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Miloš Radovanović
Curriculum Vitae
(29. avgust 2016)
Departman za matematiku i informatiku
Prirodno-matematički fakultet
Univerzitet u Novom Sadu
Trg Dositeja Obradovića 4
21000 Novi Sad
(021) 458 888
(021) 6350 458
[email protected]
Miloš Radovanović, Curriculum Vitae, 29. avgust 2016.
Lični podaci
Datum rođenja:
Mesto rođenja:
Bračno stanje:
2. decembar 1977.
Novi Sad, Jugoslavija
oženjen, jedno dete
Republika Srbija
Maternji jezik:
Aktivno znanje:
engleski (napredno)
mnogi slovenski jezici
Oblasti naučnog interesovanja u informatici
Data mining, text mining, Web mining
Mašinsko učenje (eng. machine learning)
Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Prirodno-matematički fakultet, Novi Sad, Srbija:
 Doktor informatičkih nauka, feb. 2011
 Magistar informatičkih nauka, okt. 2001 – dec. 2006. (vojna obaveza nov. 2004 – nov. 2005),
prosečna ocena 10,
teza iz oblasti Web Mining-a (priložen spisak publikacija: [MSc 06])
 Diplomirani informatičar, okt. 1996 – okt. 2001,
prosečna ocena 9.24,
diplomski rad iz oblasti Konstrukcije kompajlera (priložen spisak publikacija: [BSc 01])
Radno iskustvo
Docent, 2011–
Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Prirodno-matematički fakultet, Novi Sad, Srbija
Asistent, 2003–2011
(vojna obaveza nov. 2004 – nov. 2005)
Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Prirodno-matematički fakultet, Novi Sad, Srbija
Iskustvo u nastavi
Predavanja iz predmeta
Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Prirodno-matematički fakultet:
 Uvod u programiranje,
(za studente informatike, prvi semestar)
 Evolucija softvera,
(za master studente informatike)
 Uvod u elektronsko poslovanje,
(za studente informatike, drugi semestar)
Miloš Radovanović, Curriculum Vitae, 29. avgust 2016.
Objektno-orijentisano programiranje 2,
(za studente informatike, četvrti/šesti semestar)
Veštačka inteligencija 2,
(za master studente informatike)
Integracija softvera,
(za master studente informatike)
Vežbe iz predmeta
Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Prirodno-matematički fakultet:
 Uvod u programiranje,
(za studente informatike, prvi semestar)
 Strukture podataka i algoritmi 1,
(za studente informatike, drugi semestar)
 Strukture podataka i algoritmi 2,
(za studente informatike, treći semestar)
 Programski jezici,
(za studente informatike, treći semestar)
 Konstrukcija kompajlera,
(za studente informatike, sedmi semestar)
 Izborni seminar (Data Mining)
(za studente informatike, šesti semestar)
 Elektronsko poslovanje (predavanje o Data Mining-u),
(za studente informatike, drugi semestar)
 Evolucija softvera,
(za master studente informatike)
Softverski projekti
Avg. 2006 – mar. 2007: Ekstrakcija bibliografskih referenci iz polu-strukturiranih podataka. Podaci su dati
u formi HTML i MS Word dokumenata, a problem se sastojao u prepoznavanju referenci i detekciji
koautorstava (poređenju referenci). Više detalja nalazi se u [SiKDD 06, SPLST 07, NSJOM 07].
Nov. 2005 – maj 2006: CatS meta-pretraživač organizuje rezultate pretraživanja Web-a tako što ih
klasifikuje u kategorije iz dmoz Open Directory-ja ( CatS je dostupan na Više detalja nalazi se u [AWIC 06, MSc 06].
Nov. 2005 – dec. 2005: dmoz2arff konverter dmoz sadržaja iz RDF-a u ARFF format kog podržava Weka.
Mogućnosti dmoz2arff alata uključuju selekciju kategorija i primera, eliminaciju stop-reči, nalaženje
korena reči itd. Program je korišćen za generisanje dataset-ova za obučavanje klasifikatora koje koristi
CatS, kao i za pripremu dataset-ova za eksperimente opisane u [DaWaK 06, DEXA 06, MSc 06].
Avg. 2001 – feb. 2002: JLKL, Java implementacija Hendersonovog LispKit LISP kompajlera i interpretera
SECD mašine. Više detalja nalazi se u [BSc 01, PRIM 02].
Dec. 1999 – jan. 2001: C2, translator iz Module-2 u C++ napisan u Moduli-2, uz pomoć Coco/R kompajler
generatora. C2 podržava ISO Modulu-2 uz izvesna ograničenja, i u mogućnosti je da korektno translira
sopstveni izvorni kod. C2 je napisan u okviru praktičnog projekta iz predmeta Konstrukcija
kompajlera, i uključuje C++ port BMB Modula-2 Cross Platform biblioteke koji predstavlja praktični
projekat iz predmeta Operativni sistemi.
Miloš Radovanović, Curriculum Vitae, 29. avgust 2016.
Autor ili koautor 61 naučnog rada, pet poglavlja u knjigama i četiri knjige. Kourednik dve knjige.
Pogledati priložen spisak publikacija.
Prezentacije na 12 međunarodnih konferencija, 8 međunarodnih workshopa i dve domaće konferencije.
Pogledati priložen spisak prezentacija.
