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Ajita Patel C.A.S., P.K.S.
Ayurveda is a profoundly effective healing science that has been around since the dawn of humankind. It is the foundational healing
wisdom of our planet, the wisdom that explains the workings of nature and our interconnectedness with it. With Ayurveda we gain
understanding of the forces of nature at work within one’s body, mind and soul and how we are governed by the same patterns and
rhythms that govern all of nature. This amazing knowledge allows us to take control of our own health and healing, as we gain an
understanding of that which brings us balance and that which brings dis-harmony and imbalance. By learning to maintain harmony
within ourselves, healing occurs at the deepest, most causal level. Ayurveda works not by just pacifying symptoms but by removing
the causes of disease.
With Cancer and most chronic imbalances - an integrative approach that combines both conventional medicine and
Ayurvedic wisdom using therapies such as yoga, meditation, appropriate foods, chakra and energy work and lifestyle
changes - is the best holistic treatment.
According to ayurveda, generally a diet which includes large amounts of fruits and vegetables is suggested for most
people. . Fruits and vegetables have been found to contain a wide range of vitamins and essentially prana that builds
our ojas and prana. (Prana Is life force/qi/chi,. Ojas refers to our vitality, immunity,energy,enthusiasm )
Meat takes longer to digest, is acidic, contains livestock antibiotics, growth hormones and parasites. According to
Ayurveda undigested meat remaining in the intestines becomes putrefied and leads to more toxic buildup. Another
concept in Ayurveda which relates to the subtle qualities of the mind, sheds light on the connection between what
we bring in through all our senses and diet and how it affects the mind. Just like the doshas which define the unique
psychological, physiological and energetic manifestation of a personality, these gunas of the mind are threefold:
rajasic, tamasic and satwic . With reference to foods, nuts, organic and fresh fruits, vegetables , grains and seeds are
considered best for everyone as they are more conducive in nurturing gentle,pure, light and harmonious thoughts
and feelings.. Furthermore, A diet made of 80% fresh vegetables and juice, whole grains, seeds, nuts and a little fruit
helps put the body into an alkaline environment. To obtain live enzymes for building healthy cells, drink fresh
vegetable juice ( include cilantro, greens, beets, cucumber, asparagus and bean sprouts)
Consume more turmeric, ghee, sprouted beans, nuts, seeds, raisins, figs. Focus on organic, fresh, easy to digest,
satvic doshically appropriate foods that meets your body’s needs.
Lifestyle Practices
Learn healthy, harmonious daily routines that are seasonally appropriate.
Reduce stress: play, laugh, spend time in nature, spend time with positive and loving people. Engage in activities
that bring joy, explore art, music, writing, and other forms of self expression as a means of therapy.
Niramaya Ayurveda Clinic at the Sanctuary
[email protected] 714 617 4593 / 949 636 9324
505 west First Street, Tustin CA 92691
Ajita Patel C.A.S., P.K.S.
Anger, resentment, grief, depression and bitterness put the body into a stressful and acidic environment.
Suppression of emotion or emotional stagnation along with stress and living out of balance is a significant causative
factor and obstacle to effective treatment of this and any disease. Pranayama, meditation and yoga will cultivate
positive emotions, inspiring thoughts, healing energy and further your spiritual healing progress.
Healing begins with quieting the mind. Meditation, pranayama , visualization, yoga asanas, periods of silence, walks
in nature can all help to lengthen the pauses between thoughts and promote calmness and confidence. With
practice you will learn to watch your own mind in clear awareness, without any judgments. Meditation is the art of
being in the moment, no past or future, no thoughts. This moment to moment awareness brings a cleansing to the
body, mind and consciousness. Joy and peace will arise more and more and each moment will be greeted with a
mind that is fresh, alert open and an attitude of loving detachment. Meditation is a technique of perennial mental
and physical health.
