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Eupatorium perfoliatum
[yoo-puh-TOR-ee-um per-foh-lee-AY-tum]
Family: Compositae
thoroughwort; Indian sage; ague weed;
crosswort; teasel, wood boneset, vegetable
antimony; Native American names: ‘skipwa’isi
mamitcakanakesiti (sweet potato root and
weeds with fowers round) and “manitowu’skw”
(snake root) [Mesquakie]; Eupatorio (Spanish)
Description: A hardy perennial with round,
erect, hairy, hollow stems which grow to 5 feet,
then split into three branches, which produce
tiny, densely clustered white to bluish florets
from midsummer through fall. Its leaves are
long, narrow, pointed pairs connected and
pierced by the stem. Fruits are dry, 5-angled,
hairy achenes. The odor of the plant is slightly
aromatic, the taste astringent and strongly
bitter. Common in the marshes of the eastern
half of the US and Canada.
Cultivation: Perennial, hard to Zone 3. Prefers
a rich, moist soil. Can grow in full sun with
adequate moisture or partial shade if moisture
is somewhat scarce. Regular water is important;
irrigate deeply at least once a week, if
necessary, with either overhead or drip.
Somewhat competitive with weeds. Because of
its size, early cultivation is important. No
known pest problems. Plant can be harvested
year after year in same location. If left in the
ground for many years it must be fertilized
annually with a balanced fertilizer.
Easily propagated from seed or cuttings.
Seeds will germinate reasonably well without
stratification but will germinate better with it.
Up to 80%-90% germination is typical.
Germination time is 2-3 weeks, with nursery
seedlings ready to transplant in approximately
2-3 months. Cuttings are easiest when plant is
not in flower, ideally in late spring or early
summer. Cuttings root readily and can be
potted into larger pots in about 4-6 weeks.
Older plants can be easily divided in early
Plant as soon as seedlings are ready in
late spring/early summer. Cuttings can be
planted when ready. Easy to plant with
transplanter. Plants should be on 18-24 inch
centers with row spacing 24-30 inches.
Boneset seedlings require a lot of water so
either irrigate immediately or plant when rain is
Aerial portions are harvested when
flowers are starting usually in mid-summer. A
second fall harvest is sometimes possible.
Harvest by hand and immediately put it into the
shade as it starts to decompose quickly if it gets
too hot.
It bruises easily and starts to decompose
quickly so careful handling is important. It is
best to get it into the dryer as soon as possible
with care being taken not to pile it too thick.
The plant should be dry in 4-6 days.
History: Boneset's name comes from its
traditional use as a treatment for "breakbone
fever," an old term for dengue fever, a
mosquito-borne, viral disease that causes
muscle pains so intense that people imagine
their bones are breaking.
The Indians
introduced boneset to early colonists as a
sweat-inducer, an old treatment for fevers. The
Indians used boneset for all fever-producing
illnesses: influenza, cholera, dengue, malaria,
and typhoid, which accounts for the other
names of feverwort and sweat plant. It was
also used to relieve arthritis and to treat colds,
indigestion, constipation, and loss of appetite.
Boneset was listed as a treatment for fever in
the U.S. Pharmacopoeia from 1820-1916, and
in the National Formulary from 1926-1950.
Boneset was also used as a charm by the North
American Indians.
The root fibers were
applied to hunting whistles, believing they
would increase the whistle's ability to call deer.
Ritual Use: Gender: Feminine. Planet: Saturn.
Element: Water.
Powers: Protection.,
attracting protective benevolent spirits instead.
Boneset may also be used to protect people and
animals from “ghost sickness,” the illness that
some believe may emerge after extended
contact with the dead. The most potent boneset
is found growing on or near graves.
Supplement it with white pine for added
enhancement. Hang fresh boneset branches
over doorways or burn young boneset branches
and twigs within a cauldron to drive away
existing ghosts.
To determine whether love will flourish,
take two boneset roots and hold the roots
together to see if they will intertwine. If they
will, the signs are auspicious for relationship
and romance.