Naučni projekti
Kulturno-osetljivi aspekti tehnologija za rad sa podacima, 2014–2015. Projekat bilateralne
saradnje Republike Srbije i Republike Slovenije
Emocionalna inteligencija i primene zasnovane na multiagentskim sistemima, 2013–2014. Projekat
bilateralne saradnje Republike Srbije i Narodne Republike Kine
Inteligentne tehnike i njihova integracija u sisteme za podršku odlučivanju sa širokim poljem
primene, 2011–2016. Finansiran od strane Ministarstva za nauku i tehnološki razvoj Republike
Srbije, projekat br. OI174023
Infrastruktura za elektronski podržano učenje u Srbiji, 2011–2016. Finansiran od strane
Ministarstva za nauku i tehnološki razvoj Republike Srbije, projekat br. III47003
Inteligentne tehnike za integraciju podataka i podršku odlučivanju u medicini, 2011–2012.
Projekat bilateralne saradnje Republike Srbije i Savezne Republike Nemačke podržan od strane
Povezivanje slika i reči: poboljšanje analize slika korišćenjem tehnologija mašinskog učenja i
semantičkog Web-a, 2010–2011. Projekat bilateralne saradnje Republike Srbije i Republike
Apstraktni metodi i primene u računarskim naukama, 2006–2010. Finansiran od strane
Ministarstva za nauku i tehnološki razvoj Republike Srbije, projekat br. 144017
Primena tehnika veštačke inteligencije u oblasti „text and Web mining“ poštujući standarde
semantic Web-a, 2005–2006. Projekat bilateralne saradnje Srbije i Crne Gore i Republike Slovenije
Razvoj (inteligentnih) tehnika zasnovanih na softverskim agentima za primenu u pretraživanju
podataka i tokovima poslova, 2002–2004. Finansiran od strane Ministarstva za nauku, tehnologije i
razvoj Republike Srbije, projekat br. 1844
Nagrade za najbolji rad na tri međunarodne konferencije [PAKDD 11, S3T 11, MLDM 11]
Univerzitetska nagrada za izuzetan uspeh na prvoj godini osnovnih studija
Nagrađivan na regionalnim, republičkim i saveznim (jugoslovenskim) srednjoškolskim
takmičenjima iz matematike
Miloš Radovanović, Curriculum Vitae, 29. avgust 2016.
Specijalizacije i stipendije
Nacionalni institut za informatiku (NII), Japan, NII Shonan Meeting “Dimensionality and
Scalability”, maj 2013: Učestvovao u četvorodnevnom seminaru po pozivu
Institut za informatiku, Univerzitet Humbolt, Berlin, Nemačka, jun 2009:
Desetodnevna specijalizacija u oblasti evolucije softvera, podržana od strane DAAD projekta
Software Engineering: Computer Science Education and Research Cooperation
Laboratorija za istraživanje softverskih tehnologija, Univerzitet De Montfort, Lester, Velika
Britanija, avgust 2007: Dvonedeljna specijalizacija u oblasti evolucije softvera, podržana od strane
TEMPUS projekta br. CD_JEP 18035-2003
Primalac stipendije za magistarske studije Ministarstva za nauku, tehnologije i razvoj Republike
Srbije za 2002–2003.
Studentske razmene
Akademski koordinator za mobilnost studenata (Erasmus i slični programi razmene) za studente
informatike, Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Prirodno-matematički fakultet, Departman za matematiku
i informatiku, 2012–
Organizacija skupova
Član programskog odbora
AAAI 2017 – 31st AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, San Francisco, California, USA,
February 4–9, 2017,
KES-IDT 2017 – 9th International KES Conference on Intelligent Decision Technologies,
Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal, June 21–23, 2017,
MMM 2017 – 23rd International Conference on Multimedia Modeling, Reykjavik, Iceland,
January 4–6, 2017,
HDM 2016 – 4th International Workshop on High Dimensional Data Mining, Barcelona, Spain,
December 12, 2016,
SISAP 2016 – 9th International Conference on Similarity Search and Applications, Tokyo, Japan,
October 24–26, 2016,
AAAI 2016 – 30th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Phoenix, Arizona, USA, February
12–17, 2016,
KES-IDT 2016 – 8th International KES Conference on Intelligent Decision Technologies, Puerto
de la Cruz, Tenerife, Spain, June 15–17, 2016,
HDM 2015 – 3rd International Workshop on High Dimensional Data Mining, Atlantic City, NJ,
USA, November 14, 2015,
BCI 2015 – 7th Balkan Conference in Informatics, Craiova, Romania, September 2–4, 2015,
KES-IDT 2015 – 7th International KES Conference on Intelligent Decision Technologies, Hilton
Sorrento Palace, Italy, June 17–19, 2015,
HDM 2014 – 2nd International Workshop on High Dimensional Data Mining, Shenzhen, China,
December 14, 2014,
HDM 2013 – 1st International Workshop on High Dimensional Data Mining, Dallas, Texas,
December 7, 2013,
BCI 2013 – 6th Balkan Conference in Informatics, Thessaloniki, Greece, September 19–21, 2013,
Miloš Radovanović, Curriculum Vitae, 29. avgust 2016.
