
of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Tuberculosis and Epidemiology Research
Center, Masih Daneshvari Hospital, National Research Institute of
Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases (NRITLD), Tehran, Iran (full time)
Jun. 2000- May 2002: Volunteer physician in Ali-Asghar Charity
Dispensary, Tehran, Iran (full time)
Feb.1998 – Mar 2000: Tuberculosis coordinator, Health & Prevention
Center for Diseases, Tuyserkan, Hamedan, Iran (full time)
Research Projects:
Diabetes Mellitus Screening in Tuberculosis patients in Masih Daneshvari
Hospital, Clinical Tuberculosis and Epidemiology Research Center, 2011
Outcome of treatment of MDR-TB patients in Iran during 10 years,
Clinical Tuberculosis and Epidemiology Research Center, 2014
Outcome and adverse effect of TB treatment in HIV patients in Iran during
10 years, Clinical Tuberculosis and Epidemiology Research Center, 2014
1. Baghaei P, Tabarsi P, Javanmard P, et al. Impact of diabetes mellitus
on tuberculosis drug resistance in new cases of tuberculosis. J Glob
Antimicrob Resist. 2016; March 4. [In Press].
P. Baghaei 2 of 10
2. Shamaei M, Mirsaeidi M, Baghaei P, et al. Recurrent drug-induced
hepatitis in tuberculosis comparison of two drug regimens. Am J Ther.
2015; May 5.
3. Marjani M, Yousefzadeh A, Baghaei P, et al. Impact of HIV infection
on tuberculosis pleurisy. Int J STD AIDS. 2015; May 8.
4. Baghaei P, Tabarsi P, Marjani M, Moniri A, Masjedi MR. Screening
for diabetes mellitus in tuberculosis patients in areferral center in Iran.
Infect Dis (Lond). 2015; 47 (7): 472-76.
5. Farshidpour M, Marjani M, Baghaei P, Tabarsi P, Masjedi H, Asadi
Kani ZF, Nadji SA, Mansouri D. Disseminated Kaposi's sarcoma with
the Involvement of Penis in the Setting of HIV Infection. Indian J
Dermatol. 2015; 60(1): 104.
6. Tabarsi P, Farshidpour M, Marjani M, Baghaei P, et al. Mycobacterial
infection and the I,pact of rifabutin treatment in organ transplant
recipients: A single-center study. Saudi J Kidney Dis Transpl. 2015.
26(1): 6-11.
7. Tabarsi P, Baghaei P, Marjani M, et al. Changes in glycosylated
haemoglobin and treatment outcomes in patients with tuberculosis in
Iran: A cohort study. J Diabetes Metab Disord. 2014; 13 (1): 123.
8. Marjani M, Baghaei P, Malekmohammad M, et al. Effect of
pulmonary hypertension on outcome of pulmonary tuberculosis. Braz J
Infect Dis. 2014. 18(5):487-90.
9. Baghaei P, Marjani M, Tabarsi P, et al. Impact of chronic renal failure
on tuberculosis treatment outcome. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis. 2014. 18(3):
352-6. (Cited by 1)
10. Baghaei P, Marjani M, Javanmard P, et al. Diabetes mellitus and
tuberculosis facts and controversies. J Diabetes Metab Disord. 2013.
12 (1): 58. (Cited by 4)
11. Tabarsi P, Yousefzadeh A, Dorudinia A, Marjani M, Moniri A, Nadji
SA, Baghaei P, et al. A 60 year-old man with AIDS and pneumina.
Tanaffos. 2013. 12(4):61-2.
12. Yousefzadeh A, Dorudinia A, Jabbehdari S, Marjani M, Moniri A,
Baghaei P, et al. A 26 year-old woman with AIDS and pneumina.
Tanaffos. 2013. 12(2):61-3.
13. Moniri A, Marjani M, Tabarsi P, Baghaei P, et al. Multidrug-resistant
tubercular appendicitis: Report of a case. Int J Mycobact. 2013. 22729.
