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Guyana is South America's little-known curiosity that lies between Suriname, Brazil and
Venezuela. It is the only English speaking country in South America and covers an area of
83,000 square miles.
Guyana has three distinct Geographical zones: the coastal belt, the forested and mountainous
regions and the savannas.
The coastal belt accounts for 4% of the land mass in Guyana where 90% of the country's
population is found.From the coast, the landscape rises to the mountain ranges and high
plateaux, an area rich in minerals that spawned the age-old belief that Guyana is the site of El
Dorado, 'the lost city of gold'. Further south are the savannas, the North and South Rupununi.
Guyana, an Amerindian word meaning 'Land of Many Waters' has numerous rivers and
waterways. The three main rivers are Essequibo, Demerara and Berbice. The Essequibo River
is South America's third-largest with a mouth of 20 miles long and runs the entire lenght of
Guyana. All three of the rivers spills into the Atlantic which stretches for 270 miles along
Northern Guyana.
Guyana is an amazing country with Natural beauty, but you have to be there to see, enjoy,
explore and experience it for yourself.
The Guiana Shield is formed some two billion years ago during the precambrian period. The
shield is covered with 2.5 million km sq of tropical forest.The massive granite craton underlying
the Guyana Shield are covered with sandstones, quartzite, shales, conglomerates and boulder
beds. The Guyana shield is the world's largest remaining tract of mostly undisturbed and
unexplored tropical rainforest and is one of the only four such remaining forest in the world.
Mount Roraima
Is the most famous Tepui in the World. Over 1,700 million years old, this ancient formation is
one of the most acclaimed sights in South America forming a tripartite border between Guyana,
Venezuela and Brazil. For hundreds of years this ancient flat-topped mountain formation
inspired travelers - tales and rumors abounded concerning the mysterious, inaccessible summit
above the clouds.
Mount Roraima is the highest point in Guyana with a plateau standing at 2700m. Forming part
of the ancient Guiana Shield, Mt. Roraima was once part of Gondwanaland before tectonic
activity moved apart the continents of Africa and South America. The lunar-like surface is home
to many unique flora species which huddles for shelter in pockets on the exposed, windswept
plateau. Amazing rock formations have been carved by wind and water, and the ground is
uneven and rocky with frequent crystal clear pools of excruciatingly cold water (good for the
circulation apparently!) There are crystal beds that contain large, individual crystals in
interesting shapes, and stunning views.
Mt. Roraima has made a deep impression on western literature and thought, influencing such
men as Charles Darwin and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. After the publication of Darwin's 'Origin of
Species' there was great public interest in 'missing links' and 'relic species' preserved by
isolation. Roraima mysterious summit was an excellent possibility for an area at evolutionary
standstill and the last place on earth where dinosaurs could exist. Conan Doyle, fascinated by
the descriptions of early explorers such as Im Thurm, wrote in 1912 what is considered to be
one of the best science fiction novels ever written - "The Lost World."
Kanuku Mountains
The Kanuku Mountains – recognized by Conservation International as being one of the few
remaining pristine Amazon habitats - is located in southwestern Guyana. This picturesque
mountain range forms a spectacular backdrop to the Rupununi Savannahs with its sculptured
crowns peaking just below the clouds.
The range, divided by the Rupununi River, is noted for its high diversity of bird and animal
species, with approximately 80% of the known mammal species of Guyana being recorded.
With little or no human settlement on the eastern range, the area is still pristine and is perfect
for the nature and adventure traveler to experience the diversity of the tropical ecosystems.
A trip down the enchanting Rupununi River provides you with the opportunity to see Black and
Spectacled Caiman, Puma, Tapir and Giant River Otters. Explore forest trails that lead into the
virgin Kanuku Mountains in search of the Harpy Eagle, the Cock of the Rock, Cotingas,
Three-toe Sloth, Tyra and many more exotic animals.
The Pakaraima Mountains
The Pakaraima Mountains are found in central and western Guyana along the Venezuela/Brazil
border. This mountain range covers a distance of roughly 500 miles, is part of the Guyana
Shield and populated with many tepuis, or flat-topped mountains.
Guyana boasts more than 300 Glorious waterfalls . Including several of the World's highest
Waterfalls such as Kaieteur the world's largest single-drop waterfall( five-times the size of
Niagara Falls), King George V1 falls at 525 feet and King Edward V111 at over 850 feet.