BCI 2012 – 5th Balkan Conference in Informatics, Novi Sad, Serbia, September 16–20, 2012,
BOAC 2012 – 5th Belgrade International Open Access Conference, Belgrade, Serbia, May 18–19,
Sekretar organizacionog odbora
RaNa 2003 – I seminar o upotrebi računara u nastavi, Novi Sad, Jugoslavija, 15–17. januar 2003.
Član organizacionog odbora
BCI 2012 – 5th Balkan Conference in Informatics, Novi Sad, Serbia, September 16–20, 2012,
ADBIS 2010 – 14th East-European Conference on Advances in Databases and Information
Systems, Novi Sad, Serbia, September 20–24, 2010,
NaRa 2003 – II seminar o nastavi računarstva, Novi Sad, Jugoslavija, 5–6. septembar, 2003.
Managing Editor, časopis Computer Science and Information Systems (ComSIS), 2009–
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence
Pattern Recognition
Machine Learning
Journal of Machine Learning Research
ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data
Applied Artificial Intelligence
PLoS One
Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine
Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation
Science China Information Sciences
Logic Journal of the IGPL
Computer Science and Information Systems
International Journal of Computational Intelligence Studies
SQAMIA 2013, Workshop on Software Quality Analysis, Monitoring, Improvement, and
BOAC 2012, Belgrade Open Access Conference
Baltic DB & IS 2012, International Baltic Conference on Databases and Information Systems
IDC 2010, International Symposium on Intelligent Distributed Computing
SMK 2008, Srpski matematički kongres
ICIC 2007, 2008, International Conference on Intelligent Computing
ITI 2007, International Conference on Information Technology Interfaces
Miloš Radovanović, Curriculum Vitae, 29. avgust 2016.
Programski jezici korišćeni u nastavi i istraživanju
Java, JavaScript, Matlab, Modula-2, Pascal, C/C++, LISP, Scheme, Prolog
Praktično iskustvo sa operativnim sistemima i hardverskim platformama
Personalni računari & MS-DOS, Windows 3.11, Windows 9x/Me,
Windows NT/2000/XP/Vista/7, Linux, FreeBSD
Apple Macintosh & OS 6, 7
Mikroračunari & BASIC, CP/M
Praktično iskustvo sa softverom
Kompajleri: Java Development Kit, Eclipse, Delphi, Borland Pascal, Borland C/C++, TopSpeed
Modula-2/Pascal/C/C++, Watcom C/C++, Visual Studio, gcc, Arity Prolog
Generatori kompajlera: Coco/R for Java and Modula-2
WEKA Machine Learning toolkit
MS Office: Word, Excel, Power Point, Visual Basic for Applications
TeX, LaTeX
Hobiji i druga interesovanja
Veslanje, čitanje, pisanje, kompjuterske igre (avanture, interactive fiction), trčanje, planinarenje, stoni
Član ACM-a od 2014. godine
Član Mense od 1998. godine
Miloš Radovanović, Curriculum Vitae, 29. avgust 2016.
Miloš Radovanović
Spisak publikacija
(29. avgust 2016)
[JavaBook 16] M. Ivanović, Z. Budimac, M. Radovanović i D. Mitrović. Objektno-orijentisano
programiranje i programski jezik Java. Sigra star, Novi Sad, Srbija, 400 strana, 2016
[ExSPA1 14] V. Kurbalija, M. Radovanović i D. Pracner. Zbirka zadataka iz predmeta Strukture podataka
i algoritmi 1. Departman za matematiku i informatiku, Prirodno-matematički fakultet, Univerzitet u
Novom Sadu, Srbija, 127 strana, 2014
[BCI 12 ACM] Z. Budimac, M. Ivanović and M. Radovanović, editors. Proceedings of BCI’12, 5th
Balkan Conference in Informatics. ACM International Conference Proceeding Series 641, 2012
[BCI 12 Local] Z. Budimac, M. Ivanović and M. Radovanović, editors. Local Proceedings of BCI’12, 5th
Balkan Conference in Informatics. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 920, 2012
[HighDimDM 11] M. Radovanović. Representations and Metrics in High-Dimensional Data Mining.
Izdavačka knjižarnica Zorana Stojanovića, Novi Sad, Serbia, 244 pages, 2011
[ExIntroProg 03] M. Ivanović, M. Bađonski, A. Popović i M. Radovanović. Zbirka zadataka iz Uvoda u
programiranje. Feljton – Departman za matematiku i informatiku, Prirodno-matematički fakultet,
Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Srbija, 224 strane, 2003
Poglavlja u knjigama
[ULA 16] N. Tomašev and M. Radovanović. Clustering evaluation in high-dimensional data. In M. Emre
Celebi and K. Aydin, editors, Unsupervised Learning Algorithms, Springer, pages 71–107, 2016
[CC 16] T. Welzer, M. Družovec, L. Nemec Zlatolas, M. Hölbl, H. Jaakkola, M. Ivanović and
M. Radovanović. Introducing cultural issues and cultural awareness in conceptual modelling
education. In T. Welzer et al., editors, Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases XXVII,
volume 280 of Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, pages 314–320, IOS Press, 2016
[PCA 15] N. Tomašev, M. Radovanović, D. Mladenić and M. Ivanović. Hubness-based clustering of highdimensional data. In M. Emre Celebi, editor, Partitional Clustering Algorithms, pages 353–386,
Springer, 2015
[MLTxt 08] M. Ivanović, Z. Budimac i M. Radovanović. Mašinsko učenje na (hiper)tekstu. M. Ivanović i
Z. Budimac (ur.), Odabrana poglavlja iz softverskog inženjerstva i savremenih računarskih
tehnologija, str. 281–304, Departman za matematiku i informatiku, Prirodno-matematički fakultet,
Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Srbija, 2008
Miloš Radovanović, Curriculum Vitae, 29. avgust 2016.
