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> Martindale: The Complete Drug Reference
> Drugs and Ancillary Substances
> By therapeutic use
> Gastrointestinal Drugs
> Drug Monographs
Drug Nomenclature
Drug Profile
Date of monograph review: 15-Oct-1996; 08-Mar-1998; 09-Aug-2000; 19Oct-2001; 10-May-2004; 03-Feb-2005; 20-Jul-2006; 22-Feb-2007; 28-Jul2008; 14-Aug-2009; 17-Aug-2010; (latest modification: 30-Jan-2013)
Drug Nomenclature (Latest modification: 30-Jan-2013)
Synonyms: Διμεθικόνη ενεργοποιημένη; σιμεθικόνη; Activated
Dimethicone; Activated Dimethylpolysiloxane; Activated Dimeticone;
Antifoam A; Antifoam AF; Simethicone; Simeticon; Simeticona; Siméticone;
Simeticonum; Simetikon; Simetikonas; Simetikoni; Szimetikon; シメチコン
BAN: Simeticone
USAN: Simethicone
INN: Simeticone [rINN (en)]
INN: Simeticona [rINN (es)]
INN: Siméticone [rINN (fr)]
INN: Simeticonum [rINN (la)]
INN: Симетикон [rINN (ru)]
INN: ‫[ س يم ي ت ي كون‬rINN (ar)]
INN: 西甲硅油 [rINN (cn)]
CAS: 8050-81-5
Do not confuse with Dimeticone (
Compounded preparations of simeticone may be represented by the
following names:
Co-simalcite x/y (BAN)—where x and y are the strengths in milligrams
of simeticone and hydrotalcite respectively.
In Eur. (see
) and US.
Ph. Eur. 7 (Simeticone). It is prepared by incorporation of 4 to 7% silica
into poly(dimethylsiloxane) with a degree of polymerisation between 20 and
400. It contains 90.5 to 99.0% of poly(dimethylsiloxane). It is a greyishwhite, opalescent, viscous liquid. Practically insoluble in water and in methyl
alcohol; very slightly soluble to practically insoluble in dehydrated alcohol;
partly miscible with dichloromethane, with ethyl acetate, with methyl ethyl
ketone, and with toluene.
USP 36 (Simeticone). A mixture of fully methylated linear siloxane polymers
containing repeating units of the formula [-(CH3)2SiO-]n, stabilised with
trimethylsiloxy end-blocking units of the formula [(CH3)3SiO-], and silicon
dioxide. It contains not less than 90.5% and not more than 99% of
polydimethylsiloxane and not less than 4% and not more than 7% of silicon
dioxide. A translucent, grey, viscous fluid. Insoluble in water, in alcohol, and
in dehydrated alcohol; the liquid phase is soluble 1 in 10 of chloroform, of
ether, and of benzene, leaving a residue of silicon dioxide. Store in airtight
Drug Profile (Latest modification: 10-Aug-2009)
Simeticone is a mixture of liquid dimeticones containing finely divided silicon
dioxide to enhance the defoaming properties of the silicone. It lowers
surface tension and when given orally causes bubbles of gas in the
gastrointestinal tract to coalesce, thus aiding their dispersion.
Simeticone is used for the relief of flatulence and abdominal discomfort due
to excess gastrointestinal gas in disorders such as dyspepsia (
gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (
) and
). Doses of 100 to 250 mg three or
four times daily have been given. For many gastrointestinal disorders, it is
given with an antacid.
For doses in children, see
Simeticone is also used as a defoaming agent in radiography or endoscopy
of the gastrointestinal tract.
(last reviewed 2010-08-17; last modified 2009-08-10)
Administration in children (Latest modification: 10-Aug-2009)
Simeticone can be given orally to infants to relieve symptoms of colic (see
Gastrointestinal Spasm,
); 20 to 40 mg is given before feeds.
