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(Sauropus androgynous)
Family: Euphorbiaceae
Description Sweet leaf is one of the most popular, leaf vegetables from India to Malaysia. It merits attention and cultivation in
Australia, as it is one of the most prolific, heavy yielding, nutritious and appetizing green leaves. In research trials in Malaysia, sweet
leaf yields per hectare, surpassed all other greens. The bush has upright, multiple stems 1-2 ½ metres high; dark-green, ovalshaped leaves 5-6cm long. Flat, round, orange/red flowers 1-2cm across, form in the leaf axils. In tropical climates, a capsule forms,
with small, black seeds. We have experienced, in our sub-tropical conditions; the bush thrives, flowers, but does not set many seed.
Propagation is by seeds, suckers or cuttings. Sweet leaf will grow in most soils, including heavy clay. It will tolerate high rainfall and
also dry conditions. The bush will grow in full sun, as well as 95% shade. Growth is rapid during the warm months, slowing down in
leaf production in winter, or even going dormant. In cold climates, plant in a warm, sheltered, wind-protected position, or in a large
pot, which may be moved to a warm position over winter. Fertilise regularly, and mulch to conserve moisture. An extract made of the
plant has been found to have a strong activity against pine wood nematodes, and may have possibility against other species.
Constituents: papaverine, protein 34% to 49%, fibre 14-18% Vitamins: A, B, C
Minerals: potassium content is 2.77% (comparison with dried banana 1.48%); calcium 2.77% (dried skim milk is 1.3%);
phosphorus .61% (dried soybeans are .55%); magnesium .55%; iron 199pmm febrifuge, antibiotic
Actions: antibiotic, tonic, antioxidant, diuretic, febrifuge
Medicinal uses The dark-green leaves provide a rich source of chlorophyll which is a valuable blood
building element, cell rejuvenator, and beneficial to the circulation, intestinal flora, and for regular bowel
elimination. Any plant with high nutritional value, like sweet leaf, that helps to detoxify the body, is
valuable in our daily diet. It is an excellent source of potassium. Potassium is vital to muscles including
the heart muscles; blood and oxygen circulation and the body’s strength. An infusion made of the leaves,
is used as a poultice to treat fevers and ulcers. A folk remedy for snoring and teeth grinding during sleep,
is to eat sweet leaf regularly, as a food, in soups and other dishes. Perhaps, this bush could be advertised,
as a marriage saver!
Research done for the Mayaguez Institute of Tropical Agriculture, by F.W. Martin and R.M. Ruberte in
‘Edible leaves of the tropics’ mention that if sweet leaf is eaten in large quantities, pain may be
experienced in the limbs. In Malaysia, there have been occasional reports of headaches from heavy
consumption, but no detail of what heavy consumption might mean. I know of no one who has suffered
adverse effects. Several people who thoroughly enjoy eating the leaves say they eat 2 handfuls of leaves
a day without ever experiencing any side effects. All things in moderation is a good motto, and a handful
of leaves a day is considered a good source of greens and not to cause adverse reactions. Sweet leaf has
featured in weight control diets.
Culinary uses In East Asia, bushes are often planted close together to form a food hedge around
houses, and with regular cutting for eating, the hedge is well maintained. As the leaves taste like fresh
green peas, with a nutty flavour, they are popular with everyone who samples them.
Pick the leaflets and eat them fresh in hand in the garden. Add leaves to sandwiches, tossed salads,
curries, meat, rice and curry dishes, scrambles eggs, omelettes, dips, pickles, casseroles, stir-fries and
use as a garnish. The rich green, of the leaves, is used to colour foods green. A tasty, treat is made by
frying leaves in hot butter or oil for a few seconds, which makes them crisp and nutty. Try the leaves
mixed in a tempura batter and deep fried. When adding to cooked dishes, I prefer to toss leaves in at the
last minute of cooking, so that leaves keep their lush green colour. Sweet leaf is my favourite greens. It is
popular with children who are finicky with greens and vegetables.
People seeking a non-meat protein with a rich source of vitamins, minerals and fibre, will find that the
growing and regular use of sweet leaf will provide a supply of tasty leaves of high nutritional value.
Several people have shared with me that eating sweet leaf as a protein source for a meal makes them feel
satisfied and light, not heavy like after a meal of meat. The plant is a valuable survival food.
Extract from Book “How Can I Use Herbs In My Daily Life?” by Isabell Shipard For more details Phone Shipards Herb Farm (07) 54411101 (Mon, Tues, Thurs, Sat 10am – 2 pm)
or Email [email protected]