14. Marjani M, Baghaei P, Tabarsi P, et al. Drug resistance pattern and
outcome of treatment in recurrent episodes of tuberculosis. East
Mediterr Health J. 2012. P. 957-61. (Cited by 6)
P. Baghaei 3 of 10
15. Tabarsi P, Soraghi A, Marjani M, Zandian P, Baghaei P, et al.
Comparison of serum and bronchoalveolar lavage galactomannan in
diagnosing invasive aspergillosis in solid-organ transplant recipients.
Exp clin Transplant: 2012. p. 278-81. (Cited by 14)
16. Tabarsi P, Chitsaz E, Moradi A, Baghaei P, et al. Treatment outcome
and mortality: Their predictors among HIV/TB co-infected patients
from Iran. International Journal of Mycobacteriology: Elsevier; 2012.
17. Tabarsi P, Chitsaz E, Moradi A, Baghaei P, et al. Treatment outcome,
mortality and their predictors among HIV-associated tuberculosis
patients. Int J STD AIDS: 2012. 23(9):e1-4. (Cited by 13)
18. Tabarsi P, Baghaei P, Kashani BS, et al. Disseminated Mycobacterium
kansasii in an HIV-negative patient. International Journal of
Mycobacteriology: Elsevier; 2012.
19. Marjani M, Tabarsi P, Baghaei P, et al. Value of third sputum smear
for detection of pulmonary tuberculosis in HIV infected patients. Infect
Dis Rep. 2012. 4(2): e35.
20. Marjani M, Mansouri N, Tabarsi P, Baghaei P, et al. Clinical and
radiological deterioration due to Mycobacterium szulgai in an
asthmatic patient. J Infect Dev Ctries. 2012. 6(1): 89-91. (Cited by 1)
21. Malekmohammad M, Marjani M, Tabarsi P, Baghaei P, et al.
Diagnostic yield of post-bronchoscopy sputum smear in pulmonary
tuberculosis. Scand J Infect Dis. 2012. 44(5): 369-73. (Cited by 4)
22. Baghaei P, Tabarsi P, Farnia P, et al. Pulmonary disease caused by
Mycobacterium simiae in Iran’s national referral center for
tuberculosis. J Infect Dev Ctries 2012. 6(1): 23-8. (Cited by 16)
23. Aminzadeh Z, Fallah F, Manafian B, et al. Evaluation of MODS
Culture in the Diagnosis of Pulmonary Tuberculosis. Afr J Microbiol
Res. 2012. p. 288-91.
24. Baghaei P, Tabarsi P, Farnia P, et al. Utility of gastric lavage for
diagnosis of tuberculosis in patients who are unable to expectorate
sputum. J Glob Infect Dis. 2011.3(4): 339-43. (Cited by 2)
25. Tabarsi P, Moradi A, Marjani M, Baghaei P,et al. Factors associated
with death or intensive care unit admission due to pandemic 2009
influenza A (H1N1) infection. Ann Thorac Med. 2011. 6(2): 91-5.
(Cited by 19)
26. Tabarsi P, Moradi A, Baghaei P, et al. Standardised second-line
treatment of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis during pregnancy [Short
communication]. Int J Tuber Lung Dis. 2011. 15(4): 547-50. (Cited by
P. Baghaei 4 of 10
27. Shamaei M, Tabarsi P, Pojhan S, Ghorbani L, Baghaei P, et al.
Tuberculosis-associated secondary pneumothorax: a retrospective
study of 53 patients. Respir Care. 2011. 56(3): 298-302. (Cited by 8).
28. Baghaei P, Tabarsi P, Sabour H, et al. Detection of Antibodies Against
6, 16 and 38 kDa Antigens of Mycobacterium tuberculosis as a Rapid
Test for Diagnosis of Tuberculosis. Tanaffos. 2011. 10(4): 17-22.
29. Tabarsi P, Chitsaz E, Tabatabaei V, Baghaei P, et al. Revised
Category II regimen as an alternative strategy for retreatment of
Category I regimen failure and irregular treatment cases. Am J Ther.
