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Aditro Oy
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CPM 5.2.1 – 5.6 release notes
Aditro Oy, 2014
CPM Release Notes
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Fakta version 5.2.1. Forecast version 1.2.1 ........................................................................... 3
Fakta version sp1 Forecast version sp1 ................................................ 4
Fakta version Forecast version ............................................................... 5
Fakta version Forecast version ........................................................... 9
Fakta version Forecast version ......................................................... 12
Fakta, Forecast version ...................................................................................... 14
Fakta, Forecast version 5.6.0 ............................................................................................... 18
CPM Release Notes
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Fakta version 5.2.1. Forecast version 1.2.1
Enclosed is a list of new and changed function and features of this version since 5.2.
Added new tab Chart in report window where the report is shown as chart.
Added new user option, which tab Data or Chart is open when user opens a report.
Added new user option, number of rows to be read into report data window at one time.
Swedish user interface.
The change of rowset showlevel does not execute the report.
New functions in the popup menu of the data: Select all rows, Select all cells, Deselect all.
Aditro style.
Added new export option, is the column header row saved or not. Affects when saving csv and
txt files and exporting rows to excel.
Added new workspace option, is the report menu opened when starting Vision.
Vista support.
Aditro style.
New fact attribute in input tables datasrc (where the row is created).
It’s possible to delete automatic entry rows of several automatic entries at the time.
Possible to remove data using fact attributes datasrc, updated and updateby.
New selections in copy quantities function.
Vista support.
Aditro style.
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Fakta version sp1 Forecast version
Enclosed is a list of new and changed function and features of this version since 5.2.1
Technology/supported environments
SQL Server 2008 32-bit or 64-bit.
Windows 2008 32-bit. In 64-bit workstation pdf print doesn’t work, because Amyuni PDF
Converter doesn’t work in this environment.
Mozilla Firefox 3.0.
New features and corrections
Improvement of large reports performance. No more row limit in user options.
Row selection with Ctrl button. Second click removes the selection of the row.
Change value not inverts sign if invert sign select in the rowset
The entered figure and calculated figures are shown bold.
Forecast and Fakta can be used on the same computer.
Five first selections is possible to show in the print. Added new tags $Selection1$
Copy to excel rows and sub rows. When total row is selected copy to excel do not copy it’s sub
Export options “Save column headers”, affect also to transactions.
Dimension attribute and constant cells are changeable although period set or period are not
in the grouping.
Possible to execute automatic entry with one entry id (without range).
Possible to remove data with fact attribute updentid.
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Fakta version Forecast version
Enclosed is a list of new and changed function and features of this version since 5.2.1
Drill into transactions.
Allocate on column level and grouping level.
Easier to add new rows into the report.
Easier to find member in selection.
Calculation rules over RowSet rows.
Copy column and change value on grouping level.
Copy column and change value possible on changeable column.
Possible to select/deselect show total row, show zero rows, show zero values as zero.
New user option paper size.
In edit mode the sum is shown as it is in database without rounding (divider and decimals)
Calculation rules changes.
Transactions: changes to column selections and order.
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Forecasting based on amount * price: possible to copy sums into forecast column from other column.
New Input report: periods as rows and period sets as columns.
New print option paper size.
Possible to save print options into the report.
Copy column set. The length of id is increased from 16 to 32.
Column filter and row set filter: the list of members starts from the selected member.
Possible to copy unit information into new unit.
Possible to copy dimension member as template for new budget.
Support to multiple Data Transfer Agents.
Architect: remove data command string increased from 2000 to 4000.
Architect: Rounding of automatic entry sums.
Decimal rounding in Vision.
Forecast: If column references to fiscal year or period outside periodizing the column is not
input column.
Forecast: Total row sometimes is splitted to two rows with column part.
Fakta version Forecast version Fix 1
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Improvements to report performance in Vision and Forecast.
After pressing clear button Vision asks confirmation.
- Save does not save with old file name.
- Error when running report with weekly period column in monthly period fact table.
- Error in sign handling of allocation.
- Allocation and lower result calculation.
- Copy value from corrections.
- The changes values of the parameters are used when executing the report.
Fakta version Forecast version Fix 2
Improvements to report performance in Forecast.
Vision and Forecast
- Lower result is calculated when it comes from other column.
- Value from copy is not done if the value is not changed.
Fakta version Forecast version Fix 3
Windows 7 support.