(last reviewed 2010-08-17; last modified 2009-08-10)
Gastrointestinal disorders (Latest modification: 06-Aug-2009)
A brief review of the use of simeticone for gastrointestinal symptoms
concluded that although it was commonly prescribed with an antacid, there
was no good evidence that this provided additional benefit. When used alone
simeticone probably helped to relieve minor postoperative and postprandial
symptoms and was a useful aid in upper gastrointestinal endoscopy.1
However, some considered there was no convincing evidence that
simeticone, alone or with antacids, was effective for the treatment of
eructation, flatulence, or other signs or symptoms of excess gastrointestinal
(last reviewed 2010-08-17; last modified 2009-08-06)
1. 1. Anonymous. Dimethicone for gastrointestinal symptoms? Drug Ther Bull
1986; 24: 21–2. PubMed
2. 2. Anonymous. Simethicone for gastrointestinal gas. Med Lett Drugs Ther
1996; 38: 57–8. PubMed
Porphyria (Latest modification: 03-Nov-2011)
The Drug Database for Acute Porphyria, compiled by the Norwegian
Porphyria Centre (NAPOS) and the Porphyria Centre Sweden, classifies
silicones when used for gastrointestinal disorders as not porphyrinogenic; it
may be used as a drug of first choice and no precautions are needed.1
(last reviewed 2010-08-17; last modified 2011-11-03)
1. 1. The Drug Database for Acute Porphyria. Available at: online (accessed
Preparations (Latest modification: 15-Nov-2013)
Single-ingredient Preparations (Latest modification: 15-Nov-2013)
The symbol ¤ denotes a preparation which is discontinued or no longer
actively marketed.
Argentina: Aesim; Aflat; Carbogasol Forte; Carbogasol; Espaven Antigas;
Factor AG; Metiorisan; Minicidez; Mylanta Gas; Simecon; Australia: DeGas; Degas Infant Drops¤; Gasbusters; Infacol; Medefoam¤; Mylicon¤;
Phazyme¤; Austria: Antiflat; Disflatyl¤; Lefaxin; SAB Simplex; Setlers¤;
Belgium: Imonogas; Polysilon¤; Brazil: Anflat¤; Dimetiliv; Dimezin;
Espasmo Flatol; Finigas; Flagass; Flatex; Flaticona; Flatol; Flucolic; For Gas;
Freegas¤; Gastroflat; Gazyme; Lufisan; Luftal; Luftrin¤; Meticone¤; Mylanta
Plus; Mylicon; Nogas¤; Sanagas; Silidron; Canada: Babys Own Infant
Drops¤; Gas Relief; Gas-X; Infacol; Little Tummys Gas Relief; Maalox GRF¤;
Ovol; Pediacol; Phazyme; Siligaz; Ultra Strength Gas Relief; Ultra Strength
Ovol; Ultra Strength Phazyme; Chile: Flapex; Gasoff; Gasorbol¤; Pepsidol¤;
China: Espumisan (柏西); Gascon (咖斯康); Czech Republic: AeroOM;
Ceolat¤; Disflatyl¤; Espumisan; Lefax; SAB Simplex; Denmark: Aeropax;
Ceolat¤; Imogas; Minifom¤; Mylicon; Finland: Ceolat¤; Cuplaton; Disflatyl;
Minifom; France: Imonogas; Polysilane; Siligaz; Germany: Absorber HFV¤;
Additiva¤; Aegrosan¤; Busala¤; Ceolat; Dremisan¤; Elugan; Endo-Paractol;
Espumisan; Ilio-Funkton; Imogas; Kompensan Dimeticon¤; Kramik¤; Lefax;
Meteosan¤; SAB Simplex; Greece: Ceolat; Infacol; Infacolic; Hong Kong:
Air-X; Dentinox Colic Drops¤; Disflatyl¤; Gascon; Gasteel; Infacol; Ovol¤;