2011. 18(5): 343-9. (Cited by 6)
30. Baghaei P, Tabarsi P, Dorriz D, et al. Adverse effects of multidrugresistant tuberculosis treatment with a standardized regimen: a report
from Iran. Am J Ther. 2011. 18(2): e29-34. (Cited by 18)
31. Tabarsi P, Chitsaz E, Baghaei P, et al. Impact of extensively drugresistant tuberculosis on treatment outcome of multidrug-resistant
tuberculosis patients with standardized regimen: report from Iran.
Microb Drug Resist. 2010. 16(1): 81-6. (Cited by 13)
32. Mirzendehdel S, Nadji SA, Tabarsi P, Baghaei P, et al. Prevalence of
HPV and HIV among female drug addicts attending a drop-in center in
Tehran, Iran. Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 2010. 108(3): 254-5. (Cited by 1)
33. Masjedi MR, Tabarsi P, Baghaei P, et al. Extensively drug-resistant
tuberculosis treatment outcome in Iran: a case series of seven patients.
Int J Infect Dis. 2010. 14(5): e399-402. (Cited by 12)
34. Marjani M, Tabarsi P, Baghaei P, et al. Smoking Effects on Clinical
Manifestations and Drug Resistance Patterns in Pulmonary TB
Patients. Tanaffos. 2010. 53-60. (Cited by 3)
35. Marjani M, Baghaei P, Tabarsi P, Mansouri SD. Update on 2009
pandemic Influenza A (H1N1) virus. Tanaffos 2010. 8-14. (Cited by 7)
36. Baghaei P, Tabarsi P, Chitsaz E, et al. Incidence, clinical and
epidemiological risk factors, and outcome of drug-induced hepatitis
due to antituberculous agents in new tuberculosis cases. Am J Ther.
2010. 17(1): 17-22. (Citation number: 34)
37. Baghaei P, Tabarsi P, Abrishami Z, et al. Comparison of pulmonary
tuberculosis patients with and without diabetes mellitus type II.
Tanaffos 2010. 13-20. (Cited by 8)
38. Tabarsi P, Saber-Tehrani AS, Baghaei P, et al. Early initiation of
antiretroviral therapy results in decreased morbidity and mortality
among patients with TB and HIV. J Int AIDS Soc. 2009.12:14.
(Citation number: 46)
39. Tabarsi P, Chitsaz E, Moradi A, Baghaei P, et al. First-line
antituberculosis drug resistance prevalence and its pattern among HIV-
P. Baghaei 5 of 10
infected patients in the national referral tuberculosis centre, Iran. Int J
STD AIDS. 2009.20(8): 566-70. (Cited by 6)
40. Tabarsi P, Baghaei P, Jalali S, et al. Is standardized treatment
appropriate for non-XDR multiple drug resistant tuberculosis cases? A
clinical descriptive study. Scand J Infect Dis. 2009. 41(1): 10-3. (Cited
by 4)
41. Tabarsi P, Baghaei P, Hemmati N, et al. Comparison of the
effectiveness of 2 treatment regimens in patients with isoniazidresistant tuberculosis. East Mediterr Health J. 2009. 15(6): 1346-50.
(Cited by 1)
42. Tabarsi P, Baghaei P, Farnia P,et al. Nontuberculous mycobacteria
among patients who are suspected for multidrug-resistant tuberculosisneed for earlier identification of nontuberculosis mycobacteria. Am J
Med Sci. 2009. 337(3): 182-4. (Cited by 24)
43. Shamaei M, Marjani M, Baghaei P, et al. Drug abuse profile–patient
delay, diagnosis delay and drug resistance pattern–among addict
patients with tuberculosis. Int J STD AIDS. 2009. 20(5): 320-3. (Cited
by 12)
44. Marjani M, Baghaei P, Valaei M, et al. Pulmonary Nodular Lesions in
a Renal Transplant Recipient. Tanaffos 2009. 85-7.