Windows Server 2008 R2 support.
- Combos of values from window are disabled if column set bound to database.
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- Performance problem in opening report is corrected.
- Copy quantities copies not fact attributes and null rows.
- Fact view list is wider.
- Changing fact view changes also report period.
- Possible to add rows into report although report id is hidden.
- Hide definitions in row set works.
- Add rows works if minus sign is in id.
- Performance of Copy column is improved.
- Update of database works in SQL Server 2008.
Fakta version Forecast version Fix 4
- Composer Facts, corrections of transfer start balances.
- Lower level calculation works also in uppermost grouping.
Fakta version Forecast version Fix 5
Oracle support to Fakta (Vision, Architect, Composer) and Forecast web reporting.
- Forecast setup can install to the path with blanks.
- Description columns of Automatic Entry rules are shown in right side of Architect.
- The width of Percentage column in Percentage Automatic Entry window is increased.
Vision and Forecast
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- Dimensions in the selections are checked when views are selected to the view list.
Vision definition
- Dimensions in the selections are checked when view is selected to the view list.
Vision connect window
- No error message after pressing the cancel button.
- In Allocation rounded values are not inserted to the cell where corresponding divide value
is zero.
- Change value triggers "Values from" for all rows inside column or grouping.
Fakta version Forecast version Fix 6
Corrected: When changing view in Vision and Views are not input views Vision gives error
Fakta version Forecast version Fix 7
Forecast PDF print uses new Forecast printing module.
Fakta version Forecast version Fix 8
Corrections to PDF print.
Fakta version Forecast version
Enclosed is a list of new and changed function and features of this version since x.3
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Forecast and Vision
Drill down from a transaction row to the original document. For example an invoice image in
Workflow or a voucher in Archive.
The Column calculation with a dimension attribute works also when the dimension is in the
New option ‘Prevent calculation rules’ in Vision. If selected the calculation rules are not
perform with this report.
Report executing and input of sums performance improvements.
A Calculation rule does not create a new row if the result of the calculation is zero.
Row Set export and import:
A possibility to export a Row Set definition into an xml file and import the Row Set into
another database and/or unit.
Copying one row of a row set will not copy the row reference of the original row.
The limit of 6 dimensions in Row Set filters is increased to 12.
When dragging a column over another column, Vision confirms the deleting from the user.
Transaction row is not shown if the shown quantities are NULL or zero.
The sorting of quantities is done by numbers in the transaction window.
Added total percentage row in the percentage automatic entry window.
The id type of the trace result is now long.
Remove data shows the number of deleted rows.
Create missing members creates the members also when the member check is not selected.
An SQL text field has been added to the fact quantity window.
An SQL text field has been added to the fact attribute window.
Forecast and Vision
The parameters show the dimension member if the name is NULL.
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The parameters show the name of the dimension if attribute type is member.
Input of sums in dimension attribute cells works when attribute has no decimals.
Forecast changes selection in report title when the selection is changed.
Fakta version Forecast version Fix 1
Corrections to Forecast PDF print and parameter handling.
Fakta version Forecast version Fix 2
Internet Explorer 9 support.
A fix to column filters, when the report view is changed.
The transaction view is always used in transactions window instead of the report
A fix to the PDF print. The PDF document looks more like the PDF document printed
from Vision.
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Aditro Oy
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Fakta version Forecast version
Enclosed is a list of new and changed function and features of this version since x.4
Mozilla Firefox 4 support.
Support to Unicode databases.
Possible to log into the database with SQLServer user id in forecast. Four different ways to log
into the database.
Windows authentication
Database user from XML file by Forecast user
It is possible for one report to log into several databases. Database and database
login user information are always looked from the xml file.
DatabaseUserMaintenance tool is used to create the
Database username and password are never shown to the user.
If there are more than one databases defined for the user, a dialog is shown where
user can choose the database.
Database user from XML file by Database
Forecast looks the database server and database from the report and looks the
database login information from the xml file.
DatabaseUserMaintenance tool is used to create the
Database username and password are never shown to the user.
Connect dialog. Database user asked from the user.
Database user and password are asked from the user in the connect dialog.
Forecast user can save the database login information and connect automatically
next time.
Aditro Menu - Neptune integration to Forecast.
New memory manager that can force Forecast to restart if the memory runs out in the server.
Possible to write log to file or to Windows log from Forecast.
