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Frequently Asked Questions
What is policosanol?
Policosanol is a mixture of waxy substances called aliphatic or fatty alcohols found in plants such as sugar cane,
yams, and rice that have beneficial effects on cholesterol metabolism. The main alcohol found in policosanol is
called 1-octacosanol, however, a variety of other fatty alcohols such as 1-triacontanol and 1-docacosonal are
also found in policosanol.
How does policosanol benefit cholesterol metabolism?
A number of controlled clinical studies performed on animals and human volunteers has shown that policosanol
derived from sugar cane wax (Saccharum officinarium) helps maintain normal cholesterol and lipoprotein
levels. Favorable actions on maintaining healthy levels of both “bad” LDL and “good” HDL cholesterol are
seen. Some studies report benefits on maintaining normal serum triglycerides although others report no effect.
Although the exact mechanism of action is unknown, policosanol appears to affect enzymes that regulate
cholesterol synthesis. It also inhibits the oxidation of LDL cholesterol that is part of the process contributing to
inflammation and hardening of the arteries. Increased exercise tolerance and favorable actions on platelet
function are also seen following policosanol administration.
How is policosanol different from octacosanol?
Octacosonal is just one of the fatty alcohols found in policosonal. Although octacosanol is also sometimes sold
separately as a dietary supplement, octacosanol by itself may not have the same activity as policosanol. The
combination of fatty alcohols in policosanol appear to work synergistically to provide the benefits noted in
clinical studies.
How much policosanol should I take?
One or two capsules daily providing 10 to 20 mg is recommended. Daily administration ranging from 5 to 20
mg daily has been shown in more than 15 randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled studies to maintain
favorable cholesterol balance.
Are there any side effects?
Policosanol is generally very well tolerated. There are rare reports of mild gastrointestinal disturbances or skin
rash. Toxicity studies have shown policosanol to be remarkably safe. There are no reports of adverse effects
even after several years of use.
Does policosanol interact with any medications?
No adverse interactions with beta-blockers, diuretics, calcium-channel blockers, NSAIDS, or other medications
have been reported. However, policosanol may enhance the blood-pressure lowering effect of propanolol and
may have a synergistic action with aspirin. Caution is advised for patients taking anticoagulant medications or
blood thinning medications.
How long will it take to see benefits?
It may take up to 12 weeks for benefits to be seen, although each individual is different and your healthcare
professional will monitor your response to policosanol at varying intervals.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
©Copyright 2003-2005 ProThera®, Inc., Reno, NV. All rights reserved.