45. Baghaei P, Tabarsi P, Chitsaz E, et al. Risk Factors Associated with
Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis. Tanaffos 2009. 17-21. (Cited by 12)
46. Aminzadeh Z, Fallah F, Manafian B, Baghaei P, et al. Correlation
between Microscopic Observation Drug Susceptibility Culture, ZiehlNeelsen Stain and Lowenstein- Jensen Culture of Sputum in Sputum
in Suspected Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patients. Iranian J Med
Microbiol. 2009. p. 1-8.
47. Ahmadi M, Farnia P, Taj AE, Tabarsi P, Baghaei P, et al.
Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Complex Strains Identification with
Spoligotyping Method in Patients Attending to Masih Daneshvari
Hospital. J Zanjan University of Med Scien and Health Services 2009.
48. Masjedi MR, Bahadori M, Najafizadeh K, Amoli K, et al. Academy of
Gondi-Shapur. Tanaffos, 2009. (Cited by 1)
49. Tabarsi P, Nooraki A, Mirsaeidi M, Amiri M, Baghaei P, et al.
Representative drug susceptibility patterns for guiding design of retreatment regimens for multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in Iran.
Respirology. 2008. 13(1): 108-11. (Cited by 7)
50. Tabarsi P, Baghaei P, Mirsaeidi M, et al. Treatment outcome of
tuberculosis patients diagnosed with human immunodeficiency virus
infection in Iran. Saudi Med J. 2008. 29(1): 148-50. (Cited by 6)
P. Baghaei 6 of 10
51. Masjedi MR, Varahram M, Mirsaeidi M, Ahmadi M Khazampour M,
Tabarsi P, Baghaei P, et al. The Recent-Transmission of
Mycobacterium tuberculosis Strains among Iranian and Afghan
Relapse Cases: a DNA-fingerprinting using RFLP and spoligotyping.
BMC infectious diseases, 2008. 8 (1).109. (Cited by 31).
52. Masjedi M, Tabarsi P, Chitsaz E, Baghaei P, et al. Outcome of
treatment of MDR-TB patients with standardised regimens, Iran, 20022006. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis. 2008. 12(7): 750-5. (Cited by 45)
53. Marjani M, Tabarsi P, Baghaei P, et al. Pulmonary Nodular Lesions in
a Heart Transplant Recipient. Tanaffos. 2008. 69-71.
54. Farnia P, Pajand O, Anoosheh S, et al. Comparison of Nramp1 gene
polymorphism among TB health care workers and recently infected
cases; assessment of host susceptibility. Tanaffos. 2008.19-24. (Cited
by 3)
55. Farnia P, Masjedi MR, Mohammadi F, et al. Colorimetric detection of
multidrug-resistant or extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis by use of
malachite green indicator dye. J Clin Microb. 2008. 796-9. (Cited by
56. Tabarsi P, Baghaei P, Mirsaeidi M, et al. Multi-drug resistant
tuberculosis in pregnancy: need for more intensive treatment. Infect.
2007. 35(6): 477-8. (Cited by 12)
57. Tabarsi P, Baghaei P, Karimi S, et al. Pneumocystis pneumonia in
patients with human immunodeficiency virus. Tanaffos. 2007. 26-9.
(Cited by 2)
58. Tabarsi P, Baghaei P, Amiri MV, et al. Evaluation of Pseudoadrenal
Insufficiency in Tuberculosis Patients. Tanaffos. 2007. 67-70.
59. Tabarsi P, Mir SSM, Amiri M, Baghaei P, et al. Respiratory
Manifestations of TB/HIV Patients in a Referral Center. Iranian J.
Infect Dis and Trop Med 2006.
Congress and Conference Abstracts
Sept 2015: European Respiratory Society Annual Congress. Amsterdam,
Plasma concentration of isoniazid and rifampin in new tuberculosis
patients with and without diabetes mellitus
Oct 2014: The Union. Barcelona, Spain:
Impact of diabetes mellitus on tuberculosis drug resistance in new
cases of tuberculosis.
P. Baghaei 7 of 10
Sept 2014: European Respiratory Society Annual Congress. Munich,
Effect of diabetes mellitus on the time of Mycobacterial clearance from
sputum during the treatment of multi-drug resistant tuberculosis.