[MLWM 08] M. Ivanović, Z. Budimac i M. Radovanović. Primene mašinskog učenja u web majningu.
M. Ivanović i Z. Budimac (ur.), Odabrana poglavlja iz softverskog inženjerstva i savremenih
računarskih tehnologija, str. 305–316, Departman za matematiku i informatiku, Prirodno-matematički
fakultet, Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Srbija, 2008
Naučni radovi
[KAIS 16] Z. Geler, V. Kurbalija, M. Radovanović and M. Ivanović. Comparison of different weighting
schemes for the kNN classifier on time-series data. Knowledge and Information Systems 48(2):331–
378, 2016
[ComSIS 15] M. Ivanović, Z. Budimac, M. Radovanović, V. Kurbalija, W. Dai, C. Bădică, M. Colhon,
S. Ninković and D. Mitrović. Emotional agents – state of the art and applications. Computer Science
and Information Systems 12(4):1121–1148, 2015
[TKDE 15] M. Radovanović, A. Nanopoulos and M. Ivanović. Reverse nearest neighbors in unsupervised
distance-based outlier detection. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 27(5):1369–
1382, 2015
[SciMet 14] M. Savić, M. Ivanović, M. Radovanović, Z. Ognjanović, A. Pejović and T. Jakšić Krüger.
The structure and evolution of scientific collaboration in Serbian mathematical journals. Scientometrics
101(3):1805–1830, 2014
[CBM 14] V. Kurbalija, M. Radovanović, M. Ivanović, D. Schmidt, G. Lindemann – von Trzebiatowski,
H.-D. Burkhard and C. Hinrichs. Time-Series analysis in the medical domain: A study of Tacrolimus
administration and influence on kidney graft function. Computers in Biology and Medicine 50:19–31,
[KBS 14] V. Kurbalija, M. Radovanović, Z. Geler and M. Ivanović. The influence of global constraints on
similarity measures for time-series databases. Knowledge-Based Systems 56:49–67, 2014
[TKDE 14] N. Tomašev, M. Radovanović, D. Mladenić and M. Ivanović. The role of hubness in
clustering high-dimensional data. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 26(3):739–
751, 2014
[IJMLC 13] N. Tomašev, M. Radovanović, D. Mladenić and M. Ivanović. Hubness-based fuzzy measures
for high-dimensional k-nearest neighbor classification. International Journal of Machine Learning and
Cybernetics 5(3):445–458, 2014
[ITALICS 13] D. Mitrović, M. Ivanović and M. Radovanović. Elective course OOP II: Creation and
experiences. Innovation in Teaching and Learning in Information and Computer Sciences 12(1):62–69,
[ITC 11] M. Savić, M. Ivanović and M. Radovanović. Characteristics of class collaboration networks in
large Java software projects. Information Technology and Control 40(1):48–58, 2011
Miloš Radovanović, Curriculum Vitae, 29. avgust 2016.
[JMLR 10] M. Radovanović, A. Nanopoulos and M. Ivanović. Hubs in space: Popular nearest neighbors in
high-dimensional data. Journal of Machine Learning Research 11:2487–2531, 2010
[CAI 09] M. Radovanović, M. Ivanović and Z. Budimac. Text categorization and sorting of Web search
results. Computing and Informatics 28(6):861–893, 2009
[BRESC 09] G. Dražić, D. Dobrić, M. Radovanović and M. Ivanović. Reference extraction and
coauthorship visualization of semi-structured bibliographic data. Annales Universitatis Scientiarum
Budapestinensis de Rolando Eötvös Nominatae, Sectio Computatorica 31:43–56, 2009
[NSJOM 08] M. Radovanović and M. Ivanović. Text mining: Approaches and applications. Novi Sad
Journal of Mathematics 38(3):227–234, 2008
[YUJOR 08] M. Radovanović and M. Ivanović. Document representations for classification of short Webpage descriptions. Yugoslav Journal of Operations Research 18(1):123–138, 2008
[SCPE 08] S. Tošić, M. Radovanović and M. Ivanović. APP: Agent planning package. Scalable
Computing: Practice and Experience 9(1):39–49, 2008
[NSJOM 07] M. Radovanović, J. Ferlež, D. Mladenić, M. Grobelnik and M. Ivanović. Mining and
Visualizing Scientific Publication Data from Vojvodina. Novi Sad Journal of Mathematics 37(2):161–
180, 2007
Zbornici međunarodnih konferencija
[MEDI 16] M. Savić, M. Ivanović, M. Radovanović and Bojana Dimić Surla. Towards culture-sensitive
extensions of CRISs: Gender-based researcher evaluation. In Proceedings of MEDI’16, 6th
International Conference on Model and Data Engineering, Aguadulce, Almería, Spain, 2016
(to appear)
[CompSysTech 16] M. Savić, M. Ivanović, M. Radovanović and Z. Budimac. Modula-2 versus Java as the
first programming language: Evaluation of students' performance. In Proceedings of CompSysTech’16,
17th International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies, Palermo, Italy, 2016
(to appear)
[AAAI 16] K. Hara, I. Suzuki, K. Kobayashi, K. Fukumizu and M. Radovanović. Flattening the Density
Gradient for Eliminating Spatial Centrality to Reduce Hubness. In Proceedings of the 30th AAAI
Conference on Artificial Intelligence, pages 1659–1665, Phoenix, Arizona, USA, 2016
[SCLIT 15] M. Savić, M. Ivanović, Z. Budimac and M. Radovanović. Do students’ programming skills
depend on programming language? AIP Conference Proceedings 1738, pages 240006-1–240006-4,
[SISAP 15] K. Hara, I. Suzuki, K. Kobayashi, K. Fukumizu and M. Radovanović. Reducing hubness for
kernel regression. In Proceedings of SISAP’15,8th International Conference on Similarity Search and
Applications, volume 9371 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 339–344, Glasgow, Scotland,
UK, 2015. Springer
[CompSysTech 15] M. Ivanović, Z. Budimac, M. Radovanović and M. Savić. Does the choice of the first
programming language influence students' grades?. In Proceedings of CompSysTech’15, 16th
Miloš Radovanović, Curriculum Vitae, 29. avgust 2016.