Hungary: Espumisan; Infacol; SAB Simplex; India: Dicon-I; Dimol;
Tricaine-MPS; Indonesia: Aeroson¤; Disflatyl; Flatunic¤; Neolanta;
Ireland: Dentinox Colic; Imogas; Infacol; Israel: Gazim X; Simicol; Italy:
Imogas; Meteosim; Mylicon; Mylicongas; Polisilon¤; Simecrin; Simetic;
Malaysia: Cuplaton; Dentinox Colic Drops; Disflatyl; Gascoal; Gastyl;
Mexico: Diflax¤; Espaven Pediatrico; Liberan; Netherlands: Aero-Om;
Aeropax; Carboticon¤; Ceolat¤; Polysilane¤; Setlers Windfree¤; Norway:
Ceolat¤; Imogas; Minifom; Siloxan; New Zealand: De-Gas; Infacol;
Medefoam¤; Philippines: Disflatyl; Restime; Poland: Bobotic; Espumisan;
Esputicon; Gastrosil; Infacol; Manti Gastop; Simet¤; Ulgix; Portugal: AeroOm; Disflat; Imogas; Russia: Bobotik (Боботик); Disflatyl (Дисфлатил);
Espumisan (Эспумизан); SAB Simplex (САБ Симплекс); Simicol (Симикол);
South Africa: Telament; Singapore: Cuplaton¤; Gascoal; Infacol¤;
RidWind; Simcone; Spain: Aero Red; Disflatyl¤; Disolgas; Enterosilicona;
Imonogas; Pergastric¤; Phazyme¤; Sweden: Abulen¤; Ceolat¤; Imogaze;
Minifom; Switzerland: Aero-Om; Aeropax¤; Disflatyl; Flatulex; Lefax¤;
Meteor¤; Polysilane¤; SAB Simplex¤; Sili-Met-San¤; Simet-AF¤; Thailand:
Air-X; Airrox¤; Babcon¤; Blow-X; Bubble Drops; Degas; Dioxzye; Disflatyl;
Fa-x; Gas-mad¤; Gas-Med; Gas-MM; Gas-X; Gassi; Gastyl; Logastin;
Mylom; Ovol¤; Semeth; Sigas; Simcone; Simecon; Simetyl; Siticon¤; V cap;
Vin; Turkey: Antiflat; Ceolat; Flatsil; Metsil; United Arab Emirates:
Salinal; United Kingdom: Asilone Windcheaters¤; Dentinox Colic Drops;
Infacol; Phazyme¤; Wind-Eze; Woodwards Colic Drops¤; Ukraine: Bobothic
(Боботик); Cuplaton (Куплатон); Disflatyl (Дисфлатил); Espumisan
(Эспумизан); Infacol (Їнфакол); SAB Simplex (Саб Симплекс); United
States: Baby Gas-X; Bicarsim; Colicon; Degas¤; Extra Strength Mintox
Plus; Flatulex; Gas Relief; Gas-X; Maalox Anti-Gas¤; Major-Con; Mylanta
Gas; Mylicon; Phazyme; SonoRx¤; Venezuela: Antifom; Flatoril; Sicon¤;
Multi-ingredient Preparations (Latest modification: 15-Nov-2013)
The symbol ¤ denotes a preparation which is discontinued or no longer
actively marketed.
Argentina: Aci-Tip; Aci-Tip; Alplax Net; Aludrox II; Ansielix Digest;
Asestor; Bigetric; Bil 13 Enzimatico; Bilagol Antigas; Biletan Enzimatico;
Biluen Enzimatico; Carbogasol Antiacido¤; Carbogasol Digestivo;
Carbogasol; Cistoquine Plus¤; Dafne; Digenorflat; Digenormotil Plus¤;
Digesplen; Ditopax¤; Dom Simecon; Dom-Polienzim; Dracone¤;
Estreptocarbocaftiazol; Euciton Stress; Eudon; Faboacid; Facilgest; Factor
AG Antiacido; Factor AG Antiespasmodico; Factor Bioenterico¤; Factorine;
Faelac¤; Faradil Enzimatico¤; Faradil Novo; Faradil; Gastop; Gastridin-E;
Gastrimet Enzimatico¤; Gastrimet¤; Gastroge; Gastron Fuerte¤;
Genolaxante; Hepadigenor¤; Laxicona; Meteospasmyl; Miopropan S;
Moperidona AF; Moperidona Enzimatica¤; Mosar Enzimatico; Mosar Plus;
Mucalan; Mylanta II; Mylanta Max; Mylanta Plus; Novodig¤; Pankreoflat
Sedante¤; Pankreoflat; Pankreon Total; Paratropina Antigas; Pepsamar Duo;