Using GIS to contemplate geographical distribution of non-tuberculos
Mycobacteria and its relationship with socio-economic and climate
Sept 2012: European Respiratory Society Annual Congress. Vienna,
Risk factors of Time to Sputum Smear Conversion in Multi-drug
Resistant Tuberculosis Patients in Iran.
A dilemma of Skeletal Tuberculous Diagnosis.
Sept 2011: European Respiratory Society Annual Congress. Amsterdam,
Adverse effects of treatment in HIV-associated tuberculosis
patients in Iran.
Value of third sputum specimen for microscopic detection of
pulmonary tuberculosis in HIV infected patients.
Effects of pulmonary arterial hypertension on outcome of
pulmonary tuberculosis.
Management and follow up of non-tuberculosis mycobacteria
pulmonary infection in 55 infected cases in Iran.
May 2011: European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious
Diseases (20th ECCMID). Milan, Italy:
Risk factors of mortality among MDR-TB patients in Iran:
2002- 2009
Factors associated with death or ICU Admission due to
pandemic 2009 influenza A/H1N1 infection
Sep 2009: European Respiratory Society Annual Congress. Vienna,
Drug resistance pattern and outcome of treatment in recurrent
episodes of Tuberculosis.
P. Baghaei 8 of 10
Evaluation of Rapid test device based on detection of antibodies
against 6, 16 and 38 kDa antigens of mycobacterium Tuberculosis.
Revised CAT II regimen as an alternative strategy for re-treatment of
CAT I regimen failure and irregular treatment cases.
Socio-economic status of TB inpatients in Iran (new cases and MDR).
May 2009: European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious
Diseases (18th ECCMID), Helsinki, Finland:
Incidence, clinical and epidemiological risk factors, and outcome of
drug-induced hepatitis due to anti-tuberculous agents in new TB cases.
Pulmonary mycobacterium Simiae disease in Iran’s national referral
center for tuberculosis.
Oct 2008: European Respiratory Society Annual Congress. Berlin,
Diagnosis of Tuberculosis in patients unable to expectorate Sputum,
clinical and epidemiological aspects of smoking and tuberculosis in a
referral hospital in Iran
Patient and health system delay among new cases of tuberculosis in a
referral hospital in Iran.
First-line anti-TB Drug Resistance Pattern and It's trend in the
national TB Referral Center in Iran-Eight years of surveillance Is.
Impact of XDR-TB on treatment outcome of MDR-TB patients
with standardized regimens.
Treatment Outcome of XDR-TB Patients in Iran during 20032006.
Early Initiation of Antiretroviral Therapy Results in Decreased
Morbidity and Mortality among Patients with Advanced Disease
Is Standard treatment appropriate for non-XDR-MDR TB?
(Accepted as Poster Presentation)
April 2008: European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious
Diseases (18th ECCMID), Barcelona, Spain.
Is Standard treatment appropriate for non-XDR-MDR TB? As oral
Sep 2007: European Respiratory Society Annual Congress. Stockholm,
P. Baghaei 9 of 10
Comparison of the efficacy of two methods of treatment, Standard
and Modified , on patients with Isoniazid resistant Tuberculosis.
Evaluation of pseudo adrenal insufficiency in tuberculosis patients;
was admitted in Masih Daneshvari Hospital, tuberculosis and
Pulmonary research center in 2004-2005.
Risk factors associated with MDR-TB at the Masih Daneshvari
Hospital 2002-2005, Tehran, Iran.
Outcome of Treatment of MDR-TB Patients with Standardized
Regimens; Iran’s Experience 2002-2006. As poster presentation
Dec 2007: 16th Iranian Congress on Infectious Diseases and Tropical
Medicine, Tehran, Iran. Oral presentation.
Persian: Fluent
English: Fluent reading, moderate writing and fluent speaking
(TOEFL score: 467)
Spanish: Moderate reading, little speaking
Reading novels and poem (Literature), watching movie, listening music,
jugging, swimming, volleyball, surfing in computer, reading newspaper
P. Baghaei 10 of 10
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