Constituents: Aromatic compounds: essential
oil; terpenoids; sesquiterpene lactones:
eufoliatorin (which have cytotoxic and
antitumor activity); diterpenes (hepenolide);
dendroidinic acid and others; triterpenes; alphaamyrin and others; sesquiterpenes; chromenes;
resin; Astringent compounds: tannin; Bitter
compounds: saponins; sitosterol and tohers;
alkaloids; Flavonoids: eupatorin, quercetin,
kaempferol, astragalin, rutin and others;
Mucilaginous compounds; polysaccharides;
inulin (15%)
Energetics: cold, dry, bitter
Medicinal Uses: Parts used: tops and leaves.
European studies show this herb helps treat
minor viral and bacterial infections by
stimulating white blood cells to destroy
effectively. In Germany, physicians currently
use boneset to treat viral infections, such as
colds and flu. One study shows boneset is
mildly anti-inflammatory, lending some
support to its traditional use in treating arthritis.
Taken in small doses it often gives
relief very quickly. It reduces fever and clears
up mucous build-up in the lungs. It gently
empties any toxins which may be stored in the
colon. It relaxes the joints and eases the
terrible pain which often accompanies the flu.
Some people have found it to be very useful for
their rheumatism. Boneset is dual in action,
depending on how it is administered, when cold
a tonic, when warm emetic diaphoretic. It is
extremely bitter to the taste and is disliked by
children, but in these cases a thick syrup of
boneset, ginger and anise is used by some for
coughs of children, with good results.
The flavonoids and the sesquiterpene
lactones in the essential oil appear to work
together in an as yet undetermined fashion to
produce the antipyretic and diaphoretic effect.
The essential oil also irritates mucous
membranes resulting in its expectorant effect.
The irritation may also stimulate peristalsis.
Besides the bitter and aromatic
components of the herb, it contains the
mucilaginous polysaccharride inulin which
could mitigate the harshness of the herb.
Tannins are also present which tone inflamed
tissue. One study also mentions the presence of
pyrrolizidine alkaloids. These are apparently of
the same chemical class as the hepatoxic
alkaloids found in comfrey. Flavonoids have
even shown some antitumor properties.
diaphoretic; laxative; antipyretic; bitter tonic;
antispasmodic; emetic; carminative; astringent
Applications: For colds, flu, arthritis and minor
inflammation, use an infusion or tincture. For
an infusion, use 1-2 teaspoons of dried leaves
per cup of boiling water. Steep 10-20 minutes.
Drink up to 3 cups a day. Add sugar or honey
and lemon to improve taste. For tinctures, use
1/2 to 1 teaspoon up to 3 times a day. Should
not be given to children under age 2.
Traditionally combined with fenugreek.
Extract: 1.5 gm dried herb, 7 ml alcohol, 8 ml
For asthma: mix 1 tablespoon each of boneset,
Irish moss, coltsfoot, mullein, thyme, rosemary,
valerian, and lobelia. Add 1 teaspoon of the
herbal mixture to 1 cup of boiling water. Cover
and steep for 15 minutes. Strain. Peppermint
or cherry oil may be added for flavoring if
desired. Drink 4 cups daily to obtain relief.
For blood-strengthening spring tonic: pour 1
quart of boiling water over 1 ounce each of
burdock root, dandelion root, boneset herb and
sarsaparilla and boil for 15 minutes. Strain and
drink 1 wineglass full 3 times a day. Continue
treatment fort 2-3 days. Refrigerate and drink
For sinus congestion: this may take several
days to loosen up congestion. Pour 1 cup
boiling water over 1 teaspoon of boneset.
Cover and steep 15 minutes. Strain and
sweeten. Drink with every meal and before
For arthritis: Mix 1 tablespoon each of corn
silk, broom flowers, skullcap and boneset. Pour
1 cup boiling water over 1 tablespoon of herb
mixture and steep 15 minutes. Strain and
sweeten. Drink with meals.
Catarrh Tea
1 tsp boneset
3 tsp peppermint leaves
2 Tbsp elder flowers
1 Tbsp yarrow
2 cups boiling water
Combine the herbs and cover with the
boiling water in a nonmetallic container; steep
30 minutes, cool, and strain. Take up to two
cups a day.
