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"Hazeltine has built an inner rhythm which Ira Gitler calls "interior time" - he always swings at
whatever tempo, a quality which all the best jazzers, regardless of instrument or era have
possessed. Very, very impressive stuff."
(Classic Trio Vol. II)
Pat Hawes, The Jazz Journal
"A player and writer with great respect for the melody, Hazeltine can be surprisingly inventive
with the harmonic and rhythmic possibilities in a tune. Unobtrusive yet frequently exciting,
Hazeltine always sounds as if he is digging what he's playing, and his approach makes wellknown tunes sound fresh...."
Aaron Steinberg, Jazz Times
"Proving that you can never have too much of a good thing, this second Sharp Nine session for
Messieurs Hazeltine, Washington, and Hayes presents another hour's worth of some of the
best piano jazz to be heard."
Chris Hovan, All About Jazz
"First and foremost, Hazeltine is an excellent jazz pianist. ...his improvisations abound with
well-developed ideas."
David Orthmann, All About Jazz
"Even in the crowded, competitive New York scene, it is obvious to me that the hip-withoutfanfare Hazeltine is a standout"
Ira Gitler
"As a composer, Hazeltine invents melodically interesting, modern tunes, often tucked with
moments of harmonic surprise and twists of tempo, and constructed on looser-feeling themes
that allow everyone to stretch out a little more. The Classic Trio is a supremely listenable
session, warm and comfortable as your favorite pair of slippers.
Nancy Ann Lee
"David Hazeltine is for sure the brightest star on the jazz piano horizon. His style has a deepseated commitment to jazz history while communicating a wealth of 'today' ideas."
Cedar Walton
"There is a lot to like in Mr. Hazeltine's playing...he likes the middle ground, he has worked on
varying the intensity of his swing, and there is nothing obviously erratic about his improvising.
The mainstream and its concerns with balance and poise are all-important to him. But those
concerns are what makes his improvising worth listening to; he has absorbed the mainstream's
concern with narrative, with the intellectual, clear telling of a tale."
New York Times
David Hazeltine • 718 482 7574 • [email protected] •