Polienzim; Praxis; Pulsar Enzimatico¤; Pulsar Plus¤; Regulane AF; Sidomal;
Simecon Antiacido; Somasedan; Suspension Antiacida con Simeticona;
Tensium Gastric; Vacuobil Plus; Vegestabil Digest; Australia: Alucone¤;
Degas Extra¤; Dexsal¤; Diaguard Forte¤; Diaguard¤; Diareze¤; Gastreze¤;
Gastrogel; Gelusil; Imodium Advanced; Infacol-C¤; LoAsid¤; Mucaine 2 in
1¤; Mylanta; No Gas¤; Sigma Liquid Antacid¤; Simeco¤; Sodexol¤; TitralacSil¤; Austria: CO2 Granulat¤; Duplotrast Weinsaure; Duplotrast Z¤;
Duplotrast¤; Enzyflat¤; Gallo Merz¤; Helopanflat; Imodium Plus; Laxbene;
Pankreoflat; Purgazen¤; SAB¤; Sabatif¤; Silkonol¤; Belgium: Gastrobul¤;
Gelusil ML¤; Gelusil Simethicone¤; Imodium Duo; Kestomatine Baby¤;
Kestomatine; Mylanta¤; Sili-Met-San¤; Zoru¤; Brazil: Acidex¤; Aclorisan¤;
Alca-Luftal; Alcalone Plus; Algedrox¤; Alkagel; Anacidron¤; Andursil;
Asilone¤; Azime¤; Digecap-Zimatico; Digeplus; Digesnorma¤; Digest¤;
Elozima¤; Espasmacid¤; Espasmo Colic¤; Espasmo Dimetiliv; Espasmo
Luftal; Espasmo Novozyme¤; Espasmo Silidron; Essen; Estomagel;
Eufermen¤; Flagass Baby; Gamalat¤; Gascol¤; Gastran; Gastricin¤;
Gastrobene; Gastrobene; Gastrobion; Gastrogel¤; Gastrol TC¤; Gastromag¤;
Gastroplus¤; Gelmax Dim; Gelusil; Hidroxid¤; Hidroxogel; Imodium Plus¤;
Kolampept; Kolantyl DMP; Luftgaz¤; Maalox Plus; Magnalzia; Magnesin¤;
Milax¤; Milgex¤; Neutraforte¤; Normopride Enzimatico¤; Nutrizim¤;
Pankreoflat; Pepsaplus; Pepsogel; Plasil Enzimatico; Primeral; Proteobil;
Riopan Plus; Siligel¤; Siludrox; Simeco Plus; Sintozima¤; Vonil Enzimatico¤;
Canada: Almagel Plus; Amphojel Plus¤; Antacid Liquid¤; Antacid Plus
Antiflatulant¤; Antacid Plus; Antacid Regular with Anti-Gas; Antacid Tablet¤;
Antacide Suspension avec Antiflatulent¤; Carbosylane; Centra Acid Plus¤;
Di-Gel¤; Diovol Plus AF; Diovol Plus; Diovol Plus; E-Z-Gas II¤; Gastrinol¤;
Gastrocalm; Gastrocalm; Imodium Advanced; Maalox Antacid with Anti-gas;
Maalox Extra Strength with Anti-gas; Maalox Extra Strength with Anti-gas;
Maalox Plus¤; Maalox Quick Dissolve with Antigas¤; Mylanta¤; Riopan Plus¤;
Rolaids Multi-Symptom; Rolaids Ultra; Spasmo Nil¤; Stomaax Plus; Thunas
Hyperacidity Tablets¤; Chile: Aci-Tip¤; Aeroflat¤; Aerogastrol; Antiax;
Digenil; Digespar; Disfrutab¤; Ditopax; Ditopax; Flapex E; Garceptol;
Gaseofin¤; Gasopax; Gasorbol Plus¤; Gasorbol; Maalox Plus; Mylanta; NoRef; Nogastra; Nogastra; Nutrizima; Onoton¤; Pangastren; Peptinal Forte¤;
Peptinal¤; Simeco Plus¤; China: Meteospasmyl (乐健素); Mite (泌特); RuddU (立愉); Wei He (味禾); Czech Republic: CO2 Granulat¤; E-Z-Gas¤;
Imodium Duo Action; Imodium Plus; Meteospasmyl; Denmark: Alkasid¤;
Imodium Plus; Finland: Imodium Plus; France: Aerocid¤; Carbosylane;
Carbosymag; Contracide¤; Dimalan¤; Gastralgine¤; Gastrobul¤;
Gastrovison¤; Gelosedine¤; Imodiumduo; Maalox Ballonnements;
Meteospasmyl; Meteoxane; Notgaz¤; Pepp¤; Pepsane; Pereflat¤; Polysilane
Delalande; Polysilane Joullie¤; Polysilane Reglisse¤; Primperoxane¤; Rennie
