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The Rediscovery of Colloidal Silver the Super Antibiotic
Colloidal Silver was in common use until 1938. Physicians used it as a mainstream antibiotic treatment. Your grandparents
might have put Silver coins in milk to prolong its freshness at room temperature. Production methods were costly and drug or
pharmaceutical companies couldn’t patent Silver, so with the development of patented antibiotics for huge profits, Silver was
forgotten in the United States and Worldwide. The first of many problems with antibiotics is they’re only effective against
bacteria, not fungi, viruses or yeast, as is Silver. They also kill the beneficial bacteria and organisms that play various important
natural functions in the body, producing reactions and long lasting side effects. Furthermore, bacteria have a tremendous ability
to adapt to these substances and they can mutate to overcome them. Science Digest suggested an answer to all the catastrophic
problems from drug resistant germs back in March of 1978 in an article titled “Our Mightiest Germ Fighter”. Silver kills more
than 650 known disease-causing organisms in 6 minutes or less while antibiotics only kill about a half-dozen after days of usage.
The 1994 issue of Newsweek featured a six page article, “Antibiotics, The End of Miracle Drugs?”. The rise of drug-resistant
bacteria is unparalleled in recorded history. Antibiotic-resistant staph is now common in hospitals and nursing homes
Worldwide. The germs are mutating and new resistant strains are developing rapidly. The medical profession is alarmed that the
disease-causing organisms are developing immunity to modern antibiotics at alarming rates all over the World. We’re facing
catastrophic problems in the next five to ten years. The September 1995 issue of Time Magazine featured an article titled
“Revenge of the Killer Microbes.” Faced with AIDS, and with an ever-increasing number of antibiotic-resistant bacteria,
doctors were forced to admit to losing the battle against germs. New deadly diseases and older ones like tuberculosis are rapidly
evolving into forms that are resistant to antibiotics. In 1992, 13,300 hospital patients died of infections that resisted every drug
doctors tried. The UN is aware of the potential Worldwide outbreak of infectious deadly diseases the Millennium Bug can cause.
How Colloidal Silver Works
The presence of Colloidal Silver near bacterium, germ, fungus, virus or any other single celled pathogen disables its oxygenmetabolizing enzyme, its chemical lung. Within a few minutes, the pathogen suffocates and dies, and is cleared out of the body
by the immune, lymphatic and elimination systems. After three weeks, the kidneys, lymph system and bowels eliminate the
Colloidal Silver. Unlike pharmaceutical antibiotics, which destroy beneficial enzymes, Colloidal Silver leaves these tissue-cell
enzymes intact, as they are radically different from enzymes of primitive single-celled life. All living things are in the colloidal
chemical state, not the crystalline. The advantage of the colloidal form of silver is that the microscopic particles are small enough
to be quickly and efficiently absorbed through the sensitive mucosa and lining of the stomach and intestines. Colloidal Silver is
the most useable form of the most effective disease fighter there is and it is absolutely safe for all humans, animals, reptiles,
plants and multi-celled living matter.
Colloidal Silver’s Tolerance to Disease Organisms
It is impossible for single-celled pathogens to mutate into Silver-resistant forms, as happens with conventional antibiotics.
Therefore, no tolerance to Colloidal Silver ever develops. Also, Colloidal Silver cannot interact or interfere with any medicine
being taken. In side the body, Silver forms no toxic compounds nor reacts with anything other than a pathogen’s oxygenmetabolizing enzyme. Colloidal Silver is truly a safe, natural remedy for many of mankind’s ills. There are no known side
effects of any kind from any studies of Silver.
Ingesting Colloidal Silver
When ingesting Colloidal Silver or taking orally, the Colloidal Silver solution is absorbed from the mouth into the blood stream
then transported quickly to the body’s cells. Swishing the Colloidal Silver solution under the tongue briefly before swallowing
ensures fast absorption. In three or four days the Silver will accumulate in the tissues sufficiently for the benefits to begin. Since
Colloidal Silver is eliminated after three weeks, a regular daily intake is recommended for protection against dangerous
pathogens. Colloidal Silver has proven to be both a remedy and a prevention for all infections, all colds, all flu and all
fermentation due to any bacteria, fungus or virus, even the non-apparent low-grade, general body infection most people have.
