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PTSP+ 12-84V
Pocket PC Reference Guide
4005 Felland Road, Suite 116
Madison, WI 53718
© Power Designers USA LLC
MAN-100002-00 REV A
SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS .................................................................................................. 1
POWERTRAC™ SP+ SETUP ................................................................................................. 2
Using PowerTrac™ SP+ Pocket PC Software..................................................................... 15
DATA ACQUISITION ........................................................................................................ 26
TROUBLESHOOTING ....................................................................................................... 27
SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT ................................................................................... 31
CONTACTING POWER DESIGNERS USA ............................................................................ 32
MAN-100002-00 REV A
Minimum System Requirements
Operating systems:
Communication port:
Required preinstalled:
Pocket PC
Operating systems:
XP, Windows Vista®, Windows® 7
One serial or USB port
.NET Framework 2.0 or greater
Microsoft ActiveSync® Version 4.5 for Windows®
XP or Windows® Mobile Device Center Version
6.1 for Windows Vista® or Windows® 7
Windows® Mobile 2003,
Windows® Mobile 5.0 and above
Pocket PC cable/cradle, IR
Reference Documents and Notes
The PowerTrac™ SP+ requires setup and calibration before operation.
A separate Installation and Reference Guide covers installation of the
PowerTrac™ to the battery. A separate Software Reference Guide covers the
desktop utilities for data analysis and reporting.
This reference guide is for use in programming the PowerTrac™ and is for use
only after the software for the desktop and Pocket PC has been installed and
communications verified.
The following manuals are listed for reference:
Installation and Reference Guide
Software Reference Guide
MAN-1000002-00 REV A
Setting Battery Parameters
Before using the PowerTrac™ SP+ battery data logger, the battery specific
parameters MUST be set.
1. Start the Pocket PC application by selecting the Start PowerTrac program icon
on the Pocket PC home screen. Select the Setup menu at the bottom left corner
of the screen, and then Settings.
2. Select Scan, and the Settings screen appears.
3. On the Settings screen, ALL PARAMETERS MUST BE SET. Set these
parameters to match the specific battery ratings and location. Incorrect settings
can affect recorded data.
NOTE: It is not necessary to keep the Pocket PC device aligned with the
PowerTrac™ InfraRed (IR) window while entering the various parameters.
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4. Align the Pocket PC device with the IR window of the PowerTrac™ and select
the Save button at the bottom of the screen. Continue to hold the alignment.
When the data transfer is complete, a confirmation window appears. If prompted
for a password: the default password is “0000,” but may be changed via the
password function in the Admin menu. Select the Proceed button to transfer
data to the PowerTrac™.
5. To verify the new settings, select the Clear Screen button then select the Scan
button while aligning the Pocket PC device with the IR window of the
PowerTrac™. The settings of the battery data logger are displayed.
6. Select the Close button when complete.
Default Value
Battery ID
A unique battery name to be programmed. The
Battery ID can consist of no more than 12
characters and/or numbers.
Plant ID
A unique plant name to be programmed. The
Plant ID can consist of no more than 12
characters and/or numbers.
Truck ID
A unique truck name to be programmed. The
Truck ID can consist of no more than 12
characters and/or numbers.
The nominal voltage of the battery.
48 (V)
The nominal capacity in amp-hours.
500 (Ahrs)
Number of
The number of negative posts (intercell
connectors) per cell of the battery.
Shunt Size
The current size used (e.g., 500 for 500 A shunt).
Must be 50 mV type.
Present Date
Present date. Verify after installation.
Present Real
Present Time
Present time. Verify after installation.
Present Real
Install Date
The installation date of the unit. Need to set after
Date of Factory
Batt MFG Date
Date battery was manufactured. Must be set for
accurate SOC reporting.
Date Battery
1. NOTE: If more than one negative post exists per cell, and since the shunt will
replace only one intercell connector, the total battery current is computed by
multiplying the measured current by the number of posts. PERFORMING THE
MAN-1000002-00 REV A
Setting Alarm Parameters
1. Return to the file list then select View Files.
2. Select the Setup menu and then select Alarms.
3. Select Scan and the Alarms screen appears.
4. Enter the desired values in the spaces next to the alarms, and then align the
Pocket PC device with the IR window of the PowerTrac™ SP+ and select the
Save button. A confirmation message appears.
5. To verify the new settings, select the Clear button then select the Scan button
while aligning the Pocket PC device with the IR window of the PowerTrac™. The
present alarm settings of the battery data logger are displayed.
