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(i) is only given in normal renal function (creatinine
clearance >60 mL/min) and if lower-risk antibiotics
UvaminTM retard Capsules active ingredient is nitroTM
cannot be given
furantoin. Each Uvamin retard Capsules capsule
(ii) has increased risk of peripheral neuropathy in
contains nitrofurantoin 100 mg.
case of anaemia, diabetes, electrolyte disturIndications and dosage:
bances, paresis and vitamin B deficiency
Uvamin retard Capsules is a synthetic nitrofuran
(iii) should be stopped at first signs of tingling/numbderivative, it acts as a systemic bacteriostatic agent,
ness in extremities
with an unknown mechanism of action.
if long-term or prophylactic: lung, liver, kidney
UvaminTM retard Capsules are indicated for:
and neurological functions, and blood count
(1) acute urinary tract infections (UTI), particularly
should be monitored
those that are antimicrobial resistant
(v) is not indicated in UTI with parenchymal involve(2) chronic urinary tract infections
ment and/or bacteraemia, urethritis and prostatitis
(3) infection prophylaxis in diagnostic examinations (vi) is associated with proliferation of resistant microand after urinary tract surgery.
organisms (especially Pseudomonas).
Uvamin retard Capsules should be given during or Pregnancy / lactation:
immediately after meals with sufficient liquid at the UvaminTM retard Capsules should not be used durfollowing dosages:
ing pregnancy is not recommended during breast(i) for acute UTI in adults: 2-3 x 1 capsule/day for feeding.
7-10 days
Undesirable effects:
(ii) for chronic UTI in adults: 1-2 x 1 capsule/day for
Allergic reactions (exanthema, urticaria, pruriseveral weeks or months.
tus, drug fever, angioedema, eosinophilia, asthma
Capsules are not recommended for children aged attacks, exudative pleuritis), headache, dizziness,
<12 years.
nystagmus, peripheral polyneuropathies (in patients
with renal insufficiency, anaemia, diabetes mellitus,
(i) hypersensitivity to nitrofurantoin/nitrofurantoin electrolyte disorders or vitamin B deficiency), nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite.
derivatives or any ingredients
(ii) renal insufficiency (creatinine clearance <60 mL/ Interactions:
Caution should be exercised in patients receiving
(iii) glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency concomitant treatment of nitrofurantoin with the fol(iv) pregnant women in last 4 weeks before estimat- lowing medicines:
ed delivery
(i) sulphinpyrazones
(v) neonates aged <3 months
(ii) probenecid
(vi) oliguria
(iii) magnesium trisilicate antacid
(vii) anuria
(iv) phenytoin
(viii) polyneuropathy
(v) urine-alkalising agents (such as sodium bicar(ix) neuritis
bonate, sodium lactate)
(x) pulmonary fibrosis.
(vi) propantheline.
UvaminTM retard Capsules treatment:
Packs of 20 and 100 capsules, hospital packs.
ACINO-Uvamin Retard Capsules - p.1/2
ACINO-Uvamin Retard Capsules - p.2/2
Since indications, dosage forms and strengths may
vary from country to country, please consult your
local prescribing information. Full prescribing information, details and literature references are available on request.
Latest update of information: April 2007.
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