Possibility to use variable title information (e.g. $Period$) in the link template.
Corrections to parameter handling.
Transaction links use the transaction view and not the report view.
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Fakta version Forecast version Fix 1
Default transaction view is selected automatically in Forecast.
Mozilla Firefox 5 support.
Fakta version Forecast version Fix 2
A fix to the report performance.
A fix to Forecast hyperlinks. Hyperlinks are fetched from the transaction table and not from the
report table.
Fakta version Forecast version Fix 3
Mozilla Firefox 6 support.
Error when dragging dimensions from the selection list to the grouping in Forecast.
Vision crashes if the period set is used in the report filter.
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Aditro Oy
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Fakta, Forecast version
Enclosed is a list of new and changed function and features of this version.
Mozilla Firefox 10 support.
Memory handling improvements.
Input performance improvement with calculation rules.
It is possible to add comments to the budget numbers in Forecast.
The ability to use comments in a report is set in Vision. It is also set in Vision
the comments are shown on the row level or cell level.
If you want to add a new comment or view old comments, open the comment dialog
from the context menu in the report data tab.
You can remove your old comments in the “Remove my comments” dialog that opens
from the context menu in the report data tab.
The comments are also shown in the tooltip of the input cell.
You can see comments in the transaction tab or you can export the comment rows to
excel, word or pdf formats.
Three new export formats
Excel 2007 (.xlsx)
Word 2007 (.docx)
Portable Document Format (.pdf)
Saves the report in Excel 2007 format.
Saves the report in Word 2007 format.
Saves the report in pdf format.
With these formats there are three
Export report
Export report with comments
Export comments
Exports the report data.
Exports the report data and the comments.
Exports only the comments
New Column sort window in transaction tab
Added new function in the transactions menu where you can select the columns to
sort by ascending or descending.
New filtering features to the transactions tab
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The selected transaction rows can be filtered by two ways:
1. Select the start date and end date of the period.
2. The checkbox “Show only commented rows” can be used to see only the rows
where there is text in “User comment of input” column.
Updated a new Amyuni PDF version
New parameter €PYear€ to the link templates (year is fetched from the period set’s period’s
start date).
Works also with AD user names starting with letter U.
Report data menu works also if lowest input grouping is a member dimension.
0 period is added to the period list of parameters.
The name of the dimension member can be NULL.
Forecast and Vision:
If # is shown in a report data cell, the length of the value is more than 15 digits (decimals are
not counted).
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Fakta, Forecast version
A fix to the Export of comments to Word, Excel and PDF formats.
User filter
A new filter that can be used to filter the data in the reports by the user. Currently
there isn’t any user interface in CPM to maintain user filters. The using solutions
maintain the user filters straight in the database.
Fakta, Forecast version
Database scripts fixed for Wintime.
Changes to the user filter feature.
A fix to the Neptune Menu Maintenance tool.
Fakta, Forecast version
WtLicenseChecker module updated.
Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable updated to version 2010 SP1.
A correction: If there were more than 100 rows in the Forecast parameter combo box,
the rows where not shown. This happened with Dimension Attribute rows with no
Fakta, Forecast version
If there were more than 100 rows in the Forecast parameter combo box and there
was a null row among them, the rows where not shown.
The IIS process of Forecast crashed in some servers when reports where opened
and closed.
- Remove zero rows works now for all kinds of tables. Worked before only in input
tables. This fix requires database update.
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Fakta, Forecast version
Added Forecast scalability feature.
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Fakta, Forecast version 5.6.0
Enclosed is a list of new and changed function and features of this version.
When starting forecast it is possible to write the name of the report to be opened, database
server and database to the Forecast URL.
Copy/Paste works in the new versions of Firefox in Forecast input cells.
“Values from” execution order can be changed using a web.config setting.
Selections of the reports are shown in the tool tips in the report menu.
Hiding id and/or name on grouping level works also in Forecast.
Allocation works on the grouping level also in reports that have more than one different input
Possibility to filter the value lists of the parameters using SQL in the report definition in Vision.
Updated a new Amyuni PDF version 5.0.0
“User Filter” feature is used also in Vision.
Selections of the reports are shown in the tool tips in the report menu.
Possibility to filter the value lists of the parameters using SQL in the report definition.
The database update and the creation of the tables can be done using a MSI package instead
of running update script from the command prompt
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