6. Select the Close button when complete.
MAN-1000002-00 REV A
Default Value
High Temp
Alarm [F]
Battery high temperature alarm point above
which a high temperature alarm is displayed
and logged. This setting also triggers the Over
Temperature (OT) relay if the PowerTrac™ is
equipped with this feature.
Battery high voltage alarm point above which a
high-voltage alarm is displayed and logged.
140 (°F)
High Volt
Alarm [VPC]
Low Volt
High Curr
Alarm [A]
OT Relay
On [F] / OT
Relay Off [F]
UV Relay
Battery low voltage alarm point below which a
low voltage alarm is displayed and logged. This
value also triggers the Under Voltage (UV)
relay if the PowerTrac™ is equipped with this
Battery high current alarm point above which a
high current alarm is displayed and logged.
If the PowerTrac™ is equipped with the
optional relays, the High Temp Alarm is the
relay ON value and Low Temp Alarm is the
relay OFF value.
If the PowerTrac™ is equipped with the
optional relays, the Low Volt Alarm is the relay
ON value and this setting is the relay OFF
EL Sensor
Electrolyte sensor monitor:
0 = disabled, 1 = enabled
EL Sensor
The time delay during which the electrolyte
level must be low in order to record and display
a low electrolyte alarm. This is to reduce false
alarms due to splashing.
MAN-1000002-00 REV A
2.60 (VPC)
1.70 (VPC)
1000 (A)
On 140 (°F)
Off 131 (°F)
1.9 (VPC)
0 (disabled)
120 (seconds)
Shunt Calibration and Zeroing—REQUIRED!!!
Although each PowerTrac™ SP+ is calibrated at the factory, it is not calibrated with
the shunt used in the installation. The shunt-calibration procedure is required for the
greatest accuracy in measuring current and calculating amp-hours and state of
charge. If the battery has more than one intercell connector, the shunt only replaces
one of these connectors. The current will not divide equally between the remaining
intercell connector(s) and the newly installed shunt.
(three intercell
Battery with three intercell connectors
1. From the file list, select Setup, then Calibration.
2. A new window appears for use in calibrating the battery data logger.
MAN-1000002-00 REV A
Shunt Zeroing
To attain the greatest accuracy, it is necessary to first remove any offset current that
may be present.
1. With no current into or out of the battery, select the Read Current button to read
the present battery current as reported by the PowerTrac™ SP+.
2. If the current is not zero but less than 10 A (+ or -), align the Pocket PC with the
IR window of the PowerTrac™ and select the Zero Shunt button.
3. An acknowledgment window appears confirming that the shunt was zeroed.
4. Proceed to shunt calibration.
NOTE: If the current readout is greater than 10 A while no current is flowing, the
zero-shunt procedure will not work. In this event, verify the shunt installation, then
remove power from the battery data logger and wait at least 15 minutes before
reapplying power and again reading the zero current value.
Shunt Calibration
To calibrate the shunt, a known current must be passed through the battery by
charging or discharging the battery.
MAN-1000002-00 REV A
1. Discharge or charge the battery with a measured current. The current should be
a typical charging or discharging current for the selected battery.
2. Align the Pocket PC device with the IR window and select the Read Current
button to read the present battery current as reported by the PowerTrac™ SP+.
3. Use the clamp-on meter to measure the total battery current and enter the value
on line 2. Always enter the measured battery current as a positive number.
4. Select the Calc Calibration button. “Current Correction Factor” is displayed.
5. Align the Pocket PC and the IR window on the PowerTrac™ and select the
Calibrate button. Once the calibration is complete, an acknowledgment window
6. To verify calibration, select the Read Current button and confirm the displayed
value is within 2% of the clamp-on meter reading. If it is not, select the Clear
Calib button and perform the calibration procedure again.
Changing Passwords
1. To change the default password go to the file list, then View Files; select the
Admin menu at the bottom of the screen, and then Passwords.
2. A window appears; enter the new password.
MAN-1000002-00 REV A
3. Type in the old and new passwords then select the Change button while aligning
the Pocket PC and the IR window of the PowerTrac™ SP+. A confirmation
window appears confirming the new password has been accepted. The default
password is “0000.”
NOTE: If the password is forgotten, record the Factory ID found in the window
on the back of the enclosure and call Power Designers USA LLC to obtain a new
Setting PowerTrac™ SP+ Parameters
The advanced setup submenu parameters should not be altered unless the
use and operation of each parameter is thoroughly understood.
1. From the file list View Files, select the Admin menu at the bottom of the screen
and then Advanced Setup.