Deflatine; Spasmenzyme¤; Zymoplex¤; Germany: Adsorgan¤; Andursil¤;
Barilux Brausetabletten¤; Ceolat compositum¤; CO2 Granulat¤; DigestMerz¤; Elzym N¤; Enzym Comp; Enzym-Kugeletten¤; Enzym-Lefax; EnzymParactol¤; Esberizym N¤; Euflat I¤; Gallo Merz N¤; Gallo Merz
Spasmolyticum¤; Gastrovison¤; Gillazym¤; Helopanflat N¤; Hevert Enzym
Novo¤; Imodium akut N duo; Imodium complex¤; Imodium Plus¤; Jasicholin
N¤; Kompensan-S forte¤; Kompensan-S¤; Meteophyt-V¤; Meteozym;
Pankreoflat¤; Paractol¤; Rennie Defarin¤; Spasmo-Canulase N¤; Tri
Viaben¤; Unibaryt¤; Wismut comp¤; Greece: Carbosylane; Elcolyt;
Gastrovison; Imodium Plus; Maalox Plus; Simeco; Wesulc; Zaxan; Zivatar;
Hong Kong: Actal Plus; Aluvit-U¤; Antacin-D; BF-Maschew¤; Colimix;
Crema-U¤; Cycolsim¤; Dicymine Co; Diovol Plus; Diovol Plus; Disflatyl;
Enzyplex; Fedra-Gel-S¤; Gastrogel¤; Gastromine¤; Gelusil Plus; Hydrosil;
Imodium Plus; Infant-Sed¤; Lantacid; Lederscon¤; Maalox Plus; Magsil¤;
Meteospasmyl¤; Mylanta¤; Mytancid¤; Nilcid-MPS¤; Pankreoflat¤;
Polysilane¤; Silox-50; Simeco¤; Simegel¤; Topase¤; Triloxane¤; UniCycolac-SM¤; Uni-Magel-SM¤; Veragel; Vida Flatugel¤; Hungary:
Gastrobul¤; Imodium Komplett¤; Laxbene; Meteospasmyl; Pankreoflat;
India: Acidal; Acidin; Acifix; Acigone-D; Acihit; Acikair; Acinil-O; Acinil;
Acixx; Activis; Afocid; Afra-Z; Aglocid; Aglocid; Alcaine; Alipride MPS;
Almacarb; Almag; Almagel; Alucinol¤; Alugel MPS; Alupectin DGL; Amalset;
Anacid; Anatyl-D; Anatyl; Ancid; Antagit; Aquadil-P; Arfagel; Aristogyl Plus;
Aristogyl-F; Atocid; Avicid; Avispas; B-Zyme; Barozyme; Bestocid-O;
Bestocid; Betip; Bioffin; Bipgel; Blotamax; Bluegel-O; Bluegel; C-Cid;
Cadgil; Camegel-MPS; Carmicide DPS; Catoxymag; Centacid; Centwin;
Centwin; Chemocid; Cisacone; Cisapid-MPS; Ciza-MPS; Cizap-MPS; Cloact;
Colicaid; Colicspam; Coligon-O; Coliky; Colimex; Colirid; Colispas-P; Colixin
MPS; Coliza; Combispas; Cool Zone D; Coolpep; Cyclopam; Cyclowin;
Cymbi; Dam-Spas DPS P; Decolic Infant; Decolic; Delcid; Depcid-O; Dialox;
Dicaine; Digecool; Digems-CT; Digene; Digene; Digeplex-T; Digiflux-A;
Digirest; Diovol Forte DGL; Diovol Forte; Diovol; Disilox-MPS; Disocain;
Disogel; Distenil; Dizec; DLotin MPS; Dom-MPS; Domgel; Domstal MPS; DPSpas DPS; Duogel; Eaze; Eginor; Elcid; Eldazole; Eldoper Plus; Eldrate-S;
Embesil; Endcid; Entagene; Entasid; Entasid; Enzofast; Enzovit; Esorid MPS;
Estacid; Eza MPS; Fomacid; Forzole Gel; Fri-Spas; G-Gel; Gasnil; Gastica
Plus; Gastica; Gastracid; Gastro MPS; Gastrocid; Gastromax-O; Gastromax;
Gastropen-MPS; Gelagel; Gelona; Gelone; Gelupin-MPS; Gelusil MPS; Gelusil
MPS; Gelusil Plus; Gesdyp; Gestrel; Gi-Tune MPS; Glocid; Graster; Hancid;
Haspas; Hiact-P; Hilcid; Icer-MS; Iceron; Intacid-MPS; Intacid-MPS;
Intrazyme; Kaicid-O; Kaicid; Kamozyme-EP; Kemopride MPS; Lavazyme;
Laxit; Laxzyme; Litspas; Logascid; Lomecid; Lupigene; M-Pride-MPS;
Madarat-S; Madrat-S; Magacone; Magel-MPS; Maglid; Magnadrox; Maylox;
Meditin Plus; Medizyme; Mefmin Spas; Meftal-Spas; Mefzys; Merigel-A;
