Download A Guide to Auditioning - National Youth Theatre

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National Youth Theatre: AUDITIONS
Am I eligible To apply For the National Youth Theatre?
All applicants should be:
• UK residents
• Age 14 by August 2017*
• Under the age of 26**
*You can apply to join as a Company Member of National Youth Theatre at the age of 13
providing you will be 14 at the start of the summer course.
** You can apply to be a National Youth Theatre Member any time before your 26th Birthday. You
can continue to be an active member in your 26th year. You can take part in a production at the
age of 26, however you cannot apply to be in a production if you turn 27 within the performance
Kindly note if you are successful in your application, identification to verify your age will need to
be provided before the course start date.
If you are unsure about your eligibility to apply please call us on 020 3696 7066
Where can I audition?
We’re on the road! Next February and March we’ll be visiting some of the UK’s top theatres and
arts venues. Find your nearest venue from the list below:
National Youth Theatre: AUDITIONS
What should I prepare?
• Pick an appropriate speech from a published play (1-3 minutes)
• Try to avoid accents
• Pick something you like and enjoy performing
• Practice your speech ahead of time and learn your lines
• Singing is optional but if you choose a song make it something you love
• Get plenty of sleep the night before your audition
• Find out where you are going ahead of time and be punctual
• Wear comfortable clothing, costumes are a no-no
• Try not to wear too much makeup
• Bring a bottle of water, and make sure you’ve eaten and had plenty of fluids
• Don’t use or bring props
• Listen, be open to suggestions and direction
• Respect other people’s opinions, don’t idea bash
• Unless asked, don’t share unnecessary personal details
• Be yourself and enjoy the day
If you have any questions about your audition or are experiencing difficulties booking, get in
touch: [email protected]
What can I expect on the day?
• Your Acting Company Membership audition will involve a workshop in the morning from 10am –
1pm. This workshop is designed to relieve any nerves and is an opportunity for us to see how you
work in a group
• You’ll receive an individual time slot in the afternoon, at which you’ll return and perform your
prepared monologue to the auditioner. After the main workshop there will be at least an hours
break for you to go out and get lunch, or bring your own. Once you have finished your audition
you are free to leave
• Our audition days can get very busy, so it’s good to allow plenty of time to get to the venue
• You will be asked about yourself and your interests, so it’s a good idea to have a think about
what you like to do in your spare time. This doesn’t have to be related to performance. If you are
just starting out and have little experience but big dreams then say so!
We are looking for a company who represent the diversity of Britain’s Youth. We celebrate
individuals and do not discriminate on the basis of ethnicity, gender, sexuality or disability.
We do not accept bulling or harassment of any kind.
What happens after my audition?
Your results will be emailed to you by mid-May.
National Youth Theatre: AUDITIONS
What happens if I’m unsuccessful?
We meet nearly 5,000 young people every year and can only offer around 500 places on the
acting courses making the programme highly competitive. However, if you’re not successful this
time there are still so many ways to be involved with the organisation. These include our
Masterclass Courses, offered during academic holidays throughout the year and our Club
Membership which is the perfect way to gain valuable audition advice. Many of our members
auditioned several times before gaining a place, so its important to not give up and peruse other
ways you can develop your talent and stay in touch. You may also want to consider our
backstage opportunities to gain further knowledge in costume, light and sound, scenic
construction or stage management.
What happens if I’m successful?
Depending on your age you will be invited to attend one of our acting courses held annually
during the summer holidays.
Fees and funding
If you gain a space on a Membership Course, you will receive a Fundraising Pack with tips and
ideas on how you can raise the costs of course fees yourself. Many members have had huge
success with this in the past and have enjoyed their fundraising challenge.
It is hugely important to us that applicants are not deterred from getting involved with the
National Youth Theatre due to financial restrictions. We have a bursary fund to help those in the
greatest need to contribute towards the cost of auditions, membership course fees,
accommodation and living costs. Last year we gave over £100,000 worth of bursaries to help
applicants and members with fees and costs. To request an application pack, email
[email protected].
Can I change the date of my audition or get a refund?
Due to the high volume of young people we meet we are unable to arrange refunds or
exchanges on audition slots. If you missed an audition or are no longer able to attend a previously
booked audition you are welcome to book an alternative day.
Can I change the time of my audition?
All participants need to attend the three hour morning workshop. During the afternoon each
participant is allocated an audition time. Once you have auditioned you are free to go
Unfortunately we cannot change your time once it is booked prior to the audition day itself. If you
need to change your audition time you will need to speak to a member of staff on the day who
may be able to help if your situation is unavoidable.