2. Select Scan to view existing settings and enter desired values in the spaces next
to the settings.
3. Align the Pocket PC device with the IR window of the PowerTrac™ SP+ and
select the Save button.
MAN-1000002-00 REV A
MAN-1000002-00 REV A
The delay time from an open circuit
state to a charge or discharge mode.
NOTE: A new charge/discharge event
will only be recognized if it lasts for a
period of time longer than the Open
The delay time from a charge or
discharge state to an open circuit
NOTE: A new open circuit event will
only be recognized if charging/
discharging stops for a period of time
longer than the COpen Delay or
DOpen Delay.
The delay time from a charge or
discharge state to an inverse
(discharge or charge) circuit state.
NOTE: A new circuit event will only be
recognized if the direction of current
flow reverses for a period of time
longer than the CDDC Delay.
Open Circ
The current level below which the
battery is considered to be in open
circuit state.
NOTE: This limit is used by the
PowerTrac™ SP+ to detect the onset
of charge, discharge, and open circuit
MAN-1000002-00 REV A
Default Value
5 (seconds)
600 (seconds)
30 (seconds)
10 (A)
recommended value:
1% of shunt rating)
Setting Charge Parameters
When a PowerTrac™ SP+ with RS-485 communications is used in conjunction with
a Power Designers battery charger, the PowerTrac™ sets the charger to the
appropriate parameters used during the battery charge.
1. From the file list View Files, select the Admin menu at the bottom of the screen,
then Charge Parameters.
2. Select Scan to view the existing parameters in the PowerTrac™ or enter the
desired values in the spaces next to the settings.
3. Align the Pocket PC device with the IR window of the PowerTrac™ and select
the Save button.
Charge Parameter Definitions
When used with the Power Designers battery charger and RS-485 communications,
all of the charge parameters may be programmed into the PowerTrac™ SP+. The
PowerTrac™ adjusts the charger to the connected battery parameters.
MAN-1000002-00 REV A
Trickle Voltage (TV)
Trickle Voltage—Voltage limit used to ensure an excessively discharged battery will
not be subjected to a high current charge.
Trickle Current (TC)
Trickle Current—A low current used to bring an excessively discharged battery to a
level where a more aggressive charging current may be used.
Constant Current (CC)
CC Current—When the charger determines the battery is ready for the CC charge,
the charger starts the CC charge at the CC current until the CV voltage is reached
(~50% SOC).
Constant Voltage (CV)
CV Voltage—During a charge, when the CC charge is running, the battery voltage
climbs slowly. When the CV voltage value is reached, the CC charge stops and the
CV charge starts. The CV charge holds a constant voltage allowing the current to
decrease to the CV finish current, which terminates the charge.
CV Finish Current—The CV charge continues to run until the charger current
decreases to this value.
Finish Voltage—During the finish charge the voltage will rise and the battery will
theoretically reach 100% SOC. The finish charge terminates when the battery
voltage reaches the finish voltage.
Finish Current—This is the CC rate during the finish charge.
Finish Each Cycle
Always—Battery will have finish charge each cycle.
Custom—Selected on one or more days as the application requires.
Equalize (EQ)
Equalize Voltage—An equalize charge is an intentional overcharge to bring all of
the cells to the same voltage. The equalize charge terminates when the battery
voltage reaches this limit.
Equalize Current—This is the maximum constant current delivered by the charger
during an equalize charge.
MAN-1000002-00 REV A
The following image illustrates the various charge modes for a typical charge cycle.
Finish voltage
VB ,
MAN-1000002-00 REV A
CC finish
Finish Equal.
Pocket PC/PowerTrac™ SP+ Operation
Start the PowerTrac™ SP+ application by selecting the icon indicated.
File List
Selecting the View Files button opens the events file list.
MAN-1000002-00 REV A
Files are saved in the downloaded order using the Battery ID as the file name
followed by the date of download and the number of events in the file.
Present Status Quick Look
To obtain present status of the battery, align the Pocket PC and the IR window and
select the Quick Look button. This opens the Battery Status screen.
Battery Summary
The battery summary screen is accessed from the Battery Status screen after
performing a quick look.
MAN-1000002-00 REV A
Downloading Events
Download stored events from the PowerTrac™ SP+ to a Pocket PC.
1. Perform a quick look, then select the Download button.
2. Select the Proceed button to download data. The downloaded file appears in the
file list.
MAN-1000002-00 REV A
NOTE: To erase all saved events in the PowerTrac™ after the download is
complete, check the Erase events check box before selecting Proceed.