International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies, ACM International Conference
Proceeding Series 1008, pages 305–312, Dublin, Ireland, 2015
[BCI 15] V. Kurbalija, M. Ivanović, M. Radovanović, Z. Geler, D. Mitrović, W. Dai and W. Zhao.
Cultural differences and similarities in emotion recognition. In Proceedings of BCI’15, 7th Balkan
Conference in Informatics, pages 34:1–34:6, Craiova, Romania, 2015
[AAAI 15] K. Hara, I. Suzuki, M. Shimbo, K. Kobayashi, K. Fukumizu and M. Radovanović. Localized
centering: Reducing hubness in large-sample data. In Proceedings of the 29th AAAI Conference on
Artificial Intelligence, pages 2645–2651, Austin, Texas, USA, 2015
[CECNet 14] M. Ivanović and M. Radovanović. Modern machine learning techniques and their
applications. In Proceedings of CECNet’14, 4th International Conference on Electronics,
Communications and Networks, pages 833–846, Beijing, China, 2015
[KSEM 14] Z. Geler, V. Kurbalija, M. Radovanović and M. Ivanović. Impact of the Sakoe-Chiba band on
the DTW time-series distance measure for kNN classification. In Proceedings of KSEM’14, 7th
International Conference on Knowledge Science, Engineering and Management, volume 8793 of
Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, pages 105–114, Sibiu, Romania, 2014. Springer
[ICT 14] M. Savić, M. Ivanović, M. Radovanović, Z. Ognjanović, A. Pejović and T. Jakšić Krüger.
Exploratory analysis of communities in co-authorship networks: A case study. In Proceedings of the
6th ICT Innovations Conference, volume 311 of Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing,
pages 55–64, Ohrid, FYR Macedonia, 2014. Springer
[WIMS 14] M. Ivanović, M. Radovanović, Z. Budimac, D. Mitrović, V. Kurbalija, W. Dai and W. Zhao.
Emotional intelligence and agents: Survey and possible applications. In Proceedings of WIMS’14, 4th
International Conference on Web Intelligence, Mining and Semantics, ACM International Conference
Proceeding Series 851, paper 52, Thessaloniki, Greece, 2014
[BCI 13] M. Radovanović, V. Kurbalija, D. Schmidt, G. Lindemann – von Trzebiatowski, M. Ivanović,
C. Hinrichs and H.-D. Burkhard. Quality checking and mining nephrology biopsy data. In Proceedings
of BCI’13, 6th Balkan Conference in Informatics, ACM International Conference Proceeding
Series 733, pages 110–113, Thessaloniki, Greece, 2013
[ICCP 13] N. Tomašev, D. Pracner, R. Brehar, M. Radovanović, D. Mladenić, M. Ivanović and
S. Nedevschi. Object recognition in WIKImage data based on local invariant image features. In
Proceedings of ICCP’13, 9th International Conference on Intelligent Computer Communication and
Processing, pages 139–146, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 2013
[BCI 12] M. Savić, M. Radovanović and M. Ivanović. Community detection and analysis of community
evolution in Apache Ant class collaboration networks. In Proceedings of BCI’12, 5th Balkan
Conference in Informatics, ACM International Conference Proceeding Series 641, pages 229–234,
Novi Sad, Serbia, 2012
[BOAC 12] M. Ivanović, M. Radovanović, V. Kurbalija and J. Vidaković. Computer Science and
Information Systems: Publishing an international open access journal in a developing country. In
Proceedings of BOAC’12, 5th Belgrade Open Access Conference, pages 101–111, Belgrade, Serbia,
Miloš Radovanović, Curriculum Vitae, 29. avgust 2016.
