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Common Name: Red Siskin (English), Cardenalito (Spanish)
Scientific Name: Sporagra cucullata
Carduelis cucullata, Spinus cucullata
History and Status
The Red Siskin Recovery Project is an international partnership of public and private
institutions that aims to restore sustainable populations of this highly endangered and iconic
species to areas in Venezuela where it has been extirpated because of trapping for the pet trade.
We are also focused on protecting a population in southern Guyana that was first documented in
2000. Trapping has been driven in part by demand from aviculturalists in the northern hemisphere
who hybridize Red Siskins with canaries to create red canaries. Historically, the Red Siskin was
distributed across northern Venezuela. Today, only a few isolated groups remain, with a total
population that may number less than a thousand individuals. There was also a presumably natural
population near Cúcuta, Colombia, but its present status is unknown. In Puerto Rico, there was an
introduced population until it was eliminated around1970. In Trinidad and the islands of Monos
and Gasparee, the species was always rare, and has been extinct since 1960; doubts persist about
whether these populations were natural or introduced. Historical reports from Cuba were probably
of escaped cage birds, with no recent reports. Southeast Guyana presently harbors the largest
known population, between a few hundred to a few thousand individuals, more than 950km from
the closest reported historical distribution in Venezuela. Preliminary molecular studies show a
level of genetic divergence that is consistent with a natural origin for this population.
The Red Siskin is legally protected in all countries where it has occurred in the wild and is
listed on the US Endangered Species Act and CITES Appendix I. It has been classified by IUCN
as endangered internationally since 1952 and critically endangered in Venezuela.
Ecology and Reproduction Distribution
Red Siskins use a variety of habitats in Venezuela, including montane tropical moist
forests, deciduous and spiny scrub forests, and savanna edge habitat in premontane and arid areas,
as well as nearby disturbed areas. It appears to prefer open, relatively dry forests between 400 to
1400 m and may migrate altitudinally according to seasonal precipitation. In the Rupununi region
of Guyana, Red Siskins occupy remarkably different habitats, including a mix of mountainous
areas, rocky outcrops with forested areas and relatively open groves of trees, predominantly
Curatella americana. These areas are surrounded by grassland that may be flooded during the
rainy season and are hot and dry for the remainder of the year. In both countries, females have
been observed to nest throughout the year, depending on habitat conditions and food availability.
Conservation Planning Synopsis
Recovering Red Siskins in Venezuela involve work in captivity and in the field. On the
captive side, Parque Zoológico y Botánico Bararida and Parque Zoológico El Pinar are two
Venezuelan zoos in Barquisimeto and Caracas, respectively, that are establishing conservation
breeding programs in coordination with a research population of Red Siskins at the Smithsonian
Conservation Biology Institute (SCBI) in Front Royal, Virginia. Venezuelan zoos are working to
rescue birds confiscated from the illegal trade, lead community outreach efforts to find alternatives
to illegal trade, build national pride and educate the public about how to save this species, and
eventually produce birds for augmentation of existing wild populations and reintroductions to
unoccupied locations within the historic range. SCBI will provide scientific support for these
programs through research and development of care techniques and breeding management,
including genetic management, as well as methods for acclimating red siskins for successful
release into the natural environment (see ex situ population at SCBI below). Release sites may
eventually include coffee and possibly cacao farms certified as “Bird Friendly” by the Smithsonian
Migratory Bird Center (SMBC) that will be managed to meet key habitat requirements for Red
Siskins. The project will work closely with community members and other stakeholders on areas
surrounding these farms, including public and private lands, to promote local stewardship of Red
Siskins and develop a formal monitoring and reporting system to combat illegal trapping. Another
focus is reducing demand for wild Red Siskins by employing science based strategies to change
behavior and attitudes among members of the national avicultural community to help people
connect their actions with decline of threatended species. On a broader scale, the project is engaged
in research, education and collaboration with national and international organizations to address
the pernicious threat of illegal wildlife trafficking.
In the field, researchers from Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Cientificas and the
Smithsonian Institution (Conservation Biology Institute, Migratory Bird Center and National
Museum of Natural History) are studying population parameters, behaviors and habitat
requirements of this poorly understood species; no studies were conducted prior to its’ drastic
decline, pre-1940, and few studies have been conducted since. We aim to achieve a better
understanding of Red Siskin ecology and behavior and which ecosystems this species uses,
identify remaining patches of these ecosystems across Venezuela, and understand what densities
the species can attain in such areas when threats are adequately controlled.
