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Robert H. Caverly and Michael J. Quinn
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Villanova University
Villanova, PA 19085
A time domain model for the microwave and RF
PIN switching diode is presented. The model is
suitable for use in such time domain simulators
as SPICE and simulates the important I-region
charge storage phenomenon and its effect on the
PIN diode behavior in active circuits such as
switches, attenuators and power limiters. For a
SPST switch, the variation in PIN diode
impedance is shown to affect the insertion loss
in the switch. For microwave power limiters,
spike leakage variation versus frequency for
different RF voltages is also presented, showing
the reduction in power limiting with increasing
frequency for a given PIN diode.
PIN diodes are used in a wide variety of
commercial and defense applications which
include antenna switching and attenuator
Microwave and RF design
engineers frequently use time domain simulators
such as SPICE or one of its derivatives for
computer aided design of microwave circuits
and systems using these devices. In spite of the
widespread use of PIN diodes in microwave and
RF circuits and systems, there has been slow
progress toward developing a time domain
model that adequately simulates the PIN diode.
One time domain model that has already been
advanced is strictly a current controlled
resistance with package parasitics [1]. This
model does not include such important effects as
I-region charge storage, which is the dominant
mechanism in governing such PIN diode
characteristic, or its transient response in
passive or quasi-active microwave power limiter
This paper presents a model for the PIN diode
that allows time domain simulation using circuit
simulators such as SPICE. The model includes
both junction effects (making it suitable for dc
bias simulation) as well as low and high
frequency I-region charge storage and transient
phenomenon. The model will allow design
engineers to use SPICE or other time domain
CAD tools to perform simulation of PIN diodes
and ancillary circuitry such as switch drivers.
The model is easily embedded in more complex
circuits for use in full system simulation since it
uses standard SPICE and PIN diode electrical
parameters. Verification of the new model is
made by comparing analytic and experimental
The PIN diode is characterized by a lightly
doped intrinsic (or I-) region sandwiched
between heavily doped p-type and n-type
regions. The electrical structure arising from
this physical structure is of two PN-type
junctions on either end of a highly resistive
region (I-region) subject to conductivity
modulation by an applied dc forward current.
For time domain simulation, the PI and IN
junctions can be characterized by the usual PN
junction diode circuit elements. Modeling the Iregion is more problematic since this region
exhibits charge storage phenomenon due to
conductivity modulation which is manifested in
the charge-current (or Q-I) relationship. Several
circuit simulation models exist (APLAC and HP
LIBRA, for example) that have a PIN diode
element in their libraries, but none of these
CAD tools include I-region charge storage
effects. It is the I-region charge storage effect
that governs such PIN diode behavior as the
impedance-frequency characteristic, insertion
loss and limiter behavior.
The I-region charge storage phenomenon in PIN
diodes is described by the ambipolar carrier
transport equation:
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∂ 2 n( x , t ) n( x , t ) 1 ∂n( x , t )
dx 2
This mathematical representation of the I-region
charge storage effect has been successfully
combined with the PN junction portions of the
PIN diode and implemented as an analytical
model [2-5]. Implementation of Equation 1 in
the time domain model is performed by applying
boundary value conditions and deriving the
stored charge-current relationship in the Iregion in the s-domain [6]. The resulting
SPICE implementation uses standard simulation
parameters and includes such effects as unequal
carrier mobilities (for silicon and gallium
arsenide PIN diode simulations) as well as
unequal junction characteristics.
The parameters in the time domain model are
common to other models [1-5]. In addition to
the standard PN junction simulation parameters
(reverse saturation current and the diode ideality
factor), the model requires knowledge of the Iregion width and ambipolar carrier lifetime.
Limiting resistance values Rmin (minimum high
current resistance) and Rmax (zero bias
resistance) are easily added [1]. Extrinsic
parameters such as junction and package
capacitances and bond wire inductances can be
included in the model.
3.1 SPST Switch Application
Simulations using a commercial version of
PSPICE were performed to compare the model
described with previously published analytical
results [2-5]. Figure 1 shows the resistive and
reactive impedance components of a PIN diode
using the proposed model plotted with the
analytical results for a gallium arsenide device
with a 3 µm I-region width and 5.6 nanoseconds
carrier lifetime at 1 mA dc forward current [2].
Plotted with the simulated results are
experimental data (circles) taken on a PIN diode
with the same characteristics. The agreement
between the PSPICE and analytical results and
the experimental data is very good, validating
the model for use in simulating the PIN diode
impedance-frequency characteristic.
Impedance (Ohms)
Resistive Component
Reactive Component
Frequency (Hz)
Figure 1. Comparison of SPICE and analytical
models with experimental data (circles) for a gallium
arsenide PIN diode.
The impedance-frequency characteristic will
influence the insertion loss of a microwave and
RF circuit that uses this PIN diode as the control
element. Figure 2 shows simulated resistance
for a PIN diode (W=25 microns, τ=100 nS)
biased at 10 mA as a function of frequency,
indicating that the resistance monotonically
decreases up to 1000 MHz. Note that the diode
resistance varies from approximately 5 Ohms
down to 3.25 Ohms over the frequency range of
the switch. Figure 3 shows that the insertion
loss of a SPST switch using the above device
varies from approximately 0.4 dB at 10 MHz to
0.25 dB at 1000 MHz. Note that the insertion
loss curve tracks with the resistance curve,
indicating the change in insertion loss with
frequency is primarily caused by the diode and
not the dc biasing network (which was included
in the simulation structure).