Real Time Data Files
Selecting the Real Time Data Files button opens the real time data file list.
Files are saved in the downloaded order using the Battery ID as the file name
followed by the date of download and the number of events in the file.
MAN-1000002-00 REV A
Downloading Real Time Data
Downloading real time events from the PowerTrac™ SP+ to a Pocket PC.
1. Perform a quick look, then select the Download button.
2. Select the Real Time Data button and select the Proceed button to download
data. The downloaded file appears in the real time data file list.
MAN-1000002-00 REV A
Battery Information
The battery info page is accessed either by using the button on the file list, the real
time data file list, or from the info submenu Battery Info.
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Deleting Files from the Pocket PC File List
The number of files stored in the Pocket PC is limited only by the amount of memory
in the handheld device. To free up memory, it may be necessary to delete files
occasionally. Deleting files is permanent, therefore it is important to regularly transfer
files from the Pocket PC to a PC.
1. From the PowerTrac™ SP+ home screen, select View Files for PowerTrac™
events or Real Time Data Files for PowerTrac™ real time data.
2. Select the file and select the Admin menu at the bottom of the screen. Select
Delete File.
3. A Confirmation Alert window appears. Select Yes or No. A Yes answer will
permanently delete the file from the file list. A No answer will return to the file list
without deleting the file.
MAN-1000002-00 REV A
Erasing Events from the PowerTrac™ SP+ Battery data logger
Erasing the events in the PowerTrac™ SP+ is not necessary due to the First-In,
First-Out (FIFO) memory-management method. It is possible to delete events on
NOTE: This clears the events and does not clear the global registers.
1. Select the Admin menu at the bottom of the screen, and then select Erase
2. A “Confirmation Alert” window appears. Select Yes or No. To erase the events,
align the Pocket PC and the PowerTrac™ IR window and select Yes. A No
answer will return to the previous screen.
MAN-1000002-00 REV A
Battery Information
Following a quick look, the battery info page is accessed either by using the button
on the file list, real time data file list, or from the info submenu Battery Info.
Viewing Settings
The Battery Info submenu reveals the settings of the battery and PowerTrac™
SP+, the current or last event info, and warranty info.
1. Battery Info. Programmed battery parameters.
MAN-1000002-00 REV A
2. PowerTrac Settings. Programmed PowerTrac™ battery data logger settings.
3. Current Event Info. This is the event in progress at the time of download.
MAN-1000002-00 REV A
4. Warranty Information. Describes battery manufacturer warranty in amp-hours.
Help Menu
The About submenu under the Help tab contains copyright information, a
description of the software, and the software version number.
MAN-1000002-00 REV A
Transferring Files from the Pocket PC to the PC
1. Connect the Pocket PC to the PC through the USB cable or cradle.
2. Press the synchronize button on the Pocket PC or cradle if auto synchronize is
not enabled on the PC.
3. The ActiveSync application launches the PowerTrac™ SP+ software, and the
“PowerTrac Sync” window opens.
File Names, which starts
with RT_, stores Real
Time Data
PowerTrac event
4. Select the files to download by checking the corresponding boxes and then
selecting the Download button at the bottom of the PowerTrac Sync window. A
progress bar is displayed.
NOTE: The downloaded data files are automatically saved into the default
PowerTrac™ Database file “PowerTracSPDB”.
5. Once the download is complete, select the Exit button.
MAN-1000002-00 REV A
The following is a summary of the most common errors encountered while using the
PowerTrac™ SP+ Pocket PC Application.
1. Neither Light Emitting Diode (LED) Lit
After installing the PowerTrac™ SP+, neither the red nor the green LEDs are on.
Possible Causes
 The RED and/or BLACK single wires are not properly connected. Ensure that
both wires are properly connected and firmly bolted to the positive and
negative posts, respectively
The inline fuse in the yellow, weatherproof fuse holder may be open. Replace
with a two-amp, time-delay 3 AG type fuse
Battery voltage is below ten volts
2. Red LED Illuminated
After installing the PowerTrac™ SP+, the red LED is on.
Possible Causes
 The nominal voltage (e.g., 24, 36, 48, etc.) has not been set. The
PowerTrac™ series battery data logger alarms are set on a VPC basis. Set
the nominal voltage following the setup instructions.
The battery voltage is lower than the programmed low-voltage alarm
The battery voltage is higher than the programmed high-voltage alarm
The battery temperature is higher than the programmed high-temperature
The battery current is higher than the programmed high-current alarm
The electrolyte sensor is enabled without an electrolyte sensor present
The battery electrolyte level is low
MAN-1000002-00 REV A
3. Communication Timeout Error
The Pocket PC device requested information and did not receive a response
from the PowerTrac™ SP+ battery data logger. A communication timeout popup window appears.