Amaila Falls is located on the Kuribrong River ( Potaro-Siparuni Region), a tributary of the
Potaro River in west central Guyana .The river drops from the escarpment over Amaila Falls
vertically approximately 200 feet, and continues in a series of rapids and falls for almost two
miles before reaching placid water at an elevation of 175 feet. The total drop is about 1,200 feet.
During the course of the falls the river changes direction from east to north.
Proposals exist for creating a dam to generate electricity for the national grid and existing large
mining operations, with future expansion capacity to power major industrial growth projects
within Guyana . The project has the potential to produce 100 MW, sufficient to provide power to
most existing users in the country.
Barrington Brown Falls is a waterfall on the Corentyne River , Guyana , approximately 250
km south of Orealla .
The Cuquenan Falls (also spelt Kukenaam and similar) at 2,000-feet in a single drop, are
amongst the 15-highest free-leaping waterfalls in the world. They are located on a tributary of
the Arabopo River , which rises on the Cuquenan Plateau , at Mata Hui , near the borders of
Venezuela and Brazil . It is actually located in western Guyana and it's also one of the world's
most isolated and untouched waterfalls.
Drios Falls is a waterfall on the Corentyne River , Guyana , approximately 245 km south of
Orealla .
Kaieteur Falls is a waterfall on the Potaro River in central Guyana . It is located in the Kaieteur
National Park . It is 226 meters (741 feet) when measured from its plunge over a sandstone cliff
to the first break. It then flows over a series of steep cascades that, when included in the
measurements, bring the total height to 251 meters (822 feet).
The King Edward VIII Falls is found on the Corentyne River in southern Guyana . With a
height of 259 metres (850 feet) it is the 34th highest waterfall in the world.
King George VI Falls is located on the Corentyne River in southern Guyana . It is the 19th
highest waterfall in the world. Commonly known as King George Falls or King George VI Falls
,Salto Oshi is a sheer plunge of about 525 feet. Popular belief, stemming from who knows
where, places this waterfall at 1600 feet tall. We have speculated that it is 160 meters, but it just
as easily could be as much as 700 feet tall, we just can't be sure yet. The falls occur along the
Oshi River , also sometimes spelled Ushi, Utshi or Utishi. Oshi is the native name for both the
falls and the river. The falls were reportedly discovered by danish scientist Paul A. Zaul in 1938.
(source: )
Kumaka Fall is a waterfall on the Essequibo River , Guyana , approximately 5 km north of the
confluence with the Potaro River .
Kumarau Falls, located in Cuyuni-Mazaruni Region is considered to be the sister waterfall to
Kaieteur. Its spectacular sheer drop of 620 feet and 200 feet width makes it equal in aesthetic
and scientific value to Kaieteur. On the sandstone plateau near the falls lie typical floristic
elements for the Guiana highland region, including giants bromeliads, Clusia orchids, Stem
Odendron,Utricularia and Xyris species.
Great Falls Known Alternate Names: Kamarang Great Falls, Kamarang Falls Approximately
700 feet tall and consisting of one drop.
Maopityan Falls is a waterfall on the Corentyne River , Guyana , approximately 245 km south
of Orealla Murrays Fall is a waterfall on the Essequibo River , Guyana , approximately 55 km south of the
confluence with the Rupununi River Marina Falls Approximately 500 feet in height and 2 drops
Orinduik Falls lie on the Ireng River , a highland river that thunders over steps and terraces of
jasper on the border with Brazil before merging with the Takutu River and into Brazil to join the
Amazon River .The falls are situated amid the rolling, grass-covered hills of the Pakaraima
Mountains . Orinduik Falls is ideally suited for swimming
Pot Falls is a waterfall on the Essequibo River , Guyana , approximately 30 km north of
Kurupukari Rappu Falls is a waterfall on the Essequibo River , Guyana , approximately 17 km north of the
confluence with the Rupununi River Waraputa Fall is a waterfall on the Essequibo River , Guyana , approximately 11 km south of
the confluence with the Potaro River Kumu Falls is a about 30 minutes south of Lethem and form a natural jacuzzi for those who
travelled in the hot and dusty streets in Lethem
Bartica Beach
Bartica, once known as the 'Gateway to Guyana's Interior' is a relatively small town and is
located in the Essequibo region. Beaches found along Bartica northern end are ideal for
swimming and locals mostly lime and party until dawn on the beach.