Currently, RSRP field crews are performing behavioral observations and documenting important
habitat variables while applying distance sampling, systematic point count surveys, to estimate the
density of this species across seasons and ecosystems in areas where Red Siskins are known to
occur. We are also building and ground truthing an ecological niche model to make inferences
from historical records that will help facilitate identification of remaining areas of habitat that are
suitable for reintroduction. Field crews will survey locations classified as high suitability by the
habitat model, including areas surrounding shade farms that may serve as release sites. Other
ongoing fieldwork includes color banding of birds for mark-recapture studies and collection of
blood samples for genetic investigation.
The conservation plan for the Red Siskin in Guyana combines field research, land
protection and community stewardship to protect a putatively viable population that is endemic to
a remote area of the Rupununi region. There is no known evidence of any threats to this population
prior to its discovery in 2000 suggesting it has been historically stable around current size and that
monitoring and protection may be sufficient to sustain this population without ex situ input. The
South Rupununi Conservation Society (SRCS), Smithsonian Institution (SI) and collaborators
have been conducting field studies to define the population distribution and estimate population
size and density through distance sampling. The SRCS has also been banding birds for markrecapture studies and collecting blood samples for SI to assess genetic diversity and viability.
Recently, the project has been collaborating with the Environmental Protection AgencyGuyana (EPA) and Bird Life International to develop strategies for Red Siskin habitat protection
that include establishing an Important Biodiversity Area. SRCS is also focused on local capacity
building and nurturing a culture of community pride and protection of the Red Siskin through
training in conservation research and administration for volunteers from communities in the
Rupununi region, promoting sustainable economic opportunities, e.g. ecto-tourism, and
developing a variety of environmental education programs for Amerindian schools and villages.
Development of a formal system for monitoring and reporting illegal wildlife trapping and
suspicious activity in the south Rupununi has been proposed, as well as training customs and
enforcement officials in identification of threatened wildlife and developing a national campaign
to broaden awareness and education about the value and vulnerability of Guyana’s famed
Ex situ - Captive Breeding at the
Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute
The main purpose of housing an ex situ population at the Smithsonian Conservation Biology
Institute Center for Species Survival is to conduct research and develop protocols for breeding,
care and successful release that will inform facility design and breeding and reintroduction
programs in Venezuela. Some potential questions/tasks that can be addressed with a captive
research population include:
1- Enclosure/cage size; e.g. what is ideal cage size to optimize breeding and produce Red Siskins
fit for release?
2- What is the optimal age for reproduction without losing genetic diversity in the population?
3- Incorporating advanced molecular tools for breeding management (see genetic threats).
4- Develop basic caretaking protocols.
5- Develop breeding and chick rearing protocols.
6- Nutrition/diet
Develop protocols for maintenance and breeding.
Determine receptivity of birds to novel food items (important for released bird survivability
in the wild).
Determine maximum reproduction without affecting the health of the breeders.
7- Health management
Develop medical care protocols
Determine known common health concerns from private breeders
Develop anesthesia protocols
Investigate parasitology (Atoxoplasmosis, cryptosporidia, coccidia, pseudomonas, etc.)
8- Document growth and developmental stages
Take daily pictures of chicks to develop an aging chart
Physical changes over time (eyes open, feather eruption, color changes, etc.)
9- Investigate the best means of tracking released birds (radio transmitters, PIT tags, bands)
Determine ability to use harnesses
10- Determine social dynamics
How should animals be housed/kept (breeding, non-breeding adults and juveniles, different
sexes, different ages, reproductively senescent)?
Best density of birds for optimal reproduction
Mate choice determination
Learning period for juveniles (resource location, vocalizations, breeding behavior)
Wildlife Trade
The main threat to the Red Siskin is capture for the pet trade, which has been active since
at least the 19th century in Venezuela. The species has been traded for feathers, hat decorations
and as pets, but mainly because of their ability to hybridize with canaries. In his 2003 book, “The
Red Canary: The Story of the First Genetically Engineered Animal”, Tim Birkhead describes how
the Red Siskin was decimated in the quest to produce a stable line of “red factor” Canaries by
many aviculturalists mostly in Europe and North America in the mid twentieth century. Although
imports into Europe and Australia have decreased since bans on bird imports were implemented
to reduce disease transmission, total international demand for Red Siskins, both legal and illegal,
is still apparently large. In Venezuela, traffic is not open and in large numbers as it is for other
species, but is more furtive, with much conducted online. Very little is known about the trafficking
network and existing enforcement and penalties pose little deterrence. In Guyana, efforts to raise
awareness about Red Siskin conservation since its recent discovery have also had the
counterproductive effect of advertising its commercial value and creating a new market for this
species. This may be exacerbated as people living near Red Siskin habitat who are transitioning
from subsistence to cash economy, experience increasing pressure to use natural resources as a
source for income. Active and legal trade of other bird species in Guyana, some sharing the same
habitat as Red Siskins, also increases the risk of capture and sale of this species.