Colloidal Silver Kills More Than 650 Diseases
Colloidal Silver has been medically proven to be the best infection-fighting agent ever discovered. Colloidal Silver kills more than
650 known disease-causing organisms in 6 minutes or less. The following is a partial list of the more than 650 known diseasecausing organisms that Colloidal Silver has been used successfully against: acne, AIDS, allergies, appendicitis, arthritis, athlete’s
foot, bladder inflammation, blood parasites, blood poisoning, boils, burns, cancer, candida, cholera, colitis,conjunctivitis, cystitis,
dermatitis, diabetes, dysentery, eczema, fibrosis, gastritis, gonorrhea, hay fever, hepatitis, herpes, impetigo, indigestion, leprosy,
leukemia, lupus, lymphangitis, Lyme disease, malaria, meningitis, molds, neurasthenia,, parasitic infections, viral, fungal and
bacterial pneumonia, prostate pruritus ani, psoriasis, opthalmia, rhinitis, rheumatism, ringworm, scarlet fever, septic conditions
Of the eyes, ears, mouth and throat, seborrhea, septicemia, shingles, staphylococcus, skin cancer, and streptococcus infections,
stomach flu, syphillus, thyroid, tuberculosis, tonsillitis, toxemia, trachoma, all forms of virus, warts, whooping cough, yeast
infection, stomach ulcer, and canine parvovirus a veterinary use, and fungal and viral attacks on plants.
Begin the use of Colloidal Silver slowly because it kills off bacteria (microscopic plants), germs (microorganisms),
funguses (plants lacking chlorophyll), parasites (organisms living on another), viruses (tiny disease-causing agents),
pathogens (specific causing agents of disease) etc. that are already in your body. If you take too much Colloidal Silver
in the beginning it will kill so many pathogens that your waste systems become overloaded trying to eliminate them.
Used in proportion to body weight, it brings the same, sure results. Start with a teaspoon or tablespoon of pure Colloidal
Silver per day for 2 weeks. Then increase to 2 tablespoons per day, which is an ounce. You can increase the amount of
Colloidal Silver solution to whatever amount you feel comfortable with if you’re feeling the symptoms of a cold, flu or
infection. There is no known toxic amounts, overdoses or addictions from any studies of Silver. Furthermore, there has
never been any known drug interactions with any medications or any side effects of any kind from any studies of Silver.
Some Internal Uses:
1. Drink pure Colloidal Silver in a predetermined amount if you feel the symptoms of a cold, flu or infection. Can’t over
2. Gargle with pure Colloidal Silver for bad breath, plaque, gum disease, sore throat, canker sores and oral yeast infection.
3. Take pure Colloidal Silver internally for low-grade infections and to strengthen the natural immune systems defenses.
4. Mix pure Colloidal Silver in a glass of water or juice and drink with meals to aid digestion, gastritis, stomach flu or ulcer.
5. Take an ounce a day of pure Colloidal Silver to strengthen your natural immune defenses and for preventive health care.
Some External Uses:
1. Spray a mist of pure Colloidal Silver into the nose’s nostrils with a nasal sprayer to reach the sinus passages and
Inhale by mouth the mist into the bronchial tubes leading to the lungs to reduce inflammation, fight germs and infections.
2. Spray a mist of pure Colloidal Silver an acne, burns, cuts, eczema, rashes, scrapes, sores and wounds for quick relief
And to protect from infections. Spraying the pure Colloidal Silver is the easiest or fastest way to apply externally.
3. Pour the pure Colloidal Silver on a Band-Aid before applying, wet cloth or directly on acne, burns, cuts, eczema, odors,
psoriasis, rashes, scrapes, sores, sunburns, warts, wounds and external ulcers or any other skin problems to treat.
4. Bathe any part of your body in Colloidal Silver diluted in water if necessary for any other external infections or diseases.
It kills bacterium, germs, fungi, parasites, viruses or any other single celled pathogens in just 6 minutes or less.
5. Using Colloidal Silver for skin cancer therapy has been one of the most recommended treatments for years.
6. Use drops of pure Colloidal Silver in the eyes/ears for inflammations or infections. It will not sting, burn or hurt.
Some Uses Of SILVER By Doctors
The medical community has many different therapeutic uses for Silver.
Silver ions (colloidal silver) have been used to treat cystitis and urinary tract infections in children.
Silver salts have proven effective for warts.
A Silver compound, Silver Sulfadiazine (colloidal silver) is currently in use in 70% of burn centers in the US
The use of a 1% Silver Nitrate in the eyes of newborn infants virtually eliminated the diseases that caused blindness in
newborns as far back as 1884.
Veterinary And Garden Uses
Colloidal Silver has worked just as well on pets of all kinds. Used in proportion to body weight, it brings the same, sure
results. In the garden, field or greenhouse, add to the water to saturate the soil or spray on the stems, trunks, limbs or leaves
Golden Life Brand
1 Tablespoon for adults
1 teaspoon for kids
Every 15 min. to ½ hour
Until flu breaks, then every
Hour, 2 hours, etc.
Honey Bear Health
3947 A E 120th Ave
Thornton, CO 80233
(303) 452-6798
Nasal Spray
Blow nose, then flush
with silver spray every
½ hour until better
then every hour, 2 hours, etc.