Cough and Cold Formula
2 tsp boneset herb
2 tsp licorice root
2 to 3 slices ginger root
2 tsp wild cherry bark
2 cups boiling water
Combine the above herbs in a
nonmetallic container and cover with the
boiling water; steep for 30 minutes, cool, and
strain. Take one to two tablespoons at a time,
up to two cups a day, as needed, for a dry
tickling cough.
Constipation Tea
One large handful of boneset flowers
One large handful of dandelion flowers
4 oz cascara bark
2 quarts water
Combine the above herbs in a pan and
cover with two quarts of water; bring to a boil;
boil until the mixture reduces to one quart;
strain. Take one cup before breakfast and one
at bedtime. You may want to add honey to
Homeopathic: Anus (herpes of), Back (pain in),
Bilious fever, tincture of whole plant--bones
(pains I), cough, dengue, diarrhea, fractures,
influenza, intermittent fever, jaundice, liver
(soreness of), measles, cracks of mouth,
ophthalmia, relapsing fever, remittent fever,
rheumatism, ringworm, spotted fever, syphilitic
pains, thirst, wounds. A clinical experiment in
Germany compared the effectiveness of a
homeopathic tincture of boneset to aspirin on
53 patients affected by the common cold. No
significant differences were found between the
two groups, indicating that the drugs were
equally effective. Other German research
indicates that boneset contains large
immunostimulatory effects.
Toxicity: In large amounts, boneset can cause
nausea, vomiting and violent diarrhea. Do not
eat fresh boneset. It contains a toxic chemical,
tremerol, which causes nausea, vomiting,
respiration, and at high doses, possibly even
coma and death. Drying the herb eliminates the
tremerol and the possibility of poisoning. For
otherwise healthy non-pregnant, non-nursing
adults who have no history of alcoholism,
cancer, or liver disease, boneset is considered
safe in amounts typically recommended.
Ritual Uses: To curse an enemy, burn as an
incense and chant while it burns,
I alone will break your bone,
You can no longer harm me,
The harm you’ve done returns to you,
As sure as sky turns blue.
As a skin ointment, grind the herb into
powder, mix in equal proportions with vaseline,
and form a salve for the affected area of sore or
The Complete Book of Herbs, Lesley
Bremness, Viking,
The Complete Medicinal Herbal, Penelope
Ody, Dorling Kindersley, 1993; ISBN 1-56458187-X
An Elders' Herbal, David Hoffmann, Healing
Arts Press,
Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs, Scott
Cunningham, Llewellwyn Publications, 1982,
ISBN: 978-0 87542-122-3
The Healing Herbs, Michael Castleman,
Rodale, 1991
The Illustrated Herb Encyclopedia, Kathi
Keville, Mallard Press, 1991; ISBN 0-79245307-7
Indian Herbalogy of North America, Alma R.
Hutchens, Merco, 1973
Jude's Herbal Home Remedies, Jude C.
Williams, Llewellyn, 1992; ISBN 0-87542869-X
The Master Book of Herbalism, Paul Beyerl,
Phoenix Publishing Co., 1984; ISBN 0-91934553-0
Medicinal Herbs in the Garden, Field &
Marketplace, Lee Sturdivant and Tim Blakley,
Bootstrap, 1998
Medicinal Wild Plants of the PrairieKelly
Kindscher, Univ Press of Kansas, 1992
The Modern Herbal Spellbook, Anna Riva,
International Imports, 1974; ISBN: 0-94383203-9
Nutritional Herbology, Mark Pedersen, 1994,
Wendell W. Whitman; ISBN: 1-885653-03-4
Secret Native American Herbal Remedies,
Anthony J Cichoke, Avery Books, 2001; ISBN:
Textbook of Modern Herbology, Dr. Terry
Willard, C.W. Progressive Publishing, 1988
Tieraona's Herbal, Tieraona Lowdog, 1985
Companion Plants,
Crimson Sage,
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