Policy and law enforcement has a critical role to play in controlling the illegal supply of
protected wildlife. Existing policing and penalties against wildlife trafficking in Venezuela are
relatively weak, however, completion of breeding and rescue facilities in this country will provide
important leverage to advocate for greater enforcement and confiscations, especially in Lara state
where the Red Siskin is the state bird and the legislature has officially mandated Parque Zoológico
y Botánico Bararida to conserve this species. In Guyana, the recently passed Wildlife Management
and Conservation (WMC) Regulations (2013) made under the Environmental Protection Act
(1996) imposes heavier fines for illegal trafficking and establishes creation of ‘conservation sites’
to protect habitats and species. SRCS and EPA are also cooperating to establish a systematic
procedure for community monitoring, reporting and tracking trafficking activity and may offer
training in wildlife identification to customs and enforcement agents. Internationally, the project
is cooperating with other programs that are conducting research into trafficking networks and
working to interrupt them on a regional and global scale.
Although law enforcement is essential to combat trafficking, complementary approaches
that raise awareness of the problem and diminish consumer demand for wildlife are also needed.
To meet this need, the project has been targeting priority audiences through education, outreach,
and cooperation including international avicultural organizations, communities in Guyana located
near the Red Siskin range, the Association of Zoos and Aquariums, policy makers and elected
officials, as well as students and the general public. Captive breeding of Red Siskins is also under
consideration as an alternative way to satisfy commercial demand; however, at present there are
no examples from other bird species suggesting that commercial production under current
conditions would improve the status of wild populations.
Much of the historic range of the Red Siskin in Venezuela remains relatively ecologically
intact and presumably capable of sustaining much larger populations of this species. However,
the increasing loss of dry forests to urban development in the northern half of the country is a
growing concern and cooperation with other organizations working to preserve these areas is
important. Similarly, there is no urgent risk to Red Siskin habitat in Guyana but the recent arrival
in the southern Rupununi of large-scale, industrial agricultural portends further development and
warrants efforts to protect vital habitat, such as establishment of an IBA and creation of a WMC
conservation site (see above).
Another habitat concern in the Rupununi savanna is destruction by fire, which is used
extensively to manage lands for grazing. Properly controlled burning can benefit wildlife because
it promotes availability of nutritious food; however, fire also poses a threat to nesting sites and
intensive burning coinciding with a drought can have disastrous results. Working with local people
to implement careful fire management practices may be an important solution. Other strategies for
fire management to avoid habitat destruction warrant further study. Conversely, severe flooding
during the rainy season is a risk because food sources can become limited. Supplemental feeding
could be an effective strategy during severe or prolonged periods of flooding.
Genetic Threats
Three priority genetic concerns for this project include low genetic diversity, inbreeding
and hybridization. A certain level of genetic diversity is important for ecological resiliency in
response to habitat changes, disease and other challenges. A population that remains small over an
extended period of time is increasingly at risk of an “extinction vortex” that occurs when a species
drops below a certain threshold of genetic diversity, making it impossible to recover a sustainable
population. In Venezuela, it is possible that this species has persisted at well below 1000
individuals for decades. While current field research aims to generate the best possible estimate of
population size, molecular research is also underway to develop genomic markers to assess the
genetic diversity among contemporary populations of Red Siskins in both countries and, in
Venezuela, to compare to historic levels using special methods to extract “ancient DNA” from
early 20th century museum specimens. A preliminary Population Viability Analysis (PVA) will be
conducted with the Conservation Specialist Breeding Group to identify important data gaps that
will help in developing data collection strategies. With the addition of new data, the PVA can be
updated continually and refined, which ultimately will enable well-informed decisions that are
critical to planning and management of captive breeding and reintroduction.
Hybridization is a special concern for this species because aviculturalists have for many
decades been cross-breeding Red Siskins with other species to produce new cage bird varieties,
e.g. red factor canary. Some of these hybrids may have been released or escaped into natural
populations and possibly reproduced with wild birds. Also, natural hybridization may be prevalent
among wild Red Siskins due to the rarity of con-specific mates. To preserve the genetic integrity
of the Red Siskin, genomic screening will be performed to detect cryptic hybrids and exclude them
from ex situ breeding. Creation of this genomic assay is in progress at the NMNH, involving whole
genome sequencing of Red Siskins and other species with which they are known to hybridize.
