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Online Subscriptions: EBSCOHOST — is a full text online research databases which ranges from general reference collections to specifically designed, subject specific databases for public, academic, medical, corporate and school libraries. —on campus use only URL : ERIC (Educational Resource Information Center,) — provides access to education literature and resources. The database provides access to information from journals included in the Current Index of Journals in Education and Resources in Education Index. —on campus use only URL : GALE VIRTUAL REFERENCE LIBRARY — is a database of encyclopedias and specialized reference sources for multidisciplinary research. —on campus use only URL: Note: For more library online subscriptions, visit Rizal Library’s Website at Free Online Sources: Character Counts — Curriculum teaching the Six Pillars of Character: trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring and citizenship. URL: Heartwood Institute — is a non-profit educational organization founded to promote the understanding and practice of seven universal ethical attributes: Courage, Loyalty, Justice, Respect, Hope, Honesty, and Love. URL : Project Wisdom — Helping students make wiser choices URL: Lime Wire Media — produces and distributes educational media for character education, youth guidance, and life skills. Our materials are designed to help young people become caring, respectful, responsible people who think critically, solve problems non-violently, and make choices based on knowing and doing what's right. URL: Ateneo de Manila High School EDUCATIONAL MEDIA CENTER : Library ———————————————————–—– Wise Skills — a K-12 character education program, is a teacher-friendly and inter-disciplinary way to build the character of young people. URL: Scholarly/Academic Internet Search Engines: Google Scholar — URL : Academic Index — URL : Librarian's Index to the Internet — URL : Image URL: InfoMine — URL : —————————————————–—–—————— Disclaimer: This pathfinder contains suggested materials dealing with character education, moral education, conduct of life and values that are available at the Ateneo de Manila High School Library. In any case, some references were not included. ——————————————————–—–————— PATHFINDER ———————————————————–—– CHARACTER EDUCATION Ateneo de Manila High School EDUCATIONAL MEDIA CENTER : Library Loyola Heights, Quezon City Phone : (623) 426-6001 loc. 6206 Fax: (632) 4265914 EMC Blog : —11/18/2008— Image URL: What is Character Education?* • • • Character education is an umbrella term generally used to describe the teaching of children in a manner that will help them develop as personal and social beings. Concepts that fall under this term include social and emotional learning, moral reasoning/ cognitive development, life skills education, health education; violence prevention, critical thinking, ethical reasoning, and conflict resolution and mediation. This form of education involves teaching children and adolescents values including honesty, stewardship, kindness, generosity, courage, freedom, justice, equality, and respect. *Source: Books (c1960-2006) Nonfiction Covey, Stephen R. The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People : Restoring the Character Ethic. New York : Simon & Schuster, 1989. 158 C873 1989 Fazzina, Douglas. A Young Person's Guide to Peace of Heart. Pasay City : Daughters of St. Paul, 1991. BF 637 P3F39 Hartley, Hermine. The Family Book of Manners. Ohio : Barbour, 1990. BJ 1857 .C5 H255 Hospers, John. Human Conduct : Problems of Ethics. 2nd ed. New York :Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1982. BJ 1025 H72 1982 Rice, F. Philip. Morality and Youth : a Guide for Christian Parents. Philadelphia : Westminster Press, 1980. BJ 1661 R5 Ryan, Patrick James. A Soldier Priest Talks To Youth. New York : Random House, 1963. BJ 1661 R9 Teacher’s Collection Alejo, Pierangelo B. Values Guisado : Q & A Values Education for Parents and Teachers. Mandaluyong City: SIBS Pub, 2004. 370.114 A366 2004 DeRoche, Edward F. Educating Hearts and Minds : A Comprehensive Character Education Framework. 2nd ed. Thousand Oaks, California: Corwin Press, 2001. 370.114 D4 2001 Holmes, Arthur Frank. Shaping Character : Moral Education in the Christian College. Grand Rapids, Michigan : Eerdmans Pub. Co., 1991. LC 311 H57 Knowles, Elizabeth. Character Builders : Books and Activities For Character Education. Westport, Connecticut : Libraries Unlimited, 2006. 370.114 K73 2006 Ryan, Kevin. Building Character in Schools : Practical Ways to Bring Moral Instruction to Life. San Francisco, California : JosseyBass, 1999. 370.114 R988 1999 Taulbert, Clifton L. Eight Habits of the Heart for Educators : Building Strong School Communities Through Timeless Values. California : Corwin Press, 2006. 370.11 T225 2006 Filipiniana Babor, Eddie R. Ethics : The Philosophical Discipline of Action. Manila : Rex Book Store, 1999. 370.114 B3 1999 Bonoan, Raul J. Values Formation in Higher Education. Manila : National Book Store, 1985. LC 315 P5V34 De Castro, Modesto. Urbana at Felisa : Aklat na Katututuhan ng mga Gintong Aral. Manila : Aklatang J. Matinez, 1960. PL 5548.3 C39U7 1960 Escalante, Pastor C. Effective Approaches to Character Education. Quezon City : AlemarPhoenix Pub., 1973. LC 268 E82 Miranda, Dionisio M. Pagkamakatao : Reflections on the Theological Virtues in the Philippine Context. Manila : Divine Word Pub ., 1987. BV 4635 M57 Rivera, Juan Fangon. Growing Up Gracefully : A Book on Character Education. Quezon City : Phoenix Pub, 1961 BJ 1595 R62 1961 Rivera, Juan Fangon. Living Gracefully : A Book on Character Education. Quezon City : Phoenix Pub, 1962. BJ 1595 R621 Villote, Ben J. Erps : Values for Youth. Antipolo, Rizal : Syner Aide Consultancies, 1986. BJ 1661 V55 ——— . Values in Philippine Culture and Education. Washington, D.C. : Council for Research in Values and Philosophy, 1994. 370.11409599 V215 1994