Download Dipladenia Scarlet Pimpernel

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Dipladenia Scarlet Pimpernel
Dipladenias, the Brazilian jasmine, are well known. To complement these we have Scarlet Pimpernel . It is darker and
richer in colour to give us a contrast with darker leaves and darker flowers. The flowering and growing habit of Scarlet
Pimpernel is similar to its relations.
Planted with Merlins Magic and My Fair Lady the contrast in colour is spectacular. If grown on a light trellis it will
scramble to about 2.5 metres as a very light cover. Scarlet Pimpernel can be easily kept as a small shrub by just picking
off the odd runner that appears from time to time.
Like Merlins Magic and My Fair Lady we will find Scarlet Pimpernel
show of flowers with a minimum of hassle.
As with other Dipladenias, Scarlet Pimpernel
pools. As a hanging basket it is without peer.
used in many situations where people want a
will do well as a tub plant in sunny positions on patios, balconies or around
In warmer districts of Australia heavy flowering is continuous from September till June with some flowers even in July and
August. In cooler areas protection from frost is essential. In these areas it flowers from November to March.
All of us know the pink cultivar of D. sanderii and Red Riding Hood® which won the acclaim of the gardening public of
Australia when it was released for sale in 1985.
The genus Mandevilla of which Dipladenia is a part includes many plants with showy flowers. None exceed the Dipladenia
in length of flowering or in the number of flowers they bear.
The breeder of this plant in Denmark has given marketing rights to WON Pty Ltd for Australia and New Zealand. Plant
Variety Rights was applied for and is granted.
A good open soil or potting mix is necessary. Keep moist but do not ever stand in water.
Slow release fertiliser applied in September and February is all that is needed to keep Scarlet Pimpernel
NOTE: Unauthorised commercial propagation or sale of propagating material of
plants with Plant Breeders Rights is an infringement under the Plant Breeder’s
Rights Act 1994.
Copyright 2000 ©This information has been prepared by Redlands Nursery to
assist gardeners. It is intended as a guide only.
growing well.