Download Bromeliad Aechmea — The Silver Vase, Urn Plant

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Bromeliad Aechmea —
The Silver Vase, Urn Plant
Plant of the Month
January 2015
Aechmea bromeliads are probably the most popular houseplant bromeliads on the market today. A prefect plant for
indoor and outdoor use, especially in office spaces. They
are very easy to care for. The stately plants generally have
wide, strappy green leaves that sometimes appear to be
lightly powdered. Although the plants themselves are beautiful, their long-lasting flowering bracts are stunning. Usually pink, they rise above the plant like a spiky crown, with
smaller purple flowers emerging after time. It’s not unusual
for an Aechmea flower spike to last for months.
Growing conditions:
Light: Aechmea’s thrives in light shade or indirect sunlight.
Water: Aechmea’s foliage grows without a stem. The leaves grow
together forming a rosette shape at the centre of the plant. It
takes in water through this rosette, more commonly refer to as a
tank. It’s important to keep water in its central tank at all times.
Be sure to flush this water regularly with clean water to prevent
odour and bacteria.
Temperature: Preferably between 15 — 30 °C with some humidity being provided.
Soil: Well-drained, moisture-retentive soil. It can also be grown
epiphytically with moss around its roots and wired to rough bark.
Fertilizer: Fertilizer sparingly with a liquid fertilizer during the
growing season.
Height: 30-90cm, with a
spread of up to 60cm.