[IADIS 12] M. Ivanović, H. D. Burkhard, V. Kurbalija, M. Radovanović, D. Schmidt, G. Lindemann –
v. Trzebiatowski and M. Semnic. Intelligent techniques for data integration and decision support in the
medical domain. In Proceedings of IS’12, IADIS International Conference on Information Systems,
pages 141–148, Berlin, Germany, 2012
[CIKM 11] N. Tomašev, M. Radovanović, D. Mladenić and M. Ivanović. A probabilistic approach to
nearest-neighbor classification: Naive hubness Bayesian kNN. In Proceedings of CIKM’11, 20th ACM
International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, pages 2173–2176, Glasgow,
Scotland, UK, 2011
[SiKDD 11] D. Pracner, N. Tomašev, M. Radovanović, D. Mladenić and M. Ivanović. WIKImage:
Correlated image and text datasets. In Proceedings of IS 2011, 14th International Multiconference on
Information Society, Volume A, pages 141–144, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2011
[ICSTCC 11] M. Savić, M. Ivanović and M. Radovanović. Connectivity properties of the Apache Ant
class collaboration network. In Proceedings of ICSTCC’11, 15th International Conference on System
Theory, Control and Computing, pages 544–549, Sinaia, Romania, 2011
[MLDM 11] N. Tomašev, M. Radovanović, D. Mladenić and M. Ivanović. Hubness-based fuzzy measures
for high-dimensional k-nearest neighbor classification. In Proceedings of MLDM’11, 7th International
Conference on Machine Learning and Data Mining, volume 6871 of Lecture Notes in Artificial
Intelligence, pages 16–30, New York, USA, 2011. Springer [Best Paper Award]
[S3T 11] V. Kurbalija, M. Radovanović, Z. Geler and M. Ivanović. The influence of global constraints on
DTW and LCS similarity measures for time-series databases. In Proceedings of S3T’11, 3rd
International Conference on Software, Services and Semantic Technologies, volume 101 of Advances
in Intelligent and Soft Computing, pages 67–74, Bourgas, Bulgaria, 2011. Springer (extended version
accessible at [Best Paper Award]
[PAKDD 11] N. Tomašev, M. Radovanović, D. Mladenić and M. Ivanović. The role of hubness in
clustering high-dimensional data. In Proceedings of PAKDD’11, 15th Pacific-Asia Conference on
Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, Part I, volume 6634 of Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence,
pages 183–195, Shenzhen, China, 2011 [Best Research Paper Runner-Up Award]
[ADBIS 10] M. Ivanović, Z. Budimac, M. Radovanović, S. Škrbić, I. Luković and G. Milosavljević.
Advances in databases and information systems at the University of Novi Sad. In Local Proceedings of
ADBIS’10, 14th East-European Conference on Advances in Databases and Information Systems, pages
190–204, Novi Sad, Serbia, 2010 (invited paper)
[AIMSA 10] V. Kurbalija, M. Radovanović, Z. Geler and M. Ivanović. A framework for time-series
analysis. In Proceedings of AIMSA’10, 14th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence:
Methodology, Systems, Applications, volume 6304 of Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, pages
42–51, Varna, Bulgaria, 2010. Springer (the framework is accessible at
[ISMIR 10] I. Karydis, M. Radovanović, A. Nanopoulos and M. Ivanović. Looking through the “glass
ceiling”: A conceptual framework for the problems of spectral similarity. In Proceedings of ISMIR’10,
11th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, pages 267–272, Utrecht, the
Netherlands, 2010
Miloš Radovanović, Curriculum Vitae, 29. avgust 2016.
[SIGIR 10] M. Radovanović, A. Nanopoulos and M. Ivanović. On the existence of obstinate results in
vector space models. In Proceedings of SIGIR’10, 33rd Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference
on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, pages 186–193, Geneva, Switzerland, 2010
[SDM 10] M. Radovanović, A. Nanopoulos and M. Ivanović. Time-series classification in many intrinsic
dimensions. In Proceedings of SDM’10, 10th SIAM International Conference on Data Mining, pages
677–688, Columbus, Ohio, USA, 2010
[RecSys 09] A. Nanopoulos, M. Radovanović and M. Ivanović. How does high dimensionality affect
collaborative filtering? In Proceedings of RecSys’09, 3rd ACM Conference on Recommender Systems,
pages 293–296, New York, USA, 2009
[ICML 09] M. Radovanović, A. Nanopoulos and M. Ivanović. Nearest neighbors in high-dimensional
data: The emergence and influence of hubs. In Proceedings of ICML’09, 26th International Conference
on Machine Learning, volume 382 of ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, pages 865–
872, Montreal, Canada, 2009
[IDC 07] S. Tošić, M. Radovanović and M. Ivanović. APP: Agent planning package. In Proceedings of
IDC’07, 1st International Symposium on Intelligent and Distributed Computing, volume 78 of Studies
in Computational Intelligence, pages 217–226, Craiova, Romania, 2007. Springer
[PKDD 07] N. Tomašev, D. Pracner, M. Radovanović and M. Ivanović. Automatic categorization of
human-coded and evolved CoreWar warriors. In Proceedings of PKDD’07, 11th European Conference
on Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases, volume 4702 of Lecture Notes in
Artificial Intelligence, pages 589–596, Warsaw, Poland, 2007. Springer
[SPLST 07] G. Dražić, D. Dobrić, M. Radovanović and M. Ivanović. Reference extraction and
coauthorship visualization of semi-structured bibliographic data. In Proceedings of SPLST 2007, 10th
Symposium on Programming Languages and Software Tools, pages 244–255, Dobogókő, Hungary,
[MLDM 07] D. Pracner, N. Tomašev, M. Radovanović and M. Ivanović. Categorizing evolved CoreWar
warriors using EM and attribute evaluation. In Proceedings of MLDM’07, 5th International Conference
on Machine Learning and Data Mining in Pattern Recognition, volume 4571 of Lecture Notes in
Artificial Intelligence, pages 681–693, Leipzig, Germany, 2007. Springer
[SiKDD 06] M. Radovanović, J. Ferlež, D. Mladenič, M. Grobelnik and M. Ivanović. Extending the ISTWorld database with Serbian research publications. In Proceedings of IS 2006, 9th International
Multiconference on Information Society, pages 251–254, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2006
[PRIM 06] N. Tomašev, D. Pracner, M. Radovanović and M. Ivanović. Categorizing CoreWar warriors. In
Proceedings of PRIM 2006, 17th Conference on Applied Mathematics, pages 147–157, Kragujevac,
Serbia, 2006
[DaWaK 06] M. Radovanović and M. Ivanović. Document representations for classification of short Webpage descriptions. In Proceedings of DaWaK’06, 8th International Conference on Data Warehousing
and Knowledge Discovery, volume 4081 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 544–553,
Krakow, Poland, 2006. Springer
[DEXA 06] M. Radovanović and M. Ivanović. Interactions between document representation and feature
selection in text categorization. In Proceedings of DEXA’06, 17th International Conference on
Miloš Radovanović, Curriculum Vitae, 29. avgust 2016.