Merigel; Merispas; Methicocid; Molzyme¤; Moret; Mosid-MPS; Moska;
Motiza-MPS; Moza MPS; Mozax-MPS; Mumzyme; N-Cid; Nausifar MPS;
NBCid; NCA; Neopeptine; Netrocid; Neugel; Neurospas; Newcid; Nilcid-MPS;
Nomorcid-MPS; Normocid; Norper; Novagel-D; Novagel; Noventa; NovogylMPS; Nubase; Nulasta; Numeg; Nutrozyme; Ocinil; Omcare Gel; Orbits;
Pankreoflat; Panoric; Paractol; Paractol; Pepticaine; PFT; pH4; Polycrol;
Rolac Plus; Siloxogene; Simeco; Solacid; Spasmonil; Ulgel; Visco;
Indonesia: Acitral; Actal Plus; Almacon; Aludonna D; Asidrat¤; Berlosid;
Berzymplex; Biogastron¤; Corsamag; Dexanta; Di-Gel; Di-Gel; Elsazym;
Enzyplex; Farmacrol; Farmacrol; Flamints; Flatucid¤; Flazymec; Gasflat;
Gastran¤; Gastrinal; Gastrucid; Gelusil MPS¤; Gestabil; Gestamag; Lagesil;
Lambucid¤; Lexacrol; Lexacrol; Librozym Plus¤; Madrox¤; Magalat;
Magasida; Magnidicon¤; Magtacid¤; Magtral; Mepromaag; Mylanta¤;
Myllacid; Nudramag; Oskamag¤; Pankreoflat; Plantacid; Poloxane; Polycrol
400; Polycrol; Polycrol; Polysilane; Polysilane; Progastric; Promag; Sanmag;
Simeco¤; Stop-Mag¤; Stromag; Ticomag; Tomaag; Tri Act¤; Tripanzym;
Ulcid; Ultilox; Vitazym; Xepazym; Ireland: Altacite Plus¤; Andursil¤;
Asilone¤; Bisodol Extra¤; Carbex¤; Carbosylane; Imodium Plus;
Kolanticon¤; Maalox Plus; Polycrol¤; Rennie Deflatine; Israel: Carbosylane;
Dentinox; E-Z-Gas II; Imodium Plus; Liquid Antacid Plus Simethicon¤;
Maalox Plus; Pankreoflat¤; Silain¤; Italy: Aerofagil¤; Anacidol; Anti-Acido¤;
Belsar¤; Canulase¤; Carbosylane Bi-Attivo¤; Carboyoghurt; Coligermina;
Colinox; Contracide¤; Debridat Enzimatico¤; Digestum¤; Duogas; Ede 6¤;
Ede¤; Enterocantril¤; Essen¤; Eugastran¤; Gastrotuss; Gastrovison¤;
Geffer; Maalox Plus; Mylanta¤; No-Gas; Noremifa; Nuleron; Onoton¤;
Panamir; Pancreoflat¤; Pancresil¤; Plasil Enzimatico¤; Prandium¤; Quanto¤;
Selg-Esse; Silisan; Trimalcina¤; Japan: The Guard Seichojo; Malaysia:
Actal Plus¤; Alucid; Belcid¤; Colimix; Enzyplex¤; Eviline; Gelusil Forte¤;
Gelusil Plus¤; Gerskin; Maalox Plus; Macgel; Meteospasmyl; Mylanta¤;
Pepfiz; Polysilane¤; Simagel; Titralac-Sil¤; Uphacol¤; Zellox-II; Mexico:
Alevian Duo; Alkagel Complex; Cidetox; Difarben; Digenor Plus; Digenor;
Dirfaben¤; Ditopax-F¤; Ditopax¤; Dixiflen; Espasal; Espasin¤; Espaven
Alcalino; Espaven Enzimatico; Espaven MD; Espaven; Espraden; Exhantil;
Exhidrol; Expal Compuesto; Farcolan; Farmeban; Finprob; Gelan Plus;
Gelar; Geldrox Plus; Gelpex; Gex; Imodium Plus; Libertrim SDP; Libertrim
SII; Masedi; Melox Plus¤; Meteospasmyl; Mylanta Plus¤; Neo-Panlacticos
Plus; Nilcid¤; Noax 3; Normex Plus; Ochozim; Onoton; Pankreoflat;
Pepsane; Plasil Enzimatico; Plusgel; Pramigel; Primpesasy¤; Riopan; Segel¤;
Selecto-D¤; Ulgel; Wingel¤; Zimeton; Netherlands: Diacure Plus¤; Gastilox
Plus Dimeticon; Gastrobul¤; Imodium Combi¤; Imodium Duo; Maalox Plus¤;
Mylanta-II¤; Polysilane Comp¤; Rennie Deflatine; Zoru¤; Norway: Imodium