Possible Causes
 The Pocket PC is not aligned at the PowerTrac™ IR port.
The Pocket PC is too far from the PowerTrac™ IR port.
A barrier exists between the two devices.
4. CRC Error
The PowerTrac™ SP+ communication process is error protected by
incorporating a Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) code in every data packet that
is transmitted.
Possible Causes
 There is a source of infrared noise such as high-bay lighting, fluorescent
lighting, computer InfraRed Data Association (IRDA) devices, or Liquid
Crystal Display (LCD) screens.
The handheld Pocket PC OS computer software is not compatible with the
PowerTrac™ battery data logger firmware. If any newer software for the PDA
has been downloaded, please make sure it is compatible with the
PowerTrac™ battery data logger’s firmware revision.
5. NAK Packet Received
The communication protocol that is used in the PowerTrac™ SP+ system is request
and response based. When a request is sent and no response is received, “not
acknowledged” (NAK) is displayed.
Possible Causes
 This error occurs when the handheld Pocket PC OS computer software is not
compatible with the PowerTrac™ battery data logger’s firmware.
MAN-1000002-00 REV A
6. The Application Cannot Detect the IR Port
The application attempts to detect the IR port automatically. When an IR Port
detection failure occurs, it is then necessary to set the port manually.
Possible Causes
 The method that the application uses is not working with the operating
system or Pocket PC.
a. Set the IR port manually:
Select OK to close the warning message. The main form loads.
Select Port Settings from the bottom of the screen.
MAN-1000002-00 REV A
Port Settings window is displayed. Select the Manual button and
select the correct COM port from the pull down menu. It may be
necessary to try more than one port.
b. Select Apply.
c. Test the infrared communication:
From a distance of 3–24 inches, align the Pocket PC device and the
PowerTrac™ SP+ IR windows and select the Quick Look button in
the center of the screen.
If a “Communication Problem” error message appears, select another
There is no associated COM port with the device IR. This indicates that
the Pocket PC IR does not support raw IR, or the Pocket PC does not
have an IR device. In this case, the IR communication cannot be
7. Parse Error
This error occurs when transferring data from the Pocket PC to a PC that does
not have the latest version of Windows® software installed.
MAN-1000002-00 REV A
This license agreement is a legal agreement between Power Designers USA LLC of
Madison, Wisconsin, the author and licensor of the software, and the end user
licensee of the software.
Installation or other use of this software by the licensee constitutes agreement to all
terms and conditions of this license. In the event the licensee does not agree to all
terms and conditions of this agreement the software may not be installed or
otherwise used.
The following terms apply:
1. Licensee may not redistribute any files, including but not limited to any setup or
installation files created by this software.
2. Licensee may not disassemble or reverse engineer any part of this software.
3. Licensee may not resell, rent or lease the software.
4. Licensor owns all rights in the software including any incorporated images or text.
5. Should the licensee fail to comply with any terms or conditions of this agreement
this agreement will immediately and automatically terminate without notice.
6. The licensor of this software does not guarantee that this software is free from
bugs or free from viruses.
To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, the software and
documentation are provided "as is" and the licensor disclaims all other warranties
and conditions, expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, implied warranties
of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, conformance with description, title
and non-infringement of third party rights.
To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, in no event shall the licensor be
liable for any indirect, incidental, consequential, special or exemplary damages or
lost profits whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of business
profits, business interruption, loss of business information, or any other pecuniary
loss) arising out of the use or inability to use the software product, even if the
licensor has been advised of the possibility of such damages. In any case, the
licensors’ cumulative and entire liability to the licensee or any other party for any loss
or damages resulting from any claims, demands or actions arising out of or relating
to this agreement shall not exceed the purchase price paid for this license.
Should any term of these terms and conditions be declared void or unenforceable by
any court of competent jurisdiction, such declaration shall have no effect on the
remaining terms hereof.
MAN-1000002-00 REV A
Power Designers USA LLC
4005 Felland Road, Suite 116
Madison, WI 53718
[email protected]
[email protected]
Main Office Phone: 608.231.0450
Main Office Fax: 608.231.9979
Service Department: 608.216.9295
Phones are answered between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday Central
Time. After-hours calls are answered by voice mail and returned on the next
business day. Questions and comments can also be submitted via fax or email.
MAN-1000002-00 REV A