Visualization is the process of engaging the imagination in the process of healing. Because of the strong mind/body
connection, the imagination can affect the physiology. This includes our immune system. By visualizing a positive
outcome, chances of survival and healing are increased. To be successful, one should engage in the process several
times per day, sitting quietly for 15 to 30 minutes. Healing visualizations can be quite varied, and may include 1.
seeing the body's immune system destroying the cancerous tumors. 2. visualizing the body as strong, healthy, active
and beautiful. 3 visualizing divine light and love entering the body through the crown or heart chakras bringing
about healing by loving the cancerous cells to death.
Yoga Nidra
Yoga Nidra is a very powerful way of combining vislualization and meditation and can be done daily to deeply relax
the body and mind and become more stronger at your deepest core. This practice is easy to learn and can be made
specific for your needs, challenges and goals. I have seen it works really well within the pancha karma process in
dealing with addictions, cravings and intense emotions such as anxiety and panic attacks
Body therapies to bring about a meditative state:
Shirodhara, the pouring of warm sesame oil over the forehead will deeply relax and rejuvenate the mind and resolve
deep-seated tension and traumas. Again within the pancha karma process this therapy allows the mind to become
still and allow the patient to gain more clarity on their past and their goals. This therapy is amazing at removing the
affects of stress on the mind which often results in insomnia and headaches.
Chakra balancing sessions, heart basti, reiki , pranic healing,sound healing and bliss therapies.
Niramaya Ayurveda Clinic at the Sanctuary
[email protected] 714 617 4593 / 949 636 9324
505 west First Street, Tustin CA 92691
Ajita Patel C.A.S., P.K.S.
Daily self-massage is the most important act of self–love because it rebuilds ojas (stability) in the mind. Abhyanga (
warm oil massage) also stimulates lymph drainage and detoxification through the body’s largest organ of elimination
– the skin. Research suggests that sesame oil may have potential as a cancer fighter as it has antioxidant qualities
which help fight free radicals.
Pancha Karma combines all of the above along with other therapies for complete detoxification and rejuvenation.
Pancha Karma is a deep cleansing process that takes 5 to 15 days and has been an essential part of anti aging and
preventative measures in Ayurveda. In my experience it builds self awareness and allows a person to release
negativity while also being deeply cleansing at the cellular level.
Consider ayurvedic herbs if you and the Oncologist are open to this as there are herbs that have been used to
reduce cancerous growth, to deal with any symptoms associated with chemotherapy, and to strengthen the body’s
immune system. These herbs are safe and will not interfere with conventional medicine and have been well
researched: Turmeric, Shatavari,amla, triphala, manjishta and kanchanar guggulu are few of the herbs that have
been used for thousands of years. Rejuvenating herbs can be taken for convalescence and tissue healing
(chyanvanprash). For pain and swelling: boswellia serrata, triphala guggul ashwagandha, punarnava. For Nausea:
Ginger tea, Antacid: shatavari, amla. For anxiety and stress use nerve tonics and adaptogens: brahmi, ashwagandha.
For Insomnia: ashwagandha and nutmeg in almond milk.
suggested reading:
1 "Ayurveda - A Life of Balance: The Complete Guide to Ayurvedic Nutrition & Body Types with Recipes" By Maya Tiwari
another cancer patient ( ovarian cancer) took up Ayurveda, which cured her completely. Apart from dealing with all the
fundamentals of the system, here she helps you identify your "body type" through questionnaires and charts and
recommends menus and vegetarian recipes.
For further discussion of your specific treatment plan to address your needs and challenges or if you have any questions
regarding Ayurveda or pancha karma, please contact me.
Niramaya Ayurveda Clinic at the Sanctuary
[email protected] 714 617 4593 / 949 636 9324
505 west First Street, Tustin CA 92691
Ajita Patel C.A.S., P.K.S.
Niramaya Ayurveda Clinic at the Sanctuary
[email protected] 714 617 4593 / 949 636 9324
505 west First Street, Tustin CA 92691