Comp; New Zealand: Gastrogel¤; Imodium Advanced; Mylanta; TitralacSil¤; Philippines: Esvical; Flacerant; Kremil-S; Maalox Plus; Monnax Plus;
Osteo-D; Pankreoflat; Simeco¤; Simeco; Spasmo-Canulase; Poland:
Imodium Plus; Manti; Meteospasmyl; Simet-Al¤; Ulgamax¤; Portugal: DiGel Forte¤; Di-Gel¤; Espasmo Canulase¤; Fermetone Composto;
Gastropensan¤; Helopanflat; Imodium Plus; Kompensan-S; Maalox Plus;
Modulanzime; Nutrizym¤; Pankreoflat; Vingel¤; Russia: Almagel Neo
(Алмагель Нео); Gestid (Гестид); Imodium Plus (Имодиум Плюс);
Meteospasmyl (Метеоспазмил); Pankreoflat (Панкреофлат); Pepfiz
(Пепфиз); Pepsane-R (Пепсан-Р); Relcer (Релцер); Unienzyme c MPS
(Юниэнзим с МПС); South Africa: Adco-Medigel; Asilone¤; Docgel¤; GelS¤; Gelusil S; Imodium Plus; Lo-Acid¤; Maalox Plus; Merasyn¤; Microgel¤;
Pankreoflat; Pedimed¤; pH 550¤; Polycrol¤; Propan Gel-S; Rubragel-D¤;
Rubragel¤; Spasmo-Canulase¤; Telament¤; Viscalox¤; Singapore: Acolic;
Actal Plus; Allumag MPS; Almac¤; Alumag Plus; Alusorb¤; Axcel Eviline
Forte; Cenvite; Colimix; Dentinox Colic Drops; Disflatyl¤; Enzyplex; Eviline;
Gelusil Plus¤; Gerskin; Gestid¤; Guardian Antacid; Hydrosil; Macgel;
Meclosil; Meteospasmyl; Mylanta DS; Mylanta¤; Mytancid; Neutrazid;
Polysilane¤; Polysilic; Rennie Deflatine; Simeco¤; SP-Alusil; Suntacid;
Titralac-Sil¤; Tocid¤; Veragel; Vyling Vyfunsil; Zellox-II; Spain: Aci
Kestomal¤; Acidac¤; Acidion¤; Acidrina¤; Aero Plus¤; Aero Red Antiacido¤;
Aero Red Complex¤; Aeroflat; Aerogel¤; Aligest Plus¤; Aligest¤; Alucol
Silicona¤; Alucol¤; Clanzoflat¤; Edym Sedante¤; Espasmo Canulasa¤;
Estopec¤; Flatoril; Flavigel¤; Gastro Gobens¤; Gastro Red Antiacido¤;
Gastro Red¤; Gastroalgine¤; Gastrosindrom¤; Geloalumin¤; Gelosim¤;
Imodium Duo; Jorkil¤; Lactored¤; Lidobama Complex¤; Lidobama Plus¤;
Lupidon; Meteoril; Mosil Complex¤; Novo Aerofil Sedante¤; Pankreoflat
Sedante¤; Pankreoflat; Parkelanta¤; Polidasa¤; Polisilan Gel¤; Primperan
Complex¤; Rabro¤; Silargin¤; Surifarm¤; Suxidina; Takadispep Complex¤;
Timulcer¤; Tornacin¤; Trizima¤; Ulpir Gastro¤; Sweden: Gastroluft¤;
Imodium Plus; Switzerland: Alucol-S¤; Andursil¤; Andursil; Carboticon;
Combacid N¤; Drofaron¤; E-Z-Gas II; Elzym¤; Fermento duodenal¤;
Flatulex; Gastroluft¤; Gillazyme plus¤; Gillazyme¤; Globase¤; Helopanflat¤;
Imodium Duo; Kestomatine Bebe¤; Kestomatine¤; Macosil¤; Pankreoflat¤;
Pepsane¤; Polysilane Midy¤; Primoxan¤; Rennie Deflatine; Rivogel +
Dimethicone¤; Sili-Met-San¤; Spasmo-Canulase; Zymoplex¤; Thailand:
Abella; Admag; Almaxane¤; Alticon; Aludon; Alutop; Amacone; Amco;
Amico-L; Amogin; Antacia-SM; Antacil; Avarin; Belcid; Berclomine; Bowa;
Burajel; Calthicon; Caryopin; Cophargel; Cymine; Defomag; Defomil;
Dimedon; Diovol¤; Dissowel; Droxyl¤; Elzym¤; Enzymet; Enzyplex¤;
Gasitone; Gastacin; Gasteel¤; Gaszym; Gelusil MPS¤; Herogel; Imodium
Plus¤; Kremil-S; Kremil; L-Dacin; Maccrol¤; Machto; Mag 77; Magcol¤;
Magsenum-D; Malugel-S; Malugel; Mano; Mar¤; Margel¤; Meteospasmyl¤;
Pepfiz; Polyenzyme-I¤; Polyenzyme-N; Polysilane¤; RT Gen¤; Silomed;