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Load Voltage (V)
Spike Leakage
Turn off
Flat Leakage
Time (nS)
Figure 2. Simulated resistance of the PIN diode
using the time domain model described in the paper.
Figure 4. Full waveform of two anti-parallel silicon
PIN diodes in a fully passive microwave limiter. The
10 volt RF pulse begins at 50 nS and ends at 150 nS.
Figure 5 summarizes the results of a number of
simulations for the 2 diode limiter, showing the
input/output power curve, indicating the
increase in flat leakage with increasing input
Figure 3. Insertion Loss (dB) as a function of
frequency for the SPST switch shown in Figure 2A.
3.2 Limiter Application
PIN diodes are often used in applications that
limit the level of microwave voltage on sensitive
receiver components [7]. A major difficulty in
limiter modeling is describing spike and flat
leakage during the turn-on and turn-off
transients. The model described here was
applied to a 2 diode passive PIN diode limiter (Iregion thickness of 5 microns, carrier lifetime of
10 nS) with the diodes separated by 0.1λ
transmission lines. Figure 4 shows the response
of this circuit to a 10 volt 1.0 GHz microwave
pulse. The spike leakage is prominently shown
in Figure 4, with the simulation showing spike
leakage lasting
approximately 10
Figure 5. Input/output power curves for a 2 diode
antiparallel PIN diode limiter (same diode
characteristics as Figure 4).
Figure 6 shows limiter diode spike leakage
under three different microwave pulsed voltage
conditions as a function of frequency. The spike
leakage increases with frequency for a given
microwave voltage applied to the circuit. This
increase in spike leakage is due to the short RF
cycle of the higher frequency signals not
providing sufficient time for carriers to transit
the I-region and set up the high conductance Iregion.
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6. A. Strollo, “A New SPICE Model of Power P-I-N
Diode based on Asymptotic Waveform Evaluation”,
IEEE Trans. Power Electronics, vol. 12(1), pp. 1220, Jan. 1997.
7. A. Ward,; R. Tan, and R. Kaul, “Spike leakage of
thin Si PIN limiters”, IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory
and Tech., vol. 42(10), pp. 1879-1885, 1994.
SPICE Subcircuit Template
Figure 6. Spike leakage (load voltage) for 5.0, 10.0
and 20.0 volt RF pulses as a function of frequency.
The simulations were performed with the same
circuit and PIN diodes as used for Figure 4.
A method has been presented for time domain
modeling of the PIN diode. Using this model,
microwave and RF engineers designing with
PIN diodes can readily use time domain circuit
simulators such as SPICE to study PIN diode
effects in circuits and systems more easily. The
new model has been validated using both
This material is based upon work supported by
the National Science Foundation under Grant
No. CCR-9805718.
1. J. Walston, “Spice Circuit yields recipe for PIN
diode”, Microwaves and RF, pp. 78-89, Nov. 1992
2. R. Caverly and G. Hiller, "The Small Signal ac
Impedance of Gallium Arsenide and Silicon PIN
Diodes," Solid-State Electronics, vol. 33(10), Oct.,
3. R. Caverly and G. Hiller, "The Frequency
Dependent Impedance of p-i-n Diodes”, IEEE Trans.
Microwave Theory and Tech., vol. 37(4), pp. 787790, April, 1989.
4. Lebedev, I.V.; Drozdovskaya, L.M.; Drozdovskij,
N.V.; Shnitkov, A.S., “Determination of the active
component of pin-diode impedance”, Radiotekhnika i
Elektronika, vol. 41(3), pp. 370-373, Mar., 1996.
5. R. Varshney, D. Roulston, and S. Chamberlain,
“Some properties concerning the a.c. impedance of PI-N and P-N-N+ diodes”, Solid-State Electronics, vol.
17, p. 699, 1974.
.subckt pin 9 20 params: is=1e-10,
+ n=1, ikf=3, phi=.7,
+ rlim=1.8m, repi=800k, cj=0.5pf,
+ tau=.116u, w=10u,
+ lbond=0.5nh, cpack=0.25pf
* b=3 for silicon; b=15 for GaAs
+ b=3
.param to={w*w/.001935/4}
.param v1={w*w/tau/0.1}
.param alf={to/tau}
.param npi={2*n/(1+b)}
.param nin={2*b*n/(1+b)}
cpack 9 20 {cpack}
lbond 9 10 {lbond}
cjunc 10 20 {cj}
repi 10 12 {repi}
rlim 10 11 {rlim}
grmod 11 12 value={2*(v(11,12)*v(2,3)/v1)}
gpin 12 20 value={i(vs2)}
rpin 10 20 1e12
ej 30 0 value={v(12,20)}
vs1 30 31 0
* two different junction models needed for
* Dember contribution
dpi 31 32 dj1
din 32 0 dj2
.model dj1 d (is={is},ikf={ikf},n={npi})
.model dj2 d (is={is},ikf={ikf},n={nin})
e1 1 0 value={i(vs1)}
vs2 1 2 0
* 6th order approximation for base region
rp1 2 3 1
cp1 2 3 {tau}
rs1 3 0 {alf/3}
rp2 3 4 5
cp2 3 4 {tau/5}
rs3 4 0 {alf/7}
rp4 4 5 9
cp4 4 5 {tau/9}
rs5 5 0 {alf/11}
0-7803-5135-5/99/$10.00 (c) 1999 IEEE