Database and Expert Systems Applications, volume 4080 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages
489–498, Krakow, Poland, 2006. Springer
[AWIC 06] M. Radovanović and M. Ivanović. CatS: A classification-powered meta-search engine. In M.
Last, P. S. Szczepaniak, Z. Volkovich and A. Kandel, editors, Advances in Web Intelligence and Data
Mining, volume 23 of Studies in Computational Intelligence, pages 191–200, Springer, 2006 (CatS is
accessible at
[PRIM 04] M. Radovanović and M. Ivanović. Search based on ontologies. In Proceedings of PRIM 2004,
16th Conference on Applied Mathematics, pages 255–266, Budva, Serbia and Montenegro, 2004
[PRIM 02] M. Radovanović and M. Ivanović. An implementation of programming language LispKit LISP
in Java. In Proceedings of PRIM 2002, 15th Conference on Applied Mathematics, pages 169–178,
Zlatibor, Yugoslavia, 2002
Zbornici međunarodnih workshop-a
[PDP 13] V. Kurbalija, M. Radovanović, Z. Geler and M. Ivanović. Analysis of constrained time-series
similarity measures. In Book of Abstracts, Progress in Decision Procedures: From Formalizations to
Applications, Workshop, page 12, Belgrade, Serbia, 2013
[WASA 11] S. Tošić, M. Radovanović and M. Ivanović. Integration of agents and planning systems. In
Proceedings of the Workshop on Applications of Software Agents, pages 59–63, Novi Sad, Serbia, 2011
[FGSIR 10] M. Radovanović, A. Nanopoulos and M. Ivanović. Hubness in the context of feature selection
and generation (extended abstract). In Proceedings of the SIGIR Workshop on Feature Generation and
Selection for Information Retrieval, page 9, Geneva, Switzerland, 2010
Tehnički izveštaji
[TR-NII 16] L. Amsaleg, J. Bailey, S. Erfani, T. Furon, M. E. Houle, M. Radovanović and N. X. Vinh.
The vulnerability of learning to adversarial perturbation increases with intrinsic dimensionality.
National Institute of Informatics Technical Report NII-2016-005E, Tokyo, Japan, 2016
[PhD 11] M. Radovanović. High-dimensional data representations and metrics for machine learning and
data mining. Doctoral dissertation, Department of Mathematics and Informatics, Faculty of Science,
University of Novi Sad, Serbia, 2011
[MSc 06] M. Radovanović. Machine learning in Web mining. Master’s thesis, Department of Mathematics
and Informatics, Faculty of Science, University of Novi Sad, Serbia, 2006
[BSc 01] M. Radovanović. Implementacija programskog jezika LispKit LISP u Javi. Diplomski rad,
Departman za matematiku i informatiku, Prirodno-matematički fakultet, Univerzitet u Novom Sadu,
Jugoslavija, 2001
Miloš Radovanović, Curriculum Vitae, 29. avgust 2016.
Miloš Radovanović
Spisak prezentacija
(1. april 2016)
[NII 16] N. Tomašev and M. Radovanović. Clustering evaluation in high-dimensional data. NII Seminar
Series on Dimensionality and Scalability VI, National Institute of Informatics, Tokyo, Japan,
February 25, 2016
[Shonan 15] M. Radovanović. Hubs in nearest-neighbor graphs: Origins, applications and challenges. NII
Shonan Meeting on “Dimensionality and Scalability II: Hands-On Intrinsic Dimensionality”, National
Institute of Informatics, Tokyo, Japan, June 28 – July 2, 2015
[NII 15] M. Radovanović. Reverse nearest neighbors in unsupervised distance-based outlier detection. NII
Seminar Series on Dimensionality and Scalability IV, National Institute of Informatics, Tokyo, Japan,
March 23, 2015
[INRIA 14] M. Radovanović. Hubs in nearest-neighbor graphs: Origins, applications and challenges.
