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Plate 140
EPIDENDRUM GUANACASENSE Hagsater et Dodson. sp. nov. Holotype: COLOMBIA: Paramo de Guanacas, Central Andes of Popayan, 3000-3500 m, F.e. Lehmann 6847, AMES (22624)! Isotypes: AMES (74057)! K! L! NY! W!
Epidendro brevivenio Lindl. simile, sed roliis ovatis, inflorescentia spatha carenti, labello trilobato, lobis lateralibus
f1abellatis, margine irregulariter sinuato-lobato, lobo mediano rectangulari-spatulato, emarginato.
Hierba epffita, con rizomas rastreros, 10-Z0 cm de alto. Rakes filiformes, producidas en el rizoma, 1 mm de grosor. Tallos
erectos, producidos del segundo 0 tercer entrenudo del tallo anterior, de manera que aparecen separados por rizomas
rastreros de 1.5-3 cm de largo, flexuosos, la parte erecta 6-12 x 0.25-0.5 cm. Hojas 9-18, distribuidas homogeneamente
a 10 largo del talloj vaina tubular, algo comprimida lateralmente, dilatada hacia el apice, rugosa, 6-9 x 3-5 mmj lamina
ovada, dorsalmente carinada cerca del apice, subcoriacea, algo rugosa, 8-19 x 6-9 mm. Inflorescencia terminal en el tallo
maduro, florece una sola vez, racemosa, erecta, ocasionalmente algo arqueada, compactaj pedunculo abreviado, sin espata,
con 2-5 bracteas conduplicadas, tubular-amplexicaules en la base, incurvadas, 10-15 mm de largo. Bracteas f10rales
similares a las del pedunculo pero mis cortas, angostamente triangulares, acuminadas, incurvadas, progresivamente mas
cortas,ligeramente mas cortas que el ovario, 3.5-9 mm de largo. Ovario delgado, 5-9 mm de largo. Flores subsimultaneas,
numerosas, 20 0 mas, resupinadas, entreabiertas, de color pardo-crema, aparentemente sin fragancia. Sepalo dorsal
obovado, agudo, 4.5 x 2.3 mm. Sepalos laterales obovados, agudos, dorsalmente carinados cerca del apice, ligeramente
oblicuos, 4.5 x 2.3 mm. Petalos sublineares, redondeados, rectos, I-nervados, 4 x 0.8 mm. Labelo unido a la columna,
trilobado, prominentemente bicalloso, callos lateralmente comprimidos, con una protuberancia irregular entre ellos, 3.5
x 4.5 mmj l6bulos laterales flabelados, margen irregularmente sinuado-lobuladoj l6bulo medio rectangular-espatulado,
emarginado. Columnagruesa, recta, 2.5 mm de largo. Clinandrio' obsoleto, margen entero. Anterareniforme, con una quilla
roma al frente, 4-locular. Polinios novistos . Rostelo apical, hendido. L6buloslaterales del estigma prominentes, de la mitad
del largo de la cavidad estigmatica. Nectario poco profundo, sin penetrar el ovario, no ornament ado. Capsula subglobosa,
12 x 8-9 mm, con pedicelo delgado de 3-4 mm de largo.
Epiphytic, repent herb. Stems produced from the 2nd -3rd internode of the previous stem, thus spaced along the repent
rhizome, erect, flexuous. Leaves ovate, subcoriaceous, somewhat rugose. Inflorescence terminal, flowers only once,
racemose, erect, compact, without spathes, with 2-5 conduplicate bracts on the peduncle. Flowers numerous, partly open,
brownish-cream, apparently without fragrance, resupinate. Sepals obovate, acute, the laterals somewhat oblique. Petals
sublinear, rounded, I-veined. Lip united to the column, 3-lobed, prominently bicallosej lateral lobes flabellate, margin
sinuate-lobulatej midlobe rectangular-spatulate, emarginate. Column short, thick. Clinandrium obsolete, entire. Anther
reniform, with a low keel in front, 4-celled. Rostellum apical, slit. Lateral stigma lobes prominent. Capsule subglobose,
with a short, slender pedicel.
a!. 10618, AMO! (illustration voucher.)
DISTRIBUTION AND ECOLOGY: This species seems to be restricted to the high paramos and cloud forests of the inter­
Andean valley on the border between Ecuador and Colombia. The authors have found it growing on trees in a dense cloud
forest, just below the paramo, but the species may also occur as terrestrial or lithophyte at higher altitude, where many
orchids can be found on slopes amidst mosses.
RECOGNITION: Epidendrum guanacasense can be easily recognized at first glance by its somewhat creeping growth mode
with the thick, erect stems covered by small, ovate, coriaceous leaves, and the erect, racemose, compact inflorescence
without spathe, with 2-5 bracts surrounding the basal portion of the peduncle. Its closest relative is E. brevivenium Lind!.,
which has similar habit but larger plants with fewer, thinner leaves, and has two clearly distinct spathe-like bracts at
the base of the inflorescence. Epidendrum guanacasense is comparatively a much more compact plant.
ETYMOLOGY: The specific name is derived from the Paramo of Guanacas,
the locality where Consul Lehmann originally found it.
Authors: E. Hagsater & C. H. Dodson
Ilustrator: R. Jimenez
Herbaria de la Asociaci6n Mexicana de Orquideologia, A.C.
Apartado Postal 53-123, 11320 Mexico, D.F., MEXICO
Editors: E. Hagsater & G. A. Salazar
Plate 140