Simagel¤; Simcomag; Simcomine; Simeco¤; Solumag-D; Solumag-D;
Spasticone¤; Stomac; TO Gel; Tocid; Ulcegel; Ulco¤; V Day Milk; Veragel;
Voragas; Ziga-Gel; Zigatab; Turkey: Alujel; Asidal; Asidopan Plus; Asilon;
Bismomagnesie¤; Calmy Plus; Fermento; Flaton; Hazmolin; Meteospasmyl;
Pankreoflat; Protab¤; Radyobarit-Double Contrast; Simelgat Plus; United
Arab Emirates: Alkasid; Moxal Plus; United Kingdom: Actonorm; Altacite
Plus; Andursil¤; Asilone¤; Asilone; Bioglan Effervescent Tablets¤; Bisodol
Wind Relief; Boots Wind Relief; Carbex; Diovol¤; Imodium Plus; Indigestion
Relief Liquid¤; Indigestion Relief Tablets¤; Kolanticon; LoAsid¤; Maalox Plus;
Novasil Plus¤; Piptalin¤; Polycrol¤; Remegel Wind Relief; Rennie Deflatine;
Siloxyl¤; Simeco¤; Simeco; Sovol¤; Unigest¤; Ukraine: Almagel Neo
(Алмагель Нео); Meteospasmyl (Метеоспазмил); Movespasm (Мовеспаем);
Pepsane (Пепсан); Relcer (Релцер)¤; Trivin (Тривин)¤; United States:
Advanced Formula Di-Gel; Alamag Plus; Almacone; Aludrox; Anti-Gas
Antacid¤; Baby Orajel Tooth and Gum Cleanser; Baros¤; Di-Gel; E-Z-Gas II;
Extra Strength Maalox Antacid/Anti-Gas¤; Fast-Acting Mylanta¤; Flatulex¤;
Gas Ban DS; Gas Ban; Gas-X with Maalox; Gaviscon Extra Strength Relief
Formula; Gelusil; Imodium Advanced; Imodium Multi-Symptom Relief;
Iosopan Plus¤; Kudrox Double Strength¤; Lowsium Plus; Maalox Advanced;
Maalox Advanced; Maalox Anti-Gas Extra Strength¤; Maalox Max; Maalox
Maximum Strength Multi-Symptom; Maalox Plus Antacid Junior; Maalox
Plus¤; Maalox Regular Strength; Magalan¤; Magalox Plus¤; Medazyme¤; MiAcid; Mintox Plus; Mygel; Mylagen; Mylanta; Phazyme-PB¤; Riopan Plus;
Rolaids Multi-Symptom; Rolaids Plus Gas Relief; RuLox Plus; Simaal Gel 2¤;
Sparkles; Tempo; Titralac Plus; Trial AG; Tums Plus; Venezuela: Almag¤;
Carbargal con Atropina; Carbargal; Cremalon; Ditosil Plus; Ditosil Plus;
Ditosil; Ditosil; Elzym; Maalox Plus; Mylanta¤; Mylantados¤; Mylantamil¤;
Nutizym Compositum; Pankreosil; Stamyl; Valmecon¤;
Adjuvant to Preparations (Latest modification: 10-May-2011)
The symbol ¤ denotes a preparation which is discontinued or no longer
actively marketed.
Austria: Prontobario; Brazil: Telebar¤; Canada: Polibar Liquid¤; Polibar
Plus¤; Czech Republic: Prontobario¤; Spain: Barigraf Tac¤; Bario Dif¤;
Bario Faes¤;
Pharmacopoeial Preparations (Latest modification: 06-Dec-2011)
BP 2013: Simeticone for Oral Use; Simeticone Suspension for Infants; USP
36: Alumina, Magnesia, and Simethicone Oral Suspension; Alumina,
Magnesia, and Simethicone Tablets; Alumina, Magnesia, Calcium Carbonate,
and Simethicone Tablets; Calcium Carbonate, Magnesia, and Simethicone
Tablets; Magaldrate and Simethicone Oral Suspension; Magaldrate and
Simethicone Tablets; Simethicone Capsules; Simethicone Emulsion;
Simethicone Oral Suspension; Simethicone Tablets;
Martindale: The Complete Drug Reference © 2013 The Pharmaceutical Press.
MedicinesComplete © The Pharmaceutical Press 2013
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