2 Mornings Workshop: Similarity, K-NN, Dimensionality, Multimedia Databases, Inria, Rennes,
France, November 20–21, 2014
[NII 14] M. Radovanović. Hubs in nearest-neighbor graphs: Origins, applications and challenges. NII
Seminar Series on Dimensionality and Scalability III: Intrinsic Dimensionality and the Hubness of
Data, National Institute of Informatics, Tokyo, Japan, July 11, 2014
[ISM 14] M. Radovanović. Hubs in nearest-neighbor graphs: Origins, applications and challenges.
Workshop on Mathematical Approaches to Large-Dimensional Data Analysis, Institute of Statistical
Mathematics, Tachikawa, Tokyo, Japan, March 13–15, 2014
[BOAC 12] M. Ivanović, M. Radovanović, V. Kurbalija and J. Vidaković. Computer Science and
Information Systems: Publishing an international open access journal in a developing country.
BOAC’12, 5th Belgrade Open Access Conference, Belgrade, Serbia, May 18–19, 2012
[IADIS 12] M. Ivanović, H. D. Burkhard, V. Kurbalija, M. Radovanović, D. Schmidt, G. Lindemann –
v. Trzebiatowski and M. Semnic. Intelligent techniques for data integration and decision support in the
medical domain. IS’12, IADIS International Conference on Information Systems, Berlin, Germany,
March 10–12, 2012
[ADBIS 10] M. Ivanović, Z. Budimac, M. Radovanović, S. Škrbić, I. Luković and G. Milosavljević.
Advances in databases and information systems at the University of Novi Sad. ADBIS’10, 14th EastEuropean Conference on Advances in Databases and Information Systems, Novi Sad, Serbia,
September 20–24, 2010 (poster)
[SDM-DR 10] M. Radovanović. Hubs in space: Popular nearest neighbors in high-dimensional data.
Doctoral Forum at SDM’10, 10th SIAM International Conference on Data Mining, Columbus, Ohio,
USA, April 29 – May 1, 2010 (poster)
Miloš Radovanović, Curriculum Vitae, 29. avgust 2016.
[SDM 10] M. Radovanović, A. Nanopoulos and M. Ivanović. Time-series classification in many intrinsic
dimensions. SDM’10, 10th SIAM International Conference on Data Mining, Columbus, Ohio, USA,
April 29 – May 1, 2010
[ICML 09] M. Radovanović, A. Nanopoulos and M. Ivanović. Nearest neighbors in high-dimensional
data: The emergence and influence of hubs. ICML’09, 26th International Conference on Machine
Learning, Montreal, Canada, June 14–18, 2009
[SANU 08] Miroslav Radovanović. Početna profilaksa endemske strume kod nas i prvi rezultati. Kuhinjska
so i jod u ishrani: izazovi zdravlja, Novi Sad, Srbija, 12. decembar 2008.
[SMK 08] M. Radovanović and M. Ivanović. Text mining: Approaches and applications. 12th Serbian
Mathematical Congress, Novi Sad, Serbia, August 28 – September 2, 2008
[PKDD 07] N. Tomašev, D. Pracner, M. Radovanović and M. Ivanović. Automatic categorization of
human-coded and evolved CoreWar warriors. PKDD’07, 11th European Conference on Principles and
Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases, Warsaw, Poland, September 17–21, 2007 (poster)
[SiKDD 06] M. Radovanović, J. Ferlež, D. Mladenič, M. Grobelnik and M. Ivanović. Extending the ISTWorld database with Serbian research publications. IS 2006, 9th International Multiconference on
Information Society, Ljubljana, Slovenia, October 9–14, 2006
[DaWaK 06] M. Radovanović and M. Ivanović. Document representations for classification of short Webpage descriptions. DaWaK’06, 8th International Conference on Data Warehousing and Knowledge
Discovery, Krakow, Poland, September 4–8, 2006
[DEXA 06] M. Radovanović and M. Ivanović. Interactions between document representation and feature
selection in text categorization. DEXA’06, 17th International Conference on Database and Expert
Systems Applications, Krakow, Poland, September 4–8, 2006
[SA-WS-SW 06] M. Radovanović. Machine Learning in Web Mining. Workshop on Software Agents in
Web Services and in the Semantic Web, Novi Sad, Serbia, July 27, 2006
[AWIC 06] M. Radovanović and M. Ivanović. CatS: A classification-powered meta-search engine.
AWIC’06, 4th Atlantic Web Intelligence Conference, Beer-Sheva, Israel, June 5–7, 2006
[TM 06] M. Radovanović. Text Categorization: Experiments and application to Web meta-search.
Workshop on Text Mining and Related Technologies, Novi Sad, Serbia and Montenegro, March 6–7,
[SE 04] N. Ibrajter. The Sun's Java Certification and its possible role in the joint teaching material. 4th
Workshop “Software Engineering Education and Reverse Engineering”, Zagreb, Croatia, September
5–12, 2004
[RaNa 03] M. Radovanović. Computer-aided course planning and gradebook keeping. RaNa 2003, First
Yugoslav Conference on the Use of Computers in Teaching, Novi Sad, January 15–17, 2003
(in Serbian)