Hamburg Beach on Tiger Island
This beach is along a private Island and is ideal for a getaway from home experience, many
people converge on this beach to picnic and party. Every first Monday in August, more than
15,000 visitors converge on this beach for a grand Hamburg beach fete in celebration of
Emancipation Day in Guyana. Saxacalli Beach
Saxacalli is originally an Arawak community located on the left bank of the Essequibo River
some 25 miles from Parika. This community is reputed to have one of the best inland beaches
in Guyana. Visitors can go on day-trips to Saxacalli and enjoy a swim at one of the finest
beaches in the mighty Essequibo river.
Shell Beach
Journey to the north eastern Atlantic coast of Guyana in the Barima Waini Region to Shell
Beach! This 90 mile stretch of relatively uninhabited coastline is known mainly as a nesting
ground for four species of endangered marine turtles which come to nest here annually.
The area itself however, is a unique ecosystem encompassing mangrove forests, inland swamp
forests and savannahs and bordered by the Atlantic seaboard where mud-flats front the shore in
some areas. Apart from the four species of endangered marine turtles (Giant Leatherback,
Hawksbill, Olive Ridley, and Green Turtles) the area is known to posses giant river turtles as
well as tortoises, along with manatees, tapirs, deer, jaguars, howler monkeys and other large
The bird diversity is one of the richest in Guyana and includes many species of parrots and
macaws, numerous wading birds including many scarlet ibis and Caribbean flamingos, herons,
egrets among a host of others. The ecosystem of Shell Beach has remained relatively intact
over the years due to the absence of large settlements along the beach and surrounding areas.
This has been due mainly to the inaccessibility of the areas as well as the inhospitable nature of
the mangrove swamps. Over the years though a few communities have built up along the
beaches and are mainly Amerindians from other villages within the wider area.
63 Beach Berbice
63 Beach is found north of Corriverton and located in No.63 Village on the Corentyne. Every
week this beach is visited by more than 3000 visitors. The Beach is approximately 10 miles
spanning more than 12 villages. Recently, new changing rooms, benabs, washroom facilities
were erected to make visitors more comfortable when visiting this beach. The beach is ideal for
beach volleyball, softball cricket, fitness, relaxation, swimming, fishing and a host of other beach
related activities. {tab=Savannahs}
Rupununi Savannah
The Rupununi Savannah is one of the World’s largest untouched open ranges of savannah
lands, which is characterized by flat grasslands and mountainous terrains. It is located in
Guyana, between the Rupununi River and the Brazilian border, in the Upper Takutu-Upper
Essequibo region. The Rupununi Savannah, an extraordinary natural area in southern Guyana
is teeming with wildlife, including 500 bird species, 1,500 different plant species, more than 400
species of fish, 120 species of snakes, lizards and frogs, 105 mammal species including the
elusive Jaguar which roams the hills and mountains while the Harpy Eagle flies overhead.
Three of Guyana’s Amerindian tribes; Wapishana, Wai Wai and the Macushi, inhabit the
Rupununi Savannah areas in several Amerindian villages dotted throughout, as well as many
ranches worked by vaqueros (cowboys), some of whom are descendants of 19th century
Scottish settlers. The main town is Lethem, located beside the Takutu River, the border with
North Rupununi wetland is the largest wetland found in Guyana. This wetland covers 22,000
hectares of flooded savannah and forest. The North Rupununi wetland is dominated by the
Rupununi, Rewa and Essequibo Rivers and include over 750 lakes, ponds and water inlets.
More than 400 species of fish, the highest diversity of fishes in the world for areas of similar size
is found in the Rupununi wetlands. This area is also home to some of the world endangered
giants - the Arapaima(largest freshwater fish), the giant river otter ( largest of the 13 otter
species), the black caiman (world’s largest of subfamily Alligatorinae), Giant river turtles, the
harpy eagle ( largest bird of prey), the jaguar(largest cat in South America) and hundreds of
other flora and fauna.
The Rupununi Wetlands plays a very important role in the lives of more than 5000 indigenous
people of Guyana. The rivers and waterways found in the wetlands act as a source of drinking
water and a main transportation routes for the people living in the Rupununi.
The vegetation found in the wetlands are used by our indigenous tribes to make crafts,
traditional medicine, houses and sometimes food.