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Pyracantha Diseases
Informational table showing disease name, symptoms, pathogen/cause, and management of
Pyracantha diseases.
Dieback and canker
Leaves wilt and die as
branches are slowly killed.
Small, sunken cankers slowly
increase in size. The wood
beneath the canker is
discolored. Trees cankered
near the base will die.
Fire blight
Twigs, branches, and leaders
on shrubs wilt and blacken,
especially during flowering.
Affected twigs and branches
may bend over into the shape
of a shepherd’s crook.
Blackened flower parts remain
attached to the plant.
Cream-colored liquid may
ooze out of the cankers and
run down the trunk and
branches in the spring if
conditions are very wet. No
fungal fruiting structures are
found in the cankers
Erwinia amylovora
Pyracantha cultivars
considered resistant include
Mojave, Shawnee, and Yunan.
Do not purchase or plant
infected material. Remove
severely infected plants.
During dormancy when the
weather is dry, prune infected
branches, cutting at least 4
inches below the base of the
canker. Disinfest pruning tools
Velvety, olive green spots can
form on all plant parts. Leaves Spilocaea pyracanthae
and fruit fall prematurely.
Plant resistant cultivars such
as Bella, Duval, Flava, Firey
Cascade, Government Red,
Prostrata, Rutgers Shawnee,
and Santa Cruz Prostrata.
Avoid using sprinkler
irrigation. Apply a fungicide
in the spring and at regular
intervals until the weather
Prune infected branches well
below the canker. Remove
severely infected trees. Protect
trees from drought stress and
winter injury.
Scab on foliage and fruit.
Penn State College of Agricultural Sciences research and extension programs are funded in part by Pennsylvania counties, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,
and the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
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© The Pennsylvania State University 2016
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Pyracantha Diseases