Inbreeding can cause a wide variety of deleterious consequences that can fatally undermine
population viability. To address this concern, genetic studies will assess the inbreeding risk within
wild populations in each country and breeding managers will apply careful record keeping and
high sensitivity molecular assay for relatedness to limit inbreeding in captive breeding programs.
Disease is a major potential threat to any wild or captive population. Presently, there are
no known extraordinary disease threats to wild populations in either Venezuela or Guyana.
However, to mitigate the risk, veterinary management of all three ex situ populations will follow
best practices including regular testing, quarantine, vaccinations and sanitation. The two captive
populations in Venezuela will also serve as crucial reciprocal insurance for each other.
Unknown Threats
Several important threats have been identified but there could be unknown factors that also
are having a serious negative impact on the Red Siskin. Other bird species have suffered from loss
of nesting habitat and other important resources, predation, competitive exclusion from more
aggressive species, climate change, environmental contaminants and more. Field crews are
carefully documenting habitat and behaviors in part to identify other potential issues that need to
be addressed.
Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Científicas, Caracas, Venezuela – Institutional leader in
Venezuela, engaged in all project activities.
Kathryn Rodriguez-Clark, Research Scientist, RSRP co-founder.
Jhonathan Miranda-Torres, Field coordinator.
Katiuska Gonzalez, Field technician.
Ada Sánchez-Mercado, Research Scientist.
Merlin Interactive - Innovative design and development firm – Design and development of
website, brochures as well as visual materials for education, outreach and fundraising.
Marcelo Arancibia, Director
National Finch and Softbill Society – Education, captive breeding, fundraising.
Paula Hansen, Leg Band Director.
Parque Zoologico y Botanico Bararida, Barquisimeto, Venezuela - Captive breeding for
reintroduction, education and outreach.
Imaru Lameda, Outreach and Research Consultant.
Leonel Ovalle, Head Veterinarian.
Mauro Valor, Outreach Officer.
Santo Bálsamo, General Director.
Parque Zoológico El Pinar, Caracas, Venezuela - Captive breeding for reintroduction
(insurance population), education and outreach.
Anabel Mayorca, Director Assistant. /
Provita – Conservation NGO, Caracas, VE – Education & outreach, reintroduction,
webdesign, fundraising.
Jon Paul Rodriguez, President.
Marcelo Arancibia, Vice President.
Bibiana Sucre, Executive Director.
Miguel Arvelo, Project Coordinator for Venezuela
Ruhl Walker Architects, Boston, MA – pro bono architectural design of breeding center
Will Ruhl, Principle and co-founder.
South Rupununi Conservation Society, Guyana – Official conservation steward of Red
Siskin in Guyana, research, education & outreach, IBAs, ecotourism development
Chung Liu, Project Manager.
Kayla deFreitas, Project Manager.
Nicholas Fredericks, President.
Leroy Ignacio, Vice President.
Universidad Central de Venezuela – Field Research
Jorge Pérez-Emán, Research Scientist.
Smithsonian Institution - National Museum of Natural History
Natalia Agudelo, Lab technician, Graduate Student.
Michael Braun, Research Scientist; Project co-founder.
Brian Coyle, Postdoctoral Scholar; Project Coordinator.
Smithsonian Institution - National Zoological Park
Brandie Smith, Senior Curator.
Smithsonian Institution - Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute
- Center for Conservation and Ecological Genetics
Jesus Maldonado, Research Geneticist.
- Center for Species Survival
Scott Derrickson, Deputy Director of SCBI Emeritus.
Warren Lynch, Bird Unit Manager.
Paul Marinari, Senior Curator of Animal Operations.
- Migratory Bird Center
Robert Rice, Director of the Bird Friendly Coffee Program.
Thomas Brandt Ryder, Research Ecologist.
Scott Sillett, Research Ecologist.
Smithsonian Institution - Tropical Biology Institute
Sunshine VanBael, Research Collaborator.
American Bird Conservancy – Support for field research and meetings.
Bird Life International – Red Siskin habitat protection via Important Biodiversity Areas.
Environmental Protection Agency, Guyana – Anti-wildlife trafficking, national conservation
campaign and capacity building in southern Guyana.
Scion Foundation – Field research support