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Clenbuterol Cycles
With the internet boom, today you find thousands of websites talking about steroids. However the key is to find one platform which
is genuine and which guides you through all aspects of steroid intake, its properties and precautions to be taken to stay away from
side effects. This article is particularly dedicated to bring forth an account of one such steroid which not only brings to its user best
results but also keeps the risk of side effects at bay.
There are two major parameters that the user has in mind while choosing a steroid. First is his goal in the form of muscle and
strength gains and second is his concern about becoming prone to minimum side effects after steroid use. It is a known fact that
steroid use is an imperative feature of muscle building. Hence choosing the right steroid which gives you optimum results is a must.
Clenbuterol, commonly referred to as Clen, is a sympathomimetic amine and a bronchodilator largely employed as a drug used for
treating respiratory illnesses. It stimulates the aerobic capacity of the body and is an effective thermogenic compound also used for
stimulating the central nervous system and oxygen transportation mechanism in the body. It is chemically identified as
(RS)-1-(4-amino-3, 5- dichlorophenyl)-2-(tert-butylamino) ethanol and is found to be structurally as well as pharmacologically
similar to epinephrine and salbutamol.
It is a ?2 agonist and is widely marketed as Spiropent and Ventipulmin.
When Clenbuterol is administered in the blood, it reaches the beta-2 receptors present in it and reacts with them to increase the
metabolic rate of the body. This causes the cellular heat of the tissues to increase which stimulates the breakdown of triglycerides to
form free fatty acids. In this entire process, the excess amount of heat produced often increases the temperature of the body. Hence
people ingesting Clen in their steroid cycle should be prepared to undergo high body temperature for some period. Ideally people do
not feel any discomfort in this phase but under any circumstances if the heat becomes too much to bear, then one must immediately
see a physician.
Another major advantage of Clen intake is enjoyed by both bodybuilders as well as sportspersons as it helps in gaining the added
strength needed by athletes in their pre-competition phases. The only thing that needs to be kept in mind is that Clen can be detected
in the body up to 4 to 6 weeks after the steroid cycle is over. Thus those taking the drug in the pre-contest period should plan its
administration accordingly.
Cycle 1:
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5 tabs a day
6 tabs a day
7 tabs a day
5 tablets a day
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5 tablets a day
1 tablet a day
5 tablets a day
1 tablet a day
5 tablets a day
2 tablets a day
5 tablets a day
5 tablets a day
2 tablets a day
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6 tablets a day
5 tablets a day
7 tablets a day
Like mentioned this is a 9 week cycle in which Clenbuterol is primarily combined with Winstrol and T-3 as well to get better and
improved results. The quantities for each would be 10mcg of 250 tablets, 10mcg of 210 tablets and 25mcg of 60 tablets of
Clenbuterol, Winstrol and T-3 respectively.
Cycle 3 :
No. of Weeks
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2 tablets a day
2 tablets a day
2 tablets a day
4 tablets a day
2 tablets a day
2 tablets a day
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3 tablets a day
3 tablets a day
1 tablet a day
3 tablets a day
3 tablets a day
1 tablet a day
2 tablets a day
2 tablets a day
1 tablet a day
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2 tablets a day
2 tablets a day
The level of Clen in the body is found to remain steady for about 34 hours which means it has a very long active life. Excessive use
of Clenbuterol for a very long duration might cause certain conditions to appear such as excessive sweating, sleeplessness, high
blood pressure and nausea. Thus it is recommended to stick to the prescribed quantities only. Clen can be safely bought online with
or without a prescription.
Proviron is not a steroid but a compound which stops the conversion of estrogen in the body. Apart from lowering estrogen content
in the body, Proviron is also known to boost the level of testosterone in the body by freeing it from its attachment to sex hormone
binding globulin. This drug is ideally is a strong oral androgen Mesterolone which does not aromatize into estrogen upon entering
the body. It is also used medically to treat different types of sexual dysfunction and increase sperm count in males.
Clenbuterol Only Cycle
Though Clen can be ingested with a number of other anabolic compounds to produce the desired results, today we shall be talking
about Clen only cycle which employs only this single steroid for achieving goals like fat burn and growth in muscle mass.
This cycle is primarily called the two week on ? two week off cycle. Like the name suggests, one needs to take the steroid for two
weeks and then take rest for the next two weeks. This way the dose should start with a small amount of 40 mcg a day for the first
two weeks. The dose should increase by 20 mcg a day every two weeks until the highest dose amount of 140 mcg a day is reached.
This process will take about 9 to 10 weeks to complete. It is important to follow a break period of two weeks in this cycle. This will
keep the user away from any incidence of side effects and also render effective and long lasting results.
It must be taken into care that administering higher than prescribed quantities for a very long duration can cause certain conditions to
develop like high blood pressure, shaking of the hands, excessive sweating, nausea and sleeplessness. These reports have come from
only those users who abused the drug for an extended period. So to save yourself from any unnecessary harm, it is important that
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you stick to only those dose quantities as mentioned in the dosage cycle.
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