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Dear Dr.
Thank you for agreeing to give a lecture at the "International
Symposium on Drug Addiction: Mechanisms and Therapeutic
Approaches" sponsored by the Chinese Academy of Sciences. It is
scheduled from October 10-13, 2008.
The main goal of this symposium is to facilitate interactions among
Chinese scientists, overseas Chinese scientists and overseas scientists in
the field of drug addiction research and treatment. We also hope to
foster potential long-term collaborations between Chinese and US
scientists and institutes.
Kunming Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences is your
local host. Yunnan is a beautiful province located in the southwestern
China boarded with Myanmar near the "Golden Triangle". It is one of
the areas in that region suffering from drug abuse.
We thank you for your participation and contribution. Please send
us your talk title as well as your name as it appears on your official ID.
Hotel reservations will be made under your name. Please send us an
abstract at your earliest convenience. The abstract will be printed in our
booklet along with the meeting program and will be made available to all
meeting participants. Attached below is a preliminary program with all
the speakers and the sessions that they belong to.
We look forward to seeing you in Kunming.
July 11, 2008
Schedule of the meeting
Oct 10. Session one: Behavioral models of reward and addiction.
Aldo Badiani
Bernard Balleine
Nathaniel Daw
Harriet de Wit
Wei Hao
Jon Horvitz
Xiaoping Hu
Yael Niv
John Salamone
Paul Vezina
Zuoxin Wang
Roy Wise
Oct 11. Session two: A system perspective on substance abuse
Gary Aston-Jones
Rui Costa
Lin Lu
Michela Marinelli
Celeste Napier
Saleem Nicola
Patricio O'Donnell
Anthony Phillips
Paul Phillips
Geoffrey Schoenbaum
Mark Wightman
Lin Xu
Oct 12. Session three: Cellular and synaptic mechanisms of substance abuse.
Antonello Bonci,
Stephanie Borgland
Xiu-Ti Hu
Zhengping Jia
Michael Levine
David Lovinger
Christian Luscher
Dan McGehee,
Carlos Paladini
David Sulzer
Jeffrey Wickens
Fu-Ming Zhou
Oct 13. Session four: Molecular neurobiology of addiction:
Marc Caron
Raul Gainetdinov
Alla Karpova
Jin Li
Fang Liu
Lan Ma
Robert Messing
Richard Palmiter
Ming Xu
Hui Zhang
Xia Zhang:
Xiaoxi Zhuang